1//===-- Bridge.cpp -- bridge to lower to MLIR -----------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Coding style: https://mlir.llvm.org/getting_started/DeveloperGuide/
13#include "flang/Lower/Bridge.h"
14#include "flang/Lower/Allocatable.h"
15#include "flang/Lower/CallInterface.h"
16#include "flang/Lower/Coarray.h"
17#include "flang/Lower/ConvertCall.h"
18#include "flang/Lower/ConvertExpr.h"
19#include "flang/Lower/ConvertExprToHLFIR.h"
20#include "flang/Lower/ConvertType.h"
21#include "flang/Lower/ConvertVariable.h"
22#include "flang/Lower/HostAssociations.h"
23#include "flang/Lower/IO.h"
24#include "flang/Lower/IterationSpace.h"
25#include "flang/Lower/Mangler.h"
26#include "flang/Lower/OpenACC.h"
27#include "flang/Lower/OpenMP.h"
28#include "flang/Lower/PFTBuilder.h"
29#include "flang/Lower/Runtime.h"
30#include "flang/Lower/StatementContext.h"
31#include "flang/Lower/Support/Utils.h"
32#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/BoxValue.h"
33#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Character.h"
34#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.h"
35#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Runtime/Assign.h"
36#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Runtime/Character.h"
37#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Runtime/Derived.h"
38#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Runtime/EnvironmentDefaults.h"
39#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Runtime/Ragged.h"
40#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Runtime/Stop.h"
41#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Todo.h"
42#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRAttr.h"
43#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRDialect.h"
44#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.h"
45#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/Support/FIRContext.h"
46#include "flang/Optimizer/HLFIR/HLFIROps.h"
47#include "flang/Optimizer/Support/DataLayout.h"
48#include "flang/Optimizer/Support/FatalError.h"
49#include "flang/Optimizer/Support/InternalNames.h"
50#include "flang/Optimizer/Transforms/Passes.h"
51#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree.h"
52#include "flang/Runtime/iostat.h"
53#include "flang/Semantics/runtime-type-info.h"
54#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
55#include "flang/Semantics/tools.h"
56#include "mlir/Dialect/ControlFlow/IR/ControlFlowOps.h"
57#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
58#include "mlir/Parser/Parser.h"
59#include "mlir/Transforms/RegionUtils.h"
60#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
61#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
62#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
63#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
64#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
65#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
66#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
67#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
68#include <optional>
70#define DEBUG_TYPE "flang-lower-bridge"
72static llvm::cl::opt<bool> dumpBeforeFir(
73 "fdebug-dump-pre-fir", llvm::cl::init(Val: false),
74 llvm::cl::desc("dump the Pre-FIR tree prior to FIR generation"));
76static llvm::cl::opt<bool> forceLoopToExecuteOnce(
77 "always-execute-loop-body", llvm::cl::init(Val: false),
78 llvm::cl::desc("force the body of a loop to execute at least once"));
80namespace {
81/// Information for generating a structured or unstructured increment loop.
82struct IncrementLoopInfo {
83 template <typename T>
84 explicit IncrementLoopInfo(Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym, const T &lower,
85 const T &upper, const std::optional<T> &step,
86 bool isUnordered = false)
87 : loopVariableSym{&sym}, lowerExpr{Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(lower)},
88 upperExpr{Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(upper)},
89 stepExpr{Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(step)}, isUnordered{isUnordered} {}
91 IncrementLoopInfo(IncrementLoopInfo &&) = default;
92 IncrementLoopInfo &operator=(IncrementLoopInfo &&x) = default;
94 bool isStructured() const { return !headerBlock; }
96 mlir::Type getLoopVariableType() const {
97 assert(loopVariable && "must be set");
98 return fir::unwrapRefType(loopVariable.getType());
99 }
101 bool hasLocalitySpecs() const {
102 return !localSymList.empty() || !localInitSymList.empty() ||
103 !sharedSymList.empty();
104 }
106 // Data members common to both structured and unstructured loops.
107 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *loopVariableSym;
108 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *lowerExpr;
109 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *upperExpr;
110 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *stepExpr;
111 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *maskExpr = nullptr;
112 bool isUnordered; // do concurrent, forall
113 llvm::SmallVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> localSymList;
114 llvm::SmallVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> localInitSymList;
115 llvm::SmallVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> sharedSymList;
116 mlir::Value loopVariable = nullptr;
118 // Data members for structured loops.
119 fir::DoLoopOp doLoop = nullptr;
121 // Data members for unstructured loops.
122 bool hasRealControl = false;
123 mlir::Value tripVariable = nullptr;
124 mlir::Value stepVariable = nullptr;
125 mlir::Block *headerBlock = nullptr; // loop entry and test block
126 mlir::Block *maskBlock = nullptr; // concurrent loop mask block
127 mlir::Block *bodyBlock = nullptr; // first loop body block
128 mlir::Block *exitBlock = nullptr; // loop exit target block
131/// Information to support stack management, object deallocation, and
132/// object finalization at early and normal construct exits.
133struct ConstructContext {
134 explicit ConstructContext(Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
135 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx)
136 : eval{eval}, stmtCtx{stmtCtx} {}
138 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval; // construct eval
139 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx; // construct exit code
142/// Helper class to generate the runtime type info global data and the
143/// fir.type_info operations that contain the dipatch tables (if any).
144/// The type info global data is required to describe the derived type to the
145/// runtime so that it can operate over it.
146/// It must be ensured these operations will be generated for every derived type
147/// lowered in the current translated unit. However, these operations
148/// cannot be generated before FuncOp have been created for functions since the
149/// initializers may take their address (e.g for type bound procedures). This
150/// class allows registering all the required type info while it is not
151/// possible to create GlobalOp/TypeInfoOp, and to generate this data afte
152/// function lowering.
153class TypeInfoConverter {
154 /// Store the location and symbols of derived type info to be generated.
155 /// The location of the derived type instantiation is also stored because
156 /// runtime type descriptor symbols are compiler generated and cannot be
157 /// mapped to user code on their own.
158 struct TypeInfo {
159 Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef symbol;
160 const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &typeSpec;
161 fir::RecordType type;
162 mlir::Location loc;
163 };
166 void registerTypeInfo(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
167 mlir::Location loc,
168 Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef typeInfoSym,
169 const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &typeSpec,
170 fir::RecordType type) {
171 if (seen.contains(typeInfoSym))
172 return;
173 seen.insert(typeInfoSym);
174 currentTypeInfoStack->emplace_back(
175 Args: TypeInfo{typeInfoSym, typeSpec, type, loc});
176 return;
177 }
179 void createTypeInfo(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter) {
180 while (!registeredTypeInfoA.empty()) {
181 currentTypeInfoStack = &registeredTypeInfoB;
182 for (const TypeInfo &info : registeredTypeInfoA)
183 createTypeInfoOpAndGlobal(converter, info);
184 registeredTypeInfoA.clear();
185 currentTypeInfoStack = &registeredTypeInfoA;
186 for (const TypeInfo &info : registeredTypeInfoB)
187 createTypeInfoOpAndGlobal(converter, info);
188 registeredTypeInfoB.clear();
189 }
190 }
193 void createTypeInfoOpAndGlobal(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
194 const TypeInfo &info) {
195 Fortran::lower::createRuntimeTypeInfoGlobal(converter, info.symbol.get());
196 createTypeInfoOp(converter, info);
197 }
199 void createTypeInfoOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
200 const TypeInfo &info) {
201 fir::RecordType parentType{};
202 if (const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *parent =
203 Fortran::evaluate::GetParentTypeSpec(info.typeSpec))
204 parentType = mlir::cast<fir::RecordType>(converter.genType(*parent));
206 fir::FirOpBuilder &builder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
207 mlir::ModuleOp module = builder.getModule();
208 fir::TypeInfoOp dt =
209 module.lookupSymbol<fir::TypeInfoOp>(info.type.getName());
210 if (dt)
211 return; // Already created.
212 auto insertPt = builder.saveInsertionPoint();
213 builder.setInsertionPoint(module.getBody(), module.getBody()->end());
214 dt = builder.create<fir::TypeInfoOp>(info.loc, info.type, parentType);
216 if (!info.typeSpec.HasDefaultInitialization(/*ignoreAllocatable=*/false,
217 /*ignorePointer=*/false))
218 dt->setAttr(dt.getNoInitAttrName(), builder.getUnitAttr());
219 if (!info.typeSpec.HasDestruction())
220 dt->setAttr(dt.getNoDestroyAttrName(), builder.getUnitAttr());
221 if (!Fortran::semantics::MayRequireFinalization(info.typeSpec))
222 dt->setAttr(dt.getNoFinalAttrName(), builder.getUnitAttr());
224 const Fortran::semantics::Scope *scope = info.typeSpec.scope();
225 if (!scope)
226 scope = info.typeSpec.typeSymbol().scope();
227 assert(scope && "failed to find type scope");
229 Fortran::semantics::SymbolVector bindings =
230 Fortran::semantics::CollectBindings(*scope);
231 if (!bindings.empty()) {
232 builder.createBlock(&dt.getDispatchTable());
233 for (const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef &binding : bindings) {
234 const auto &details =
235 binding.get().get<Fortran::semantics::ProcBindingDetails>();
236 std::string tbpName = binding.get().name().ToString();
237 if (details.numPrivatesNotOverridden() > 0)
238 tbpName += "."s + std::to_string(details.numPrivatesNotOverridden());
239 std::string bindingName = converter.mangleName(details.symbol());
240 builder.create<fir::DTEntryOp>(
241 info.loc, mlir::StringAttr::get(builder.getContext(), tbpName),
242 mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get(builder.getContext(), bindingName));
243 }
244 builder.create<fir::FirEndOp>(info.loc);
245 }
246 builder.restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
247 }
249 /// Store the front-end data that will be required to generate the type info
250 /// for the derived types that have been converted to fir.type<>. There are
251 /// two stacks since the type info may visit new types, so the new types must
252 /// be added to a new stack.
253 llvm::SmallVector<TypeInfo> registeredTypeInfoA;
254 llvm::SmallVector<TypeInfo> registeredTypeInfoB;
255 llvm::SmallVector<TypeInfo> *currentTypeInfoStack = &registeredTypeInfoA;
256 /// Track symbols symbols processed during and after the registration
257 /// to avoid infinite loops between type conversions and global variable
258 /// creation.
259 llvm::SmallSetVector<Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef, 32> seen;
262using IncrementLoopNestInfo = llvm::SmallVector<IncrementLoopInfo, 8>;
263} // namespace
266// FirConverter
269namespace {
271/// Traverse the pre-FIR tree (PFT) to generate the FIR dialect of MLIR.
272class FirConverter : public Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter {
274 explicit FirConverter(Fortran::lower::LoweringBridge &bridge)
275 : Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter(bridge.getLoweringOptions()),
276 bridge{bridge}, foldingContext{bridge.createFoldingContext()},
277 mlirSymbolTable{bridge.getModule()} {}
278 virtual ~FirConverter() = default;
280 /// Convert the PFT to FIR.
281 void run(Fortran::lower::pft::Program &pft) {
282 // Preliminary translation pass.
284 // Lower common blocks, taking into account initialization and the largest
285 // size of all instances of each common block. This is done before lowering
286 // since the global definition may differ from any one local definition.
287 lowerCommonBlocks(pft.getCommonBlocks());
289 // - Declare all functions that have definitions so that definition
290 // signatures prevail over call site signatures.
291 // - Define module variables and OpenMP/OpenACC declarative constructs so
292 // they are available before lowering any function that may use them.
293 bool hasMainProgram = false;
294 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *globalOmpRequiresSymbol = nullptr;
295 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Program::Units &u : pft.getUnits()) {
296 std::visit(Fortran::common::visitors{
297 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f) {
298 if (f.isMainProgram())
299 hasMainProgram = true;
300 declareFunction(f);
301 if (!globalOmpRequiresSymbol)
302 globalOmpRequiresSymbol = f.getScope().symbol();
303 },
304 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &m) {
305 lowerModuleDeclScope(m);
306 for (Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f :
307 m.nestedFunctions)
308 declareFunction(f);
309 },
310 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::BlockDataUnit &b) {
311 if (!globalOmpRequiresSymbol)
312 globalOmpRequiresSymbol = b.symTab.symbol();
313 },
314 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit &d) {},
315 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::OpenACCDirectiveUnit &d) {},
316 },
317 u);
318 }
320 // Create definitions of intrinsic module constants.
321 createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(
322 createGlobals: [&]() { createIntrinsicModuleDefinitions(pft); });
324 // Primary translation pass.
325 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Program::Units &u : pft.getUnits()) {
326 std::visit(
327 Fortran::common::visitors{
328 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f) { lowerFunc(f); },
329 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &m) { lowerMod(m); },
330 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::BlockDataUnit &b) {},
331 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit &d) {},
332 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::OpenACCDirectiveUnit &d) {
333 builder = new fir::FirOpBuilder(
334 bridge.getModule(), bridge.getKindMap(), &mlirSymbolTable);
335 Fortran::lower::genOpenACCRoutineConstruct(
336 *this, bridge.getSemanticsContext(), bridge.getModule(),
337 d.routine, accRoutineInfos);
338 builder = nullptr;
339 },
340 },
341 u);
342 }
344 // Once all the code has been translated, create global runtime type info
345 // data structures for the derived types that have been processed, as well
346 // as fir.type_info operations for the dispatch tables.
347 createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(
348 createGlobals: [&]() { typeInfoConverter.createTypeInfo(*this); });
350 // Create the list of any environment defaults for the runtime to set. The
351 // runtime default list is only created if there is a main program to ensure
352 // it only happens once and to provide consistent results if multiple files
353 // are compiled separately.
354 if (hasMainProgram)
355 createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(createGlobals: [&]() {
356 // FIXME: Ideally, this would create a call to a runtime function
357 // accepting the list of environment defaults. That way, we would not
358 // need to add an extern pointer to the runtime and said pointer would
359 // not need to be generated even if no defaults are specified.
360 // However, generating main or changing when the runtime reads
361 // environment variables is required to do so.
362 fir::runtime::genEnvironmentDefaults(*builder, toLocation(),
363 bridge.getEnvironmentDefaults());
364 });
366 finalizeOpenACCLowering();
367 finalizeOpenMPLowering(globalOmpRequiresSymbol);
368 }
370 /// Declare a function.
371 void declareFunction(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit) {
372 setCurrentPosition(funit.getStartingSourceLoc());
373 for (int entryIndex = 0, last = funit.entryPointList.size();
374 entryIndex < last; ++entryIndex) {
375 funit.setActiveEntry(entryIndex);
376 // Calling CalleeInterface ctor will build a declaration
377 // mlir::func::FuncOp with no other side effects.
378 // TODO: when doing some compiler profiling on real apps, it may be worth
379 // to check it's better to save the CalleeInterface instead of recomputing
380 // it later when lowering the body. CalleeInterface ctor should be linear
381 // with the number of arguments, so it is not awful to do it that way for
382 // now, but the linear coefficient might be non negligible. Until
383 // measured, stick to the solution that impacts the code less.
384 Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface{funit, *this};
385 }
386 funit.setActiveEntry(0);
388 // Compute the set of host associated entities from the nested functions.
389 llvm::SetVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> escapeHost;
390 for (Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f : funit.nestedFunctions)
391 collectHostAssociatedVariables(f, escapeHost);
392 funit.setHostAssociatedSymbols(escapeHost);
394 // Declare internal procedures
395 for (Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f : funit.nestedFunctions)
396 declareFunction(f);
397 }
399 /// Get the scope that is defining or using \p sym. The returned scope is not
400 /// the ultimate scope, since this helper does not traverse use association.
401 /// This allows capturing module variables that are referenced in an internal
402 /// procedure but whose use statement is inside the host program.
403 const Fortran::semantics::Scope &
404 getSymbolHostScope(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) {
405 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *hostSymbol = &sym;
406 while (const auto *details =
407 hostSymbol->detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>())
408 hostSymbol = &details->symbol();
409 return hostSymbol->owner();
410 }
412 /// Collects the canonical list of all host associated symbols. These bindings
413 /// must be aggregated into a tuple which can then be added to each of the
414 /// internal procedure declarations and passed at each call site.
415 void collectHostAssociatedVariables(
416 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit,
417 llvm::SetVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> &escapees) {
418 const Fortran::semantics::Scope *internalScope =
419 funit.getSubprogramSymbol().scope();
420 assert(internalScope && "internal procedures symbol must create a scope");
421 auto addToListIfEscapee = [&](const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) {
422 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &ultimate = sym.GetUltimate();
423 const auto *namelistDetails =
424 ultimate.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::NamelistDetails>();
425 if (ultimate.has<Fortran::semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>() ||
426 Fortran::semantics::IsProcedurePointer(ultimate) ||
427 Fortran::semantics::IsDummy(sym) || namelistDetails) {
428 const Fortran::semantics::Scope &symbolScope = getSymbolHostScope(sym);
429 if (symbolScope.kind() ==
430 Fortran::semantics::Scope::Kind::MainProgram ||
431 symbolScope.kind() == Fortran::semantics::Scope::Kind::Subprogram)
432 if (symbolScope != *internalScope &&
433 symbolScope.Contains(*internalScope)) {
434 if (namelistDetails) {
435 // So far, namelist symbols are processed on the fly in IO and
436 // the related namelist data structure is not added to the symbol
437 // map, so it cannot be passed to the internal procedures.
438 // Instead, all the symbols of the host namelist used in the
439 // internal procedure must be considered as host associated so
440 // that IO lowering can find them when needed.
441 for (const auto &namelistObject : namelistDetails->objects())
442 escapees.insert(&*namelistObject);
443 } else {
444 escapees.insert(&ultimate);
445 }
446 }
447 }
448 };
449 Fortran::lower::pft::visitAllSymbols(funit, addToListIfEscapee);
450 }
452 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
453 // AbstractConverter overrides
454 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
456 mlir::Value getSymbolAddress(Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym) override final {
457 return lookupSymbol(sym).getAddr();
458 }
460 fir::ExtendedValue
461 symBoxToExtendedValue(const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox &symBox) {
462 return symBox.match(
463 [](const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox::Intrinsic &box)
464 -> fir::ExtendedValue { return box.getAddr(); },
465 [](const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox::None &) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
466 llvm::report_fatal_error("symbol not mapped");
467 },
468 [&](const fir::FortranVariableOpInterface &x) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
469 return hlfir::translateToExtendedValue(getCurrentLocation(),
470 getFirOpBuilder(), x);
471 },
472 [](const auto &box) -> fir::ExtendedValue { return box; });
473 }
475 fir::ExtendedValue
476 getSymbolExtendedValue(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
477 Fortran::lower::SymMap *symMap) override final {
478 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox sb = lookupSymbol(sym, symMap);
479 if (!sb) {
480 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "unknown symbol: " << sym << "\nmap: "
481 << (symMap ? *symMap : localSymbols) << '\n');
482 fir::emitFatalError(getCurrentLocation(),
483 "symbol is not mapped to any IR value");
484 }
485 return symBoxToExtendedValue(sb);
486 }
488 mlir::Value impliedDoBinding(llvm::StringRef name) override final {
489 mlir::Value val = localSymbols.lookupImpliedDo(name);
490 if (!val)
491 fir::emitFatalError(toLocation(), "ac-do-variable has no binding");
492 return val;
493 }
495 void copySymbolBinding(Fortran::lower::SymbolRef src,
496 Fortran::lower::SymbolRef target) override final {
497 localSymbols.copySymbolBinding(src, target);
498 }
500 /// Add the symbol binding to the inner-most level of the symbol map and
501 /// return true if it is not already present. Otherwise, return false.
502 bool bindIfNewSymbol(Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym,
503 const fir::ExtendedValue &exval) {
504 if (shallowLookupSymbol(sym))
505 return false;
506 bindSymbol(sym, exval);
507 return true;
508 }
510 void bindSymbol(Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym,
511 const fir::ExtendedValue &exval) override final {
512 addSymbol(sym, exval, /*forced=*/true);
513 }
515 void
516 overrideExprValues(const Fortran::lower::ExprToValueMap *map) override final {
517 exprValueOverrides = map;
518 }
520 const Fortran::lower::ExprToValueMap *getExprOverrides() override final {
521 return exprValueOverrides;
522 }
524 bool lookupLabelSet(Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym,
525 Fortran::lower::pft::LabelSet &labelSet) override final {
526 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &owningProc =
527 *getEval().getOwningProcedure();
528 auto iter = owningProc.assignSymbolLabelMap.find(sym);
529 if (iter == owningProc.assignSymbolLabelMap.end())
530 return false;
531 labelSet = iter->second;
532 return true;
533 }
535 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *
536 lookupLabel(Fortran::lower::pft::Label label) override final {
537 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &owningProc =
538 *getEval().getOwningProcedure();
539 return owningProc.labelEvaluationMap.lookup(label);
540 }
542 fir::ExtendedValue
543 genExprAddr(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr,
544 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &context,
545 mlir::Location *locPtr = nullptr) override final {
546 mlir::Location loc = locPtr ? *locPtr : toLocation();
547 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
548 return Fortran::lower::convertExprToAddress(loc, *this, expr,
549 localSymbols, context);
550 return Fortran::lower::createSomeExtendedAddress(loc, *this, expr,
551 localSymbols, context);
552 }
554 fir::ExtendedValue
555 genExprValue(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr,
556 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &context,
557 mlir::Location *locPtr = nullptr) override final {
558 mlir::Location loc = locPtr ? *locPtr : toLocation();
559 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
560 return Fortran::lower::convertExprToValue(loc, *this, expr, localSymbols,
561 context);
562 return Fortran::lower::createSomeExtendedExpression(loc, *this, expr,
563 localSymbols, context);
564 }
566 fir::ExtendedValue
567 genExprBox(mlir::Location loc, const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr,
568 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) override final {
569 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
570 return Fortran::lower::convertExprToBox(loc, *this, expr, localSymbols,
571 stmtCtx);
572 return Fortran::lower::createBoxValue(loc, *this, expr, localSymbols,
573 stmtCtx);
574 }
576 Fortran::evaluate::FoldingContext &getFoldingContext() override final {
577 return foldingContext;
578 }
580 mlir::Type genType(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr) override final {
581 return Fortran::lower::translateSomeExprToFIRType(*this, expr);
582 }
583 mlir::Type genType(const Fortran::lower::pft::Variable &var) override final {
584 return Fortran::lower::translateVariableToFIRType(*this, var);
585 }
586 mlir::Type genType(Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym) override final {
587 return Fortran::lower::translateSymbolToFIRType(*this, sym);
588 }
589 mlir::Type
590 genType(Fortran::common::TypeCategory tc, int kind,
591 llvm::ArrayRef<std::int64_t> lenParameters) override final {
592 return Fortran::lower::getFIRType(&getMLIRContext(), tc, kind,
593 lenParameters);
594 }
595 mlir::Type
596 genType(const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &tySpec) override final {
597 return Fortran::lower::translateDerivedTypeToFIRType(*this, tySpec);
598 }
599 mlir::Type genType(Fortran::common::TypeCategory tc) override final {
600 return Fortran::lower::getFIRType(
601 &getMLIRContext(), tc, bridge.getDefaultKinds().GetDefaultKind(tc),
602 std::nullopt);
603 }
605 Fortran::lower::TypeConstructionStack &
606 getTypeConstructionStack() override final {
607 return typeConstructionStack;
608 }
610 bool isPresentShallowLookup(Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) override final {
611 return bool(shallowLookupSymbol(sym));
612 }
614 bool createHostAssociateVarClone(
615 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) override final {
616 mlir::Location loc = genLocation(sym.name());
617 mlir::Type symType = genType(sym);
618 const auto *details = sym.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>();
619 assert(details && "No host-association found");
620 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &hsym = details->symbol();
621 mlir::Type hSymType = genType(hsym);
622 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox hsb =
623 lookupSymbol(hsym, /*symMap=*/nullptr, /*forceHlfirBase=*/true);
625 auto allocate = [&](llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> shape,
626 llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> typeParams) -> mlir::Value {
627 mlir::Value allocVal = builder->allocateLocal(
628 loc,
629 Fortran::semantics::IsAllocatableOrObjectPointer(&hsym.GetUltimate())
630 ? hSymType
631 : symType,
632 mangleName(sym), toStringRef(sym.GetUltimate().name()),
633 /*pinned=*/true, shape, typeParams,
634 sym.GetUltimate().attrs().test(Fortran::semantics::Attr::TARGET));
635 return allocVal;
636 };
638 fir::ExtendedValue hexv = symBoxToExtendedValue(hsb);
639 fir::ExtendedValue exv = hexv.match(
640 [&](const fir::BoxValue &box) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
641 const Fortran::semantics::DeclTypeSpec *type = sym.GetType();
642 if (type && type->IsPolymorphic())
643 TODO(loc, "create polymorphic host associated copy");
644 // Create a contiguous temp with the same shape and length as
645 // the original variable described by a fir.box.
646 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> extents =
647 fir::factory::getExtents(loc, *builder, hexv);
648 if (box.isDerivedWithLenParameters())
649 TODO(loc, "get length parameters from derived type BoxValue");
650 if (box.isCharacter()) {
651 mlir::Value len = fir::factory::readCharLen(*builder, loc, box);
652 mlir::Value temp = allocate(extents, {len});
653 return fir::CharArrayBoxValue{temp, len, extents};
654 }
655 return fir::ArrayBoxValue{allocate(extents, {}), extents};
656 },
657 [&](const fir::MutableBoxValue &box) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
658 // Allocate storage for a pointer/allocatble descriptor.
659 // No shape/lengths to be passed to the alloca.
660 return fir::MutableBoxValue(allocate({}, {}), {}, {});
661 },
662 [&](const auto &) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
663 mlir::Value temp =
664 allocate(fir::factory::getExtents(loc, *builder, hexv),
665 fir::factory::getTypeParams(loc, *builder, hexv));
666 return fir::substBase(hexv, temp);
667 });
669 // Initialise cloned allocatable
670 hexv.match(
671 [&](const fir::MutableBoxValue &box) -> void {
672 // Do not process pointers
673 if (Fortran::semantics::IsPointer(sym.GetUltimate())) {
674 return;
675 }
676 // Allocate storage for a pointer/allocatble descriptor.
677 // No shape/lengths to be passed to the alloca.
678 const auto new_box = exv.getBoxOf<fir::MutableBoxValue>();
680 // allocate if allocated
681 mlir::Value isAllocated =
682 fir::factory::genIsAllocatedOrAssociatedTest(*builder, loc, box);
683 auto if_builder = builder->genIfThenElse(loc, isAllocated);
684 if_builder.genThen([&]() {
685 std::string name = mangleName(name&: sym) + ".alloc";
686 if (auto seqTy = symType.dyn_cast<fir::SequenceType>()) {
687 fir::ExtendedValue read = fir::factory::genMutableBoxRead(
688 *builder, loc, box, /*mayBePolymorphic=*/false);
689 if (auto read_arr_box = read.getBoxOf<fir::ArrayBoxValue>()) {
690 fir::factory::genInlinedAllocation(
691 *builder, loc, *new_box, read_arr_box->getLBounds(),
692 read_arr_box->getExtents(),
693 /*lenParams=*/std::nullopt, name,
694 /*mustBeHeap=*/true);
695 } else if (auto read_char_arr_box =
696 read.getBoxOf<fir::CharArrayBoxValue>()) {
697 fir::factory::genInlinedAllocation(
698 *builder, loc, *new_box, read_char_arr_box->getLBounds(),
699 read_char_arr_box->getExtents(),
700 read_char_arr_box->getLen(), name,
701 /*mustBeHeap=*/true);
702 } else {
703 TODO(loc, "Unhandled allocatable box type");
704 }
705 } else {
706 fir::factory::genInlinedAllocation(
707 *builder, loc, *new_box, box.getMutableProperties().lbounds,
708 box.getMutableProperties().extents,
709 box.nonDeferredLenParams(), name,
710 /*mustBeHeap=*/true);
711 }
712 });
713 if_builder.genElse([&]() {
714 // nullify box
715 auto empty = fir::factory::createUnallocatedBox(
716 *builder, loc, new_box->getBoxTy(),
717 new_box->nonDeferredLenParams(), {});
718 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, empty, new_box->getAddr());
719 });
720 if_builder.end();
721 },
722 [&](const auto &) -> void {
723 // Do nothing
724 });
726 return bindIfNewSymbol(sym, exv);
727 }
729 void createHostAssociateVarCloneDealloc(
730 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) override final {
731 mlir::Location loc = genLocation(sym.name());
732 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox hsb =
733 lookupSymbol(sym, /*symMap=*/nullptr, /*forceHlfirBase=*/true);
735 fir::ExtendedValue hexv = symBoxToExtendedValue(hsb);
736 hexv.match(
737 [&](const fir::MutableBoxValue &new_box) -> void {
738 // Do not process pointers
739 if (Fortran::semantics::IsPointer(sym.GetUltimate())) {
740 return;
741 }
742 // deallocate allocated in createHostAssociateVarClone value
743 Fortran::lower::genDeallocateIfAllocated(*this, new_box, loc);
744 },
745 [&](const auto &) -> void {
746 // Do nothing
747 });
748 }
750 void copyVar(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value dst,
751 mlir::Value src) override final {
752 copyVarHLFIR(loc, Fortran::lower::SymbolBox::Intrinsic{dst},
753 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox::Intrinsic{src});
754 }
756 void copyHostAssociateVar(
757 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
758 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint *copyAssignIP = nullptr) override final {
759 // 1) Fetch the original copy of the variable.
