1//===- llvm-ifs.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "ErrorCollector.h"
10#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
11#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
12#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
13#include "llvm/InterfaceStub/ELFObjHandler.h"
14#include "llvm/InterfaceStub/IFSHandler.h"
15#include "llvm/InterfaceStub/IFSStub.h"
16#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
17#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
18#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
19#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
21#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
22#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
23#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/LLVMDriver.h"
26#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
29#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
32#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
33#include "llvm/TextAPI/InterfaceFile.h"
34#include "llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIReader.h"
35#include "llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIWriter.h"
36#include <optional>
37#include <set>
38#include <string>
39#include <vector>
41using namespace llvm;
42using namespace llvm::yaml;
43using namespace llvm::MachO;
44using namespace llvm::ifs;
46#define DEBUG_TYPE "llvm-ifs"
48namespace {
49const VersionTuple IfsVersionCurrent(3, 0);
51enum class FileFormat { IFS, ELF, TBD };
52} // end anonymous namespace
54using namespace llvm::opt;
55enum ID {
56 OPT_INVALID = 0, // This is not an option ID.
57#define OPTION(...) LLVM_MAKE_OPT_ID(__VA_ARGS__),
58#include "Opts.inc"
59#undef OPTION
62#define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) \
63 static constexpr StringLiteral NAME##_init[] = VALUE; \
64 static constexpr ArrayRef<StringLiteral> NAME(NAME##_init, \
65 std::size(NAME##_init) - 1);
66#include "Opts.inc"
67#undef PREFIX
69static constexpr opt::OptTable::Info InfoTable[] = {
71#include "Opts.inc"
72#undef OPTION
75class IFSOptTable : public opt::GenericOptTable {
77 IFSOptTable() : opt::GenericOptTable(InfoTable) {
78 setGroupedShortOptions(true);
79 }
82struct DriverConfig {
83 std::vector<std::string> InputFilePaths;
85 std::optional<FileFormat> InputFormat;
86 std::optional<FileFormat> OutputFormat;
88 std::optional<std::string> HintIfsTarget;
89 std::optional<std::string> OptTargetTriple;
90 std::optional<IFSArch> OverrideArch;
91 std::optional<IFSBitWidthType> OverrideBitWidth;
92 std::optional<IFSEndiannessType> OverrideEndianness;
94 bool StripIfsArch = false;
95 bool StripIfsBitwidth = false;
96 bool StripIfsEndianness = false;
97 bool StripIfsTarget = false;
98 bool StripNeeded = false;
99 bool StripSize = false;
100 bool StripUndefined = false;
102 std::vector<std::string> Exclude;
104 std::optional<std::string> SoName;
106 std::optional<std::string> Output;
107 std::optional<std::string> OutputElf;
108 std::optional<std::string> OutputIfs;
109 std::optional<std::string> OutputTbd;
111 bool WriteIfChanged = false;
114static std::string getTypeName(IFSSymbolType Type) {
115 switch (Type) {
116 case IFSSymbolType::NoType:
117 return "NoType";
118 case IFSSymbolType::Func:
119 return "Func";
120 case IFSSymbolType::Object:
121 return "Object";
122 case IFSSymbolType::TLS:
123 return "TLS";
124 case IFSSymbolType::Unknown:
125 return "Unknown";
126 }
127 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected ifs symbol type.");
130static Expected<std::unique_ptr<IFSStub>>
131readInputFile(std::optional<FileFormat> &InputFormat, StringRef FilePath) {
132 // Read in file.
133 ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BufOrError =
134 MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(Filename: FilePath, /*IsText=*/true);
135 if (!BufOrError)
136 return createStringError(EC: BufOrError.getError(), Fmt: "Could not open `%s`",
137 Vals: FilePath.data());
139 std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> FileReadBuffer = std::move(*BufOrError);
140 ErrorCollector EC(/*UseFatalErrors=*/false);
142 // First try to read as a binary (fails fast if not binary).
143 if (!InputFormat || *InputFormat == FileFormat::ELF) {
144 Expected<std::unique_ptr<IFSStub>> StubFromELF =
145 readELFFile(Buf: FileReadBuffer->getMemBufferRef());
146 if (StubFromELF) {
147 InputFormat = FileFormat::ELF;
148 (*StubFromELF)->IfsVersion = IfsVersionCurrent;
149 return std::move(*StubFromELF);
150 }
151 EC.addError(E: StubFromELF.takeError(), Tag: "BinaryRead");
152 }
154 // Fall back to reading as a ifs.
