1//===- ReshapeOpsUtils.cpp - Utilities used by structured ops -------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/ReshapeOpsUtils.h"
11#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
12#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
14#include <numeric>
15#include <optional>
17using namespace mlir;
20mlir::getReassociationIndicesForReshape(ShapedType sourceType,
21 ShapedType targetType) {
22 if (sourceType.getRank() > targetType.getRank())
23 return getReassociationIndicesForCollapse(sourceType.getShape(),
24 targetType.getShape());
25 if (sourceType.getRank() < targetType.getRank())
26 return getReassociationIndicesForCollapse(targetType.getShape(),
27 sourceType.getShape());
28 return std::nullopt;
32mlir::getReassociationIndicesForCollapse(ArrayRef<int64_t> sourceShape,
33 ArrayRef<int64_t> targetShape) {
34 if (sourceShape.size() <= targetShape.size())
35 return std::nullopt;
36 unsigned sourceDim = 0;
37 SmallVector<ReassociationIndices> reassociationMap;
38 reassociationMap.reserve(N: targetShape.size());
40 ReassociationIndices currIndices;
41 int64_t prodOfCollapsedDims = 1;
42 while (sourceDim < sourceShape.size()) {
43 unsigned targetDim = reassociationMap.size();
44 // If we have mapped all the target dimensions stop and handle the remaining
45 // tail of size-1 dimensions explictly.
46 if (targetDim == targetShape.size())
47 break;
49 int64_t currTargetShape = targetShape[targetDim];
50 while (sourceDim < sourceShape.size() &&
51 sourceShape[sourceDim] != ShapedType::kDynamic &&
52 prodOfCollapsedDims * sourceShape[sourceDim] < currTargetShape) {
53 prodOfCollapsedDims *= sourceShape[sourceDim];
54 currIndices.push_back(Elt: sourceDim++);
55 }
57 // If the current expanded dimension is dynamic, then the collapsed
58 // dimensions should also be dynamic and product of all previous unprocessed
59 // dimensions of the expanded shape should be 1.
60 if (sourceShape[sourceDim] == ShapedType::kDynamic &&
61 (currTargetShape != ShapedType::kDynamic || prodOfCollapsedDims != 1))
62 return std::nullopt;
64 // If the collapsed dim is dynamic, the current expanded dim should also
65 // be dynamic.
66 if (currTargetShape == ShapedType::kDynamic &&
67 sourceShape[sourceDim] != ShapedType::kDynamic)
68 return std::nullopt;
70 // For static shapes, if the product of dimensions of the expanded shape
71 // should match the collapsed dimension shape.
72 if (prodOfCollapsedDims * sourceShape[sourceDim] != currTargetShape)
73 return std::nullopt;
75 currIndices.push_back(Elt: sourceDim++);
76 reassociationMap.emplace_back(Args: ReassociationIndices{});
77 std::swap(LHS&: reassociationMap.back(), RHS&: currIndices);
78 prodOfCollapsedDims = 1;
79 }
80 // All the dimensions in the target must have been processed.
81 if (reassociationMap.size() != targetShape.size())
82 return std::nullopt;
83 // Process any remaining entries in the source shape. They all need to be
84 // 1 or dynamic.
85 for (; sourceDim < sourceShape.size(); sourceDim++) {
86 if (sourceShape[sourceDim] != ShapedType::kDynamic &&
87 sourceShape[sourceDim] != 1)
88 return std::nullopt;
89 // The map is empty when the target type is a scalar.
90 if (!reassociationMap.empty())
91 reassociationMap.back().push_back(Elt: sourceDim);
92 }
93 return reassociationMap;
98 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> producerReassociations,
99 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> consumerReassociations,
100 MLIRContext *context) {
101 SmallVector<ReassociationIndices> composedIndices;
102 // Make the producer the larger sized vector. If they are of same size, the
103 // resulting reshape is not a supported reshape op.
104 if (producerReassociations.size() == consumerReassociations.size())
105 return std::nullopt;
106 if (producerReassociations.size() < consumerReassociations.size())
107 std::swap(a&: producerReassociations, b&: consumerReassociations);
109 // Handle the corner case of the result being a rank 0 shaped type. Return an
110 // empty reassociation.