760 assert(sym.has<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>() &&
761 "No host-association found");
762 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &hsym = sym.GetUltimate();
763 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox hsb = lookupOneLevelUpSymbol(hsym);
764 assert(hsb && "Host symbol box not found");
766 // 2) Fetch the copied one that will mask the original.
767 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox sb = shallowLookupSymbol(sym);
768 assert(sb && "Host-associated symbol box not found");
769 assert(hsb.getAddr() != sb.getAddr() &&
770 "Host and associated symbol boxes are the same");
772 // 3) Perform the assignment.
773 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
774 if (copyAssignIP && copyAssignIP->isSet())
775 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(*copyAssignIP);
776 else
777 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(sb.getAddr().getDefiningOp());
779 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox *lhs_sb, *rhs_sb;
780 if (copyAssignIP && copyAssignIP->isSet() &&
781 sym.test(Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::OmpLastPrivate)) {
782 // lastprivate case
783 lhs_sb = &hsb;
784 rhs_sb = &sb;
785 } else {
786 lhs_sb = &sb;
787 rhs_sb = &hsb;
788 }
790 copyVar(sym, *lhs_sb, *rhs_sb);
792 if (copyAssignIP && copyAssignIP->isSet() &&
793 sym.test(Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::OmpLastPrivate)) {
794 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insPt);
795 }
796 }
798 void genEval(Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
799 bool unstructuredContext) override final {
800 genFIR(eval, unstructuredContext);
801 }
803 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
804 // Utility methods
805 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
807 void collectSymbolSet(
808 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
809 llvm::SetVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> &symbolSet,
810 Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag flag, bool collectSymbols,
811 bool checkHostAssociatedSymbols) override final {
812 auto addToList = [&](const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) {
813 std::function<void(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &, bool)>
814 insertSymbols = [&](const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &oriSymbol,
815 bool collectSymbol) {
816 if (collectSymbol && oriSymbol.test(flag))
817 symbolSet.insert(&oriSymbol);
818 if (checkHostAssociatedSymbols)
819 if (const auto *details{
820 oriSymbol
821 .detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>()})
822 insertSymbols(details->symbol(), true);
823 };
824 insertSymbols(sym, collectSymbols);
825 };
826 Fortran::lower::pft::visitAllSymbols(eval, addToList);
827 }
829 mlir::Location getCurrentLocation() override final { return toLocation(); }
831 /// Generate a dummy location.
832 mlir::Location genUnknownLocation() override final {
833 // Note: builder may not be instantiated yet
834 return mlir::UnknownLoc::get(&getMLIRContext());
835 }
837 /// Generate a `Location` from the `CharBlock`.
838 mlir::Location
839 genLocation(const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &block) override final {
840 if (const Fortran::parser::AllCookedSources *cooked =
841 bridge.getCookedSource()) {
842 if (std::optional<Fortran::parser::ProvenanceRange> provenance =
843 cooked->GetProvenanceRange(block)) {
844 if (std::optional<Fortran::parser::SourcePosition> filePos =
845 cooked->allSources().GetSourcePosition(provenance->start())) {
846 llvm::SmallString<256> filePath(*filePos->path);
847 llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(path&: filePath);
848 llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(path&: filePath);
849 return mlir::FileLineColLoc::get(&getMLIRContext(), filePath.str(),
850 filePos->line, filePos->column);
851 }
852 }
853 }
854 return genUnknownLocation();
855 }
857 const Fortran::semantics::Scope &getCurrentScope() override final {
858 return bridge.getSemanticsContext().FindScope(currentPosition);
859 }
861 fir::FirOpBuilder &getFirOpBuilder() override final { return *builder; }
863 mlir::ModuleOp &getModuleOp() override final { return bridge.getModule(); }
865 mlir::MLIRContext &getMLIRContext() override final {
866 return bridge.getMLIRContext();
867 }
868 std::string
869 mangleName(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol) override final {
870 return Fortran::lower::mangle::mangleName(
871 symbol, scopeBlockIdMap, /*keepExternalInScope=*/false,
872 getLoweringOptions().getUnderscoring());
873 }
874 std::string mangleName(
875 const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &derivedType) override final {
876 return Fortran::lower::mangle::mangleName(derivedType, scopeBlockIdMap);
877 }
878 std::string mangleName(std::string &name) override final {
879 return Fortran::lower::mangle::mangleName(name, getCurrentScope(),
880 scopeBlockIdMap);
881 }
882 std::string getRecordTypeFieldName(
883 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &component) override final {
884 return Fortran::lower::mangle::getRecordTypeFieldName(component,
885 scopeBlockIdMap);
886 }
887 const fir::KindMapping &getKindMap() override final {
888 return bridge.getKindMap();
889 }
891 /// Return the current function context, which may be a nested BLOCK context
892 /// or a full subprogram context.
893 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &getFctCtx() override final {
894 if (!activeConstructStack.empty() &&
895 activeConstructStack.back().eval.isA<Fortran::parser::BlockConstruct>())
896 return activeConstructStack.back().stmtCtx;
897 return bridge.fctCtx();
898 }
900 mlir::Value hostAssocTupleValue() override final { return hostAssocTuple; }
902 /// Record a binding for the ssa-value of the tuple for this function.
903 void bindHostAssocTuple(mlir::Value val) override final {
904 assert(!hostAssocTuple && val);
905 hostAssocTuple = val;
906 }
908 void registerTypeInfo(mlir::Location loc,
909 Fortran::lower::SymbolRef typeInfoSym,
910 const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &typeSpec,
911 fir::RecordType type) override final {
912 typeInfoConverter.registerTypeInfo(*this, loc, typeInfoSym, typeSpec, type);
913 }
915 llvm::StringRef
916 getUniqueLitName(mlir::Location loc,
917 std::unique_ptr<Fortran::lower::SomeExpr> expr,
918 mlir::Type eleTy) override final {
919 std::string namePrefix =
920 getConstantExprManglePrefix(loc, *expr.get(), eleTy);
921 auto [it, inserted] = literalNamesMap.try_emplace(
922 expr.get(), namePrefix + std::to_string(uniqueLitId));
923 const auto &name = it->second;
924 if (inserted) {
925 // Keep ownership of the expr key.
926 literalExprsStorage.push_back(std::move(expr));
928 // If we've just added a new name, we have to make sure
929 // there is no global object with the same name in the module.
930 fir::GlobalOp global = builder->getNamedGlobal(name);
931 if (global)
932 fir::emitFatalError(loc, llvm::Twine("global object with name '") +
933 llvm::Twine(name) +
934 llvm::Twine("' already exists"));
935 ++uniqueLitId;
936 return name;
937 }
939 // The name already exists. Verify that the prefix is the same.
940 if (!llvm::StringRef(name).starts_with(namePrefix))
941 fir::emitFatalError(loc, llvm::Twine("conflicting prefixes: '") +
942 llvm::Twine(name) +
943 llvm::Twine("' does not start with '") +
944 llvm::Twine(namePrefix) + llvm::Twine("'"));
946 return name;
947 }
950 FirConverter() = delete;
951 FirConverter(const FirConverter &) = delete;
952 FirConverter &operator=(const FirConverter &) = delete;
954 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
955 // Helper member functions
956 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
958 mlir::Value createFIRExpr(mlir::Location loc,
959 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr,
960 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
961 return fir::getBase(genExprValue(*expr, stmtCtx, &loc));
962 }
964 /// Find the symbol in the local map or return null.
965 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox
966 lookupSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
967 Fortran::lower::SymMap *symMap = nullptr,
968 bool forceHlfirBase = false) {
969 symMap = symMap ? symMap : &localSymbols;
970 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
971 if (std::optional<fir::FortranVariableOpInterface> var =
972 symMap->lookupVariableDefinition(sym)) {
973 auto exv = hlfir::translateToExtendedValue(toLocation(), *builder, *var,
974 forceHlfirBase);
975 return exv.match(
976 [](mlir::Value x) -> Fortran::lower::SymbolBox {
977 return Fortran::lower::SymbolBox::Intrinsic{x};
978 },
979 [](auto x) -> Fortran::lower::SymbolBox { return x; });
980 }
982 // Entry character result represented as an argument pair
983 // needs to be represented in the symbol table even before
984 // we can create DeclareOp for it. The temporary mapping
985 // is EmboxCharOp that conveys the address and length information.
986 // After mapSymbolAttributes is done, the mapping is replaced
987 // with the new DeclareOp, and the following table lookups
988 // do not reach here.
989 if (sym.IsFuncResult())
990 if (const Fortran::semantics::DeclTypeSpec *declTy = sym.GetType())
991 if (declTy->category() ==
992 Fortran::semantics::DeclTypeSpec::Category::Character)
993 return symMap->lookupSymbol(sym);
995 // Procedure dummies are not mapped with an hlfir.declare because
996 // they are not "variable" (cannot be assigned to), and it would
997 // make hlfir.declare more complex than it needs to to allow this.
998 // Do a regular lookup.
999 if (Fortran::semantics::IsProcedure(sym))
1000 return symMap->lookupSymbol(sym);
1002 // Commonblock names are not variables, but in some lowerings (like
1003 // OpenMP) it is useful to maintain the address of the commonblock in an
1004 // MLIR value and query it. hlfir.declare need not be created for these.
1005 if (sym.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::CommonBlockDetails>())
1006 return symMap->lookupSymbol(sym);
1008 // For symbols to be privatized in OMP, the symbol is mapped to an
1009 // instance of `SymbolBox::Intrinsic` (i.e. a direct mapping to an MLIR
1010 // SSA value). This MLIR SSA value is the block argument to the
1011 // `omp.private`'s `alloc` block. If this is the case, we return this
1012 // `SymbolBox::Intrinsic` value.
1013 if (Fortran::lower::SymbolBox v = symMap->lookupSymbol(sym))
1014 return v;
1016 return {};
1017 }
1018 if (Fortran::lower::SymbolBox v = symMap->lookupSymbol(sym))
1019 return v;
1020 return {};
1021 }
1023 /// Find the symbol in the inner-most level of the local map or return null.
1024 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox
1025 shallowLookupSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) {
1026 if (Fortran::lower::SymbolBox v = localSymbols.shallowLookupSymbol(sym))
1027 return v;
1028 return {};
1029 }
1031 /// Find the symbol in one level up of symbol map such as for host-association
1032 /// in OpenMP code or return null.
1033 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox
1034 lookupOneLevelUpSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) override {
1035 if (Fortran::lower::SymbolBox v = localSymbols.lookupOneLevelUpSymbol(sym))
1036 return v;
1037 return {};
1038 }
1040 mlir::SymbolTable *getMLIRSymbolTable() override { return &mlirSymbolTable; }
1042 /// Add the symbol to the local map and return `true`. If the symbol is
1043 /// already in the map and \p forced is `false`, the map is not updated.
1044 /// Instead the value `false` is returned.
1045 bool addSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef sym,
1046 fir::ExtendedValue val, bool forced = false) {
1047 if (!forced && lookupSymbol(sym))
1048 return false;
1049 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
1050 Fortran::lower::genDeclareSymbol(*this, localSymbols, sym, val,
1051 fir::FortranVariableFlagsEnum::None,
1052 forced);
1053 } else {
1054 localSymbols.addSymbol(sym, val, forced);
1055 }
1056 return true;
1057 }
1059 void copyVar(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
1060 const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox &lhs_sb,
1061 const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox &rhs_sb) {
1062 mlir::Location loc = genLocation(sym.name());
1063 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
1064 copyVarHLFIR(loc, lhs_sb, rhs_sb);
1065 else
1066 copyVarFIR(loc, sym, lhs_sb, rhs_sb);
1067 }
1069 void copyVarHLFIR(mlir::Location loc, Fortran::lower::SymbolBox dst,
1070 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox src) {
1071 assert(lowerToHighLevelFIR());
1072 hlfir::Entity lhs{dst.getAddr()};
1073 hlfir::Entity rhs{src.getAddr()};
1074 // Temporary_lhs is set to true in hlfir.assign below to avoid user
1075 // assignment to be used and finalization to be called on the LHS.
1076 // This may or may not be correct but mimics the current behaviour
1077 // without HLFIR.
1078 auto copyData = [&](hlfir::Entity l, hlfir::Entity r) {
1079 // Dereference RHS and load it if trivial scalar.
1080 r = hlfir::loadTrivialScalar(loc, *builder, r);
1081 builder->create<hlfir::AssignOp>(
1082 loc, r, l,
1083 /*isWholeAllocatableAssignment=*/false,
1084 /*keepLhsLengthInAllocatableAssignment=*/false,
1085 /*temporary_lhs=*/true);
1086 };
1088 bool isBoxAllocatable = dst.match(
1089 [](const fir::MutableBoxValue &box) { return box.isAllocatable(); },
1090 [](const fir::FortranVariableOpInterface &box) {
1091 return fir::FortranVariableOpInterface(box).isAllocatable();
1092 },
1093 [](const auto &box) { return false; });
1095 bool isBoxPointer = dst.match(
1096 [](const fir::MutableBoxValue &box) { return box.isPointer(); },
1097 [](const fir::FortranVariableOpInterface &box) {
1098 return fir::FortranVariableOpInterface(box).isPointer();
1099 },
1100 [](const auto &box) { return false; });
1102 if (isBoxAllocatable) {
1103 // Deep copy allocatable if it is allocated.
1104 // Note that when allocated, the RHS is already allocated with the LHS
1105 // shape for copy on entry in createHostAssociateVarClone.
1106 // For lastprivate, this assumes that the RHS was not reallocated in
1107 // the OpenMP region.
1108 lhs = hlfir::derefPointersAndAllocatables(loc, *builder, lhs);
1109 mlir::Value addr = hlfir::genVariableRawAddress(loc, *builder, lhs);
1110 mlir::Value isAllocated = builder->genIsNotNullAddr(loc, addr);
1111 builder->genIfThen(loc, isAllocated)
1112 .genThen([&]() {
1113 // Copy the DATA, not the descriptors.
1114 copyData(lhs, rhs);
1115 })
1116 .end();
1117 } else if (isBoxPointer) {
1118 // Set LHS target to the target of RHS (do not copy the RHS
1119 // target data into the LHS target storage).
1120 auto loadVal = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, rhs);
1121 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, loadVal, lhs);
1122 } else {
1123 // Non ALLOCATABLE/POINTER variable. Simple DATA copy.
1124 copyData(lhs, rhs);
1125 }
1126 }
1128 void copyVarFIR(mlir::Location loc, const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
1129 const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox &lhs_sb,
1130 const Fortran::lower::SymbolBox &rhs_sb) {
1131 assert(!lowerToHighLevelFIR());
1132 fir::ExtendedValue lhs = symBoxToExtendedValue(lhs_sb);
1133 fir::ExtendedValue rhs = symBoxToExtendedValue(rhs_sb);
1134 mlir::Type symType = genType(sym);
1135 if (auto seqTy = symType.dyn_cast<fir::SequenceType>()) {
1136 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1137 Fortran::lower::createSomeArrayAssignment(*this, lhs, rhs, localSymbols,
1138 stmtCtx);
1139 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1140 } else if (lhs.getBoxOf<fir::CharBoxValue>()) {
1141 fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper{*builder, loc}.createAssign(lhs, rhs);
1142 } else {
1143 auto loadVal = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, fir::getBase(rhs));
1144 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, loadVal, fir::getBase(lhs));
1145 }
1146 }
1148 /// Map a block argument to a result or dummy symbol. This is not the
1149 /// definitive mapping. The specification expression have not been lowered
1150 /// yet. The final mapping will be done using this pre-mapping in
1151 /// Fortran::lower::mapSymbolAttributes.
1152 bool mapBlockArgToDummyOrResult(const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef sym,
1153 mlir::Value val, bool forced = false) {
1154 if (!forced && lookupSymbol(sym))
1155 return false;
1156 localSymbols.addSymbol(sym, val, forced);
1157 return true;
1158 }
1160 /// Generate the address of loop variable \p sym.
1161 /// If \p sym is not mapped yet, allocate local storage for it.
1162 mlir::Value genLoopVariableAddress(mlir::Location loc,
1163 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
1164 bool isUnordered) {
1165 if (isUnordered || sym.has<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>() ||
1166 sym.has<Fortran::semantics::UseDetails>()) {
1167 if (!shallowLookupSymbol(sym)) {
1168 // Do concurrent loop variables are not mapped yet since they are local
1169 // to the Do concurrent scope (same for OpenMP loops).
1170 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
1171 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(builder->getAllocaBlock());
1172 mlir::Type tempTy = genType(sym);
1173 mlir::Value temp =
1174 builder->createTemporaryAlloc(loc, tempTy, toStringRef(sym.name()));
1175 bindIfNewSymbol(sym, temp);
1176 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insPt);
1177 }
1178 }
1179 auto entry = lookupSymbol(sym);
1180 (void)entry;
1181 assert(entry && "loop control variable must already be in map");
1182 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1183 return fir::getBase(
1184 genExprAddr(Fortran::evaluate::AsGenericExpr(sym).value(), stmtCtx));
1185 }
1187 static bool isNumericScalarCategory(Fortran::common::TypeCategory cat) {
1188 return cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Integer ||
1189 cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Real ||
1190 cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Complex ||
1191 cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Logical;
1192 }
1193 static bool isLogicalCategory(Fortran::common::TypeCategory cat) {
1194 return cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Logical;
1195 }
1196 static bool isCharacterCategory(Fortran::common::TypeCategory cat) {
1197 return cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Character;
1198 }
1199 static bool isDerivedCategory(Fortran::common::TypeCategory cat) {
1200 return cat == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Derived;
1201 }
1203 /// Insert a new block before \p block. Leave the insertion point unchanged.
1204 mlir::Block *insertBlock(mlir::Block *block) {
1205 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
1206 mlir::Block *newBlock = builder->createBlock(block);
1207 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
1208 return newBlock;
1209 }
1211 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &evalOfLabel(Fortran::parser::Label label) {
1212 const Fortran::lower::pft::LabelEvalMap &labelEvaluationMap =
1213 getEval().getOwningProcedure()->labelEvaluationMap;
1214 const auto iter = labelEvaluationMap.find(label);
1215 assert(iter != labelEvaluationMap.end() && "label missing from map");
1216 return *iter->second;
1217 }
1219 void genBranch(mlir::Block *targetBlock) {
1220 assert(targetBlock && "missing unconditional target block");
1221 builder->create<mlir::cf::BranchOp>(toLocation(), targetBlock);
1222 }
1224 void genConditionalBranch(mlir::Value cond, mlir::Block *trueTarget,
1225 mlir::Block *falseTarget) {
1226 assert(trueTarget && "missing conditional branch true block");
1227 assert(falseTarget && "missing conditional branch false block");
1228 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1229 mlir::Value bcc = builder->createConvert(loc, builder->getI1Type(), cond);
1230 builder->create<mlir::cf::CondBranchOp>(loc, bcc, trueTarget, std::nullopt,
1231 falseTarget, std::nullopt);
1232 }
1233 void genConditionalBranch(mlir::Value cond,
1234 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *trueTarget,
1235 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *falseTarget) {
1236 genConditionalBranch(cond, trueTarget->block, falseTarget->block);
1237 }
1238 void genConditionalBranch(const Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr &expr,
1239 mlir::Block *trueTarget, mlir::Block *falseTarget) {
1240 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1241 mlir::Value cond =
1242 createFIRExpr(toLocation(), Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(expr), stmtCtx);
1243 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1244 genConditionalBranch(cond, trueTarget, falseTarget);
1245 }
1246 void genConditionalBranch(const Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr &expr,
1247 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *trueTarget,
1248 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *falseTarget) {
1249 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1250 mlir::Value cond =
1251 createFIRExpr(toLocation(), Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(expr), stmtCtx);
1252 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1253 genConditionalBranch(cond, trueTarget->block, falseTarget->block);
1254 }
1256 /// Return the nearest active ancestor construct of \p eval, or nullptr.
1257 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *
1258 getActiveAncestor(const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval) {
1259 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *ancestor = eval.parentConstruct;
1260 for (; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentConstruct)
1261 if (ancestor->activeConstruct)
1262 break;
1263 return ancestor;
1264 }
1266 /// Return the predicate: "a branch to \p targetEval has exit code".
1267 bool hasExitCode(const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &targetEval) {
1268 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *activeAncestor =
1269 getActiveAncestor(targetEval);
1270 for (auto it = activeConstructStack.rbegin(),
1271 rend = activeConstructStack.rend();
1272 it != rend; ++it) {
1273 if (&it->eval == activeAncestor)
1274 break;
1275 if (it->stmtCtx.hasCode())
1276 return true;
1277 }
1278 return false;
1279 }
1281 /// Generate a branch to \p targetEval after generating on-exit code for
1282 /// any enclosing construct scopes that are exited by taking the branch.
1283 void
1284 genConstructExitBranch(const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &targetEval) {
1285 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *activeAncestor =
1286 getActiveAncestor(targetEval);
1287 for (auto it = activeConstructStack.rbegin(),
1288 rend = activeConstructStack.rend();
1289 it != rend; ++it) {
1290 if (&it->eval == activeAncestor)
1291 break;
1292 it->stmtCtx.finalizeAndKeep();
1293 }
1294 genBranch(targetEval.block);
1295 }
1297 /// Generate a SelectOp or branch sequence that compares \p selector against
1298 /// values in \p valueList and targets corresponding labels in \p labelList.
1299 /// If no value matches the selector, branch to \p defaultEval.
1300 ///
1301 /// Three cases require special processing.
1302 ///
1303 /// An empty \p valueList indicates an ArithmeticIfStmt context that requires
1304 /// two comparisons against 0 or 0.0. The selector may have either INTEGER
1305 /// or REAL type.
1306 ///
1307 /// A nonpositive \p valuelist value indicates an IO statement context
1308 /// (0 for ERR, -1 for END, -2 for EOR). An ERR branch must be taken for
1309 /// any positive (IOSTAT) value. A missing (zero) label requires a branch
1310 /// to \p defaultEval for that value.
1311 ///
1312 /// A non-null \p errorBlock indicates an AssignedGotoStmt context that
1313 /// must always branch to an explicit target. There is no valid defaultEval
1314 /// in this case. Generate a branch to \p errorBlock for an AssignedGotoStmt
1315 /// that violates this program requirement.
1316 ///
1317 /// If this is not an ArithmeticIfStmt and no targets have exit code,
1318 /// generate a SelectOp. Otherwise, for each target, if it has exit code,
1319 /// branch to a new block, insert exit code, and then branch to the target.
1320 /// Otherwise, branch directly to the target.
1321 void genMultiwayBranch(mlir::Value selector,
1322 llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> valueList,
1323 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::parser::Label> labelList,
1324 const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &defaultEval,
1325 mlir::Block *errorBlock = nullptr) {
1326 bool inArithmeticIfContext = valueList.empty();
1327 assert(((inArithmeticIfContext && labelList.size() == 2) ||
1328 (valueList.size() && labelList.size() == valueList.size())) &&
1329 "mismatched multiway branch targets");
1330 mlir::Block *defaultBlock = errorBlock ? errorBlock : defaultEval.block;
1331 bool defaultHasExitCode = !errorBlock && hasExitCode(defaultEval);
1332 bool hasAnyExitCode = defaultHasExitCode;
1333 if (!hasAnyExitCode)
1334 for (auto label : labelList)
1335 if (label && hasExitCode(evalOfLabel(label))) {
1336 hasAnyExitCode = true;
1337 break;
1338 }
1339 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1340 size_t branchCount = labelList.size();
1341 if (!inArithmeticIfContext && !hasAnyExitCode &&
1342 !getEval().forceAsUnstructured()) { // from -no-structured-fir option
1343 // Generate a SelectOp.
1344 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Block *> blockList;
1345 for (auto label : labelList) {
1346 mlir::Block *block =
1347 label ? evalOfLabel(label).block : defaultEval.block;
1348 assert(block && "missing multiway branch block");
1349 blockList.push_back(block);
1350 }
1351 blockList.push_back(defaultBlock);
1352 if (valueList[branchCount - 1] == 0) // Swap IO ERR and default blocks.
1353 std::swap(blockList[branchCount - 1], blockList[branchCount]);
1354 builder->create<fir::SelectOp>(loc, selector, valueList, blockList);
1355 return;
1356 }
1357 mlir::Type selectorType = selector.getType();
1358 bool realSelector = selectorType.isa<mlir::FloatType>();
1359 assert((inArithmeticIfContext || !realSelector) && "invalid selector type");
1360 mlir::Value zero;
1361 if (inArithmeticIfContext)
1362 zero =
1363 realSelector
1364 ? builder->create<mlir::arith::ConstantOp>(
1365 loc, selectorType, builder->getFloatAttr(selectorType, 0.0))
1366 : builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, selectorType, 0);
1367 for (auto label : llvm::enumerate(labelList)) {
1368 mlir::Value cond;
1369 if (realSelector) // inArithmeticIfContext
1370 cond = builder->create<mlir::arith::CmpFOp>(
1371 loc,
1372 label.index() == 0 ? mlir::arith::CmpFPredicate::OLT
1373 : mlir::arith::CmpFPredicate::OGT,
1374 selector, zero);
1375 else if (inArithmeticIfContext) // INTEGER selector
1376 cond = builder->create<mlir::arith::CmpIOp>(
1377 loc,
1378 label.index() == 0 ? mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::slt
1379 : mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::sgt,
1380 selector, zero);
1381 else // A value of 0 is an IO ERR branch: invert comparison.
1382 cond = builder->create<mlir::arith::CmpIOp>(
1383 loc,
1384 valueList[label.index()] == 0 ? mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::ne
1385 : mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::eq,
1386 selector,
1387 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, selectorType,
1388 valueList[label.index()]));
1389 // Branch to a new block with exit code and then to the target, or branch
1390 // directly to the target. defaultBlock is the "else" target.
1391 bool lastBranch = label.index() == branchCount - 1;
1392 mlir::Block *nextBlock =
1393 lastBranch && !defaultHasExitCode
1394 ? defaultBlock
1395 : builder->getBlock()->splitBlock(builder->getInsertionPoint());
1396 const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &targetEval =
1397 label.value() ? evalOfLabel(label.value()) : defaultEval;
1398 if (hasExitCode(targetEval)) {
1399 mlir::Block *jumpBlock =
1400 builder->getBlock()->splitBlock(builder->getInsertionPoint());
1401 genConditionalBranch(cond, jumpBlock, nextBlock);
1402 startBlock(jumpBlock);
1403 genConstructExitBranch(targetEval);
1404 } else {
1405 genConditionalBranch(cond, targetEval.block, nextBlock);
1406 }
1407 if (!lastBranch) {
1408 startBlock(nextBlock);
1409 } else if (defaultHasExitCode) {
1410 startBlock(nextBlock);
1411 genConstructExitBranch(defaultEval);
1412 }
1413 }
1414 }
1416 void pushActiveConstruct(Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
1417 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
1418 activeConstructStack.push_back(Elt: ConstructContext{eval, stmtCtx});
1419 eval.activeConstruct = true;
1420 }
1421 void popActiveConstruct() {
1422 assert(!activeConstructStack.empty() && "invalid active construct stack");
1423 activeConstructStack.back().eval.activeConstruct = false;
1424 activeConstructStack.pop_back();
1425 }
1427 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1428 // Termination of symbolically referenced execution units
1429 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1431 /// END of program
1432 ///
1433 /// Generate the cleanup block before the program exits
1434 void genExitRoutine() {
1436 if (blockIsUnterminated())
1437 builder->create<mlir::func::ReturnOp>(toLocation());
1438 }
1440 /// END of procedure-like constructs
1441 ///
1442 /// Generate the cleanup block before the procedure exits
1443 void genReturnSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &functionSymbol) {
1444 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &resultSym =
1445 functionSymbol.get<Fortran::semantics::SubprogramDetails>().result();
1446 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox resultSymBox = lookupSymbol(resultSym);
1447 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1448 if (!resultSymBox) {
1449 mlir::emitError(loc, "internal error when processing function return");
1450 return;
1451 }
1452 mlir::Value resultVal = resultSymBox.match(
1453 [&](const fir::CharBoxValue &x) -> mlir::Value {
1454 if (Fortran::semantics::IsBindCProcedure(functionSymbol))
1455 return builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, x.getBuffer());
1456 return fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper{*builder, loc}
1457 .createEmboxChar(x.getBuffer(), x.getLen());
1458 },
1459 [&](const fir::MutableBoxValue &x) -> mlir::Value {
1460 mlir::Value resultRef = resultSymBox.getAddr();
1461 mlir::Value load = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, resultRef);
1462 unsigned rank = x.rank();
1463 if (x.isAllocatable() && rank > 0) {
1464 // ALLOCATABLE array result must have default lower bounds.