155 if (!InputFormat || *InputFormat == FileFormat::IFS) {
156 Expected<std::unique_ptr<IFSStub>> StubFromIFS =
157 readIFSFromBuffer(Buf: FileReadBuffer->getBuffer());
158 if (StubFromIFS) {
159 InputFormat = FileFormat::IFS;
160 if ((*StubFromIFS)->IfsVersion > IfsVersionCurrent)
161 EC.addError(
162 E: createStringError(EC: errc::not_supported,
163 S: "IFS version " +
164 (*StubFromIFS)->IfsVersion.getAsString() +
165 " is unsupported."),
166 Tag: "ReadInputFile");
167 else
168 return std::move(*StubFromIFS);
169 } else {
170 EC.addError(E: StubFromIFS.takeError(), Tag: "YamlParse");
171 }
172 }
174 // If both readers fail, build a new error that includes all information.
175 EC.addError(E: createStringError(EC: errc::not_supported,
176 Fmt: "No file readers succeeded reading `%s` "
177 "(unsupported/malformed file?)",
178 Vals: FilePath.data()),
179 Tag: "ReadInputFile");
180 EC.escalateToFatal();
181 return EC.makeError();
184static int writeTbdStub(const Triple &T, const std::vector<IFSSymbol> &Symbols,
185 const StringRef Format, raw_ostream &Out) {
187 auto PlatformTypeOrError =
188 [](const llvm::Triple &T) -> llvm::Expected<llvm::MachO::PlatformType> {
189 if (T.isMacOSX())
190 return llvm::MachO::PLATFORM_MACOS;
191 if (T.isTvOS())
192 return llvm::MachO::PLATFORM_TVOS;
193 if (T.isWatchOS())
194 return llvm::MachO::PLATFORM_WATCHOS;
195 // Note: put isiOS last because tvOS and watchOS are also iOS according
196 // to the Triple.
197 if (T.isiOS())
198 return llvm::MachO::PLATFORM_IOS;
200 return createStringError(EC: errc::not_supported, Msg: "Invalid Platform.\n");
201 }(T);
203 if (!PlatformTypeOrError)
204 return -1;
206 PlatformType Plat = PlatformTypeOrError.get();
207 TargetList Targets({Target(llvm::MachO::mapToArchitecture(Target: T), Plat)});
209 InterfaceFile File;
210 File.setFileType(FileType::TBD_V3); // Only supporting v3 for now.
211 File.addTargets(Targets);
213 for (const auto &Symbol : Symbols) {
214 auto Name = Symbol.Name;
215 auto Kind = EncodeKind::GlobalSymbol;
216 switch (Symbol.Type) {
217 default:
218 case IFSSymbolType::NoType:
219 Kind = EncodeKind::GlobalSymbol;
220 break;
221 case IFSSymbolType::Object:
222 Kind = EncodeKind::GlobalSymbol;
223 break;
224 case IFSSymbolType::Func:
225 Kind = EncodeKind::GlobalSymbol;
226 break;
227 }
228 if (Symbol.Weak)
229 File.addSymbol(Kind, Name, Targets, Flags: SymbolFlags::WeakDefined);
230 else
231 File.addSymbol(Kind, Name, Targets);
232 }
234 SmallString<4096> Buffer;
235 raw_svector_ostream OS(Buffer);
236 if (Error Result = TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(OS, File))
237 return -1;
238 Out << OS.str();
239 return 0;
242static void fatalError(Error Err) {
243 WithColor::defaultErrorHandler(Err: std::move(Err));
244 exit(status: 1);
247static void fatalError(Twine T) {
248 WithColor::error() << T.str() << '\n';
249 exit(status: 1);
252/// writeIFS() writes a Text-Based ELF stub to a file using the latest version
253/// of the YAML parser.
254static Error writeIFS(StringRef FilePath, IFSStub &Stub, bool WriteIfChanged) {
255 // Write IFS to memory first.
256 std::string IFSStr;
257 raw_string_ostream OutStr(IFSStr);
258 Error YAMLErr = writeIFSToOutputStream(OS&: OutStr, Stub);
259 if (YAMLErr)
260 return YAMLErr;
261 OutStr.flush();
263 if (WriteIfChanged) {
264 if (ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BufOrError =
265 MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename: FilePath)) {
266 // Compare IFS output with the existing IFS file. If unchanged, avoid
267 // changing the file.
