1 | //! # Style
2 | //!
3 | //! The `style` module provides a functionality to apply attributes and colors on your text.
4 | //!
5 | //! This documentation does not contain a lot of examples. The reason is that it's fairly
6 | //! obvious how to use this crate. Although, we do provide
7 | //! [examples](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm/tree/master/examples) repository
8 | //! to demonstrate the capabilities.
9 | //!
10 | //! ## Platform-specific Notes
11 | //!
12 | //! Not all features are supported on all terminals/platforms. You should always consult
13 | //! platform-specific notes of the following types:
14 | //!
15 | //! * [Color](enum.Color.html#platform-specific-notes)
16 | //! * [Attribute](enum.Attribute.html#platform-specific-notes)
17 | //!
18 | //! ## Examples
19 | //!
20 | //! A few examples of how to use the style module.
21 | //!
22 | //! ### Colors
23 | //!
24 | //! How to change the terminal text color.
25 | //!
26 | //! Command API:
27 | //!
28 | //! Using the Command API to color text.
29 | //!
30 | //! ```no_run
31 | //! use std::io::{self, Write};
32 | //! use crossterm::execute;
33 | //! use crossterm::style::{Print, SetForegroundColor, SetBackgroundColor, ResetColor, Color, Attribute};
34 | //!
35 | //! fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
36 | //! execute!(
37 | //! io::stdout(),
38 | //! // Blue foreground
39 | //! SetForegroundColor(Color::Blue),
40 | //! // Red background
41 | //! SetBackgroundColor(Color::Red),
42 | //! // Print text
43 | //! Print("Blue text on Red." .to_string()),
44 | //! // Reset to default colors
45 | //! ResetColor
46 | //! )
47 | //! }
48 | //! ```
49 | //!
50 | //! Functions:
51 | //!
52 | //! Using functions from [`Stylize`](crate::style::Stylize) on a `String` or `&'static str` to color
53 | //! it.
54 | //!
55 | //! ```no_run
56 | //! use crossterm::style::Stylize;
57 | //!
58 | //! println!("{}" , "Red foreground color & blue background." .red().on_blue());
59 | //! ```
60 | //!
61 | //! ### Attributes
62 | //!
63 | //! How to apply terminal attributes to text.
64 | //!
65 | //! Command API:
66 | //!
67 | //! Using the Command API to set attributes.
68 | //!
69 | //! ```no_run
70 | //! use std::io::{self, Write};
71 | //!
72 | //! use crossterm::execute;
73 | //! use crossterm::style::{Attribute, Print, SetAttribute};
74 | //!
75 | //! fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
76 | //! execute!(
77 | //! io::stdout(),
78 | //! // Set to bold
79 | //! SetAttribute(Attribute::Bold),
80 | //! Print("Bold text here." .to_string()),
81 | //! // Reset all attributes
82 | //! SetAttribute(Attribute::Reset)
83 | //! )
84 | //! }
85 | //! ```
86 | //!
87 | //! Functions:
88 | //!
89 | //! Using [`Stylize`](crate::style::Stylize) functions on a `String` or `&'static str` to set
90 | //! attributes to it.
91 | //!
92 | //! ```no_run
93 | //! use crossterm::style::Stylize;
94 | //!
95 | //! println!("{}" , "Bold" .bold());
96 | //! println!("{}" , "Underlined" .underlined());
97 | //! println!("{}" , "Negative" .negative());
98 | //! ```
99 | //!
100 | //! Displayable:
101 | //!
102 | //! [`Attribute`](enum.Attribute.html) implements [Display](https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/std/fmt/trait.Display.html) and therefore it can be formatted like:
103 | //!
104 | //! ```no_run
105 | //! use crossterm::style::Attribute;
106 | //!
