1//===-- PFTBuilder.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "flang/Lower/PFTBuilder.h"
10#include "flang/Lower/IntervalSet.h"
11#include "flang/Lower/Support/Utils.h"
12#include "flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h"
13#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree-visitor.h"
14#include "flang/Semantics/semantics.h"
15#include "flang/Semantics/tools.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
21#define DEBUG_TYPE "flang-pft"
23static llvm::cl::opt<bool> clDisableStructuredFir(
24 "no-structured-fir", llvm::cl::desc("disable generation of structured FIR"),
25 llvm::cl::init(Val: false), llvm::cl::Hidden);
27using namespace Fortran;
29namespace {
30/// Helpers to unveil parser node inside Fortran::parser::Statement<>,
31/// Fortran::parser::UnlabeledStatement, and Fortran::common::Indirection<>
32template <typename A>
33struct RemoveIndirectionHelper {
34 using Type = A;
36template <typename A>
37struct RemoveIndirectionHelper<common::Indirection<A>> {
38 using Type = A;
41template <typename A>
42struct UnwrapStmt {
43 static constexpr bool isStmt{false};
45template <typename A>
46struct UnwrapStmt<parser::Statement<A>> {
47 static constexpr bool isStmt{true};
48 using Type = typename RemoveIndirectionHelper<A>::Type;
49 constexpr UnwrapStmt(const parser::Statement<A> &a)
50 : unwrapped{removeIndirection(a.statement)}, position{a.source},
51 label{a.label} {}
52 const Type &unwrapped;
53 parser::CharBlock position;
54 std::optional<parser::Label> label;
56template <typename A>
57struct UnwrapStmt<parser::UnlabeledStatement<A>> {
58 static constexpr bool isStmt{true};
59 using Type = typename RemoveIndirectionHelper<A>::Type;
60 constexpr UnwrapStmt(const parser::UnlabeledStatement<A> &a)
61 : unwrapped{removeIndirection(a.statement)}, position{a.source} {}
62 const Type &unwrapped;
63 parser::CharBlock position;
64 std::optional<parser::Label> label;
67#ifndef NDEBUG
68void dumpScope(const semantics::Scope *scope, int depth = -1);
71/// The instantiation of a parse tree visitor (Pre and Post) is extremely
72/// expensive in terms of compile and link time. So one goal here is to
73/// limit the bridge to one such instantiation.
74class PFTBuilder {
76 PFTBuilder(const semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext)
77 : pgm{std::make_unique<lower::pft::Program>(
78 semanticsContext.GetCommonBlocks())},
79 semanticsContext{semanticsContext} {
80 lower::pft::PftNode pftRoot{*pgm.get()};
81 pftParentStack.push_back(pftRoot);
82 }
84 /// Get the result
85 std::unique_ptr<lower::pft::Program> result() { return std::move(pgm); }
87 template <typename A>
88 constexpr bool Pre(const A &a) {
89 if constexpr (lower::pft::isFunctionLike<A>) {
90 return enterFunction(a, semanticsContext);
91 } else if constexpr (lower::pft::isConstruct<A> ||
92 lower::pft::isDirective<A>) {
93 return enterConstructOrDirective(a);
94 } else if constexpr (UnwrapStmt<A>::isStmt) {
95 using T = typename UnwrapStmt<A>::Type;
96 // Node "a" being visited has one of the following types:
97 // Statement<T>, Statement<Indirection<T>>, UnlabeledStatement<T>,
98 // or UnlabeledStatement<Indirection<T>>
99 auto stmt{UnwrapStmt<A>(a)};
100 if constexpr (lower::pft::isConstructStmt<T> ||
101 lower::pft::isOtherStmt<T>) {
102 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
103 stmt.unwrapped, pftParentStack.back(), stmt.position, stmt.label});
104 return false;
105 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, parser::ActionStmt>) {
106 return std::visit(
107 common::visitors{
108 [&](const common::Indirection<parser::CallStmt> &x) {
109 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
110 removeIndirection(x), pftParentStack.back(),
111 stmt.position, stmt.label});
112 checkForFPEnvironmentCalls(x.value());
113 return true;
114 },
115 [&](const common::Indirection<parser::IfStmt> &x) {
116 convertIfStmt(x.value(), stmt.position, stmt.label);
117 return false;
118 },
119 [&](const auto &x) {
120 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
121 removeIndirection(x), pftParentStack.back(),
122 stmt.position, stmt.label});
123 return true;
124 },
125 },
126 stmt.unwrapped.u);
127 }
128 }
129 return true;
130 }
132 /// Check for calls that could modify the floating point environment.
133 /// See F18 Clauses
134 /// - 17.1p3 (Overview of IEEE arithmetic support)
135 /// - 17.3p3 (The exceptions)
136 /// - 17.4p5 (The rounding modes)
137 /// - 17.6p1 (Halting)
138 void checkForFPEnvironmentCalls(const parser::CallStmt &callStmt) {
139 const auto *callName = std::get_if<parser::Name>(
140 &std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(callStmt.call.t).u);
141 if (!callName)
142 return;
143 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &procSym = callName->symbol->GetUltimate();
144 if (!procSym.owner().IsModule())
145 return;
146 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &modSym = *procSym.owner().symbol();
147 if (!modSym.attrs().test(Fortran::semantics::Attr::INTRINSIC))
148 return;
150 // declarations from several __fortran_... support module files.
151 llvm::StringRef modName = toStringRef(modSym.name());
152 if (!modName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_") && !modName.starts_with(Prefix: "__fortran_"))
153 return;
154 llvm::StringRef procName = toStringRef(procSym.name());
155 if (!procName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_"))
156 return;
157 lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit *proc =
158 evaluationListStack.back()->back().getOwningProcedure();
159 proc->hasIeeeAccess = true;
160 if (!procName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_set_"))
161 return;
162 if (procName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_set_modes_") ||
163 procName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_set_status_"))
164 proc->mayModifyHaltingMode = proc->mayModifyRoundingMode = true;
165 else if (procName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_set_halting_mode_"))
166 proc->mayModifyHaltingMode = true;
167 else if (procName.starts_with(Prefix: "ieee_set_rounding_mode_"))
168 proc->mayModifyRoundingMode = true;
169 }
171 /// Convert an IfStmt into an IfConstruct, retaining the IfStmt as the
172 /// first statement of the construct.
173 void convertIfStmt(const parser::IfStmt &ifStmt, parser::CharBlock position,
174 std::optional<parser::Label> label) {
175 // Generate a skeleton IfConstruct parse node. Its components are never
176 // referenced. The actual components are available via the IfConstruct
177 // evaluation's nested evaluationList, with the ifStmt in the position of
178 // the otherwise normal IfThenStmt. Caution: All other PFT nodes reference
179 // front end generated parse nodes; this is an exceptional case.
180 static const auto ifConstruct = parser::IfConstruct{
181 parser::Statement<parser::IfThenStmt>{
182 std::nullopt,
183 parser::IfThenStmt{
184 std::optional<parser::Name>{},
185 parser::ScalarLogicalExpr{parser::LogicalExpr{parser::Expr{
186 parser::LiteralConstant{parser::LogicalLiteralConstant{
187 false, std::optional<parser::KindParam>{}}}}}}}},
188 parser::Block{}, std::list<parser::IfConstruct::ElseIfBlock>{},
189 std::optional<parser::IfConstruct::ElseBlock>{},
190 parser::Statement<parser::EndIfStmt>{std::nullopt,
191 parser::EndIfStmt{std::nullopt}}};
192 enterConstructOrDirective(ifConstruct);
193 addEvaluation(
194 lower::pft::Evaluation{ifStmt, pftParentStack.back(), position, label});
195 Pre(std::get<parser::UnlabeledStatement<parser::ActionStmt>>(ifStmt.t));
196 static const auto endIfStmt = parser::EndIfStmt{std::nullopt};
197 addEvaluation(
198 lower::pft::Evaluation{endIfStmt, pftParentStack.back(), {}, {}});
199 exitConstructOrDirective();
200 }
202 template <typename A>
203 constexpr void Post(const A &) {
204 if constexpr (lower::pft::isFunctionLike<A>) {
205 exitFunction();
206 } else if constexpr (lower::pft::isConstruct<A> ||
207 lower::pft::isDirective<A>) {
208 exitConstructOrDirective();
209 }
210 }
212 // Module like
213 bool Pre(const parser::Module &node) { return enterModule(node); }
214 bool Pre(const parser::Submodule &node) { return enterModule(node); }
216 void Post(const parser::Module &) { exitModule(); }
217 void Post(const parser::Submodule &) { exitModule(); }
219 // Block data
220 bool Pre(const parser::BlockData &node) {
221 addUnit(lower::pft::BlockDataUnit{node, pftParentStack.back(),
222 semanticsContext});
223 return false;
224 }
226 // Get rid of production wrapper
227 bool Pre(const parser::Statement<parser::ForallAssignmentStmt> &statement) {
228 addEvaluation(std::visit(
229 [&](const auto &x) {
230 return lower::pft::Evaluation{x, pftParentStack.back(),
231 statement.source, statement.label};
232 },
233 statement.statement.u));
234 return false;
235 }
236 bool Pre(const parser::WhereBodyConstruct &whereBody) {
237 return std::visit(
238 common::visitors{
239 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::AssignmentStmt> &stmt) {
240 // Not caught as other AssignmentStmt because it is not
241 // wrapped in a parser::ActionStmt.
242 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{stmt.statement,
243 pftParentStack.back(),
244 stmt.source, stmt.label});
245 return false;
246 },
247 [&](const auto &) { return true; },
248 },
249 whereBody.u);
250 }
252 // CompilerDirective have special handling in case they are top level
253 // directives (i.e. they do not belong to a ProgramUnit).
254 bool Pre(const parser::CompilerDirective &directive) {
255 assert(pftParentStack.size() > 0 &&
256 "At least the Program must be a parent");
257 if (pftParentStack.back().isA<lower::pft::Program>()) {
258 addUnit(
259 lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit(directive, pftParentStack.back()));
260 return false;
261 }
262 return enterConstructOrDirective(directive);
263 }
265 bool Pre(const parser::OpenACCRoutineConstruct &directive) {
266 assert(pftParentStack.size() > 0 &&
267 "At least the Program must be a parent");
268 if (pftParentStack.back().isA<lower::pft::Program>()) {
269 addUnit(
270 lower::pft::OpenACCDirectiveUnit(directive, pftParentStack.back()));
271 return false;
272 }
273 return enterConstructOrDirective(directive);
274 }
277 /// Initialize a new module-like unit and make it the builder's focus.