268 if ((*BufOrError)->getBuffer() == IFSStr)
269 return Error::success();
270 }
271 }
272 // Open IFS file for writing.
273 std::error_code SysErr;
274 raw_fd_ostream Out(FilePath, SysErr);
275 if (SysErr)
276 return createStringError(EC: SysErr, Fmt: "Couldn't open `%s` for writing",
277 Vals: FilePath.data());
278 Out << IFSStr;
279 return Error::success();
282static DriverConfig parseArgs(int argc, char *const *argv) {
283 BumpPtrAllocator A;
284 StringSaver Saver(A);
285 IFSOptTable Tbl;
286 StringRef ToolName = argv[0];
287 llvm::opt::InputArgList Args = Tbl.parseArgs(
288 Argc: argc, Argv: argv, Unknown: OPT_UNKNOWN, Saver, ErrorFn: [&](StringRef Msg) { fatalError(T: Msg); });
289 if (Args.hasArg(OPT_help)) {
290 Tbl.printHelp(OS&: llvm::outs(),
291 Usage: (Twine(ToolName) + " <input_file> <output_file> [options]")
292 .str()
293 .c_str(),
294 Title: "shared object stubbing tool");
295 std::exit(status: 0);
296 }
297 if (Args.hasArg(OPT_version)) {
298 llvm::outs() << ToolName << '\n';
299 cl::PrintVersionMessage();
300 std::exit(status: 0);
301 }
303 DriverConfig Config;
304 for (const opt::Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_INPUT))
305 Config.InputFilePaths.push_back(A->getValue());
306 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_input_format_EQ)) {
307 Config.InputFormat = StringSwitch<std::optional<FileFormat>>(A->getValue())
308 .Case(S: "IFS", Value: FileFormat::IFS)
309 .Case(S: "ELF", Value: FileFormat::ELF)
310 .Default(Value: std::nullopt);
311 if (!Config.InputFormat)
312 fatalError(T: Twine("invalid argument '") + A->getValue());
313 }
315 auto OptionNotFound = [ToolName](StringRef FlagName, StringRef OptionName) {
316 fatalError(T: Twine(ToolName) + ": for the " + FlagName +
317 " option: Cannot find option named '" + OptionName + "'!");
318 };
319 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_format_EQ)) {
320 Config.OutputFormat = StringSwitch<std::optional<FileFormat>>(A->getValue())
321 .Case(S: "IFS", Value: FileFormat::IFS)
322 .Case(S: "ELF", Value: FileFormat::ELF)
323 .Case(S: "TBD", Value: FileFormat::TBD)
324 .Default(Value: std::nullopt);
325 if (!Config.OutputFormat)
326 OptionNotFound("--output-format", A->getValue());
327 }
328 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_arch_EQ)) {
329 uint16_t eMachine = ELF::convertArchNameToEMachine(Arch: A->getValue());
330 if (eMachine == ELF::EM_NONE) {
331 fatalError(T: Twine("unknown arch '") + A->getValue() + "'");
332 }
333 Config.OverrideArch = eMachine;
334 }
335 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_bitwidth_EQ)) {
336 size_t Width;
337 llvm::StringRef S(A->getValue());
338 if (!S.getAsInteger<size_t>(Radix: 10, Result&: Width) || Width == 64 || Width == 32)
339 Config.OverrideBitWidth =
340 Width == 64 ? IFSBitWidthType::IFS64 : IFSBitWidthType::IFS32;
341 else
342 OptionNotFound("--bitwidth", A->getValue());
343 }
344 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_endianness_EQ)) {
345 Config.OverrideEndianness =
346 StringSwitch<std::optional<IFSEndiannessType>>(A->getValue())
347 .Case(S: "little", Value: IFSEndiannessType::Little)
348 .Case(S: "big", Value: IFSEndiannessType::Big)
349 .Default(Value: std::nullopt);
350 if (!Config.OverrideEndianness)
351 OptionNotFound("--endianness", A->getValue());
352 }
353 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_target_EQ))
354 Config.OptTargetTriple = A->getValue();
355 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_hint_ifs_target_EQ))
356 Config.HintIfsTarget = A->getValue();
358 Config.StripIfsArch = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_ifs_arch);
359 Config.StripIfsBitwidth = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_ifs_bitwidth);
360 Config.StripIfsEndianness = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_ifs_endianness);
361 Config.StripIfsTarget = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_ifs_target);
362 Config.StripUndefined = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_undefined);
363 Config.StripNeeded = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_needed);
364 Config.StripSize = Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_size);
366 for (const opt::Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_exclude_EQ))
367 Config.Exclude.push_back(A->getValue());
368 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_soname_EQ))
369 Config.SoName = A->getValue();
370 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_EQ))
371 Config.Output = A->getValue();
372 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_elf_EQ))
373 Config.OutputElf = A->getValue();
374 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_ifs_EQ))
375 Config.OutputIfs = A->getValue();
376 if (const opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_tbd_EQ))
377 Config.OutputTbd = A->getValue();
378 Config.WriteIfChanged = Args.hasArg(OPT_write_if_changed);
379 return Config;
382int llvm_ifs_main(int argc, char **argv, const llvm::ToolContext &) {
383 DriverConfig Config = parseArgs(argc, argv);
385 if (Config.InputFilePaths.empty())
386 Config.InputFilePaths.push_back(x: "-");
388 // If input files are more than one, they can only be IFS files.