1465 // At the call site the result box of a function reference
1466 // might be considered having default lower bounds, but
1467 // the runtime box should probably comply with this assumption
1468 // as well. If the result box has proper lbounds in runtime,
1469 // this may improve the debugging experience of Fortran apps.
1470 // We may consider removing this, if the overhead of setting
1471 // default lower bounds is too big.
1472 mlir::Value one =
1473 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, builder->getIndexType(), 1);
1474 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lbounds{rank, one};
1475 auto shiftTy = fir::ShiftType::get(builder->getContext(), rank);
1476 mlir::Value shiftOp =
1477 builder->create<fir::ShiftOp>(loc, shiftTy, lbounds);
1478 load = builder->create<fir::ReboxOp>(
1479 loc, load.getType(), load, shiftOp, /*slice=*/mlir::Value{});
1480 }
1481 return load;
1482 },
1483 [&](const auto &) -> mlir::Value {
1484 mlir::Value resultRef = resultSymBox.getAddr();
1485 mlir::Type resultType = genType(resultSym);
1486 mlir::Type resultRefType = builder->getRefType(resultType);
1487 // A function with multiple entry points returning different types
1488 // tags all result variables with one of the largest types to allow
1489 // them to share the same storage. Convert this to the actual type.
1490 if (resultRef.getType() != resultRefType)
1491 resultRef = builder->createConvert(loc, resultRefType, resultRef);
1492 return builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, resultRef);
1493 });
1494 bridge.openAccCtx().finalizeAndPop();
1495 bridge.fctCtx().finalizeAndPop();
1496 builder->create<mlir::func::ReturnOp>(loc, resultVal);
1497 }
1499 /// Get the return value of a call to \p symbol, which is a subroutine entry
1500 /// point that has alternative return specifiers.
1501 const mlir::Value
1502 getAltReturnResult(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol) {
1503 assert(Fortran::semantics::HasAlternateReturns(symbol) &&
1504 "subroutine does not have alternate returns");
1505 return getSymbolAddress(symbol);
1506 }
1508 void genFIRProcedureExit(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit,
1509 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol) {
1510 if (mlir::Block *finalBlock = funit.finalBlock) {
1511 // The current block must end with a terminator.
1512 if (blockIsUnterminated())
1513 builder->create<mlir::cf::BranchOp>(toLocation(), finalBlock);
1514 // Set insertion point to final block.
1515 builder->setInsertionPoint(finalBlock, finalBlock->end());
1516 }
1517 if (Fortran::semantics::IsFunction(symbol)) {
1518 genReturnSymbol(symbol);
1519 } else if (Fortran::semantics::HasAlternateReturns(symbol)) {
1520 mlir::Value retval = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(
1521 toLocation(), getAltReturnResult(symbol));
1522 bridge.openAccCtx().finalizeAndPop();
1523 bridge.fctCtx().finalizeAndPop();
1524 builder->create<mlir::func::ReturnOp>(toLocation(), retval);
1525 } else {
1526 bridge.openAccCtx().finalizeAndPop();
1527 bridge.fctCtx().finalizeAndPop();
1528 genExitRoutine();
1529 }
1530 }
1532 //
1533 // Statements that have control-flow semantics
1534 //
1536 /// Generate an If[Then]Stmt condition or its negation.
1537 template <typename A>
1538 mlir::Value genIfCondition(const A *stmt, bool negate = false) {
1539 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1540 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1541 mlir::Value condExpr = createFIRExpr(
1542 loc,
1543 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
1544 std::get<Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>(stmt->t)),
1545 stmtCtx);
1546 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1547 mlir::Value cond =
1548 builder->createConvert(loc, builder->getI1Type(), condExpr);
1549 if (negate)
1550 cond = builder->create<mlir::arith::XOrIOp>(
1551 loc, cond, builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, cond.getType(), 1));
1552 return cond;
1553 }
1555 mlir::func::FuncOp getFunc(llvm::StringRef name, mlir::FunctionType ty) {
1556 if (mlir::func::FuncOp func = builder->getNamedFunction(name)) {
1557 assert(func.getFunctionType() == ty);
1558 return func;
1559 }
1560 return builder->createFunction(toLocation(), name, ty);
1561 }
1563 /// Lowering of CALL statement
1564 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CallStmt &stmt) {
1565 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1566 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
1567 setCurrentPosition(stmt.source);
1568 assert(stmt.typedCall && "Call was not analyzed");
1569 mlir::Value res{};
1570 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
1571 std::optional<mlir::Type> resultType;
1572 if (stmt.typedCall->hasAlternateReturns())
1573 resultType = builder->getIndexType();
1574 auto hlfirRes = Fortran::lower::convertCallToHLFIR(
1575 toLocation(), *this, *stmt.typedCall, resultType, localSymbols,
1576 stmtCtx);
1577 if (hlfirRes)
1578 res = *hlfirRes;
1579 } else {
1580 // Call statement lowering shares code with function call lowering.
1581 res = Fortran::lower::createSubroutineCall(
1582 *this, *stmt.typedCall, explicitIterSpace, implicitIterSpace,
1583 localSymbols, stmtCtx, /*isUserDefAssignment=*/false);
1584 }
1585 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1586 if (!res)
1587 return; // "Normal" subroutine call.
1588 // Call with alternate return specifiers.
1589 // The call returns an index that selects an alternate return branch target.
1590 llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> indexList;
1591 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::parser::Label> labelList;
1592 int64_t index = 0;
1593 for (const Fortran::parser::ActualArgSpec &arg :
1594 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ActualArgSpec>>(stmt.call.t)) {
1595 const auto &actual = std::get<Fortran::parser::ActualArg>(arg.t);
1596 if (const auto *altReturn =
1597 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::AltReturnSpec>(&actual.u)) {
1598 indexList.push_back(++index);
1599 labelList.push_back(altReturn->v);
1600 }
1601 }
1602 genMultiwayBranch(res, indexList, labelList, eval.nonNopSuccessor());
1603 }
1605 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ComputedGotoStmt &stmt) {
1606 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1607 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
1608 mlir::Value selectExpr =
1609 createFIRExpr(toLocation(),
1610 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
1611 std::get<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr>(stmt.t)),
1612 stmtCtx);
1613 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1614 llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> indexList;
1615 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::parser::Label> labelList;
1616 int64_t index = 0;
1617 for (Fortran::parser::Label label :
1618 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::Label>>(stmt.t)) {
1619 indexList.push_back(++index);
1620 labelList.push_back(label);
1621 }
1622 genMultiwayBranch(selectExpr, indexList, labelList, eval.nonNopSuccessor());
1623 }
1625 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ArithmeticIfStmt &stmt) {
1626 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1627 mlir::Value expr = createFIRExpr(
1628 toLocation(),
1629 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<Fortran::parser::Expr>(stmt.t)),
1630 stmtCtx);
1631 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1632 // Raise an exception if REAL expr is a NaN.
1633 if (expr.getType().isa<mlir::FloatType>())
1634 expr = builder->create<mlir::arith::AddFOp>(toLocation(), expr, expr);
1635 // An empty valueList indicates to genMultiwayBranch that the branch is
1636 // an ArithmeticIfStmt that has two branches on value 0 or 0.0.
1637 llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> valueList;
1638 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::parser::Label> labelList;
1639 labelList.push_back(std::get<1>(stmt.t));
1640 labelList.push_back(std::get<3>(stmt.t));
1641 const Fortran::lower::pft::LabelEvalMap &labelEvaluationMap =
1642 getEval().getOwningProcedure()->labelEvaluationMap;
1643 const auto iter = labelEvaluationMap.find(std::get<2>(stmt.t));
1644 assert(iter != labelEvaluationMap.end() && "label missing from map");
1645 genMultiwayBranch(expr, valueList, labelList, *iter->second);
1646 }
1648 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::AssignedGotoStmt &stmt) {
1649 // See Fortran 90 Clause 8.2.4.
1650 // Relax the requirement that the GOTO variable must have a value in the
1651 // label list when a list is present, and allow a branch to any non-format
1652 // target that has an ASSIGN statement for the variable.
1653 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1654 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
1655 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &owningProc =
1656 *eval.getOwningProcedure();
1657 const Fortran::lower::pft::SymbolLabelMap &symbolLabelMap =
1658 owningProc.assignSymbolLabelMap;
1659 const Fortran::lower::pft::LabelEvalMap &labelEvalMap =
1660 owningProc.labelEvaluationMap;
1661 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol =
1662 *std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(stmt.t).symbol;
1663 auto labelSetIter = symbolLabelMap.find(symbol);
1664 llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> valueList;
1665 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::parser::Label> labelList;
1666 if (labelSetIter != symbolLabelMap.end()) {
1667 for (auto &label : labelSetIter->second) {
1668 const auto evalIter = labelEvalMap.find(label);
1669 assert(evalIter != labelEvalMap.end() && "assigned goto label missing");
1670 if (evalIter->second->block) { // non-format statement
1671 valueList.push_back(label); // label as an integer
1672 labelList.push_back(label);
1673 }
1674 }
1675 }
1676 if (!labelList.empty()) {
1677 auto selectExpr =
1678 builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, getSymbolAddress(symbol));
1679 // Add a default error target in case the goto is nonconforming.
1680 mlir::Block *errorBlock =
1681 builder->getBlock()->splitBlock(builder->getInsertionPoint());
1682 genMultiwayBranch(selectExpr, valueList, labelList,
1683 eval.nonNopSuccessor(), errorBlock);
1684 startBlock(errorBlock);
1685 }
1686 fir::runtime::genReportFatalUserError(
1687 *builder, loc,
1688 "Assigned GOTO variable '" + symbol.name().ToString() +
1689 "' does not have a valid target label value");
1690 builder->create<fir::UnreachableOp>(loc);
1691 }
1693 /// Collect DO CONCURRENT or FORALL loop control information.
1694 IncrementLoopNestInfo getConcurrentControl(
1695 const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader &header,
1696 const std::list<Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec> &localityList = {}) {
1697 IncrementLoopNestInfo incrementLoopNestInfo;
1698 for (const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl &control :
1699 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl>>(header.t))
1700 incrementLoopNestInfo.emplace_back(
1701 *std::get<0>(control.t).symbol, std::get<1>(control.t),
1702 std::get<2>(control.t), std::get<3>(control.t), /*isUnordered=*/true);
1703 IncrementLoopInfo &info = incrementLoopNestInfo.back();
1704 info.maskExpr = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
1705 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>>(header.t));
1706 for (const Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec &x : localityList) {
1707 if (const auto *localList =
1708 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec::Local>(&x.u))
1709 for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x : localList->v)
1710 info.localSymList.push_back(x.symbol);
1711 if (const auto *localInitList =
1712 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec::LocalInit>(&x.u))
1713 for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x : localInitList->v)
1714 info.localInitSymList.push_back(x.symbol);
1715 if (const auto *sharedList =
1716 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec::Shared>(&x.u))
1717 for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x : sharedList->v)
1718 info.sharedSymList.push_back(x.symbol);
1719 }
1720 return incrementLoopNestInfo;
1721 }
1723 /// Create DO CONCURRENT construct symbol bindings and generate LOCAL_INIT
1724 /// assignments.
1725 void handleLocalitySpecs(const IncrementLoopInfo &info) {
1726 Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext =
1727 bridge.getSemanticsContext();
1728 for (const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym : info.localSymList)
1729 createHostAssociateVarClone(*sym);
1730 for (const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym : info.localInitSymList) {
1731 createHostAssociateVarClone(*sym);
1732 const auto *hostDetails =
1733 sym->detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>();
1734 assert(hostDetails && "missing locality spec host symbol");
1735 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *hostSym = &hostDetails->symbol();
1736 Fortran::evaluate::ExpressionAnalyzer ea{semanticsContext};
1737 Fortran::evaluate::Assignment assign{
1738 ea.Designate(Fortran::evaluate::DataRef{*sym}).value(),
1739 ea.Designate(Fortran::evaluate::DataRef{*hostSym}).value()};
1740 if (Fortran::semantics::IsPointer(*sym))
1741 assign.u = Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsSpec{};
1742 genAssignment(assign);
1743 }
1744 for (const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym : info.sharedSymList) {
1745 const auto *hostDetails =
1746 sym->detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>();
1747 copySymbolBinding(hostDetails->symbol(), *sym);
1748 }
1749 }
1751 /// Generate FIR for a DO construct. There are six variants:
1752 /// - unstructured infinite and while loops
1753 /// - structured and unstructured increment loops
1754 /// - structured and unstructured concurrent loops
1755 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::DoConstruct &doConstruct) {
1756 setCurrentPositionAt(doConstruct);
1757 // Collect loop nest information.
1758 // Generate begin loop code directly for infinite and while loops.
1759 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
1760 bool unstructuredContext = eval.lowerAsUnstructured();
1761 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &doStmtEval =
1762 eval.getFirstNestedEvaluation();
1763 auto *doStmt = doStmtEval.getIf<Fortran::parser::NonLabelDoStmt>();
1764 const auto &loopControl =
1765 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::LoopControl>>(doStmt->t);
1766 mlir::Block *preheaderBlock = doStmtEval.block;
1767 mlir::Block *beginBlock =
1768 preheaderBlock ? preheaderBlock : builder->getBlock();
1769 auto createNextBeginBlock = [&]() {
1770 // Step beginBlock through unstructured preheader, header, and mask
1771 // blocks, created in outermost to innermost order.
1772 return beginBlock = beginBlock->splitBlock(beginBlock->end());
1773 };
1774 mlir::Block *headerBlock =
1775 unstructuredContext ? createNextBeginBlock() : nullptr;
1776 mlir::Block *bodyBlock = doStmtEval.lexicalSuccessor->block;
1777 mlir::Block *exitBlock = doStmtEval.parentConstruct->constructExit->block;
1778 IncrementLoopNestInfo incrementLoopNestInfo;
1779 const Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr *whileCondition = nullptr;
1780 bool infiniteLoop = !loopControl.has_value();
1781 if (infiniteLoop) {
1782 assert(unstructuredContext && "infinite loop must be unstructured");
1783 startBlock(headerBlock);
1784 } else if ((whileCondition =
1785 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>(
1786 &loopControl->u))) {
1787 assert(unstructuredContext && "while loop must be unstructured");
1788 maybeStartBlock(preheaderBlock); // no block or empty block
1789 startBlock(headerBlock);
1790 genConditionalBranch(*whileCondition, bodyBlock, exitBlock);
1791 } else if (const auto *bounds =
1792 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds>(
1793 &loopControl->u)) {
1794 // Non-concurrent increment loop.
1795 IncrementLoopInfo &info = incrementLoopNestInfo.emplace_back(
1796 *bounds->name.thing.symbol, bounds->lower, bounds->upper,
1797 bounds->step);
1798 if (unstructuredContext) {
1799 maybeStartBlock(preheaderBlock);
1800 info.hasRealControl = info.loopVariableSym->GetType()->IsNumeric(
1801 Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Real);
1802 info.headerBlock = headerBlock;
1803 info.bodyBlock = bodyBlock;
1804 info.exitBlock = exitBlock;
1805 }
1806 } else {
1807 const auto *concurrent =
1808 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Concurrent>(
1809 &loopControl->u);
1810 assert(concurrent && "invalid DO loop variant");
1811 incrementLoopNestInfo = getConcurrentControl(
1812 std::get<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader>(concurrent->t),
1813 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec>>(concurrent->t));
1814 if (unstructuredContext) {
1815 maybeStartBlock(preheaderBlock);
1816 for (IncrementLoopInfo &info : incrementLoopNestInfo) {
1817 // The original loop body provides the body and latch blocks of the
1818 // innermost dimension. The (first) body block of a non-innermost
1819 // dimension is the preheader block of the immediately enclosed
1820 // dimension. The latch block of a non-innermost dimension is the
1821 // exit block of the immediately enclosed dimension.
1822 auto createNextExitBlock = [&]() {
1823 // Create unstructured loop exit blocks, outermost to innermost.
1824 return exitBlock = insertBlock(exitBlock);
1825 };
1826 bool isInnermost = &info == &incrementLoopNestInfo.back();
1827 bool isOutermost = &info == &incrementLoopNestInfo.front();
1828 info.headerBlock = isOutermost ? headerBlock : createNextBeginBlock();
1829 info.bodyBlock = isInnermost ? bodyBlock : createNextBeginBlock();
1830 info.exitBlock = isOutermost ? exitBlock : createNextExitBlock();
1831 if (info.maskExpr)
1832 info.maskBlock = createNextBeginBlock();
1833 }
1834 }
1835 }
1837 // Increment loop begin code. (Infinite/while code was already generated.)
1838 if (!infiniteLoop && !whileCondition)
1839 genFIRIncrementLoopBegin(incrementLoopNestInfo);
1841 // Loop body code.
1842 auto iter = eval.getNestedEvaluations().begin();
1843 for (auto end = --eval.getNestedEvaluations().end(); iter != end; ++iter)
1844 genFIR(*iter, unstructuredContext);
1846 // An EndDoStmt in unstructured code may start a new block.
1847 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &endDoEval = *iter;
1848 assert(endDoEval.getIf<Fortran::parser::EndDoStmt>() && "no enddo stmt");
1849 if (unstructuredContext)
1850 maybeStartBlock(endDoEval.block);
1852 // Loop end code.
1853 if (infiniteLoop || whileCondition)
1854 genBranch(headerBlock);
1855 else
1856 genFIRIncrementLoopEnd(incrementLoopNestInfo);
1858 // This call may generate a branch in some contexts.
1859 genFIR(endDoEval, unstructuredContext);
1860 }
1862 /// Generate FIR to evaluate loop control values (lower, upper and step).
1863 mlir::Value genControlValue(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr,
1864 const IncrementLoopInfo &info,
1865 bool *isConst = nullptr) {
1866 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1867 mlir::Type controlType = info.isStructured() ? builder->getIndexType()
1868 : info.getLoopVariableType();
1869 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1870 if (expr) {
1871 if (isConst)
1872 *isConst = Fortran::evaluate::IsConstantExpr(*expr);
1873 return builder->createConvert(loc, controlType,
1874 createFIRExpr(loc, expr, stmtCtx));
1875 }
1877 if (isConst)
1878 *isConst = true;
1879 if (info.hasRealControl)
1880 return builder->createRealConstant(loc, controlType, 1u);
1881 return builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, controlType, 1); // step
1882 }
1884 /// Generate FIR to begin a structured or unstructured increment loop nest.
1885 void genFIRIncrementLoopBegin(IncrementLoopNestInfo &incrementLoopNestInfo) {
1886 assert(!incrementLoopNestInfo.empty() && "empty loop nest");
1887 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
1888 for (IncrementLoopInfo &info : incrementLoopNestInfo) {
1889 info.loopVariable =
1890 genLoopVariableAddress(loc, *info.loopVariableSym, info.isUnordered);
1891 mlir::Value lowerValue = genControlValue(info.lowerExpr, info);
1892 mlir::Value upperValue = genControlValue(info.upperExpr, info);
1893 bool isConst = true;
1894 mlir::Value stepValue = genControlValue(
1895 info.stepExpr, info, info.isStructured() ? nullptr : &isConst);
1896 // Use a temp variable for unstructured loops with non-const step.
1897 if (!isConst) {
1898 info.stepVariable = builder->createTemporary(loc, stepValue.getType());
1899 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, stepValue, info.stepVariable);
1900 }
1902 // Structured loop - generate fir.do_loop.
1903 if (info.isStructured()) {
1904 mlir::Type loopVarType = info.getLoopVariableType();
1905 mlir::Value loopValue;
1906 if (info.isUnordered) {
1907 // The loop variable value is explicitly updated.
1908 info.doLoop = builder->create<fir::DoLoopOp>(
1909 loc, lowerValue, upperValue, stepValue, /*unordered=*/true);
1910 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(info.doLoop.getBody());
1911 loopValue = builder->createConvert(loc, loopVarType,
1912 info.doLoop.getInductionVar());
1913 } else {
1914 // The loop variable is a doLoop op argument.
1915 info.doLoop = builder->create<fir::DoLoopOp>(
1916 loc, lowerValue, upperValue, stepValue, /*unordered=*/false,
1917 /*finalCountValue=*/true,
1918 builder->createConvert(loc, loopVarType, lowerValue));
1919 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(info.doLoop.getBody());
1920 loopValue = info.doLoop.getRegionIterArgs()[0];
1921 }
1922 // Update the loop variable value in case it has non-index references.
1923 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, loopValue, info.loopVariable);
1924 if (info.maskExpr) {
1925 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1926 mlir::Value maskCond = createFIRExpr(loc, info.maskExpr, stmtCtx);
1927 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1928 mlir::Value maskCondCast =
1929 builder->createConvert(loc, builder->getI1Type(), maskCond);
1930 auto ifOp = builder->create<fir::IfOp>(loc, maskCondCast,
1931 /*withElseRegion=*/false);
1932 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&ifOp.getThenRegion().front());
1933 }
1934 if (info.hasLocalitySpecs())
1935 handleLocalitySpecs(info);
1936 continue;
1937 }
1939 // Unstructured loop preheader - initialize tripVariable and loopVariable.
1940 mlir::Value tripCount;
1941 if (info.hasRealControl) {
1942 auto diff1 =
1943 builder->create<mlir::arith::SubFOp>(loc, upperValue, lowerValue);
1944 auto diff2 =
1945 builder->create<mlir::arith::AddFOp>(loc, diff1, stepValue);
1946 tripCount = builder->create<mlir::arith::DivFOp>(loc, diff2, stepValue);
1947 tripCount =
1948 builder->createConvert(loc, builder->getIndexType(), tripCount);
1949 } else {
1950 auto diff1 =
1951 builder->create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, upperValue, lowerValue);
1952 auto diff2 =
1953 builder->create<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, diff1, stepValue);
1954 tripCount =
1955 builder->create<mlir::arith::DivSIOp>(loc, diff2, stepValue);
1956 }
1957 if (forceLoopToExecuteOnce) { // minimum tripCount is 1
1958 mlir::Value one =
1959 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, tripCount.getType(), 1);
1960 auto cond = builder->create<mlir::arith::CmpIOp>(
1961 loc, mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::slt, tripCount, one);
1962 tripCount =
1963 builder->create<mlir::arith::SelectOp>(loc, cond, one, tripCount);
1964 }
1965 info.tripVariable = builder->createTemporary(loc, tripCount.getType());
1966 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, tripCount, info.tripVariable);
1967 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, lowerValue, info.loopVariable);
1969 // Unstructured loop header - generate loop condition and mask.
1970 // Note - Currently there is no way to tag a loop as a concurrent loop.
1971 startBlock(info.headerBlock);
1972 tripCount = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, info.tripVariable);
1973 mlir::Value zero =
1974 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, tripCount.getType(), 0);
1975 auto cond = builder->create<mlir::arith::CmpIOp>(
1976 loc, mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::sgt, tripCount, zero);
1977 if (info.maskExpr) {
1978 genConditionalBranch(cond, info.maskBlock, info.exitBlock);
1979 startBlock(info.maskBlock);
1980 mlir::Block *latchBlock = getEval().getLastNestedEvaluation().block;
1981 assert(latchBlock && "missing masked concurrent loop latch block");
1982 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
1983 mlir::Value maskCond = createFIRExpr(loc, info.maskExpr, stmtCtx);
1984 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
1985 genConditionalBranch(maskCond, info.bodyBlock, latchBlock);
1986 } else {
1987 genConditionalBranch(cond, info.bodyBlock, info.exitBlock);
1988 if (&info != &incrementLoopNestInfo.back()) // not innermost
1989 startBlock(info.bodyBlock); // preheader block of enclosed dimension
1990 }
1991 if (info.hasLocalitySpecs()) {
1992 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
1993 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(info.bodyBlock);
1994 handleLocalitySpecs(info);
1995 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
1996 }
1997 }
1998 }
2000 /// Generate FIR to end a structured or unstructured increment loop nest.
2001 void genFIRIncrementLoopEnd(IncrementLoopNestInfo &incrementLoopNestInfo) {
2002 assert(!incrementLoopNestInfo.empty() && "empty loop nest");
2003 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2004 for (auto it = incrementLoopNestInfo.rbegin(),
2005 rend = incrementLoopNestInfo.rend();
2006 it != rend; ++it) {
2007 IncrementLoopInfo &info = *it;
2008 if (info.isStructured()) {
2009 // End fir.do_loop.
2010 if (info.isUnordered) {
2011 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(info.doLoop);
2012 continue;
2013 }
2014 // Decrement tripVariable.
2015 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(info.doLoop.getBody());
2016 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value, 2> results;
2017 results.push_back(builder->create<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(
2018 loc, info.doLoop.getInductionVar(), info.doLoop.getStep()));
2019 // Step loopVariable to help optimizations such as vectorization.
2020 // Induction variable elimination will clean up as necessary.
2021 mlir::Value step = builder->createConvert(
2022 loc, info.getLoopVariableType(), info.doLoop.getStep());
2023 mlir::Value loopVar =
2024 builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, info.loopVariable);
2025 results.push_back(
2026 builder->create<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, loopVar, step));
2027 builder->create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, results);
2028 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(info.doLoop);
2029 // The loop control variable may be used after the loop.
2030 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, info.doLoop.getResult(1),
2031 info.loopVariable);
2032 continue;
2033 }
2035 // Unstructured loop - decrement tripVariable and step loopVariable.
2036 mlir::Value tripCount =
2037 builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, info.tripVariable);
2038 mlir::Value one =
2039 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, tripCount.getType(), 1);
2040 tripCount = builder->create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, tripCount, one);
2041 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, tripCount, info.tripVariable);
2042 mlir::Value value = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, info.loopVariable);
2043 mlir::Value step;
2044 if (info.stepVariable)
2045 step = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, info.stepVariable);
2046 else
2047 step = genControlValue(info.stepExpr, info);
2048 if (info.hasRealControl)
2049 value = builder->create<mlir::arith::AddFOp>(loc, value, step);
2050 else
2051 value = builder->create<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, value, step);
2052 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, value, info.loopVariable);
2054 genBranch(info.headerBlock);
2055 if (&info != &incrementLoopNestInfo.front()) // not outermost
2056 startBlock(info.exitBlock); // latch block of enclosing dimension
2057 }
2058 }
2060 /// Generate structured or unstructured FIR for an IF construct.
2061 /// The initial statement may be either an IfStmt or an IfThenStmt.
2062 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::IfConstruct &) {
2063 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2064 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
2065 if (eval.lowerAsStructured()) {
2066 // Structured fir.if nest.
2067 fir::IfOp topIfOp, currentIfOp;
2068 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : eval.getNestedEvaluations()) {
2069 auto genIfOp = [&](mlir::Value cond) {
2070 auto ifOp = builder->create<fir::IfOp>(loc, cond, /*withElse=*/true);
2071 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&ifOp.getThenRegion().front());
2072 return ifOp;
2073 };
2074 if (auto *s = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::IfThenStmt>()) {
2075 topIfOp = currentIfOp = genIfOp(genIfCondition(s, e.negateCondition));
2076 } else if (auto *s = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::IfStmt>()) {
2077 topIfOp = currentIfOp = genIfOp(genIfCondition(s, e.negateCondition));
2078 } else if (auto *s = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::ElseIfStmt>()) {
2079 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(
2080 &currentIfOp.getElseRegion().front());
2081 currentIfOp = genIfOp(genIfCondition(s));
2082 } else if (e.isA<Fortran::parser::ElseStmt>()) {
2083 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(
2084 &currentIfOp.getElseRegion().front());
2085 } else if (e.isA<Fortran::parser::EndIfStmt>()) {
2086 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(topIfOp);
2087 genFIR(e, /*unstructuredContext=*/false); // may generate branch
2088 } else {
2089 genFIR(e, /*unstructuredContext=*/false);
2090 }
2091 }
2092 return;
2093 }
2095 // Unstructured branch sequence.
2096 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : eval.getNestedEvaluations()) {
2097 auto genIfBranch = [&](mlir::Value cond) {
2098 if (e.lexicalSuccessor == e.controlSuccessor) // empty block -> exit
2099 genConditionalBranch(cond, e.parentConstruct->constructExit,
2100 e.controlSuccessor);
2101 else // non-empty block
2102 genConditionalBranch(cond, e.lexicalSuccessor, e.controlSuccessor);
2103 };
2104 if (auto *s = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::IfThenStmt>()) {
2105 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2106 genIfBranch(genIfCondition(s, e.negateCondition));
2107 } else if (auto *s = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::IfStmt>()) {
2108 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2109 genIfBranch(genIfCondition(s, e.negateCondition));
2110 } else if (auto *s = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::ElseIfStmt>()) {
2111 startBlock(e.block);
2112 genIfBranch(genIfCondition(s));
2113 } else {
2114 genFIR(e);
2115 }
2116 }
2117 }
2119 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CaseConstruct &) {
2120 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
2121 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
2122 pushActiveConstruct(eval, stmtCtx);
2123 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : eval.getNestedEvaluations()) {
2124 if (e.getIf<Fortran::parser::EndSelectStmt>())
2125 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2126 else
2127 genFIR(e);
2128 }
2129 popActiveConstruct();
2130 }
2132 template <typename A>
2133 void genNestedStatement(const Fortran::parser::Statement<A> &stmt) {
2134 setCurrentPosition(stmt.source);
2135 genFIR(stmt.statement);
2136 }
2138 /// Force the binding of an explicit symbol. This is used to bind and re-bind
2139 /// a concurrent control symbol to its value.