278 template <typename A>
279 bool enterModule(const A &mod) {
280 Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &unit =
281 addUnit(lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit{mod, pftParentStack.back()});
282 functionList = &unit.nestedFunctions;
283 pushEvaluationList(&unit.evaluationList);
284 pftParentStack.emplace_back(unit);
285 LLVM_DEBUG(dumpScope(&unit.getScope()));
286 return true;
287 }
289 void exitModule() {
290 if (!evaluationListStack.empty())
291 popEvaluationList();
292 pftParentStack.pop_back();
293 resetFunctionState();
294 }
296 /// Add the end statement Evaluation of a sub/program to the PFT.
297 /// There may be intervening internal subprogram definitions between
298 /// prior statements and this end statement.
299 void endFunctionBody() {
300 if (evaluationListStack.empty())
301 return;
302 auto evaluationList = evaluationListStack.back();
303 if (evaluationList->empty() || !evaluationList->back().isEndStmt()) {
304 const auto &endStmt =
305 pftParentStack.back().get<lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit>().endStmt;
306 endStmt.visit(common::visitors{
307 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::EndProgramStmt> &s) {
308 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
309 s.statement, pftParentStack.back(), s.source, s.label});
310 },
311 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::EndFunctionStmt> &s) {
312 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
313 s.statement, pftParentStack.back(), s.source, s.label});
314 },
315 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::EndSubroutineStmt> &s) {
316 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
317 s.statement, pftParentStack.back(), s.source, s.label});
318 },
319 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::EndMpSubprogramStmt> &s) {
320 addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation{
321 s.statement, pftParentStack.back(), s.source, s.label});
322 },
323 [&](const auto &s) {
324 llvm::report_fatal_error("missing end statement or unexpected "
325 "begin statement reference");
326 },
327 });
328 }
329 lastLexicalEvaluation = nullptr;
330 }
332 /// Pop the ModuleLikeUnit evaluationList when entering the first module
333 /// procedure.
334 void cleanModuleEvaluationList() {
335 if (evaluationListStack.empty())
336 return;
337 if (pftParentStack.back().isA<lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit>())
338 popEvaluationList();
339 }
341 /// Initialize a new function-like unit and make it the builder's focus.
342 template <typename A>
343 bool enterFunction(const A &func,
344 const semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext) {
345 cleanModuleEvaluationList();
346 endFunctionBody(); // enclosing host subprogram body, if any
347 Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &unit =
348 addFunction(lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit{func, pftParentStack.back(),
349 semanticsContext});
350 labelEvaluationMap = &unit.labelEvaluationMap;
351 assignSymbolLabelMap = &unit.assignSymbolLabelMap;
352 functionList = &unit.nestedFunctions;
353 pushEvaluationList(&unit.evaluationList);
354 pftParentStack.emplace_back(unit);
355 LLVM_DEBUG(dumpScope(&unit.getScope()));
356 return true;
357 }
359 void exitFunction() {
360 rewriteIfGotos();
361 endFunctionBody();
362 analyzeBranches(nullptr, *evaluationListStack.back()); // add branch links
363 processEntryPoints();
364 popEvaluationList();
365 labelEvaluationMap = nullptr;
366 assignSymbolLabelMap = nullptr;
367 pftParentStack.pop_back();
368 resetFunctionState();
369 }
371 /// Initialize a new construct or directive and make it the builder's focus.
372 template <typename A>
373 bool enterConstructOrDirective(const A &constructOrDirective) {
374 Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval = addEvaluation(
375 lower::pft::Evaluation{constructOrDirective, pftParentStack.back()});
376 eval.evaluationList.reset(new lower::pft::EvaluationList);
377 pushEvaluationList(eval.evaluationList.get());
378 pftParentStack.emplace_back(eval);
379 constructAndDirectiveStack.emplace_back(&eval);
380 return true;
381 }
383 void exitConstructOrDirective() {
384 auto isOpenMPLoopConstruct = [](Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *eval) {
385 if (const auto *ompConstruct = eval->getIf<parser::OpenMPConstruct>())
386 if (std::holds_alternative<parser::OpenMPLoopConstruct>(
387 ompConstruct->u))
388 return true;
389 return false;
390 };
392 rewriteIfGotos();
393 auto *eval = constructAndDirectiveStack.back();
394 if (eval->isExecutableDirective() && !isOpenMPLoopConstruct(eval)) {
395 // A construct at the end of an (unstructured) OpenACC or OpenMP
396 // construct region must have an exit target inside the region.
397 // This is not applicable to the OpenMP loop construct since the
398 // end of the loop is an available target inside the region.
399 Fortran::lower::pft::EvaluationList &evaluationList =
400 *eval->evaluationList;
401 if (!evaluationList.empty() && evaluationList.back().isConstruct()) {
402 static const parser::ContinueStmt exitTarget{};
403 addEvaluation(
404 lower::pft::Evaluation{exitTarget, pftParentStack.back(), {}, {}});
405 }
406 }
407 popEvaluationList();
408 pftParentStack.pop_back();
409 constructAndDirectiveStack.pop_back();
410 }
412 /// Reset function state to that of an enclosing host function.
413 void resetFunctionState() {
414 if (!pftParentStack.empty()) {
415 pftParentStack.back().visit(common::visitors{
416 [&](lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &p) {
417 functionList = &p.nestedFunctions;
418 labelEvaluationMap = &p.labelEvaluationMap;
419 assignSymbolLabelMap = &p.assignSymbolLabelMap;
420 },
421 [&](lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &p) {
422 functionList = &p.nestedFunctions;
423 },
424 [&](auto &) { functionList = nullptr; },
425 });
426 }
427 }
429 template <typename A>
430 A &addUnit(A &&unit) {
431 pgm->getUnits().emplace_back(std::move(unit));
432 return std::get<A>(pgm->getUnits().back());
433 }
435 template <typename A>
436 A &addFunction(A &&func) {
437 if (functionList) {
438 functionList->emplace_back(std::move(func));
439 return functionList->back();
440 }
441 return addUnit(std::move(func));
442 }
444 // ActionStmt has a couple of non-conforming cases, explicitly handled here.
445 // The other cases use an Indirection, which are discarded in the PFT.
446 lower::pft::Evaluation
447 makeEvaluationAction(const parser::ActionStmt &statement,
448 parser::CharBlock position,
449 std::optional<parser::Label> label) {
450 return std::visit(
451 common::visitors{
452 [&](const auto &x) {
453 return lower::pft::Evaluation{
454 removeIndirection(x), pftParentStack.back(), position, label};
455 },
456 },
457 statement.u);
458 }
460 /// Append an Evaluation to the end of the current list.
461 lower::pft::Evaluation &addEvaluation(lower::pft::Evaluation &&eval) {
462 assert(functionList && "not in a function");
463 assert(!evaluationListStack.empty() && "empty evaluation list stack");
464 if (!constructAndDirectiveStack.empty())
465 eval.parentConstruct = constructAndDirectiveStack.back();
466 lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit *owningProcedure = eval.getOwningProcedure();
467 evaluationListStack.back()->emplace_back(std::move(eval));
468 lower::pft::Evaluation *p = &evaluationListStack.back()->back();
469 if (p->isActionStmt() || p->isConstructStmt() || p->isEndStmt() ||
470 p->isExecutableDirective()) {
471 if (lastLexicalEvaluation) {
472 lastLexicalEvaluation->lexicalSuccessor = p;
473 p->printIndex = lastLexicalEvaluation->printIndex + 1;
474 } else {
475 p->printIndex = 1;
476 }
477 lastLexicalEvaluation = p;
478 if (owningProcedure) {
479 auto &entryPointList = owningProcedure->entryPointList;
480 for (std::size_t entryIndex = entryPointList.size() - 1;
481 entryIndex && !entryPointList[entryIndex].second->lexicalSuccessor;
482 --entryIndex)
483 // Link to the entry's first executable statement.
484 entryPointList[entryIndex].second->lexicalSuccessor = p;
485 }
486 } else if (const auto *entryStmt = p->getIf<parser::EntryStmt>()) {
487 const semantics::Symbol *sym =
488 std::get<parser::Name>(entryStmt->t).symbol;
489 if (auto *details = sym->detailsIf<semantics::GenericDetails>())
490 sym = details->specific();
491 assert(sym->has<semantics::SubprogramDetails>() &&
492 "entry must be a subprogram");
493 owningProcedure->entryPointList.push_back(std::pair{sym, p});
494 }
495 if (p->label.has_value())
496 labelEvaluationMap->try_emplace(*p->label, p);
497 return evaluationListStack.back()->back();
498 }
500 /// push a new list on the stack of Evaluation lists
501 void pushEvaluationList(lower::pft::EvaluationList *evaluationList) {
502 assert(functionList && "not in a function");
503 assert(evaluationList && evaluationList->empty() &&
504 "evaluation list isn't correct");
505 evaluationListStack.emplace_back(evaluationList);
506 }
508 /// pop the current list and return to the last Evaluation list
509 void popEvaluationList() {
510 assert(functionList && "not in a function");
511 evaluationListStack.pop_back();
512 }
514 /// Rewrite IfConstructs containing a GotoStmt or CycleStmt to eliminate an
515 /// unstructured branch and a trivial basic block. The pre-branch-analysis
516 /// code:
517 ///
518 /// <<IfConstruct>>
519 /// 1 If[Then]Stmt: if(cond) goto L
520 /// 2 GotoStmt: goto L
521 /// 3 EndIfStmt
522 /// <<End IfConstruct>>
523 /// 4 Statement: ...
524 /// 5 Statement: ...
525 /// 6 Statement: L ...
526 ///
527 /// becomes:
528 ///
529 /// <<IfConstruct>>
530 /// 1 If[Then]Stmt [negate]: if(cond) goto L
531 /// 4 Statement: ...
532 /// 5 Statement: ...
533 /// 3 EndIfStmt
534 /// <<End IfConstruct>>
535 /// 6 Statement: L ...
536 ///
537 /// The If[Then]Stmt condition is implicitly negated. It is not modified
538 /// in the PFT. It must be negated when generating FIR. The GotoStmt or
539 /// CycleStmt is deleted.
540 ///
541 /// The transformation is only valid for forward branch targets at the same
542 /// construct nesting level as the IfConstruct. The result must not violate
543 /// construct nesting requirements or contain an EntryStmt. The result
544 /// is subject to normal un/structured code classification analysis. Except
545 /// for a branch to the EndIfStmt, the result is allowed to violate the F18
546 /// Clause prohibition on transfer of control into the interior of
547 /// a construct block, as that does not compromise correct code generation.