389 if (Config.InputFilePaths.size() > 1)
390 Config.InputFormat = FileFormat::IFS;
392 // Attempt to merge input.
393 IFSStub Stub;
394 std::map<std::string, IFSSymbol> SymbolMap;
395 std::string PreviousInputFilePath;
396 for (const std::string &InputFilePath : Config.InputFilePaths) {
397 Expected<std::unique_ptr<IFSStub>> StubOrErr =
398 readInputFile(InputFormat&: Config.InputFormat, FilePath: InputFilePath);
399 if (!StubOrErr)
400 fatalError(Err: StubOrErr.takeError());
402 std::unique_ptr<IFSStub> TargetStub = std::move(StubOrErr.get());
403 if (PreviousInputFilePath.empty()) {
404 Stub.IfsVersion = TargetStub->IfsVersion;
405 Stub.Target = TargetStub->Target;
406 Stub.SoName = TargetStub->SoName;
407 Stub.NeededLibs = TargetStub->NeededLibs;
408 } else {
409 if (Stub.IfsVersion != TargetStub->IfsVersion) {
410 if (Stub.IfsVersion.getMajor() != IfsVersionCurrent.getMajor()) {
411 WithColor::error()
412 << "Interface Stub: IfsVersion Mismatch."
413 << "\nFilenames: " << PreviousInputFilePath << " "
414 << InputFilePath << "\nIfsVersion Values: " << Stub.IfsVersion
415 << " " << TargetStub->IfsVersion << "\n";
416 return -1;
417 }
418 if (TargetStub->IfsVersion > Stub.IfsVersion)
419 Stub.IfsVersion = TargetStub->IfsVersion;
420 }
421 if (Stub.Target != TargetStub->Target && !TargetStub->Target.empty()) {
422 WithColor::error() << "Interface Stub: Target Mismatch."
423 << "\nFilenames: " << PreviousInputFilePath << " "
424 << InputFilePath;
425 return -1;
426 }
427 if (Stub.SoName != TargetStub->SoName) {
428 WithColor::error() << "Interface Stub: SoName Mismatch."
429 << "\nFilenames: " << PreviousInputFilePath << " "
430 << InputFilePath
431 << "\nSoName Values: " << Stub.SoName << " "
432 << TargetStub->SoName << "\n";
433 return -1;
