1//===-- MachOUtils.cpp - Mach-o specific helpers for dsymutil ------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "MachOUtils.h"
10#include "BinaryHolder.h"
11#include "DebugMap.h"
12#include "LinkUtils.h"
13#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
14#include "llvm/CodeGen/NonRelocatableStringpool.h"
15#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmLayout.h"
16#include "llvm/MC/MCAssembler.h"
17#include "llvm/MC/MCMachObjectWriter.h"
18#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectStreamer.h"
19#include "llvm/MC/MCSectionMachO.h"
20#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
21#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
22#include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
23#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
26#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
28namespace llvm {
29namespace dsymutil {
30namespace MachOUtils {
32llvm::Error ArchAndFile::createTempFile() {
33 SmallString<256> SS;
34 std::error_code EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(Prefix: "dsym", Suffix: "dwarf", ResultFD&: FD, ResultPath&: SS);
36 if (EC)
37 return errorCodeToError(EC);
39 Path = SS.str();
41 return Error::success();
44llvm::StringRef ArchAndFile::getPath() const {
45 assert(!Path.empty() && "path called before createTempFile");
46 return Path;
49int ArchAndFile::getFD() const {
50 assert((FD != -1) && "path called before createTempFile");
51 return FD;
54ArchAndFile::~ArchAndFile() {
55 if (!Path.empty())
56 sys::fs::remove(path: Path);
59std::string getArchName(StringRef Arch) {
60 if (Arch.starts_with(Prefix: "thumb"))
61 return (llvm::Twine("arm") + Arch.drop_front(N: 5)).str();
62 return std::string(Arch);
65static bool runLipo(StringRef SDKPath, SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &Args) {
66 auto Path = sys::findProgramByName(Name: "lipo", Paths: ArrayRef(SDKPath));
67 if (!Path)
68 Path = sys::findProgramByName(Name: "lipo");
70 if (!Path) {
71 WithColor::error() << "lipo: " << Path.getError().message() << "\n";
72 return false;
73 }
75 std::string ErrMsg;
76 int result =
77 sys::ExecuteAndWait(Program: *Path, Args, Env: std::nullopt, Redirects: {}, SecondsToWait: 0, MemoryLimit: 0, ErrMsg: &ErrMsg);
78 if (result) {
79 WithColor::error() << "lipo: " << ErrMsg << "\n";
80 return false;
81 }
83 return true;
86bool generateUniversalBinary(SmallVectorImpl<ArchAndFile> &ArchFiles,
87 StringRef OutputFileName,
88 const LinkOptions &Options, StringRef SDKPath,
89 bool Fat64) {
90 // No need to merge one file into a universal fat binary.
91 if (ArchFiles.size() == 1) {
92 llvm::StringRef TmpPath = ArchFiles.front().getPath();
93 if (auto EC = sys::fs::rename(from: TmpPath, to: OutputFileName)) {
94 // If we can't rename, try to copy to work around cross-device link
95 // issues.
96 EC = sys::fs::copy_file(From: TmpPath, To: OutputFileName);
97 if (EC) {
98 WithColor::error() << "while keeping " << TmpPath << " as "
99 << OutputFileName << ": " << EC.message() << "\n";
100 return false;
101 }
102 sys::fs::remove(path: TmpPath);
103 }
104 return true;
105 }
107 SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Args;
108 Args.push_back(Elt: "lipo");
109 Args.push_back(Elt: "-create");
111 for (auto &Thin : ArchFiles)
112 Args.push_back(Elt: Thin.getPath());
114 // Align segments to match dsymutil-classic alignment.
115 for (auto &Thin : ArchFiles) {
116 Thin.Arch = getArchName(Arch: Thin.Arch);
117 Args.push_back(Elt: "-segalign");
118 Args.push_back(Elt: Thin.Arch);
119 Args.push_back(Elt: "20");
120 }
122 // Use a 64-bit fat header if requested.
