1//! # Enum Flags
2//! `enumflags2` implements the classic bitflags datastructure. Annotate an enum
3//! with `#[bitflags]`, and `BitFlags<YourEnum>` will be able to hold arbitrary combinations
4//! of your enum within the space of a single integer.
6//! ## Example
7//! ```
8//! use enumflags2::{bitflags, make_bitflags, BitFlags};
10//! #[bitflags]
11//! #[repr(u8)]
12//! #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
13//! enum Test {
14//! A = 0b0001,
15//! B = 0b0010,
16//! C, // unspecified variants pick unused bits automatically
17//! D = 0b1000,
18//! }
20//! // Flags can be combined with |, this creates a BitFlags of your type:
21//! let a_b: BitFlags<Test> = Test::A | Test::B;
22//! let a_c = Test::A | Test::C;
23//! let b_c_d = make_bitflags!(Test::{B | C | D});
25//! // The debug output lets you inspect both the numeric value and
26//! // the actual flags:
27//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", a_b), "BitFlags<Test>(0b11, A | B)");
29//! // But if you'd rather see only one of those, that's available too:
30//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", a_b), "A | B");
31//! assert_eq!(format!("{:04b}", a_b), "0011");
33//! // Iterate over the flags like a normal set
34//! assert_eq!(a_b.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[Test::A, Test::B]);
36//! // Query the contents with contains and intersects
37//! assert!(a_b.contains(Test::A));
38//! assert!(b_c_d.contains(Test::B | Test::C));
39//! assert!(!(b_c_d.contains(a_b)));
41//! assert!(a_b.intersects(a_c));
42//! assert!(!(a_b.intersects(Test::C | Test::D)));
43//! ```
45//! ## Optional Feature Flags
47//! - [`serde`](https://serde.rs/) implements `Serialize` and `Deserialize`
48//! for `BitFlags<T>`.
49//! - `std` implements `std::error::Error` for `FromBitsError`.
51//! ## `const fn`-compatible APIs
53//! **Background:** The subset of `const fn` features currently stabilized is pretty limited.
54//! Most notably, [const traits are still at the RFC stage][const-trait-rfc],
55//! which makes it impossible to use any overloaded operators in a const
56//! context.
58//! **Naming convention:** If a separate, more limited function is provided
59//! for usage in a `const fn`, the name is suffixed with `_c`.
61//! **Blanket implementations:** If you attempt to write a `const fn` ranging
62//! over `T: BitFlag`, you will be met with an error explaining that currently,
63//! the only allowed trait bound for a `const fn` is `?Sized`. You will probably
64//! want to write a separate implementation for `BitFlags<T, u8>`,
65//! `BitFlags<T, u16>`, etc — best accomplished by a simple macro.
67//! **Documentation considerations:** The strategy described above is often used
68//! by `enumflags2` itself. To avoid clutter in the auto-generated documentation,
69//! the implementations for widths other than `u8` are marked with `#[doc(hidden)]`.
71//! ## Customizing `Default`
73//! By default, creating an instance of `BitFlags<T>` with `Default` will result in an empty
74//! set. If that's undesirable, you may customize this:
76//! ```
77//! # use enumflags2::{BitFlags, bitflags};
78//! #[bitflags(default = B | C)]
79//! #[repr(u8)]
80//! #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
81//! enum Test {
82//! A = 0b0001,
83//! B = 0b0010,
84//! C = 0b0100,
85//! D = 0b1000,
86//! }
88//! assert_eq!(BitFlags::default(), Test::B | Test::C);
89//! ```
91//! [const-trait-rfc]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2632
93#![cfg_attr(all(not(test), not(feature = "std")), no_std)]
95use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
96use core::marker::PhantomData;
97use core::{cmp, ops};
101extern crate enumflags2_derive;
104pub use enumflags2_derive::bitflags_internal as bitflags;
106// Internal macro: expand into a separate copy for each supported numeric type.
