1//===--- UnwrappedLineParser.h - Format C++ code ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9/// \file
10/// This file contains the declaration of the UnwrappedLineParser,
11/// which turns a stream of tokens into UnwrappedLines.
18#include "Macros.h"
19#include <stack>
21namespace clang {
22namespace format {
24struct UnwrappedLineNode;
26/// An unwrapped line is a sequence of \c Token, that we would like to
27/// put on a single line if there was no column limit.
29/// This is used as a main interface between the \c UnwrappedLineParser and the
30/// \c UnwrappedLineFormatter. The key property is that changing the formatting
31/// within an unwrapped line does not affect any other unwrapped lines.
32struct UnwrappedLine {
33 UnwrappedLine() = default;
35 /// The \c Tokens comprising this \c UnwrappedLine.
36 std::list<UnwrappedLineNode> Tokens;
38 /// The indent level of the \c UnwrappedLine.
39 unsigned Level = 0;
41 /// The \c PPBranchLevel (adjusted for header guards) if this line is a
42 /// \c InMacroBody line, and 0 otherwise.
43 unsigned PPLevel = 0;
45 /// Whether this \c UnwrappedLine is part of a preprocessor directive.
46 bool InPPDirective = false;
47 /// Whether this \c UnwrappedLine is part of a pramga directive.
48 bool InPragmaDirective = false;
49 /// Whether it is part of a macro body.
50 bool InMacroBody = false;
52 bool MustBeDeclaration = false;
54 /// Whether the parser has seen \c decltype(auto) in this line.
55 bool SeenDecltypeAuto = false;
57 /// \c True if this line should be indented by ContinuationIndent in
58 /// addition to the normal indention level.
59 bool IsContinuation = false;
61 /// If this \c UnwrappedLine closes a block in a sequence of lines,
62 /// \c MatchingOpeningBlockLineIndex stores the index of the corresponding
63 /// opening line. Otherwise, \c MatchingOpeningBlockLineIndex must be
64 /// \c kInvalidIndex.
65 size_t MatchingOpeningBlockLineIndex = kInvalidIndex;
67 /// If this \c UnwrappedLine opens a block, stores the index of the
68 /// line with the corresponding closing brace.
69 size_t MatchingClosingBlockLineIndex = kInvalidIndex;
71 static const size_t kInvalidIndex = -1;
73 unsigned FirstStartColumn = 0;
76/// Interface for users of the UnwrappedLineParser to receive the parsed lines.
77/// Parsing a single snippet of code can lead to multiple runs, where each
78/// run is a coherent view of the file.
80/// For example, different runs are generated:
81/// - for different combinations of #if blocks
82/// - when macros are involved, for the expanded code and the as-written code
84/// Some tokens will only be visible in a subset of the runs.
85/// For each run, \c UnwrappedLineParser will call \c consumeUnwrappedLine
86/// for each parsed unwrapped line, and then \c finishRun to indicate
87/// that the set of unwrapped lines before is one coherent view of the
88/// code snippet to be formatted.
89class UnwrappedLineConsumer {
91 virtual ~UnwrappedLineConsumer() {}
92 virtual void consumeUnwrappedLine(const UnwrappedLine &Line) = 0;
93 virtual void finishRun() = 0;
96class FormatTokenSource;
98class UnwrappedLineParser {
100 UnwrappedLineParser(SourceManager &SourceMgr, const FormatStyle &Style,
101 const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
102 unsigned FirstStartColumn, ArrayRef<FormatToken *> Tokens,
103 UnwrappedLineConsumer &Callback,
104 llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<FormatToken> &Allocator,
105 IdentifierTable &IdentTable);
107 void parse();