548 /// When two transformation candidates overlap, at least one must be
549 /// disallowed. In such cases, the current heuristic favors simple code
550 /// generation, which happens to favor later candidates over earlier
551 /// candidates. That choice is probably not significant, but could be
552 /// changed.
553 void rewriteIfGotos() {
554 auto &evaluationList = *evaluationListStack.back();
555 if (!evaluationList.size())
556 return;
557 struct T {
558 lower::pft::EvaluationList::iterator ifConstructIt;
559 parser::Label ifTargetLabel;
560 bool isCycleStmt = false;
561 };
562 llvm::SmallVector<T> ifCandidateStack;
563 const auto *doStmt =
564 evaluationList.begin()->getIf<parser::NonLabelDoStmt>();
565 std::string doName = doStmt ? getConstructName(*doStmt) : std::string{};
566 for (auto it = evaluationList.begin(), end = evaluationList.end();
567 it != end; ++it) {
568 auto &eval = *it;
569 if (eval.isA<parser::EntryStmt>() || eval.isIntermediateConstructStmt()) {
570 ifCandidateStack.clear();
571 continue;
572 }
573 auto firstStmt = [](lower::pft::Evaluation *e) {
574 return e->isConstruct() ? &*e->evaluationList->begin() : e;
575 };
576 const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &targetEval = *firstStmt(&eval);
577 bool targetEvalIsEndDoStmt = targetEval.isA<parser::EndDoStmt>();
578 auto branchTargetMatch = [&]() {
579 if (const parser::Label targetLabel =
580 ifCandidateStack.back().ifTargetLabel)
581 if (targetEval.label && targetLabel == *targetEval.label)
582 return true; // goto target match
583 if (targetEvalIsEndDoStmt && ifCandidateStack.back().isCycleStmt)
584 return true; // cycle target match
585 return false;
586 };
587 if (targetEval.label || targetEvalIsEndDoStmt) {
588 while (!ifCandidateStack.empty() && branchTargetMatch()) {
589 lower::pft::EvaluationList::iterator ifConstructIt =
590 ifCandidateStack.back().ifConstructIt;
591 lower::pft::EvaluationList::iterator successorIt =
592 std::next(ifConstructIt);
593 if (successorIt != it) {
594 Fortran::lower::pft::EvaluationList &ifBodyList =
595 *ifConstructIt->evaluationList;
596 lower::pft::EvaluationList::iterator branchStmtIt =
597 std::next(ifBodyList.begin());
598 assert((branchStmtIt->isA<parser::GotoStmt>() ||
599 branchStmtIt->isA<parser::CycleStmt>()) &&
600 "expected goto or cycle statement");
601 ifBodyList.erase(branchStmtIt);
602 lower::pft::Evaluation &ifStmt = *ifBodyList.begin();
603 ifStmt.negateCondition = true;
604 ifStmt.lexicalSuccessor = firstStmt(&*successorIt);
605 lower::pft::EvaluationList::iterator endIfStmtIt =
606 std::prev(ifBodyList.end());
607 std::prev(it)->lexicalSuccessor = &*endIfStmtIt;
608 endIfStmtIt->lexicalSuccessor = firstStmt(&*it);
609 ifBodyList.splice(endIfStmtIt, evaluationList, successorIt, it);
610 for (; successorIt != endIfStmtIt; ++successorIt)
611 successorIt->parentConstruct = &*ifConstructIt;
612 }
613 ifCandidateStack.pop_back();
614 }
615 }
616 if (eval.isA<parser::IfConstruct>() && eval.evaluationList->size() == 3) {
617 const auto bodyEval = std::next(eval.evaluationList->begin());
618 if (const auto *gotoStmt = bodyEval->getIf<parser::GotoStmt>()) {
619 if (!bodyEval->lexicalSuccessor->label)
620 ifCandidateStack.push_back(Elt: {it, gotoStmt->v});
621 } else if (doStmt) {
622 if (const auto *cycleStmt = bodyEval->getIf<parser::CycleStmt>()) {
623 std::string cycleName = getConstructName(*cycleStmt);
624 if (cycleName.empty() || cycleName == doName)
625 // This candidate will match doStmt's EndDoStmt.
626 ifCandidateStack.push_back(Elt: {it, {}, true});
627 }
628 }
629 }
630 }
631 }
633 /// Mark IO statement ERR, EOR, and END specifier branch targets.
634 /// Mark an IO statement with an assigned format as unstructured.
635 template <typename A>
636 void analyzeIoBranches(lower::pft::Evaluation &eval, const A &stmt) {
637 auto analyzeFormatSpec = [&](const parser::Format &format) {
638 if (const auto *expr = std::get_if<parser::Expr>(&format.u)) {
639 if (semantics::ExprHasTypeCategory(*semantics::GetExpr(*expr),
640 common::TypeCategory::Integer))
641 eval.isUnstructured = true;
642 }
643 };
644 auto analyzeSpecs{[&](const auto &specList) {
645 for (const auto &spec : specList) {
646 std::visit(
647 Fortran::common::visitors{
648 [&](const Fortran::parser::Format &format) {
649 analyzeFormatSpec(format);
650 },
651 [&](const auto &label) {
652 using LabelNodes =
653 std::tuple<parser::ErrLabel, parser::EorLabel,
654 parser::EndLabel>;
655 if constexpr (common::HasMember<decltype(label), LabelNodes>)
656 markBranchTarget(eval, label.v);
657 }},
658 spec.u);
659 }
660 }};
662 using OtherIOStmts =
663 std::tuple<parser::BackspaceStmt, parser::CloseStmt,
664 parser::EndfileStmt, parser::FlushStmt, parser::OpenStmt,
665 parser::RewindStmt, parser::WaitStmt>;
667 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, parser::ReadStmt> ||
668 std::is_same_v<A, parser::WriteStmt>) {
669 if (stmt.format)
670 analyzeFormatSpec(*stmt.format);
671 analyzeSpecs(stmt.controls);
672 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, parser::PrintStmt>) {
673 analyzeFormatSpec(std::get<parser::Format>(stmt.t));
674 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, parser::InquireStmt>) {
675 if (const auto *specList =
676 std::get_if<std::list<parser::InquireSpec>>(&stmt.u))
677 analyzeSpecs(*specList);
678 } else if constexpr (common::HasMember<A, OtherIOStmts>) {
679 analyzeSpecs(stmt.v);
680 } else {
681 // Always crash if this is instantiated
682 static_assert(!std::is_same_v<A, parser::ReadStmt>,
683 "Unexpected IO statement");
684 }
685 }
687 /// Set the exit of a construct, possibly from multiple enclosing constructs.
688 void setConstructExit(lower::pft::Evaluation &eval) {
689 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back().nonNopSuccessor();
690 }
692 /// Mark the target of a branch as a new block.
693 void markBranchTarget(lower::pft::Evaluation &sourceEvaluation,
694 lower::pft::Evaluation &targetEvaluation) {
695 sourceEvaluation.isUnstructured = true;
696 if (!sourceEvaluation.controlSuccessor)
697 sourceEvaluation.controlSuccessor = &targetEvaluation;
698 targetEvaluation.isNewBlock = true;
699 // If this is a branch into the body of a construct (usually illegal,
700 // but allowed in some legacy cases), then the targetEvaluation and its
701 // ancestors must be marked as unstructured.
702 lower::pft::Evaluation *sourceConstruct = sourceEvaluation.parentConstruct;
703 lower::pft::Evaluation *targetConstruct = targetEvaluation.parentConstruct;
704 if (targetConstruct &&
705 &targetConstruct->getFirstNestedEvaluation() == &targetEvaluation)
706 // A branch to an initial constructStmt is a branch to the construct.
707 targetConstruct = targetConstruct->parentConstruct;
708 if (targetConstruct) {
709 while (sourceConstruct && sourceConstruct != targetConstruct)
710 sourceConstruct = sourceConstruct->parentConstruct;
711 if (sourceConstruct != targetConstruct) // branch into a construct body
712 for (lower::pft::Evaluation *eval = &targetEvaluation; eval;
713 eval = eval->parentConstruct) {
714 eval->isUnstructured = true;
715 // If the branch is a backward branch into an already analyzed
716 // DO or IF construct, mark the construct exit as a new block.
717 // For a forward branch, the isUnstructured flag will cause this
718 // to be done when the construct is analyzed.
719 if (eval->constructExit && (eval->isA<parser::DoConstruct>() ||
720 eval->isA<parser::IfConstruct>()))
721 eval->constructExit->isNewBlock = true;
722 }
723 }
724 }
725 void markBranchTarget(lower::pft::Evaluation &sourceEvaluation,
726 parser::Label label) {
727 assert(label && "missing branch target label");
728 lower::pft::Evaluation *targetEvaluation{
729 labelEvaluationMap->find(label)->second};
730 assert(targetEvaluation && "missing branch target evaluation");
731 markBranchTarget(sourceEvaluation, *targetEvaluation);
732 }
734 /// Mark the successor of an Evaluation as a new block.
735 void markSuccessorAsNewBlock(lower::pft::Evaluation &eval) {
736 eval.nonNopSuccessor().isNewBlock = true;
737 }
739 template <typename A>
740 inline std::string getConstructName(const A &stmt) {
741 using MaybeConstructNameWrapper =
742 std::tuple<parser::BlockStmt, parser::CycleStmt, parser::ElseStmt,
743 parser::ElsewhereStmt, parser::EndAssociateStmt,
744 parser::EndBlockStmt, parser::EndCriticalStmt,
745 parser::EndDoStmt, parser::EndForallStmt, parser::EndIfStmt,
746 parser::EndSelectStmt, parser::EndWhereStmt,
747 parser::ExitStmt>;
748 if constexpr (common::HasMember<A, MaybeConstructNameWrapper>) {
749 if (stmt.v)
750 return stmt.v->ToString();
751 }
753 using MaybeConstructNameInTuple = std::tuple<
754 parser::AssociateStmt, parser::CaseStmt, parser::ChangeTeamStmt,
755 parser::CriticalStmt, parser::ElseIfStmt, parser::EndChangeTeamStmt,
756 parser::ForallConstructStmt, parser::IfThenStmt, parser::LabelDoStmt,
757 parser::MaskedElsewhereStmt, parser::NonLabelDoStmt,
758 parser::SelectCaseStmt, parser::SelectRankCaseStmt,
759 parser::TypeGuardStmt, parser::WhereConstructStmt>;
760 if constexpr (common::HasMember<A, MaybeConstructNameInTuple>) {
761 if (auto name = std::get<std::optional<parser::Name>>(stmt.t))
762 return name->ToString();
763 }
765 // These statements have multiple std::optional<parser::Name> elements.