123 if (Fat64)
124 Args.push_back(Elt: "-fat64");
126 Args.push_back(Elt: "-output");
127 Args.push_back(Elt: OutputFileName.data());
129 if (Options.Verbose) {
130 outs() << "Running lipo\n";
131 for (auto Arg : Args)
132 outs() << ' ' << Arg;
133 outs() << "\n";
134 }
136 return Options.NoOutput ? true : runLipo(SDKPath, Args);
139// Return a MachO::segment_command_64 that holds the same values as the passed
140// MachO::segment_command. We do that to avoid having to duplicate the logic
141// for 32bits and 64bits segments.
142struct MachO::segment_command_64 adaptFrom32bits(MachO::segment_command Seg) {
143 MachO::segment_command_64 Seg64;
144 Seg64.cmd = Seg.cmd;
145 Seg64.cmdsize = Seg.cmdsize;
146 memcpy(dest: Seg64.segname, src: Seg.segname, n: sizeof(Seg.segname));
147 Seg64.vmaddr = Seg.vmaddr;
148 Seg64.vmsize = Seg.vmsize;
149 Seg64.fileoff = Seg.fileoff;
150 Seg64.filesize = Seg.filesize;
151 Seg64.maxprot = Seg.maxprot;
152 Seg64.initprot = Seg.initprot;
153 Seg64.nsects = Seg.nsects;
154 Seg64.flags = Seg.flags;
155 return Seg64;
158// Iterate on all \a Obj segments, and apply \a Handler to them.
159template <typename FunctionTy>
160static void iterateOnSegments(const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj,
161 FunctionTy Handler) {
162 for (const auto &LCI : Obj.load_commands()) {
163 MachO::segment_command_64 Segment;
164 if (LCI.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT)
165 Segment = adaptFrom32bits(Seg: Obj.getSegmentLoadCommand(L: LCI));
166 else if (LCI.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64)
167 Segment = Obj.getSegment64LoadCommand(L: LCI);
168 else
169 continue;
171 Handler(Segment);
172 }
175// Transfer the symbols described by \a NList to \a NewSymtab which is just the
176// raw contents of the symbol table for the dSYM companion file. \returns
177// whether the symbol was transferred or not.
178template <typename NListTy>
179static bool transferSymbol(NListTy NList, bool IsLittleEndian,
180 StringRef Strings, SmallVectorImpl<char> &NewSymtab,
181 NonRelocatableStringpool &NewStrings,
182 bool &InDebugNote) {
183 // Do not transfer undefined symbols, we want real addresses.
184 if ((NList.n_type & MachO::N_TYPE) == MachO::N_UNDF)
185 return false;
187 // Do not transfer N_AST symbols as their content is copied into a section of
188 // the Mach-O companion file.
189 if (NList.n_type == MachO::N_AST)
190 return false;
192 StringRef Name = StringRef(Strings.begin() + NList.n_strx);
194 // An N_SO with a filename opens a debugging scope and another one without a
195 // name closes it. Don't transfer anything in the debugging scope.
196 if (InDebugNote) {
197 InDebugNote =
198 (NList.n_type != MachO::N_SO) || (!Name.empty() && Name[0] != '\0');
199 return false;
200 } else if (NList.n_type == MachO::N_SO) {
201 InDebugNote = true;
202 return false;
203 }
205 // FIXME: The + 1 is here to mimic dsymutil-classic that has 2 empty
206 // strings at the start of the generated string table (There is
207 // corresponding code in the string table emission).
208 NList.n_strx = NewStrings.getStringOffset(S: Name) + 1;
209 if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
210 MachO::swapStruct(NList);
212 NewSymtab.append(in_start: reinterpret_cast<char *>(&NList),
213 in_end: reinterpret_cast<char *>(&NList + 1));
214 return true;
217// Wrapper around transferSymbol to transfer all of \a Obj symbols
218// to \a NewSymtab. This function does not write in the output file.
219// \returns the number of symbols in \a NewSymtab.
