1use crate::Encoding;
2use crate::reader::lexer::Token;
4use std::borrow::Cow;
5use std::error;
6use std::error::Error as _;
7use std::fmt;
8use std::io;
9use std::str;
11use crate::common::{Position, TextPosition};
12use crate::util;
15pub enum ErrorKind {
16 Syntax(Cow<'static, str>),
17 Io(io::Error),
18 Utf8(str::Utf8Error),
19 UnexpectedEof,
22#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
24pub(crate) enum SyntaxError {
25 CannotRedefineXmlnsPrefix,
26 CannotRedefineXmlPrefix,
27 /// Recursive custom entity expanded to too many chars, it could be DoS
28 EntityTooBig,
29 EmptyEntity,
30 NoRootElement,
31 ProcessingInstructionWithoutName,
32 UnbalancedRootElement,
33 UnexpectedEof,
34 UnexpectedOpeningTag,
35 /// Missing `]]>`
36 UnclosedCdata,
37 UnexpectedQualifiedName(Token),
38 UnexpectedTokenOutsideRoot(Token),
39 UnexpectedToken(Token),
40 UnexpectedTokenInEntity(Token),
41 UnexpectedTokenInClosingTag(Token),
42 UnexpectedTokenInOpeningTag(Token),
43 InvalidQualifiedName(Box<str>),
44 UnboundAttribute(Box<str>),
45 UnboundElementPrefix(Box<str>),
46 UnexpectedClosingTag(Box<str>),
47 UnexpectedName(Box<str>),
48 /// Found <?xml-like PI not at the beginning of a document,
49 /// which is an error, see section 2.6 of XML 1.1 spec
50 UnexpectedProcessingInstruction(Box<str>, Token),
51 CannotUndefinePrefix(Box<str>),
52 InvalidCharacterEntity(u32),
53 InvalidDefaultNamespace(Box<str>),
54 InvalidNamePrefix(Box<str>),
55 InvalidNumericEntity(Box<str>),
56 InvalidStandaloneDeclaration(Box<str>),
57 InvalidXmlProcessingInstruction(Box<str>),
58 RedefinedAttribute(Box<str>),
59 UndefinedEntity(Box<str>),
60 UnexpectedEntity(Box<str>),
61 UnexpectedNameInsideXml(Box<str>),
62 UnsupportedEncoding(Box<str>),
63 /// In DTD
64 UnknownMarkupDeclaration(Box<str>),
65 UnexpectedXmlVersion(Box<str>),
66 ConflictingEncoding(Encoding, Encoding),
67 UnexpectedTokenBefore(&'static str, char),
68 /// Document has more stuff than `ParserConfig` allows
69 ExceededConfiguredLimit,
72impl fmt::Display for SyntaxError {
73 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
74 self.to_cow().fmt(f)
75 }
78impl SyntaxError {
79 #[inline(never)]
80 #[cold]
81 pub(crate) fn to_cow(&self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
82 match *self {
83 Self::CannotRedefineXmlnsPrefix => "Cannot redefine XMLNS prefix".into(),
84 Self::CannotRedefineXmlPrefix => "Default XMLNS prefix cannot be rebound to another value".into(),
85 Self::EmptyEntity => "Encountered empty entity".into(),
86 Self::EntityTooBig => "Entity too big".into(),
87 Self::NoRootElement => "Unexpected end of stream: no root element found".into(),
88 Self::ProcessingInstructionWithoutName => "Encountered processing instruction without a name".into(),
89 Self::UnbalancedRootElement => "Unexpected end of stream: still inside the root element".into(),
90 Self::UnclosedCdata => "Unclosed <![CDATA[".into(),
91 Self::UnexpectedEof => "Unexpected end of stream".into(),
92 Self::UnexpectedOpeningTag => "'<' is not allowed in attributes".into(),
93 Self::CannotUndefinePrefix(ref ln) => format!("Cannot undefine prefix '{ln}'").into(),
94 Self::ConflictingEncoding(a, b) => format!("Declared encoding {a}, but uses {b}").into(),
95 Self::InvalidCharacterEntity(num) => format!("Invalid character U+{num:04X}").into(),
96 Self::InvalidDefaultNamespace(ref name) => format!( "Namespace '{name}' cannot be default").into(),
97 Self::InvalidNamePrefix(ref prefix) => format!("'{prefix}' cannot be an element name prefix").into(),
98 Self::InvalidNumericEntity(ref v) => format!("Invalid numeric entity: {v}").into(),
99 Self::InvalidQualifiedName(ref e) => format!("Qualified name is invalid: {e}").into(),
100 Self::InvalidStandaloneDeclaration(ref value) => format!("Invalid standalone declaration value: {value}").into(),
101 Self::InvalidXmlProcessingInstruction(ref name) => format!("Invalid processing instruction: <?{name} - \"<?xml\"-like PI is only valid at the beginning of the document").into(),
102 Self::RedefinedAttribute(ref name) => format!("Attribute '{name}' is redefined").into(),
103 Self::UnboundAttribute(ref name) => format!("Attribute {name} prefix is unbound").into(),
104 Self::UnboundElementPrefix(ref name) => format!("Element {name} prefix is unbound").into(),
105 Self::UndefinedEntity(ref v) => format!("Undefined entity: {v}").into(),
106 Self::UnexpectedClosingTag(ref expected_got) => format!("Unexpected closing tag: {expected_got}").into(),
107 Self::UnexpectedEntity(ref name) => format!("Unexpected entity: {name}").into(),
108 Self::UnexpectedName(ref name) => format!("Unexpected name: {name}").into(),
109 Self::UnexpectedNameInsideXml(ref name) => format!("Unexpected name inside XML declaration: {name}").into(),
110 Self::UnexpectedProcessingInstruction(ref buf, token) => format!("Unexpected token inside processing instruction: <?{buf}{token}").into(),
111 Self::UnexpectedQualifiedName(e) => format!("Unexpected token inside qualified name: {e}").into(),
112 Self::UnexpectedToken(token) => format!("Unexpected token: {token}").into(),
113 Self::UnexpectedTokenBefore(before, c) => format!("Unexpected token '{before}' before '{c}'").into(),
114 Self::UnexpectedTokenInClosingTag(token) => format!("Unexpected token inside closing tag: {token}").into(),
115 Self::UnexpectedTokenInEntity(token) => format!("Unexpected token inside entity: {token}").into(),
116 Self::UnexpectedTokenInOpeningTag(token) => format!("Unexpected token inside opening tag: {token}").into(),
117 Self::UnexpectedTokenOutsideRoot(token) => format!("Unexpected characters outside the root element: {token}").into(),
118 Self::UnexpectedXmlVersion(ref version) => format!("Invalid XML version: {version}").into(),
119 Self::UnknownMarkupDeclaration(ref v) => format!("Unknown markup declaration: {v}").into(),
120 Self::UnsupportedEncoding(ref v) => format!("Unsupported encoding: {v}").into(),
121 Self::ExceededConfiguredLimit => "This document is larger/more complex than allowed by the parser's configuration".into(),
122 }
123 }
126/// An XML parsing error.
