1#pragma once
3#include <mbgl/actor/actor_ref.hpp>
4#include <mbgl/storage/file_source.hpp>
5#include <mbgl/storage/offline.hpp>
6#include <mbgl/util/constants.hpp>
7#include <mbgl/util/optional.hpp>
9#include <vector>
10#include <mutex>
12namespace mbgl {
14namespace util {
15template <typename T> class Thread;
16} // namespace util
18class ResourceTransform;
20class DefaultFileSource : public FileSource {
22 /*
23 * The maximumCacheSize parameter is a limit applied to non-offline resources only,
24 * i.e. resources added to the database for the "ambient use" caching functionality.
25 * There is no size limit for offline resources. If a user never creates any offline
26 * regions, we want the database to remain fairly small (order tens or low hundreds
27 * of megabytes).
28 */
29 DefaultFileSource(const std::string& cachePath,
30 const std::string& assetRoot,
31 uint64_t maximumCacheSize = util::DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
32 DefaultFileSource(const std::string& cachePath,
33 std::unique_ptr<FileSource>&& assetFileSource,
34 uint64_t maximumCacheSize = util::DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
35 ~DefaultFileSource() override;
37 bool supportsCacheOnlyRequests() const override {
38 return true;
39 }
41 void setAPIBaseURL(const std::string&);
42 std::string getAPIBaseURL();
44 void setAccessToken(const std::string&);
45 std::string getAccessToken();
47 void setResourceTransform(optional<ActorRef<ResourceTransform>>&&);
49 std::unique_ptr<AsyncRequest> request(const Resource&, Callback) override;
51 /*
52 * Retrieve all regions in the offline database.
53 *
54 * The query will be executed asynchronously and the results passed to the given
55 * callback, which will be executed on the database thread; it is the responsibility
56 * of the SDK bindings to re-execute a user-provided callback on the main thread.
57 */
58 void listOfflineRegions(std::function<void (std::exception_ptr,
59 optional<std::vector<OfflineRegion>>)>);
61 /*
62 * Create an offline region in the database.
63 *
64 * When the initial database queries have completed, the provided callback will be
65 * executed on the database thread; it is the responsibility of the SDK bindings
66 * to re-execute a user-provided callback on the main thread.
67 *
68 * Note that the resulting region will be in an inactive download state; to begin
69 * downloading resources, call `setOfflineRegionDownloadState(OfflineRegionDownloadState::Active)`,
70 * optionally registering an `OfflineRegionObserver` beforehand.
71 */
72 void createOfflineRegion(const OfflineRegionDefinition& definition,
73 const OfflineRegionMetadata& metadata,
74 std::function<void (std::exception_ptr,
75 optional<OfflineRegion>)>);
77 /*
78 * Update an offline region metadata in the database.
79 */
80 void updateOfflineMetadata(const int64_t regionID,
81 const OfflineRegionMetadata& metadata,
82 std::function<void (std::exception_ptr,
83 optional<OfflineRegionMetadata>)>);
84 /*
85 * Register an observer to be notified when the state of the region changes.
86 */
87 void setOfflineRegionObserver(OfflineRegion&, std::unique_ptr<OfflineRegionObserver>);
89 /*
90 * Pause or resume downloading of regional resources.
91 */
92 void setOfflineRegionDownloadState(OfflineRegion&, OfflineRegionDownloadState);
94 /*
95 * Retrieve the current status of the region. The query will be executed
96 * asynchronously and the results passed to the given callback, which will be
97 * executed on the database thread; it is the responsibility of the SDK bindings
98 * to re-execute a user-provided callback on the main thread.
99 */
100 void getOfflineRegionStatus(OfflineRegion&, std::function<void (std::exception_ptr,
101 optional<OfflineRegionStatus>)>) const;
103 /*
104 * Remove an offline region from the database and perform any resources evictions
105 * necessary as a result.
106 *
107 * Eviction works by removing the least-recently requested resources not also required
108 * by other regions, until the database shrinks below a certain size.
109 *
110 * Note that this method takes ownership of the input, reflecting the fact that once
111 * region deletion is initiated, it is not legal to perform further actions with the
112 * region.
113 *
114 * When the operation is complete or encounters an error, the given callback will be
115 * executed on the database thread; it is the responsibility of the SDK bindings
116 * to re-execute a user-provided callback on the main thread.
117 */
118 void deleteOfflineRegion(OfflineRegion&&, std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)>);
120 /*
121 * Changing or bypassing this limit without permission from Mapbox is prohibited
122 * by the Mapbox Terms of Service.
123 */
124 void setOfflineMapboxTileCountLimit(uint64_t) const;
126 /*
127 * Pause file request activity.
128 *
129 * If pause is called then no revalidation or network request activity
130 * will occur.
131 */
132 void pause();
134 /*
135 * Resume file request activity.
136 *
137 * Calling resume will unpause the file source and process any tasks that
138 * expired while the file source was paused.
139 */
140 void resume();
142 // For testing only.
143 void setOnlineStatus(bool);
144 void put(const Resource&, const Response&);
146 class Impl;
149 // Shared so destruction is done on this thread
150 const std::shared_ptr<FileSource> assetFileSource;
151 const std::unique_ptr<util::Thread<Impl>> impl;
153 std::mutex cachedBaseURLMutex;
154 std::string cachedBaseURL = mbgl::util::API_BASE_URL;
156 std::mutex cachedAccessTokenMutex;
157 std::string cachedAccessToken;
160} // namespace mbgl

source code of qtlocation/src/3rdparty/mapbox-gl-native/include/mbgl/storage/default_file_source.hpp