220static unsigned transferSymbols(const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj,
221 SmallVectorImpl<char> &NewSymtab,
222 NonRelocatableStringpool &NewStrings) {
223 unsigned Syms = 0;
224 StringRef Strings = Obj.getStringTableData();
225 bool IsLittleEndian = Obj.isLittleEndian();
226 bool InDebugNote = false;
228 if (Obj.is64Bit()) {
229 for (const object::SymbolRef &Symbol : Obj.symbols()) {
230 object::DataRefImpl DRI = Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl();
231 if (transferSymbol(NList: Obj.getSymbol64TableEntry(DRI), IsLittleEndian,
232 Strings, NewSymtab, NewStrings, InDebugNote))
233 ++Syms;
234 }
235 } else {
236 for (const object::SymbolRef &Symbol : Obj.symbols()) {
237 object::DataRefImpl DRI = Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl();
238 if (transferSymbol(NList: Obj.getSymbolTableEntry(DRI), IsLittleEndian, Strings,
239 NewSymtab, NewStrings, InDebugNote))
240 ++Syms;
241 }
242 }
243 return Syms;
246static MachO::section
247getSection(const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj,
248 const MachO::segment_command &Seg,
249 const object::MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo &LCI, unsigned Idx) {
250 return Obj.getSection(L: LCI, Index: Idx);
253static MachO::section_64
254getSection(const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj,
255 const MachO::segment_command_64 &Seg,
256 const object::MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo &LCI, unsigned Idx) {
257 return Obj.getSection64(L: LCI, Index: Idx);
260// Transfer \a Segment from \a Obj to the output file. This calls into \a Writer
261// to write these load commands directly in the output file at the current
262// position.
264// The function also tries to find a hole in the address map to fit the __DWARF
265// segment of \a DwarfSegmentSize size. \a EndAddress is updated to point at the
266// highest segment address.
268// When the __LINKEDIT segment is transferred, its offset and size are set resp.
269// to \a LinkeditOffset and \a LinkeditSize.
271// When the eh_frame section is transferred, its offset and size are set resp.
272// to \a EHFrameOffset and \a EHFrameSize.
273template <typename SegmentTy>
274static void transferSegmentAndSections(
275 const object::MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo &LCI, SegmentTy Segment,
276 const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj, MachObjectWriter &Writer,
277 uint64_t LinkeditOffset, uint64_t LinkeditSize, uint64_t EHFrameOffset,
278 uint64_t EHFrameSize, uint64_t DwarfSegmentSize, uint64_t &GapForDwarf,
279 uint64_t &EndAddress) {
280 if (StringRef("__DWARF") == Segment.segname)
281 return;
283 if (StringRef("__TEXT") == Segment.segname && EHFrameSize > 0) {
284 Segment.fileoff = EHFrameOffset;
285 Segment.filesize = EHFrameSize;
286 } else if (StringRef("__LINKEDIT") == Segment.segname) {
287 Segment.fileoff = LinkeditOffset;
288 Segment.filesize = LinkeditSize;
289 // Resize vmsize by rounding to the page size.
290 Segment.vmsize = alignTo(Value: LinkeditSize, Align: 0x1000);
291 } else {
292 Segment.fileoff = Segment.filesize = 0;
293 }
295 // Check if the end address of the last segment and our current
296 // start address leave a sufficient gap to store the __DWARF
297 // segment.
298 uint64_t PrevEndAddress = EndAddress;
299 EndAddress = alignTo(Value: EndAddress, Align: 0x1000);
300 if (GapForDwarf == UINT64_MAX && Segment.vmaddr > EndAddress &&
301 Segment.vmaddr - EndAddress >= DwarfSegmentSize)
302 GapForDwarf = EndAddress;
304 // The segments are not necessarily sorted by their vmaddr.
305 EndAddress =
306 std::max<uint64_t>(PrevEndAddress, Segment.vmaddr + Segment.vmsize);
307 unsigned nsects = Segment.nsects;
308 if (Obj.isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
309 MachO::swapStruct(Segment);
310 Writer.W.OS.write(Ptr: reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Segment), Size: sizeof(Segment));
311 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nsects; ++i) {
312 auto Sect = getSection(Obj, Segment, LCI, i);
313 if (StringRef("__eh_frame") == Sect.sectname) {
314 Sect.offset = EHFrameOffset;
315 Sect.reloff = Sect.nreloc = 0;
316 } else {
317 Sect.offset = Sect.reloff = Sect.nreloc = 0;
318 }
319 if (Obj.isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
320 MachO::swapStruct(Sect);
321 Writer.W.OS.write(Ptr: reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Sect), Size: sizeof(Sect));
322 }
325// Write the __DWARF segment load command to the output file.
