1//===--- GLR.cpp -----------------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "clang-pseudo/GLR.h"
10#include "clang-pseudo/Language.h"
11#include "clang-pseudo/grammar/Grammar.h"
12#include "clang-pseudo/grammar/LRTable.h"
13#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
15#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
20#include <algorithm>
21#include <memory>
22#include <optional>
23#include <queue>
25#define DEBUG_TYPE "GLR.cpp"
27namespace clang {
28namespace pseudo {
29namespace {
31Token::Index findRecoveryEndpoint(ExtensionID Strategy, Token::Index Begin,
32 const TokenStream &Tokens,
33 const Language &Lang) {
34 assert(Strategy != 0);
35 if (auto S = Lang.RecoveryStrategies.lookup(Val: Strategy))
36 return S(Begin, Tokens);
37 return Token::Invalid;
40} // namespace
42void glrRecover(llvm::ArrayRef<const GSS::Node *> OldHeads,
43 unsigned &TokenIndex, const ParseParams &Params,
44 const Language &Lang,
45 std::vector<const GSS::Node *> &NewHeads) {
46 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Recovery at token " << TokenIndex << "...\n");
47 // Describes a possibility to recover by forcibly interpreting a range of
48 // tokens around the cursor as a nonterminal that we expected to see.
49 struct PlaceholderRecovery {
50 // The token prior to the nonterminal which is being recovered.
51 // This starts of the region we're skipping, so higher Position is better.
52 Token::Index Position;
53 // The nonterminal which will be created in order to recover.
54 SymbolID Symbol;
55 // The heuristic used to choose the bounds of the nonterminal to recover.
56 ExtensionID Strategy;
58 // The GSS head where we are expecting the recovered nonterminal.
59 const GSS::Node *RecoveryNode;
60 // Payload of nodes on the way back from the OldHead to the recovery node.
61 // These represent the partial parse that is being discarded.
62 // They should become the children of the opaque recovery node.
63 // FIXME: internal structure of opaque nodes is not implemented.
64 //
65 // There may be multiple paths leading to the same recovery node, we choose
66 // one arbitrarily.
67 std::vector<const ForestNode *> DiscardedParse;
68 };
69 std::vector<PlaceholderRecovery> Options;
71 // Find recovery options by walking up the stack.
72 //
73 // This is similar to exception handling: we walk up the "frames" of nested
74 // rules being parsed until we find one that has a "handler" which allows us
75 // to determine the node bounds without parsing it.
76 //
77 // Unfortunately there's a significant difference: the stack contains both
78 // "upward" nodes (ancestor parses) and "leftward" ones.
79 // e.g. when parsing `{ if (1) ? }` as compound-stmt, the stack contains:
80 // stmt := IF ( expr ) . stmt - current state, we should recover here!
81 // stmt := IF ( expr . ) stmt - (left, no recovery here)
82 // stmt := IF ( . expr ) stmt - left, we should NOT recover here!
83 // stmt := IF . ( expr ) stmt - (left, no recovery here)
84 // stmt-seq := . stmt - up, we might recover here
85 // compound-stmt := { . stmt-seq } - up, we should recover here!
86 //
87 // It's not obvious how to avoid collecting "leftward" recovery options.
88 // I think the distinction is ill-defined after merging items into states.
89 // For now, we have to take this into account when defining recovery rules.
90 // (e.g. in the expr recovery above, stay inside the parentheses).
91 // FIXME: find a more satisfying way to avoid such false recovery.
92 // FIXME: Add a test for spurious recovery once tests can define strategies.
93 std::vector<const ForestNode *> Path;
94 llvm::DenseSet<const GSS::Node *> Seen;
95 auto WalkUp = [&](const GSS::Node *N, Token::Index NextTok, auto &WalkUp) {
96 if (!Seen.insert(V: N).second)
97 return;
98 if (!N->Recovered) { // Don't recover the same way twice!
99 for (auto Strategy : Lang.Table.getRecovery(State: N->State)) {
100 Options.push_back(x: PlaceholderRecovery{
101 .Position: NextTok,
102 .Symbol: Strategy.Result,
103 .Strategy: Strategy.Strategy,
104 .RecoveryNode: N,
105 .DiscardedParse: Path,
106 });
107 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
108 << "Option: recover " << Lang.G.symbolName(Strategy.Result)
109 << " at token " << NextTok << "\n");
110 }
111 }
112 Path.push_back(x: N->Payload);
113 for (const GSS::Node *Parent : N->parents())
114 WalkUp(Parent, N->Payload->startTokenIndex(), WalkUp);
115 Path.pop_back();
116 };
117 for (auto *N : OldHeads)
118 WalkUp(N, TokenIndex, WalkUp);
120 // Now we select the option(s) we will use to recover.