107macro_rules! for_each_uint {
108 ( $d:tt $tyvar:ident $dd:tt $docattr:ident => $($input:tt)* ) => {
109 macro_rules! implement {
110 ( $d $tyvar:ty => $d($d $docattr:meta)? ) => {
111 $($input)*
112 }
113 }
115 implement! { u8 => }
116 implement! { u16 => doc(hidden) }
117 implement! { u32 => doc(hidden) }
118 implement! { u64 => doc(hidden) }
119 implement! { u128 => doc(hidden) }
120 }
123/// A trait automatically implemented by `#[bitflags]` to make the enum
124/// a valid type parameter for `BitFlags<T>`.
125pub trait BitFlag: Copy + Clone + 'static + _internal::RawBitFlags {
126 /// Create a `BitFlags` with no flags set (in other words, with a value of 0).
127 ///
128 /// This is a convenience reexport of [`BitFlags::empty`]. It can be called with
129 /// `MyFlag::empty()`, thus bypassing the need for type hints in some situations.
130 ///
131 /// ```
132 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
133 /// #[bitflags]
134 /// #[repr(u8)]
135 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
136 /// enum MyFlag {
137 /// One = 1 << 0,
138 /// Two = 1 << 1,
139 /// Three = 1 << 2,
140 /// }
141 ///
142 /// use enumflags2::BitFlag;
143 ///
144 /// let empty = MyFlag::empty();
145 /// assert!(empty.is_empty());
146 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::One), false);
147 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::Two), false);
148 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
149 /// ```
150 #[inline]
151 fn empty() -> BitFlags<Self> {
152 BitFlags::empty()
153 }
155 /// Create a `BitFlags` with all flags set.
156 ///
157 /// This is a convenience reexport of [`BitFlags::all`]. It can be called with
158 /// `MyFlag::all()`, thus bypassing the need for type hints in some situations.
159 ///
160 /// ```
161 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
162 /// #[bitflags]
163 /// #[repr(u8)]
164 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
165 /// enum MyFlag {
166 /// One = 1 << 0,
167 /// Two = 1 << 1,
168 /// Three = 1 << 2,
169 /// }
170 ///
171 /// use enumflags2::BitFlag;
172 ///
173 /// let all = MyFlag::all();
174 /// assert!(all.is_all());
175 /// assert_eq!(all.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
176 /// assert_eq!(all.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
177 /// assert_eq!(all.contains(MyFlag::Three), true);
178 /// ```
179 #[inline]
180 fn all() -> BitFlags<Self> {
181 BitFlags::all()
182 }
184 /// Create a `BitFlags` if the raw value provided does not contain
185 /// any illegal flags.
186 ///
187 /// This is a convenience reexport of [`BitFlags::from_bits`]. It can be called
188 /// with `MyFlag::from_bits(bits)`, thus bypassing the need for type hints in
189 /// some situations.
190 ///
191 /// ```
192 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
193 /// #[bitflags]
194 /// #[repr(u8)]
195 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
196 /// enum MyFlag {
197 /// One = 1 << 0,
198 /// Two = 1 << 1,
199 /// Three = 1 << 2,
200 /// }
201 ///
202 /// use enumflags2::BitFlag;
203 ///
204 /// let flags = MyFlag::from_bits(0b11).unwrap();
205 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
206 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
207 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
208 /// let invalid = MyFlag::from_bits(1 << 3);
209 /// assert!(invalid.is_err());
210 /// ```
211 #[inline]
212 fn from_bits(bits: Self::Numeric) -> Result<BitFlags<Self>, FromBitsError<Self>> {
213 BitFlags::from_bits(bits)
214 }
216 /// Create a `BitFlags` from an underlying bitwise value. If any
217 /// invalid bits are set, ignore them.
218 ///
219 /// This is a convenience reexport of [`BitFlags::from_bits_truncate`]. It can be
220 /// called with `MyFlag::from_bits_truncate(bits)`, thus bypassing the need for
221 /// type hints in some situations.