326static bool createDwarfSegment(uint64_t VMAddr, uint64_t FileOffset,
327 uint64_t FileSize, unsigned NumSections,
328 MCAsmLayout &Layout, MachObjectWriter &Writer) {
329 Writer.writeSegmentLoadCommand(Name: "__DWARF", NumSections, VMAddr,
330 VMSize: alignTo(Value: FileSize, Align: 0x1000), SectionDataStartOffset: FileOffset,
331 SectionDataSize: FileSize, /* MaxProt */ 7,
332 /* InitProt =*/3);
334 for (unsigned int i = 0, n = Layout.getSectionOrder().size(); i != n; ++i) {
335 MCSection *Sec = Layout.getSectionOrder()[i];
336 if (Sec->begin() == Sec->end() || !Layout.getSectionFileSize(Sec))
337 continue;
339 Align Alignment = Sec->getAlign();
340 if (Alignment > 1) {
341 VMAddr = alignTo(Size: VMAddr, A: Alignment);
342 FileOffset = alignTo(Size: FileOffset, A: Alignment);
343 if (FileOffset > UINT32_MAX)
344 return error(Error: "section " + Sec->getName() +
345 "'s file offset exceeds 4GB."
346 " Refusing to produce an invalid Mach-O file.");
347 }
348 Writer.writeSection(Layout, Sec: *Sec, VMAddr, FileOffset, Flags: 0, RelocationsStart: 0, NumRelocations: 0);
350 FileOffset += Layout.getSectionAddressSize(Sec);
351 VMAddr += Layout.getSectionAddressSize(Sec);
352 }
353 return true;
356static bool isExecutable(const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj) {
357 if (Obj.is64Bit())
358 return Obj.getHeader64().filetype != MachO::MH_OBJECT;
359 else
360 return Obj.getHeader().filetype != MachO::MH_OBJECT;
363static unsigned segmentLoadCommandSize(bool Is64Bit, unsigned NumSections) {
364 if (Is64Bit)
365 return sizeof(MachO::segment_command_64) +
366 NumSections * sizeof(MachO::section_64);
368 return sizeof(MachO::segment_command) + NumSections * sizeof(MachO::section);
371// Stream a dSYM companion binary file corresponding to the binary referenced
372// by \a DM to \a OutFile. The passed \a MS MCStreamer is setup to write to
373// \a OutFile and it must be using a MachObjectWriter object to do so.
374bool generateDsymCompanion(
375 llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> VFS, const DebugMap &DM,
376 MCStreamer &MS, raw_fd_ostream &OutFile,
377 const std::vector<MachOUtils::DwarfRelocationApplicationInfo>
378 &RelocationsToApply) {
379 auto &ObjectStreamer = static_cast<MCObjectStreamer &>(MS);
380 MCAssembler &MCAsm = ObjectStreamer.getAssembler();
381 auto &Writer = static_cast<MachObjectWriter &>(MCAsm.getWriter());
383 // Layout but don't emit.
384 ObjectStreamer.flushPendingLabels();
385 MCAsmLayout Layout(MCAsm);
386 MCAsm.layout(Layout);
388 BinaryHolder InputBinaryHolder(VFS, false);
390 auto ObjectEntry = InputBinaryHolder.getObjectEntry(Filename: DM.getBinaryPath());
391 if (!ObjectEntry) {
392 auto Err = ObjectEntry.takeError();
393 return error(Error: Twine("opening ") + DM.getBinaryPath() + ": " +
394 toString(E: std::move(Err)),
395 Context: "output file streaming");
396 }
398 auto Object =
399 ObjectEntry->getObjectAs<object::MachOObjectFile>(T: DM.getTriple());
400 if (!Object) {
401 auto Err = Object.takeError();
402 return error(Error: Twine("opening ") + DM.getBinaryPath() + ": " +
403 toString(E: std::move(Err)),
404 Context: "output file streaming");
405 }
407 auto &InputBinary = *Object;
409 bool Is64Bit = Writer.is64Bit();
410 MachO::symtab_command SymtabCmd = InputBinary.getSymtabLoadCommand();
412 // Compute the number of load commands we will need.