121 //
122 // We prefer options starting further right, as these discard less code
123 // (e.g. we prefer to recover inner scopes rather than outer ones).
124 // The options also need to agree on an endpoint, so the parser has a
125 // consistent position afterwards.
126 //
127 // So conceptually we're sorting by the tuple (start, end), though we avoid
128 // computing `end` for options that can't be winners.
130 // Consider options starting further right first.
131 // Don't drop the others yet though, we may still use them if preferred fails.
132 llvm::stable_sort(Range&: Options, C: [&](const auto &L, const auto &R) {
133 return L.Position > R.Position;
134 });
136 // We may find multiple winners, but they will have the same range.
137 std::optional<Token::Range> RecoveryRange;
138 std::vector<const PlaceholderRecovery *> BestOptions;
139 for (const PlaceholderRecovery &Option : Options) {
140 // If this starts further left than options we've already found, then
141 // we'll never find anything better. Skip computing End for the rest.
142 if (RecoveryRange && Option.Position < RecoveryRange->Begin)
143 break;
145 auto End = findRecoveryEndpoint(Strategy: Option.Strategy, Begin: Option.Position,
146 Tokens: Params.Code, Lang);
147 // Recovery may not take the parse backwards.
148 if (End == Token::Invalid || End < TokenIndex)
149 continue;
150 if (RecoveryRange) {
151 // If this is worse than our previous options, ignore it.
152 if (RecoveryRange->End < End)
153 continue;
154 // If this is an improvement over our previous options, then drop them.
155 if (RecoveryRange->End > End)
156 BestOptions.clear();
157 }
158 // Create recovery nodes and heads for them in the GSS. These may be
159 // discarded if a better recovery is later found, but this path isn't hot.
160 RecoveryRange = {.Begin: Option.Position, .End: End};
161 BestOptions.push_back(x: &Option);
162 }
164 if (BestOptions.empty()) {
165 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Recovery failed after trying " << Options.size()
166 << " strategies\n");
167 return;
168 }
170 // We've settled on a set of recovery options, so create their nodes and
171 // advance the cursor.
173 llvm::dbgs() << "Recovered range=" << *RecoveryRange << ":";
174 for (const auto *Option : BestOptions)
175 llvm::dbgs() << " " << Lang.G.symbolName(Option->Symbol);
176 llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
177 });
178 // FIXME: in general, we might have the same Option->Symbol multiple times,
179 // and we risk creating redundant Forest and GSS nodes.
180 // We also may inadvertently set up the next glrReduce to create a sequence
181 // node duplicating an opaque node that we're creating here.
182 // There are various options, including simply breaking ties between options.
183 // For now it's obscure enough to ignore.
184 for (const PlaceholderRecovery *Option : BestOptions) {
185 Option->RecoveryNode->Recovered = true;
186 const ForestNode &Placeholder =
187 Params.Forest.createOpaque(SID: Option->Symbol, Start: RecoveryRange->Begin);
188 LRTable::StateID OldState = Option->RecoveryNode->State;
189 LRTable::StateID NewState =
190 isToken(ID: Option->Symbol)
191 ? *Lang.Table.getShiftState(State: OldState, Terminal: Option->Symbol)
192 : *Lang.Table.getGoToState(State: OldState, Nonterminal: Option->Symbol);
193 const GSS::Node *NewHead =
194 Params.GSStack.addNode(State: NewState, Symbol: &Placeholder, Parents: {Option->RecoveryNode});
195 NewHeads.push_back(x: NewHead);
196 }
197 TokenIndex = RecoveryRange->End;
200using StateID = LRTable::StateID;
202llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const GSS::Node &N) {
203 std::vector<std::string> ParentStates;
204 for (const auto *Parent : N.parents())
205 ParentStates.push_back(x: llvm::formatv(Fmt: "{0}", Vals: Parent->State));
206 OS << llvm::formatv(Fmt: "state {0}, parsed symbol {1}, parents {3}", Vals: N.State,
207 Vals: N.Payload ? N.Payload->symbol() : 0,
208 Vals: llvm::join(R&: ParentStates, Separator: ", "));
209 return OS;
212// Apply all pending shift actions.