222 ///
223 /// ```
224 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
225 /// #[bitflags]
226 /// #[repr(u8)]
227 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
228 /// enum MyFlag {
229 /// One = 1 << 0,
230 /// Two = 1 << 1,
231 /// Three = 1 << 2,
232 /// }
233 ///
234 /// use enumflags2::BitFlag;
235 ///
236 /// let flags = MyFlag::from_bits_truncate(0b1_1011);
237 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
238 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
239 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
240 /// ```
241 #[inline]
242 fn from_bits_truncate(bits: Self::Numeric) -> BitFlags<Self> {
243 BitFlags::from_bits_truncate(bits)
244 }
246 /// Create a `BitFlags` unsafely, without checking if the bits form
247 /// a valid bit pattern for the type.
248 ///
249 /// Consider using [`from_bits`][BitFlag::from_bits]
250 /// or [`from_bits_truncate`][BitFlag::from_bits_truncate] instead.
251 ///
252 /// # Safety
253 ///
254 /// All bits set in `val` must correspond to a value of the enum.
255 ///
256 /// # Example
257 ///
258 /// This is a convenience reexport of [`BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked`]. It can be
259 /// called with `MyFlag::from_bits_unchecked(bits)`, thus bypassing the need for
260 /// type hints in some situations.
261 ///
262 /// ```
263 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
264 /// #[bitflags]
265 /// #[repr(u8)]
266 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
267 /// enum MyFlag {
268 /// One = 1 << 0,
269 /// Two = 1 << 1,
270 /// Three = 1 << 2,
271 /// }
272 ///
273 /// use enumflags2::BitFlag;
274 ///
275 /// let flags = unsafe {
276 /// MyFlag::from_bits_unchecked(0b011)
277 /// };
278 ///
279 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
280 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
281 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
282 /// ```
283 #[inline]
284 unsafe fn from_bits_unchecked(bits: Self::Numeric) -> BitFlags<Self> {
285 BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked(bits)
286 }
289/// While the module is public, this is only the case because it needs to be
290/// accessed by the macro. Do not use this directly. Stability guarantees
291/// don't apply.
293pub mod _internal {
294 /// A trait automatically implemented by `#[bitflags]` to make the enum
295 /// a valid type parameter for `BitFlags<T>`.
296 ///
297 /// # Safety
298 ///
299 /// The values should reflect reality, like they do if the implementation
300 /// is generated by the procmacro.
301 pub unsafe trait RawBitFlags: Copy + Clone + 'static {
302 /// The underlying integer type.
303 type Numeric: BitFlagNum;
305 /// A value with no bits set.
306 const EMPTY: Self::Numeric;
308 /// The value used by the Default implementation. Equivalent to EMPTY, unless
309 /// customized.
310 const DEFAULT: Self::Numeric;
312 /// A value with all flag bits set.
313 const ALL_BITS: Self::Numeric;
315 /// The name of the type for debug formatting purposes.
316 ///
317 /// This is typically `BitFlags<EnumName>`
318 const BITFLAGS_TYPE_NAME: &'static str;
320 /// Return the bits as a number type.
321 fn bits(self) -> Self::Numeric;
322 }
324 use ::core::cmp::PartialOrd;
325 use ::core::fmt;
326 use ::core::ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Not, Sub};
327 use ::core::hash::Hash;
329 pub trait BitFlagNum:
330 Default
331 + BitOr<Self, Output = Self>
332 + BitAnd<Self, Output = Self>
333 + BitXor<Self, Output = Self>
334 + Sub<Self, Output = Self>
335 + Not<Output = Self>
336 + PartialOrd<Self>
337 + Ord
338 + Hash
339 + fmt::Debug
340 + fmt::Binary
341 + Copy
342 + Clone
343 {
344 const ONE: Self;
346 fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool;
347 fn count_ones(self) -> u32;
348 fn wrapping_neg(self) -> Self;
349 }
351 for_each_uint! { $ty $hide_docs =>
352 impl BitFlagNum for $ty {
353 const ONE: Self = 1;
355 fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool {
356 <$ty>::is_power_of_two(self)
357 }
359 fn count_ones(self) -> u32 {
360 <$ty>::count_ones(self)
361 }
363 fn wrapping_neg(self) -> Self {
364 <$ty>::wrapping_neg(self)
365 }
366 }
367 }
369 // Re-export libcore so the macro doesn't inject "extern crate" downstream.