434 }
435 if (Stub.NeededLibs != TargetStub->NeededLibs) {
436 WithColor::error() << "Interface Stub: NeededLibs Mismatch."
437 << "\nFilenames: " << PreviousInputFilePath << " "
438 << InputFilePath << "\n";
439 return -1;
440 }
441 }
443 for (auto Symbol : TargetStub->Symbols) {
444 auto SI = SymbolMap.find(x: Symbol.Name);
445 if (SI == SymbolMap.end()) {
446 SymbolMap.insert(
447 x: std::pair<std::string, IFSSymbol>(Symbol.Name, Symbol));
448 continue;
449 }
451 assert(Symbol.Name == SI->second.Name && "Symbol Names Must Match.");
453 // Check conflicts:
454 if (Symbol.Type != SI->second.Type) {
455 WithColor::error() << "Interface Stub: Type Mismatch for "
456 << Symbol.Name << ".\nFilename: " << InputFilePath
457 << "\nType Values: " << getTypeName(Type: SI->second.Type)
458 << " " << getTypeName(Type: Symbol.Type) << "\n";
460 return -1;
461 }
462 if (Symbol.Size != SI->second.Size) {
463 WithColor::error() << "Interface Stub: Size Mismatch for "
464 << Symbol.Name << ".\nFilename: " << InputFilePath
465 << "\nSize Values: " << SI->second.Size << " "
466 << Symbol.Size << "\n";
468 return -1;
469 }
470 if (Symbol.Weak != SI->second.Weak) {
471 Symbol.Weak = false;
472 continue;
473 }
474 // TODO: Not checking Warning. Will be dropped.
475 }
477 PreviousInputFilePath = InputFilePath;
478 }
480 if (Stub.IfsVersion != IfsVersionCurrent)
481 if (Stub.IfsVersion.getMajor() != IfsVersionCurrent.getMajor()) {
482 WithColor::error() << "Interface Stub: Bad IfsVersion: "
483 << Stub.IfsVersion << ", llvm-ifs supported version: "
484 << IfsVersionCurrent << ".\n";
485 return -1;
486 }
488 for (auto &Entry : SymbolMap)
489 Stub.Symbols.push_back(x: Entry.second);
491 // Change SoName before emitting stubs.
492 if (Config.SoName)
493 Stub.SoName = *Config.SoName;
495 Error OverrideError =
496 overrideIFSTarget(Stub, OverrideArch: Config.OverrideArch, OverrideEndianness: Config.OverrideEndianness,
497 OverrideBitWidth: Config.OverrideBitWidth, OverrideTriple: Config.OptTargetTriple);
498 if (OverrideError)
499 fatalError(Err: std::move(OverrideError));
501 if (Config.StripNeeded)
502 Stub.NeededLibs.clear();
504 if (Error E = filterIFSSyms(Stub, StripUndefined: Config.StripUndefined, Exclude: Config.Exclude))
505 fatalError(Err: std::move(E));
507 if (Config.StripSize)
508 for (IFSSymbol &Sym : Stub.Symbols)
509 Sym.Size.reset();
511 if (!Config.OutputElf && !Config.OutputIfs && !Config.OutputTbd) {
512 if (!Config.OutputFormat) {
513 WithColor::error() << "at least one output should be specified.";
514 return -1;
515 }
516 } else if (Config.OutputFormat) {
517 WithColor::error() << "'--output-format' cannot be used with "
518 "'--output-{FILE_FORMAT}' options at the same time";
519 return -1;
520 }
521 if (Config.OutputFormat) {
522 // TODO: Remove OutputFormat flag in the next revision.
523 WithColor::warning() << "--output-format option is deprecated, please use "
524 "--output-{FILE_FORMAT} options instead\n";
525 switch (*Config.OutputFormat) {
526 case FileFormat::TBD: {
527 std::error_code SysErr;
528 raw_fd_ostream Out(*Config.Output, SysErr);
529 if (SysErr) {
530 WithColor::error() << "Couldn't open " << *Config.Output
531 << " for writing.\n";
532 return -1;
533 }
534 if (!Stub.Target.Triple) {
535 WithColor::error()
536 << "Triple should be defined when output format is TBD";
537 return -1;
538 }
539 return writeTbdStub(T: llvm::Triple(*Stub.Target.Triple), Symbols: Stub.Symbols,
540 Format: "TBD", Out);
541 }
542 case FileFormat::IFS: {
543 Stub.IfsVersion = IfsVersionCurrent;
544 if (*Config.InputFormat == FileFormat::ELF && Config.HintIfsTarget) {
545 std::error_code HintEC(1, std::generic_category());
546 IFSTarget HintTarget = parseTriple(TripleStr: *Config.HintIfsTarget);
547 if (*Stub.Target.Arch != *HintTarget.Arch)