766 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, parser::SelectRankStmt> ||
767 std::is_same_v<A, parser::SelectTypeStmt>) {
768 if (auto name = std::get<0>(stmt.t))
769 return name->ToString();
770 }
772 return {};
773 }
775 /// \p parentConstruct can be null if this statement is at the highest
776 /// level of a program.
777 template <typename A>
778 void insertConstructName(const A &stmt,
779 lower::pft::Evaluation *parentConstruct) {
780 std::string name = getConstructName(stmt);
781 if (!name.empty())
782 constructNameMap[name] = parentConstruct;
783 }
785 /// Insert branch links for a list of Evaluations.
786 /// \p parentConstruct can be null if the evaluationList contains the
787 /// top-level statements of a program.
788 void analyzeBranches(lower::pft::Evaluation *parentConstruct,
789 std::list<lower::pft::Evaluation> &evaluationList) {
790 lower::pft::Evaluation *lastConstructStmtEvaluation{};
791 for (auto &eval : evaluationList) {
792 eval.visit(common::visitors{
793 // Action statements (except IO statements)
794 [&](const parser::CallStmt &s) {
795 // Look for alternate return specifiers.
796 const auto &args =
797 std::get<std::list<parser::ActualArgSpec>>(s.call.t);
798 for (const auto &arg : args) {
799 const auto &actual = std::get<parser::ActualArg>(arg.t);
800 if (const auto *altReturn =
801 std::get_if<parser::AltReturnSpec>(&actual.u))
802 markBranchTarget(eval, altReturn->v);
803 }
804 },
805 [&](const parser::CycleStmt &s) {
806 std::string name = getConstructName(s);
807 lower::pft::Evaluation *construct{name.empty()
808 ? doConstructStack.back()
809 : constructNameMap[name]};
810 assert(construct && "missing CYCLE construct");
811 markBranchTarget(eval, construct->evaluationList->back());
812 },
813 [&](const parser::ExitStmt &s) {
814 std::string name = getConstructName(s);
815 lower::pft::Evaluation *construct{name.empty()
816 ? doConstructStack.back()
817 : constructNameMap[name]};
818 assert(construct && "missing EXIT construct");
819 markBranchTarget(eval, *construct->constructExit);
820 },
821 [&](const parser::FailImageStmt &) {
822 eval.isUnstructured = true;
823 if (eval.lexicalSuccessor->lexicalSuccessor)
824 markSuccessorAsNewBlock(eval);
825 },
826 [&](const parser::GotoStmt &s) { markBranchTarget(eval, s.v); },
827 [&](const parser::IfStmt &) {
828 eval.lexicalSuccessor->isNewBlock = true;
829 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
830 },
831 [&](const parser::ReturnStmt &) {
832 eval.isUnstructured = true;
833 if (eval.lexicalSuccessor->lexicalSuccessor)
834 markSuccessorAsNewBlock(eval);
835 },
836 [&](const parser::StopStmt &) {
837 eval.isUnstructured = true;
838 if (eval.lexicalSuccessor->lexicalSuccessor)
839 markSuccessorAsNewBlock(eval);
840 },
841 [&](const parser::ComputedGotoStmt &s) {
842 for (auto &label : std::get<std::list<parser::Label>>(s.t))
843 markBranchTarget(eval, label);
844 },
845 [&](const parser::ArithmeticIfStmt &s) {
846 markBranchTarget(eval, std::get<1>(s.t));
847 markBranchTarget(eval, std::get<2>(s.t));
848 markBranchTarget(eval, std::get<3>(s.t));
849 },
850 [&](const parser::AssignStmt &s) { // legacy label assignment
851 auto &label = std::get<parser::Label>(s.t);
852 const auto *sym = std::get<parser::Name>(s.t).symbol;
853 assert(sym && "missing AssignStmt symbol");
854 lower::pft::Evaluation *target{
855 labelEvaluationMap->find(label)->second};
856 assert(target && "missing branch target evaluation");
857 if (!target->isA<parser::FormatStmt>())
858 target->isNewBlock = true;
859 auto iter = assignSymbolLabelMap->find(*sym);
860 if (iter == assignSymbolLabelMap->end()) {
861 lower::pft::LabelSet labelSet{};
862 labelSet.insert(label);
863 assignSymbolLabelMap->try_emplace(*sym, labelSet);
864 } else {
865 iter->second.insert(label);
866 }
867 },
868 [&](const parser::AssignedGotoStmt &) {
869 // Although this statement is a branch, it doesn't have any
870 // explicit control successors. So the code at the end of the
871 // loop won't mark the successor. Do that here.
872 eval.isUnstructured = true;
873 markSuccessorAsNewBlock(eval);
874 },
876 // The first executable statement after an EntryStmt is a new block.
877 [&](const parser::EntryStmt &) {
878 eval.lexicalSuccessor->isNewBlock = true;
879 },
881 // Construct statements
882 [&](const parser::AssociateStmt &s) {
883 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
884 },
885 [&](const parser::BlockStmt &s) {
886 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
887 },
888 [&](const parser::SelectCaseStmt &s) {
889 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
890 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
891 },
892 [&](const parser::CaseStmt &) {
893 eval.isNewBlock = true;
894 lastConstructStmtEvaluation->controlSuccessor = &eval;
895 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
896 },
897 [&](const parser::EndSelectStmt &) {
898 eval.isNewBlock = true;
899 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = nullptr;
900 },
901 [&](const parser::ChangeTeamStmt &s) {
902 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
903 },
904 [&](const parser::CriticalStmt &s) {
905 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
906 },
907 [&](const parser::NonLabelDoStmt &s) {
908 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
909 doConstructStack.push_back(parentConstruct);
910 const auto &loopControl =
911 std::get<std::optional<parser::LoopControl>>(s.t);
912 if (!loopControl.has_value()) {
913 eval.isUnstructured = true; // infinite loop
914 return;
915 }
916 eval.nonNopSuccessor().isNewBlock = true;
917 eval.controlSuccessor = &evaluationList.back();
918 if (const auto *bounds =
919 std::get_if<parser::LoopControl::Bounds>(&loopControl->u)) {
920 if (bounds->name.thing.symbol->GetType()->IsNumeric(
921 common::TypeCategory::Real))
922 eval.isUnstructured = true; // real-valued loop control
923 } else if (std::get_if<parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>(
924 &loopControl->u)) {
925 eval.isUnstructured = true; // while loop
926 }
927 },
928 [&](const parser::EndDoStmt &) {
929 lower::pft::Evaluation &doEval = evaluationList.front();
930 eval.controlSuccessor = &doEval;
931 doConstructStack.pop_back();
932 if (parentConstruct->lowerAsStructured())
933 return;
934 // The loop is unstructured, which wasn't known for all cases when
935 // visiting the NonLabelDoStmt.
936 parentConstruct->constructExit->isNewBlock = true;
937 const auto &doStmt = *doEval.getIf<parser::NonLabelDoStmt>();
938 const auto &loopControl =
939 std::get<std::optional<parser::LoopControl>>(doStmt.t);
940 if (!loopControl.has_value())
941 return; // infinite loop
942 if (const auto *concurrent =
943 std::get_if<parser::LoopControl::Concurrent>(
944 &loopControl->u)) {
945 // If there is a mask, the EndDoStmt starts a new block.
946 const auto &header =
947 std::get<parser::ConcurrentHeader>(concurrent->t);
948 eval.isNewBlock |=
949 std::get<std::optional<parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>>(header.t)
950 .has_value();
951 }
952 },
953 [&](const parser::IfThenStmt &s) {
954 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
955 eval.lexicalSuccessor->isNewBlock = true;
956 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
957 },
958 [&](const parser::ElseIfStmt &) {
959 eval.isNewBlock = true;
960 eval.lexicalSuccessor->isNewBlock = true;
961 lastConstructStmtEvaluation->controlSuccessor = &eval;
962 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
963 },
964 [&](const parser::ElseStmt &) {
965 eval.isNewBlock = true;
966 lastConstructStmtEvaluation->controlSuccessor = &eval;
967 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = nullptr;
968 },
969 [&](const parser::EndIfStmt &) {
970 if (parentConstruct->lowerAsUnstructured())
971 parentConstruct->constructExit->isNewBlock = true;
972 if (lastConstructStmtEvaluation) {
973 lastConstructStmtEvaluation->controlSuccessor =
974 parentConstruct->constructExit;
975 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = nullptr;
976 }
977 },
978 [&](const parser::SelectRankStmt &s) {
979 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
980 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
981 },
982 [&](const parser::SelectRankCaseStmt &) {
983 eval.isNewBlock = true;
984 lastConstructStmtEvaluation->controlSuccessor = &eval;
985 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
986 },
987 [&](const parser::SelectTypeStmt &s) {
988 insertConstructName(s, parentConstruct);
989 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
990 },
991 [&](const parser::TypeGuardStmt &) {
992 eval.isNewBlock = true;
993 lastConstructStmtEvaluation->controlSuccessor = &eval;
994 lastConstructStmtEvaluation = &eval;
995 },
997 // Constructs - set (unstructured) construct exit targets
998 [&](const parser::AssociateConstruct &) {
999 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1000 },
1001 [&](const parser::BlockConstruct &) {
1002 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1003 },
1004 [&](const parser::CaseConstruct &) {
1005 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1006 eval.isUnstructured = true;
1007 },
1008 [&](const parser::ChangeTeamConstruct &) {
1009 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1010 },
1011 [&](const parser::CriticalConstruct &) {
1012 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1013 },
1014 [&](const parser::DoConstruct &) { setConstructExit(eval); },
1015 [&](const parser::ForallConstruct &) { setConstructExit(eval); },
1016 [&](const parser::IfConstruct &) { setConstructExit(eval); },
1017 [&](const parser::SelectRankConstruct &) {
1018 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1019 eval.isUnstructured = true;
1020 },
1021 [&](const parser::SelectTypeConstruct &) {
1022 eval.constructExit = &eval.evaluationList->back();
1023 eval.isUnstructured = true;
1024 },
1025 [&](const parser::WhereConstruct &) { setConstructExit(eval); },
1027 // Default - Common analysis for IO statements; otherwise nop.