370 pub mod core {
371 pub use core::{convert, ops, option};
372 }
374 pub struct AssertionSucceeded;
375 pub struct AssertionFailed;
376 pub trait ExactlyOneBitSet {
377 type X;
378 }
379 impl ExactlyOneBitSet for AssertionSucceeded {
380 type X = ();
381 }
383 pub trait AssertionHelper {
384 type Status;
385 }
387 impl AssertionHelper for [(); 1] {
388 type Status = AssertionSucceeded;
389 }
391 impl AssertionHelper for [(); 0] {
392 type Status = AssertionFailed;
393 }
395 pub const fn next_bit(x: u128) -> u128 {
396 1 << x.trailing_ones()
397 }
400use _internal::BitFlagNum;
402// Internal debug formatting implementations
403mod formatting;
405// impl TryFrom<T::Numeric> for BitFlags<T>
406mod fallible;
407pub use crate::fallible::FromBitsError;
409mod iter;
410pub use crate::iter::Iter;
412mod const_api;
413pub use crate::const_api::ConstToken;
415/// Represents a set of flags of some type `T`.
416/// `T` must have the `#[bitflags]` attribute applied.
418/// A `BitFlags<T>` is as large as the `T` itself,
419/// and stores one flag per bit.
421/// ## Comparison operators, [`PartialOrd`] and [`Ord`]
423/// To make it possible to use `BitFlags` as the key of a
424/// [`BTreeMap`][std::collections::BTreeMap], `BitFlags` implements
425/// [`Ord`]. There is no meaningful total order for bitflags,
426/// so the implementation simply compares the integer values of the bits.
428/// Unfortunately, this means that comparing `BitFlags` with an operator
429/// like `<=` will compile, and return values that are probably useless
430/// and not what you expect. In particular, `<=` does *not* check whether
431/// one value is a subset of the other. Use [`BitFlags::contains`] for that.
433/// ## Customizing `Default`
435/// By default, creating an instance of `BitFlags<T>` with `Default` will result
436/// in an empty set. If that's undesirable, you may customize this:
438/// ```
439/// # use enumflags2::{BitFlags, bitflags};
440/// #[bitflags(default = B | C)]
441/// #[repr(u8)]
442/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
443/// enum MyFlag {
444/// A = 0b0001,
445/// B = 0b0010,
446/// C = 0b0100,
447/// D = 0b1000,
448/// }
450/// assert_eq!(BitFlags::default(), MyFlag::B | MyFlag::C);
451/// ```
453/// ## Memory layout
455/// `BitFlags<T>` is marked with the `#[repr(transparent)]` trait, meaning
456/// it can be safely transmuted into the corresponding numeric type.
458/// Usually, the same can be achieved by using [`BitFlags::bits`] in one
459/// direction, and [`BitFlags::from_bits`], [`BitFlags::from_bits_truncate`],
460/// or [`BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked`] in the other direction. However,
461/// transmuting might still be useful if, for example, you're dealing with
462/// an entire array of `BitFlags`.
464/// When transmuting *into* a `BitFlags`, make sure that each set bit
465/// corresponds to an existing flag
466/// (cf. [`from_bits_unchecked`][BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked]).
468/// For example:
470/// ```
471/// # use enumflags2::{BitFlags, bitflags};
472/// #[bitflags]
473/// #[repr(u8)] // <-- the repr determines the numeric type
474/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
475/// enum TransmuteMe {
476/// One = 1 << 0,
477/// Two = 1 << 1,
478/// }
480/// # use std::slice;
481/// // NOTE: we use a small, self-contained function to handle the slice
482/// // conversion to make sure the lifetimes are right.