413 unsigned LoadCommandSize = 0;
414 unsigned NumLoadCommands = 0;
416 bool HasSymtab = false;
418 // Check LC_SYMTAB and get LC_UUID and LC_BUILD_VERSION.
419 MachO::uuid_command UUIDCmd;
420 SmallVector<MachO::build_version_command, 2> BuildVersionCmd;
421 memset(s: &UUIDCmd, c: 0, n: sizeof(UUIDCmd));
422 for (auto &LCI : InputBinary.load_commands()) {
423 switch (LCI.C.cmd) {
424 case MachO::LC_UUID:
425 if (UUIDCmd.cmd)
426 return error(Error: "Binary contains more than one UUID");
427 UUIDCmd = InputBinary.getUuidCommand(L: LCI);
428 ++NumLoadCommands;
429 LoadCommandSize += sizeof(UUIDCmd);
430 break;
431 case MachO::LC_BUILD_VERSION: {
432 MachO::build_version_command Cmd;
433 memset(s: &Cmd, c: 0, n: sizeof(Cmd));
434 Cmd = InputBinary.getBuildVersionLoadCommand(L: LCI);
435 ++NumLoadCommands;
436 LoadCommandSize += sizeof(Cmd);
437 // LLDB doesn't care about the build tools for now.
438 Cmd.ntools = 0;
439 BuildVersionCmd.push_back(Elt: Cmd);
440 break;
441 }
442 case MachO::LC_SYMTAB:
443 HasSymtab = true;
444 break;
445 default:
446 break;
447 }
448 }
450 // If we have a valid symtab to copy, do it.
451 bool ShouldEmitSymtab = HasSymtab && isExecutable(Obj: InputBinary);
452 if (ShouldEmitSymtab) {
453 LoadCommandSize += sizeof(MachO::symtab_command);
454 ++NumLoadCommands;
455 }
457 // If we have a valid eh_frame to copy, do it.
458 uint64_t EHFrameSize = 0;
459 StringRef EHFrameData;
460 for (const object::SectionRef &Section : InputBinary.sections()) {
461 Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Section.getName();
462 if (!NameOrErr) {
463 consumeError(Err: NameOrErr.takeError());
464 continue;
465 }
466 StringRef SectionName = *NameOrErr;
467 SectionName = SectionName.substr(Start: SectionName.find_first_not_of(Chars: "._"));
468 if (SectionName == "eh_frame") {
469 if (Expected<StringRef> ContentsOrErr = Section.getContents()) {
470 EHFrameData = *ContentsOrErr;
471 EHFrameSize = Section.getSize();
472 } else {
473 consumeError(Err: ContentsOrErr.takeError());
474 }
475 }
476 }
478 unsigned HeaderSize =
479 Is64Bit ? sizeof(MachO::mach_header_64) : sizeof(MachO::mach_header);
480 // We will copy every segment that isn't __DWARF.
481 iterateOnSegments(Obj: InputBinary, Handler: [&](const MachO::segment_command_64 &Segment) {
482 if (StringRef("__DWARF") == Segment.segname)
483 return;
485 ++NumLoadCommands;
486 LoadCommandSize += segmentLoadCommandSize(Is64Bit, NumSections: Segment.nsects);
487 });
489 // We will add our own brand new __DWARF segment if we have debug
490 // info.
491 unsigned NumDwarfSections = 0;
492 uint64_t DwarfSegmentSize = 0;
494 for (unsigned int i = 0, n = Layout.getSectionOrder().size(); i != n; ++i) {
495 MCSection *Sec = Layout.getSectionOrder()[i];
496 if (Sec->begin() == Sec->end())
497 continue;
499 if (uint64_t Size = Layout.getSectionFileSize(Sec)) {
500 DwarfSegmentSize = alignTo(Size: DwarfSegmentSize, A: Sec->getAlign());
501 DwarfSegmentSize += Size;
502 ++NumDwarfSections;
503 }
504 }
506 if (NumDwarfSections) {
507 ++NumLoadCommands;
508 LoadCommandSize += segmentLoadCommandSize(Is64Bit, NumSections: NumDwarfSections);
509 }
511 SmallString<0> NewSymtab;
512 // Legacy dsymutil puts an empty string at the start of the line table.
