1// This is a regression test for a bug in how special states are handled. The
2// fuzzer found a case where a state returned true for 'is_special_state' but
3// *didn't* return true for 'is_dead_state', 'is_quit_state', 'is_match_state',
4// 'is_start_state' or 'is_accel_state'. This in turn tripped a debug assertion
5// in the core matching loop that requires 'is_special_state' being true to
6// imply that one of the other routines returns true.
8// We fixed this by adding some validation to both dense and sparse DFAs that
9// checks that this property is true for every state ID in the DFA.
11fn invalid_special_state() {
12 let data = include_bytes!(
13 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-a1b839d899ced76d5d7d0f78f9edb7a421505838",
14 );
15 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
18// This is an interesting case where a fuzzer generated a DFA with
19// a transition to a state ID that decoded as a valid state, but
20// where the ID itself did not point to one of the two existing
21// states for this particular DFA. This combined with marking this
22// transition's state ID as special but without actually making one of the
23// 'is_{dead,quit,match,start,accel}_state' predicates return true ended up
24// tripping the 'debug_assert(dfa.is_quit_state(sid))' code in the search
25// routine.
27// We fixed this in alloc mode by checking that every transition points to a
28// valid state ID. Technically this bug still exists in core-only mode, but
29// it's not clear how to fix it. And it's worth pointing out that the search
30// routine won't panic in production. It will just provide invalid results. And
31// that's acceptable within the contract of DFA::from_bytes.
33fn transition_to_invalid_but_valid_state() {
34 let data = include_bytes!(
35 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-dbb8172d3984e7e7d03f4b5f8bb86ecd1460eff9",
36 );
37 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
40// Another one caught by the fuzzer where it generated a DFA that reported a
41// start state as a match state. Since matches are always delayed by one byte,
42// start states specifically cannot be match states. And indeed, the search
43// code relies on this.
45fn start_state_is_not_match_state() {
46 let data = include_bytes!(
47 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-0da59c0434eaf35e5a6b470fa9244bb79c72b000",
48 );
49 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
52// This is variation on 'transition_to_invalid_but_valid_state', but happens
53// to a start state. Namely, the fuzz data here builds a DFA with a start
54// state ID that is incorrect but points to a sequence of bytes that satisfies
55// state decoding validation. This errant state in turn has a non-zero number
56// of transitions, and its those transitions that point to a state that does
57// *not* satisfy state decoding validation. But we never checked those. So the
58// fix here was to add validation of the transitions off of the start state.
60fn start_state_has_valid_transitions() {
61 let data = include_bytes!(
62 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-61fd8e3003bf9d99f6c1e5a8488727eefd234b98",
63 );
64 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
67// This fuzz input generated a DFA with a state whose ID was in the match state
68// ID range, but where the state itself was encoded with zero pattern IDs. We
69// added validation code to check this case.
71fn match_state_inconsistency() {
72 let data = include_bytes!(
73 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-c383ae07ec5e191422eadc492117439011816570",
74 );
75 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
78// This fuzz input generated a DFA with a state whose ID was in the accelerator
79// range, but who didn't have any accelerators. This violated an invariant that
80// assumes that if 'dfa.is_accel_state(sid)' returns true, then the state must
81// have some accelerators.
83fn invalid_accelerators() {
84 let data = include_bytes!(
85 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-d07703ceb94b10dcd9e4acb809f2051420449e2b",
86 );
87 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
90// This fuzz input generated a DFA with a state whose EOI transition led to
91// a quit state, which is generally considered illegal. Why? Because the EOI
92// transition is defined over a special sentinel alphabet element and one
93// cannot configure a DFA to "quit" on that sentinel.
95fn eoi_transition_to_quit_state() {
96 let data = include_bytes!(
97 "testdata/deserialize_sparse_crash-18cfc246f2ddfc3dfc92b0c7893178c7cf65efa9",
98 );
99 let _ = fuzz_run(data);
102// This is the code from the fuzz target. Kind of sucks to duplicate it here,
103// but this is fundamentally how we interpret the date.
104fn fuzz_run(given_data: &[u8]) -> Option<()> {
105 use regex_automata::dfa::Automaton;
107 if given_data.len() < 2 {
108 return None;
109 }
110 let haystack_len = usize::from(given_data[0]);
111 let haystack = given_data.get(1..1 + haystack_len)?;
112 let given_dfa_bytes = given_data.get(1 + haystack_len..)?;
114 // We help the fuzzer along by adding a preamble to the bytes that should
115 // at least make these first parts valid. The preamble expects a very
116 // specific sequence of bytes, so it makes sense to just force this.
117 let label = "rust-regex-automata-dfa-sparse\x00\x00";
118 assert_eq!(0, label.len() % 4);
119 let endianness_check = 0xFEFFu32.to_ne_bytes().to_vec();
120 let version_check = 2u32.to_ne_bytes().to_vec();
121 let mut dfa_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
122 dfa_bytes.extend(label.as_bytes());
123 dfa_bytes.extend(&endianness_check);
124 dfa_bytes.extend(&version_check);
125 dfa_bytes.extend(given_dfa_bytes);
126 // This is the real test: checking that any input we give to
127 // DFA::from_bytes will never result in a panic.
128 let (dfa, _) =
129 regex_automata::dfa::sparse::DFA::from_bytes(&dfa_bytes).ok()?;
130 let _ = dfa.try_search_fwd(&regex_automata::Input::new(haystack));
131 Some(())