1//===--- HIPUtility.cpp - Common HIP Tool Chain Utilities -------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "HIPUtility.h"
10#include "Clang.h"
11#include "CommonArgs.h"
12#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
13#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
15#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
16#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
17#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/MD5.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
21#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
22#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
23#include <deque>
24#include <set>
26using namespace clang;
27using namespace clang::driver;
28using namespace clang::driver::tools;
29using namespace llvm::opt;
30using llvm::dyn_cast;
32#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
33#define NULL_FILE "nul"
35#define NULL_FILE "/dev/null"
38namespace {
39const unsigned HIPCodeObjectAlign = 4096;
40} // namespace
42// Constructs a triple string for clang offload bundler.
43static std::string normalizeForBundler(const llvm::Triple &T,
44 bool HasTargetID) {
45 return HasTargetID ? (T.getArchName() + "-" + T.getVendorName() + "-" +
46 T.getOSName() + "-" + T.getEnvironmentName())
47 .str()
48 : T.normalize();
51// Collect undefined __hip_fatbin* and __hip_gpubin_handle* symbols from all
52// input object or archive files.
53class HIPUndefinedFatBinSymbols {
55 HIPUndefinedFatBinSymbols(const Compilation &C)
56 : C(C), DiagID(C.getDriver().getDiags().getCustomDiagID(
57 L: DiagnosticsEngine::Error,
58 FormatString: "Error collecting HIP undefined fatbin symbols: %0")),
59 Quiet(C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH)),
60 Verbose(C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_v)) {
61 populateSymbols();
62 if (Verbose) {
63 for (auto Name : FatBinSymbols)
64 llvm::errs() << "Found undefined HIP fatbin symbol: " << Name << "\n";
65 for (auto Name : GPUBinHandleSymbols)
66 llvm::errs() << "Found undefined HIP gpubin handle symbol: " << Name
67 << "\n";
68 }
69 }
71 const std::set<std::string> &getFatBinSymbols() const {
72 return FatBinSymbols;
73 }
75 const std::set<std::string> &getGPUBinHandleSymbols() const {
76 return GPUBinHandleSymbols;
77 }
80 const Compilation &C;
81 unsigned DiagID;
82 bool Quiet;
83 bool Verbose;
84 std::set<std::string> FatBinSymbols;
85 std::set<std::string> GPUBinHandleSymbols;
86 std::set<std::string> DefinedFatBinSymbols;
87 std::set<std::string> DefinedGPUBinHandleSymbols;
88 const std::string FatBinPrefix = "__hip_fatbin";
89 const std::string GPUBinHandlePrefix = "__hip_gpubin_handle";
91 void populateSymbols() {
92 std::deque<const Action *> WorkList;
93 std::set<const Action *> Visited;
95 for (const auto &Action : C.getActions())
96 WorkList.push_back(x: Action);
98 while (!WorkList.empty()) {
99 const Action *CurrentAction = WorkList.front();
100 WorkList.pop_front();
102 if (!CurrentAction || !Visited.insert(x: CurrentAction).second)
103 continue;
105 if (const auto *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(Val: CurrentAction)) {
106 std::string ID = IA->getId().str();
107 if (!ID.empty()) {
108 ID = llvm::utohexstr(X: llvm::MD5Hash(Str: ID), /*LowerCase=*/true);
109 FatBinSymbols.insert(x: Twine(FatBinPrefix + "_" + ID).str());
110 GPUBinHandleSymbols.insert(
111 x: Twine(GPUBinHandlePrefix + "_" + ID).str());
112 continue;
113 }
114 if (IA->getInputArg().getNumValues() == 0)
115 continue;
116 const char *Filename = IA->getInputArg().getValue();
117 if (!Filename)
118 continue;
119 auto BufferOrErr = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename);
120 // Input action could be options to linker, therefore, ignore it
121 // if cannot read it. If it turns out to be a file that cannot be read,
122 // the error will be caught by the linker.
123 if (!BufferOrErr)
124 continue;
126 processInput(Buffer: BufferOrErr.get()->getMemBufferRef());
127 } else
128 WorkList.insert(position: WorkList.end(), first: CurrentAction->getInputs().begin(),
129 last: CurrentAction->getInputs().end());
130 }
131 }
133 void processInput(const llvm::MemoryBufferRef &Buffer) {
134 // Try processing as object file first.
