1// `bytes`, `next_chr`, `parse_lit_str`, `parse_lit_str_cooked` and `parse_lit_str_raw` are adapted
2// from syn:
3// https://github.com/dtolnay/syn/blob/362ee2d02df3f1b2e74c7b7a4cf2ed3c106404c9/src/lit.rs#L1062-L1167
4// and
5// https://github.com/dtolnay/syn/blob/362ee2d02df3f1b2e74c7b7a4cf2ed3c106404c9/src/lit.rs#L1327-L1388
7/// Get the byte at offset idx, or a default of `b'\0'` if we're looking
8/// past the end of the input buffer.
9fn byte(s: &str, idx: usize) -> u8 {
10 if idx < s.len() {
11 s.as_bytes()[idx]
12 } else {
13 0
14 }
17fn next_chr(s: &str) -> char {
18 s.chars().next().unwrap_or(default:'\0')
21// Returns (content, suffix).
22fn parse_lit_str(s: &str) -> String {
23 match byte(s, idx:0) {
24 b'"' => parse_lit_str_cooked(s),
25 b'r' => parse_lit_str_raw(s),
26 _ => unreachable!(),
27 }
30// Clippy false positive
31// https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy/issues/2329
33fn parse_lit_str_cooked(mut s: &str) -> String {
34 assert_eq!(byte(s, 0), b'"');
35 s = &s[1..];
37 let mut content = String::new();
38 'outer: loop {
39 let ch = match byte(s, 0) {
40 b'"' => break,
41 b'\\' => {
42 let b = byte(s, 1);
43 s = &s[2..];
44 match b {
45 b'x' => {
46 let (byte, rest) = backslash_x(s);
47 s = rest;
48 assert!(byte <= 0x80, "Invalid \\x byte in string literal");
49 char::from_u32(u32::from(byte)).unwrap()
50 }
51 b'u' => {
52 let (chr, rest) = backslash_u(s);
53 s = rest;
54 chr
55 }
56 b'n' => '\n',
57 b'r' => '\r',
58 b't' => '\t',
59 b'\\' => '\\',
60 b'0' => '\0',
61 b'\'' => '\'',
62 b'"' => '"',
63 b'\r' | b'\n' => loop {
64 let ch = next_chr(s);
65 if ch.is_whitespace() {
66 s = &s[ch.len_utf8()..];
67 } else {
68 continue 'outer;
69 }
70 },
71 b => panic!("unexpected byte {:?} after \\ character in byte literal", b),
72 }
73 }
74 b'\r' => {
75 assert_eq!(byte(s, 1), b'\n', "Bare CR not allowed in string");
76 s = &s[2..];
77 '\n'
78 }
79 _ => {
80 let ch = next_chr(s);
81 s = &s[ch.len_utf8()..];
82 ch
83 }
84 };
85 content.push(ch);
86 }
88 assert!(s.starts_with('"'));
89 content
92fn parse_lit_str_raw(mut s: &str) -> String {
93 assert_eq!(byte(s, 0), b'r');
94 s = &s[1..];
96 let mut pounds: usize = 0;
97 while byte(s, idx:pounds) == b'#' {
98 pounds += 1;
99 }
100 assert_eq!(byte(s, pounds), b'"');
101 let close: usize = s.rfind('"').unwrap();
102 for end: u8 in s[close + 1..close + 1 + pounds].bytes() {
103 assert_eq!(end, b'#');
104 }
106 s[pounds + 1..close].to_owned()
109fn backslash_x(s: &str) -> (u8, &str) {
110 let mut ch: u8 = 0;
111 let b0: u8 = byte(s, idx:0);
112 let b1: u8 = byte(s, idx:1);
113 ch += 0x10
114 * match b0 {
115 b'0'..=b'9' => b0 - b'0',
116 b'a'..=b'f' => 10 + (b0 - b'a'),
117 b'A'..=b'F' => 10 + (b0 - b'A'),
118 _ => panic!("unexpected non-hex character after \\x"),
119 };
120 ch += match b1 {
121 b'0'..=b'9' => b1 - b'0',
122 b'a'..=b'f' => 10 + (b1 - b'a'),
123 b'A'..=b'F' => 10 + (b1 - b'A'),
124 _ => panic!("unexpected non-hex character after \\x"),
125 };
126 (ch, &s[2..])
129fn backslash_u(mut s: &str) -> (char, &str) {
130 if byte(s, 0) != b'{' {
131 panic!("{}", "expected { after \\u");
132 }
133 s = &s[1..];
135 let mut ch = 0;
136 let mut digits = 0;
137 loop {
138 let b = byte(s, 0);
139 let digit = match b {
140 b'0'..=b'9' => b - b'0',
141 b'a'..=b'f' => 10 + b - b'a',
142 b'A'..=b'F' => 10 + b - b'A',
143 b'_' if digits > 0 => {
144 s = &s[1..];
145 continue;
146 }
147 b'}' if digits == 0 => panic!("invalid empty unicode escape"),
148 b'}' => break,
149 _ => panic!("unexpected non-hex character after \\u"),
150 };
151 if digits == 6 {
152 panic!("overlong unicode escape (must have at most 6 hex digits)");
153 }
154 ch *= 0x10;
155 ch += u32::from(digit);
156 digits += 1;
157 s = &s[1..];
158 }
159 assert!(byte(s, 0) == b'}');
160 s = &s[1..];
162 if let Some(ch) = char::from_u32(ch) {
163 (ch, s)
164 } else {
165 panic!("character code {:x} is not a valid unicode character", ch);
166 }
169// End of code adapted from syn
171pub fn parse_lit_str_token(mut stream: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> String {
172 loop {
173 let mut iter: IntoIter = stream.into_iter();
174 let token: TokenTree = iter.next().expect(msg:"expected string argument");
175 assert!(iter.next().is_none(), "unexpected trailing token");
176 let literal: Literal = match token {
177 proc_macro::TokenTree::Literal(literal: Literal) => literal,
178 proc_macro::TokenTree::Group(group: Group) => {
179 stream = group.stream();
180 continue;
181 }
182 _ => panic!("expected string argument found `{:?}`", token),
183 };
184 return parse_lit_str(&literal.to_string());
185 }