1//===--- NoRecursionCheck.cpp - clang-tidy --------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "NoRecursionCheck.h"
10#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
11#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
12#include "clang/Analysis/CallGraph.h"
13#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
16using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
18namespace clang::tidy::misc {
20namespace {
22/// Much like SmallSet, with two differences:
23/// 1. It can *only* be constructed from an ArrayRef<>. If the element count
24/// is small, there is no copy and said storage *must* outlive us.
25/// 2. it is immutable, the way it was constructed it will stay.
26template <typename T, unsigned SmallSize> class ImmutableSmallSet {
27 ArrayRef<T> Vector;
28 llvm::DenseSet<T> Set;
30 static_assert(SmallSize <= 32, "N should be small");
32 bool isSmall() const { return Set.empty(); }
35 using size_type = size_t;
37 ImmutableSmallSet() = delete;
38 ImmutableSmallSet(const ImmutableSmallSet &) = delete;
39 ImmutableSmallSet(ImmutableSmallSet &&) = delete;
40 T &operator=(const ImmutableSmallSet &) = delete;
41 T &operator=(ImmutableSmallSet &&) = delete;
43 // WARNING: Storage *must* outlive us if we decide that the size is small.
44 ImmutableSmallSet(ArrayRef<T> Storage) {
45 // Is size small-enough to just keep using the existing storage?
46 if (Storage.size() <= SmallSize) {
47 Vector = Storage;
48 return;
49 }
51 // We've decided that it isn't performant to keep using vector.
52 // Let's migrate the data into Set.
53 Set.reserve(Storage.size());
54 Set.insert(Storage.begin(), Storage.end());
55 }
57 /// count - Return 1 if the element is in the set, 0 otherwise.
58 size_type count(const T &V) const {
59 if (isSmall()) {
60 // Since the collection is small, just do a linear search.
61 return llvm::is_contained(Vector, V) ? 1 : 0;
62 }
64 return Set.count(V);
65 }
68/// Much like SmallSetVector, but with one difference:
69/// when the size is \p SmallSize or less, when checking whether an element is
70/// already in the set or not, we perform linear search over the vector,
71/// but if the size is larger than \p SmallSize, we look in set.
72/// FIXME: upstream this into SetVector/SmallSetVector itself.
73template <typename T, unsigned SmallSize> class SmartSmallSetVector {
75 using size_type = size_t;
78 SmallVector<T, SmallSize> Vector;
79 llvm::DenseSet<T> Set;
81 static_assert(SmallSize <= 32, "N should be small");
83 // Are we still using Vector for uniqness tracking?
84 bool isSmall() const { return Set.empty(); }
86 // Will one more entry cause Vector to switch away from small-size storage?
87 bool entiretyOfVectorSmallSizeIsOccupied() const {
88 assert(isSmall() && Vector.size() <= SmallSize &&
89 "Shouldn't ask if we have already [should have] migrated into Set.");
90 return Vector.size() == SmallSize;
91 }
93 void populateSet() {
94 assert(Set.empty() && "Should not have already utilized the Set.");
95 // Magical growth factor prediction - to how many elements do we expect to
96 // sanely grow after switching away from small-size storage?
97 const size_t NewMaxElts = 4 * Vector.size();
98 Vector.reserve(NewMaxElts);
99 Set.reserve(NewMaxElts);
100 Set.insert(Vector.begin(), Vector.end());
101 }
103 /// count - Return 1 if the element is in the set, 0 otherwise.
104 size_type count(const T &V) const {
105 if (isSmall()) {
106 // Since the collection is small, just do a linear search.
107 return llvm::is_contained(Vector, V) ? 1 : 0;
108 }
109 // Look-up in the Set.
110 return Set.count(V);
111 }
113 bool setInsert(const T &V) {
114 if (count(V) != 0)
115 return false; // Already exists.
116 // Does not exist, Can/need to record it.
117 if (isSmall()) { // Are we still using Vector for uniqness tracking?
118 // Will one more entry fit within small-sized Vector?
119 if (!entiretyOfVectorSmallSizeIsOccupied())
120 return true; // We'll insert into vector right afterwards anyway.
121 // Time to switch to Set.
122 populateSet();
123 }
124 // Set time!
125 // Note that this must be after `populateSet()` might have been called.
126 bool SetInsertionSucceeded = Set.insert(V).second;
127 (void)SetInsertionSucceeded;
128 assert(SetInsertionSucceeded && "We did check that no such value existed");
129 return true;
130 }
133 /// Insert a new element into the SmartSmallSetVector.
134 /// \returns true if the element was inserted into the SmartSmallSetVector.
135 bool insert(const T &X) {
136 bool Result = setInsert(X);
137 if (Result)
138 Vector.push_back(X);
139 return Result;
140 }
142 /// Clear the SmartSmallSetVector and return the underlying vector.
143 decltype(Vector) takeVector() {
144 Set.clear();
145 return std::move(Vector);
146 }
149constexpr unsigned SmallCallStackSize = 16;
150constexpr unsigned SmallSCCSize = 32;
152using CallStackTy =
153 llvm::SmallVector<CallGraphNode::CallRecord, SmallCallStackSize>;
155// In given SCC, find *some* call stack that will be cyclic.
156// This will only find *one* such stack, it might not be the smallest one,
157// and there may be other loops.
158CallStackTy pathfindSomeCycle(ArrayRef<CallGraphNode *> SCC) {
159 // We'll need to be able to performantly look up whether some CallGraphNode
160 // is in SCC or not, so cache all the SCC elements in a set.
