1use crate::convert::TryFrom;
2use crate::{
3 intrinsics,
4 iter::{from_fn, TrustedLen, TrustedRandomAccess},
5 ops::{Range, Try},
8/// An iterator for stepping iterators by a custom amount.
10/// This `struct` is created by the [`step_by`] method on [`Iterator`]. See
11/// its documentation for more.
13/// [`step_by`]: Iterator::step_by
14/// [`Iterator`]: trait.Iterator.html
15#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
16#[stable(feature = "iterator_step_by", since = "1.28.0")]
17#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
18pub struct StepBy<I> {
19 /// This field is guaranteed to be preprocessed by the specialized `SpecRangeSetup::setup`
20 /// in the constructor.
21 /// For most iterators that processing is a no-op, but for Range<{integer}> types it is lossy
22 /// which means the inner iterator cannot be returned to user code.
23 /// Additionally this type-dependent preprocessing means specialized implementations
24 /// cannot be used interchangeably.
25 iter: I,
26 step: usize,
27 first_take: bool,
30impl<I> StepBy<I> {
31 #[inline]
32 pub(in crate::iter) fn new(iter: I, step: usize) -> StepBy<I> {
33 assert!(step != 0);
34 let iter: I = <I as SpecRangeSetup<I>>::setup(inner:iter, step);
35 StepBy { iter, step: step - 1, first_take: true }
36 }
39#[stable(feature = "iterator_step_by", since = "1.28.0")]
40impl<I> Iterator for StepBy<I>
42 I: Iterator,
44 type Item = I::Item;
46 #[inline]
47 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
48 self.spec_next()
49 }
51 #[inline]
52 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
53 self.spec_size_hint()
54 }
56 #[inline]
57 fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
58 self.spec_nth(n)
59 }
61 fn try_fold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, acc: Acc, f: F) -> R
62 where
63 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
64 R: Try<Output = Acc>,
65 {
66 self.spec_try_fold(acc, f)
67 }
69 #[inline]
70 fn fold<Acc, F>(self, acc: Acc, f: F) -> Acc
71 where
72 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
73 {
74 self.spec_fold(acc, f)
75 }
78impl<I> StepBy<I>
80 I: ExactSizeIterator,
82 // The zero-based index starting from the end of the iterator of the
83 // last element. Used in the `DoubleEndedIterator` implementation.
84 fn next_back_index(&self) -> usize {
85 let rem: usize = self.iter.len() % (self.step + 1);
86 if self.first_take { if rem == 0 { self.step } else { rem - 1 } } else { rem }
87 }
90#[stable(feature = "double_ended_step_by_iterator", since = "1.38.0")]
91impl<I> DoubleEndedIterator for StepBy<I>
93 I: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator,
95 #[inline]
96 fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
97 self.spec_next_back()
98 }
100 #[inline]
101 fn nth_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
102 self.spec_nth_back(n)
103 }
105 fn try_rfold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, f: F) -> R
106 where
107 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
108 R: Try<Output = Acc>,
109 {
110 self.spec_try_rfold(init, f)
111 }
113 #[inline]
114 fn rfold<Acc, F>(self, init: Acc, f: F) -> Acc
115 where
116 Self: Sized,
117 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
118 {
119 self.spec_rfold(init, f)
120 }
123// StepBy can only make the iterator shorter, so the len will still fit.
124#[stable(feature = "iterator_step_by", since = "1.28.0")]
125impl<I> ExactSizeIterator for StepBy<I> where I: ExactSizeIterator {}
127// SAFETY: This adapter is shortening. TrustedLen requires the upper bound to be calculated correctly.
128// These requirements can only be satisfied when the upper bound of the inner iterator's upper
129// bound is never `None`. I: TrustedRandomAccess happens to provide this guarantee while
130// I: TrustedLen would not.
131// This also covers the Range specializations since the ranges also implement TRA
132#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
133unsafe impl<I> TrustedLen for StepBy<I> where I: Iterator + TrustedRandomAccess {}
135trait SpecRangeSetup<T> {
136 fn setup(inner: T, step: usize) -> T;
139impl<T> SpecRangeSetup<T> for T {
140 #[inline]
141 default fn setup(inner: T, _step: usize) -> T {
142 inner
143 }
146/// Specialization trait to optimize `StepBy<Range<{integer}>>` iteration.