1028 [&](const auto &stmt) {
1029 using A = std::decay_t<decltype(stmt)>;
1030 using IoStmts = std::tuple<
1031 parser::BackspaceStmt, parser::CloseStmt, parser::EndfileStmt,
1032 parser::FlushStmt, parser::InquireStmt, parser::OpenStmt,
1033 parser::PrintStmt, parser::ReadStmt, parser::RewindStmt,
1034 parser::WaitStmt, parser::WriteStmt>;
1035 if constexpr (common::HasMember<A, IoStmts>)
1036 analyzeIoBranches(eval, stmt);
1037 },
1038 });
1040 // Analyze construct evaluations.
1041 if (eval.evaluationList)
1042 analyzeBranches(&eval, *eval.evaluationList);
1044 // Propagate isUnstructured flag to enclosing construct.
1045 if (parentConstruct && eval.isUnstructured)
1046 parentConstruct->isUnstructured = true;
1048 // The successor of a branch starts a new block.
1049 if (eval.controlSuccessor && eval.isActionStmt() &&
1050 eval.lowerAsUnstructured())
1051 markSuccessorAsNewBlock(eval);
1052 }
1053 }
1055 /// Do processing specific to subprograms with multiple entry points.
1056 void processEntryPoints() {
1057 lower::pft::Evaluation *initialEval = &evaluationListStack.back()->front();
1058 lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit *unit = initialEval->getOwningProcedure();
1059 int entryCount = unit->entryPointList.size();
1060 if (entryCount == 1)
1061 return;
1063 // The first executable statement in the subprogram is preceded by a
1064 // branch to the entry point, so it starts a new block.
1065 if (initialEval->hasNestedEvaluations())
1066 initialEval = &initialEval->getFirstNestedEvaluation();
1067 else if (initialEval->isA<Fortran::parser::EntryStmt>())
1068 initialEval = initialEval->lexicalSuccessor;
1069 initialEval->isNewBlock = true;
1071 // All function entry points share a single result container.
1072 // Find one of the largest results.
1073 for (int entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < entryCount; ++entryIndex) {
1074 unit->setActiveEntry(entryIndex);
1075 const auto &details =
1076 unit->getSubprogramSymbol().get<semantics::SubprogramDetails>();
1077 if (details.isFunction()) {
1078 const semantics::Symbol *resultSym = &details.result();
1079 assert(resultSym && "missing result symbol");
1080 if (!unit->primaryResult ||
1081 unit->primaryResult->size() < resultSym->size())
1082 unit->primaryResult = resultSym;
1083 }
1084 }
1085 unit->setActiveEntry(0);
1086 }
1088 std::unique_ptr<lower::pft::Program> pgm;
1089 std::vector<lower::pft::PftNode> pftParentStack;
1090 const semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext;
1092 /// functionList points to the internal or module procedure function list
1093 /// of a FunctionLikeUnit or a ModuleLikeUnit. It may be null.
1094 std::list<lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit> *functionList{};
1095 std::vector<lower::pft::Evaluation *> constructAndDirectiveStack{};
1096 std::vector<lower::pft::Evaluation *> doConstructStack{};
1097 /// evaluationListStack is the current nested construct evaluationList state.
1098 std::vector<lower::pft::EvaluationList *> evaluationListStack{};
1099 llvm::DenseMap<parser::Label, lower::pft::Evaluation *> *labelEvaluationMap{};
1100 lower::pft::SymbolLabelMap *assignSymbolLabelMap{};
1101 std::map<std::string, lower::pft::Evaluation *> constructNameMap{};
1102 lower::pft::Evaluation *lastLexicalEvaluation{};
1105#ifndef NDEBUG
1106/// Dump all program scopes and symbols with addresses to disambiguate names.
1107/// This is static, unchanging front end information, so dump it only once.
1108void dumpScope(const semantics::Scope *scope, int depth) {
1109 static int initialVisitCounter = 0;
1110 if (depth < 0) {
1111 if (++initialVisitCounter != 1)
1112 return;
1113 while (!scope->IsGlobal())
1114 scope = &scope->parent();
1115 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Full program scope information.\n"
1116 "Addresses in angle brackets are scopes. "
1117 "Unbracketed addresses are symbols.\n");
1118 }
1119 static const std::string white{" ++"};
1120 std::string w = white.substr(pos: 0, n: depth * 2);
1121 if (depth >= 0) {
1122 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << w << "<" << scope << "> ");
1123 if (auto *sym{scope->symbol()}) {
1124 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << sym << " " << *sym << "\n");
1125 } else {
1126 if (scope->IsIntrinsicModules()) {
1127 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "IntrinsicModules (no detail)\n");
1128 return;
1129 }
1130 if (scope->kind() == Fortran::semantics::Scope::Kind::BlockConstruct)
1131 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[block]\n");
1132 else
1133 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[anonymous]\n");
1134 }
1135 }
1136 for (const auto &scp : scope->children())
1137 if (!scp.symbol())
1138 dumpScope(&scp, depth + 1);
1139 for (auto iter = scope->begin(); iter != scope->end(); ++iter) {
1140 common::Reference<semantics::Symbol> sym = iter->second;
1141 if (auto scp = sym->scope())
1142 dumpScope(scp, depth + 1);
1143 else
1144 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << w + " " << &*sym << " " << *sym << "\n");
1145 }
1147#endif // NDEBUG
1149class PFTDumper {
1151 void dumpPFT(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1152 const lower::pft::Program &pft) {
1153 for (auto &unit : pft.getUnits()) {
1154 std::visit(common::visitors{
1155 [&](const lower::pft::BlockDataUnit &unit) {
1156 outputStream << getNodeIndex(unit) << " ";
1157 outputStream << "BlockData: ";
1158 outputStream << "\nEnd BlockData\n\n";
1159 },
1160 [&](const lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &func) {
1161 dumpFunctionLikeUnit(outputStream, func);
1162 },
1163 [&](const lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &unit) {
1164 dumpModuleLikeUnit(outputStream, unit);
1165 },
1166 [&](const lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit &unit) {
1167 dumpCompilerDirectiveUnit(outputStream, unit);
1168 },
1169 [&](const lower::pft::OpenACCDirectiveUnit &unit) {
1170 dumpOpenACCDirectiveUnit(outputStream, unit);
1171 },
1172 },
1173 unit);
1174 }
1175 }
1177 llvm::StringRef evaluationName(const lower::pft::Evaluation &eval) {
1178 return eval.visit([](const auto &parseTreeNode) {
1179 return parser::ParseTreeDumper::GetNodeName(parseTreeNode);
1180 });
1181 }
1183 void dumpEvaluation(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1184 const lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
1185 const std::string &indentString, int indent = 1) {
1186 llvm::StringRef name = evaluationName(eval);
1187 llvm::StringRef newBlock = eval.isNewBlock ? "^" : "";
1188 llvm::StringRef bang = eval.isUnstructured ? "!" : "";
1189 outputStream << indentString;
1190 if (eval.printIndex)
1191 outputStream << eval.printIndex << ' ';
1192 if (eval.hasNestedEvaluations())
1193 outputStream << "<<" << newBlock << name << bang << ">>";
1194 else
1195 outputStream << newBlock << name << bang;
1196 if (eval.negateCondition)
1197 outputStream << " [negate]";
1198 if (eval.constructExit)
1199 outputStream << " -> " << eval.constructExit->printIndex;
1200 else if (eval.controlSuccessor)
1201 outputStream << " -> " << eval.controlSuccessor->printIndex;
1202 else if (eval.isA<parser::EntryStmt>() && eval.lexicalSuccessor)
1203 outputStream << " -> " << eval.lexicalSuccessor->printIndex;
1204 if (!eval.position.empty())
1205 outputStream << ": " << eval.position.ToString();
1206 else if (auto *dir = eval.getIf<Fortran::parser::CompilerDirective>())
1207 outputStream << ": !" << dir->source.ToString();
1208 outputStream << '\n';
1209 if (eval.hasNestedEvaluations()) {
1210 dumpEvaluationList(outputStream, *eval.evaluationList, indent + 1);
1211 outputStream << indentString << "<<End " << name << bang << ">>\n";
1212 }
1213 }
1215 void dumpEvaluation(llvm::raw_ostream &ostream,
1216 const lower::pft::Evaluation &eval) {
1217 dumpEvaluation(ostream, eval, "");
1218 }
1220 void dumpEvaluationList(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1221 const lower::pft::EvaluationList &evaluationList,
1222 int indent = 1) {
1223 static const auto white = " ++"s;
1224 auto indentString = white.substr(0, indent * 2);
1225 for (const lower::pft::Evaluation &eval : evaluationList)
1226 dumpEvaluation(outputStream, eval, indentString, indent);
1227 }
1229 void
1230 dumpFunctionLikeUnit(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1231 const lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &functionLikeUnit) {
1232 outputStream << getNodeIndex(functionLikeUnit) << " ";
1233 llvm::StringRef unitKind;
1234 llvm::StringRef name;
1235 llvm::StringRef header;
1236 if (functionLikeUnit.beginStmt) {
1237 functionLikeUnit.beginStmt->visit(common::visitors{
1238 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::ProgramStmt> &stmt) {
1239 unitKind = "Program";
1240 name = toStringRef(stmt.statement.v.source);
1241 },
1242 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::FunctionStmt> &stmt) {
1243 unitKind = "Function";
1244 name = toStringRef(std::get<parser::Name>(stmt.statement.t).source);
1245 header = toStringRef(stmt.source);
1246 },
1247 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::SubroutineStmt> &stmt) {
1248 unitKind = "Subroutine";
1249 name = toStringRef(std::get<parser::Name>(stmt.statement.t).source);
1250 header = toStringRef(stmt.source);
1251 },
1252 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::MpSubprogramStmt> &stmt) {
1253 unitKind = "MpSubprogram";
1254 name = toStringRef(stmt.statement.v.source);
1255 header = toStringRef(stmt.source);
1256 },
1257 [&](const auto &) { llvm_unreachable("not a valid begin stmt"); },
1258 });
1259 } else {
1260 unitKind = "Program";
1261 name = "<anonymous>";
1262 }
1263 outputStream << unitKind << ' ' << name;
1264 if (!header.empty())
1265 outputStream << ": " << header;
1266 outputStream << '\n';
1267 dumpEvaluationList(outputStream, functionLikeUnit.evaluationList);
1268 if (!functionLikeUnit.nestedFunctions.empty()) {
1269 outputStream << "\nContains\n";
1270 for (const lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &func :
1271 functionLikeUnit.nestedFunctions)
1272 dumpFunctionLikeUnit(outputStream, func);
1273 outputStream << "End Contains\n";
1274 }