483/// fn transmute_slice<'a>(input: &'a [BitFlags<TransmuteMe>]) -> &'a [u8] {
484/// unsafe {
485/// slice::from_raw_parts(input.as_ptr() as *const u8, input.len())
486/// }
487/// }
489/// let many_flags = &[
490/// TransmuteMe::One.into(),
491/// TransmuteMe::One | TransmuteMe::Two,
492/// ];
494/// let as_nums = transmute_slice(many_flags);
495/// assert_eq!(as_nums, &[0b01, 0b11]);
496/// ```
498/// ## Implementation notes
500/// You might expect this struct to be defined as
502/// ```ignore
503/// struct BitFlags<T: BitFlag> {
504/// value: T::Numeric
505/// }
506/// ```
508/// Ideally, that would be the case. However, because `const fn`s cannot
509/// have trait bounds in current Rust, this would prevent us from providing
510/// most `const fn` APIs. As a workaround, we define `BitFlags` with two
511/// type parameters, with a default for the second one:
513/// ```ignore
514/// struct BitFlags<T, N = <T as BitFlag>::Numeric> {
515/// value: N,
516/// marker: PhantomData<T>,
517/// }
518/// ```
520/// Manually providing a type for the `N` type parameter shouldn't ever
521/// be necessary.
523/// The types substituted for `T` and `N` must always match, creating a
524/// `BitFlags` value where that isn't the case is only possible with
525/// incorrect unsafe code.
526#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
528pub struct BitFlags<T, N = <T as _internal::RawBitFlags>::Numeric> {
529 val: N,
530 marker: PhantomData<T>,
533/// `make_bitflags!` provides a succint syntax for creating instances of
534/// `BitFlags<T>`. Instead of repeating the name of your type for each flag
535/// you want to add, try `make_bitflags!(Flags::{Foo | Bar})`.
536/// ```
537/// use enumflags2::{bitflags, make_bitflags};
538/// #[bitflags]
539/// #[repr(u8)]
540/// #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
541/// enum Test {
542/// A = 1 << 0,
543/// B = 1 << 1,
544/// C = 1 << 2,
545/// }
546/// let x = make_bitflags!(Test::{A | C});
547/// assert_eq!(x, Test::A | Test::C);
548/// ```
550macro_rules! make_bitflags {
551 ( $enum:ident ::{ $($variant:ident)|* } ) => {
552 {
553 let mut n = 0;
554 $(
555 {
556 let flag: $enum = $enum::$variant;
557 n |= flag as <$enum as $crate::_internal::RawBitFlags>::Numeric;
558 }
559 )*
560 // SAFETY: The value has been created from numeric values of the underlying
561 // enum, so only valid bits are set.
562 unsafe { $crate::BitFlags::<$enum>::from_bits_unchecked_c(
563 n, $crate::BitFlags::CONST_TOKEN) }
564 }
565 }
568/// The default value returned is one with all flags unset, i. e. [`empty`][Self::empty],
569/// unless [customized](index.html#customizing-default).
570impl<T> Default for BitFlags<T>
572 T: BitFlag,
574 #[inline(always)]
575 fn default() -> Self {
576 BitFlags {
577 val: T::DEFAULT,
578 marker: PhantomData,
579 }
580 }
583impl<T: BitFlag> From<T> for BitFlags<T> {
584 #[inline(always)]
585 fn from(t: T) -> BitFlags<T> {
586 Self::from_flag(t)
587 }
590impl<T> BitFlags<T>
592 T: BitFlag,
594 /// Create a `BitFlags` if the raw value provided does not contain
595 /// any illegal flags.
596 ///
597 /// See also: [a convenience re-export in the `BitFlag` trait][BitFlag::from_bits],
598 /// which can help avoid the need for type hints.
599 ///
600 /// ```
601 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
602 /// #[bitflags]
603 /// #[repr(u8)]
604 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
605 /// enum MyFlag {
606 /// One = 1 << 0,
607 /// Two = 1 << 1,
608 /// Three = 1 << 2,
609 /// }
610 ///
611 /// let flags: BitFlags<MyFlag> = BitFlags::from_bits(0b11).unwrap();
612 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
613 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
614 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
615 /// let invalid = BitFlags::<MyFlag>::from_bits(1 << 3);
616 /// assert!(invalid.is_err());
617 /// ```
618 #[inline]
619 pub fn from_bits(bits: T::Numeric) -> Result<Self, FromBitsError<T>> {
620 let flags = Self::from_bits_truncate(bits);
621 if flags.bits() == bits {
622 Ok(flags)
623 } else {
624 Err(FromBitsError {
625 flags,
626 invalid: bits & !flags.bits(),
627 })
628 }
629 }
631 /// Create a `BitFlags` from an underlying bitwise value. If any
632 /// invalid bits are set, ignore them.