213// In theory, LR parsing doesn't have shift/shift conflicts on a single head.
214// But we may have multiple active heads, and each head has a shift action.
216// We merge the stack -- if multiple heads will reach the same state after
217// shifting a token, we shift only once by combining these heads.
219// E.g. we have two heads (2, 3) in the GSS, and will shift both to reach 4:
220// 0---1---2
221// â””---3
222// After the shift action, the GSS is:
223// 0---1---2---4
224// └---3---┘
225void glrShift(llvm::ArrayRef<const GSS::Node *> OldHeads,
226 const ForestNode &NewTok, const ParseParams &Params,
227 const Language &Lang, std::vector<const GSS::Node *> &NewHeads) {
228 assert(NewTok.kind() == ForestNode::Terminal);
229 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << llvm::formatv(" Shift {0} ({1} active heads):\n",
230 Lang.G.symbolName(NewTok.symbol()),
231 OldHeads.size()));
233 // We group pending shifts by their target state so we can merge them.
234 llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<StateID, const GSS::Node *>, 8> Shifts;
235 for (const auto *H : OldHeads)
236 if (auto S = Lang.Table.getShiftState(State: H->State, Terminal: NewTok.symbol()))
237 Shifts.push_back(Elt: {*S, H});
238 llvm::stable_sort(Range&: Shifts, C: llvm::less_first{});
240 auto Rest = llvm::ArrayRef(Shifts);
241 llvm::SmallVector<const GSS::Node *> Parents;
242 while (!Rest.empty()) {
243 // Collect the batch of PendingShift that have compatible shift states.
244 // Their heads become TempParents, the parents of the new GSS node.
245 StateID NextState = Rest.front().first;
247 Parents.clear();
248 for (const auto &Base : Rest) {
249 if (Base.first != NextState)
250 break;
251 Parents.push_back(Elt: Base.second);
252 }
253 Rest = Rest.drop_front(N: Parents.size());
255 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << llvm::formatv(" --> S{0} ({1} heads)\n",
256 NextState, Parents.size()));
257 NewHeads.push_back(x: Params.GSStack.addNode(State: NextState, Symbol: &NewTok, Parents));
258 }
261namespace {
262// A KeyedQueue yields pairs of keys and values in order of the keys.
263template <typename Key, typename Value>
264using KeyedQueue =
265 std::priority_queue<std::pair<Key, Value>,
266 std::vector<std::pair<Key, Value>>, llvm::less_first>;
268template <typename T> void sortAndUnique(std::vector<T> &Vec) {
269 llvm::sort(Vec);
270 Vec.erase(std::unique(Vec.begin(), Vec.end()), Vec.end());
273// Perform reduces until no more are possible.
275// Generally this means walking up from the heads gathering ForestNodes that
276// will match the RHS of the rule we're reducing into a sequence ForestNode,
277// and ending up at a base node.
278// Then we push a new GSS node onto that base, taking care to:
279// - pack alternative sequence ForestNodes into an ambiguous ForestNode.
280// - use the same GSS node for multiple heads if the parse state matches.
282// Examples of reduction:
283// Before (simple):
284// 0--1(expr)--2(semi)
285// After reducing 2 by `stmt := expr semi`:
286// 0--3(stmt) // 3 is goto(0, stmt)
288// Before (splitting due to R/R conflict):
289// 0--1(IDENTIFIER)
290// After reducing 1 by `class-name := IDENTIFIER` & `enum-name := IDENTIFIER`:
291// 0--2(class-name) // 2 is goto(0, class-name)
292// â””--3(enum-name) // 3 is goto(0, enum-name)
294// Before (splitting due to multiple bases):
295// 0--2(class-name)--4(STAR)
296// └--3(enum-name)---┘
297// After reducing 4 by `ptr-operator := STAR`:
298// 0--2(class-name)--5(ptr-operator) // 5 is goto(2, ptr-operator)
299// â””--3(enum-name)---6(ptr-operator) // 6 is goto(3, ptr-operator)
301// Before (joining due to same goto state, multiple bases):
302// 0--1(cv-qualifier)--3(class-name)
303// â””--2(cv-qualifier)--4(enum-name)
304// After reducing 3 by `type-name := class-name` and
305// 4 by `type-name := enum-name`:
306// 0--1(cv-qualifier)--5(type-name) // 5 is goto(1, type-name) and
307// └--2(cv-qualifier)--┘ // goto(2, type-name)
309// Before (joining due to same goto state, the same base):
310// 0--1(class-name)--3(STAR)
311// â””--2(enum-name)--4(STAR)
312// After reducing 3 by `pointer := class-name STAR` and
313// 2 by`enum-name := class-name STAR`:
314// 0--5(pointer) // 5 is goto(0, pointer)
316// (This is a functor rather than a function to allow it to reuse scratch
317// storage across calls).