2140 void forceControlVariableBinding(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym,
2141 mlir::Value inducVar) {
2142 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2143 assert(sym && "There must be a symbol to bind");
2144 mlir::Type toTy = genType(*sym);
2145 // FIXME: this should be a "per iteration" temporary.
2146 mlir::Value tmp =
2147 builder->createTemporary(loc, toTy, toStringRef(sym->name()),
2148 llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::NamedAttribute>{
2149 fir::getAdaptToByRefAttr(*builder)});
2150 mlir::Value cast = builder->createConvert(loc, toTy, inducVar);
2151 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, cast, tmp);
2152 addSymbol(*sym, tmp, /*force=*/true);
2153 }
2155 /// Process a concurrent header for a FORALL. (Concurrent headers for DO
2156 /// CONCURRENT loops are lowered elsewhere.)
2157 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader &header) {
2158 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lows;
2159 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> highs;
2160 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> steps;
2161 if (explicitIterSpace.isOutermostForall()) {
2162 // For the outermost forall, we evaluate the bounds expressions once.
2163 // Contrastingly, if this forall is nested, the bounds expressions are
2164 // assumed to be pure, possibly dependent on outer concurrent control
2165 // variables, possibly variant with respect to arguments, and will be
2166 // re-evaluated.
2167 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2168 mlir::Type idxTy = builder->getIndexType();
2169 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx =
2170 explicitIterSpace.stmtContext();
2171 auto lowerExpr = [&](auto &e) {
2172 return fir::getBase(genExprValue(e, stmtCtx));
2173 };
2174 for (const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl &ctrl :
2175 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl>>(header.t)) {
2176 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *lo =
2177 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<1>(ctrl.t));
2178 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *hi =
2179 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<2>(ctrl.t));
2180 auto &optStep =
2181 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr>>(ctrl.t);
2182 lows.push_back(builder->createConvert(loc, idxTy, lowerExpr(*lo)));
2183 highs.push_back(builder->createConvert(loc, idxTy, lowerExpr(*hi)));
2184 steps.push_back(
2185 optStep.has_value()
2186 ? builder->createConvert(
2187 loc, idxTy,
2188 lowerExpr(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*optStep)))
2189 : builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1));
2190 }
2191 }
2192 auto lambda = [&, lows, highs, steps]() {
2193 // Create our iteration space from the header spec.
2194 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2195 mlir::Type idxTy = builder->getIndexType();
2196 llvm::SmallVector<fir::DoLoopOp> loops;
2197 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx =
2198 explicitIterSpace.stmtContext();
2199 auto lowerExpr = [&](auto &e) {
2200 return fir::getBase(genExprValue(e, stmtCtx));
2201 };
2202 const bool outermost = !lows.empty();
2203 std::size_t headerIndex = 0;
2204 for (const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl &ctrl :
2205 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl>>(header.t)) {
2206 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *ctrlVar =
2207 std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(ctrl.t).symbol;
2208 mlir::Value lb;
2209 mlir::Value ub;
2210 mlir::Value by;
2211 if (outermost) {
2212 assert(headerIndex < lows.size());
2213 if (headerIndex == 0)
2214 explicitIterSpace.resetInnerArgs();
2215 lb = lows[headerIndex];
2216 ub = highs[headerIndex];
2217 by = steps[headerIndex++];
2218 } else {
2219 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *lo =
2220 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<1>(ctrl.t));
2221 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *hi =
2222 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<2>(ctrl.t));
2223 auto &optStep =
2224 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr>>(ctrl.t);
2225 lb = builder->createConvert(loc, idxTy, lowerExpr(*lo));
2226 ub = builder->createConvert(loc, idxTy, lowerExpr(*hi));
2227 by = optStep.has_value()
2228 ? builder->createConvert(
2229 loc, idxTy,
2230 lowerExpr(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*optStep)))
2231 : builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
2232 }
2233 auto lp = builder->create<fir::DoLoopOp>(
2234 loc, lb, ub, by, /*unordered=*/true,
2235 /*finalCount=*/false, explicitIterSpace.getInnerArgs());
2236 if ((!loops.empty() || !outermost) && !lp.getRegionIterArgs().empty())
2237 builder->create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, lp.getResults());
2238 explicitIterSpace.setInnerArgs(lp.getRegionIterArgs());
2239 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(lp.getBody());
2240 forceControlVariableBinding(ctrlVar, lp.getInductionVar());
2241 loops.push_back(lp);
2242 }
2243 if (outermost)
2244 explicitIterSpace.setOuterLoop(loops[0]);
2245 explicitIterSpace.appendLoops(loops);
2246 if (const auto &mask =
2247 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>>(
2248 header.t);
2249 mask.has_value()) {
2250 mlir::Type i1Ty = builder->getI1Type();
2251 fir::ExtendedValue maskExv =
2252 genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(mask.value()), stmtCtx);
2253 mlir::Value cond =
2254 builder->createConvert(loc, i1Ty, fir::getBase(maskExv));
2255 auto ifOp = builder->create<fir::IfOp>(
2256 loc, explicitIterSpace.innerArgTypes(), cond,
2257 /*withElseRegion=*/true);
2258 builder->create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, ifOp.getResults());
2259 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&ifOp.getElseRegion().front());
2260 builder->create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, explicitIterSpace.getInnerArgs());
2261 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&ifOp.getThenRegion().front());
2262 }
2263 };
2264 // Push the lambda to gen the loop nest context.
2265 explicitIterSpace.pushLoopNest(lambda);
2266 }
2268 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ForallAssignmentStmt &stmt) {
2269 std::visit([&](const auto &x) { genFIR(x); }, stmt.u);
2270 }
2272 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndForallStmt &) {
2273 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR())
2274 cleanupExplicitSpace();
2275 }
2277 template <typename A>
2278 void prepareExplicitSpace(const A &forall) {
2279 if (!explicitIterSpace.isActive())
2280 analyzeExplicitSpace(forall);
2281 localSymbols.pushScope();
2282 explicitIterSpace.enter();
2283 }
2285 /// Cleanup all the FORALL context information when we exit.
2286 void cleanupExplicitSpace() {
2287 explicitIterSpace.leave();
2288 localSymbols.popScope();
2289 }
2291 /// Generate FIR for a FORALL statement.
2292 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ForallStmt &stmt) {
2293 const auto &concurrentHeader =
2294 std::get<
2295 Fortran::common::Indirection<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader>>(
2296 stmt.t)
2297 .value();
2298 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
2299 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
2300 localSymbols.pushScope();
2301 genForallNest(concurrentHeader);
2302 genFIR(std::get<Fortran::parser::UnlabeledStatement<
2303 Fortran::parser::ForallAssignmentStmt>>(stmt.t)
2304 .statement);
2305 localSymbols.popScope();
2306 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
2307 return;
2308 }
2309 prepareExplicitSpace(stmt);
2310 genFIR(concurrentHeader);
2311 genFIR(std::get<Fortran::parser::UnlabeledStatement<
2312 Fortran::parser::ForallAssignmentStmt>>(stmt.t)
2313 .statement);
2314 cleanupExplicitSpace();
2315 }
2317 /// Generate FIR for a FORALL construct.
2318 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ForallConstruct &forall) {
2319 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
2320 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
2321 localSymbols.pushScope();
2322 else
2323 prepareExplicitSpace(forall);
2324 genNestedStatement(
2325 std::get<
2326 Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::ForallConstructStmt>>(
2327 forall.t));
2328 for (const Fortran::parser::ForallBodyConstruct &s :
2329 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ForallBodyConstruct>>(forall.t)) {
2330 std::visit(
2331 Fortran::common::visitors{
2332 [&](const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct &b) { genFIR(b); },
2333 [&](const Fortran::common::Indirection<
2334 Fortran::parser::ForallConstruct> &b) { genFIR(b.value()); },
2335 [&](const auto &b) { genNestedStatement(b); }},
2336 s.u);
2337 }
2338 genNestedStatement(
2339 std::get<Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::EndForallStmt>>(
2340 forall.t));
2341 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
2342 localSymbols.popScope();
2343 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
2344 }
2345 }
2347 /// Lower the concurrent header specification.
2348 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ForallConstructStmt &stmt) {
2349 const auto &concurrentHeader =
2350 std::get<
2351 Fortran::common::Indirection<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader>>(
2352 stmt.t)
2353 .value();
2354 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
2355 genForallNest(concurrentHeader);
2356 else
2357 genFIR(concurrentHeader);
2358 }
2360 /// Generate hlfir.forall and hlfir.forall_mask nest given a Forall
2361 /// concurrent header
2362 void genForallNest(const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader &header) {
2363 mlir::Location loc = getCurrentLocation();
2364 const bool isOutterForall = !isInsideHlfirForallOrWhere();
2365 hlfir::ForallOp outerForall;
2366 auto evaluateControl = [&](const auto &parserExpr, mlir::Region &region,
2367 bool isMask = false) {
2368 if (region.empty())
2369 builder->createBlock(&region);
2370 Fortran::lower::StatementContext localStmtCtx;
2371 const Fortran::semantics::SomeExpr *anlalyzedExpr =
2372 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(parserExpr);
2373 assert(anlalyzedExpr && "expression semantics failed");
2374 // Generate the controls of outer forall outside of the hlfir.forall
2375 // region. They do not depend on any previous forall indices (C1123) and
2376 // no assignment has been made yet that could modify their value. This
2377 // will simplify hlfir.forall analysis because the SSA integer value
2378 // yielded will obviously not depend on any variable modified by the
2379 // forall when produced outside of it.
2380 // This is not done for the mask because it may (and in usual code, does)
2381 // depend on the forall indices that have just been defined as
2382 // hlfir.forall block arguments.
2383 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint innerInsertionPoint;
2384 if (outerForall && !isMask) {
2385 innerInsertionPoint = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
2386 builder->setInsertionPoint(outerForall);
2387 }
2388 mlir::Value exprVal =
2389 fir::getBase(genExprValue(*anlalyzedExpr, localStmtCtx, &loc));
2390 localStmtCtx.finalizeAndPop();
2391 if (isMask)
2392 exprVal = builder->createConvert(loc, builder->getI1Type(), exprVal);
2393 if (innerInsertionPoint.isSet())
2394 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(innerInsertionPoint);
2395 builder->create<hlfir::YieldOp>(loc, exprVal);
2396 };
2397 for (const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl &control :
2398 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl>>(header.t)) {
2399 auto forallOp = builder->create<hlfir::ForallOp>(loc);
2400 if (isOutterForall && !outerForall)
2401 outerForall = forallOp;
2402 evaluateControl(std::get<1>(control.t), forallOp.getLbRegion());
2403 evaluateControl(std::get<2>(control.t), forallOp.getUbRegion());
2404 if (const auto &optionalStep =
2405 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr>>(
2406 control.t))
2407 evaluateControl(*optionalStep, forallOp.getStepRegion());
2408 // Create block argument and map it to a symbol via an hlfir.forall_index
2409 // op (symbols must be mapped to in memory values).
2410 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *controlVar =
2411 std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(control.t).symbol;
2412 assert(controlVar && "symbol analysis failed");
2413 mlir::Type controlVarType = genType(*controlVar);
2414 mlir::Block *forallBody = builder->createBlock(&forallOp.getBody(), {},
2415 {controlVarType}, {loc});
2416 auto forallIndex = builder->create<hlfir::ForallIndexOp>(
2417 loc, fir::ReferenceType::get(controlVarType),
2418 forallBody->getArguments()[0],
2419 builder->getStringAttr(controlVar->name().ToString()));
2420 localSymbols.addVariableDefinition(*controlVar, forallIndex,
2421 /*force=*/true);
2422 auto end = builder->create<fir::FirEndOp>(loc);
2423 builder->setInsertionPoint(end);
2424 }
2426 if (const auto &maskExpr =
2427 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>>(
2428 header.t)) {
2429 // Create hlfir.forall_mask and set insertion point in its body.
2430 auto forallMaskOp = builder->create<hlfir::ForallMaskOp>(loc);
2431 evaluateControl(*maskExpr, forallMaskOp.getMaskRegion(), /*isMask=*/true);
2432 builder->createBlock(&forallMaskOp.getBody());
2433 auto end = builder->create<fir::FirEndOp>(loc);
2434 builder->setInsertionPoint(end);
2435 }
2436 }
2438 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CompilerDirective &) {
2439 // TODO
2440 }
2442 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenACCConstruct &acc) {
2443 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
2444 localSymbols.pushScope();
2445 mlir::Value exitCond = genOpenACCConstruct(
2446 *this, bridge.getSemanticsContext(), getEval(), acc);
2448 const Fortran::parser::OpenACCLoopConstruct *accLoop =
2449 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::OpenACCLoopConstruct>(&acc.u);
2450 const Fortran::parser::OpenACCCombinedConstruct *accCombined =
2451 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::OpenACCCombinedConstruct>(&acc.u);
2453 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *curEval = &getEval();
2455 if (accLoop || accCombined) {
2456 int64_t collapseValue;
2457 if (accLoop) {
2458 const Fortran::parser::AccBeginLoopDirective &beginLoopDir =
2459 std::get<Fortran::parser::AccBeginLoopDirective>(accLoop->t);
2460 const Fortran::parser::AccClauseList &clauseList =
2461 std::get<Fortran::parser::AccClauseList>(beginLoopDir.t);
2462 collapseValue = Fortran::lower::getCollapseValue(clauseList);
2463 } else if (accCombined) {
2464 const Fortran::parser::AccBeginCombinedDirective &beginCombinedDir =
2465 std::get<Fortran::parser::AccBeginCombinedDirective>(
2466 accCombined->t);
2467 const Fortran::parser::AccClauseList &clauseList =
2468 std::get<Fortran::parser::AccClauseList>(beginCombinedDir.t);
2469 collapseValue = Fortran::lower::getCollapseValue(clauseList);
2470 }
2472 if (curEval->lowerAsStructured()) {
2473 curEval = &curEval->getFirstNestedEvaluation();
2474 for (int64_t i = 1; i < collapseValue; i++)
2475 curEval = &*std::next(curEval->getNestedEvaluations().begin());
2476 }
2477 }
2479 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : curEval->getNestedEvaluations())
2480 genFIR(e);
2481 localSymbols.popScope();
2482 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
2484 if (accLoop && exitCond) {
2485 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit *funit =
2486 getEval().getOwningProcedure();
2487 assert(funit && "not inside main program, function or subroutine");
2488 mlir::Block *continueBlock =
2489 builder->getBlock()->splitBlock(builder->getBlock()->end());
2490 builder->create<mlir::cf::CondBranchOp>(toLocation(), exitCond,
2491 funit->finalBlock, continueBlock);
2492 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(continueBlock);
2493 }
2494 }
2496 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenACCDeclarativeConstruct &accDecl) {
2497 genOpenACCDeclarativeConstruct(*this, bridge.getSemanticsContext(),
2498 bridge.openAccCtx(), accDecl,
2499 accRoutineInfos);
2500 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : getEval().getNestedEvaluations())
2501 genFIR(e);
2502 }
2504 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenACCRoutineConstruct &acc) {
2505 // Handled by genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenACCDeclarativeConstruct &)
2506 }
2508 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct &kernel) {
2509 localSymbols.pushScope();
2510 const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::Directive &dir =
2511 std::get<Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::Directive>(kernel.t);
2513 mlir::Location loc = genLocation(dir.source);
2515 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
2517 unsigned nestedLoops = 1;
2519 const auto &nLoops =
2520 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntConstantExpr>>(dir.t);
2521 if (nLoops)
2522 nestedLoops = *Fortran::semantics::GetIntValue(*nLoops);
2524 mlir::IntegerAttr n;
2525 if (nestedLoops > 1)
2526 n = builder->getIntegerAttr(builder->getI64Type(), nestedLoops);
2528 const std::list<Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr> &grid =
2529 std::get<1>(dir.t);
2530 const std::list<Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr> &block =
2531 std::get<2>(dir.t);
2532 const std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr> &stream =
2533 std::get<3>(dir.t);
2535 auto isOnlyStars =
2536 [&](const std::list<Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr>
2537 &list) -> bool {
2538 for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
2539 list) {
2540 if (expr.v)
2541 return false;
2542 }
2543 return true;
2544 };
2546 mlir::Value zero =
2547 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, builder->getI32Type(), 0);
2549 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> gridValues;
2550 if (!isOnlyStars(grid)) {
2551 for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
2552 grid) {
2553 if (expr.v) {
2554 gridValues.push_back(fir::getBase(
2555 genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr.v), stmtCtx)));
2556 } else {
2557 gridValues.push_back(zero);
2558 }
2559 }
2560 }
2561 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> blockValues;
2562 if (!isOnlyStars(block)) {
2563 for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
2564 block) {
2565 if (expr.v) {
2566 blockValues.push_back(fir::getBase(
2567 genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr.v), stmtCtx)));
2568 } else {
2569 blockValues.push_back(zero);
2570 }
2571 }
2572 }
2573 mlir::Value streamValue;
2574 if (stream)
2575 streamValue = fir::getBase(
2576 genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*stream), stmtCtx));
2578 const auto &outerDoConstruct =
2579 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::DoConstruct>>(kernel.t);
2581 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Location> locs;
2582 locs.push_back(loc);
2583 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lbs, ubs, steps;
2585 mlir::Type idxTy = builder->getIndexType();
2587 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type> ivTypes;
2588 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Location> ivLocs;
2589 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> ivValues;
2590 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nestedLoops; ++i) {
2591 const Fortran::parser::LoopControl *loopControl;
2592 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *loopEval =
2593 &getEval().getFirstNestedEvaluation();
2595 mlir::Location crtLoc = loc;
2596 if (i == 0) {
2597 loopControl = &*outerDoConstruct->GetLoopControl();
2598 crtLoc =
2599 genLocation(Fortran::parser::FindSourceLocation(outerDoConstruct));
2600 } else {
2601 auto *doCons = loopEval->getIf<Fortran::parser::DoConstruct>();
2602 assert(doCons && "expect do construct");
2603 loopControl = &*doCons->GetLoopControl();
2604 crtLoc = genLocation(Fortran::parser::FindSourceLocation(*doCons));
2605 }
2607 locs.push_back(crtLoc);
2609 const Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds *bounds =
2610 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds>(&loopControl->u);
2611 assert(bounds && "Expected bounds on the loop construct");
2613 Fortran::semantics::Symbol &ivSym =
2614 bounds->name.thing.symbol->GetUltimate();
2615 ivValues.push_back(getSymbolAddress(ivSym));
2617 lbs.push_back(builder->createConvert(
2618 crtLoc, idxTy,
2619 fir::getBase(genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->lower),
2620 stmtCtx))));
2621 ubs.push_back(builder->createConvert(
2622 crtLoc, idxTy,
2623 fir::getBase(genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->upper),
2624 stmtCtx))));
2625 if (bounds->step)
2626 steps.push_back(fir::getBase(
2627 genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->step), stmtCtx)));
2628 else // If `step` is not present, assume it is `1`.
2629 steps.push_back(builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1));
2631 ivTypes.push_back(idxTy);
2632 ivLocs.push_back(crtLoc);
2633 if (i < nestedLoops - 1)
2634 loopEval = &*std::next(loopEval->getNestedEvaluations().begin());
2635 }
2637 auto op = builder->create<fir::CUDAKernelOp>(
2638 loc, gridValues, blockValues, streamValue, lbs, ubs, steps, n);
2639 builder->createBlock(&op.getRegion(), op.getRegion().end(), ivTypes,
2640 ivLocs);
2641 mlir::Block &b = op.getRegion().back();
2642 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&b);
2644 for (auto [arg, value] : llvm::zip(
2645 op.getLoopRegions().front()->front().getArguments(), ivValues)) {
2646 mlir::Value convArg =
2647 builder->createConvert(loc, fir::unwrapRefType(value.getType()), arg);
2648 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, convArg, value);
2649 }
2651 builder->create<fir::FirEndOp>(loc);
2652 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&b);
2654 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *crtEval = &getEval();
2655 if (crtEval->lowerAsStructured()) {
2656 crtEval = &crtEval->getFirstNestedEvaluation();
2657 for (int64_t i = 1; i < nestedLoops; i++)
2658 crtEval = &*std::next(crtEval->getNestedEvaluations().begin());
2659 }
2661 // Generate loop body
2662 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : crtEval->getNestedEvaluations())
2663 genFIR(e);
2665 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(op);
2666 localSymbols.popScope();
2667 }
2669 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenMPConstruct &omp) {
2670 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
2671 genOpenMPConstruct(*this, localSymbols, bridge.getSemanticsContext(),
2672 getEval(), omp);
2673 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
2675 // Register if a target region was found
2676 ompDeviceCodeFound =
2677 ompDeviceCodeFound || Fortran::lower::isOpenMPTargetConstruct(omp);
2678 }
2680 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct &ompDecl) {
2681 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
2682 // Register if a declare target construct intended for a target device was
2683 // found
2684 ompDeviceCodeFound =
2685 ompDeviceCodeFound ||
2686 Fortran::lower::isOpenMPDeviceDeclareTarget(
2687 *this, bridge.getSemanticsContext(), getEval(), ompDecl);
2688 Fortran::lower::gatherOpenMPDeferredDeclareTargets(
2689 *this, bridge.getSemanticsContext(), getEval(), ompDecl,
2690 ompDeferredDeclareTarget);
2691 genOpenMPDeclarativeConstruct(
2692 *this, localSymbols, bridge.getSemanticsContext(), getEval(), ompDecl);
2693 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
2694 }
2696 /// Generate FIR for a SELECT CASE statement.
2697 /// The selector may have CHARACTER, INTEGER, or LOGICAL type.
2698 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SelectCaseStmt &stmt) {
2699 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
2700 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *parentConstruct = eval.parentConstruct;
2701 assert(!activeConstructStack.empty() &&
2702 &activeConstructStack.back().eval == parentConstruct &&
2703 "select case construct is not active");
2704 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx =
2705 activeConstructStack.back().stmtCtx;
2706 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
2707 std::get<Fortran::parser::Scalar<Fortran::parser::Expr>>(stmt.t));
2708 bool isCharSelector = isCharacterCategory(expr->GetType()->category());
2709 bool isLogicalSelector = isLogicalCategory(expr->GetType()->category());
2710 mlir::MLIRContext *context = builder->getContext();
2711 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2712 auto charValue = [&](const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr) {
2713 fir::ExtendedValue exv = genExprAddr(*expr, stmtCtx, &loc);
2714 return exv.match(
2715 [&](const fir::CharBoxValue &cbv) {
2716 return fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper{*builder, loc}
2717 .createEmboxChar(cbv.getAddr(), cbv.getLen());
2718 },
2719 [&](auto) {
2720 fir::emitFatalError(loc, "not a character");
2721 return mlir::Value{};
2722 });
2723 };
2724 mlir::Value selector;
2725 if (isCharSelector) {
2726 selector = charValue(expr);
2727 } else {
2728 selector = createFIRExpr(loc, expr, stmtCtx);
2729 if (isLogicalSelector)
2730 selector = builder->createConvert(loc, builder->getI1Type(), selector);
2731 }
2732 mlir::Type selectType = selector.getType();
2733 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Attribute> attrList;
2734 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> valueList;
2735 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Block *> blockList;
2736 mlir::Block *defaultBlock = parentConstruct->constructExit->block;
2737 using CaseValue = Fortran::parser::Scalar<Fortran::parser::ConstantExpr>;
2738 auto addValue = [&](const CaseValue &caseValue) {
2739 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr =
2740 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(caseValue.thing);
2741 if (isCharSelector)
2742 valueList.push_back(charValue(expr));
2743 else if (isLogicalSelector)
2744 valueList.push_back(builder->createConvert(
2745 loc, selectType, createFIRExpr(toLocation(), expr, stmtCtx)));
2746 else
2747 valueList.push_back(builder->createIntegerConstant(
2748 loc, selectType, *Fortran::evaluate::ToInt64(*expr)));
2749 };
2750 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *e = eval.controlSuccessor; e;
2751 e = e->controlSuccessor) {
2752 const auto &caseStmt = e->getIf<Fortran::parser::CaseStmt>();
2753 assert(e->block && "missing CaseStmt block");
2754 const auto &caseSelector =
2755 std::get<Fortran::parser::CaseSelector>(caseStmt->t);
2756 const auto *caseValueRangeList =
2757 std::get_if<std::list<Fortran::parser::CaseValueRange>>(
2758 &caseSelector.u);
2759 if (!caseValueRangeList) {
2760 defaultBlock = e->block;
2761 continue;
2762 }
2763 for (const Fortran::parser::CaseValueRange &caseValueRange :
2764 *caseValueRangeList) {
2765 blockList.push_back(e->block);
2766 if (const auto *caseValue = std::get_if<CaseValue>(&caseValueRange.u)) {
2767 attrList.push_back(fir::PointIntervalAttr::get(context));
2768 addValue(*caseValue);
2769 continue;
2770 }
2771 const auto &caseRange =
2772 std::get<Fortran::parser::CaseValueRange::Range>(caseValueRange.u);
2773 if (caseRange.lower && caseRange.upper) {
2774 attrList.push_back(fir::ClosedIntervalAttr::get(context));
2775 addValue(*caseRange.lower);
2776 addValue(*caseRange.upper);
2777 } else if (caseRange.lower) {
2778 attrList.push_back(fir::LowerBoundAttr::get(context));
2779 addValue(*caseRange.lower);
2780 } else {
2781 attrList.push_back(fir::UpperBoundAttr::get(context));
2782 addValue(*caseRange.upper);
2783 }
2784 }
2785 }
2786 // Skip a logical default block that can never be referenced.
2787 if (isLogicalSelector && attrList.size() == 2)
2788 defaultBlock = parentConstruct->constructExit->block;
2789 attrList.push_back(mlir::UnitAttr::get(context));
2790 blockList.push_back(defaultBlock);
2792 // Generate a fir::SelectCaseOp. Explicit branch code is better for the
2793 // LOGICAL type. The CHARACTER type does not have downstream SelectOp
2794 // support. The -no-structured-fir option can be used to force generation
2795 // of INTEGER type branch code.
2796 if (!isLogicalSelector && !isCharSelector &&
2797 !getEval().forceAsUnstructured()) {
2798 // The selector is in an ssa register. Any temps that may have been
2799 // generated while evaluating it can be cleaned up now.
2800 stmtCtx.finalizeAndReset();
2801 builder->create<fir::SelectCaseOp>(loc, selector, attrList, valueList,
2802 blockList);
2803 return;
2804 }
2806 // Generate a sequence of case value comparisons and branches.