110 enum class IfStmtKind {
111 NotIf, // Not an if statement.
112 IfOnly, // An if statement without the else clause.
113 IfElse, // An if statement followed by else but not else if.
114 IfElseIf // An if statement followed by else if.
115 };
117 void reset();
118 void parseFile();
119 bool precededByCommentOrPPDirective() const;
120 bool parseLevel(const FormatToken *OpeningBrace = nullptr,
121 IfStmtKind *IfKind = nullptr,
122 FormatToken **IfLeftBrace = nullptr);
123 bool mightFitOnOneLine(UnwrappedLine &Line,
124 const FormatToken *OpeningBrace = nullptr) const;
125 FormatToken *parseBlock(bool MustBeDeclaration = false,
126 unsigned AddLevels = 1u, bool MunchSemi = true,
127 bool KeepBraces = true, IfStmtKind *IfKind = nullptr,
128 bool UnindentWhitesmithsBraces = false);
129 void parseChildBlock();
130 void parsePPDirective();
131 void parsePPDefine();
132 void parsePPIf(bool IfDef);
133 void parsePPElse();
134 void parsePPEndIf();
135 void parsePPPragma();
136 void parsePPUnknown();
137 void readTokenWithJavaScriptASI();
138 void parseStructuralElement(const FormatToken *OpeningBrace = nullptr,
139 IfStmtKind *IfKind = nullptr,
140 FormatToken **IfLeftBrace = nullptr,
141 bool *HasDoWhile = nullptr,
142 bool *HasLabel = nullptr);
143 bool tryToParseBracedList();
144 bool parseBracedList(bool IsAngleBracket = false, bool IsEnum = false);
145 bool parseParens(TokenType AmpAmpTokenType = TT_Unknown);
146 void parseSquare(bool LambdaIntroducer = false);
147 void keepAncestorBraces();
148 void parseUnbracedBody(bool CheckEOF = false);
149 void handleAttributes();
150 bool handleCppAttributes();
151 bool isBlockBegin(const FormatToken &Tok) const;
152 FormatToken *parseIfThenElse(IfStmtKind *IfKind, bool KeepBraces = false,
153 bool IsVerilogAssert = false);
154 void parseTryCatch();
155 void parseLoopBody(bool KeepBraces, bool WrapRightBrace);
156 void parseForOrWhileLoop(bool HasParens = true);
157 void parseDoWhile();
158 void parseLabel(bool LeftAlignLabel = false);
159 void parseCaseLabel();
160 void parseSwitch();
161 void parseNamespace();
162 bool parseModuleImport();
163 void parseNew();
164 void parseAccessSpecifier();
165 bool parseEnum();
166 bool parseStructLike();
167 bool parseRequires();
168 void parseRequiresClause(FormatToken *RequiresToken);
169 void parseRequiresExpression(FormatToken *RequiresToken);
170 void parseConstraintExpression();
171 void parseJavaEnumBody();
172 // Parses a record (aka class) as a top level element. If ParseAsExpr is true,
173 // parses the record as a child block, i.e. if the class declaration is an
174 // expression.
175 void parseRecord(bool ParseAsExpr = false);
176 void parseObjCLightweightGenerics();
177 void parseObjCMethod();
178 void parseObjCProtocolList();
179 void parseObjCUntilAtEnd();
180 void parseObjCInterfaceOrImplementation();
181 bool parseObjCProtocol();
182 void parseJavaScriptEs6ImportExport();
183 void parseStatementMacro();
184 void parseCSharpAttribute();
185 // Parse a C# generic type constraint: `where T : IComparable<T>`.
186 // See:
187 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/where-generic-type-constraint
188 void parseCSharpGenericTypeConstraint();
189 bool tryToParseLambda();
190 bool tryToParseChildBlock();
191 bool tryToParseLambdaIntroducer();
192 bool tryToParsePropertyAccessor();
193 void tryToParseJSFunction();
194 bool tryToParseSimpleAttribute();
195 void parseVerilogHierarchyIdentifier();
196 void parseVerilogSensitivityList();
197 // Returns the number of levels of indentation in addition to the normal 1
198 // level for a block, used for indenting case labels.
199 unsigned parseVerilogHierarchyHeader();
200 void parseVerilogTable();
201 void parseVerilogCaseLabel();
202 std::optional<llvm::SmallVector<llvm::SmallVector<FormatToken *, 8>, 1>>
203 parseMacroCall();
205 // Used by addUnwrappedLine to denote whether to keep or remove a level
206 // when resetting the line state.
207 enum class LineLevel { Remove, Keep };
209 void addUnwrappedLine(LineLevel AdjustLevel = LineLevel::Remove);
210 bool eof() const;
211 // LevelDifference is the difference of levels after and before the current
212 // token. For example:
213 // - if the token is '{' and opens a block, LevelDifference is 1.
214 // - if the token is '}' and closes a block, LevelDifference is -1.
