1 | /// Append a the first few characters of an ANSI escape code to the given string.
2 | #[macro_export ]
3 | #[doc (hidden)]
4 | macro_rules! csi {
5 | ($( $l:expr ),*) => { concat!(" \x1B[" , $( $l ),*) };
6 | }
7 |
8 | /// Queues one or more command(s) for further execution.
9 | ///
10 | /// Queued commands must be flushed to the underlying device to be executed.
11 | /// This generally happens in the following cases:
12 | ///
13 | /// * When `flush` is called manually on the given type implementing `io::Write`.
14 | /// * The terminal will `flush` automatically if the buffer is full.
15 | /// * Each line is flushed in case of `stdout`, because it is line buffered.
16 | ///
17 | /// # Arguments
18 | ///
19 | /// - [std::io::Writer](std::io::Write)
20 | ///
21 | /// ANSI escape codes are written on the given 'writer', after which they are flushed.
22 | ///
23 | /// - [Command](./trait.Command.html)
24 | ///
25 | /// One or more commands
26 | ///
27 | /// # Examples
28 | ///
29 | /// ```rust
30 | /// use std::io::{Write, stdout};
31 | /// use crossterm::{queue, style::Print};
32 | ///
33 | /// let mut stdout = stdout();
34 | ///
35 | /// // `Print` will executed executed when `flush` is called.
36 | /// queue!(stdout, Print("foo" .to_string()));
37 | ///
38 | /// // some other code (no execution happening here) ...
39 | ///
40 | /// // when calling `flush` on `stdout`, all commands will be written to the stdout and therefore executed.
41 | /// stdout.flush();
42 | ///
43 | /// // ==== Output ====
44 | /// // foo
45 | /// ```
46 | ///
47 | /// Have a look over at the [Command API](./index.html#command-api) for more details.
48 | ///
49 | /// # Notes
50 | ///
51 | /// In case of Windows versions lower than 10, a direct WinAPI call will be made.
52 | /// The reason for this is that Windows versions lower than 10 do not support ANSI codes,
53 | /// and can therefore not be written to the given `writer`.
54 | /// Therefore, there is no difference between [execute](macro.execute.html)
55 | /// and [queue](macro.queue.html) for those old Windows versions.
56 | ///
57 | #[macro_export ]
58 | macro_rules! queue {
59 | ($writer:expr $(, $command:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
60 | use ::std::io::Write;
61 |
62 | // This allows the macro to take both mut impl Write and &mut impl Write.
63 | Ok($writer.by_ref())
64 | $(.and_then(|writer| $crate::QueueableCommand::queue(writer, $command)))*
65 | .map(|_| ())
66 | }}
67 | }
68 |
69 | /// Executes one or more command(s).
70 | ///
71 | /// # Arguments
72 | ///
73 | /// - [std::io::Writer](std::io::Write)
74 | ///
75 | /// ANSI escape codes are written on the given 'writer', after which they are flushed.
76 | ///
77 | /// - [Command](./trait.Command.html)
78 | ///
79 | /// One or more commands
80 | ///
81 | /// # Examples
82 | ///
83 | /// ```rust
84 | /// use std::io::{Write, stdout};
85 | /// use crossterm::{execute, style::Print};
86 | ///
87 | /// // will be executed directly
88 | /// execute!(stdout(), Print("sum: \n" .to_string()));
89 | ///
90 | /// // will be executed directly
91 | /// execute!(stdout(), Print("1 + 1= " .to_string()), Print((1+1).to_string()));
92 | ///
93 | /// // ==== Output ====
94 | /// // sum:
95 | /// // 1 + 1 = 2
96 | /// ```
97 | ///
98 | /// Have a look over at the [Command API](./index.html#command-api) for more details.
99 | ///
100 | /// # Notes
101 | ///
102 | /// * In the case of UNIX and Windows 10, ANSI codes are written to the given 'writer'.
103 | /// * In case of Windows versions lower than 10, a direct WinAPI call will be made.
104 | /// The reason for this is that Windows versions lower than 10 do not support ANSI codes,
105 | /// and can therefore not be written to the given `writer`.
106 | /// Therefore, there is no difference between [execute](macro.execute.html)
107 | /// and [queue](macro.queue.html) for those old Windows versions.