513 // thus we set NonRelocatableStringpool(,PutEmptyString=true)
514 NonRelocatableStringpool NewStrings(true);
515 unsigned NListSize = Is64Bit ? sizeof(MachO::nlist_64) : sizeof(MachO::nlist);
516 unsigned NumSyms = 0;
517 uint64_t NewStringsSize = 0;
518 if (ShouldEmitSymtab) {
519 NewSymtab.reserve(N: SymtabCmd.nsyms * NListSize / 2);
520 NumSyms = transferSymbols(Obj: InputBinary, NewSymtab, NewStrings);
521 NewStringsSize = NewStrings.getSize() + 1;
522 }
524 uint64_t SymtabStart = LoadCommandSize;
525 SymtabStart += HeaderSize;
526 SymtabStart = alignTo(Value: SymtabStart, Align: 0x1000);
528 // We gathered all the information we need, start emitting the output file.
529 Writer.writeHeader(Type: MachO::MH_DSYM, NumLoadCommands, LoadCommandsSize: LoadCommandSize, SubsectionsViaSymbols: false);
531 // Write the load commands.
532 assert(OutFile.tell() == HeaderSize);
533 if (UUIDCmd.cmd != 0) {
534 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: UUIDCmd.cmd);
535 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: sizeof(UUIDCmd));
536 OutFile.write(Ptr: reinterpret_cast<const char *>(UUIDCmd.uuid), Size: 16);
537 assert(OutFile.tell() == HeaderSize + sizeof(UUIDCmd));
538 }
539 for (auto Cmd : BuildVersionCmd) {
540 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: Cmd.cmd);
541 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: sizeof(Cmd));
542 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: Cmd.platform);
543 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: Cmd.minos);
544 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: Cmd.sdk);
545 Writer.W.write<uint32_t>(Val: Cmd.ntools);
546 }
548 assert(SymtabCmd.cmd && "No symbol table.");
549 uint64_t StringStart = SymtabStart + NumSyms * NListSize;
550 if (ShouldEmitSymtab)
551 Writer.writeSymtabLoadCommand(SymbolOffset: SymtabStart, NumSymbols: NumSyms, StringTableOffset: StringStart,
552 StringTableSize: NewStringsSize);
554 uint64_t EHFrameStart = StringStart + NewStringsSize;
555 EHFrameStart = alignTo(Value: EHFrameStart, Align: 0x1000);
557 uint64_t DwarfSegmentStart = EHFrameStart + EHFrameSize;
558 DwarfSegmentStart = alignTo(Value: DwarfSegmentStart, Align: 0x1000);
560 // Write the load commands for the segments and sections we 'import' from
561 // the original binary.
562 uint64_t EndAddress = 0;
563 uint64_t GapForDwarf = UINT64_MAX;
564 for (auto &LCI : InputBinary.load_commands()) {
565 if (LCI.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT)
566 transferSegmentAndSections(
567 LCI, Segment: InputBinary.getSegmentLoadCommand(L: LCI), Obj: InputBinary, Writer,
568 LinkeditOffset: SymtabStart, LinkeditSize: StringStart + NewStringsSize - SymtabStart, EHFrameOffset: EHFrameStart,
569 EHFrameSize, DwarfSegmentSize, GapForDwarf, EndAddress);
570 else if (LCI.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64)
571 transferSegmentAndSections(
572 LCI, Segment: InputBinary.getSegment64LoadCommand(L: LCI), Obj: InputBinary, Writer,
573 LinkeditOffset: SymtabStart, LinkeditSize: StringStart + NewStringsSize - SymtabStart, EHFrameOffset: EHFrameStart,
574 EHFrameSize, DwarfSegmentSize, GapForDwarf, EndAddress);
575 }
577 uint64_t DwarfVMAddr = alignTo(Value: EndAddress, Align: 0x1000);
578 uint64_t DwarfVMMax = Is64Bit ? UINT64_MAX : UINT32_MAX;
579 if (DwarfVMAddr + DwarfSegmentSize > DwarfVMMax ||
580 DwarfVMAddr + DwarfSegmentSize < DwarfVMAddr /* Overflow */) {
581 // There is no room for the __DWARF segment at the end of the
582 // address space. Look through segments to find a gap.