548 fatalError(Err: make_error<StringError>(
549 Args: "Triple hint does not match the actual architecture", Args&: HintEC));
550 if (*Stub.Target.Endianness != *HintTarget.Endianness)
551 fatalError(Err: make_error<StringError>(
552 Args: "Triple hint does not match the actual endianness", Args&: HintEC));
553 if (*Stub.Target.BitWidth != *HintTarget.BitWidth)
554 fatalError(Err: make_error<StringError>(
555 Args: "Triple hint does not match the actual bit width", Args&: HintEC));
557 stripIFSTarget(Stub, StripTriple: true, StripArch: false, StripEndianness: false, StripBitWidth: false);
558 Stub.Target.Triple = *Config.HintIfsTarget;
559 } else {
560 stripIFSTarget(Stub, StripTriple: Config.StripIfsTarget, StripArch: Config.StripIfsArch,
561 StripEndianness: Config.StripIfsEndianness, StripBitWidth: Config.StripIfsBitwidth);
562 }
563 Error IFSWriteError =
564 writeIFS(FilePath: *Config.Output, Stub, WriteIfChanged: Config.WriteIfChanged);
565 if (IFSWriteError)
566 fatalError(Err: std::move(IFSWriteError));
567 break;
568 }
569 case FileFormat::ELF: {
570 Error TargetError = validateIFSTarget(Stub, ParseTriple: true);
571 if (TargetError)
572 fatalError(Err: std::move(TargetError));
573 Error BinaryWriteError =
574 writeBinaryStub(FilePath: *Config.Output, Stub, WriteIfChanged: Config.WriteIfChanged);
575 if (BinaryWriteError)
576 fatalError(Err: std::move(BinaryWriteError));
577 break;
578 }
579 }
580 } else {
581 // Check if output path for individual format.
582 if (Config.OutputElf) {
583 Error TargetError = validateIFSTarget(Stub, ParseTriple: true);
584 if (TargetError)
585 fatalError(Err: std::move(TargetError));
586 Error BinaryWriteError =
587 writeBinaryStub(FilePath: *Config.OutputElf, Stub, WriteIfChanged: Config.WriteIfChanged);
588 if (BinaryWriteError)
589 fatalError(Err: std::move(BinaryWriteError));
590 }
591 if (Config.OutputIfs) {
592 Stub.IfsVersion = IfsVersionCurrent;
593 if (*Config.InputFormat == FileFormat::ELF && Config.HintIfsTarget) {
594 std::error_code HintEC(1, std::generic_category());
595 IFSTarget HintTarget = parseTriple(TripleStr: *Config.HintIfsTarget);
596 if (*Stub.Target.Arch != *HintTarget.Arch)
597 fatalError(Err: make_error<StringError>(
598 Args: "Triple hint does not match the actual architecture", Args&: HintEC));
599 if (*Stub.Target.Endianness != *HintTarget.Endianness)
600 fatalError(Err: make_error<StringError>(
601 Args: "Triple hint does not match the actual endianness", Args&: HintEC));
602 if (*Stub.Target.BitWidth != *HintTarget.BitWidth)
603 fatalError(Err: make_error<StringError>(
604 Args: "Triple hint does not match the actual bit width", Args&: HintEC));
606 stripIFSTarget(Stub, StripTriple: true, StripArch: false, StripEndianness: false, StripBitWidth: false);
607 Stub.Target.Triple = *Config.HintIfsTarget;
608 } else {
609 stripIFSTarget(Stub, StripTriple: Config.StripIfsTarget, StripArch: Config.StripIfsArch,
610 StripEndianness: Config.StripIfsEndianness, StripBitWidth: Config.StripIfsBitwidth);
611 }
612 Error IFSWriteError =
613 writeIFS(FilePath: *Config.OutputIfs, Stub, WriteIfChanged: Config.WriteIfChanged);
614 if (IFSWriteError)
615 fatalError(Err: std::move(IFSWriteError));
616 }
617 if (Config.OutputTbd) {
618 std::error_code SysErr;
619 raw_fd_ostream Out(*Config.OutputTbd, SysErr);
620 if (SysErr) {
621 WithColor::error() << "Couldn't open " << *Config.OutputTbd
622 << " for writing.\n";
623 return -1;
624 }
625 if (!Stub.Target.Triple) {
626 WithColor::error()
627 << "Triple should be defined when output format is TBD";
628 return -1;
629 }
630 return writeTbdStub(T: llvm::Triple(*Stub.Target.Triple), Symbols: Stub.Symbols,
631 Format: "TBD", Out);
632 }
633 }
634 return 0;

source code of llvm/tools/llvm-ifs/llvm-ifs.cpp