111 if (consumerReassociations.empty())
112 return composedIndices;
114 size_t consumerDims = std::accumulate(
115 first: consumerReassociations.begin(), last: consumerReassociations.end(), init: 0,
116 binary_op: [](size_t all, ReassociationIndicesRef indices) {
117 return all + indices.size();
118 });
119 if (producerReassociations.size() != consumerDims)
120 return std::nullopt;
122 for (ReassociationIndicesRef consumerIndices : consumerReassociations) {
123 ReassociationIndices reassociations;
124 for (int64_t consumerIndex : consumerIndices) {
125 llvm::append_range(C&: reassociations, R: producerReassociations[consumerIndex]);
126 }
127 composedIndices.push_back(Elt: std::move(reassociations));
128 }
129 return composedIndices;
132SmallVector<SmallVector<AffineExpr, 2>, 2>
134 MLIRContext *context, ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociationIndices) {
135 SmallVector<SmallVector<AffineExpr, 2>, 2> reassociationMaps;
136 for (const auto &indices : reassociationIndices) {
137 SmallVector<AffineExpr, 2> reassociationMap;
138 reassociationMap.reserve(N: indices.size());
139 for (int64_t index : indices)
140 reassociationMap.push_back(Elt: mlir::getAffineDimExpr(position: index, context));
141 reassociationMaps.push_back(Elt: std::move(reassociationMap));
142 }
143 return reassociationMaps;
146template <typename AffineExprTy>
147unsigned getMaxPosOfType(ArrayRef<ReassociationExprs> exprArrays) {
148 unsigned pos = 0;
149 for (const auto &exprs : exprArrays) {
150 for (auto expr : exprs) {
151 expr.walk([&pos](AffineExpr e) {
152 if (auto d = dyn_cast<AffineExprTy>(e))
153 pos = std::max(pos, d.getPosition());
154 });
155 }
156 }
157 return pos;
160ArrayAttr mlir::getReassociationIndicesAttribute(
161 OpBuilder &b, ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation) {
162 SmallVector<Attribute, 4> reassociationAttr =
163 llvm::to_vector<4>(Range: llvm::map_range(
164 C&: reassociation, F: [&](const ReassociationIndices &indices) -> Attribute {
165 return cast<Attribute>(Val: b.getI64ArrayAttr(indices));
166 }));
167 return b.getArrayAttr(reassociationAttr);
170SmallVector<ReassociationIndices, 2> mlir::convertReassociationMapsToIndices(
171 OpBuilder &b, ArrayRef<ReassociationExprs> reassociationExprs) {
172 SmallVector<ReassociationIndices, 2> reassociationIndices;
173 for (const auto &exprs : reassociationExprs) {
174 ReassociationIndices indices;
175 indices.reserve(N: exprs.size());
176 for (const auto &expr : exprs)
177 indices.push_back(Elt: cast<AffineDimExpr>(Val: expr).getPosition());
178 reassociationIndices.push_back(Elt: indices);
179 }
180 return reassociationIndices;
183SmallVector<AffineMap, 4>
184mlir::getSymbolLessAffineMaps(ArrayRef<ReassociationExprs> reassociation) {
185 unsigned maxDim = getMaxPosOfType<AffineDimExpr>(exprArrays: reassociation);
186 assert(getMaxPosOfType<AffineSymbolExpr>(reassociation) == 0 &&
187 "Expected symbol-less expressions");
188 SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> maps;
189 maps.reserve(N: reassociation.size());
190 for (const auto &exprs : reassociation) {
191 assert(!exprs.empty());
192 maps.push_back(Elt: AffineMap::get(dimCount: maxDim + 1, symbolCount: 0, results: exprs, context: exprs[0].getContext()));
193 }
194 return maps;
197bool mlir::isReassociationValid(ArrayRef<AffineMap> reassociation,
198 int *invalidIndex) {
199 if (reassociation.empty())
200 return true;
201 unsigned nDims = reassociation[0].getNumDims();
202 unsigned nextExpectedDim = 0;
203 for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(First&: reassociation)) {
204 auto m = it.value();
205 if (m.getNumDims() != nDims || m.getNumSymbols() != 0) {
206 if (invalidIndex)
207 *invalidIndex = it.index();
208 return false;
209 }
210 for (auto e : m.getResults()) {
211 auto d = dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>(Val&: e);
212 if (!d || d.getPosition() != nextExpectedDim++) {