1275 outputStream << "End " << unitKind << ' ' << name << "\n\n";
1276 }
1278 void dumpModuleLikeUnit(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1279 const lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit &moduleLikeUnit) {
1280 outputStream << getNodeIndex(moduleLikeUnit) << " ";
1281 llvm::StringRef unitKind;
1282 llvm::StringRef name;
1283 llvm::StringRef header;
1284 moduleLikeUnit.beginStmt.visit(common::visitors{
1285 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::ModuleStmt> &stmt) {
1286 unitKind = "Module";
1287 name = toStringRef(stmt.statement.v.source);
1288 header = toStringRef(stmt.source);
1289 },
1290 [&](const parser::Statement<parser::SubmoduleStmt> &stmt) {
1291 unitKind = "Submodule";
1292 name = toStringRef(std::get<parser::Name>(stmt.statement.t).source);
1293 header = toStringRef(stmt.source);
1294 },
1295 [&](const auto &) {
1296 llvm_unreachable("not a valid module begin stmt");
1297 },
1298 });
1299 outputStream << unitKind << ' ' << name << ": " << header << '\n';
1300 dumpEvaluationList(outputStream, moduleLikeUnit.evaluationList);
1301 outputStream << "Contains\n";
1302 for (const lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &func :
1303 moduleLikeUnit.nestedFunctions)
1304 dumpFunctionLikeUnit(outputStream, func);
1305 outputStream << "End Contains\nEnd " << unitKind << ' ' << name << "\n\n";
1306 }
1308 // Top level directives
1309 void dumpCompilerDirectiveUnit(
1310 llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1311 const lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit &directive) {
1312 outputStream << getNodeIndex(directive) << " ";
1313 outputStream << "CompilerDirective: !";
1314 outputStream << directive.get<Fortran::parser::CompilerDirective>()
1315 .source.ToString();
1316 outputStream << "\nEnd CompilerDirective\n\n";
1317 }
1319 void
1320 dumpOpenACCDirectiveUnit(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1321 const lower::pft::OpenACCDirectiveUnit &directive) {
1322 outputStream << getNodeIndex(directive) << " ";
1323 outputStream << "OpenACCDirective: !$acc ";
1324 outputStream << directive.get<Fortran::parser::OpenACCRoutineConstruct>()
1325 .source.ToString();
1326 outputStream << "\nEnd OpenACCDirective\n\n";
1327 }
1329 template <typename T>
1330 std::size_t getNodeIndex(const T &node) {
1331 auto addr = static_cast<const void *>(&node);
1332 auto it = nodeIndexes.find(Val: addr);
1333 if (it != nodeIndexes.end())
1334 return it->second;
1335 nodeIndexes.try_emplace(Key: addr, Args&: nextIndex);
1336 return nextIndex++;
1337 }
1338 std::size_t getNodeIndex(const lower::pft::Program &) { return 0; }
1341 llvm::DenseMap<const void *, std::size_t> nodeIndexes;
1342 std::size_t nextIndex{1}; // 0 is the root
1345} // namespace
1347template <typename A, typename T>
1348static lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::FunctionStatement
1349getFunctionStmt(const T &func) {
1350 lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::FunctionStatement result{
1351 std::get<parser::Statement<A>>(func.t)};
1352 return result;
1355template <typename A, typename T>
1356static lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit::ModuleStatement getModuleStmt(const T &mod) {
1357 lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit::ModuleStatement result{
1358 std::get<parser::Statement<A>>(mod.t)};
1359 return result;
1362template <typename A>
1363static const semantics::Symbol *getSymbol(A &beginStmt) {
1364 const auto *symbol = beginStmt.visit(common::visitors{
1365 [](const parser::Statement<parser::ProgramStmt> &stmt)
1366 -> const semantics::Symbol * { return stmt.statement.v.symbol; },
1367 [](const parser::Statement<parser::FunctionStmt> &stmt)
1368 -> const semantics::Symbol * {
1369 return std::get<parser::Name>(stmt.statement.t).symbol;
1370 },
1371 [](const parser::Statement<parser::SubroutineStmt> &stmt)
1372 -> const semantics::Symbol * {
1373 return std::get<parser::Name>(stmt.statement.t).symbol;
1374 },
1375 [](const parser::Statement<parser::MpSubprogramStmt> &stmt)
1376 -> const semantics::Symbol * { return stmt.statement.v.symbol; },
1377 [](const parser::Statement<parser::ModuleStmt> &stmt)
1378 -> const semantics::Symbol * { return stmt.statement.v.symbol; },
1379 [](const parser::Statement<parser::SubmoduleStmt> &stmt)
1380 -> const semantics::Symbol * {
1381 return std::get<parser::Name>(stmt.statement.t).symbol;
1382 },
1383 [](const auto &) -> const semantics::Symbol * {
1384 llvm_unreachable("unknown FunctionLike or ModuleLike beginStmt");
1385 return nullptr;
1386 }});
1387 assert(symbol && "parser::Name must have resolved symbol");
1388 return symbol;
1391bool Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation::lowerAsStructured() const {
1392 return !lowerAsUnstructured();
1395bool Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation::lowerAsUnstructured() const {
1396 return isUnstructured || clDisableStructuredFir;
1399bool Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation::forceAsUnstructured() const {
1400 return clDisableStructuredFir;
1403lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit *
1404Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation::getOwningProcedure() const {
1405 return parent.visit(common::visitors{
1406 [](lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &c) { return &c; },
1407 [&](lower::pft::Evaluation &c) { return c.getOwningProcedure(); },
1408 [](auto &) -> lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit * { return nullptr; },
1409 });
1412bool Fortran::lower::definedInCommonBlock(const semantics::Symbol &sym) {
1413 return semantics::FindCommonBlockContaining(sym);
1416/// Is the symbol `sym` a global?
1417bool Fortran::lower::symbolIsGlobal(const semantics::Symbol &sym) {
1418 return semantics::IsSaved(sym) || lower::definedInCommonBlock(sym) ||
1419 semantics::IsNamedConstant(sym);
1422namespace {
1423/// This helper class sorts the symbols in a scope such that a symbol will
1424/// be placed after those it depends upon. Otherwise the sort is stable and
1425/// preserves the order of the symbol table, which is sorted by name. This
1426/// analysis may also be done for an individual symbol.
1427struct SymbolDependenceAnalysis {
1428 explicit SymbolDependenceAnalysis(const semantics::Scope &scope) {
1429 analyzeEquivalenceSets(scope);
1430 for (const auto &iter : scope)
1431 analyze(iter.second.get());
1432 finalize();
1433 }
1434 explicit SymbolDependenceAnalysis(const semantics::Symbol &symbol) {
1435 analyzeEquivalenceSets(symbol.owner());
1436 analyze(symbol);
1437 finalize();
1438 }
1439 Fortran::lower::pft::VariableList getVariableList() {
1440 return std::move(layeredVarList[0]);
1441 }
1444 /// Analyze the equivalence sets defined in \p scope, plus the equivalence
1445 /// sets in host module, submodule, and procedure scopes that may define
1446 /// symbols referenced in \p scope. This analysis excludes equivalence sets
1447 /// involving common blocks, which are handled elsewhere.
1448 void analyzeEquivalenceSets(const semantics::Scope &scope) {
1449 // FIXME: When this function is called on the scope of an internal
1450 // procedure whose parent contains an EQUIVALENCE set and the internal
1451 // procedure uses variables from that EQUIVALENCE set, we end up creating
1452 // an AggregateStore for those variables unnecessarily.
1454 // A function defined in a [sub]module has no explicit USE of its ancestor
1455 // [sub]modules. Analyze those scopes here to accommodate references to
1456 // symbols in them.
1457 for (auto *scp = &scope.parent(); !scp->IsGlobal(); scp = &scp->parent())
1458 if (scp->kind() == Fortran::semantics::Scope::Kind::Module)
1459 analyzeLocalEquivalenceSets(*scp);
1460 // Analyze local, USEd, and host procedure scope equivalences.
1461 for (const auto &iter : scope) {
1462 const semantics::Symbol &ultimate = iter.second.get().GetUltimate();
1463 if (!skipSymbol(ultimate))
1464 analyzeLocalEquivalenceSets(ultimate.owner());
1465 }
1466 // Add all aggregate stores to the front of the variable list.
1467 adjustSize(size: 1);
1468 // The copy in the loop matters, 'stores' will still be used.
1469 for (auto st : stores)
1470 layeredVarList[0].emplace_back(std::move(st));
1471 }
1473 /// Analyze the equivalence sets defined locally in \p scope that don't
1474 /// involve common blocks.
1475 void analyzeLocalEquivalenceSets(const semantics::Scope &scope) {
1476 if (scope.equivalenceSets().empty())
1477 return; // no equivalence sets to analyze
1478 if (analyzedScopes.contains(&scope))
1479 return; // equivalence sets already analyzed
1481 analyzedScopes.insert(&scope);
1482 std::list<std::list<semantics::SymbolRef>> aggregates =
1483 Fortran::semantics::GetStorageAssociations(scope);
1484 for (std::list<semantics::SymbolRef> aggregate : aggregates) {
1485 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *aggregateSym = nullptr;
1486 bool isGlobal = false;
1487 const semantics::Symbol &first = *aggregate.front();
1488 // Exclude equivalence sets involving common blocks.
1489 // Those are handled in instantiateCommon.
1490 if (lower::definedInCommonBlock(first))
1491 continue;
1492 std::size_t start = first.offset();
1493 std::size_t end = first.offset() + first.size();
1494 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *namingSym = nullptr;
1495 for (semantics::SymbolRef symRef : aggregate) {
1496 const semantics::Symbol &sym = *symRef;
1497 aliasSyms.insert(&sym);
1498 if (sym.test(Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::CompilerCreated)) {
1499 aggregateSym = &sym;
1500 } else {
1501 isGlobal |= lower::symbolIsGlobal(sym);
1502 start = std::min(sym.offset(), start);
1503 end = std::max(sym.offset() + sym.size(), end);
1504 if (!namingSym || (sym.name() < namingSym->name()))
1505 namingSym = &sym;
1506 }
1507 }
1508 assert(namingSym && "must contain at least one user symbol");
1509 if (!aggregateSym) {
1510 stores.emplace_back(
1511 Fortran::lower::pft::Variable::Interval{start, end - start},
1512 *namingSym, isGlobal);
1513 } else {
1514 stores.emplace_back(*aggregateSym, *namingSym, isGlobal);
1515 }
1516 }
1517 }
1519 // Recursively visit each symbol to determine the height of its dependence on
1520 // other symbols.