135 auto ObjFileOrErr = llvm::object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(Object: Buffer);
136 if (ObjFileOrErr) {
137 processSymbols(Obj: **ObjFileOrErr);
138 return;
139 }
141 // Then try processing as archive files.
142 llvm::consumeError(Err: ObjFileOrErr.takeError());
143 auto ArchiveOrErr = llvm::object::Archive::create(Source: Buffer);
144 if (ArchiveOrErr) {
145 llvm::Error Err = llvm::Error::success();
146 llvm::object::Archive &Archive = *ArchiveOrErr.get();
147 for (auto &Child : Archive.children(Err)) {
148 auto ChildBufOrErr = Child.getMemoryBufferRef();
149 if (ChildBufOrErr)
150 processInput(Buffer: *ChildBufOrErr);
151 else
152 errorHandler(Err: ChildBufOrErr.takeError());
153 }
155 if (Err)
156 errorHandler(Err: std::move(Err));
157 return;
158 }
160 // Ignore other files.
161 llvm::consumeError(Err: ArchiveOrErr.takeError());
162 }
164 void processSymbols(const llvm::object::ObjectFile &Obj) {
165 for (const auto &Symbol : Obj.symbols()) {
166 auto FlagOrErr = Symbol.getFlags();
167 if (!FlagOrErr) {
168 errorHandler(Err: FlagOrErr.takeError());
169 continue;
170 }
172 auto NameOrErr = Symbol.getName();
173 if (!NameOrErr) {
174 errorHandler(Err: NameOrErr.takeError());
175 continue;
176 }
177 llvm::StringRef Name = *NameOrErr;
179 bool isUndefined =
180 FlagOrErr.get() & llvm::object::SymbolRef::SF_Undefined;
181 bool isFatBinSymbol = Name.starts_with(Prefix: FatBinPrefix);
182 bool isGPUBinHandleSymbol = Name.starts_with(Prefix: GPUBinHandlePrefix);
184 // Handling for defined symbols
185 if (!isUndefined) {
186 if (isFatBinSymbol) {
187 DefinedFatBinSymbols.insert(x: Name.str());
188 FatBinSymbols.erase(x: Name.str());
189 } else if (isGPUBinHandleSymbol) {
190 DefinedGPUBinHandleSymbols.insert(x: Name.str());
191 GPUBinHandleSymbols.erase(x: Name.str());
192 }
193 continue;
194 }
196 // Add undefined symbols if they are not in the defined sets
197 if (isFatBinSymbol &&
198 DefinedFatBinSymbols.find(x: Name.str()) == DefinedFatBinSymbols.end())
199 FatBinSymbols.insert(x: Name.str());
200 else if (isGPUBinHandleSymbol &&
201 DefinedGPUBinHandleSymbols.find(x: Name.str()) ==
202 DefinedGPUBinHandleSymbols.end())
203 GPUBinHandleSymbols.insert(x: Name.str());
204 }
205 }
207 void errorHandler(llvm::Error Err) {
208 if (Quiet)
209 return;
210 C.getDriver().Diag(DiagID) << llvm::toString(E: std::move(Err));
211 }
214// Construct a clang-offload-bundler command to bundle code objects for
215// different devices into a HIP fat binary.
216void HIP::constructHIPFatbinCommand(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
217 llvm::StringRef OutputFileName,
218 const InputInfoList &Inputs,
219 const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
220 const Tool &T) {
221 // Construct clang-offload-bundler command to bundle object files for
222 // for different GPU archs.
223 ArgStringList BundlerArgs;
224 BundlerArgs.push_back(Elt: Args.MakeArgString(Str: "-type=o"));
225 BundlerArgs.push_back(
226 Elt: Args.MakeArgString(Str: "-bundle-align=" + Twine(HIPCodeObjectAlign)));
228 // ToDo: Remove the dummy host binary entry which is required by
229 // clang-offload-bundler.
230 std::string BundlerTargetArg = "-targets=host-x86_64-unknown-linux";
231 // AMDGCN:
232 // For code object version 2 and 3, the offload kind in bundle ID is 'hip'
233 // for backward compatibility. For code object version 4 and greater, the
234 // offload kind in bundle ID is 'hipv4'.