107 | //! println!(
108 | //! "{} Underlined {} No Underline" ,
109 | //! Attribute::Underlined,
110 | //! Attribute::NoUnderline
111 | //! );
112 | //! ```
113 |
114 | use std::{
115 | env,
116 | fmt::{self, Display},
117 | };
118 |
119 | use crate::command::execute_fmt;
120 | use crate::{csi, impl_display, Command};
121 |
122 | pub use self::{
123 | attributes::Attributes,
124 | content_style::ContentStyle,
125 | styled_content::StyledContent,
126 | stylize::Stylize,
127 | types::{Attribute, Color, Colored, Colors},
128 | };
129 |
130 | mod attributes;
131 | mod content_style;
132 | mod styled_content;
133 | mod stylize;
134 | mod sys;
135 | mod types;
136 |
137 | /// Creates a `StyledContent`.
138 | ///
139 | /// This could be used to style any type that implements `Display` with colors and text attributes.
140 | ///
141 | /// See [`StyledContent`](struct.StyledContent.html) for more info.
142 | ///
143 | /// # Examples
144 | ///
145 | /// ```no_run
146 | /// use crossterm::style::{style, Stylize, Color};
147 | ///
148 | /// let styled_content = style("Blue colored text on yellow background" )
149 | /// .with(Color::Blue)
150 | /// .on(Color::Yellow);
151 | ///
152 | /// println!("{}" , styled_content);
153 | /// ```
154 | pub fn style<D: Display>(val: D) -> StyledContent<D> {
155 | ContentStyle::new().apply(val)
156 | }
157 |
158 | /// Returns available color count.
159 | ///
160 | /// # Notes
161 | ///
162 | /// This does not always provide a good result.
163 | pub fn available_color_count() -> u16 {
164 | env::var("TERM" )
165 | .map(|x| if x.contains("256color" ) { 256 } else { 8 })
166 | .unwrap_or(default:8)
167 | }
168 |
169 | /// Forces colored output on or off globally, overriding NO_COLOR.
170 | ///
171 | /// # Notes
172 | ///
173 | /// crossterm supports NO_COLOR (https://no-color.org/) to disabled colored output.
174 | ///
175 | /// This API allows applications to override that behavior and force colorized output
176 | /// even if NO_COLOR is set.
177 | pub fn force_color_output(enabled: bool) {
178 | Colored::set_ansi_color_disabled(!enabled)
179 | }
180 |
181 | /// A command that sets the the foreground color.
182 | ///
183 | /// See [`Color`](enum.Color.html) for more info.
184 | ///
185 | /// [`SetColors`](struct.SetColors.html) can also be used to set both the foreground and background
186 | /// color in one command.
187 | ///
188 | /// # Notes
189 | ///
190 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
191 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
192 | pub struct SetForegroundColor(pub Color);
193 |
194 | impl Command for SetForegroundColor {
195 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
196 | write!(f, csi!("{}m" ), Colored::ForegroundColor(self.0))
197 | }
198 |
199 | #[cfg (windows)]
200 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
201 | sys::windows::set_foreground_color(self.0)
202 | }
203 | }
204 |
205 | /// A command that sets the the background color.
206 | ///
207 | /// See [`Color`](enum.Color.html) for more info.
208 | ///
209 | /// [`SetColors`](struct.SetColors.html) can also be used to set both the foreground and background
210 | /// color with one command.
211 | ///
212 | /// # Notes
213 | ///
214 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
215 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
216 | pub struct SetBackgroundColor(pub Color);
217 |
218 | impl Command for SetBackgroundColor {
219 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
220 | write!(f, csi!("{}m" ), Colored::BackgroundColor(self.0))
221 | }
222 |
223 | #[cfg (windows)]
224 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
225 | sys::windows::set_background_color(self.0)
226 | }
227 | }
228 |
229 | /// A command that sets the the underline color.
230 | ///
231 | /// See [`Color`](enum.Color.html) for more info.
232 | ///
233 | /// [`SetColors`](struct.SetColors.html) can also be used to set both the foreground and background
234 | /// color with one command.