1521 int analyze(const semantics::Symbol &sym) {
1522 auto done = seen.insert(&sym);
1523 if (!done.second)
1524 return 0;
1525 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "analyze symbol " << &sym << " in <"
1526 << &sym.owner() << ">: " << sym << '\n');
1527 const bool isProcedurePointerOrDummy =
1528 semantics::IsProcedurePointer(sym) ||
1529 (semantics::IsProcedure(sym) && IsDummy(sym));
1530 // A procedure argument in a subprogram with multiple entry points might
1531 // need a layeredVarList entry to trigger creation of a symbol map entry
1532 // in some cases. Non-dummy procedures don't.
1533 if (semantics::IsProcedure(sym) && !isProcedurePointerOrDummy)
1534 return 0;
1535 // Derived type component symbols may be collected by "CollectSymbols"
1536 // below when processing something like "real :: x(derived%component)". The
1537 // symbol "component" has "ObjectEntityDetails", but it should not be
1538 // instantiated: it is part of "derived" that should be the only one to
1539 // be instantiated.
1540 if (sym.owner().IsDerivedType())
1541 return 0;
1543 semantics::Symbol ultimate = sym.GetUltimate();
1544 if (const auto *details =
1545 ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::NamelistDetails>()) {
1546 // handle namelist group symbols
1547 for (const semantics::SymbolRef &s : details->objects())
1548 analyze(s);
1549 return 0;
1550 }
1551 if (!ultimate.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>() &&
1552 !isProcedurePointerOrDummy)
1553 return 0;
1555 if (sym.has<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>())
1556 llvm_unreachable("not yet implemented - derived type analysis");
1558 // Symbol must be something lowering will have to allocate.
1559 int depth = 0;
1560 // Analyze symbols appearing in object entity specification expressions.
1561 // This ensures these symbols will be instantiated before the current one.
1562 // This is not done for object entities that are host associated because
1563 // they must be instantiated from the value of the host symbols.
1564 // (The specification expressions should not be re-evaluated.)
1565 if (const auto *details = sym.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()) {
1566 const semantics::DeclTypeSpec *symTy = sym.GetType();
1567 assert(symTy && "symbol must have a type");
1568 // check CHARACTER's length
1569 if (symTy->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::Character)
1570 if (auto e = symTy->characterTypeSpec().length().GetExplicit())
1571 for (const auto &s : evaluate::CollectSymbols(*e))
1572 depth = std::max(analyze(s) + 1, depth);
1574 auto doExplicit = [&](const auto &bound) {
1575 if (bound.isExplicit()) {
1576 semantics::SomeExpr e{*bound.GetExplicit()};
1577 for (const auto &s : evaluate::CollectSymbols(e))
1578 depth = std::max(analyze(s) + 1, depth);
1579 }
1580 };
1581 // Handle any symbols in array bound declarations.
1582 for (const semantics::ShapeSpec &subs : details->shape()) {
1583 doExplicit(subs.lbound());
1584 doExplicit(subs.ubound());
1585 }
1586 // Handle any symbols in coarray bound declarations.
1587 for (const semantics::ShapeSpec &subs : details->coshape()) {
1588 doExplicit(subs.lbound());
1589 doExplicit(subs.ubound());
1590 }
1591 // Handle any symbols in initialization expressions.
1592 if (auto e = details->init())
1593 for (const auto &s : evaluate::CollectSymbols(*e))
1594 if (!s->has<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>())
1595 depth = std::max(analyze(s) + 1, depth);
1596 }
1598 // Make sure cray pointer is instantiated even if it is not visible.
1599 if (ultimate.test(Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::CrayPointee))
1600 depth = std::max(
1601 analyze(Fortran::semantics::GetCrayPointer(ultimate)) + 1, depth);
1602 adjustSize(size: depth + 1);
1603 bool global = lower::symbolIsGlobal(sym);
1604 layeredVarList[depth].emplace_back(sym, global, depth);
1605 if (semantics::IsAllocatable(sym))
1606 layeredVarList[depth].back().setHeapAlloc();
1607 if (semantics::IsPointer(sym))
1608 layeredVarList[depth].back().setPointer();
1609 if (ultimate.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::TARGET))
1610 layeredVarList[depth].back().setTarget();
1612 // If there are alias sets, then link the participating variables to their
1613 // aggregate stores when constructing the new variable on the list.
1614 if (lower::pft::Variable::AggregateStore *store = findStoreIfAlias(sym))
1615 layeredVarList[depth].back().setAlias(store->getOffset());
1616 return depth;
1617 }
1619 /// Skip symbol in alias analysis.
1620 bool skipSymbol(const semantics::Symbol &sym) {
1621 // Common block equivalences are largely managed by the front end.
1622 // Compiler generated symbols ('.' names) cannot be equivalenced.
1623 // FIXME: Equivalence code generation may need to be revisited.
1624 return !sym.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>() ||
1625 lower::definedInCommonBlock(sym) || sym.name()[0] == '.';
1626 }
1628 // Make sure the table is of appropriate size.
1629 void adjustSize(std::size_t size) {
1630 if (layeredVarList.size() < size)
1631 layeredVarList.resize(size);
1632 }
1634 Fortran::lower::pft::Variable::AggregateStore *
1635 findStoreIfAlias(const Fortran::evaluate::Symbol &sym) {
1636 const semantics::Symbol &ultimate = sym.GetUltimate();
1637 const semantics::Scope &scope = ultimate.owner();
1638 // Expect the total number of EQUIVALENCE sets to be small for a typical
1639 // Fortran program.
1640 if (aliasSyms.contains(&ultimate)) {
1641 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "found aggregate containing " << &ultimate
1642 << " " << ultimate.name() << " in <" << &scope
1643 << "> " << scope.GetName() << '\n');
1644 std::size_t off = ultimate.offset();
1645 std::size_t symSize = ultimate.size();
1646 for (lower::pft::Variable::AggregateStore &v : stores) {
1647 if (&v.getOwningScope() == &scope) {
1648 auto intervalOff = std::get<0>(v.interval);
1649 auto intervalSize = std::get<1>(v.interval);
1650 if (off >= intervalOff && off < intervalOff + intervalSize)
1651 return &v;
1652 // Zero sized symbol in zero sized equivalence.
1653 if (off == intervalOff && symSize == 0)
1654 return &v;
1655 }
1656 }
1657 // clang-format off
1659 llvm::dbgs() << "looking for " << off << "\n{\n";
1660 for (lower::pft::Variable::AggregateStore &v : stores) {
1661 llvm::dbgs() << " in scope: " << &v.getOwningScope() << "\n";
1662 llvm::dbgs() << " i = [" << std::get<0>(v.interval) << ".."
1663 << std::get<0>(v.interval) + std::get<1>(v.interval)
1664 << "]\n";
1665 }
1666 llvm::dbgs() << "}\n");
1667 // clang-format on
1668 llvm_unreachable("the store must be present");
1669 }
1670 return nullptr;
1671 }
1673 /// Flatten the result VariableList.
1674 void finalize() {
1675 for (int i = 1, end = layeredVarList.size(); i < end; ++i)
1676 layeredVarList[0].insert(layeredVarList[0].end(),
1677 layeredVarList[i].begin(),
1678 layeredVarList[i].end());
1679 }
1681 llvm::SmallSet<const semantics::Symbol *, 32> seen;
1682 std::vector<Fortran::lower::pft::VariableList> layeredVarList;
1683 llvm::SmallSet<const semantics::Symbol *, 32> aliasSyms;
1684 /// Set of scopes that have been analyzed for aliases.
1685 llvm::SmallSet<const semantics::Scope *, 4> analyzedScopes;
1686 std::vector<Fortran::lower::pft::Variable::AggregateStore> stores;
1688} // namespace
1691// FunctionLikeUnit implementation
1695 const parser::MainProgram &func, const lower::pft::PftNode &parent,
1696 const semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext)
1697 : ProgramUnit{func, parent},
1698 endStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::EndProgramStmt>(func)} {
1699 const auto &programStmt =
1700 std::get<std::optional<parser::Statement<parser::ProgramStmt>>>(func.t);
1701 if (programStmt.has_value()) {
1702 beginStmt = FunctionStatement(programStmt.value());
1703 const semantics::Symbol *symbol = getSymbol(*beginStmt);
1704 entryPointList[0].first = symbol;
1705 scope = symbol->scope();
1706 } else {
1707 scope = &semanticsContext.FindScope(
1708 std::get<parser::Statement<parser::EndProgramStmt>>(func.t).source);
1709 }
1713 const parser::FunctionSubprogram &func, const lower::pft::PftNode &parent,
1714 const semantics::SemanticsContext &)
1715 : ProgramUnit{func, parent},
1716 beginStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::FunctionStmt>(func)},
1717 endStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::EndFunctionStmt>(func)} {
1718 const semantics::Symbol *symbol = getSymbol(*beginStmt);
1719 entryPointList[0].first = symbol;
1720 scope = symbol->scope();
1724 const parser::SubroutineSubprogram &func, const lower::pft::PftNode &parent,
1725 const semantics::SemanticsContext &)
1726 : ProgramUnit{func, parent},
1727 beginStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::SubroutineStmt>(func)},
1728 endStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::EndSubroutineStmt>(func)} {
1729 const semantics::Symbol *symbol = getSymbol(*beginStmt);
1730 entryPointList[0].first = symbol;
1731 scope = symbol->scope();
1735 const parser::SeparateModuleSubprogram &func,
1736 const lower::pft::PftNode &parent, const semantics::SemanticsContext &)
1737 : ProgramUnit{func, parent},
1738 beginStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::MpSubprogramStmt>(func)},
1739 endStmt{getFunctionStmt<parser::EndMpSubprogramStmt>(func)} {
1740 const semantics::Symbol *symbol = getSymbol(*beginStmt);
1741 entryPointList[0].first = symbol;
1742 scope = symbol->scope();
1745Fortran::lower::HostAssociations &
1746Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::parentHostAssoc() {
1747 if (auto *par = parent.getIf<FunctionLikeUnit>())
1748 return par->hostAssociations;
1749 llvm::report_fatal_error("parent is not a function");
1752bool Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::parentHasTupleHostAssoc() {
1753 if (auto *par = parent.getIf<FunctionLikeUnit>())
1754 return par->hostAssociations.hasTupleAssociations();
1755 return false;
1758bool Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::parentHasHostAssoc() {
1759 if (auto *par = parent.getIf<FunctionLikeUnit>())
1760 return !par->hostAssociations.empty();
1761 return false;
1765Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::getStartingSourceLoc() const {
1766 if (beginStmt)
1767 return stmtSourceLoc(*beginStmt);
1768 return scope->sourceRange();
1772// ModuleLikeUnit implementation
1776 const parser::Module &m, const lower::pft::PftNode &parent)
1777 : ProgramUnit{m, parent}, beginStmt{getModuleStmt<parser::ModuleStmt>(m)},
1778 endStmt{getModuleStmt<parser::EndModuleStmt>(m)} {}
1781 const parser::Submodule &m, const lower::pft::PftNode &parent)
1782 : ProgramUnit{m, parent},
1783 beginStmt{getModuleStmt<parser::SubmoduleStmt>(m)},
1784 endStmt{getModuleStmt<parser::EndSubmoduleStmt>(m)} {}
1787Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit::getStartingSourceLoc() const {
1788 return stmtSourceLoc(beginStmt);
1790const Fortran::semantics::Scope &
1791Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit::getScope() const {
1792 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *symbol = getSymbol(beginStmt);
1793 assert(symbol && symbol->scope() &&
1794 "Module statement must have a symbol with a scope");
1795 return *symbol->scope();
1799// BlockDataUnit implementation
1803 const parser::BlockData &bd, const lower::pft::PftNode &parent,
1804 const semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext)
1805 : ProgramUnit{bd, parent},
1806 symTab{semanticsContext.FindScope(
1807 std::get<parser::Statement<parser::EndBlockDataStmt>>(bd.t).source)} {
1811// Variable implementation
1814bool Fortran::lower::pft::Variable::isRuntimeTypeInfoData() const {
1815 // So far, use flags to detect if this symbol were generated during
1816 // semantics::BuildRuntimeDerivedTypeTables(). Scope cannot be used since the
1817 // symbols are injected in the user scopes defining the described derived
1818 // types. A robustness improvement for this test could be to get hands on the
1819 // semantics::RuntimeDerivedTypeTables and to check if the symbol names
1820 // belongs to this structure.