583 DwarfVMAddr = GapForDwarf;
584 if (DwarfVMAddr == UINT64_MAX)
585 warn(Warning: "not enough VM space for the __DWARF segment.",
586 Context: "output file streaming");
587 }
589 // Write the load command for the __DWARF segment.
590 if (!createDwarfSegment(VMAddr: DwarfVMAddr, FileOffset: DwarfSegmentStart, FileSize: DwarfSegmentSize,
591 NumSections: NumDwarfSections, Layout, Writer))
592 return false;
594 assert(OutFile.tell() == LoadCommandSize + HeaderSize);
595 OutFile.write_zeros(NumZeros: SymtabStart - (LoadCommandSize + HeaderSize));
596 assert(OutFile.tell() == SymtabStart);
598 // Transfer symbols.
599 if (ShouldEmitSymtab) {
600 OutFile << NewSymtab.str();
601 assert(OutFile.tell() == StringStart);
603 // Transfer string table.
604 // FIXME: The NonRelocatableStringpool starts with an empty string, but
605 // dsymutil-classic starts the reconstructed string table with 2 of these.
606 // Reproduce that behavior for now (there is corresponding code in
607 // transferSymbol).
608 OutFile << '\0';
609 std::vector<DwarfStringPoolEntryRef> Strings =
610 NewStrings.getEntriesForEmission();
611 for (auto EntryRef : Strings) {
612 OutFile.write(Ptr: EntryRef.getString().data(),
613 Size: EntryRef.getString().size() + 1);
614 }
615 }
616 assert(OutFile.tell() == StringStart + NewStringsSize);
618 // Pad till the EH frame start.
619 OutFile.write_zeros(NumZeros: EHFrameStart - (StringStart + NewStringsSize));
620 assert(OutFile.tell() == EHFrameStart);
622 // Transfer eh_frame.
623 if (EHFrameSize > 0)
624 OutFile << EHFrameData;
625 assert(OutFile.tell() == EHFrameStart + EHFrameSize);
627 // Pad till the Dwarf segment start.
628 OutFile.write_zeros(NumZeros: DwarfSegmentStart - (EHFrameStart + EHFrameSize));
629 assert(OutFile.tell() == DwarfSegmentStart);
631 // Emit the Dwarf sections contents.
632 for (const MCSection &Sec : MCAsm) {
633 if (Sec.begin() == Sec.end())
634 continue;
636 uint64_t Pos = OutFile.tell();
637 OutFile.write_zeros(NumZeros: alignTo(Size: Pos, A: Sec.getAlign()) - Pos);
638 MCAsm.writeSectionData(OS&: OutFile, Section: &Sec, Layout);
639 }
641 // Apply relocations to the contents of the DWARF segment.
642 // We do this here because the final value written depend on the DWARF vm
643 // addr, which is only calculated in this function.
644 if (!RelocationsToApply.empty()) {
645 if (!OutFile.supportsSeeking())
646 report_fatal_error(
647 reason: "Cannot apply relocations to file that doesn't support seeking!");
649 uint64_t Pos = OutFile.tell();
650 for (auto &RelocationToApply : RelocationsToApply) {
651 OutFile.seek(off: DwarfSegmentStart + RelocationToApply.AddressFromDwarfStart);
652 int32_t Value = RelocationToApply.Value;
653 if (RelocationToApply.ShouldSubtractDwarfVM)
654 Value -= DwarfVMAddr;
655 OutFile.write(Ptr: (char *)&Value, Size: sizeof(int32_t));
656 }
657 OutFile.seek(off: Pos);
658 }
660 return true;
662} // namespace MachOUtils
663} // namespace dsymutil
664} // namespace llvm

source code of llvm/tools/dsymutil/MachOUtils.cpp