128/// Consists of a 2D position in a document and a textual message describing the error.
129#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
130pub struct Error {
131 pub(crate) pos: TextPosition,
132 pub(crate) kind: ErrorKind,
135impl fmt::Display for Error {
136 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
137 use self::ErrorKind::{Io, Syntax, UnexpectedEof, Utf8};
139 write!(f, "{} ", self.pos)?;
140 match &self.kind {
141 Io(io_error: &Error) => io_error.fmt(f),
142 Utf8(reason: &Utf8Error) => reason.fmt(f),
143 Syntax(msg: &Cow<'_, str>) => f.write_str(data:msg),
144 UnexpectedEof => f.write_str(data:"Unexpected EOF"),
145 }
146 }
149impl Position for Error {
150 #[inline]
151 fn position(&self) -> TextPosition { self.pos }
154impl Error {
155 /// Returns a reference to a message which is contained inside this error.
156 #[cold]
157 #[doc(hidden)]
158 #[allow(deprecated)]
159 #[must_use] pub fn msg(&self) -> &str {
160 use self::ErrorKind::{Io, Syntax, UnexpectedEof, Utf8};
161 match &self.kind {
162 Io(io_error: &Error) => io_error.description(),
163 Utf8(reason: &Utf8Error) => reason.description(),
164 Syntax(msg: &Cow<'_, str>) => msg.as_ref(),
165 UnexpectedEof => "Unexpected EOF",
166 }
167 }
169 #[must_use]
170 #[inline]
171 pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind {
172 &self.kind
173 }
176impl error::Error for Error {
177 #[allow(deprecated)]
178 #[cold]
179 fn description(&self) -> &str { self.msg() }
182impl<'a, P, M> From<(&'a P, M)> for Error where P: Position, M: Into<Cow<'static, str>> {
183 #[cold]
184 fn from(orig: (&'a P, M)) -> Self {
185 Error {
186 pos: orig.0.position(),
187 kind: ErrorKind::Syntax(orig.1.into()),
188 }
189 }
192impl From<util::CharReadError> for Error {
193 #[cold]
194 fn from(e: util::CharReadError) -> Self {
195 use crate::util::CharReadError::{Io, UnexpectedEof, Utf8};
196 Error {
197 pos: TextPosition::new(),
198 kind: match e {
199 UnexpectedEof => ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof,
200 Utf8(reason: Utf8Error) => ErrorKind::Utf8(reason),
201 Io(io_error: Error) => ErrorKind::Io(io_error),
202 },
203 }
204 }
207impl From<io::Error> for Error {
208 #[cold]
209 fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self {
210 Error {
211 pos: TextPosition::new(),
212 kind: ErrorKind::Io(e),
213 }
214 }
217impl Clone for ErrorKind {
218 #[cold]
219 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
220 use self::ErrorKind::{Io, Syntax, UnexpectedEof, Utf8};
221 match self {
222 UnexpectedEof => UnexpectedEof,
223 Utf8(reason: &Utf8Error) => Utf8(*reason),
224 Io(io_error: &Error) => Io(io::Error::new(io_error.kind(), error:io_error.to_string())),
225 Syntax(msg: &Cow<'_, str>) => Syntax(msg.clone()),
226 }
227 }
229impl PartialEq for ErrorKind {
230 #[allow(deprecated)]
231 fn eq(&self, other: &ErrorKind) -> bool {
232 use self::ErrorKind::{Io, Syntax, UnexpectedEof, Utf8};
233 match (self, other) {
234 (UnexpectedEof, UnexpectedEof) => true,
235 (Utf8(left: &Utf8Error), Utf8(right: &Utf8Error)) => left == right,
236 (Io(left: &Error), Io(right: &Error)) =>
237 left.kind() == right.kind() &&
238 left.description() == right.description(),
239 (Syntax(left: &Cow<'_, str>), Syntax(right: &Cow<'_, str>)) =>
240 left == right,
242 (_, _) => false,
243 }
244 }
246impl Eq for ErrorKind {}
249fn err_size() {
250 assert!(std::mem::size_of::<SyntaxError>() <= 24);