235 std::string OffloadKind = "hip";
236 auto &TT = T.getToolChain().getTriple();
237 if (TT.isAMDGCN() && getAMDGPUCodeObjectVersion(D: C.getDriver(), Args) >= 4)
238 OffloadKind = OffloadKind + "v4";
239 for (const auto &II : Inputs) {
240 const auto *A = II.getAction();
241 auto ArchStr = llvm::StringRef(A->getOffloadingArch());
242 BundlerTargetArg +=
243 "," + OffloadKind + "-" + normalizeForBundler(T: TT, HasTargetID: !ArchStr.empty());
244 if (!ArchStr.empty())
245 BundlerTargetArg += "-" + ArchStr.str();
246 }
247 BundlerArgs.push_back(Elt: Args.MakeArgString(Str: BundlerTargetArg));
249 // Use a NULL file as input for the dummy host binary entry
250 std::string BundlerInputArg = "-input=" NULL_FILE;
251 BundlerArgs.push_back(Elt: Args.MakeArgString(Str: BundlerInputArg));
252 for (const auto &II : Inputs) {
253 BundlerInputArg = std::string("-input=") + II.getFilename();
254 BundlerArgs.push_back(Elt: Args.MakeArgString(Str: BundlerInputArg));
255 }
257 std::string Output = std::string(OutputFileName);
258 auto *BundlerOutputArg =
259 Args.MakeArgString(Str: std::string("-output=").append(str: Output));
260 BundlerArgs.push_back(Elt: BundlerOutputArg);
262 addOffloadCompressArgs(TCArgs: Args, CmdArgs&: BundlerArgs);
264 const char *Bundler = Args.MakeArgString(
265 Str: T.getToolChain().GetProgramPath(Name: "clang-offload-bundler"));
266 C.addCommand(C: std::make_unique<Command>(
267 args: JA, args: T, args: ResponseFileSupport::None(), args&: Bundler, args&: BundlerArgs, args: Inputs,
268 args: InputInfo(&JA, Args.MakeArgString(Str: Output))));
271/// Add Generated HIP Object File which has device images embedded into the
272/// host to the argument list for linking. Using MC directives, embed the
273/// device code and also define symbols required by the code generation so that
274/// the image can be retrieved at runtime.
275void HIP::constructGenerateObjFileFromHIPFatBinary(
276 Compilation &C, const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
277 const ArgList &Args, const JobAction &JA, const Tool &T) {
278 const ToolChain &TC = T.getToolChain();
279 std::string Name = std::string(llvm::sys::path::stem(path: Output.getFilename()));
281 // Create Temp Object File Generator,
282 // Offload Bundled file and Bundled Object file.
283 // Keep them if save-temps is enabled.
284 const char *McinFile;
285 const char *BundleFile;
286 if (C.getDriver().isSaveTempsEnabled()) {
287 McinFile = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Str: Name + ".mcin");
288 BundleFile = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Str: Name + ".hipfb");
289 } else {
290 auto TmpNameMcin = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath(Prefix: Name, Suffix: "mcin");
291 McinFile = C.addTempFile(Name: C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Str: TmpNameMcin));
292 auto TmpNameFb = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath(Prefix: Name, Suffix: "hipfb");
293 BundleFile = C.addTempFile(Name: C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Str: TmpNameFb));
294 }
295 HIP::constructHIPFatbinCommand(C, JA, OutputFileName: BundleFile, Inputs, Args, T);
297 // Create a buffer to write the contents of the temp obj generator.
298 std::string ObjBuffer;
299 llvm::raw_string_ostream ObjStream(ObjBuffer);
301 auto HostTriple =
302 C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>()->getTriple();
304 HIPUndefinedFatBinSymbols Symbols(C);
306 std::string PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol;
307 std::string PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol;
308 bool FoundPrimaryHipFatbinSymbol = false;
309 bool FoundPrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol = false;
311 std::vector<std::string> AliasHipFatbinSymbols;
312 std::vector<std::string> AliasGpuBinHandleSymbols;
314 // Iterate through symbols to find the primary ones and collect others for
315 // aliasing
316 for (const auto &Symbol : Symbols.getFatBinSymbols()) {
317 if (!FoundPrimaryHipFatbinSymbol) {
318 PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol = Symbol;
319 FoundPrimaryHipFatbinSymbol = true;
320 } else
321 AliasHipFatbinSymbols.push_back(x: Symbol);
322 }
324 for (const auto &Symbol : Symbols.getGPUBinHandleSymbols()) {
325 if (!FoundPrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol) {
326 PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol = Symbol;
327 FoundPrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol = true;
328 } else
329 AliasGpuBinHandleSymbols.push_back(x: Symbol);
330 }
332 // Add MC directives to embed target binaries. We ensure that each
333 // section and image is 16-byte aligned. This is not mandatory, but
334 // increases the likelihood of data to be aligned with a cache block
335 // in several main host machines.
