1 | use std::{
2 | fs, io,
3 | os::unix::{
4 | io::{IntoRawFd, RawFd},
5 | prelude::AsRawFd,
6 | },
7 | };
8 |
9 | use libc::size_t;
10 |
11 | /// A file descriptor wrapper.
12 | ///
13 | /// It allows to retrieve raw file descriptor, write to the file descriptor and
14 | /// mainly it closes the file descriptor once dropped.
15 | #[derive (Debug)]
16 | pub struct FileDesc {
17 | fd: RawFd,
18 | close_on_drop: bool,
19 | }
20 |
21 | impl FileDesc {
22 | /// Constructs a new `FileDesc` with the given `RawFd`.
23 | ///
24 | /// # Arguments
25 | ///
26 | /// * `fd` - raw file descriptor
27 | /// * `close_on_drop` - specify if the raw file descriptor should be closed once the `FileDesc` is dropped
28 | pub fn new(fd: RawFd, close_on_drop: bool) -> FileDesc {
29 | FileDesc { fd, close_on_drop }
30 | }
31 |
32 | pub fn read(&self, buffer: &mut [u8], size: usize) -> io::Result<usize> {
33 | let result = unsafe {
34 | libc::read(
35 | self.fd,
36 | buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void,
37 | size as size_t,
38 | )
39 | };
40 |
41 | if result < 0 {
42 | Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
43 | } else {
44 | Ok(result as usize)
45 | }
46 | }
47 |
48 | /// Returns the underlying file descriptor.
49 | pub fn raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
50 | self.fd
51 | }
52 | }
53 |
54 | impl Drop for FileDesc {
55 | fn drop(&mut self) {
56 | if self.close_on_drop {
57 | // Note that errors are ignored when closing a file descriptor. The
58 | // reason for this is that if an error occurs we don't actually know if
59 | // the file descriptor was closed or not, and if we retried (for
60 | // something like EINTR), we might close another valid file descriptor
61 | // opened after we closed ours.
62 | let _ = unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };
63 | }
64 | }
65 | }
66 |
67 | impl AsRawFd for FileDesc {
68 | fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
69 | self.raw_fd()
70 | }
71 | }
72 |
73 | /// Creates a file descriptor pointing to the standard input or `/dev/tty`.
74 | pub fn tty_fd() -> io::Result<FileDesc> {
75 | let (fd: i32, close_on_drop: bool) = if unsafe { libc::isatty(fd:libc::STDIN_FILENO) == 1 } {
76 | (libc::STDIN_FILENO, false)
77 | } else {
78 | (
79 | fsFile::OpenOptions::new()
80 | .read(true)
81 | .write(true)
82 | .open(path:"/dev/tty" )?
83 | .into_raw_fd(),
84 | true,
85 | )
86 | };
87 |
88 | Ok(FileDesc::new(fd, close_on_drop))
89 | }
90 | |