318class GLRReduce {
319 const ParseParams &Params;
320 const Language& Lang;
321 // There are two interacting complications:
322 // 1. Performing one reduce can unlock new reduces on the newly-created head.
323 // 2a. The ambiguous ForestNodes must be complete (have all sequence nodes).
324 // This means we must have unlocked all the reduces that contribute to it.
325 // 2b. Similarly, the new GSS nodes must be complete (have all parents).
326 //
327 // We define a "family" of reduces as those that produce the same symbol and
328 // cover the same range of tokens. These are exactly the set of reductions
329 // whose sequence nodes would be covered by the same ambiguous node.
330 // We wish to process a whole family at a time (to satisfy complication 2),
331 // and can address complication 1 by carefully ordering the families:
332 // - Process families covering fewer tokens first.
333 // A reduce can't depend on a longer reduce!
334 // - For equal token ranges: if S := T, process T families before S families.
335 // Parsing T can't depend on an equal-length S, as the grammar is acyclic.
336 //
337 // This isn't quite enough: we don't know the token length of the reduction
338 // until we walk up the stack to perform the pop.
339 // So we perform the pop part upfront, and place the push specification on
340 // priority queues such that we can retrieve a family at a time.
342 // A reduction family is characterized by its token range and symbol produced.
343 // It is used as a key in the priority queues to group pushes by family.
344 struct Family {
345 // The start of the token range of the reduce.
346 Token::Index Start;
347 SymbolID Symbol;
348 // Rule must produce Symbol and can otherwise be arbitrary.
349 // RuleIDs have the topological order based on the acyclic grammar.
350 // FIXME: should SymbolIDs be so ordered instead?
351 RuleID Rule;
353 bool operator==(const Family &Other) const {
354 return Start == Other.Start && Symbol == Other.Symbol;
355 }
356 // The larger Family is the one that should be processed first.
357 bool operator<(const Family &Other) const {
358 if (Start != Other.Start)
359 return Start < Other.Start;
360 if (Symbol != Other.Symbol)
361 return Rule > Other.Rule;
362 assert(*this == Other);
363 return false;
364 }
365 };
367 // A sequence is the ForestNode payloads of the GSS nodes we are reducing.
368 using Sequence = llvm::SmallVector<const ForestNode *, Rule::MaxElements>;
369 // Like ArrayRef<const ForestNode*>, but with the missing operator<.
370 // (Sequences are big to move by value as the collections gets rearranged).
371 struct SequenceRef {
372 SequenceRef(const Sequence &S) : S(S) {}
373 llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> S;
374 friend bool operator==(SequenceRef A, SequenceRef B) { return A.S == B.S; }
375 friend bool operator<(const SequenceRef &A, const SequenceRef &B) {
376 return std::lexicographical_compare(first1: A.S.begin(), last1: A.S.end(), first2: B.S.begin(),
377 last2: B.S.end());
378 }
379 };
380 // Underlying storage for sequences pointed to by stored SequenceRefs.
381 std::deque<Sequence> SequenceStorage;
382 // We don't actually destroy the sequences between calls, to reuse storage.
383 // Everything SequenceStorage[ >=SequenceStorageCount ] is reusable scratch.
384 unsigned SequenceStorageCount;
386 // Halfway through a reduction (after the pop, before the push), we have
387 // collected nodes for the RHS of a rule, and reached a base node.
388 // They specify a sequence ForestNode we may build (but we dedup first).
389 // (The RuleID is not stored here, but rather in the Family).
390 struct PushSpec {
391 // The last node popped before pushing. Its parent is the reduction base(s).
392 // (Base is more fundamental, but this is cheaper to store).
393 const GSS::Node* LastPop = nullptr;
394 Sequence *Seq = nullptr;
395 };
396 KeyedQueue<Family, PushSpec> Sequences; // FIXME: rename => PendingPushes?
398 // We treat Heads as a queue of Pop operations still to be performed.