336 ObjStream << "# HIP Object Generator\n";
337 ObjStream << "# *** Automatically generated by Clang ***\n";
338 if (FoundPrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol) {
339 // Define the first gpubin handle symbol
340 if (HostTriple.isWindowsMSVCEnvironment())
341 ObjStream << " .section .hip_gpubin_handle,\"dw\"\n";
342 else {
343 ObjStream << " .protected " << PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol << "\n";
344 ObjStream << " .type " << PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol << ",@object\n";
345 ObjStream << " .section .hip_gpubin_handle,\"aw\"\n";
346 }
347 ObjStream << " .globl " << PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol << "\n";
348 ObjStream << " .p2align 3\n"; // Align 8
349 ObjStream << PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol << ":\n";
350 ObjStream << " .zero 8\n"; // Size 8
352 // Generate alias directives for other gpubin handle symbols
353 for (const auto &AliasSymbol : AliasGpuBinHandleSymbols) {
354 ObjStream << " .globl " << AliasSymbol << "\n";
355 ObjStream << " .set " << AliasSymbol << "," << PrimaryGpuBinHandleSymbol
356 << "\n";
357 }
358 }
359 if (FoundPrimaryHipFatbinSymbol) {
360 // Define the first fatbin symbol
361 if (HostTriple.isWindowsMSVCEnvironment())
362 ObjStream << " .section .hip_fatbin,\"dw\"\n";
363 else {
364 ObjStream << " .protected " << PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol << "\n";
365 ObjStream << " .type " << PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol << ",@object\n";
366 ObjStream << " .section .hip_fatbin,\"a\",@progbits\n";
367 }
368 ObjStream << " .globl " << PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol << "\n";
369 ObjStream << " .p2align " << llvm::Log2(A: llvm::Align(HIPCodeObjectAlign))
370 << "\n";
371 // Generate alias directives for other fatbin symbols
372 for (const auto &AliasSymbol : AliasHipFatbinSymbols) {
373 ObjStream << " .globl " << AliasSymbol << "\n";
374 ObjStream << " .set " << AliasSymbol << "," << PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol
375 << "\n";
376 }
377 ObjStream << PrimaryHipFatbinSymbol << ":\n";
378 ObjStream << " .incbin ";
379 llvm::sys::printArg(OS&: ObjStream, Arg: BundleFile, /*Quote=*/true);
380 ObjStream << "\n";
381 }
382 if (HostTriple.isOSLinux() && HostTriple.isOSBinFormatELF())
383 ObjStream << " .section .note.GNU-stack, \"\", @progbits\n";
384 ObjStream.flush();
386 // Dump the contents of the temp object file gen if the user requested that.
387 // We support this option to enable testing of behavior with -###.
388 if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_fhip_dump_offload_linker_script))
389 llvm::errs() << ObjBuffer;
391 // Open script file and write the contents.
392 std::error_code EC;
393 llvm::raw_fd_ostream Objf(McinFile, EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_None);
395 if (EC) {
396 C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::DiagID: err_unable_to_make_temp) << EC.message();
397 return;
398 }
400 Objf << ObjBuffer;
402 ArgStringList McArgs{"-triple", Args.MakeArgString(Str: HostTriple.normalize()),
403 "-o", Output.getFilename(),
404 McinFile, "--filetype=obj"};
405 const char *Mc = Args.MakeArgString(Str: TC.GetProgramPath(Name: "llvm-mc"));
406 C.addCommand(C: std::make_unique<Command>(args: JA, args: T, args: ResponseFileSupport::None(), args&: Mc,
407 args&: McArgs, args: Inputs, args: Output));

source code of clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/HIPUtility.cpp