2807 auto caseValue = valueList.begin();
2808 auto caseBlock = blockList.begin();
2809 for (mlir::Attribute attr : attrList) {
2810 if (attr.isa<mlir::UnitAttr>()) {
2811 genBranch(*caseBlock++);
2812 break;
2813 }
2814 auto genCond = [&](mlir::Value rhs,
2815 mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate pred) -> mlir::Value {
2816 if (!isCharSelector)
2817 return builder->create<mlir::arith::CmpIOp>(loc, pred, selector, rhs);
2818 fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper charHelper{*builder, loc};
2819 std::pair<mlir::Value, mlir::Value> lhsVal =
2820 charHelper.createUnboxChar(selector);
2821 std::pair<mlir::Value, mlir::Value> rhsVal =
2822 charHelper.createUnboxChar(rhs);
2823 return fir::runtime::genCharCompare(*builder, loc, pred, lhsVal.first,
2824 lhsVal.second, rhsVal.first,
2825 rhsVal.second);
2826 };
2827 mlir::Block *newBlock = insertBlock(*caseBlock);
2828 if (attr.isa<fir::ClosedIntervalAttr>()) {
2829 mlir::Block *newBlock2 = insertBlock(*caseBlock);
2830 mlir::Value cond =
2831 genCond(*caseValue++, mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::sge);
2832 genConditionalBranch(cond, newBlock, newBlock2);
2833 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(newBlock);
2834 mlir::Value cond2 =
2835 genCond(*caseValue++, mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::sle);
2836 genConditionalBranch(cond2, *caseBlock++, newBlock2);
2837 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(newBlock2);
2838 continue;
2839 }
2840 mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate pred;
2841 if (attr.isa<fir::PointIntervalAttr>()) {
2842 pred = mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::eq;
2843 } else if (attr.isa<fir::LowerBoundAttr>()) {
2844 pred = mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::sge;
2845 } else {
2846 assert(attr.isa<fir::UpperBoundAttr>() && "unexpected predicate");
2847 pred = mlir::arith::CmpIPredicate::sle;
2848 }
2849 mlir::Value cond = genCond(*caseValue++, pred);
2850 genConditionalBranch(cond, *caseBlock++, newBlock);
2851 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(newBlock);
2852 }
2853 assert(caseValue == valueList.end() && caseBlock == blockList.end() &&
2854 "select case list mismatch");
2855 }
2857 fir::ExtendedValue
2858 genAssociateSelector(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &selector,
2859 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
2860 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
2861 return genExprAddr(selector, stmtCtx);
2862 return Fortran::lower::isArraySectionWithoutVectorSubscript(selector)
2863 ? Fortran::lower::createSomeArrayBox(*this, selector,
2864 localSymbols, stmtCtx)
2865 : genExprAddr(selector, stmtCtx);
2866 }
2868 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::AssociateConstruct &) {
2869 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
2870 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
2871 pushActiveConstruct(eval, stmtCtx);
2872 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : eval.getNestedEvaluations()) {
2873 if (auto *stmt = e.getIf<Fortran::parser::AssociateStmt>()) {
2874 if (eval.lowerAsUnstructured())
2875 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2876 localSymbols.pushScope();
2877 for (const Fortran::parser::Association &assoc :
2878 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::Association>>(stmt->t)) {
2879 Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym =
2880 *std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(assoc.t).symbol;
2881 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &selector =
2882 *sym.get<Fortran::semantics::AssocEntityDetails>().expr();
2883 addSymbol(sym, genAssociateSelector(selector, stmtCtx));
2884 }
2885 } else if (e.getIf<Fortran::parser::EndAssociateStmt>()) {
2886 if (eval.lowerAsUnstructured())
2887 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2888 localSymbols.popScope();
2889 } else {
2890 genFIR(e);
2891 }
2892 }
2893 popActiveConstruct();
2894 }
2896 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::BlockConstruct &blockConstruct) {
2897 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = getEval();
2898 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
2899 pushActiveConstruct(eval, stmtCtx);
2900 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &e : eval.getNestedEvaluations()) {
2901 if (e.getIf<Fortran::parser::BlockStmt>()) {
2902 if (eval.lowerAsUnstructured())
2903 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2904 setCurrentPosition(e.position);
2905 const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &endPosition =
2906 eval.getLastNestedEvaluation().position;
2907 localSymbols.pushScope();
2908 mlir::func::FuncOp stackSave = fir::factory::getLlvmStackSave(*builder);
2909 mlir::func::FuncOp stackRestore =
2910 fir::factory::getLlvmStackRestore(*builder);
2911 mlir::Value stackPtr =
2912 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(toLocation(), stackSave).getResult(0);
2913 mlir::Location endLoc = genLocation(endPosition);
2914 stmtCtx.attachCleanup([=]() {
2915 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(endLoc, stackRestore, stackPtr);
2916 });
2917 Fortran::semantics::Scope &scope =
2918 bridge.getSemanticsContext().FindScope(endPosition);
2919 scopeBlockIdMap.try_emplace(&scope, ++blockId);
2920 Fortran::lower::AggregateStoreMap storeMap;
2921 for (const Fortran::lower::pft::Variable &var :
2922 Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(scope)) {
2923 // Do no instantiate again variables from the block host
2924 // that appears in specification of block variables.
2925 if (!var.hasSymbol() || !lookupSymbol(var.getSymbol()))
2926 instantiateVar(var, storeMap);
2927 }
2928 } else if (e.getIf<Fortran::parser::EndBlockStmt>()) {
2929 if (eval.lowerAsUnstructured())
2930 maybeStartBlock(e.block);
2931 setCurrentPosition(e.position);
2932 localSymbols.popScope();
2933 } else {
2934 genFIR(e);
2935 }
2936 }
2937 popActiveConstruct();
2938 }
2940 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ChangeTeamConstruct &construct) {
2941 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: ChangeTeamConstruct");
2942 }
2943 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ChangeTeamStmt &stmt) {
2944 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: ChangeTeamStmt");
2945 }
2946 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndChangeTeamStmt &stmt) {
2947 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: EndChangeTeamStmt");
2948 }
2950 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CriticalConstruct &criticalConstruct) {
2951 setCurrentPositionAt(criticalConstruct);
2952 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: CriticalConstruct");
2953 }
2954 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CriticalStmt &) {
2955 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: CriticalStmt");
2956 }
2957 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndCriticalStmt &) {
2958 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: EndCriticalStmt");
2959 }
2961 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SelectRankConstruct &selectRankConstruct) {
2962 setCurrentPositionAt(selectRankConstruct);
2963 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: SelectRankConstruct");
2964 }
2965 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SelectRankStmt &) {
2966 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: SelectRankStmt");
2967 }
2968 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SelectRankCaseStmt &) {
2969 TODO(toLocation(), "coarray: SelectRankCaseStmt");
2970 }
2972 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SelectTypeConstruct &selectTypeConstruct) {
2973 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
2974 mlir::MLIRContext *context = builder->getContext();
2975 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
2976 fir::ExtendedValue selector;
2977 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Attribute> attrList;
2978 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Block *> blockList;
2979 unsigned typeGuardIdx = 0;
2980 std::size_t defaultAttrPos = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
2981 bool hasLocalScope = false;
2982 llvm::SmallVector<const Fortran::semantics::Scope *> typeCaseScopes;
2984 const auto &typeCaseList =
2985 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::SelectTypeConstruct::TypeCase>>(
2986 selectTypeConstruct.t);
2987 for (const auto &typeCase : typeCaseList) {
2988 const auto &stmt =
2989 std::get<Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::TypeGuardStmt>>(
2990 typeCase.t);
2991 const Fortran::semantics::Scope &scope =
2992 bridge.getSemanticsContext().FindScope(stmt.source);
2993 typeCaseScopes.push_back(&scope);
2994 }
2996 pushActiveConstruct(getEval(), stmtCtx);
2997 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval :
2998 getEval().getNestedEvaluations()) {
2999 if (auto *selectTypeStmt =
3000 eval.getIf<Fortran::parser::SelectTypeStmt>()) {
3001 // A genFIR(SelectTypeStmt) call would have unwanted side effects.
3002 maybeStartBlock(eval.block);
3003 // Retrieve the selector
3004 const auto &s = std::get<Fortran::parser::Selector>(selectTypeStmt->t);
3005 if (const auto *v = std::get_if<Fortran::parser::Variable>(&s.u))
3006 selector = genExprBox(loc, *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*v), stmtCtx);
3007 else if (const auto *e = std::get_if<Fortran::parser::Expr>(&s.u))
3008 selector = genExprBox(loc, *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*e), stmtCtx);
3010 // Going through the controlSuccessor first to create the
3011 // fir.select_type operation.
3012 mlir::Block *defaultBlock = eval.parentConstruct->constructExit->block;
3013 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *e = eval.controlSuccessor; e;
3014 e = e->controlSuccessor) {
3015 const auto &typeGuardStmt =
3016 e->getIf<Fortran::parser::TypeGuardStmt>();
3017 const auto &guard =
3018 std::get<Fortran::parser::TypeGuardStmt::Guard>(typeGuardStmt->t);
3019 assert(e->block && "missing TypeGuardStmt block");
3021 if (std::holds_alternative<Fortran::parser::Default>(guard.u)) {
3022 defaultBlock = e->block;
3023 // Keep track of the actual position of the CLASS DEFAULT type guard
3024 // in the SELECT TYPE construct.
3025 defaultAttrPos = attrList.size();
3026 continue;
3027 }
3029 blockList.push_back(e->block);
3030 if (const auto *typeSpec =
3031 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::TypeSpec>(&guard.u)) {
3032 // TYPE IS
3033 mlir::Type ty;
3034 if (std::holds_alternative<Fortran::parser::IntrinsicTypeSpec>(
3035 typeSpec->u)) {
3036 const Fortran::semantics::IntrinsicTypeSpec *intrinsic =
3037 typeSpec->declTypeSpec->AsIntrinsic();
3038 int kind =
3039 Fortran::evaluate::ToInt64(intrinsic->kind()).value_or(kind);
3040 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::lower::LenParameterTy> params;
3041 ty = genType(intrinsic->category(), kind, params);
3042 } else {
3043 const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *derived =
3044 typeSpec->declTypeSpec->AsDerived();
3045 ty = genType(*derived);
3046 }
3047 attrList.push_back(fir::ExactTypeAttr::get(ty));
3048 } else if (const auto *derived =
3049 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::DerivedTypeSpec>(
3050 &guard.u)) {
3051 // CLASS IS
3052 assert(derived->derivedTypeSpec && "derived type spec is null");
3053 mlir::Type ty = genType(*(derived->derivedTypeSpec));
3054 attrList.push_back(fir::SubclassAttr::get(ty));
3055 }
3056 }
3057 attrList.push_back(mlir::UnitAttr::get(context));
3058 blockList.push_back(defaultBlock);
3059 builder->create<fir::SelectTypeOp>(loc, fir::getBase(selector),
3060 attrList, blockList);
3062 // If the actual position of CLASS DEFAULT type guard is not the last
3063 // one, it needs to be put back at its correct position for the rest of
3064 // the processing. TypeGuardStmt are processed in the same order they
3065 // appear in the Fortran code.
3066 if (defaultAttrPos < attrList.size() - 1) {
3067 auto attrIt = attrList.begin();
3068 attrIt = attrIt + defaultAttrPos;
3069 auto blockIt = blockList.begin();
3070 blockIt = blockIt + defaultAttrPos;
3071 attrList.insert(attrIt, mlir::UnitAttr::get(context));
3072 blockList.insert(blockIt, defaultBlock);
3073 attrList.pop_back();
3074 blockList.pop_back();
3075 }
3076 } else if (auto *typeGuardStmt =
3077 eval.getIf<Fortran::parser::TypeGuardStmt>()) {
3078 // Map the type guard local symbol for the selector to a more precise
3079 // typed entity in the TypeGuardStmt when necessary.
3080 genFIR(eval);
3081 const auto &guard =
3082 std::get<Fortran::parser::TypeGuardStmt::Guard>(typeGuardStmt->t);
3083 if (hasLocalScope)
3084 localSymbols.popScope();
3085 localSymbols.pushScope();
3086 hasLocalScope = true;
3087 assert(attrList.size() >= typeGuardIdx &&
3088 "TypeGuard attribute missing");
3089 mlir::Attribute typeGuardAttr = attrList[typeGuardIdx];
3090 mlir::Block *typeGuardBlock = blockList[typeGuardIdx];
3091 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint crtInsPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
3092 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(typeGuardBlock);
3094 auto addAssocEntitySymbol = [&](fir::ExtendedValue exv) {
3095 for (auto &symbol : typeCaseScopes[typeGuardIdx]->GetSymbols()) {
3096 if (symbol->GetUltimate()
3097 .detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()) {
3098 addSymbol(symbol, exv);
3099 break;
3100 }
3101 }
3102 };
3104 mlir::Type baseTy = fir::getBase(selector).getType();
3105 bool isPointer = fir::isPointerType(baseTy);
3106 bool isAllocatable = fir::isAllocatableType(baseTy);
3107 bool isArray =
3108 fir::dyn_cast_ptrOrBoxEleTy(baseTy).isa<fir::SequenceType>();
3109 const fir::BoxValue *selectorBox = selector.getBoxOf<fir::BoxValue>();
3110 if (std::holds_alternative<Fortran::parser::Default>(guard.u)) {
3112 addAssocEntitySymbol(selector);
3113 } else if (const auto *typeSpec =
3114 std::get_if<Fortran::parser::TypeSpec>(&guard.u)) {
3115 // TYPE IS
3116 fir::ExactTypeAttr attr =
3117 typeGuardAttr.dyn_cast<fir::ExactTypeAttr>();
3118 mlir::Value exactValue;
3119 mlir::Type addrTy = attr.getType();
3120 if (isArray) {
3121 auto seqTy = fir::dyn_cast_ptrOrBoxEleTy(baseTy)
3122 .dyn_cast<fir::SequenceType>();
3123 addrTy = fir::SequenceType::get(seqTy.getShape(), attr.getType());
3124 }
3125 if (isPointer)
3126 addrTy = fir::PointerType::get(addrTy);
3127 if (isAllocatable)
3128 addrTy = fir::HeapType::get(addrTy);
3129 if (std::holds_alternative<Fortran::parser::IntrinsicTypeSpec>(
3130 typeSpec->u)) {
3131 mlir::Type refTy = fir::ReferenceType::get(addrTy);
3132 if (isPointer || isAllocatable)
3133 refTy = addrTy;
3134 exactValue = builder->create<fir::BoxAddrOp>(
3135 loc, refTy, fir::getBase(selector));
3136 const Fortran::semantics::IntrinsicTypeSpec *intrinsic =
3137 typeSpec->declTypeSpec->AsIntrinsic();
3138 if (isArray) {
3139 mlir::Value exact = builder->create<fir::ConvertOp>(
3140 loc, fir::BoxType::get(addrTy), fir::getBase(selector));
3141 addAssocEntitySymbol(selectorBox->clone(exact));
3142 } else if (intrinsic->category() ==
3143 Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Character) {
3144 auto charTy = attr.getType().dyn_cast<fir::CharacterType>();
3145 mlir::Value charLen =
3146 fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper(*builder, loc)
3147 .readLengthFromBox(fir::getBase(selector), charTy);
3148 addAssocEntitySymbol(fir::CharBoxValue(exactValue, charLen));
3149 } else {
3150 addAssocEntitySymbol(exactValue);
3151 }
3152 } else if (std::holds_alternative<Fortran::parser::DerivedTypeSpec>(
3153 typeSpec->u)) {
3154 exactValue = builder->create<fir::ConvertOp>(
3155 loc, fir::BoxType::get(addrTy), fir::getBase(selector));
3156 addAssocEntitySymbol(selectorBox->clone(exactValue));
3157 }
3158 } else if (std::holds_alternative<Fortran::parser::DerivedTypeSpec>(
3159 guard.u)) {
3160 // CLASS IS
3161 fir::SubclassAttr attr = typeGuardAttr.dyn_cast<fir::SubclassAttr>();
3162 mlir::Type addrTy = attr.getType();
3163 if (isArray) {
3164 auto seqTy = fir::dyn_cast_ptrOrBoxEleTy(baseTy)
3165 .dyn_cast<fir::SequenceType>();
3166 addrTy = fir::SequenceType::get(seqTy.getShape(), attr.getType());
3167 }
3168 if (isPointer)
3169 addrTy = fir::PointerType::get(addrTy);
3170 if (isAllocatable)
3171 addrTy = fir::HeapType::get(addrTy);
3172 mlir::Type classTy = fir::ClassType::get(addrTy);
3173 if (classTy == baseTy) {
3174 addAssocEntitySymbol(selector);
3175 } else {
3176 mlir::Value derived = builder->create<fir::ConvertOp>(
3177 loc, classTy, fir::getBase(selector));
3178 addAssocEntitySymbol(selectorBox->clone(derived));
3179 }
3180 }
3181 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(crtInsPt);
3182 ++typeGuardIdx;
3183 } else if (eval.getIf<Fortran::parser::EndSelectStmt>()) {
3184 maybeStartBlock(eval.block);
3185 if (hasLocalScope)
3186 localSymbols.popScope();
3187 } else {
3188 genFIR(eval);
3189 }
3190 }
3191 popActiveConstruct();
3192 }
3194 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3195 // IO statements (see io.h)
3196 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3198 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::BackspaceStmt &stmt) {
3199 mlir::Value iostat = genBackspaceStatement(*this, stmt);
3200 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3201 }
3202 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CloseStmt &stmt) {
3203 mlir::Value iostat = genCloseStatement(*this, stmt);
3204 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3205 }
3206 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndfileStmt &stmt) {
3207 mlir::Value iostat = genEndfileStatement(*this, stmt);
3208 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3209 }
3210 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::FlushStmt &stmt) {
3211 mlir::Value iostat = genFlushStatement(*this, stmt);
3212 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3213 }
3214 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::InquireStmt &stmt) {
3215 mlir::Value iostat = genInquireStatement(*this, stmt);
3216 if (const auto *specs =
3217 std::get_if<std::list<Fortran::parser::InquireSpec>>(&stmt.u))
3218 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), *specs, iostat);
3219 }
3220 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenStmt &stmt) {
3221 mlir::Value iostat = genOpenStatement(*this, stmt);
3222 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3223 }
3224 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::PrintStmt &stmt) {
3225 genPrintStatement(*this, stmt);
3226 }
3227 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ReadStmt &stmt) {
3228 mlir::Value iostat = genReadStatement(*this, stmt);
3229 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.controls, iostat);
3230 }
3231 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::RewindStmt &stmt) {
3232 mlir::Value iostat = genRewindStatement(*this, stmt);
3233 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3234 }
3235 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WaitStmt &stmt) {
3236 mlir::Value iostat = genWaitStatement(*this, stmt);
3237 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.v, iostat);
3238 }
3239 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WriteStmt &stmt) {
3240 mlir::Value iostat = genWriteStatement(*this, stmt);
3241 genIoConditionBranches(getEval(), stmt.controls, iostat);
3242 }
3244 template <typename A>
3245 void genIoConditionBranches(Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
3246 const A &specList, mlir::Value iostat) {
3247 if (!iostat)
3248 return;
3250 Fortran::parser::Label endLabel{};
3251 Fortran::parser::Label eorLabel{};
3252 Fortran::parser::Label errLabel{};
3253 bool hasIostat{};
3254 for (const auto &spec : specList) {
3255 std::visit(
3256 Fortran::common::visitors{
3257 [&](const Fortran::parser::EndLabel &label) {
3258 endLabel = label.v;
3259 },
3260 [&](const Fortran::parser::EorLabel &label) {
3261 eorLabel = label.v;
3262 },
3263 [&](const Fortran::parser::ErrLabel &label) {
3264 errLabel = label.v;
3265 },
3266 [&](const Fortran::parser::StatVariable &) { hasIostat = true; },
3267 [](const auto &) {}},
3268 spec.u);
3269 }
3270 if (!endLabel && !eorLabel && !errLabel)
3271 return;
3273 // An ERR specifier branch is taken on any positive error value rather than
3274 // some single specific value. If ERR and IOSTAT specifiers are given and
3275 // END and EOR specifiers are allowed, the latter two specifiers must have
3276 // explicit branch targets to allow the ERR branch to be implemented as a
3277 // default/else target. A label=0 target for an absent END or EOR specifier
3278 // indicates that these specifiers have a fallthrough target. END and EOR
3279 // specifiers may appear on READ and WAIT statements.
3280 bool allSpecifiersRequired = errLabel && hasIostat &&
3281 (eval.isA<Fortran::parser::ReadStmt>() ||
3282 eval.isA<Fortran::parser::WaitStmt>());
3283 mlir::Value selector =
3284 builder->createConvert(toLocation(), builder->getIndexType(), iostat);
3285 llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> valueList;
3286 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::parser::Label> labelList;
3287 if (eorLabel || allSpecifiersRequired) {
3288 valueList.push_back(Fortran::runtime::io::IostatEor);
3289 labelList.push_back(eorLabel ? eorLabel : 0);
3290 }
3291 if (endLabel || allSpecifiersRequired) {
3292 valueList.push_back(Fortran::runtime::io::IostatEnd);
3293 labelList.push_back(endLabel ? endLabel : 0);
3294 }
3295 if (errLabel) {
3296 // Must be last. Value 0 is interpreted as any positive value, or
3297 // equivalently as any value other than 0, IostatEor, or IostatEnd.
3298 valueList.push_back(Elt: 0);
3299 labelList.push_back(errLabel);
3300 }
3301 genMultiwayBranch(selector, valueList, labelList, eval.nonNopSuccessor());
3302 }
3304 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3305 // Memory allocation and deallocation
3306 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3308 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::AllocateStmt &stmt) {
3309 Fortran::lower::genAllocateStmt(*this, stmt, toLocation());
3310 }
3312 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::DeallocateStmt &stmt) {
3313 Fortran::lower::genDeallocateStmt(*this, stmt, toLocation());
3314 }
3316 /// Nullify pointer object list
3317 ///
3318 /// For each pointer object, reset the pointer to a disassociated status.
3319 /// We do this by setting each pointer to null.
3320 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::NullifyStmt &stmt) {
3321 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
3322 for (auto &pointerObject : stmt.v) {
3323 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr =
3324 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(pointerObject);
3325 assert(expr);
3326 if (Fortran::evaluate::IsProcedurePointer(*expr)) {
3327 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
3328 hlfir::Entity pptr = Fortran::lower::convertExprToHLFIR(
3329 loc, *this, *expr, localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3330 auto boxTy{
3331 Fortran::lower::getUntypedBoxProcType(builder->getContext())};
3332 hlfir::Entity nullBoxProc(
3333 fir::factory::createNullBoxProc(*builder, loc, boxTy));
3334 builder->createStoreWithConvert(loc, nullBoxProc, pptr);
3335 } else {
3336 fir::MutableBoxValue box = genExprMutableBox(loc, *expr);
3337 fir::factory::disassociateMutableBox(*builder, loc, box);
3338 }
3339 }
3340 }
3342 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3344 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::NotifyWaitStmt &stmt) {
3345 genNotifyWaitStatement(*this, stmt);
3346 }
3348 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EventPostStmt &stmt) {
3349 genEventPostStatement(*this, stmt);
3350 }
3352 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EventWaitStmt &stmt) {
3353 genEventWaitStatement(*this, stmt);
3354 }
3356 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::FormTeamStmt &stmt) {
3357 genFormTeamStatement(*this, getEval(), stmt);
3358 }
3360 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::LockStmt &stmt) {
3361 genLockStatement(*this, stmt);
3362 }
3364 fir::ExtendedValue
3365 genInitializerExprValue(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr,
3366 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
3367 return Fortran::lower::createSomeInitializerExpression(
3368 toLocation(), *this, expr, localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3369 }
3371 /// Return true if the current context is a conditionalized and implied
3372 /// iteration space.
3373 bool implicitIterationSpace() { return !implicitIterSpace.empty(); }
3375 /// Return true if context is currently an explicit iteration space. A scalar
3376 /// assignment expression may be contextually within a user-defined iteration
3377 /// space, transforming it into an array expression.
3378 bool explicitIterationSpace() { return explicitIterSpace.isActive(); }
3380 /// Generate an array assignment.
3381 /// This is an assignment expression with rank > 0. The assignment may or may
3382 /// not be in a WHERE and/or FORALL context.
3383 /// In a FORALL context, the assignment may be a pointer assignment and the \p
3384 /// lbounds and \p ubounds parameters should only be used in such a pointer
3385 /// assignment case. (If both are None then the array assignment cannot be a
3386 /// pointer assignment.)
3387 void genArrayAssignment(
3388 const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign,
3389 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &localStmtCtx,
3390 std::optional<llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value>> lbounds = std::nullopt,
3391 std::optional<llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value>> ubounds = std::nullopt) {
3393 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx =
3394 explicitIterationSpace()
3395 ? explicitIterSpace.stmtContext()
3396 : (implicitIterationSpace() ? implicitIterSpace.stmtContext()
3397 : localStmtCtx);
3398 if (Fortran::lower::isWholeAllocatable(assign.lhs)) {
3399 // Assignment to allocatables may require the lhs to be
3400 // deallocated/reallocated. See Fortran 2018 p3
3401 Fortran::lower::createAllocatableArrayAssignment(
3402 *this, assign.lhs, assign.rhs, explicitIterSpace, implicitIterSpace,
3403 localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3404 return;
3405 }
3407 if (lbounds) {
3408 // Array of POINTER entities, with elemental assignment.
3409 if (!Fortran::lower::isWholePointer(assign.lhs))
3410 fir::emitFatalError(toLocation(), "pointer assignment to non-pointer");
3412 Fortran::lower::createArrayOfPointerAssignment(
3413 *this, assign.lhs, assign.rhs, explicitIterSpace, implicitIterSpace,
3414 *lbounds, ubounds, localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3415 return;
3416 }
3418 if (!implicitIterationSpace() && !explicitIterationSpace()) {
3419 // No masks and the iteration space is implied by the array, so create a
3420 // simple array assignment.
3421 Fortran::lower::createSomeArrayAssignment(*this, assign.lhs, assign.rhs,
3422 localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3423 return;
3424 }
3426 // If there is an explicit iteration space, generate an array assignment
3427 // with a user-specified iteration space and possibly with masks. These
3428 // assignments may *appear* to be scalar expressions, but the scalar
3429 // expression is evaluated at all points in the user-defined space much like
3430 // an ordinary array assignment. More specifically, the semantics inside the
3431 // FORALL much more closely resembles that of WHERE than a scalar
3432 // assignment.
3433 // Otherwise, generate a masked array assignment. The iteration space is
3434 // implied by the lhs array expression.
3435 Fortran::lower::createAnyMaskedArrayAssignment(
3436 *this, assign.lhs, assign.rhs, explicitIterSpace, implicitIterSpace,
3437 localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3438 }
3440#if !defined(NDEBUG)
3441 static bool isFuncResultDesignator(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr) {
3442 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym =
3443 Fortran::evaluate::GetFirstSymbol(expr);
3444 return sym && sym->IsFuncResult();
3445 }
3448 inline fir::MutableBoxValue
3449 genExprMutableBox(mlir::Location loc,
3450 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr) override final {
3451 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
3452 return Fortran::lower::convertExprToMutableBox(loc, *this, expr,
3453 localSymbols);
3454 return Fortran::lower::createMutableBox(loc, *this, expr, localSymbols);
3455 }
3457 // Create the [newRank] array with the lower bounds to be passed to the
3458 // runtime as a descriptor.
3459 mlir::Value createLboundArray(llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> lbounds,
3460 mlir::Location loc) {
3461 mlir::Type indexTy = builder->getIndexType();
3462 mlir::Type boundArrayTy = fir::SequenceType::get(
3463 {static_cast<int64_t>(lbounds.size())}, builder->getI64Type());
3464 mlir::Value boundArray = builder->create<fir::AllocaOp>(loc, boundArrayTy);
3465 mlir::Value array = builder->create<fir::UndefOp>(loc, boundArrayTy);
3466 for (unsigned i = 0; i < lbounds.size(); ++i) {
3467 array = builder->create<fir::InsertValueOp>(
3468 loc, boundArrayTy, array, lbounds[i],
3469 builder->getArrayAttr({builder->getIntegerAttr(
3470 builder->getIndexType(), static_cast<int>(i))}));
3471 }
3472 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, array, boundArray);
3473 mlir::Type boxTy = fir::BoxType::get(boundArrayTy);
3474 mlir::Value ext =
3475 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, indexTy, lbounds.size());
3476 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> shapes = {ext};
3477 mlir::Value shapeOp = builder->genShape(loc, shapes);
3478 return builder->create<fir::EmboxOp>(loc, boxTy, boundArray, shapeOp);
3479 }
3481 // Generate pointer assignment with possibly empty bounds-spec. R1035: a
3482 // bounds-spec is a lower bound value.
3483 void genPointerAssignment(
3484 mlir::Location loc, const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign,
3485 const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsSpec &lbExprs) {
3486 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
3488 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR() && Fortran::evaluate::IsProcedure(assign.rhs))
3489 TODO(loc, "procedure pointer assignment");
3490 if (Fortran::evaluate::IsProcedurePointer(assign.lhs)) {
3491 hlfir::Entity lhs = Fortran::lower::convertExprToHLFIR(
3492 loc, *this, assign.lhs, localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3493 if (Fortran::evaluate::UnwrapExpr<Fortran::evaluate::NullPointer>(
3494 assign.rhs)) {
3495 // rhs is null(). rhs being null(pptr) is handled in genNull.
3496 auto boxTy{
3497 Fortran::lower::getUntypedBoxProcType(builder->getContext())};
3498 hlfir::Entity rhs(
3499 fir::factory::createNullBoxProc(*builder, loc, boxTy));
3500 builder->createStoreWithConvert(loc, rhs, lhs);
3501 return;
3502 }
3503 hlfir::Entity rhs(getBase(Fortran::lower::convertExprToAddress(
3504 loc, *this, assign.rhs, localSymbols, stmtCtx)));
3505 builder->createStoreWithConvert(loc, rhs, lhs);
3506 return;
3507 }
3509 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType> lhsType =
3510 assign.lhs.GetType();
3511 // Delegate pointer association to unlimited polymorphic pointer
3512 // to the runtime. element size, type code, attribute and of
3513 // course base_addr might need to be updated.
3514 if (lhsType && lhsType->IsPolymorphic()) {
3515 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR() && explicitIterationSpace())
3516 TODO(loc, "polymorphic pointer assignment in FORALL");
3517 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lbounds;
3518 for (const Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr &lbExpr : lbExprs)
3519 lbounds.push_back(
3520 fir::getBase(genExprValue(toEvExpr(lbExpr), stmtCtx)));
3521 fir::MutableBoxValue lhsMutableBox = genExprMutableBox(loc, assign.lhs);
3522 if (Fortran::evaluate::UnwrapExpr<Fortran::evaluate::NullPointer>(
3523 assign.rhs)) {
3524 fir::factory::disassociateMutableBox(*builder, loc, lhsMutableBox);
3525 return;
3526 }
3527 mlir::Value lhs = lhsMutableBox.getAddr();
3528 mlir::Value rhs = fir::getBase(genExprBox(loc, assign.rhs, stmtCtx));
3529 if (!lbounds.empty()) {
3530 mlir::Value boundsDesc = createLboundArray(lbounds, loc);
3531 Fortran::lower::genPointerAssociateLowerBounds(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs,
3532 boundsDesc);
3533 return;
3534 }
3535 Fortran::lower::genPointerAssociate(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs);
3536 return;
3537 }
3539 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lbounds;
3540 for (const Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr &lbExpr : lbExprs)
3541 lbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(genExprValue(toEvExpr(lbExpr), stmtCtx)));
3542 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR() && explicitIterationSpace()) {
3543 // Pointer assignment in FORALL context. Copy the rhs box value
3544 // into the lhs box variable.