108 | #[macro_export ]
109 | macro_rules! execute {
110 | ($writer:expr $(, $command:expr)* $(,)? ) => {{
111 | use ::std::io::Write;
112 |
113 | // Queue each command, then flush
114 | $crate::queue!($writer $(, $command)*)
115 | .and_then(|()| {
116 | ::std::io::Write::flush($writer.by_ref())
117 | })
118 | }}
119 | }
120 |
121 | #[doc (hidden)]
122 | #[macro_export ]
123 | macro_rules! impl_display {
124 | (for $($t:ty),+) => {
125 | $(impl ::std::fmt::Display for $t {
126 | fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
127 | $crate::command::execute_fmt(f, self)
128 | }
129 | })*
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 | #[doc (hidden)]
134 | #[macro_export ]
135 | macro_rules! impl_from {
136 | ($from:path, $to:expr) => {
137 | impl From<$from> for ErrorKind {
138 | fn from(e: $from) -> Self {
139 | $to(e)
140 | }
141 | }
142 | };
143 | }
144 |
145 | #[cfg (test)]
146 | mod tests {
147 | use std::io;
148 | use std::str;
149 |
150 | // Helper for execute tests to confirm flush
151 | #[derive (Default, Debug, Clone)]
152 | pub(self) struct FakeWrite {
153 | buffer: String,
154 | flushed: bool,
155 | }
156 |
157 | impl io::Write for FakeWrite {
158 | fn write(&mut self, content: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
159 | let content = str::from_utf8(content)
160 | .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
161 | self.buffer.push_str(content);
162 | self.flushed = false;
163 | Ok(content.len())
164 | }
165 |
166 | fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
167 | self.flushed = true;
168 | Ok(())
169 | }
170 | }
171 |
172 | #[cfg (not(windows))]
173 | mod unix {
174 | use std::fmt;
175 |
176 | use super::FakeWrite;
177 | use crate::command::Command;
178 |
179 | pub struct FakeCommand;
180 |
181 | impl Command for FakeCommand {
182 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
183 | f.write_str("cmd" )
184 | }
185 | }
186 |
187 | #[test ]
188 | fn test_queue_one() {
189 | let mut result = FakeWrite::default();
190 | queue!(&mut result, FakeCommand).unwrap();
191 | assert_eq!(&result.buffer, "cmd" );
192 | assert!(!result.flushed);
193 | }
194 |
195 | #[test ]
196 | fn test_queue_many() {
197 | let mut result = FakeWrite::default();
198 | queue!(&mut result, FakeCommand, FakeCommand).unwrap();
199 | assert_eq!(&result.buffer, "cmdcmd" );
200 | assert!(!result.flushed);
201 | }
202 |
203 | #[test ]
204 | fn test_queue_trailing_comma() {
205 | let mut result = FakeWrite::default();
206 | queue!(&mut result, FakeCommand, FakeCommand,).unwrap();
207 | assert_eq!(&result.buffer, "cmdcmd" );
208 | assert!(!result.flushed);
209 | }
210 |
211 | #[test ]
212 | fn test_execute_one() {
213 | let mut result = FakeWrite::default();
214 | execute!(&mut result, FakeCommand).unwrap();
215 | assert_eq!(&result.buffer, "cmd" );
216 | assert!(result.flushed);
217 | }
218 |
219 | #[test ]
220 | fn test_execute_many() {
221 | let mut result = FakeWrite::default();
222 | execute!(&mut result, FakeCommand, FakeCommand).unwrap();
223 | assert_eq!(&result.buffer, "cmdcmd" );
224 | assert!(result.flushed);
225 | }
226 |
227 | #[test ]
228 | fn test_execute_trailing_comma() {
229 | let mut result = FakeWrite::default();
230 | execute!(&mut result, FakeCommand, FakeCommand,).unwrap();
231 | assert_eq!(&result.buffer, "cmdcmd" );
232 | assert!(result.flushed);
233 | }
234 | }
235 |
236 | #[cfg (windows)]
237 | mod windows {
238 | use std::fmt;
239 |
240 | use std::cell::RefCell;
241 |
242 | use super::FakeWrite;
243 | use crate::command::Command;
244 |
245 | // We need to test two different APIs: WinAPI and the write api. We
246 | // don't know until runtime which we're supporting (via
247 | // Command::is_ansi_code_supported), so we have to test them both. The
248 | // CI environment hopefully includes both versions of windows.
249 |
250 | // WindowsEventStream is a place for execute_winapi to push strings,
251 | // when called.