1821 using Flags = Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag;
1822 const auto *nominal = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var);
1823 return nominal && nominal->symbol->test(Flags::CompilerCreated) &&
1824 nominal->symbol->test(Flags::ReadOnly);
1828// API implementation
1832Fortran::lower::createPFT(const parser::Program &root,
1833 const semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext) {
1834 PFTBuilder walker(semanticsContext);
1835 Walk(root, walker);
1836 return walker.result();
1839void Fortran::lower::dumpPFT(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
1840 const lower::pft::Program &pft) {
1841 PFTDumper{}.dumpPFT(outputStream, pft);
1844void Fortran::lower::pft::Program::dump() const {
1845 dumpPFT(llvm::errs(), *this);
1848void Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation::dump() const {
1849 PFTDumper{}.dumpEvaluation(llvm::errs(), *this);
1852void Fortran::lower::pft::Variable::dump() const {
1853 if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var)) {
1854 llvm::errs() << s->symbol << " " << *s->symbol;
1855 llvm::errs() << " (depth: " << s->depth << ')';
1856 if (s->global)
1857 llvm::errs() << ", global";
1858 if (s->heapAlloc)
1859 llvm::errs() << ", allocatable";
1860 if (s->pointer)
1861 llvm::errs() << ", pointer";
1862 if (s->target)
1863 llvm::errs() << ", target";
1864 if (s->aliaser)
1865 llvm::errs() << ", equivalence(" << s->aliasOffset << ')';
1866 } else if (auto *s = std::get_if<AggregateStore>(&var)) {
1867 llvm::errs() << "interval[" << std::get<0>(s->interval) << ", "
1868 << std::get<1>(s->interval) << "]:";
1869 llvm::errs() << " name: " << toStringRef(s->getNamingSymbol().name());
1870 if (s->isGlobal())
1871 llvm::errs() << ", global";
1872 if (s->initialValueSymbol)
1873 llvm::errs() << ", initial value: {" << *s->initialValueSymbol << "}";
1874 } else {
1875 llvm_unreachable("not a Variable");
1876 }
1877 llvm::errs() << '\n';
1880void Fortran::lower::pft::dump(Fortran::lower::pft::VariableList &variableList,
1881 std::string s) {
1882 llvm::errs() << (s.empty() ? "VariableList" : s) << " " << &variableList
1883 << " size=" << variableList.size() << "\n";
1884 for (auto var : variableList) {
1885 llvm::errs() << " ";
1886 var.dump();
1887 }
1890void Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit::dump() const {
1891 PFTDumper{}.dumpFunctionLikeUnit(llvm::errs(), *this);
1894void Fortran::lower::pft::ModuleLikeUnit::dump() const {
1895 PFTDumper{}.dumpModuleLikeUnit(llvm::errs(), *this);
1898/// The BlockDataUnit dump is just the associated symbol table.
1899void Fortran::lower::pft::BlockDataUnit::dump() const {
1900 llvm::errs() << "block data {\n" << symTab << "\n}\n";
1903/// Find or create an ordered list of equivalences and variables in \p scope.
1904/// The result is cached in \p map.
1905const lower::pft::VariableList &
1906lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(const semantics::Scope &scope,
1907 ScopeVariableListMap &map) {
1908 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\ngetScopeVariableList of [sub]module scope <"
1909 << &scope << "> " << scope.GetName() << "\n");
1910 auto iter = map.find(&scope);
1911 if (iter == map.end()) {
1912 SymbolDependenceAnalysis sda(scope);
1913 map.emplace(&scope, sda.getVariableList());
1914 iter = map.find(&scope);
1915 }
1916 return iter->second;
1919/// Create an ordered list of equivalences and variables in \p scope.
1920/// The result is not cached.
1922lower::pft::getScopeVariableList(const semantics::Scope &scope) {
1924 llvm::dbgs() << "\ngetScopeVariableList of [sub]program|block scope <"
1925 << &scope << "> " << scope.GetName() << "\n");
1926 SymbolDependenceAnalysis sda(scope);
1927 return sda.getVariableList();
1930/// Create an ordered list of equivalences and variables that \p symbol
1931/// depends on (no caching). Include \p symbol at the end of the list.
1933lower::pft::getDependentVariableList(const semantics::Symbol &symbol) {
1934 LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\ngetDependentVariableList of " << &symbol
1935 << " - " << symbol << "\n");
1936 SymbolDependenceAnalysis sda(symbol);
1937 return sda.getVariableList();
1940namespace {
1941/// Helper class to find all the symbols referenced in a FunctionLikeUnit.
1942/// It defines a parse tree visitor doing a deep visit in all nodes with
1943/// symbols (including evaluate::Expr).
1944struct SymbolVisitor {
1945 template <typename A>
1946 bool Pre(const A &x) {
1947 if constexpr (Fortran::parser::HasTypedExpr<A>::value)
1948 // Some parse tree Expr may legitimately be un-analyzed after semantics
1949 // (for instance PDT component initial value in the PDT definition body).
1950 if (const auto *expr = Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(nullptr, x))
1951 visitExpr(*expr);
1952 return true;
1953 }
1955 bool Pre(const Fortran::parser::Name &name) {
1956 if (const semantics::Symbol *symbol = name.symbol)
1957 visitSymbol(*symbol);
1958 return false;
1959 }
1961 template <typename T>
1962 void visitExpr(const Fortran::evaluate::Expr<T> &expr) {
1963 for (const semantics::Symbol &symbol :
1964 Fortran::evaluate::CollectSymbols(expr))
1965 visitSymbol(symbol);
1966 }
1968 void visitSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &symbol) {
1969 callBack(symbol);
1970 // - Visit statement function body since it will be inlined in lowering.
1971 // - Visit function results specification expressions because allocations
1972 // happens on the caller side.
1973 if (const auto *subprogramDetails =
1974 symbol.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::SubprogramDetails>()) {
1975 if (const auto &maybeExpr = subprogramDetails->stmtFunction()) {
1976 visitExpr(*maybeExpr);
1977 } else {
1978 if (subprogramDetails->isFunction()) {
1979 // Visit result extents expressions that are explicit.
1980 const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &result =
1981 subprogramDetails->result();
1982 if (const auto *objectDetails =
1983 result.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>())
1984 if (objectDetails->shape().IsExplicitShape())
1985 for (const Fortran::semantics::ShapeSpec &shapeSpec :
1986 objectDetails->shape()) {
1987 visitExpr(shapeSpec.lbound().GetExplicit().value());
1988 visitExpr(shapeSpec.ubound().GetExplicit().value());
1989 }
1990 }
1991 }
1992 }
1993 if (Fortran::semantics::IsProcedure(symbol)) {
1994 if (auto dynamicType = Fortran::evaluate::DynamicType::From(symbol)) {
1995 // Visit result length specification expressions that are explicit.
1996 if (dynamicType->category() ==
1997 Fortran::common::TypeCategory::Character) {
1998 if (std::optional<Fortran::evaluate::ExtentExpr> length =
1999 dynamicType->GetCharLength())
2000 visitExpr(*length);
2001 } else if (const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *derivedTypeSpec =
2002 Fortran::evaluate::GetDerivedTypeSpec(dynamicType)) {
2003 for (const auto &[_, param] : derivedTypeSpec->parameters())
2004 if (const Fortran::semantics::MaybeIntExpr &expr =
2005 param.GetExplicit())
2006 visitExpr(expr.value());
2007 }
2008 }
2009 }
2010 // - CrayPointer needs to be available whenever a CrayPointee is used.
2011 if (symbol.GetUltimate().test(
2012 Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag::CrayPointee))
2013 visitSymbol(Fortran::semantics::GetCrayPointer(symbol));
2014 }
2016 template <typename A>
2017 constexpr void Post(const A &) {}
2019 const std::function<void(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &)> &callBack;
2021} // namespace
2023void Fortran::lower::pft::visitAllSymbols(
2024 const Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit &funit,
2025 const std::function<void(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &)> callBack) {
2026 SymbolVisitor visitor{callBack};
2027 funit.visit([&](const auto &functionParserNode) {
2028 parser::Walk(functionParserNode, visitor);
2029 });
2032void Fortran::lower::pft::visitAllSymbols(
2033 const Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
2034 const std::function<void(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &)> callBack) {
2035 SymbolVisitor visitor{callBack};
2036 eval.visit([&](const auto &functionParserNode) {
2037 parser::Walk(functionParserNode, visitor);
2038 });

source code of flang/lib/Lower/PFTBuilder.cpp