399 // PoppedHeads is our position within it.
400 std::vector<const GSS::Node *> *Heads;
401 unsigned NextPopHead;
402 SymbolID Lookahead;
404 Sequence TempSequence;
406 GLRReduce(const ParseParams &Params, const Language &Lang)
407 : Params(Params), Lang(Lang) {}
409 // Reduce Heads, resulting in new nodes that are appended to Heads.
410 // The "consumed" nodes are not removed!
411 // Only reduce rules compatible with the Lookahead are applied, though
412 // tokenSymbol(tok::unknown) will match any rule.
413 void operator()(std::vector<const GSS::Node *> &Heads, SymbolID Lookahead) {
414 assert(isToken(Lookahead));
416 NextPopHead = 0;
417 this->Heads = &Heads;
418 this->Lookahead = Lookahead;
419 assert(Sequences.empty());
420 SequenceStorageCount = 0;
422 popPending();
423 while (!Sequences.empty()) {
424 pushNext();
425 popPending();
426 }
427 }
430 bool canReduce(const Rule &R, RuleID RID,
431 llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> RHS) const {
432 if (!R.Guarded)
433 return true;
434 if (auto Guard = Lang.Guards.lookup(Val: RID))
435 return Guard({.RHS: RHS, .Tokens: Params.Code, .Lookahead: Lookahead});
436 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
437 << llvm::formatv("missing guard implementation for rule {0}\n",
438 Lang.G.dumpRule(RID)));
439 return true;
440 }
441 // pop walks up the parent chain(s) for a reduction from Head by to Rule.
442 // Once we reach the end, record the bases and sequences.
443 void pop(const GSS::Node *Head, RuleID RID, const Rule &Rule) {
444 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Pop " << Lang.G.dumpRule(RID) << "\n");
445 Family F{/*Start=*/0, /*Symbol=*/Rule.Target, /*Rule=*/RID};
446 TempSequence.resize_for_overwrite(N: Rule.Size);
447 auto DFS = [&](const GSS::Node *N, unsigned I, auto &DFS) {
448 TempSequence[Rule.Size - 1 - I] = N->Payload;
449 if (I + 1 == Rule.Size) {
450 F.Start = TempSequence.front()->startTokenIndex();
452 for (const auto *B : N->parents())
453 llvm::dbgs() << " --> base at S" << B->State << "\n";
454 });
455 if (!canReduce(R: Rule, RID, RHS: TempSequence))
456 return;
457 // Copy the chain to stable storage so it can be enqueued.
458 if (SequenceStorageCount == SequenceStorage.size())
459 SequenceStorage.emplace_back();
460 SequenceStorage[SequenceStorageCount] = TempSequence;
461 Sequence *Seq = &SequenceStorage[SequenceStorageCount++];
463 Sequences.emplace(args&: F, args: PushSpec{.LastPop: N, .Seq: Seq});
464 return;
465 }
466 for (const GSS::Node *Parent : N->parents())
467 DFS(Parent, I + 1, DFS);
468 };
469 DFS(Head, 0, DFS);
470 }
472 // popPending pops every available reduction.
473 void popPending() {
474 for (; NextPopHead < Heads->size(); ++NextPopHead) {
475 // In trivial cases, we perform the complete reduce here!
476 if (popAndPushTrivial())
477 continue;
478 for (RuleID RID :
479 Lang.Table.getReduceRules(State: (*Heads)[NextPopHead]->State)) {
480 const auto &Rule = Lang.G.lookupRule(RID);
481 if (Lang.Table.canFollow(Nonterminal: Rule.Target, Terminal: Lookahead))
482 pop(Head: (*Heads)[NextPopHead], RID, Rule);
483 }
484 }
485 }
487 // Storage reused by each call to pushNext.
488 std::vector<std::pair</*Goto*/ StateID, const GSS::Node *>> FamilyBases;
489 std::vector<std::pair<RuleID, SequenceRef>> FamilySequences;
490 std::vector<const GSS::Node *> Parents;
491 std::vector<const ForestNode *> SequenceNodes;
493 // Process one push family, forming a forest node.
494 // This produces new GSS heads which may enable more pops.
495 void pushNext() {
496 assert(!Sequences.empty());
497 Family F = Sequences.top().first;
499 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Push " << Lang.G.symbolName(F.Symbol)
500 << " from token " << F.Start << "\n");
502 // Grab the sequences and bases for this family.