235 | ///
236 | /// # Notes
237 | ///
238 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
239 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
240 | pub struct SetUnderlineColor(pub Color);
241 |
242 | impl Command for SetUnderlineColor {
243 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
244 | write!(f, csi!("{}m" ), Colored::UnderlineColor(self.0))
245 | }
246 |
247 | #[cfg (windows)]
248 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
249 | Err(std::io::Error::new(
250 | std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
251 | "SetUnderlineColor not supported by winapi." ,
252 | ))
253 | }
254 | }
255 |
256 | /// A command that optionally sets the foreground and/or background color.
257 | ///
258 | /// For example:
259 | /// ```no_run
260 | /// use std::io::{stdout, Write};
261 | ///
262 | /// use crossterm::execute;
263 | /// use crossterm::style::{Color::{Green, Black}, Colors, Print, SetColors};
264 | ///
265 | /// execute!(
266 | /// stdout(),
267 | /// SetColors(Colors::new(Green, Black)),
268 | /// Print("Hello, world!" .to_string()),
269 | /// ).unwrap();
270 | /// ```
271 | ///
272 | /// See [`Colors`](struct.Colors.html) for more info.
273 | ///
274 | /// # Notes
275 | ///
276 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
277 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
278 | pub struct SetColors(pub Colors);
279 |
280 | impl Command for SetColors {
281 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
282 | if let Some(color: Color) = self.0.foreground {
283 | SetForegroundColor(color).write_ansi(f)?;
284 | }
285 | if let Some(color: Color) = self.0.background {
286 | SetBackgroundColor(color).write_ansi(f)?;
287 | }
288 | Ok(())
289 | }
290 |
291 | #[cfg (windows)]
292 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
293 | if let Some(color) = self.0.foreground {
294 | sys::windows::set_foreground_color(color)?;
295 | }
296 | if let Some(color) = self.0.background {
297 | sys::windows::set_background_color(color)?;
298 | }
299 | Ok(())
300 | }
301 | }
302 |
303 | /// A command that sets an attribute.
304 | ///
305 | /// See [`Attribute`](enum.Attribute.html) for more info.
306 | ///
307 | /// # Notes
308 | ///
309 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
310 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
311 | pub struct SetAttribute(pub Attribute);
312 |
313 | impl Command for SetAttribute {
314 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
315 | write!(f, csi!("{}m" ), self.0.sgr())
316 | }
317 |
318 | #[cfg (windows)]
319 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
320 | // attributes are not supported by WinAPI.
321 | Ok(())
322 | }
323 | }
324 |
325 | /// A command that sets several attributes.
326 | ///
327 | /// See [`Attributes`](struct.Attributes.html) for more info.
328 | ///
329 | /// # Notes
330 | ///
331 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
332 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
333 | pub struct SetAttributes(pub Attributes);
334 |
335 | impl Command for SetAttributes {
336 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
337 | for attr: Attribute in Attribute::iterator() {
338 | if self.0.has(attribute:attr) {
339 | SetAttribute(attr).write_ansi(f)?;
340 | }
341 | }
342 | Ok(())
343 | }
344 |
345 | #[cfg (windows)]
346 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
347 | // attributes are not supported by WinAPI.
348 | Ok(())
349 | }
350 | }
351 |
352 | /// A command that sets a style (colors and attributes).
353 | ///
354 | /// # Notes
355 | ///
356 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
357 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
358 | pub struct SetStyle(pub ContentStyle);
359 |
360 | impl Command for SetStyle {
361 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
362 | if let Some(bg) = self.0.background_color {
363 | execute_fmt(f, SetBackgroundColor(bg)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
364 | }
365 | if let Some(fg) = self.0.foreground_color {
366 | execute_fmt(f, SetForegroundColor(fg)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
367 | }
368 | if let Some(ul) = self.0.underline_color {
369 | execute_fmt(f, SetUnderlineColor(ul)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
370 | }
371 | if !self.0.attributes.is_empty() {
372 | execute_fmt(f, SetAttributes(self.0.attributes)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
373 | }
374 |
375 | Ok(())
376 | }
377 |
378 | #[cfg (windows)]
379 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
380 | panic!("tried to execute SetStyle command using WinAPI, use ANSI instead" );
381 | }
382 |
383 | #[cfg (windows)]
384 | fn is_ansi_code_supported(&self) -> bool {
385 | true
386 | }
387 | }
388 |
389 | /// A command that prints styled content.