148/// # Safety
150/// Technically this is safe to implement (look ma, no unsafe!), but in reality
151/// a lot of unsafe code relies on ranges over integers being correct.
153/// For correctness *all* public StepBy methods must be specialized
154/// because `setup` drastically alters the meaning of the struct fields so that mixing
155/// different implementations would lead to incorrect results.
156unsafe trait StepByImpl<I> {
157 type Item;
159 fn spec_next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
161 fn spec_size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>);
163 fn spec_nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item>;
165 fn spec_try_fold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, acc: Acc, f: F) -> R
166 where
167 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
168 R: Try<Output = Acc>;
170 fn spec_fold<Acc, F>(self, acc: Acc, f: F) -> Acc
171 where
172 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc;
175/// Specialization trait for double-ended iteration.
177/// See also: `StepByImpl`
179/// # Safety
181/// The specializations must be implemented together with `StepByImpl`
182/// where applicable. I.e. if `StepBy` does support backwards iteration
183/// for a given iterator and that is specialized for forward iteration then
184/// it must also be specialized for backwards iteration.
185unsafe trait StepByBackImpl<I> {
186 type Item;
188 fn spec_next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
189 where
190 I: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator;
192 fn spec_nth_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item>
193 where
194 I: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator;
196 fn spec_try_rfold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, f: F) -> R
197 where
198 I: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator,
199 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
200 R: Try<Output = Acc>;
202 fn spec_rfold<Acc, F>(self, init: Acc, f: F) -> Acc
203 where
204 I: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator,
205 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc;
208unsafe impl<I: Iterator> StepByImpl<I> for StepBy<I> {
209 type Item = I::Item;
211 #[inline]
212 default fn spec_next(&mut self) -> Option<I::Item> {
213 let step_size = if self.first_take { 0 } else { self.step };
214 self.first_take = false;
215 self.iter.nth(step_size)
216 }
218 #[inline]
219 default fn spec_size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
220 #[inline]
221 fn first_size(step: usize) -> impl Fn(usize) -> usize {
222 move |n| if n == 0 { 0 } else { 1 + (n - 1) / (step + 1) }
223 }
225 #[inline]
226 fn other_size(step: usize) -> impl Fn(usize) -> usize {
227 move |n| n / (step + 1)
228 }
230 let (low, high) = self.iter.size_hint();
232 if self.first_take {
233 let f = first_size(self.step);
234 (f(low), high.map(f))
235 } else {
236 let f = other_size(self.step);
237 (f(low), high.map(f))
238 }
239 }
241 #[inline]
242 default fn spec_nth(&mut self, mut n: usize) -> Option<I::Item> {
243 if self.first_take {
244 self.first_take = false;
245 let first = self.iter.next();
246 if n == 0 {
247 return first;
248 }
249 n -= 1;
250 }
251 // n and self.step are indices, we need to add 1 to get the amount of elements
252 // When calling `.nth`, we need to subtract 1 again to convert back to an index
253 // step + 1 can't overflow because `.step_by` sets `self.step` to `step - 1`
254 let mut step = self.step + 1;
255 // n + 1 could overflow
256 // thus, if n is usize::MAX, instead of adding one, we call .nth(step)
257 if n == usize::MAX {
258 self.iter.nth(step - 1);
259 } else {
260 n += 1;
261 }
263 // overflow handling
264 loop {
265 let mul = n.checked_mul(step);
266 {
267 if intrinsics::likely(mul.is_some()) {
268 return self.iter.nth(mul.unwrap() - 1);
269 }
270 }
271 let div_n = usize::MAX / n;
272 let div_step = usize::MAX / step;
273 let nth_n = div_n * n;
274 let nth_step = div_step * step;
275 let nth = if nth_n > nth_step {
276 step -= div_n;
277 nth_n
278 } else {
279 n -= div_step;
280 nth_step
281 };
282 self.iter.nth(nth - 1);
283 }
284 }
286 default fn spec_try_fold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, mut acc: Acc, mut f: F) -> R
287 where
288 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