3545 genArrayAssignment(assign, stmtCtx, lbounds);
3546 return;
3547 }
3548 fir::MutableBoxValue lhs = genExprMutableBox(loc, assign.lhs);
3549 Fortran::lower::associateMutableBox(*this, loc, lhs, assign.rhs, lbounds,
3550 stmtCtx);
3551 }
3553 // Create the 2 x newRank array with the bounds to be passed to the runtime as
3554 // a descriptor.
3555 mlir::Value createBoundArray(llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> lbounds,
3556 llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> ubounds,
3557 mlir::Location loc) {
3558 assert(lbounds.size() && ubounds.size());
3559 mlir::Type indexTy = builder->getIndexType();
3560 mlir::Type boundArrayTy = fir::SequenceType::get(
3561 {2, static_cast<int64_t>(lbounds.size())}, builder->getI64Type());
3562 mlir::Value boundArray = builder->create<fir::AllocaOp>(loc, boundArrayTy);
3563 mlir::Value array = builder->create<fir::UndefOp>(loc, boundArrayTy);
3564 for (unsigned i = 0; i < lbounds.size(); ++i) {
3565 array = builder->create<fir::InsertValueOp>(
3566 loc, boundArrayTy, array, lbounds[i],
3567 builder->getArrayAttr(
3568 {builder->getIntegerAttr(builder->getIndexType(), 0),
3569 builder->getIntegerAttr(builder->getIndexType(),
3570 static_cast<int>(i))}));
3571 array = builder->create<fir::InsertValueOp>(
3572 loc, boundArrayTy, array, ubounds[i],
3573 builder->getArrayAttr(
3574 {builder->getIntegerAttr(builder->getIndexType(), 1),
3575 builder->getIntegerAttr(builder->getIndexType(),
3576 static_cast<int>(i))}));
3577 }
3578 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, array, boundArray);
3579 mlir::Type boxTy = fir::BoxType::get(boundArrayTy);
3580 mlir::Value ext =
3581 builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, indexTy, lbounds.size());
3582 mlir::Value c2 = builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, indexTy, 2);
3583 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> shapes = {c2, ext};
3584 mlir::Value shapeOp = builder->genShape(loc, shapes);
3585 return builder->create<fir::EmboxOp>(loc, boxTy, boundArray, shapeOp);
3586 }
3588 // Pointer assignment with bounds-remapping. R1036: a bounds-remapping is a
3589 // pair, lower bound and upper bound.
3590 void genPointerAssignment(
3591 mlir::Location loc, const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign,
3592 const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsRemapping &boundExprs) {
3593 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
3594 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lbounds;
3595 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> ubounds;
3596 for (const std::pair<Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr,
3597 Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr> &pair : boundExprs) {
3598 const Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr &lbExpr = pair.first;
3599 const Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr &ubExpr = pair.second;
3600 lbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(genExprValue(toEvExpr(lbExpr), stmtCtx)));
3601 ubounds.push_back(fir::getBase(genExprValue(toEvExpr(ubExpr), stmtCtx)));
3602 }
3604 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType> lhsType =
3605 assign.lhs.GetType();
3606 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType> rhsType =
3607 assign.rhs.GetType();
3608 // Polymorphic lhs/rhs need more care. See F2018
3609 if ((lhsType && lhsType->IsPolymorphic()) ||
3610 (rhsType && rhsType->IsPolymorphic())) {
3611 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR() && explicitIterationSpace())
3612 TODO(loc, "polymorphic pointer assignment in FORALL");
3614 fir::MutableBoxValue lhsMutableBox = genExprMutableBox(loc, assign.lhs);
3615 if (Fortran::evaluate::UnwrapExpr<Fortran::evaluate::NullPointer>(
3616 assign.rhs)) {
3617 fir::factory::disassociateMutableBox(*builder, loc, lhsMutableBox);
3618 return;
3619 }
3620 mlir::Value lhs = lhsMutableBox.getAddr();
3621 mlir::Value rhs = fir::getBase(genExprBox(loc, assign.rhs, stmtCtx));
3622 mlir::Value boundsDesc = createBoundArray(lbounds, ubounds, loc);
3623 Fortran::lower::genPointerAssociateRemapping(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs,
3624 boundsDesc);
3625 return;
3626 }
3627 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR() && explicitIterationSpace()) {
3628 // Pointer assignment in FORALL context. Copy the rhs box value
3629 // into the lhs box variable.
3630 genArrayAssignment(assign, stmtCtx, lbounds, ubounds);
3631 return;
3632 }
3633 fir::MutableBoxValue lhs = genExprMutableBox(loc, assign.lhs);
3634 if (Fortran::evaluate::UnwrapExpr<Fortran::evaluate::NullPointer>(
3635 assign.rhs)) {
3636 fir::factory::disassociateMutableBox(*builder, loc, lhs);
3637 return;
3638 }
3639 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
3640 fir::ExtendedValue rhs = genExprAddr(assign.rhs, stmtCtx);
3641 fir::factory::associateMutableBoxWithRemap(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs,
3642 lbounds, ubounds);
3643 return;
3644 }
3645 // Legacy lowering below.
3646 // Do not generate a temp in case rhs is an array section.
3647 fir::ExtendedValue rhs =
3648 Fortran::lower::isArraySectionWithoutVectorSubscript(assign.rhs)
3649 ? Fortran::lower::createSomeArrayBox(*this, assign.rhs,
3650 localSymbols, stmtCtx)
3651 : genExprAddr(assign.rhs, stmtCtx);
3652 fir::factory::associateMutableBoxWithRemap(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs, lbounds,
3653 ubounds);
3654 if (explicitIterationSpace()) {
3655 mlir::ValueRange inners = explicitIterSpace.getInnerArgs();
3656 if (!inners.empty())
3657 builder->create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, inners);
3658 }
3659 }
3661 /// Given converted LHS and RHS of the assignment, materialize any
3662 /// implicit conversion of the RHS to the LHS type. The front-end
3663 /// usually already makes those explicit, except for non-standard
3664 /// LOGICAL <-> INTEGER, or if the LHS is a whole allocatable
3665 /// (making the conversion explicit in the front-end would prevent
3666 /// propagation of the LHS lower bound in the reallocation).
3667 /// If array temporaries or values are created, the cleanups are
3668 /// added in the statement context.
3669 hlfir::Entity genImplicitConvert(const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign,
3670 hlfir::Entity rhs, bool preserveLowerBounds,
3671 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
3672 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
3673 auto &builder = getFirOpBuilder();
3674 mlir::Type toType = genType(assign.lhs);
3675 auto valueAndPair = hlfir::genTypeAndKindConvert(loc, builder, rhs, toType,
3676 preserveLowerBounds);
3677 if (valueAndPair.second)
3678 stmtCtx.attachCleanup(*valueAndPair.second);
3679 return hlfir::Entity{valueAndPair.first};
3680 }
3682 static void
3683 genCleanUpInRegionIfAny(mlir::Location loc, fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
3684 mlir::Region &region,
3685 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &context) {
3686 if (!context.hasCode())
3687 return;
3688 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder.saveInsertionPoint();
3689 if (region.empty())
3690 builder.createBlock(&region);
3691 else
3692 builder.setInsertionPointToEnd(&region.front());
3693 context.finalizeAndPop();
3694 hlfir::YieldOp::ensureTerminator(region, builder, loc);
3695 builder.restoreInsertionPoint(insertPt);
3696 }
3698 bool firstDummyIsPointerOrAllocatable(
3699 const Fortran::evaluate::ProcedureRef &userDefinedAssignment) {
3700 using DummyAttr = Fortran::evaluate::characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr;
3701 if (auto procedure =
3702 Fortran::evaluate::characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
3703 userDefinedAssignment.proc(), getFoldingContext(),
3704 /*emitError=*/false))
3705 if (!procedure->dummyArguments.empty())
3706 if (const auto *dataArg = std::get_if<
3707 Fortran::evaluate::characteristics::DummyDataObject>(
3708 &procedure->dummyArguments[0].u))
3709 return dataArg->attrs.test(DummyAttr::Pointer) ||
3710 dataArg->attrs.test(DummyAttr::Allocatable);
3711 return false;
3712 }
3714 void genCUDADataTransfer(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
3715 const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign,
3716 hlfir::Entity &lhs, hlfir::Entity &rhs) {
3717 bool lhsIsDevice = Fortran::evaluate::HasCUDAAttrs(assign.lhs);
3718 bool rhsIsDevice = Fortran::evaluate::HasCUDAAttrs(assign.rhs);
3719 if (rhs.isBoxAddressOrValue() || lhs.isBoxAddressOrValue())
3720 TODO(loc, "CUDA data transfler with descriptors");
3722 // device = host
3723 if (lhsIsDevice && !rhsIsDevice) {
3724 auto transferKindAttr = fir::CUDADataTransferKindAttr::get(
3725 builder.getContext(), fir::CUDADataTransferKind::HostDevice);
3726 if (!rhs.isVariable()) {
3727 auto associate = hlfir::genAssociateExpr(
3728 loc, builder, rhs, rhs.getType(), ".cuf_host_tmp");
3729 builder.create<fir::CUDADataTransferOp>(loc, associate.getBase(), lhs,
3730 transferKindAttr);
3731 builder.create<hlfir::EndAssociateOp>(loc, associate);
3732 } else {
3733 builder.create<fir::CUDADataTransferOp>(loc, rhs, lhs,
3734 transferKindAttr);
3735 }
3736 return;
3737 }
3739 // host = device
3740 if (!lhsIsDevice && rhsIsDevice) {
3741 auto transferKindAttr = fir::CUDADataTransferKindAttr::get(
3742 builder.getContext(), fir::CUDADataTransferKind::DeviceHost);
3743 if (!rhs.isVariable()) {
3744 // evaluateRhs loads scalar. Look for the memory reference to be used in
3745 // the transfer.
3746 if (mlir::isa_and_nonnull<fir::LoadOp>(rhs.getDefiningOp())) {
3747 auto loadOp = mlir::dyn_cast<fir::LoadOp>(rhs.getDefiningOp());
3748 builder.create<fir::CUDADataTransferOp>(loc, loadOp.getMemref(), lhs,
3749 transferKindAttr);
3750 return;
3751 }
3752 } else {
3753 builder.create<fir::CUDADataTransferOp>(loc, rhs, lhs,
3754 transferKindAttr);
3755 }
3756 return;
3757 }
3759 if (lhsIsDevice && rhsIsDevice) {
3760 assert(rhs.isVariable() && "CUDA Fortran assignment rhs is not legal");
3761 auto transferKindAttr = fir::CUDADataTransferKindAttr::get(
3762 builder.getContext(), fir::CUDADataTransferKind::DeviceDevice);
3763 builder.create<fir::CUDADataTransferOp>(loc, rhs, lhs, transferKindAttr);
3764 return;
3765 }
3766 llvm_unreachable("Unhandled CUDA data transfer");
3767 }
3769 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value>
3770 genCUDAImplicitDataTransfer(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
3771 const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign) {
3772 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> temps;
3773 localSymbols.pushScope();
3774 auto transferKindAttr = fir::CUDADataTransferKindAttr::get(
3775 builder.getContext(), fir::CUDADataTransferKind::DeviceHost);
3776 [[maybe_unused]] unsigned nbDeviceResidentObject = 0;
3777 for (const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym :
3778 Fortran::evaluate::CollectSymbols(assign.rhs)) {
3779 if (const auto *details =
3780 sym.GetUltimate()
3781 .detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()) {
3782 if (details->cudaDataAttr()) {
3783 if (sym.owner().IsDerivedType() && IsAllocatable(sym.GetUltimate()))
3784 TODO(loc, "Device resident allocatable derived-type component");
3785 // TODO: This should probably being checked in semantic and give a
3786 // proper error.
3787 assert(
3788 nbDeviceResidentObject <= 1 &&
3789 "Only one reference to the device resident object is supported");
3790 auto addr = getSymbolAddress(sym);
3791 hlfir::Entity entity{addr};
3792 auto [temp, cleanup] =
3793 hlfir::createTempFromMold(loc, builder, entity);
3794 auto needCleanup = fir::getIntIfConstant(cleanup);
3795 if (needCleanup && *needCleanup)
3796 temps.push_back(temp);
3797 addSymbol(sym, temp, /*forced=*/true);
3798 builder.create<fir::CUDADataTransferOp>(loc, addr, temp,
3799 transferKindAttr);
3800 ++nbDeviceResidentObject;
3801 }
3802 }
3803 }
3804 return temps;
3805 }
3807 void genDataAssignment(
3808 const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign,
3809 const Fortran::evaluate::ProcedureRef *userDefinedAssignment) {
3810 mlir::Location loc = getCurrentLocation();
3811 fir::FirOpBuilder &builder = getFirOpBuilder();
3813 bool isCUDATransfer = Fortran::evaluate::HasCUDAAttrs(assign.lhs) ||
3814 Fortran::evaluate::HasCUDAAttrs(assign.rhs);
3815 bool hasCUDAImplicitTransfer =
3816 Fortran::evaluate::HasCUDAImplicitTransfer(assign.rhs);
3817 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> implicitTemps;
3818 if (hasCUDAImplicitTransfer)
3819 implicitTemps = genCUDAImplicitDataTransfer(builder, loc, assign);
3821 // Gather some information about the assignment that will impact how it is
3822 // lowered.
3823 const bool isWholeAllocatableAssignment =
3824 !userDefinedAssignment && !isInsideHlfirWhere() &&
3825 Fortran::lower::isWholeAllocatable(assign.lhs);
3826 const bool isUserDefAssignToPointerOrAllocatable =
3827 userDefinedAssignment &&
3828 firstDummyIsPointerOrAllocatable(*userDefinedAssignment);
3829 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType> lhsType =
3830 assign.lhs.GetType();
3831 const bool keepLhsLengthInAllocatableAssignment =
3832 isWholeAllocatableAssignment && lhsType.has_value() &&
3833 lhsType->category() == Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Character &&
3834 !lhsType->HasDeferredTypeParameter();
3835 const bool lhsHasVectorSubscripts =
3836 Fortran::evaluate::HasVectorSubscript(assign.lhs);
3838 // Helper to generate the code evaluating the right-hand side.
3839 auto evaluateRhs = [&](Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
3840 hlfir::Entity rhs = Fortran::lower::convertExprToHLFIR(
3841 loc, *this, assign.rhs, localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3842 // Load trivial scalar RHS to allow the loads to be hoisted outside of
3843 // loops early if possible. This also dereferences pointer and
3844 // allocatable RHS: the target is being assigned from.
3845 rhs = hlfir::loadTrivialScalar(loc, builder, rhs);
3846 // In intrinsic assignments, the LHS type may not match the RHS type, in
3847 // which case an implicit conversion of the LHS must be done. The
3848 // front-end usually makes it explicit, unless it cannot (whole
3849 // allocatable LHS or Logical<->Integer assignment extension). Recognize
3850 // any type mismatches here and insert explicit scalar convert or
3851 // ElementalOp for array assignment. Preserve the RHS lower bounds on the
3852 // converted entity in case of assignment to whole allocatables so to
3853 // propagate the lower bounds to the LHS in case of reallocation.
3854 if (!userDefinedAssignment)
3855 rhs = genImplicitConvert(assign, rhs, isWholeAllocatableAssignment,
3856 stmtCtx);
3857 return rhs;
3858 };
3860 // Helper to generate the code evaluating the left-hand side.
3861 auto evaluateLhs = [&](Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
3862 hlfir::Entity lhs = Fortran::lower::convertExprToHLFIR(
3863 loc, *this, assign.lhs, localSymbols, stmtCtx);
3864 // Dereference pointer LHS: the target is being assigned to.
3865 // Same for allocatables outside of whole allocatable assignments.
3866 if (!isWholeAllocatableAssignment &&
3867 !isUserDefAssignToPointerOrAllocatable)
3868 lhs = hlfir::derefPointersAndAllocatables(loc, builder, lhs);
3869 return lhs;
3870 };
3872 if (!isInsideHlfirForallOrWhere() && !lhsHasVectorSubscripts &&
3873 !userDefinedAssignment) {
3874 Fortran::lower::StatementContext localStmtCtx;
3875 hlfir::Entity rhs = evaluateRhs(localStmtCtx);
3876 hlfir::Entity lhs = evaluateLhs(localStmtCtx);
3877 if (isCUDATransfer && !hasCUDAImplicitTransfer)
3878 genCUDADataTransfer(builder, loc, assign, lhs, rhs);
3879 else
3880 builder.create<hlfir::AssignOp>(loc, rhs, lhs,
3881 isWholeAllocatableAssignment,
3882 keepLhsLengthInAllocatableAssignment);
3883 if (hasCUDAImplicitTransfer) {
3884 localSymbols.popScope();
3885 for (mlir::Value temp : implicitTemps)
3886 builder.create<fir::FreeMemOp>(loc, temp);
3887 }
3888 return;
3889 }
3890 // Assignments inside Forall, Where, or assignments to a vector subscripted
3891 // left-hand side requires using an hlfir.region_assign in HLFIR. The
3892 // right-hand side and left-hand side must be evaluated inside the
3893 // hlfir.region_assign regions.
3894 auto regionAssignOp = builder.create<hlfir::RegionAssignOp>(loc);
3896 // Lower RHS in its own region.
3897 builder.createBlock(&regionAssignOp.getRhsRegion());
3898 Fortran::lower::StatementContext rhsContext;
3899 hlfir::Entity rhs = evaluateRhs(rhsContext);
3900 auto rhsYieldOp = builder.create<hlfir::YieldOp>(loc, rhs);
3901 genCleanUpInRegionIfAny(loc, builder, rhsYieldOp.getCleanup(), rhsContext);
3902 // Lower LHS in its own region.
3903 builder.createBlock(&regionAssignOp.getLhsRegion());
3904 Fortran::lower::StatementContext lhsContext;
3905 mlir::Value lhsYield = nullptr;
3906 if (!lhsHasVectorSubscripts) {
3907 hlfir::Entity lhs = evaluateLhs(lhsContext);
3908 auto lhsYieldOp = builder.create<hlfir::YieldOp>(loc, lhs);
3909 genCleanUpInRegionIfAny(loc, builder, lhsYieldOp.getCleanup(),
3910 lhsContext);
3911 lhsYield = lhs;
3912 } else {
3913 hlfir::ElementalAddrOp elementalAddr =
3914 Fortran::lower::convertVectorSubscriptedExprToElementalAddr(
3915 loc, *this, assign.lhs, localSymbols, lhsContext);
3916 genCleanUpInRegionIfAny(loc, builder, elementalAddr.getCleanup(),
3917 lhsContext);
3918 lhsYield = elementalAddr.getYieldOp().getEntity();
3919 }
3920 assert(lhsYield && "must have been set");
3922 // Add "realloc" flag to hlfir.region_assign.
3923 if (isWholeAllocatableAssignment)
3924 TODO(loc, "assignment to a whole allocatable inside FORALL");
3926 // Generate the hlfir.region_assign userDefinedAssignment region.
3927 if (userDefinedAssignment) {
3928 mlir::Type rhsType = rhs.getType();
3929 mlir::Type lhsType = lhsYield.getType();
3930 if (userDefinedAssignment->IsElemental()) {
3931 rhsType = hlfir::getEntityElementType(rhs);
3932 lhsType = hlfir::getEntityElementType(hlfir::Entity{lhsYield});
3933 }
3934 builder.createBlock(&regionAssignOp.getUserDefinedAssignment(),
3935 mlir::Region::iterator{}, {rhsType, lhsType},
3936 {loc, loc});
3937 auto end = builder.create<fir::FirEndOp>(loc);
3938 builder.setInsertionPoint(end);
3939 hlfir::Entity lhsBlockArg{regionAssignOp.getUserAssignmentLhs()};
3940 hlfir::Entity rhsBlockArg{regionAssignOp.getUserAssignmentRhs()};
3941 Fortran::lower::convertUserDefinedAssignmentToHLFIR(
3942 loc, *this, *userDefinedAssignment, lhsBlockArg, rhsBlockArg,
3943 localSymbols);
3944 }
3945 builder.setInsertionPointAfter(regionAssignOp);
3946 }
3948 /// Shared for both assignments and pointer assignments.
3949 void genAssignment(const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment &assign) {
3950 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
3951 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
3952 std::visit(
3953 Fortran::common::visitors{
3954 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::Intrinsic &) {
3955 genDataAssignment(assign, /*userDefinedAssignment=*/nullptr);
3956 },
3957 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::ProcedureRef &procRef) {
3958 genDataAssignment(assign, /*userDefinedAssignment=*/&procRef);
3959 },
3960 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsSpec &lbExprs) {
3961 if (isInsideHlfirForallOrWhere())
3962 TODO(loc, "pointer assignment inside FORALL");
3963 genPointerAssignment(loc, assign, lbExprs);
3964 },
3965 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsRemapping
3966 &boundExprs) {
3967 if (isInsideHlfirForallOrWhere())
3968 TODO(loc, "pointer assignment inside FORALL");
3969 genPointerAssignment(loc, assign, boundExprs);
3970 },
3971 },
3972 assign.u);
3973 return;
3974 }
3975 if (explicitIterationSpace()) {
3976 Fortran::lower::createArrayLoads(*this, explicitIterSpace, localSymbols);
3977 explicitIterSpace.genLoopNest();
3978 }
3979 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
3980 std::visit(
3981 Fortran::common::visitors{
3982 // [1] Plain old assignment.
3983 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::Intrinsic &) {
3984 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym =
3985 Fortran::evaluate::GetLastSymbol(assign.lhs);
3987 if (!sym)
3988 TODO(loc, "assignment to pointer result of function reference");
3990 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType> lhsType =
3991 assign.lhs.GetType();
3992 assert(lhsType && "lhs cannot be typeless");
3993 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType> rhsType =
3994 assign.rhs.GetType();
3996 // Assignment to/from polymorphic entities are done with the
3997 // runtime.
3998 if (lhsType->IsPolymorphic() ||
3999 lhsType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() ||
4000 (rhsType && (rhsType->IsPolymorphic() ||
4001 rhsType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()))) {
4002 mlir::Value lhs;
4003 if (Fortran::lower::isWholeAllocatable(assign.lhs))
4004 lhs = genExprMutableBox(loc, assign.lhs).getAddr();
4005 else
4006 lhs = fir::getBase(genExprBox(loc, assign.lhs, stmtCtx));
4007 mlir::Value rhs =
4008 fir::getBase(genExprBox(loc, assign.rhs, stmtCtx));
4009 if ((lhsType->IsPolymorphic() ||
4010 lhsType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) &&
4011 Fortran::lower::isWholeAllocatable(assign.lhs))
4012 fir::runtime::genAssignPolymorphic(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs);
4013 else
4014 fir::runtime::genAssign(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs);
4015 return;
4016 }
4018 // Note: No ad-hoc handling for pointers is required here. The
4019 // target will be assigned as per 2018 p2. genExprAddr
4020 // on a pointer returns the target address and not the address of
4021 // the pointer variable.
4023 if (assign.lhs.Rank() > 0 || explicitIterationSpace()) {
4024 if (isDerivedCategory(lhsType->category()) &&
4025 Fortran::semantics::IsFinalizable(
4026 lhsType->GetDerivedTypeSpec()))
4027 TODO(loc, "derived-type finalization with array assignment");
4028 // Array assignment
4029 // See Fortran 2018 p5, p6, and p7
4030 genArrayAssignment(assign, stmtCtx);
4031 return;
4032 }
4034 // Scalar assignment
4035 const bool isNumericScalar =
4036 isNumericScalarCategory(lhsType->category());
4037 const bool isVector =
4038 isDerivedCategory(lhsType->category()) &&
4039 lhsType->GetDerivedTypeSpec().IsVectorType();
4040 fir::ExtendedValue rhs = (isNumericScalar || isVector)
4041 ? genExprValue(assign.rhs, stmtCtx)
4042 : genExprAddr(assign.rhs, stmtCtx);
4043 const bool lhsIsWholeAllocatable =
4044 Fortran::lower::isWholeAllocatable(assign.lhs);
4045 std::optional<fir::factory::MutableBoxReallocation> lhsRealloc;
4046 std::optional<fir::MutableBoxValue> lhsMutableBox;
4048 // Set flag to know if the LHS needs finalization. Polymorphic,
4049 // unlimited polymorphic assignment will be done with genAssign.
4050 // Assign runtime function performs the finalization.
4051 bool needFinalization = !lhsType->IsPolymorphic() &&
4052 !lhsType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() &&
4053 (isDerivedCategory(lhsType->category()) &&
4054 Fortran::semantics::IsFinalizable(
4055 lhsType->GetDerivedTypeSpec()));
4057 auto lhs = [&]() -> fir::ExtendedValue {
4058 if (lhsIsWholeAllocatable) {
4059 lhsMutableBox = genExprMutableBox(loc, assign.lhs);
4060 // Finalize if needed.
4061 if (needFinalization) {
4062 mlir::Value isAllocated =
4063 fir::factory::genIsAllocatedOrAssociatedTest(
4064 *builder, loc, *lhsMutableBox);
4065 builder->genIfThen(loc, isAllocated)
4066 .genThen([&]() {
4067 fir::runtime::genDerivedTypeDestroy(
4068 *builder, loc, fir::getBase(*lhsMutableBox));
4069 })
4070 .end();
4071 needFinalization = false;
4072 }
4074 llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lengthParams;
4075 if (const fir::CharBoxValue *charBox = rhs.getCharBox())
4076 lengthParams.push_back(charBox->getLen());
4077 else if (fir::isDerivedWithLenParameters(rhs))
4078 TODO(loc, "assignment to derived type allocatable with "
4079 "LEN parameters");
4080 lhsRealloc = fir::factory::genReallocIfNeeded(
4081 *builder, loc, *lhsMutableBox,
4082 /*shape=*/std::nullopt, lengthParams);
4083 return lhsRealloc->newValue;
4084 }
4085 return genExprAddr(assign.lhs, stmtCtx);
4086 }();
4088 if (isNumericScalar || isVector) {
4089 // Fortran 2018 p8 and p9
4090 // Conversions should have been inserted by semantic analysis,
4091 // but they can be incorrect between the rhs and lhs. Correct
4092 // that here.
4093 mlir::Value addr = fir::getBase(lhs);
4094 mlir::Value val = fir::getBase(rhs);
4095 // A function with multiple entry points returning different
4096 // types tags all result variables with one of the largest
4097 // types to allow them to share the same storage. Assignment
4098 // to a result variable of one of the other types requires
4099 // conversion to the actual type.
4100 mlir::Type toTy = genType(assign.lhs);
4102 // If Cray pointee, need to handle the address
4103 // Array is handled in genCoordinateOp.
4104 if (sym->test(Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::CrayPointee) &&
4105 sym->Rank() == 0) {
4106 // get the corresponding Cray pointer
4108 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &ptrSym =
4109 Fortran::semantics::GetCrayPointer(*sym);
4110 fir::ExtendedValue ptr =
4111 getSymbolExtendedValue(ptrSym, nullptr);
4112 mlir::Value ptrVal = fir::getBase(ptr);
4113 mlir::Type ptrTy = genType(ptrSym);
4115 fir::ExtendedValue pte =
4116 getSymbolExtendedValue(*sym, nullptr);
4117 mlir::Value pteVal = fir::getBase(pte);
4118 mlir::Value cnvrt = Fortran::lower::addCrayPointerInst(
4119 loc, *builder, ptrVal, ptrTy, pteVal.getType());
4120 addr = builder->create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, cnvrt);
4121 }
4122 mlir::Value cast =
4123 isVector ? val
4124 : builder->convertWithSemantics(loc, toTy, val);
4125 if (fir::dyn_cast_ptrEleTy(addr.getType()) != toTy) {
4126 assert(isFuncResultDesignator(assign.lhs) && "type mismatch");
4127 addr = builder->createConvert(
4128 toLocation(), builder->getRefType(toTy), addr);
4129 }
4130 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, cast, addr);
4131 } else if (isCharacterCategory(lhsType->category())) {
4132 // Fortran 2018 p10 and p11
4133 fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper{*builder, loc}.createAssign(
4134 lhs, rhs);
4135 } else if (isDerivedCategory(lhsType->category())) {
4136 // Handle parent component.
4137 if (Fortran::lower::isParentComponent(assign.lhs)) {
4138 if (!fir::getBase(lhs).getType().isa<fir::BaseBoxType>())
4139 lhs = fir::getBase(builder->createBox(loc, lhs));
4140 lhs = Fortran::lower::updateBoxForParentComponent(*this, lhs,
4141 assign.lhs);
4142 }
4144 // Fortran 2018 p13 and p14
4145 // Recursively gen an assignment on each element pair.