252 | type WindowsEventStream = Vec<&'static str>;
253 |
254 | struct FakeCommand<'a> {
255 | // Need to use a refcell because we want execute_winapi to be able
256 | // push to the vector, but execute_winapi take &self.
257 | stream: RefCell<&'a mut WindowsEventStream>,
258 | value: &'static str,
259 | }
260 |
261 | impl<'a> FakeCommand<'a> {
262 | fn new(stream: &'a mut WindowsEventStream, value: &'static str) -> Self {
263 | Self {
264 | value,
265 | stream: RefCell::new(stream),
266 | }
267 | }
268 | }
269 |
270 | impl<'a> Command for FakeCommand<'a> {
271 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
272 | f.write_str(self.value)
273 | }
274 |
275 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
276 | self.stream.borrow_mut().push(self.value);
277 | Ok(())
278 | }
279 | }
280 |
281 | // Helper function for running tests against either WinAPI or an
282 | // io::Write.
283 | //
284 | // This function will execute the `test` function, which should
285 | // queue some commands against the given FakeWrite and
286 | // WindowsEventStream. It will then test that the correct data sink
287 | // was populated. It does not currently check is_ansi_code_supported;
288 | // for now it simply checks that one of the two streams was correctly
289 | // populated.
290 | //
291 | // If the stream was populated, it tests that the two arrays are equal.
292 | // If the writer was populated, it tests that the contents of the
293 | // write buffer are equal to the concatenation of `stream_result`.
294 | fn test_harness(
295 | stream_result: &[&'static str],
296 | test: impl FnOnce(&mut FakeWrite, &mut WindowsEventStream) -> std::io::Result<()>,
297 | ) {
298 | let mut stream = WindowsEventStream::default();
299 | let mut writer = FakeWrite::default();
300 |
301 | if let Err(err) = test (&mut writer, &mut stream) {
302 | panic!("Error returned from test function: {:?}" , err);
303 | }
304 |
305 | // We need this for type inference, for whatever reason.
306 | const EMPTY_RESULT: [&str; 0] = [];
307 |
308 | // TODO: confirm that the correct sink was used, based on
309 | // is_ansi_code_supported
310 | match (writer.buffer.is_empty(), stream.is_empty()) {
311 | (true, true) if stream_result == EMPTY_RESULT => {}
312 | (true, true) => panic!(
313 | "Neither the event stream nor the writer were populated. Expected {:?}" ,
314 | stream_result
315 | ),
316 |
317 | // writer is populated
318 | (false, true) => {
319 | // Concat the stream result to find the string result
320 | let result: String = stream_result.iter().copied().collect();
321 | assert_eq!(result, writer.buffer);
322 | assert_eq!(&stream, &EMPTY_RESULT);
323 | }
324 |
325 | // stream is populated
326 | (true, false) => {
327 | assert_eq!(stream, stream_result);
328 | assert_eq!(writer.buffer, "" );
329 | }
330 |
331 | // Both are populated
332 | (false, false) => panic!(
333 | "Both the writer and the event stream were written to. \n\
334 | Only one should be used, based on is_ansi_code_supported. \n\
335 | stream: {stream:?}\n\
336 | writer: {writer:?}" ,
337 | stream = stream,
338 | writer = writer,
339 | ),
340 | }
341 | }
342 |
343 | #[test ]
344 | fn test_queue_one() {
345 | test_harness(&["cmd1" ], |writer, stream| {
346 | queue!(writer, FakeCommand::new(stream, "cmd1" ))
347 | })
348 | }
349 |
350 | #[test ]
351 | fn test_queue_some() {
352 | test_harness(&["cmd1" , "cmd2" ], |writer, stream| {
353 | queue!(
354 | writer,
355 | FakeCommand::new(stream, "cmd1" ),
356 | FakeCommand::new(stream, "cmd2" ),
357 | )
358 | })
359 | }
360 |
361 | #[test ]
362 | fn test_many_queues() {
363 | test_harness(&["cmd1" , "cmd2" , "cmd3" ], |writer, stream| {
364 | queue!(writer, FakeCommand::new(stream, "cmd1" ))?;
365 | queue!(writer, FakeCommand::new(stream, "cmd2" ))?;
366 | queue!(writer, FakeCommand::new(stream, "cmd3" ))
367 | })
368 | }
369 | }
370 | }
371 | |