215 void nextToken(int LevelDifference = 0);
216 void readToken(int LevelDifference = 0);
218 // Decides which comment tokens should be added to the current line and which
219 // should be added as comments before the next token.
220 //
221 // Comments specifies the sequence of comment tokens to analyze. They get
222 // either pushed to the current line or added to the comments before the next
223 // token.
224 //
225 // NextTok specifies the next token. A null pointer NextTok is supported, and
226 // signifies either the absence of a next token, or that the next token
227 // shouldn't be taken into account for the analysis.
228 void distributeComments(const SmallVectorImpl<FormatToken *> &Comments,
229 const FormatToken *NextTok);
231 // Adds the comment preceding the next token to unwrapped lines.
232 void flushComments(bool NewlineBeforeNext);
233 void pushToken(FormatToken *Tok);
234 void calculateBraceTypes(bool ExpectClassBody = false);
235 void setPreviousRBraceType(TokenType Type);
237 // Marks a conditional compilation edge (for example, an '#if', '#ifdef',
238 // '#else' or merge conflict marker). If 'Unreachable' is true, assumes
239 // this branch either cannot be taken (for example '#if false'), or should
240 // not be taken in this round.
241 void conditionalCompilationCondition(bool Unreachable);
242 void conditionalCompilationStart(bool Unreachable);
243 void conditionalCompilationAlternative();
244 void conditionalCompilationEnd();
246 bool isOnNewLine(const FormatToken &FormatTok);
248 // Returns whether there is a macro expansion in the line, i.e. a token that
249 // was expanded from a macro call.
250 bool containsExpansion(const UnwrappedLine &Line) const;
252 // Compute hash of the current preprocessor branch.
253 // This is used to identify the different branches, and thus track if block
254 // open and close in the same branch.
255 size_t computePPHash() const;
257 bool parsingPPDirective() const { return CurrentLines != &Lines; }
259 // FIXME: We are constantly running into bugs where Line.Level is incorrectly
260 // subtracted from beyond 0. Introduce a method to subtract from Line.Level
261 // and use that everywhere in the Parser.
262 std::unique_ptr<UnwrappedLine> Line;
264 // Lines that are created by macro expansion.
265 // When formatting code containing macro calls, we first format the expanded
266 // lines to set the token types correctly. Afterwards, we format the
267 // reconstructed macro calls, re-using the token types determined in the first
268 // step.
269 // ExpandedLines will be reset every time we create a new LineAndExpansion
270 // instance once a line containing macro calls has been parsed.
271 SmallVector<UnwrappedLine, 8> CurrentExpandedLines;
273 // Maps from the first token of a top-level UnwrappedLine that contains
274 // a macro call to the replacement UnwrappedLines expanded from the macro
275 // call.
276 llvm::DenseMap<FormatToken *, SmallVector<UnwrappedLine, 8>> ExpandedLines;
278 // Map from the macro identifier to a line containing the full unexpanded
279 // macro call.
280 llvm::DenseMap<FormatToken *, std::unique_ptr<UnwrappedLine>> Unexpanded;
282 // For recursive macro expansions, trigger reconstruction only on the
283 // outermost expansion.
284 bool InExpansion = false;
286 // Set while we reconstruct a macro call.
287 // For reconstruction, we feed the expanded lines into the reconstructor
288 // until it is finished.
289 std::optional<MacroCallReconstructor> Reconstruct;
291 // Comments are sorted into unwrapped lines by whether they are in the same
292 // line as the previous token, or not. If not, they belong to the next token.
293 // Since the next token might already be in a new unwrapped line, we need to
294 // store the comments belonging to that token.
295 SmallVector<FormatToken *, 1> CommentsBeforeNextToken;
296 FormatToken *FormatTok = nullptr;
297 bool MustBreakBeforeNextToken;
299 // The parsed lines. Only added to through \c CurrentLines.
300 SmallVector<UnwrappedLine, 8> Lines;
302 // Preprocessor directives are parsed out-of-order from other unwrapped lines.
303 // Thus, we need to keep a list of preprocessor directives to be reported
304 // after an unwrapped line that has been started was finished.
305 SmallVector<UnwrappedLine, 4> PreprocessorDirectives;
307 // New unwrapped lines are added via CurrentLines.