4146 fir::factory::genRecordAssignment(*builder, loc, lhs, rhs,
4147 needFinalization);
4148 } else {
4149 llvm_unreachable("unknown category");
4150 }
4151 if (lhsIsWholeAllocatable) {
4152 assert(lhsRealloc.has_value());
4153 fir::factory::finalizeRealloc(*builder, loc, *lhsMutableBox,
4154 /*lbounds=*/std::nullopt,
4155 /*takeLboundsIfRealloc=*/false,
4156 *lhsRealloc);
4157 }
4158 },
4160 // [2] User defined assignment. If the context is a scalar
4161 // expression then call the procedure.
4162 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::ProcedureRef &procRef) {
4163 Fortran::lower::StatementContext &ctx =
4164 explicitIterationSpace() ? explicitIterSpace.stmtContext()
4165 : stmtCtx;
4166 Fortran::lower::createSubroutineCall(
4167 *this, procRef, explicitIterSpace, implicitIterSpace,
4168 localSymbols, ctx, /*isUserDefAssignment=*/true);
4169 },
4171 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsSpec &lbExprs) {
4172 return genPointerAssignment(loc, assign, lbExprs);
4173 },
4174 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment::BoundsRemapping
4175 &boundExprs) {
4176 return genPointerAssignment(loc, assign, boundExprs);
4177 },
4178 },
4179 assign.u);
4180 if (explicitIterationSpace())
4181 Fortran::lower::createArrayMergeStores(*this, explicitIterSpace);
4182 }
4184 // Is the insertion point of the builder directly or indirectly set
4185 // inside any operation of type "Op"?
4186 template <typename... Op>
4187 bool isInsideOp() const {
4188 mlir::Block *block = builder->getInsertionBlock();
4189 mlir::Operation *op = block ? block->getParentOp() : nullptr;
4190 while (op) {
4191 if (mlir::isa<Op...>(op))
4192 return true;
4193 op = op->getParentOp();
4194 }
4195 return false;
4196 }
4197 bool isInsideHlfirForallOrWhere() const {
4198 return isInsideOp<hlfir::ForallOp, hlfir::WhereOp>();
4199 }
4200 bool isInsideHlfirWhere() const { return isInsideOp<hlfir::WhereOp>(); }
4202 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct &c) {
4203 mlir::Location loc = getCurrentLocation();
4204 hlfir::WhereOp whereOp;
4206 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
4207 implicitIterSpace.growStack();
4208 } else {
4209 whereOp = builder->create<hlfir::WhereOp>(loc);
4210 builder->createBlock(&whereOp.getMaskRegion());
4211 }
4213 // Lower the where mask. For HLFIR, this is done in the hlfir.where mask
4214 // region.
4215 genNestedStatement(
4216 std::get<
4217 Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::WhereConstructStmt>>(
4218 c.t));
4220 // Lower WHERE body. For HLFIR, this is done in the hlfir.where body
4221 // region.
4222 if (whereOp)
4223 builder->createBlock(&whereOp.getBody());
4225 for (const auto &body :
4226 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct>>(c.t))
4227 genFIR(body);
4228 for (const auto &e :
4229 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::MaskedElsewhere>>(
4230 c.t))
4231 genFIR(e);
4232 if (const auto &e =
4233 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::Elsewhere>>(
4234 c.t);
4235 e.has_value())
4236 genFIR(*e);
4237 genNestedStatement(
4238 std::get<Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::EndWhereStmt>>(
4239 c.t));
4241 if (whereOp) {
4242 // For HLFIR, create fir.end terminator in the last hlfir.elsewhere, or
4243 // in the hlfir.where if it had no elsewhere.
4244 builder->create<fir::FirEndOp>(loc);
4245 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(whereOp);
4246 }
4247 }
4248 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct &body) {
4249 std::visit(
4250 Fortran::common::visitors{
4251 [&](const Fortran::parser::Statement<
4252 Fortran::parser::AssignmentStmt> &stmt) {
4253 genNestedStatement(stmt);
4254 },
4255 [&](const Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::WhereStmt>
4256 &stmt) { genNestedStatement(stmt); },
4257 [&](const Fortran::common::Indirection<
4258 Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct> &c) { genFIR(c.value()); },
4259 },
4260 body.u);
4261 }
4263 /// Lower a Where or Elsewhere mask into an hlfir mask region.
4264 void lowerWhereMaskToHlfir(mlir::Location loc,
4265 const Fortran::semantics::SomeExpr *maskExpr) {
4266 assert(maskExpr && "mask semantic analysis failed");
4267 Fortran::lower::StatementContext maskContext;
4268 hlfir::Entity mask = Fortran::lower::convertExprToHLFIR(
4269 loc, *this, *maskExpr, localSymbols, maskContext);
4270 mask = hlfir::loadTrivialScalar(loc, *builder, mask);
4271 auto yieldOp = builder->create<hlfir::YieldOp>(loc, mask);
4272 genCleanUpInRegionIfAny(loc, *builder, yieldOp.getCleanup(), maskContext);
4273 }
4274 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstructStmt &stmt) {
4275 const Fortran::semantics::SomeExpr *maskExpr = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
4276 std::get<Fortran::parser::LogicalExpr>(stmt.t));
4277 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
4278 lowerWhereMaskToHlfir(getCurrentLocation(), maskExpr);
4279 else
4280 implicitIterSpace.append(maskExpr);
4281 }
4282 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::MaskedElsewhere &ew) {
4283 mlir::Location loc = getCurrentLocation();
4284 hlfir::ElseWhereOp elsewhereOp;
4285 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
4286 elsewhereOp = builder->create<hlfir::ElseWhereOp>(loc);
4287 // Lower mask in the mask region.
4288 builder->createBlock(&elsewhereOp.getMaskRegion());
4289 }
4290 genNestedStatement(
4291 std::get<
4292 Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::MaskedElsewhereStmt>>(
4293 ew.t));
4295 // For HLFIR, lower the body in the hlfir.elsewhere body region.
4296 if (elsewhereOp)
4297 builder->createBlock(&elsewhereOp.getBody());
4299 for (const auto &body :
4300 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct>>(ew.t))
4301 genFIR(body);
4302 }
4303 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::MaskedElsewhereStmt &stmt) {
4304 const auto *maskExpr = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
4305 std::get<Fortran::parser::LogicalExpr>(stmt.t));
4306 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR())
4307 lowerWhereMaskToHlfir(getCurrentLocation(), maskExpr);
4308 else
4309 implicitIterSpace.append(maskExpr);
4310 }
4311 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::Elsewhere &ew) {
4312 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
4313 auto elsewhereOp =
4314 builder->create<hlfir::ElseWhereOp>(getCurrentLocation());
4315 builder->createBlock(&elsewhereOp.getBody());
4316 }
4317 genNestedStatement(
4318 std::get<Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::ElsewhereStmt>>(
4319 ew.t));
4320 for (const auto &body :
4321 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct>>(ew.t))
4322 genFIR(body);
4323 }
4324 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ElsewhereStmt &stmt) {
4325 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR())
4326 implicitIterSpace.append(nullptr);
4327 }
4328 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndWhereStmt &) {
4329 if (!lowerToHighLevelFIR())
4330 implicitIterSpace.shrinkStack();
4331 }
4333 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::WhereStmt &stmt) {
4334 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
4335 const auto &assign = std::get<Fortran::parser::AssignmentStmt>(stmt.t);
4336 const auto *mask = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
4337 std::get<Fortran::parser::LogicalExpr>(stmt.t));
4338 if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
4339 mlir::Location loc = getCurrentLocation();
4340 auto whereOp = builder->create<hlfir::WhereOp>(loc);
4341 builder->createBlock(&whereOp.getMaskRegion());
4342 lowerWhereMaskToHlfir(loc, mask);
4343 builder->createBlock(&whereOp.getBody());
4344 genAssignment(*assign.typedAssignment->v);
4345 builder->create<fir::FirEndOp>(loc);
4346 builder->setInsertionPointAfter(whereOp);
4347 return;
4348 }
4349 implicitIterSpace.growStack();
4350 implicitIterSpace.append(mask);
4351 genAssignment(*assign.typedAssignment->v);
4352 implicitIterSpace.shrinkStack();
4353 }
4355 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::PointerAssignmentStmt &stmt) {
4356 genAssignment(*stmt.typedAssignment->v);
4357 }
4359 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::AssignmentStmt &stmt) {
4360 genAssignment(*stmt.typedAssignment->v);
4361 }
4363 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SyncAllStmt &stmt) {
4364 genSyncAllStatement(*this, stmt);
4365 }
4367 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SyncImagesStmt &stmt) {
4368 genSyncImagesStatement(*this, stmt);
4369 }
4371 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SyncMemoryStmt &stmt) {
4372 genSyncMemoryStatement(*this, stmt);
4373 }
4375 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SyncTeamStmt &stmt) {
4376 genSyncTeamStatement(*this, stmt);
4377 }
4379 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::UnlockStmt &stmt) {
4380 genUnlockStatement(*this, stmt);
4381 }
4383 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::AssignStmt &stmt) {
4384 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol =
4385 *std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(stmt.t).symbol;
4386 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
4387 mlir::Value labelValue = builder->createIntegerConstant(
4388 loc, genType(symbol), std::get<Fortran::parser::Label>(stmt.t));
4389 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, labelValue, getSymbolAddress(symbol));
4390 }
4392 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::FormatStmt &) {
4393 // do nothing.
4395 // FORMAT statements have no semantics. They may be lowered if used by a
4396 // data transfer statement.
4397 }
4399 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::PauseStmt &stmt) {
4400 genPauseStatement(*this, stmt);
4401 }
4403 // call FAIL IMAGE in runtime
4404 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::FailImageStmt &stmt) {
4405 genFailImageStatement(*this);
4406 }
4408 // call STOP, ERROR STOP in runtime
4409 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::StopStmt &stmt) {
4410 genStopStatement(*this, stmt);
4411 }
4413 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ReturnStmt &stmt) {
4414 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit *funit =
4415 getEval().getOwningProcedure();
4416 assert(funit && "not inside main program, function or subroutine");
4417 for (auto it = activeConstructStack.rbegin(),
4418 rend = activeConstructStack.rend();
4419 it != rend; ++it) {
4420 it->stmtCtx.finalizeAndKeep();
4421 }
4422 if (funit->isMainProgram()) {
4423 bridge.fctCtx().finalizeAndKeep();
4424 genExitRoutine();
4425 return;
4426 }
4427 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
4428 if (stmt.v) {
4429 // Alternate return statement - If this is a subroutine where some
4430 // alternate entries have alternate returns, but the active entry point
4431 // does not, ignore the alternate return value. Otherwise, assign it
4432 // to the compiler-generated result variable.
4433 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol = funit->getSubprogramSymbol();
4434 if (Fortran::semantics::HasAlternateReturns(symbol)) {
4435 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
4436 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *expr =
4437 Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*stmt.v);
4438 assert(expr && "missing alternate return expression");
4439 mlir::Value altReturnIndex = builder->createConvert(
4440 loc, builder->getIndexType(), createFIRExpr(loc, expr, stmtCtx));
4441 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, altReturnIndex,
4442 getAltReturnResult(symbol));
4443 }
4444 }
4445 // Branch to the last block of the SUBROUTINE, which has the actual return.
4446 if (!funit->finalBlock) {
4447 mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
4448 Fortran::lower::setInsertionPointAfterOpenACCLoopIfInside(*builder);
4449 funit->finalBlock = builder->createBlock(&builder->getRegion());
4450 builder->restoreInsertionPoint(insPt);
4451 }
4453 if (Fortran::lower::isInOpenACCLoop(*builder))
4454 Fortran::lower::genEarlyReturnInOpenACCLoop(*builder, loc);
4455 else
4456 builder->create<mlir::cf::BranchOp>(loc, funit->finalBlock);
4457 }
4459 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CycleStmt &) {
4460 genConstructExitBranch(*getEval().controlSuccessor);
4461 }
4462 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ExitStmt &) {
4463 genConstructExitBranch(*getEval().controlSuccessor);
4464 }
4465 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::GotoStmt &) {
4466 genConstructExitBranch(*getEval().controlSuccessor);
4467 }
4469 // Nop statements - No code, or code is generated at the construct level.
4470 // But note that the genFIR call immediately below that wraps one of these
4471 // calls does block management, possibly starting a new block, and possibly
4472 // generating a branch to end a block. So these calls may still be required
4473 // for that functionality.
4474 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::AssociateStmt &) {} // nop
4475 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::BlockStmt &) {} // nop
4476 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::CaseStmt &) {} // nop
4477 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ContinueStmt &) {} // nop
4478 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ElseIfStmt &) {} // nop
4479 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::ElseStmt &) {} // nop
4480 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndAssociateStmt &) {} // nop
4481 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndBlockStmt &) {} // nop
4482 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndDoStmt &) {} // nop
4483 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndFunctionStmt &) {} // nop
4484 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndIfStmt &) {} // nop
4485 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndMpSubprogramStmt &) {} // nop
4486 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndProgramStmt &) {} // nop
4487 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndSelectStmt &) {} // nop
4488 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EndSubroutineStmt &) {} // nop
4489 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::EntryStmt &) {} // nop
4490 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::IfStmt &) {} // nop
4491 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::IfThenStmt &) {} // nop
4492 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::NonLabelDoStmt &) {} // nop
4493 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OmpEndLoopDirective &) {} // nop
4494 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::SelectTypeStmt &) {} // nop
4495 void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::TypeGuardStmt &) {} // nop
4497 /// Generate FIR for Evaluation \p eval.
4498 void genFIR(Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
4499 bool unstructuredContext = true) {
4500 // Start a new unstructured block when applicable. When transitioning
4501 // from unstructured to structured code, unstructuredContext is true,
4502 // which accounts for the possibility that the structured code could be
4503 // a target that starts a new block.
4504 if (unstructuredContext)
4505 maybeStartBlock(eval.isConstruct() && eval.lowerAsStructured()
4506 ? eval.getFirstNestedEvaluation().block
4507 : eval.block);
4509 // Generate evaluation specific code. Even nop calls should usually reach
4510 // here in case they start a new block or require generation of a generic
4511 // end-of-block branch. An alternative is to add special case code
4512 // elsewhere, such as in the genFIR code for a parent construct.
4513 setCurrentEval(eval);
4514 setCurrentPosition(eval.position);
4515 eval.visit([&](const auto &stmt) { genFIR(stmt); });
4517 // Generate an end-of-block branch for several special cases. For
4518 // constructs, this can be done for either the end construct statement,
4519 // or for the construct itself, which will skip this code if the
4520 // end statement was visited first and generated a branch.
4521 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *successor =
4522 eval.isConstruct() ? eval.getLastNestedEvaluation().lexicalSuccessor
4523 : eval.lexicalSuccessor;
4524 if (successor && blockIsUnterminated()) {
4525 if (successor->isIntermediateConstructStmt() &&
4526 successor->parentConstruct->lowerAsUnstructured())
4527 // Exit from an intermediate unstructured IF or SELECT construct block.
4528 genBranch(successor->parentConstruct->constructExit->block);
4529 else if (unstructuredContext && eval.isConstructStmt() &&
4530 successor == eval.controlSuccessor)
4531 // Exit from a degenerate, empty construct block.
4532 genBranch(eval.parentConstruct->constructExit->block);
4533 }
4534 }
4536 /// Map mlir function block arguments to the corresponding Fortran dummy
4537 /// variables. When the result is passed as a hidden argument, the Fortran
4538 /// result is also mapped. The symbol map is used to hold this mapping.
4539 void mapDummiesAndResults(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit,
4540 const Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface &callee) {
4541 assert(builder && "require a builder object at this point");
4542 using PassBy = Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface::PassEntityBy;
4543 auto mapPassedEntity = [&](const auto arg) {
4544 if (arg.passBy == PassBy::AddressAndLength) {
4545 if (callee.characterize().IsBindC())
4546 return;
4547 // TODO: now that fir call has some attributes regarding character
4548 // return, PassBy::AddressAndLength should be retired.
4549 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
4550 fir::factory::CharacterExprHelper charHelp{*builder, loc};
4551 mlir::Value box =
4552 charHelp.createEmboxChar(arg.firArgument, arg.firLength);
4553 mapBlockArgToDummyOrResult(arg.entity->get(), box);
4554 } else {
4555 if (arg.entity.has_value()) {
4556 mapBlockArgToDummyOrResult(arg.entity->get(), arg.firArgument);
4557 } else {
4558 assert(funit.parentHasTupleHostAssoc() && "expect tuple argument");
4559 }
4560 }
4561 };
4562 for (const Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface::PassedEntity &arg :
4563 callee.getPassedArguments())
4564 mapPassedEntity(arg);
4565 if (std::optional<Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface::PassedEntity>
4566 passedResult = callee.getPassedResult()) {
4567 mapPassedEntity(*passedResult);
4568 // FIXME: need to make sure things are OK here. addSymbol may not be OK
4569 if (funit.primaryResult &&
4570 passedResult->entity->get() != *funit.primaryResult)
4571 mapBlockArgToDummyOrResult(
4572 *funit.primaryResult,
4573 getSymbolAddress(passedResult->entity->get()));
4574 }
4575 }
4577 /// Instantiate variable \p var and add it to the symbol map.
4578 /// See ConvertVariable.cpp.
4579 void instantiateVar(const Fortran::lower::pft::Variable &var,
4580 Fortran::lower::AggregateStoreMap &storeMap) {
4581 Fortran::lower::instantiateVariable(*this, var, localSymbols, storeMap);
4582 if (var.hasSymbol())
4583 genOpenMPSymbolProperties(*this, var);
4584 }
4586 /// Where applicable, save the exception state and halting and rounding
4587 /// modes at function entry and restore them at function exits.
4588 void manageFPEnvironment(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit) {
4589 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
4590 mlir::Location endLoc =
4591 toLocation(Fortran::lower::pft::stmtSourceLoc(funit.endStmt));
4592 if (funit.hasIeeeAccess) {
4593 // Subject to F18 Clause 17.1p3, 17.3p3 states: If a flag is signaling
4594 // on entry to a procedure [...], the processor will set it to quiet
4595 // on entry and restore it to signaling on return. If a flag signals
4596 // during execution of a procedure, the processor shall not set it to
4597 // quiet on return.
4598 mlir::func::FuncOp testExcept = fir::factory::getFetestexcept(*builder);
4599 mlir::func::FuncOp clearExcept = fir::factory::getFeclearexcept(*builder);
4600 mlir::func::FuncOp raiseExcept = fir::factory::getFeraiseexcept(*builder);
4601 mlir::Value ones = builder->createIntegerConstant(
4602 loc, testExcept.getFunctionType().getInput(0), -1);
4603 mlir::Value exceptSet =
4604 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(loc, testExcept, ones).getResult(0);
4605 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(loc, clearExcept, exceptSet);
4606 bridge.fctCtx().attachCleanup([=]() {
4607 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(endLoc, raiseExcept, exceptSet);
4608 });
4609 }
4610 if (funit.mayModifyHaltingMode) {
4611 // F18 Clause 17.6p1: In a procedure [...], the processor shall not
4612 // change the halting mode on entry, and on return shall ensure that
4613 // the halting mode is the same as it was on entry.
4614 mlir::func::FuncOp getExcept = fir::factory::getFegetexcept(*builder);
4615 mlir::func::FuncOp disableExcept =
4616 fir::factory::getFedisableexcept(*builder);
4617 mlir::func::FuncOp enableExcept =
4618 fir::factory::getFeenableexcept(*builder);
4619 mlir::Value exceptSet =
4620 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(loc, getExcept).getResult(0);
4621 mlir::Value ones = builder->createIntegerConstant(
4622 loc, disableExcept.getFunctionType().getInput(0), -1);
4623 bridge.fctCtx().attachCleanup([=]() {
4624 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(endLoc, disableExcept, ones);
4625 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(endLoc, enableExcept, exceptSet);
4626 });
4627 }
4628 if (funit.mayModifyRoundingMode) {
4629 // F18 Clause 17.4.5: In a procedure [...], the processor shall not
4630 // change the rounding modes on entry, and on return shall ensure that
4631 // the rounding modes are the same as they were on entry.
4632 mlir::func::FuncOp getRounding =
4633 fir::factory::getLlvmGetRounding(*builder);
4634 mlir::func::FuncOp setRounding =
4635 fir::factory::getLlvmSetRounding(*builder);
4636 mlir::Value roundingMode =
4637 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(loc, getRounding).getResult(0);
4638 bridge.fctCtx().attachCleanup([=]() {
4639 builder->create<fir::CallOp>(endLoc, setRounding, roundingMode);
4640 });
4641 }
4642 }
4644 /// Start translation of a function.
4645 void startNewFunction(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit) {
4646 assert(!builder && "expected nullptr");
4647 bridge.fctCtx().pushScope();
4648 bridge.openAccCtx().pushScope();
4649 const Fortran::semantics::Scope &scope = funit.getScope();
4650 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n[bridge - startNewFunction]";
4651 if (auto *sym = scope.symbol()) llvm::dbgs() << " " << *sym;
4652 llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
4653 Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface callee(funit, *this);
4654 mlir::func::FuncOp func = callee.addEntryBlockAndMapArguments();
4655 builder =
4656 new fir::FirOpBuilder(func, bridge.getKindMap(), &mlirSymbolTable);
4657 assert(builder && "FirOpBuilder did not instantiate");
4658 builder->setFastMathFlags(bridge.getLoweringOptions().getMathOptions());
4659 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(&func.front());
4660 if (funit.parent.isA<Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit>()) {
4661 // Give internal linkage to internal functions. There are no name clash
4662 // risks, but giving global linkage to internal procedure will break the
4663 // static link register in shared libraries because of the system calls.
4664 // Also, it should be possible to eliminate the procedure code if all the
4665 // uses have been inlined.
4666 fir::factory::setInternalLinkage(func);
4667 } else {
4668 func.setVisibility(mlir::SymbolTable::Visibility::Public);
4669 }
4670 assert(blockId == 0 && "invalid blockId");
4671 assert(activeConstructStack.empty() && "invalid construct stack state");
4673 // Manage floating point exception, halting mode, and rounding mode
4674 // settings at function entry and exit.
4675 if (!funit.isMainProgram())
4676 manageFPEnvironment(funit);
4678 mapDummiesAndResults(funit, callee);
4680 // Map host associated symbols from parent procedure if any.
4681 if (funit.parentHasHostAssoc())
4682 funit.parentHostAssoc().internalProcedureBindings(*this, localSymbols);
4684 // Non-primary results of a function with multiple entry points.
4685 // These result values share storage with the primary result.
4686 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::lower::pft::Variable> deferredFuncResultList;
4688 // Backup actual argument for entry character results with different
4689 // lengths. It needs to be added to the non-primary results symbol before
4690 // mapSymbolAttributes is called.
4691 Fortran::lower::SymbolBox resultArg;
4692 if (std::optional<Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface::PassedEntity>
4693 passedResult = callee.getPassedResult())
4694 resultArg = lookupSymbol(passedResult->entity->get());
4696 Fortran::lower::AggregateStoreMap storeMap;
4698 // Map all containing submodule and module equivalences and variables, in
4699 // case they are referenced. It might be better to limit this to variables
4700 // that are actually referenced, although that is more complicated when
4701 // there are equivalenced variables.
4702 auto &scopeVariableListMap =
4703 Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableListMap(funit);
4704 for (auto *scp = &scope.parent(); !scp->IsGlobal(); scp = &scp->parent())
4705 if (scp->kind() == Fortran::semantics::Scope::Kind::Module)
4706 for (const auto &var : Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(
4707 *scp, scopeVariableListMap))
4708 if (!var.isRuntimeTypeInfoData())
4709 instantiateVar(var, storeMap);
4711 // Map function equivalences and variables.
4712 mlir::Value primaryFuncResultStorage;
4713 for (const Fortran::lower::pft::Variable &var :
4714 Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(scope)) {
4715 // Always instantiate aggregate storage blocks.
4716 if (var.isAggregateStore()) {
4717 instantiateVar(var, storeMap);
4718 continue;
4719 }
4720 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym = var.getSymbol();
4721 if (funit.parentHasHostAssoc()) {
4722 // Never instantiate host associated variables, as they are already
4723 // instantiated from an argument tuple. Instead, just bind the symbol
4724 // to the host variable, which must be in the map.
4725 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &ultimate = sym.GetUltimate();
4726 if (funit.parentHostAssoc().isAssociated(ultimate)) {
4727 copySymbolBinding(ultimate, sym);
4728 continue;
4729 }
4730 }
4731 if (!sym.IsFuncResult() || !funit.primaryResult) {
4732 instantiateVar(var, storeMap);
4733 } else if (&sym == funit.primaryResult) {
4734 instantiateVar(var, storeMap);
4735 primaryFuncResultStorage = getSymbolAddress(sym);
4736 } else {
4737 deferredFuncResultList.push_back(var);
4738 }
4739 }
4741 // TODO: should use same mechanism as equivalence?
4742 // One blocking point is character entry returns that need special handling
4743 // since they are not locally allocated but come as argument. CHARACTER(*)
4744 // is not something that fits well with equivalence lowering.
4745 for (const Fortran::lower::pft::Variable &altResult :
4746 deferredFuncResultList) {
4747 Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
4748 if (std::optional<Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface::PassedEntity>
4749 passedResult = callee.getPassedResult()) {
4750 mapBlockArgToDummyOrResult(altResult.getSymbol(), resultArg.getAddr());
4751 Fortran::lower::mapSymbolAttributes(*this, altResult, localSymbols,
4752 stmtCtx);
4753 } else {
4754 // catch cases where the allocation for the function result storage type
4755 // doesn't match the type of this symbol
4756 mlir::Value preAlloc = primaryFuncResultStorage;
4757 mlir::Type resTy = primaryFuncResultStorage.getType();
4758 mlir::Type symTy = genType(altResult);
4759 mlir::Type wrappedSymTy = fir::ReferenceType::get(symTy);
4760 if (resTy != wrappedSymTy) {
4761 // check size of the pointed to type so we can't overflow by writing
4762 // double precision to a single precision allocation, etc
4763 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED auto getBitWidth = [this](mlir::Type ty) {
4764 // differering result types should be integer, real,
4765 // complex or logical
4766 if (auto cmplx = mlir::dyn_cast_or_null<fir::ComplexType>(ty)) {
4767 fir::KindTy kind = cmplx.getFKind();
4768 return 2 * builder->getKindMap().getRealBitsize(kind);
4769 }
4770 if (auto logical = mlir::dyn_cast_or_null<fir::LogicalType>(ty)) {
4771 fir::KindTy kind = logical.getFKind();
4772 return builder->getKindMap().getLogicalBitsize(kind);
4773 }
4774 return ty.getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
4775 };
4776 assert(getBitWidth(fir::unwrapRefType(resTy)) >= getBitWidth(symTy));
4778 // convert the storage to the symbol type so that the hlfir.declare
4779 // gets the correct type for this symbol
4780 preAlloc = builder->create<fir::ConvertOp>(getCurrentLocation(),
4781 wrappedSymTy, preAlloc);
4782 }
4784 Fortran::lower::mapSymbolAttributes(*this, altResult, localSymbols,
4785 stmtCtx, preAlloc);
4786 }
4787 }
4789 // If this is a host procedure with host associations, then create the tuple
4790 // of pointers for passing to the internal procedures.
4791 if (!funit.getHostAssoc().empty())
4792 funit.getHostAssoc().hostProcedureBindings(*this, localSymbols);
4794 // Create most function blocks in advance.
4795 createEmptyBlocks(funit.evaluationList);
4797 // Reinstate entry block as the current insertion point.
4798 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(&func.front());
4800 if (callee.hasAlternateReturns()) {
4801 // Create a local temp to hold the alternate return index.
4802 // Give it an integer index type and the subroutine name (for dumps).
4803 // Attach it to the subroutine symbol in the localSymbols map.
4804 // Initialize it to zero, the "fallthrough" alternate return value.
4805 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol = funit.getSubprogramSymbol();
4806 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
4807 mlir::Type idxTy = builder->getIndexType();
4808 mlir::Value altResult =
4809 builder->createTemporary(loc, idxTy, toStringRef(symbol.name()));
4810 addSymbol(symbol, altResult);
4811 mlir::Value zero = builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
4812 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, zero, altResult);
4813 }
4815 if (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *alternateEntryEval =
4816 funit.getEntryEval())
4817 genBranch(alternateEntryEval->lexicalSuccessor->block);
4818 }
4820 /// Create global blocks for the current function. This eliminates the
4821 /// distinction between forward and backward targets when generating
4822 /// branches. A block is "global" if it can be the target of a GOTO or
4823 /// other source code branch. A block that can only be targeted by a
4824 /// compiler generated branch is "local". For example, a DO loop preheader
4825 /// block containing loop initialization code is global. A loop header
4826 /// block, which is the target of the loop back edge, is local. Blocks
4827 /// belong to a region. Any block within a nested region must be replaced
4828 /// with a block belonging to that region. Branches may not cross region
4829 /// boundaries.
4830 void createEmptyBlocks(
4831 std::list<Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation> &evaluationList) {
4832 mlir::Region *region = &builder->getRegion();
4833 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval : evaluationList) {
4834 if (eval.isNewBlock)
4835 eval.block = builder->createBlock(region);
4836 if (eval.isConstruct() || eval.isDirective()) {
4837 if (eval.lowerAsUnstructured()) {
4838 createEmptyBlocks(eval.getNestedEvaluations());
4839 } else if (eval.hasNestedEvaluations()) {
4840 // A structured construct that is a target starts a new block.