503 // We don't care which rule yielded each base. If Family.Symbol is S, the
504 // base includes an item X := ... • S ... and since the grammar is
505 // context-free, *all* parses of S are valid here.
506 FamilySequences.clear();
507 FamilyBases.clear();
508 do {
509 const PushSpec &Push = Sequences.top().second;
510 FamilySequences.emplace_back(args: Sequences.top().first.Rule, args&: *Push.Seq);
511 for (const GSS::Node *Base : Push.LastPop->parents()) {
512 auto NextState = Lang.Table.getGoToState(State: Base->State, Nonterminal: F.Symbol);
513 assert(NextState.has_value() && "goto must succeed after reduce!");
514 FamilyBases.emplace_back(args&: *NextState, args&: Base);
515 }
517 Sequences.pop();
518 } while (!Sequences.empty() && Sequences.top().first == F);
519 // Build a forest node for each unique sequence.
520 sortAndUnique(Vec&: FamilySequences);
521 SequenceNodes.clear();
522 for (const auto &SequenceSpec : FamilySequences)
523 SequenceNodes.push_back(x: &Params.Forest.createSequence(
524 SID: F.Symbol, RID: SequenceSpec.first, Elements: SequenceSpec.second.S));
525 // Wrap in an ambiguous node if needed.
526 const ForestNode *Parsed =
527 SequenceNodes.size() == 1
528 ? SequenceNodes.front()
529 : &Params.Forest.createAmbiguous(SID: F.Symbol, Alternatives: SequenceNodes);
530 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " --> " << Parsed->dump(Lang.G) << "\n");
532 // Bases for this family, deduplicate them, and group by the goTo State.
533 sortAndUnique(Vec&: FamilyBases);
534 // Create a GSS node for each unique goto state.
535 llvm::ArrayRef<decltype(FamilyBases)::value_type> BasesLeft = FamilyBases;
536 while (!BasesLeft.empty()) {
537 StateID NextState = BasesLeft.front().first;
538 Parents.clear();
539 for (const auto &Base : BasesLeft) {
540 if (Base.first != NextState)
541 break;
542 Parents.push_back(x: Base.second);
543 }
544 BasesLeft = BasesLeft.drop_front(N: Parents.size());
545 Heads->push_back(x: Params.GSStack.addNode(State: NextState, Symbol: Parsed, Parents));
546 }
547 }
549 // In general we split a reduce into a pop/push, so concurrently-available
550 // reductions can run in the correct order. The data structures are expensive.
551 //
552 // When only one reduction is possible at a time, we can skip this:
553 // we pop and immediately push, as an LR parser (as opposed to GLR) would.
554 // This is valid whenever there's only one concurrent PushSpec.
555 //
556 // This function handles a trivial but common subset of these cases:
557 // - there must be no pending pushes, and only one poppable head
558 // - the head must have only one reduction rule
559 // - the reduction path must be a straight line (no multiple parents)
560 // (Roughly this means there's no local ambiguity, so the LR algorithm works).
561 //
562 // Returns true if we successfully consumed the next unpopped head.
563 bool popAndPushTrivial() {
564 if (!Sequences.empty() || Heads->size() != NextPopHead + 1)
565 return false;
566 const GSS::Node *Head = Heads->back();
567 std::optional<RuleID> RID;
568 for (RuleID R : Lang.Table.getReduceRules(State: Head->State)) {
569 if (RID.has_value())
570 return false;
571 RID = R;
572 }
573 if (!RID)
574 return true; // no reductions available, but we've processed the head!