213 if (invalidIndex)
214 *invalidIndex = it.index();
215 return false;
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 if (nextExpectedDim != nDims) {
220 if (invalidIndex)
221 *invalidIndex = reassociation.size() - 1;
222 return false;
223 }
224 return true;
227LogicalResult mlir::reshapeLikeShapesAreCompatible(
228 function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> emitError,
229 ArrayRef<int64_t> collapsedShape, ArrayRef<int64_t> expandedShape,
230 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociationMaps, bool isExpandingReshape) {
231 unsigned expandedDimStart = 0;
232 for (const auto &map : llvm::enumerate(First&: reassociationMaps)) {
233 std::optional<int64_t> dynamicShape;
234 int64_t linearizedStaticShape = 1;
235 for (const auto &dim : llvm::enumerate(
236 First: expandedShape.slice(N: expandedDimStart, M: map.value().size()))) {
237 if (ShapedType::isDynamic(dim.value())) {
238 if (isExpandingReshape && dynamicShape) {
239 return emitError("invalid to have a single dimension (" +
240 Twine(map.index()) +
241 ") expanded into multiple dynamic dims (" +
242 Twine(expandedDimStart + dynamicShape.value()) +
243 "," + Twine(expandedDimStart + dim.index()) + ")");
244 }
245 dynamicShape = dim.index();
246 } else {
247 linearizedStaticShape *= dim.value();
248 }
249 }
250 if (dynamicShape) {
251 if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(collapsedShape[map.index()])) {
252 return emitError(
253 "expected dimension " + Twine(map.index()) +
254 " of collapsed type to be dynamic since one or more of the "
255 "corresponding dimensions in the expanded type is dynamic");
256 }
257 } else {
258 if (collapsedShape[map.index()] != linearizedStaticShape) {
259 return emitError("expected dimension " + Twine(map.index()) +
260 " of collapsed type to be static value of " +
261 Twine(linearizedStaticShape));
262 }
263 }
264 expandedDimStart += map.value().size();
265 }
266 return success();
269bool mlir::hasNonIdentityLayout(Type type) {
270 if (auto memrefType = dyn_cast<MemRefType>(type))
271 return !memrefType.getLayout().isIdentity();
272 return false;
276mlir::getSlicedDimensions(ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sliceInputShape,
277 ArrayRef<Range> sliceParams) {
278 assert(sliceParams.size() == sliceInputShape.size() &&
279 "only supports non rank-reducing case");
280 llvm::SmallBitVector mask(sliceInputShape.size());
281 unsigned idx = 0;
282 for (const auto &[offset, size, stride] : sliceParams) {
283 std::optional<int64_t> offsetConst = getConstantIntValue(ofr: offset);
284 std::optional<int64_t> strideConst = getConstantIntValue(ofr: stride);
285 mask[idx] = !isEqualConstantIntOrValue(ofr1: size, ofr2: sliceInputShape[idx]) ||
286 (!strideConst || *strideConst != 1) ||
287 (!offsetConst || *offsetConst != 0);
288 idx++;
289 }
290 return mask;
293llvm::SmallBitVector mlir::getLinearizedDimensions(
294 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociationIndices) {
295 llvm::SmallBitVector result(reassociationIndices.size());
296 for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(First&: reassociationIndices))
297 result[it.index()] = it.value().size() > 1;
298 return result;
301SmallVector<Range> SliceFromCollapseHelper::getExtractSliceParams(
302 MLIRContext *ctx, ArrayRef<ValueRange> multiIndices) {
303 unsigned loopIdx = 0;
304 auto oneAttr = IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(ctx), 1);
305 auto zeroAttr = IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(ctx), 0);
306 SmallVector<Range> offsetsSizesAndStrides;
307 offsetsSizesAndStrides.reserve(N: collapseShapeInputShape.size());
308 for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(First&: reassociationIndices)) {
309 // Case 1: Linearized dimensions that have also been sliced. These
310 // are size of 1 because we are iterating over these dimensions. The
311 // offsets are exactly the de-linearized multi-indices.