4841 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &constructStmt =
4842 eval.getFirstNestedEvaluation();
4843 if (constructStmt.isNewBlock)
4844 constructStmt.block = builder->createBlock(region);
4845 }
4846 }
4847 }
4848 }
4850 /// Return the predicate: "current block does not have a terminator branch".
4851 bool blockIsUnterminated() {
4852 mlir::Block *currentBlock = builder->getBlock();
4853 return currentBlock->empty() ||
4854 !currentBlock->back().hasTrait<mlir::OpTrait::IsTerminator>();
4855 }
4857 /// Unconditionally switch code insertion to a new block.
4858 void startBlock(mlir::Block *newBlock) {
4859 assert(newBlock && "missing block");
4860 // Default termination for the current block is a fallthrough branch to
4861 // the new block.
4862 if (blockIsUnterminated())
4863 genBranch(newBlock);
4864 // Some blocks may be re/started more than once, and might not be empty.
4865 // If the new block already has (only) a terminator, set the insertion
4866 // point to the start of the block. Otherwise set it to the end.
4867 builder->setInsertionPointToStart(newBlock);
4868 if (blockIsUnterminated())
4869 builder->setInsertionPointToEnd(newBlock);
4870 }
4872 /// Conditionally switch code insertion to a new block.
4873 void maybeStartBlock(mlir::Block *newBlock) {
4874 if (newBlock)
4875 startBlock(newBlock);
4876 }
4878 void eraseDeadCodeAndBlocks(mlir::RewriterBase &rewriter,
4879 llvm::MutableArrayRef<mlir::Region> regions) {
4880 // WARNING: Do not add passes that can do folding or code motion here
4881 // because they might cross omp.target region boundaries, which can result
4882 // in incorrect code. Optimization passes like these must be added after
4883 // OMP early outlining has been done.
4884 (void)mlir::eraseUnreachableBlocks(rewriter, regions);
4885 (void)mlir::runRegionDCE(rewriter, regions);
4886 }
4888 /// Finish translation of a function.
4889 void endNewFunction(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit) {
4890 setCurrentPosition(Fortran::lower::pft::stmtSourceLoc(funit.endStmt));
4891 if (funit.isMainProgram()) {
4892 bridge.openAccCtx().finalizeAndPop();
4893 bridge.fctCtx().finalizeAndPop();
4894 genExitRoutine();
4895 } else {
4896 genFIRProcedureExit(funit, funit.getSubprogramSymbol());
4897 }
4898 funit.finalBlock = nullptr;
4899 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n[bridge - endNewFunction";
4900 if (auto *sym = funit.scope->symbol()) llvm::dbgs()
4901 << " " << sym->name();
4902 llvm::dbgs() << "] generated IR:\n\n"
4903 << *builder->getFunction() << '\n');
4904 // Eliminate dead code as a prerequisite to calling other IR passes.
4905 // FIXME: This simplification should happen in a normal pass, not here.
4906 mlir::IRRewriter rewriter(*builder);
4907 (void)eraseDeadCodeAndBlocks(rewriter, {builder->getRegion()});
4908 delete builder;
4909 builder = nullptr;
4910 hostAssocTuple = mlir::Value{};
4911 localSymbols.clear();
4912 blockId = 0;
4913 }
4915 /// Helper to generate GlobalOps when the builder is not positioned in any
4916 /// region block. This is required because the FirOpBuilder assumes it is
4917 /// always positioned inside a region block when creating globals, the easiest
4918 /// way comply is to create a dummy function and to throw it afterwards.
4919 void createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(
4920 const std::function<void()> &createGlobals) {
4921 // FIXME: get rid of the bogus function context and instantiate the
4922 // globals directly into the module.
4923 mlir::MLIRContext *context = &getMLIRContext();
4924 mlir::SymbolTable *symbolTable = getMLIRSymbolTable();
4925 mlir::func::FuncOp func = fir::FirOpBuilder::createFunction(
4926 mlir::UnknownLoc::get(context), getModuleOp(),
4927 fir::NameUniquer::doGenerated("Sham"),
4928 mlir::FunctionType::get(context, std::nullopt, std::nullopt),
4929 symbolTable);
4930 func.addEntryBlock();
4931 builder = new fir::FirOpBuilder(func, bridge.getKindMap(), symbolTable);
4932 assert(builder && "FirOpBuilder did not instantiate");
4933 builder->setFastMathFlags(bridge.getLoweringOptions().getMathOptions());
4934 createGlobals();
4935 if (mlir::Region *region = func.getCallableRegion())
4936 region->dropAllReferences();
4937 func.erase();
4938 delete builder;
4939 builder = nullptr;
4940 localSymbols.clear();
4941 }
4943 /// Instantiate the data from a BLOCK DATA unit.
4944 void lowerBlockData(Fortran::lower::pft::BlockDataUnit &bdunit) {
4945 createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(createGlobals: [&]() {
4946 Fortran::lower::AggregateStoreMap fakeMap;
4947 for (const auto &[_, sym] : bdunit.symTab) {
4948 if (sym->has<Fortran::semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()) {
4949 Fortran::lower::pft::Variable var(*sym, true);
4950 instantiateVar(var, fakeMap);
4951 }
4952 }
4953 });
4954 }
4956 /// Create fir::Global for all the common blocks that appear in the program.
4957 void
4958 lowerCommonBlocks(const Fortran::semantics::CommonBlockList &commonBlocks) {
4959 createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(
4960 createGlobals: [&]() { Fortran::lower::defineCommonBlocks(*this, commonBlocks); });
4961 }
4963 /// Create intrinsic module array constant definitions.
4964 void createIntrinsicModuleDefinitions(Fortran::lower::pft::Program &pft) {
4965 // The intrinsic module scope, if present, is the first scope.
4966 const Fortran::semantics::Scope *intrinsicModuleScope = nullptr;
4967 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Program::Units &u : pft.getUnits()) {
4968 std::visit(Fortran::common::visitors{
4969 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f) {
4970 intrinsicModuleScope = &f.getScope().parent();
4971 },
4972 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &m) {
4973 intrinsicModuleScope = &m.getScope().parent();
4974 },
4975 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::BlockDataUnit &b) {},
4976 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit &d) {},
4977 [&](Fortran::lower::pft::OpenACCDirectiveUnit &d) {},
4978 },
4979 u);
4980 if (intrinsicModuleScope) {
4981 while (!intrinsicModuleScope->IsGlobal())
4982 intrinsicModuleScope = &intrinsicModuleScope->parent();
4983 intrinsicModuleScope = &intrinsicModuleScope->children().front();
4984 break;
4985 }
4986 }
4987 if (!intrinsicModuleScope || !intrinsicModuleScope->IsIntrinsicModules())
4988 return;
4989 for (const auto &scope : intrinsicModuleScope->children()) {
4990 llvm::StringRef modName = toStringRef(scope.symbol()->name());
4991 if (modName != "__fortran_ieee_exceptions")
4992 continue;
4993 for (auto &var : Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(scope)) {
4994 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym = var.getSymbol();
4995 if (sym.test(Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::CompilerCreated))
4996 continue;
4997 const auto *object =
4998 sym.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>();
4999 if (object && object->IsArray() && object->init())
5000 Fortran::lower::createIntrinsicModuleGlobal(*this, var);
5001 }
5002 }
5003 }
5005 /// Lower a procedure (nest).
5006 void lowerFunc(Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit) {
5007 setCurrentPosition(funit.getStartingSourceLoc());
5008 for (int entryIndex = 0, last = funit.entryPointList.size();
5009 entryIndex < last; ++entryIndex) {
5010 funit.setActiveEntry(entryIndex);
5011 startNewFunction(funit); // the entry point for lowering this procedure
5012 for (Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval : funit.evaluationList)
5013 genFIR(eval);
5014 endNewFunction(funit);
5015 }
5016 funit.setActiveEntry(0);
5017 for (Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f : funit.nestedFunctions)
5018 lowerFunc(f); // internal procedure
5019 }
5021 /// Lower module variable definitions to fir::globalOp and OpenMP/OpenACC
5022 /// declarative construct.
5023 void lowerModuleDeclScope(Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &mod) {
5024 setCurrentPosition(mod.getStartingSourceLoc());
5025 createGlobalOutsideOfFunctionLowering(createGlobals: [&]() {
5026 auto &scopeVariableListMap =
5027 Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableListMap(mod);
5028 for (const auto &var : Fortran::lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(
5029 mod.getScope(), scopeVariableListMap)) {
5030 // Only define the variables owned by this module.
5031 const Fortran::semantics::Scope *owningScope = var.getOwningScope();
5032 if (!owningScope || mod.getScope() == *owningScope)
5033 Fortran::lower::defineModuleVariable(*this, var);
5034 }
5035 for (auto &eval : mod.evaluationList)
5036 genFIR(eval);
5037 });
5038 }
5040 /// Lower functions contained in a module.
5041 void lowerMod(Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &mod) {
5042 for (Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &f : mod.nestedFunctions)
5043 lowerFunc(f);
5044 }
5046 void setCurrentPosition(const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &position) {
5047 if (position != Fortran::parser::CharBlock{})
5048 currentPosition = position;
5049 }
5051 /// Set current position at the location of \p parseTreeNode. Note that the
5052 /// position is updated automatically when visiting statements, but not when
5053 /// entering higher level nodes like constructs or procedures. This helper is
5054 /// intended to cover the latter cases.
5055 template <typename A>
5056 void setCurrentPositionAt(const A &parseTreeNode) {
5057 setCurrentPosition(Fortran::parser::FindSourceLocation(parseTreeNode));
5058 }
5060 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5061 // Utility methods
5062 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5064 /// Convert a parser CharBlock to a Location
5065 mlir::Location toLocation(const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &cb) {
5066 return genLocation(cb);
5067 }
5069 mlir::Location toLocation() { return toLocation(currentPosition); }
5070 void setCurrentEval(Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval) {
5071 evalPtr = &eval;
5072 }
5073 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &getEval() {
5074 assert(evalPtr);
5075 return *evalPtr;
5076 }
5078 std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::Shape>
5079 getShape(const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr) {
5080 return Fortran::evaluate::GetShape(foldingContext, expr);
5081 }
5083 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5084 // Analysis on a nested explicit iteration space.
5085 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5087 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader &header) {
5088 explicitIterSpace.pushLevel();
5089 for (const Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl &ctrl :
5090 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl>>(header.t)) {
5091 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *ctrlVar =
5092 std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(ctrl.t).symbol;
5093 explicitIterSpace.addSymbol(ctrlVar);
5094 }
5095 if (const auto &mask =
5096 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>>(
5097 header.t);
5098 mask.has_value())
5099 analyzeExplicitSpace(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*mask));
5100 }
5101 template <bool LHS = false, typename A>
5102 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::evaluate::Expr<A> &e) {
5103 explicitIterSpace.exprBase(&e, LHS);
5104 }
5105 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::evaluate::Assignment *assign) {
5106 auto analyzeAssign = [&](const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &lhs,
5107 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &rhs) {
5108 analyzeExplicitSpace</*LHS=*/true>(lhs);
5109 analyzeExplicitSpace(rhs);
5110 };
5111 std::visit(
5112 Fortran::common::visitors{
5113 [&](const Fortran::evaluate::ProcedureRef &procRef) {
5114 // Ensure the procRef expressions are the one being visited.
5115 assert(procRef.arguments().size() == 2);
5116 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *lhs =
5117 procRef.arguments()[0].value().UnwrapExpr();
5118 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *rhs =
5119 procRef.arguments()[1].value().UnwrapExpr();
5120 assert(lhs && rhs &&
5121 "user defined assignment arguments must be expressions");
5122 analyzeAssign(*lhs, *rhs);
5123 },
5124 [&](const auto &) { analyzeAssign(assign->lhs, assign->rhs); }},
5125 assign->u);
5126 explicitIterSpace.endAssign();
5127 }
5128 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::ForallAssignmentStmt &stmt) {
5129 std::visit([&](const auto &s) { analyzeExplicitSpace(s); }, stmt.u);
5130 }
5131 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::AssignmentStmt &s) {
5132 analyzeExplicitSpace(s.typedAssignment->v.operator->());
5133 }
5134 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::PointerAssignmentStmt &s) {
5135 analyzeExplicitSpace(s.typedAssignment->v.operator->());
5136 }
5137 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct &c) {
5138 analyzeExplicitSpace(
5139 std::get<
5140 Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::WhereConstructStmt>>(
5141 c.t)
5142 .statement);
5143 for (const Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct &body :
5144 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct>>(c.t))
5145 analyzeExplicitSpace(body);
5146 for (const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::MaskedElsewhere &e :
5147 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::MaskedElsewhere>>(
5148 c.t))
5149 analyzeExplicitSpace(e);
5150 if (const auto &e =
5151 std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::Elsewhere>>(
5152 c.t);
5153 e.has_value())
5154 analyzeExplicitSpace(e.operator->());
5155 }
5156 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstructStmt &ws) {
5157 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *exp = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
5158 std::get<Fortran::parser::LogicalExpr>(ws.t));
5159 addMaskVariable(exp);
5160 analyzeExplicitSpace(*exp);
5161 }
5162 void analyzeExplicitSpace(
5163 const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::MaskedElsewhere &ew) {
5164 analyzeExplicitSpace(
5165 std::get<
5166 Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::MaskedElsewhereStmt>>(
5167 ew.t)
5168 .statement);
5169 for (const Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct &e :
5170 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct>>(ew.t))
5171 analyzeExplicitSpace(e);
5172 }
5173 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct &body) {
5174 std::visit(Fortran::common::visitors{
5175 [&](const Fortran::common::Indirection<
5176 Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct> &wc) {
5177 analyzeExplicitSpace(wc.value());
5178 },
5179 [&](const auto &s) { analyzeExplicitSpace(s.statement); }},
5180 body.u);
5181 }
5182 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::MaskedElsewhereStmt &stmt) {
5183 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *exp = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
5184 std::get<Fortran::parser::LogicalExpr>(stmt.t));
5185 addMaskVariable(exp);
5186 analyzeExplicitSpace(*exp);
5187 }
5188 void
5189 analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct::Elsewhere *ew) {
5190 for (const Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct &e :
5191 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::WhereBodyConstruct>>(ew->t))
5192 analyzeExplicitSpace(e);
5193 }
5194 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::WhereStmt &stmt) {
5195 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *exp = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(
5196 std::get<Fortran::parser::LogicalExpr>(stmt.t));
5197 addMaskVariable(exp);
5198 analyzeExplicitSpace(*exp);
5199 const std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::Assignment> &assign =
5200 std::get<Fortran::parser::AssignmentStmt>(stmt.t).typedAssignment->v;
5201 assert(assign.has_value() && "WHERE has no statement");
5202 analyzeExplicitSpace(assign.operator->());
5203 }
5204 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::ForallStmt &forall) {
5205 analyzeExplicitSpace(
5206 std::get<
5207 Fortran::common::Indirection<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader>>(
5208 forall.t)
5209 .value());
5210 analyzeExplicitSpace(std::get<Fortran::parser::UnlabeledStatement<
5211 Fortran::parser::ForallAssignmentStmt>>(forall.t)
5212 .statement);
5213 analyzeExplicitSpacePop();
5214 }
5215 void
5216 analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::ForallConstructStmt &forall) {
5217 analyzeExplicitSpace(
5218 std::get<
5219 Fortran::common::Indirection<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader>>(
5220 forall.t)
5221 .value());
5222 }
5223 void analyzeExplicitSpace(const Fortran::parser::ForallConstruct &forall) {
5224 analyzeExplicitSpace(
5225 std::get<
5226 Fortran::parser::Statement<Fortran::parser::ForallConstructStmt>>(
5227 forall.t)
5228 .statement);
5229 for (const Fortran::parser::ForallBodyConstruct &s :
5230 std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ForallBodyConstruct>>(forall.t)) {
5231 std::visit(Fortran::common::visitors{
5232 [&](const Fortran::common::Indirection<
5233 Fortran::parser::ForallConstruct> &b) {
5234 analyzeExplicitSpace(b.value());
5235 },
5236 [&](const Fortran::parser::WhereConstruct &w) {
5237 analyzeExplicitSpace(w);
5238 },
5239 [&](const auto &b) { analyzeExplicitSpace(b.statement); }},
5240 s.u);
5241 }
5242 analyzeExplicitSpacePop();
5243 }
5245 void analyzeExplicitSpacePop() { explicitIterSpace.popLevel(); }
5247 void addMaskVariable(Fortran::lower::FrontEndExpr exp) {
5248 // Note: use i8 to store bool values. This avoids round-down behavior found
5249 // with sequences of i1. That is, an array of i1 will be truncated in size
5250 // and be too small. For example, a buffer of type fir.array<7xi1> will have
5251 // 0 size.
5252 mlir::Type i64Ty = builder->getIntegerType(64);
5253 mlir::TupleType ty = fir::factory::getRaggedArrayHeaderType(*builder);
5254 mlir::Type buffTy = ty.getType(1);
5255 mlir::Type shTy = ty.getType(2);
5256 mlir::Location loc = toLocation();
5257 mlir::Value hdr = builder->createTemporary(loc, ty);
5258 // FIXME: Is there a way to create a `zeroinitializer` in LLVM-IR dialect?
5259 // For now, explicitly set lazy ragged header to all zeros.
5260 // auto nilTup = builder->createNullConstant(loc, ty);
5261 // builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, nilTup, hdr);
5262 mlir::Type i32Ty = builder->getIntegerType(32);
5263 mlir::Value zero = builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, i32Ty, 0);
5264 mlir::Value zero64 = builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, i64Ty, 0);
5265 mlir::Value flags = builder->create<fir::CoordinateOp>(
5266 loc, builder->getRefType(i64Ty), hdr, zero);
5267 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, zero64, flags);
5268 mlir::Value one = builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, i32Ty, 1);
5269 mlir::Value nullPtr1 = builder->createNullConstant(loc, buffTy);
5270 mlir::Value var = builder->create<fir::CoordinateOp>(
5271 loc, builder->getRefType(buffTy), hdr, one);
5272 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, nullPtr1, var);
5273 mlir::Value two = builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, i32Ty, 2);
5274 mlir::Value nullPtr2 = builder->createNullConstant(loc, shTy);
5275 mlir::Value shape = builder->create<fir::CoordinateOp>(
5276 loc, builder->getRefType(shTy), hdr, two);
5277 builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, nullPtr2, shape);
5278 implicitIterSpace.addMaskVariable(exp, var, shape, hdr);
5279 explicitIterSpace.outermostContext().attachCleanup(
5280 [builder = this->builder, hdr, loc]() {
5281 fir::runtime::genRaggedArrayDeallocate(loc, *builder, hdr);
5282 });
5283 }
5285 void createRuntimeTypeInfoGlobals() {}
5287 bool lowerToHighLevelFIR() const {
5288 return bridge.getLoweringOptions().getLowerToHighLevelFIR();
5289 }
5291 // Returns the mangling prefix for the given constant expression.
5292 std::string getConstantExprManglePrefix(mlir::Location loc,
5293 const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr &expr,
5294 mlir::Type eleTy) {
5295 return std::visit(
5296 [&](const auto &x) -> std::string {
5297 using T = std::decay_t<decltype(x)>;
5298 if constexpr (Fortran::common::HasMember<
5299 T, Fortran::lower::CategoryExpression>) {
5300 if constexpr (T::Result::category ==
5301 Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Derived) {
5302 if (const auto *constant =
5303 std::get_if<Fortran::evaluate::Constant<
5304 Fortran::evaluate::SomeDerived>>(&x.u))
5305 return Fortran::lower::mangle::mangleArrayLiteral(eleTy,
5306 *constant);
5307 fir::emitFatalError(loc,
5308 "non a constant derived type expression");
5309 } else {
5310 return std::visit(
5311 [&](const auto &someKind) -> std::string {
5312 using T = std::decay_t<decltype(someKind)>;
5313 using TK = Fortran::evaluate::Type<T::Result::category,
5314 T::Result::kind>;
5315 if (const auto *constant =
5316 std::get_if<Fortran::evaluate::Constant<TK>>(
5317 &someKind.u)) {
5318 return Fortran::lower::mangle::mangleArrayLiteral(
5319 nullptr, *constant);
5320 }
5321 fir::emitFatalError(
5322 loc, "not a Fortran::evaluate::Constant<T> expression");
5323 return {};
5324 },
5325 x.u);
5326 }
5327 } else {
5328 fir::emitFatalError(loc, "unexpected expression");
5329 }
5330 },
5331 expr.u);
5332 }
5334 /// Performing OpenACC lowering action that were deferred to the end of
5335 /// lowering.
5336 void finalizeOpenACCLowering() {
5337 Fortran::lower::finalizeOpenACCRoutineAttachment(getModuleOp(),
5338 accRoutineInfos);
5339 }
5341 /// Performing OpenMP lowering actions that were deferred to the end of
5342 /// lowering.
5343 void finalizeOpenMPLowering(
5344 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *globalOmpRequiresSymbol) {
5345 if (!ompDeferredDeclareTarget.empty()) {
5346 bool deferredDeviceFuncFound =
5347 Fortran::lower::markOpenMPDeferredDeclareTargetFunctions(
5348 getModuleOp().getOperation(), ompDeferredDeclareTarget, *this);
5349 ompDeviceCodeFound = ompDeviceCodeFound || deferredDeviceFuncFound;
5350 }
5352 // Set the module attribute related to OpenMP requires directives
5353 if (ompDeviceCodeFound)
5354 Fortran::lower::genOpenMPRequires(getModuleOp().getOperation(),
5355 globalOmpRequiresSymbol);
5356 }
5358 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5360 Fortran::lower::LoweringBridge &bridge;
5361 Fortran::evaluate::FoldingContext foldingContext;
5362 fir::FirOpBuilder *builder = nullptr;
5363 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *evalPtr = nullptr;
5364 Fortran::lower::SymMap localSymbols;
5365 Fortran::parser::CharBlock currentPosition;
5366 TypeInfoConverter typeInfoConverter;
5368 // Stack to manage object deallocation and finalization at construct exits.
5369 llvm::SmallVector<ConstructContext> activeConstructStack;
5371 /// BLOCK name mangling component map
5372 int blockId = 0;
5373 Fortran::lower::mangle::ScopeBlockIdMap scopeBlockIdMap;
5375 /// FORALL statement/construct context
5376 Fortran::lower::ExplicitIterSpace explicitIterSpace;
5378 /// WHERE statement/construct mask expression stack
5379 Fortran::lower::ImplicitIterSpace implicitIterSpace;
5381 /// Tuple of host associated variables
5382 mlir::Value hostAssocTuple;
5384 /// A map of unique names for constant expressions.
5385 /// The names are used for representing the constant expressions
5386 /// with global constant initialized objects.
5387 /// The names are usually prefixed by a mangling string based
5388 /// on the element type of the constant expression, but the element
5389 /// type is not used as a key into the map (so the assumption is that
5390 /// the equivalent constant expressions are prefixed using the same
5391 /// element type).
5392 llvm::DenseMap<const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *, std::string> literalNamesMap;
5394 /// Storage for Constant expressions used as keys for literalNamesMap.
5395 llvm::SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Fortran::lower::SomeExpr>>
5396 literalExprsStorage;
5398 /// A counter for uniquing names in `literalNamesMap`.
5399 std::uint64_t uniqueLitId = 0;
5401 /// Deferred OpenACC routine attachment.
5402 Fortran::lower::AccRoutineInfoMappingList accRoutineInfos;
5404 /// Whether an OpenMP target region or declare target function/subroutine
5405 /// intended for device offloading has been detected
5406 bool ompDeviceCodeFound = false;
5408 /// Keeps track of symbols defined as declare target that could not be
5409 /// processed at the time of lowering the declare target construct, such
5410 /// as certain cases where interfaces are declared but not defined within
5411 /// a module.
5412 llvm::SmallVector<Fortran::lower::OMPDeferredDeclareTargetInfo>
5413 ompDeferredDeclareTarget;
5415 const Fortran::lower::ExprToValueMap *exprValueOverrides{nullptr};
5417 /// Stack of derived type under construction to avoid infinite loops when
5418 /// dealing with recursive derived types. This is held in the bridge because
5419 /// the state needs to be maintained between data and function type lowering
5420 /// utilities to deal with procedure pointer components whose arguments have
5421 /// the type of the containing derived type.
5422 Fortran::lower::TypeConstructionStack typeConstructionStack;
5423 /// MLIR symbol table of the fir.global/func.func operations. Note that it is
5424 /// not guaranteed to contain all operations of the ModuleOp with Symbol
5425 /// attribute since mlirSymbolTable must pro-actively be maintained when
5426 /// new Symbol operations are created.
5427 mlir::SymbolTable mlirSymbolTable;
5430} // namespace
5433Fortran::lower::LoweringBridge::createFoldingContext() {
5434 return {getDefaultKinds(), getIntrinsicTable(), getTargetCharacteristics(),
5435 getLanguageFeatures(), tempNames};
5438void Fortran::lower::LoweringBridge::lower(
5439 const Fortran::parser::Program &prg,
5440 const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext) {
5441 std::unique_ptr<Fortran::lower::pft::Program> pft =
5442 Fortran::lower::createPFT(prg, semanticsContext);
5443 if (dumpBeforeFir)
5444 Fortran::lower::dumpPFT(llvm::errs(), *pft);
5445 FirConverter converter{*this};
5446 converter.run(*pft);
5449void Fortran::lower::LoweringBridge::parseSourceFile(llvm::SourceMgr &srcMgr) {
5450 mlir::OwningOpRef<mlir::ModuleOp> owningRef =
5451 mlir::parseSourceFile<mlir::ModuleOp>(srcMgr, &context);
5452 module.reset(new mlir::ModuleOp(owningRef.get().getOperation()));
5453 owningRef.release();
5457 mlir::MLIRContext &context,
5458 Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
5459 const Fortran::common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaultKinds,
5460 const Fortran::evaluate::IntrinsicProcTable &intrinsics,
5461 const Fortran::evaluate::TargetCharacteristics &targetCharacteristics,
5462 const Fortran::parser::AllCookedSources &cooked, llvm::StringRef triple,
5463 fir::KindMapping &kindMap,
5464 const Fortran::lower::LoweringOptions &loweringOptions,
5465 const std::vector<Fortran::lower::EnvironmentDefault> &envDefaults,
5466 const Fortran::common::LanguageFeatureControl &languageFeatures,
5467 const llvm::TargetMachine &targetMachine)
5468 : semanticsContext{semanticsContext}, defaultKinds{defaultKinds},
5469 intrinsics{intrinsics}, targetCharacteristics{targetCharacteristics},
5470 cooked{&cooked}, context{context}, kindMap{kindMap},
5471 loweringOptions{loweringOptions}, envDefaults{envDefaults},
5472 languageFeatures{languageFeatures} {
5473 // Register the diagnostic handler.
5474 context.getDiagEngine().registerHandler([](mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
5475 llvm::raw_ostream &os = llvm::errs();
5476 switch (diag.getSeverity()) {
5477 case mlir::DiagnosticSeverity::Error:
5478 os << "error: ";
5479 break;
5480 case mlir::DiagnosticSeverity::Remark:
5481 os << "info: ";
5482 break;
5483 case mlir::DiagnosticSeverity::Warning:
5484 os << "warning: ";
5485 break;
5486 default:
5487 break;
5488 }
5489 if (!diag.getLocation().isa<mlir::UnknownLoc>())
5490 os << diag.getLocation() << ": ";
5491 os << diag << '\n';
5492 os.flush();
5493 return mlir::success();
5494 });
5496 auto getPathLocation = [&semanticsContext, &context]() -> mlir::Location {
5497 std::optional<std::string> path;
5498 const auto &allSources{semanticsContext.allCookedSources().allSources()};
5499 if (auto initial{allSources.GetFirstFileProvenance()};
5500 initial && !initial->empty()) {
5501 if (const auto *sourceFile{allSources.GetSourceFile(initial->start())}) {
5502 path = sourceFile->path();
5503 }
5504 }
5506 if (path.has_value()) {
5507 llvm::SmallString<256> curPath(*path);
5508 llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(curPath);
5509 llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(curPath);
5510 return mlir::FileLineColLoc::get(&context, curPath.str(), /*line=*/0,
5511 /*col=*/0);
5512 } else {
5513 return mlir::UnknownLoc::get(&context);
5514 }
5515 };
5517 // Create the module and attach the attributes.
5518 module = std::make_unique<mlir::ModuleOp>(
5519 mlir::ModuleOp::create(getPathLocation()));
5520 assert(module.get() && "module was not created");
5521 fir::setTargetTriple(*module.get(), triple);
5522 fir::setKindMapping(*module.get(), kindMap);
5523 fir::setTargetCPU(*module.get(), targetMachine.getTargetCPU());
5524 fir::setTargetFeatures(*module.get(), targetMachine.getTargetFeatureString());
5525 fir::support::setMLIRDataLayout(*module.get(),
5526 targetMachine.createDataLayout());

source code of flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp