1 | use std::fmt::Display;
2 |
3 | use super::{style, Attribute, Color, ContentStyle, StyledContent};
4 |
5 | macro_rules! stylize_method {
6 | ($method_name:ident Attribute::$attribute:ident) => {
7 | calculated_docs! {
8 | #[doc = concat!(
9 | "Applies the [`" ,
10 | stringify!($attribute),
11 | "`](Attribute::" ,
12 | stringify!($attribute),
13 | ") attribute to the text." ,
14 | )]
15 | fn $method_name(self) -> Self::Styled {
16 | self.attribute(Attribute::$attribute)
17 | }
18 | }
19 | };
20 | ($method_name_fg:ident, $method_name_bg:ident, $method_name_ul:ident Color::$color:ident) => {
21 | calculated_docs! {
22 | #[doc = concat!(
23 | "Sets the foreground color to [`" ,
24 | stringify!($color),
25 | "`](Color::" ,
26 | stringify!($color),
27 | ")."
28 | )]
29 | fn $method_name_fg(self) -> Self::Styled {
30 | self.with(Color::$color)
31 | }
32 |
33 | #[doc = concat!(
34 | "Sets the background color to [`" ,
35 | stringify!($color),
36 | "`](Color::" ,
37 | stringify!($color),
38 | ")."
39 | )]
40 | fn $method_name_bg(self) -> Self::Styled {
41 | self.on(Color::$color)
42 | }
43 |
44 | #[doc = concat!(
45 | "Sets the underline color to [`" ,
46 | stringify!($color),
47 | "`](Color::" ,
48 | stringify!($color),
49 | ")."
50 | )]
51 | fn $method_name_ul(self) -> Self::Styled {
52 | self.underline(Color::$color)
53 | }
54 | }
55 | };
56 | }
57 |
58 | /// Provides a set of methods to set attributes and colors.
59 | ///
60 | /// # Examples
61 | ///
62 | /// ```no_run
63 | /// use crossterm::style::Stylize;
64 | ///
65 | /// println!("{}" , "Bold text" .bold());
66 | /// println!("{}" , "Underlined text" .underlined());
67 | /// println!("{}" , "Negative text" .negative());
68 | /// println!("{}" , "Red on blue" .red().on_blue());
69 | /// ```
70 | pub trait Stylize: Sized {
71 | /// This type with styles applied.
72 | type Styled: AsRef<ContentStyle> + AsMut<ContentStyle>;
73 |
74 | /// Styles this type.
75 | fn stylize(self) -> Self::Styled;
76 |
77 | /// Sets the foreground color.
78 | fn with(self, color: Color) -> Self::Styled {
79 | let mut styled = self.stylize();
80 | styled.as_mut().foreground_color = Some(color);
81 | styled
82 | }
83 |
84 | /// Sets the background color.
85 | fn on(self, color: Color) -> Self::Styled {
86 | let mut styled = self.stylize();
87 | styled.as_mut().background_color = Some(color);
88 | styled
89 | }
90 |
91 | /// Sets the underline color.
92 | fn underline(self, color: Color) -> Self::Styled {
93 | let mut styled = self.stylize();
94 | styled.as_mut().underline_color = Some(color);
95 | styled
96 | }
97 |
98 | /// Styles the content with the attribute.
99 | fn attribute(self, attr: Attribute) -> Self::Styled {
100 | let mut styled = self.stylize();
101 | styled.as_mut().attributes.set(attr);
102 | styled
103 | }
104 |
105 | stylize_method!(reset Attribute::Reset);
106 | stylize_method!(bold Attribute::Bold);
107 | stylize_method!(underlined Attribute::Underlined);
108 | stylize_method!(reverse Attribute::Reverse);
109 | stylize_method!(dim Attribute::Dim);
110 | stylize_method!(italic Attribute::Italic);
111 | stylize_method!(negative Attribute::Reverse);
112 | stylize_method!(slow_blink Attribute::SlowBlink);
113 | stylize_method!(rapid_blink Attribute::RapidBlink);
114 | stylize_method!(hidden Attribute::Hidden);
115 | stylize_method!(crossed_out Attribute::CrossedOut);
116 |
117 | stylize_method!(black, on_black, underline_black Color::Black);
118 | stylize_method!(dark_grey, on_dark_grey, underline_dark_grey Color::DarkGrey);
119 | stylize_method!(red, on_red, underline_red Color::Red);
120 | stylize_method!(dark_red, on_dark_red, underline_dark_red Color::DarkRed);
121 | stylize_method!(green, on_green, underline_green Color::Green);
122 | stylize_method!(dark_green, on_dark_green, underline_dark_green Color::DarkGreen);
123 | stylize_method!(yellow, on_yellow, underline_yellow Color::Yellow);
124 | stylize_method!(dark_yellow, on_dark_yellow, underline_dark_yellow Color::DarkYellow);
125 | stylize_method!(blue, on_blue, underline_blue Color::Blue);
126 | stylize_method!(dark_blue, on_dark_blue, underline_dark_blue Color::DarkBlue);
127 | stylize_method!(magenta, on_magenta, underline_magenta Color::Magenta);
128 | stylize_method!(dark_magenta, on_dark_magenta, underline_dark_magenta Color::DarkMagenta);
129 | stylize_method!(cyan, on_cyan, underline_cyan Color::Cyan);
130 | stylize_method!(dark_cyan, on_dark_cyan, underline_dark_cyan Color::DarkCyan);
131 | stylize_method!(white, on_white, underline_white Color::White);
132 | stylize_method!(grey, on_grey, underline_grey Color::Grey);
133 | }
134 |
135 | macro_rules! impl_stylize_for_display {
136 | ($($t:ty),*) => { $(
137 | impl Stylize for $t {
138 | type Styled = StyledContent<Self>;
139 | #[inline]
140 | fn stylize(self) -> Self::Styled {
141 | style(self)
142 | }
143 | }
144 | )* }
145 | }
146 | impl_stylize_for_display!(String, char, &str);
147 |
148 | impl Stylize for ContentStyle {
149 | type Styled = Self;
150 | #[inline ]
151 | fn stylize(self) -> Self::Styled {
152 | self
153 | }
154 | }
155 | impl<D: Display> Stylize for StyledContent<D> {
156 | type Styled = StyledContent<D>;
157 | fn stylize(self) -> Self::Styled {
158 | self
159 | }
160 | }
161 |
162 | // Workaround for https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/78835
163 | macro_rules! calculated_docs {
164 | ($(#[doc = $doc:expr] $item:item)*) => { $(#[doc = $doc] $item)* };
165 | }
166 | // Remove once https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/7106 stabilizes.
167 | #[allow (clippy::single_component_path_imports)]
168 | #[allow (clippy::useless_attribute)]
169 | use calculated_docs;
170 |
171 | #[cfg (test)]
172 | mod tests {
173 | use super::super::{Attribute, Color, ContentStyle, Stylize};
174 |
175 | #[test ]
176 | fn set_fg_bg_add_attr() {
177 | let style = ContentStyle::new()
178 | .with(Color::Blue)
179 | .on(Color::Red)
180 | .attribute(Attribute::Bold);
181 |
182 | assert_eq!(style.foreground_color, Some(Color::Blue));
183 | assert_eq!(style.background_color, Some(Color::Red));
184 | assert!(style.attributes.has(Attribute::Bold));
185 |
186 | let mut styled_content = style.apply("test" );
187 |
188 | styled_content = styled_content
189 | .with(Color::Green)
190 | .on(Color::Magenta)
191 | .attribute(Attribute::NoItalic);
192 |
193 | let style = styled_content.style();
194 |
195 | assert_eq!(style.foreground_color, Some(Color::Green));
196 | assert_eq!(style.background_color, Some(Color::Magenta));
197 | assert!(style.attributes.has(Attribute::Bold));
198 | assert!(style.attributes.has(Attribute::NoItalic));
199 | }
200 | }
201 | |