575 const auto &Rule = Lang.G.lookupRule(RID: *RID);
576 if (!Lang.Table.canFollow(Nonterminal: Rule.Target, Terminal: Lookahead))
577 return true; // reduction is not available
578 const GSS::Node *Base = Head;
579 TempSequence.resize_for_overwrite(N: Rule.Size);
580 for (unsigned I = 0; I < Rule.Size; ++I) {
581 if (Base->parents().size() != 1)
582 return false;
583 TempSequence[Rule.Size - 1 - I] = Base->Payload;
584 Base = Base->parents().front();
585 }
586 if (!canReduce(R: Rule, RID: *RID, RHS: TempSequence))
587 return true; // reduction is not available
588 const ForestNode *Parsed =
589 &Params.Forest.createSequence(SID: Rule.Target, RID: *RID, Elements: TempSequence);
590 auto NextState = Lang.Table.getGoToState(State: Base->State, Nonterminal: Rule.Target);
591 assert(NextState.has_value() && "goto must succeed after reduce!");
592 Heads->push_back(x: Params.GSStack.addNode(State: *NextState, Symbol: Parsed, Parents: {Base}));
593 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
594 << " Reduce (trivial) " << Lang.G.dumpRule(*RID) << "\n"
595 << " --> S" << Heads->back()->State << "\n");
596 return true;
597 }
600} // namespace
602ForestNode &glrParse(const ParseParams &Params, SymbolID StartSymbol,
603 const Language &Lang) {
604 GLRReduce Reduce(Params, Lang);
605 assert(isNonterminal(StartSymbol) && "Start symbol must be a nonterminal");
606 llvm::ArrayRef<ForestNode> Terminals = Params.Forest.createTerminals(Code: Params.Code);
607 auto &GSS = Params.GSStack;
609 StateID StartState = Lang.Table.getStartState(StartSymbol);
610 // Heads correspond to the parse of tokens [0, I), NextHeads to [0, I+1).
611 std::vector<const GSS::Node *> Heads = {GSS.addNode(/*State=*/StartState,
612 /*ForestNode=*/Symbol: nullptr,
613 Parents: {})};
614 // Invariant: Heads is partitioned by source: {shifted | reduced}.
615 // HeadsPartition is the index of the first head formed by reduction.
616 // We use this to discard and recreate the reduced heads during recovery.
617 unsigned HeadsPartition = Heads.size();
618 std::vector<const GSS::Node *> NextHeads;
619 auto MaybeGC = [&, Roots(std::vector<const GSS::Node *>{}), I(0u)]() mutable {
620 assert(NextHeads.empty() && "Running GC at the wrong time!");
621 if (++I != 20) // Run periodically to balance CPU and memory usage.
622 return;
623 I = 0;
625 // We need to copy the list: Roots is consumed by the GC.
626 Roots = Heads;
627 GSS.gc(Roots: std::move(Roots));
628 };
629 // Each iteration fully processes a single token.
630 for (unsigned I = 0; I < Terminals.size();) {
631 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << llvm::formatv(
632 "Next token {0} (id={1})\n",
633 Lang.G.symbolName(Terminals[I].symbol()), Terminals[I].symbol()));
634 // Consume the token.
635 glrShift(OldHeads: Heads, NewTok: Terminals[I], Params, Lang, NewHeads&: NextHeads);
637 // If we weren't able to consume the token, try to skip over some tokens
638 // so we can keep parsing.
639 if (NextHeads.empty()) {
640 // The reduction in the previous round was constrained by lookahead.
641 // On valid code this only rejects dead ends, but on broken code we should
642 // consider all possibilities.
643 //
644 // We discard all heads formed by reduction, and recreate them without
645 // this constraint. This may duplicate some nodes, but it's rare.
646 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Shift failed, will attempt recovery. "
647 "Re-reducing without lookahead.\n");
648 Heads.resize(new_size: HeadsPartition);
649 Reduce(Heads, /*allow all reductions*/ tokenSymbol(TK: tok::unknown));
651 glrRecover(OldHeads: Heads, TokenIndex&: I, Params, Lang, NewHeads&: NextHeads);
652 if (NextHeads.empty())
653 // FIXME: Ensure the `_ := start-symbol` rules have a fallback
654 // error-recovery strategy attached. Then this condition can't happen.
655 return Params.Forest.createOpaque(SID: StartSymbol, /*Token::Index=*/Start: 0);
656 } else
657 ++I;
659 // Form nonterminals containing the token we just consumed.
660 SymbolID Lookahead =
661 I == Terminals.size() ? tokenSymbol(TK: tok::eof) : Terminals[I].symbol();
662 HeadsPartition = NextHeads.size();
663 Reduce(NextHeads, Lookahead);
664 // Prepare for the next token.
665 std::swap(x&: Heads, y&: NextHeads);
666 NextHeads.clear();
667 MaybeGC();
668 }
669 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << llvm::formatv("Reached eof\n"));
671 // The parse was successful if in state `_ := start-symbol EOF .`
672 // The GSS parent has `_ := start-symbol . EOF`; its payload is the parse.