312 if (slicedDimensions[it.index()] && linearizedDimensions[it.index()]) {
313 llvm::append_range(
314 C&: offsetsSizesAndStrides,
315 R: llvm::map_range(C: multiIndices[loopIdx++], F: [&](Value v) -> Range {
316 return Range{getAsOpFoldResult(val: v), oneAttr, oneAttr};
317 }));
318 continue;
319 }
321 // Case 2: One or possibly multiple combined input dimensions, but we
322 // have proven that these are not sliced. In this case we just take
323 // the full extent of each dimension in the reassociation list.
324 if (linearizedDimensions[it.index()]) {
325 llvm::append_range(
326 C&: offsetsSizesAndStrides,
327 R: llvm::map_range(C&: it.value(), F: [&](int64_t idx) -> Range {
328 return {zeroAttr, collapseShapeInputShape[idx], oneAttr};
329 }));
330 continue;
331 }
333 // Case 3: A single index, but it may be sliced.
334 offsetsSizesAndStrides.push_back(Elt: sliceParams[it.index()]);
335 }
336 return offsetsSizesAndStrides;
340SliceFromCollapseHelper::getInsertSliceParams(MLIRContext *ctx,
341 ValueRange tileIndices) {
342 auto one = IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(ctx), 1);
343 auto zero = IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(ctx), 0);
344 SmallVector<Range> insertParams;
345 insertParams.reserve(N: linearizedDimensions.size());
346 unsigned loopIdx = 0;
347 for (unsigned i = 0; i < linearizedDimensions.size(); i++) {
348 if (linearizedDimensions[i] && slicedDimensions[i]) {
349 insertParams.push_back(Elt: Range{tileIndices[loopIdx++], one, one});
350 continue;
351 }
352 insertParams.push_back(Elt: Range{zero, sliceParams[i].size, one});
353 }
354 return insertParams;
357/// Returns the index of the only non-unit dimension among `indices` of `shape`,
358/// if such a dimension exists and `indices` has more than one element.
359/// Otherwise, return std::nullopt.
360static std::optional<int64_t> getUniqueNonUnitDim(ArrayRef<int64_t> indices,
361 ArrayRef<int64_t> shape) {
362 // Return false if more than one of the dimensions in this group are not 1.
363 std::optional<int64_t> dimIndex;
364 if (indices.size() < 2)
365 return std::nullopt;
366 for (int64_t idx : indices) {
367 if (shape[idx] != 1) {
368 if (dimIndex != std::nullopt)
369 return std::nullopt;
370 dimIndex = idx;
371 }
372 }
373 return dimIndex;
376// For each segment in the reassociation indices, check whether we can
377// simplify that segment with a rank-reducing extract slice. We can do this if
378// all but (exactly) one of the corresponding source dims is 1.
379static SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> getCollapseShapeTrivialSegments(
380 RankedTensorType sourceType,
381 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociationIndices) {
382 SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> trivialSegments;
383 for (const auto &indices : reassociationIndices)
384 trivialSegments.push_back(
385 Elt: getUniqueNonUnitDim(indices, sourceType.getShape()));
386 return trivialSegments;
389/// Returns true if any of the segments of the reassociation indices for a
390/// collapsing reshape can be simplified using a rank-reducing slice.
391static FailureOr<SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>>>
393 RankedTensorType sourceType,
394 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociationIndices) {
395 SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> trivialSegments =
396 getCollapseShapeTrivialSegments(sourceType, reassociationIndices);
397 if (!llvm::any_of(Range&: trivialSegments, P: [](const std::optional<int64_t> &idx) {
398 return idx.has_value();
399 }))
400 return failure();
401 return trivialSegments;
406 RankedTensorType sourceType,
407 ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociationIndices) {
408 FailureOr<SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>>> trivialSegments =
409 canCollapseShapeBeSimplifiedByRankReducingSlice(sourceType,
410 reassociationIndices);
411 if (failed(result: trivialSegments))
412 return failure();
414 // Create the expected result shape of the rank-reducing slice.