289 R: Try<Output = Acc>,
290 {
291 #[inline]
292 fn nth<I: Iterator>(iter: &mut I, step: usize) -> impl FnMut() -> Option<I::Item> + '_ {
293 move || iter.nth(step)
294 }
296 if self.first_take {
297 self.first_take = false;
298 match self.iter.next() {
299 None => return try { acc },
300 Some(x) => acc = f(acc, x)?,
301 }
302 }
303 from_fn(nth(&mut self.iter, self.step)).try_fold(acc, f)
304 }
306 default fn spec_fold<Acc, F>(mut self, mut acc: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc
307 where
308 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
309 {
310 #[inline]
311 fn nth<I: Iterator>(iter: &mut I, step: usize) -> impl FnMut() -> Option<I::Item> + '_ {
312 move || iter.nth(step)
313 }
315 if self.first_take {
316 self.first_take = false;
317 match self.iter.next() {
318 None => return acc,
319 Some(x) => acc = f(acc, x),
320 }
321 }
322 from_fn(nth(&mut self.iter, self.step)).fold(acc, f)
323 }
326unsafe impl<I: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator> StepByBackImpl<I> for StepBy<I> {
327 type Item = I::Item;
329 #[inline]
330 default fn spec_next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
331 self.iter.nth_back(self.next_back_index())
332 }
334 #[inline]
335 default fn spec_nth_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<I::Item> {
336 // `self.iter.nth_back(usize::MAX)` does the right thing here when `n`
337 // is out of bounds because the length of `self.iter` does not exceed
338 // `usize::MAX` (because `I: ExactSizeIterator`) and `nth_back` is
339 // zero-indexed
340 let n = n.saturating_mul(self.step + 1).saturating_add(self.next_back_index());
341 self.iter.nth_back(n)
342 }
344 default fn spec_try_rfold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, mut f: F) -> R
345 where
346 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
347 R: Try<Output = Acc>,
348 {
349 #[inline]
350 fn nth_back<I: DoubleEndedIterator>(
351 iter: &mut I,
352 step: usize,
353 ) -> impl FnMut() -> Option<I::Item> + '_ {
354 move || iter.nth_back(step)
355 }
357 match self.next_back() {
358 None => try { init },
359 Some(x) => {
360 let acc = f(init, x)?;
361 from_fn(nth_back(&mut self.iter, self.step)).try_fold(acc, f)
362 }
363 }
364 }
366 #[inline]
367 default fn spec_rfold<Acc, F>(mut self, init: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc
368 where
369 Self: Sized,
370 F: FnMut(Acc, I::Item) -> Acc,
371 {
372 #[inline]
373 fn nth_back<I: DoubleEndedIterator>(
374 iter: &mut I,
375 step: usize,
376 ) -> impl FnMut() -> Option<I::Item> + '_ {
377 move || iter.nth_back(step)
378 }
380 match self.next_back() {
381 None => init,
382 Some(x) => {
383 let acc = f(init, x);
384 from_fn(nth_back(&mut self.iter, self.step)).fold(acc, f)
385 }
386 }
387 }
390/// For these implementations, `SpecRangeSetup` calculates the number
391/// of iterations that will be needed and stores that in `iter.end`.
393/// The various iterator implementations then rely on that to not need
394/// overflow checking, letting loops just be counted instead.
396/// These only work for unsigned types, and will need to be reworked
397/// if you want to use it to specialize on signed types.
399/// Currently these are only implemented for integers up to usize due to
400/// correctness issues around ExactSizeIterator impls on 16bit platforms.
401/// And since ExactSizeIterator is a prerequisite for backwards iteration
402/// and we must consistently specialize backwards and forwards iteration
403/// that makes the situation complicated enough that it's not covered
404/// for now.
405macro_rules! spec_int_ranges {
406 ($($t:ty)*) => ($(
408 const _: () = assert!(usize::BITS >= <$t>::BITS);
410 impl SpecRangeSetup<Range<$t>> for Range<$t> {
411 #[inline]
412 fn setup(mut r: Range<$t>, step: usize) -> Range<$t> {
413 let inner_len = r.size_hint().0;
414 // If step exceeds $t::MAX, then the count will be at most 1 and
415 // thus always fit into $t.
416 let yield_count = inner_len.div_ceil(step);
417 // Turn the range end into an iteration counter
418 r.end = yield_count as $t;
419 r
420 }
421 }
423 unsafe impl StepByImpl<Range<$t>> for StepBy<Range<$t>> {
424 #[inline]
425 fn spec_next(&mut self) -> Option<$t> {
426 // if a step size larger than the type has been specified fall back to
427 // t::MAX, in which case remaining will be at most 1.