633 ///
634 /// See also: [a convenience re-export in the `BitFlag` trait][BitFlag::from_bits_truncate],
635 /// which can help avoid the need for type hints.
636 ///
637 /// ```
638 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
639 /// #[bitflags]
640 /// #[repr(u8)]
641 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
642 /// enum MyFlag {
643 /// One = 1 << 0,
644 /// Two = 1 << 1,
645 /// Three = 1 << 2,
646 /// }
647 ///
648 /// let flags: BitFlags<MyFlag> = BitFlags::from_bits_truncate(0b1_1011);
649 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
650 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
651 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
652 /// ```
653 #[must_use]
654 #[inline(always)]
655 pub fn from_bits_truncate(bits: T::Numeric) -> Self {
656 // SAFETY: We're truncating out all the invalid bits, so the remaining
657 // ones must be valid.
658 unsafe { BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked(bits & T::ALL_BITS) }
659 }
661 /// Create a new BitFlags unsafely, without checking if the bits form
662 /// a valid bit pattern for the type.
663 ///
664 /// Consider using [`from_bits`][BitFlags::from_bits]
665 /// or [`from_bits_truncate`][BitFlags::from_bits_truncate] instead.
666 ///
667 /// # Safety
668 ///
669 /// All bits set in `val` must correspond to a value of the enum.
670 ///
671 /// # Example
672 ///
673 /// ```
674 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
675 /// #[bitflags]
676 /// #[repr(u8)]
677 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
678 /// enum MyFlag {
679 /// One = 1 << 0,
680 /// Two = 1 << 1,
681 /// Three = 1 << 2,
682 /// }
683 ///
684 /// let flags: BitFlags<MyFlag> = unsafe {
685 /// BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0b011)
686 /// };
687 ///
688 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
689 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
690 /// assert_eq!(flags.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
691 /// ```
692 #[must_use]
693 #[inline(always)]
694 pub unsafe fn from_bits_unchecked(val: T::Numeric) -> Self {
695 BitFlags {
696 val,
697 marker: PhantomData,
698 }
699 }
701 /// Turn a `T` into a `BitFlags<T>`. Also available as `flag.into()`.
702 #[must_use]
703 #[inline(always)]
704 pub fn from_flag(flag: T) -> Self {
705 // SAFETY: A value of the underlying enum is valid by definition.
706 unsafe { Self::from_bits_unchecked(flag.bits()) }
707 }
709 /// Create a `BitFlags` with no flags set (in other words, with a value of `0`).
710 ///
711 /// See also: [`BitFlag::empty`], a convenience reexport;
712 /// [`BitFlags::EMPTY`], the same functionality available
713 /// as a constant for `const fn` code.
714 ///
715 /// ```
716 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
717 /// #[bitflags]
718 /// #[repr(u8)]
719 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
720 /// enum MyFlag {
721 /// One = 1 << 0,
722 /// Two = 1 << 1,
723 /// Three = 1 << 2,
724 /// }
725 ///
726 /// let empty: BitFlags<MyFlag> = BitFlags::empty();
727 /// assert!(empty.is_empty());
728 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::One), false);
729 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::Two), false);
730 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::Three), false);
731 /// ```
732 #[inline(always)]
733 pub fn empty() -> Self {
734 Self::EMPTY
735 }
737 /// Create a `BitFlags` with all flags set.
738 ///
739 /// See also: [`BitFlag::all`], a convenience reexport;
740 /// [`BitFlags::ALL`], the same functionality available
741 /// as a constant for `const fn` code.
742 ///
743 /// ```
744 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
745 /// #[bitflags]
746 /// #[repr(u8)]
747 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
748 /// enum MyFlag {
749 /// One = 1 << 0,
750 /// Two = 1 << 1,
751 /// Three = 1 << 2,
752 /// }
753 ///
754 /// let empty: BitFlags<MyFlag> = BitFlags::all();
755 /// assert!(empty.is_all());
756 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::One), true);
757 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::Two), true);
758 /// assert_eq!(empty.contains(MyFlag::Three), true);
759 /// ```
760 #[inline(always)]
761 pub fn all() -> Self {
762 Self::ALL
763 }
765 /// Returns true if all flags are set
766 #[inline(always)]
767 pub fn is_all(self) -> bool {
768 self.val == T::ALL_BITS
769 }
771 /// Returns true if no flag is set
772 #[inline(always)]
773 pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
774 self.val == T::EMPTY
775 }
777 /// Returns the number of flags set.