161 const ImmutableSmallSet<CallGraphNode *, SmallSCCSize> SCCElts(SCC);
163 // Is node N part if the current SCC?
164 auto NodeIsPartOfSCC = [&SCCElts](CallGraphNode *N) {
165 return SCCElts.count(V: N) != 0;
166 };
168 // Track the call stack that will cause a cycle.
169 SmartSmallSetVector<CallGraphNode::CallRecord, SmallCallStackSize>
170 CallStackSet;
172 // Arbitrarily take the first element of SCC as entry point.
173 CallGraphNode::CallRecord EntryNode(SCC.front(), /*CallExpr=*/nullptr);
174 // Continue recursing into subsequent callees that are part of this SCC,
175 // and are thus known to be part of the call graph loop, until loop forms.
176 CallGraphNode::CallRecord *Node = &EntryNode;
177 while (true) {
178 // Did we see this node before?
179 if (!CallStackSet.insert(X: *Node))
180 break; // Cycle completed! Note that didn't insert the node into stack!
181 // Else, perform depth-first traversal: out of all callees, pick first one
182 // that is part of this SCC. This is not guaranteed to yield shortest cycle.
183 Node = llvm::find_if(Range: Node->Callee->callees(), P: NodeIsPartOfSCC);
184 }
186 // Note that we failed to insert the last node, that completes the cycle.
187 // But we really want to have it. So insert it manually into stack only.
188 CallStackTy CallStack = CallStackSet.takeVector();
189 CallStack.emplace_back(Args&: *Node);
191 return CallStack;
194} // namespace
196void NoRecursionCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
197 Finder->addMatcher(NodeMatch: translationUnitDecl().bind(ID: "TUDecl"), Action: this);
200void NoRecursionCheck::handleSCC(ArrayRef<CallGraphNode *> SCC) {
201 assert(!SCC.empty() && "Empty SCC does not make sense.");
203 // First of all, call out every strongly connected function.
204 for (CallGraphNode *N : SCC) {
205 FunctionDecl *D = N->getDefinition();
206 diag(D->getLocation(), "function %0 is within a recursive call chain") << D;
207 }
209 // Now, SCC only tells us about strongly connected function declarations in
210 // the call graph. It doesn't *really* tell us about the cycles they form.
211 // And there may be more than one cycle in SCC.
212 // So let's form a call stack that eventually exposes *some* cycle.
213 const CallStackTy EventuallyCyclicCallStack = pathfindSomeCycle(SCC);
214 assert(!EventuallyCyclicCallStack.empty() && "We should've found the cycle");
216 // While last node of the call stack does cause a loop, due to the way we
217 // pathfind the cycle, the loop does not necessarily begin at the first node
218 // of the call stack, so drop front nodes of the call stack until it does.
219 const auto CyclicCallStack =
220 ArrayRef<CallGraphNode::CallRecord>(EventuallyCyclicCallStack)
221 .drop_until(Pred: [LastNode = EventuallyCyclicCallStack.back()](
222 CallGraphNode::CallRecord FrontNode) {
223 return FrontNode == LastNode;
224 });
225 assert(CyclicCallStack.size() >= 2 && "Cycle requires at least 2 frames");
227 // Which function we decided to be the entry point that lead to the recursion?
228 FunctionDecl *CycleEntryFn = CyclicCallStack.front().Callee->getDefinition();
229 // And now, for ease of understanding, let's print the call sequence that
230 // forms the cycle in question.
231 diag(CycleEntryFn->getLocation(),
232 "example recursive call chain, starting from function %0",
233 DiagnosticIDs::Note)
234 << CycleEntryFn;
235 for (int CurFrame = 1, NumFrames = CyclicCallStack.size();
236 CurFrame != NumFrames; ++CurFrame) {
237 CallGraphNode::CallRecord PrevNode = CyclicCallStack[CurFrame - 1];
238 CallGraphNode::CallRecord CurrNode = CyclicCallStack[CurFrame];
240 Decl *PrevDecl = PrevNode.Callee->getDecl();
241 Decl *CurrDecl = CurrNode.Callee->getDecl();
243 diag(CurrNode.CallExpr->getBeginLoc(),
244 "Frame #%0: function %1 calls function %2 here:", DiagnosticIDs::Note)
245 << CurFrame << cast<NamedDecl>(Val: PrevDecl) << cast<NamedDecl>(Val: CurrDecl);
246 }
248 diag(CyclicCallStack.back().CallExpr->getBeginLoc(),
249 "... which was the starting point of the recursive call chain; there "
250 "may be other cycles",
251 DiagnosticIDs::Note);
254void NoRecursionCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
255 // Build call graph for the entire translation unit.
256 const auto *TU = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<TranslationUnitDecl>(ID: "TUDecl");
257 CallGraph CG;
258 CG.addToCallGraph(const_cast<TranslationUnitDecl *>(TU));
260 // Look for cycles in call graph,
261 // by looking for Strongly Connected Components (SCC's)
262 for (llvm::scc_iterator<CallGraph *> SCCI = llvm::scc_begin(G: &CG),
263 SCCE = llvm::scc_end(G: &CG);
264 SCCI != SCCE; ++SCCI) {
265 if (!SCCI.hasCycle()) // We only care about cycles, not standalone nodes.
266 continue;
267 handleSCC(SCC: *SCCI);
268 }
271} // namespace clang::tidy::misc

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