428 // The `+ 1` can't overflow since the constructor substracted 1 from the original value.
429 let step = <$t>::try_from(self.step + 1).unwrap_or(<$t>::MAX);
430 let remaining = self.iter.end;
431 if remaining > 0 {
432 let val = self.iter.start;
433 // this can only overflow during the last step, after which the value
434 // will not be used
435 self.iter.start = val.wrapping_add(step);
436 self.iter.end = remaining - 1;
437 Some(val)
438 } else {
439 None
440 }
441 }
443 #[inline]
444 fn spec_size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
445 let remaining = self.iter.end as usize;
446 (remaining, Some(remaining))
447 }
449 // The methods below are all copied from the Iterator trait default impls.
450 // We have to repeat them here so that the specialization overrides the StepByImpl defaults
452 #[inline]
453 fn spec_nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
454 self.advance_by(n).ok()?;
455 self.next()
456 }
458 #[inline]
459 fn spec_try_fold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, mut f: F) -> R
460 where
461 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
462 R: Try<Output = Acc>
463 {
464 let mut accum = init;
465 while let Some(x) = self.next() {
466 accum = f(accum, x)?;
467 }
468 try { accum }
469 }
471 #[inline]
472 fn spec_fold<Acc, F>(self, init: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc
473 where
474 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc
475 {
476 // if a step size larger than the type has been specified fall back to
477 // t::MAX, in which case remaining will be at most 1.
478 let step = <$t>::try_from(self.step + 1).unwrap_or(<$t>::MAX);
479 let remaining = self.iter.end;
480 let mut acc = init;
481 let mut val = self.iter.start;
482 for _ in 0..remaining {
483 acc = f(acc, val);
484 // this can only overflow during the last step, after which the value
485 // will no longer be used
486 val = val.wrapping_add(step);
487 }
488 acc
489 }
490 }
491 )*)
494macro_rules! spec_int_ranges_r {
495 ($($t:ty)*) => ($(
496 const _: () = assert!(usize::BITS >= <$t>::BITS);
498 unsafe impl StepByBackImpl<Range<$t>> for StepBy<Range<$t>> {
500 #[inline]
501 fn spec_next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
502 where Range<$t>: DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator,
503 {
504 let step = (self.step + 1) as $t;
505 let remaining = self.iter.end;
506 if remaining > 0 {
507 let start = self.iter.start;
508 self.iter.end = remaining - 1;
509 Some(start + step * (remaining - 1))
510 } else {
511 None
512 }
513 }
515 // The methods below are all copied from the Iterator trait default impls.
516 // We have to repeat them here so that the specialization overrides the StepByImplBack defaults
518 #[inline]
519 fn spec_nth_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item>
520 where Self: DoubleEndedIterator,
521 {
522 if self.advance_back_by(n).is_err() {
523 return None;
524 }
525 self.next_back()
526 }
528 #[inline]
529 fn spec_try_rfold<Acc, F, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, mut f: F) -> R
530 where
531 Self: DoubleEndedIterator,
532 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
533 R: Try<Output = Acc>
534 {
535 let mut accum = init;
536 while let Some(x) = self.next_back() {
537 accum = f(accum, x)?;
538 }
539 try { accum }
540 }
542 #[inline]
543 fn spec_rfold<Acc, F>(mut self, init: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc
544 where
545 Self: DoubleEndedIterator,
546 F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc
547 {
548 let mut accum = init;
549 while let Some(x) = self.next_back() {
550 accum = f(accum, x);
551 }
552 accum
553 }
554 }
555 )*)
558#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
559spec_int_ranges!(u8 u16 u32 u64 usize);
560// DoubleEndedIterator requires ExactSizeIterator, which isn't implemented for Range<u64>
561#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
562spec_int_ranges_r!(u8 u16 u32 usize);
564#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
565spec_int_ranges!(u8 u16 u32 usize);
566#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
567spec_int_ranges_r!(u8 u16 u32 usize);
569#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
570spec_int_ranges!(u8 u16 usize);
571#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
572spec_int_ranges_r!(u8 u16 usize);