778 #[inline(always)]
779 pub fn len(self) -> usize {
780 self.val.count_ones() as usize
781 }
783 /// If exactly one flag is set, the flag is returned. Otherwise, returns `None`.
784 ///
785 /// See also [`Itertools::exactly_one`](https://docs.rs/itertools/latest/itertools/trait.Itertools.html#method.exactly_one).
786 #[inline(always)]
787 pub fn exactly_one(self) -> Option<T> {
788 if self.val.is_power_of_two() {
789 // SAFETY: By the invariant of the BitFlags type, all bits are valid
790 // in isolation for the underlying enum.
791 Some(unsafe { core::mem::transmute_copy(&self.val) })
792 } else {
793 None
794 }
795 }
797 /// Returns the underlying bitwise value.
798 ///
799 /// ```
800 /// # use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
801 /// #[bitflags]
802 /// #[repr(u8)]
803 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
804 /// enum Flags {
805 /// Foo = 1 << 0,
806 /// Bar = 1 << 1,
807 /// }
808 ///
809 /// let both_flags = Flags::Foo | Flags::Bar;
810 /// assert_eq!(both_flags.bits(), 0b11);
811 /// ```
812 #[inline(always)]
813 pub fn bits(self) -> T::Numeric {
814 self.val
815 }
817 /// Returns true if at least one flag is shared.
818 #[inline(always)]
819 pub fn intersects<B: Into<BitFlags<T>>>(self, other: B) -> bool {
820 (self.bits() & other.into().bits()) != Self::EMPTY.val
821 }
823 /// Returns true if all flags are contained.
824 #[inline(always)]
825 pub fn contains<B: Into<BitFlags<T>>>(self, other: B) -> bool {
826 let other = other.into();
827 (self.bits() & other.bits()) == other.bits()
828 }
830 /// Toggles the matching bits
831 #[inline(always)]
832 pub fn toggle<B: Into<BitFlags<T>>>(&mut self, other: B) {
833 *self ^= other.into();
834 }
836 /// Inserts the flags into the BitFlag
837 #[inline(always)]
838 pub fn insert<B: Into<BitFlags<T>>>(&mut self, other: B) {
839 *self |= other.into();
840 }
842 /// Removes the matching flags
843 #[inline(always)]
844 pub fn remove<B: Into<BitFlags<T>>>(&mut self, other: B) {
845 *self &= !other.into();
846 }
848 /// Inserts if `cond` holds, else removes
849 ///
850 /// ```
851 /// # use enumflags2::bitflags;
852 /// #[bitflags]
853 /// #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
854 /// #[repr(u8)]
855 /// enum MyFlag {
856 /// A = 1 << 0,
857 /// B = 1 << 1,
858 /// C = 1 << 2,
859 /// }
860 ///
861 /// let mut state = MyFlag::A | MyFlag::C;
862 /// state.set(MyFlag::A | MyFlag::B, false);
863 ///
864 /// // Because the condition was false, both
865 /// // `A` and `B` are removed from the set
866 /// assert_eq!(state, MyFlag::C);
867 /// ```
868 #[inline(always)]
869 pub fn set<B: Into<BitFlags<T>>>(&mut self, other: B, cond: bool) {
870 if cond {
871 self.insert(other);
872 } else {
873 self.remove(other);
874 }
875 }
878impl<T, N: PartialEq> PartialEq for BitFlags<T, N> {
879 #[inline(always)]
880 fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
881 self.val == other.val
882 }
885impl<T, N: Eq> Eq for BitFlags<T, N> {}
887impl<T, N: PartialOrd> PartialOrd for BitFlags<T, N> {
888 #[inline(always)]
889 fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
890 self.val.partial_cmp(&other.val)
891 }
894impl<T, N: Ord> Ord for BitFlags<T, N> {
895 #[inline(always)]
896 fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
897 self.val.cmp(&other.val)
898 }
901// Clippy complains when Hash is derived while PartialEq is implemented manually
902impl<T, N: Hash> Hash for BitFlags<T, N> {
903 #[inline(always)]
904 fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
905 self.val.hash(state)
906 }
909impl<T> cmp::PartialEq<T> for BitFlags<T>
911 T: BitFlag,
913 #[inline(always)]
914 fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool {
915 self.bits() == Into::<Self>::into(*other).bits()
916 }
919impl<T, B> ops::BitOr<B> for BitFlags<T>
921 T: BitFlag,
922 B: Into<BitFlags<T>>,
924 type Output = BitFlags<T>;
925 #[inline(always)]
926 fn bitor(self, other: B) -> BitFlags<T> {
927 // SAFETY: The two operands are known to be composed of valid bits,
928 // and 0 | 0 = 0 in the columns of the invalid bits.