415 SmallVector<int64_t> sliceShape;
416 for (const auto &[nonUnitDim, indices] :
417 llvm::zip(*trivialSegments, reassociationIndices)) {
418 if (nonUnitDim) {
419 sliceShape.push_back(sourceType.getDimSize(*nonUnitDim));
420 continue;
421 }
422 llvm::append_range(sliceShape, llvm::map_range(indices, [&](int64_t idx) {
423 return sourceType.getDimSize(idx);
424 }));
425 }
426 auto sliceType =
427 RankedTensorType::get(sliceShape, sourceType.getElementType());
429 // If the rank-reducing slice simplified every segment, then we are done.
430 if (sliceShape.size() == reassociationIndices.size())
431 return CollapseShapeRankReducingSliceSimplificationInfo{sliceType,
432 std::nullopt};
434 // Otherwise, we need to create a new collapse_shape op for the segments that
435 // weren't covered by the slice. By design, the new reassociation indices has
436 // the same number of groups as the old reassociation indices.
437 SmallVector<ReassociationIndices> newReassociationIndices;
438 SmallVector<int64_t, 2> reassociation;
439 int64_t groupIdx = 0;
440 for (int64_t dimIdx = 0; dimIdx < sliceType.getRank(); dimIdx++) {
441 reassociation.push_back(Elt: dimIdx);
442 if ((*trivialSegments)[groupIdx] ||
443 reassociation.size() == reassociationIndices[groupIdx].size()) {
444 newReassociationIndices.push_back(Elt: reassociation);
445 reassociation.clear();
446 groupIdx++;
447 }
448 }
450 return CollapseShapeRankReducingSliceSimplificationInfo{
451 sliceType, newReassociationIndices};
454PackingMetadata mlir::computePackingMetadata(int64_t packedRank,
455 ArrayRef<int64_t> innerDimPos) {
456 PackingMetadata res;
457 res.insertPositions.reserve(N: innerDimPos.size());
458 // The pack insert position is the position + the number of previously
459 // inserted positions + offset.
460 // The offset controls whether the packing dimension is the first or last.
461 //
462 // Example
463 // =======
464 // Consider packing from a hypothetical ABCD layout to ABCDba whose
465 // pack.inner_dims is [1, 0]. The first step consists in undoing the
466 // permutation and producing AaBbCD. This is achieved purely by computing the
467 // insert positions of `b` and `a` into `ABCD`, starting from [1, 0]. One
468 // possibility, is to produce insert positions [2, 0], this would result in an
469 // aAbBCD layout (i.e. offset 0). The other possibility, is to produce insert
470 // positions [3, 1], this would result in an AaBbCD layout (i.e. offset 1).
471 // The latter is what we expect from packing.
472 int64_t offset = 1;
473 for (int64_t pos : innerDimPos) {
474 int64_t numInsertedBefore = llvm::count_if(
475 Range&: innerDimPos, P: [&pos](int64_t pos2) { return pos > pos2; });
476 res.insertPositions.push_back(Elt: pos + numInsertedBefore + offset);
477 }
479 DenseSet<int64_t> posSet(res.insertPositions.begin(),
480 res.insertPositions.end());
481 res.reassociations.reserve(N: packedRank);
482 for (int64_t i = 1; i <= packedRank; ++i) {
483 res.outerPositions.push_back(Elt: i - 1);
484 if (!posSet.contains(V: i)) {
485 res.reassociations.push_back(Elt: ReassociationIndices{i - 1});
486 continue;
487 }
488 res.reassociations.push_back(Elt: ReassociationIndices{i - 1, i});
489 ++i;
490 }
491 return res;

source code of mlir/lib/Dialect/Utils/ReshapeOpsUtils.cpp