673 auto AfterStart = Lang.Table.getGoToState(State: StartState, Nonterminal: StartSymbol);
674 assert(AfterStart.has_value() && "goto must succeed after start symbol!");
675 auto Accept = Lang.Table.getShiftState(State: *AfterStart, Terminal: tokenSymbol(TK: tok::eof));
676 assert(Accept.has_value() && "shift EOF must succeed!");
677 auto SearchForAccept = [&](llvm::ArrayRef<const GSS::Node *> Heads) {
678 const ForestNode *Result = nullptr;
679 for (const auto *Head : Heads) {
680 if (Head->State == *Accept) {
681 assert(Head->Payload->symbol() == tokenSymbol(tok::eof));
682 assert(Result == nullptr && "multiple results!");
683 Result = Head->parents().front()->Payload;
684 assert(Result->symbol() == StartSymbol);
685 }
686 }
687 return Result;
688 };
689 if (auto *Result = SearchForAccept(Heads))
690 return *const_cast<ForestNode *>(Result); // Safe: we created all nodes.
691 // We failed to parse the input, returning an opaque forest node for recovery.
692 // FIXME: as above, we can add fallback error handling so this is impossible.
693 return Params.Forest.createOpaque(SID: StartSymbol, /*Token::Index=*/Start: 0);
696void glrReduce(std::vector<const GSS::Node *> &Heads, SymbolID Lookahead,
697 const ParseParams &Params, const Language &Lang) {
698 // Create a new GLRReduce each time for tests, performance doesn't matter.
699 GLRReduce{Params, Lang}(Heads, Lookahead);
702const GSS::Node *GSS::addNode(LRTable::StateID State, const ForestNode *Symbol,
703 llvm::ArrayRef<const Node *> Parents) {
704 Node *Result = new (allocate(Parents: Parents.size())) Node();
705 Result->State = State;
706 Result->GCParity = GCParity;
707 Result->ParentCount = Parents.size();
708 Alive.push_back(x: Result);
709 ++NodesCreated;
710 Result->Payload = Symbol;
711 if (!Parents.empty())
712 llvm::copy(Range&: Parents, Out: reinterpret_cast<const Node **>(Result + 1));
713 return Result;
716GSS::Node *GSS::allocate(unsigned Parents) {
717 if (FreeList.size() <= Parents)
718 FreeList.resize(new_size: Parents + 1);
719 auto &SizedList = FreeList[Parents];
720 if (!SizedList.empty()) {
721 auto *Result = SizedList.back();
722 SizedList.pop_back();
723 return Result;
724 }
725 return static_cast<Node *>(
726 Arena.Allocate(Size: sizeof(Node) + Parents * sizeof(Node *), Alignment: alignof(Node)));
729void GSS::destroy(Node *N) {
730 unsigned ParentCount = N->ParentCount;
731 N->~Node();
732 assert(FreeList.size() > ParentCount && "established on construction!");
733 FreeList[ParentCount].push_back(x: N);
736unsigned GSS::gc(std::vector<const Node *> &&Queue) {
737#ifndef NDEBUG
738 auto ParityMatches = [&](const Node *N) { return N->GCParity == GCParity; };
739 assert("Before GC" && llvm::all_of(Alive, ParityMatches));
740 auto Deferred = llvm::make_scope_exit(
741 F: [&] { assert("After GC" && llvm::all_of(Alive, ParityMatches)); });
742 assert(llvm::all_of(
743 Queue, [&](const Node *R) { return llvm::is_contained(Alive, R); }));
745 unsigned InitialCount = Alive.size();
747 // Mark
748 GCParity = !GCParity;
749 while (!Queue.empty()) {
750 Node *N = const_cast<Node *>(Queue.back()); // Safe: we created these nodes.
751 Queue.pop_back();
752 if (N->GCParity != GCParity) { // Not seen yet
753 N->GCParity = GCParity; // Mark as seen
754 for (const Node *P : N->parents()) // And walk parents
755 Queue.push_back(x: P);
756 }
757 }
758 // Sweep
759 llvm::erase_if(C&: Alive, P: [&](Node *N) {
760 if (N->GCParity == GCParity) // Walk reached this node.
761 return false;
762 destroy(N);
763 return true;
764 });
766 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "GC pruned " << (InitialCount - Alive.size())
767 << "/" << InitialCount << " GSS nodes\n");
768 return InitialCount - Alive.size();
771} // namespace pseudo
772} // namespace clang

source code of clang-tools-extra/pseudo/lib/GLR.cpp