929 unsafe { BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked(self.bits() | other.into().bits()) }
930 }
933impl<T, B> ops::BitAnd<B> for BitFlags<T>
935 T: BitFlag,
936 B: Into<BitFlags<T>>,
938 type Output = BitFlags<T>;
939 #[inline(always)]
940 fn bitand(self, other: B) -> BitFlags<T> {
941 // SAFETY: The two operands are known to be composed of valid bits,
942 // and 0 & 0 = 0 in the columns of the invalid bits.
943 unsafe { BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked(self.bits() & other.into().bits()) }
944 }
947impl<T, B> ops::BitXor<B> for BitFlags<T>
949 T: BitFlag,
950 B: Into<BitFlags<T>>,
952 type Output = BitFlags<T>;
953 #[inline(always)]
954 fn bitxor(self, other: B) -> BitFlags<T> {
955 // SAFETY: The two operands are known to be composed of valid bits,
956 // and 0 ^ 0 = 0 in the columns of the invalid bits.
957 unsafe { BitFlags::from_bits_unchecked(self.bits() ^ other.into().bits()) }
958 }
961impl<T, B> ops::BitOrAssign<B> for BitFlags<T>
963 T: BitFlag,
964 B: Into<BitFlags<T>>,
966 #[inline(always)]
967 fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: B) {
968 *self = *self | other;
969 }
972impl<T, B> ops::BitAndAssign<B> for BitFlags<T>
974 T: BitFlag,
975 B: Into<BitFlags<T>>,
977 #[inline(always)]
978 fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: B) {
979 *self = *self & other;
980 }
982impl<T, B> ops::BitXorAssign<B> for BitFlags<T>
984 T: BitFlag,
985 B: Into<BitFlags<T>>,
987 #[inline(always)]
988 fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: B) {
989 *self = *self ^ other;
990 }
993impl<T> ops::Not for BitFlags<T>
995 T: BitFlag,
997 type Output = BitFlags<T>;
998 #[inline(always)]
999 fn not(self) -> BitFlags<T> {
1000 BitFlags::from_bits_truncate(!self.bits())
1001 }
1004#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
1005mod impl_serde {
1006 use super::{BitFlag, BitFlags};
1007 use serde::de::{Error, Unexpected};
1008 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
1010 impl<'a, T> Deserialize<'a> for BitFlags<T>
1011 where
1012 T: BitFlag,
1013 T::Numeric: Deserialize<'a> + Into<u64>,
1014 {
1015 fn deserialize<D: serde::Deserializer<'a>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
1016 let val = T::Numeric::deserialize(d)?;
1017 Self::from_bits(val).map_err(|_| {
1018 D::Error::invalid_value(
1019 Unexpected::Unsigned(val.into()),
1020 &"valid bit representation",
1021 )
1022 })
1023 }
1024 }
1026 impl<T> Serialize for BitFlags<T>
1027 where
1028 T: BitFlag,
1029 T::Numeric: Serialize,
1030 {
1031 fn serialize<S: serde::Serializer>(&self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
1032 T::Numeric::serialize(&self.val, s)
1033 }
1034 }