308 // Usually points to \c &Lines. While parsing a preprocessor directive when
309 // there is an unfinished previous unwrapped line, will point to
310 // \c &PreprocessorDirectives.
311 SmallVectorImpl<UnwrappedLine> *CurrentLines;
313 // We store for each line whether it must be a declaration depending on
314 // whether we are in a compound statement or not.
315 llvm::BitVector DeclarationScopeStack;
317 const FormatStyle &Style;
318 bool IsCpp;
319 const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords;
321 llvm::Regex CommentPragmasRegex;
323 FormatTokenSource *Tokens;
324 UnwrappedLineConsumer &Callback;
326 ArrayRef<FormatToken *> AllTokens;
328 // Keeps a stack of the states of nested control statements (true if the
329 // statement contains more than some predefined number of nested statements).
330 SmallVector<bool, 8> NestedTooDeep;
332 // Keeps a stack of the states of nested lambdas (true if the return type of
333 // the lambda is `decltype(auto)`).
334 SmallVector<bool, 4> NestedLambdas;
336 // Whether the parser is parsing the body of a function whose return type is
337 // `decltype(auto)`.
338 bool IsDecltypeAutoFunction = false;
340 // Represents preprocessor branch type, so we can find matching
341 // #if/#else/#endif directives.
342 enum PPBranchKind {
343 PP_Conditional, // Any #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #elif, block outside #if 0
344 PP_Unreachable // #if 0 or a conditional preprocessor block inside #if 0
345 };
347 struct PPBranch {
348 PPBranch(PPBranchKind Kind, size_t Line) : Kind(Kind), Line(Line) {}
349 PPBranchKind Kind;
350 size_t Line;
351 };
353 // Keeps a stack of currently active preprocessor branching directives.
354 SmallVector<PPBranch, 16> PPStack;
356 // The \c UnwrappedLineParser re-parses the code for each combination
357 // of preprocessor branches that can be taken.
358 // To that end, we take the same branch (#if, #else, or one of the #elif
359 // branches) for each nesting level of preprocessor branches.
360 // \c PPBranchLevel stores the current nesting level of preprocessor
361 // branches during one pass over the code.
362 int PPBranchLevel;
364 // Contains the current branch (#if, #else or one of the #elif branches)
365 // for each nesting level.
366 SmallVector<int, 8> PPLevelBranchIndex;
368 // Contains the maximum number of branches at each nesting level.
369 SmallVector<int, 8> PPLevelBranchCount;
371 // Contains the number of branches per nesting level we are currently
372 // in while parsing a preprocessor branch sequence.
373 // This is used to update PPLevelBranchCount at the end of a branch
374 // sequence.
375 std::stack<int> PPChainBranchIndex;
377 // Include guard search state. Used to fixup preprocessor indent levels
378 // so that include guards do not participate in indentation.
379 enum IncludeGuardState {
380 IG_Inited, // Search started, looking for #ifndef.
381 IG_IfNdefed, // #ifndef found, IncludeGuardToken points to condition.
382 IG_Defined, // Matching #define found, checking other requirements.
383 IG_Found, // All requirements met, need to fix indents.
384 IG_Rejected, // Search failed or never started.
385 };
387 // Current state of include guard search.
388 IncludeGuardState IncludeGuard;
390 // Points to the #ifndef condition for a potential include guard. Null unless
391 // IncludeGuardState == IG_IfNdefed.
392 FormatToken *IncludeGuardToken;
394 // Contains the first start column where the source begins. This is zero for
395 // normal source code and may be nonzero when formatting a code fragment that
396 // does not start at the beginning of the file.
397 unsigned FirstStartColumn;
399 MacroExpander Macros;
401 friend class ScopedLineState;
402 friend class CompoundStatementIndenter;
405struct UnwrappedLineNode {
406 UnwrappedLineNode() : Tok(nullptr) {}
407 UnwrappedLineNode(FormatToken *Tok,
408 llvm::ArrayRef<UnwrappedLine> Children = {})
409 : Tok(Tok), Children(Children.begin(), Children.end()) {}
411 FormatToken *Tok;
412 SmallVector<UnwrappedLine, 0> Children;
415std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &Stream, const UnwrappedLine &Line);
417} // end namespace format
418} // end namespace clang

source code of clang/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.h