390 | ///
391 | /// See [`StyledContent`](struct.StyledContent.html) for more info.
392 | ///
393 | /// # Notes
394 | ///
395 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
396 | #[derive (Debug, Copy, Clone)]
397 | pub struct PrintStyledContent<D: Display>(pub StyledContent<D>);
398 |
399 | impl<D: Display> Command for PrintStyledContent<D> {
400 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
401 | let style = self.0.style();
402 |
403 | let mut reset_background = false;
404 | let mut reset_foreground = false;
405 | let mut reset = false;
406 |
407 | if let Some(bg) = style.background_color {
408 | execute_fmt(f, SetBackgroundColor(bg)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
409 | reset_background = true;
410 | }
411 | if let Some(fg) = style.foreground_color {
412 | execute_fmt(f, SetForegroundColor(fg)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
413 | reset_foreground = true;
414 | }
415 | if let Some(ul) = style.underline_color {
416 | execute_fmt(f, SetUnderlineColor(ul)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
417 | reset_foreground = true;
418 | }
419 |
420 | if !style.attributes.is_empty() {
421 | execute_fmt(f, SetAttributes(style.attributes)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
422 | reset = true;
423 | }
424 |
425 | write!(f, " {}" , self.0.content())?;
426 |
427 | if reset {
428 | // NOTE: This will reset colors even though self has no colors, hence produce unexpected
429 | // resets.
430 | // TODO: reset the set attributes only.
431 | execute_fmt(f, ResetColor).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
432 | } else {
433 | // NOTE: Since the above bug, we do not need to reset colors when we reset attributes.
434 | if reset_background {
435 | execute_fmt(f, SetBackgroundColor(Color::Reset)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
436 | }
437 | if reset_foreground {
438 | execute_fmt(f, SetForegroundColor(Color::Reset)).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
439 | }
440 | }
441 |
442 | Ok(())
443 | }
444 |
445 | #[cfg (windows)]
446 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
447 | Ok(())
448 | }
449 | }
450 |
451 | /// A command that resets the colors back to default.
452 | ///
453 | /// # Notes
454 | ///
455 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
456 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
457 | pub struct ResetColor;
458 |
459 | impl Command for ResetColor {
460 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
461 | f.write_str(csi!("0m" ))
462 | }
463 |
464 | #[cfg (windows)]
465 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
466 | sys::windows::reset()
467 | }
468 | }
469 |
470 | /// A command that prints the given displayable type.
471 | ///
472 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
473 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
474 | pub struct Print<T: Display>(pub T);
475 |
476 | impl<T: Display> Command for Print<T> {
477 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
478 | write!(f, " {}" , self.0)
479 | }
480 |
481 | #[cfg (windows)]
482 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
483 | panic!("tried to execute Print command using WinAPI, use ANSI instead" );
484 | }
485 |
486 | #[cfg (windows)]
487 | fn is_ansi_code_supported(&self) -> bool {
488 | true
489 | }
490 | }
491 |
492 | impl<T: Display> Display for Print<T> {
493 | fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
494 | self.0.fmt(f)
495 | }
496 | }
497 |
498 | impl_display!(for SetForegroundColor);
499 | impl_display!(for SetBackgroundColor);
500 | impl_display!(for SetColors);
501 | impl_display!(for SetAttribute);
502 | impl_display!(for PrintStyledContent<String>);
503 | impl_display!(for PrintStyledContent<&'static str>);
504 | impl_display!(for ResetColor);
505 |
506 | /// Utility function for ANSI parsing in Color and Colored.
507 | /// Gets the next element of `iter` and tries to parse it as a `u8`.
508 | fn parse_next_u8<'a>(iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>) -> Option<u8> {
509 | iter.next().and_then(|s: &str| s.parse().ok())
510 | }
511 | |