1 | // Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation. |
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only |
3 | |
4 | #include "qcborvalue.h" |
5 | #include "qcborvalue_p.h" |
6 | #include "qdatastream.h" |
7 | #include "qcborarray.h" |
8 | #include "qcbormap.h" |
9 | |
10 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader) |
11 | #include "qcborstreamreader.h" |
12 | #endif |
13 | |
14 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
15 | #include "qcborstreamwriter.h" |
16 | #endif |
17 | |
18 | #include <qendian.h> |
19 | #include <qlocale.h> |
20 | #include <qdatetime.h> |
21 | #include <qtimezone.h> |
22 | #include <private/qnumeric_p.h> |
23 | #include <private/qsimd_p.h> |
24 | |
25 | #include <new> |
26 | |
28 | |
29 | // Worst case memory allocation for a corrupt stream: 256 MB for 32-bit, 1 GB for 64-bit |
30 | static constexpr quint64 MaxAcceptableMemoryUse = (sizeof(void*) == 4 ? 256 : 1024) * 1024 * 1024; |
31 | |
32 | // Internal limits to ensure we don't blow up the memory when parsing a corrupt |
33 | // (possibly crafted to exploit) CBOR stream. The recursion impacts both the |
34 | // maps/arrays we'll open when parsing and the thread's stack, as the parser is |
35 | // itself recursive. If someone really needs more than 1024 layers of nesting, |
36 | // they probably have a weird use-case for which custom parsing and |
37 | // serialisation code would make sense. The limit on element count is the |
38 | // preallocated limit: if the stream does actually have more elements, we will |
39 | // grow the container. |
40 | Q_DECL_UNUSED static constexpr int MaximumRecursionDepth = 1024; |
41 | Q_DECL_UNUSED static constexpr quint64 MaximumPreallocatedElementCount = |
42 | MaxAcceptableMemoryUse / MaximumRecursionDepth / sizeof(QtCbor::Element) - 1; |
43 | |
44 | /*! |
45 | \class QCborValue |
46 | \inmodule QtCore |
47 | \ingroup cbor |
48 | \ingroup qtserialization |
49 | \reentrant |
50 | \since 5.12 |
51 | |
52 | \brief The QCborValue class encapsulates a value in CBOR. |
53 | |
54 | \compares strong |
55 | |
56 | This class can be used to hold one of the many types available in CBOR. |
57 | CBOR is the Concise Binary Object Representation, a very compact form of |
58 | binary data encoding that is a superset of JSON. It was created by the IETF |
59 | Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) WG, which has used it in many |
60 | new RFCs. It is meant to be used alongside the |
61 | \l{RFC 7252}{CoAP protocol}. |
62 | |
63 | CBOR has three groups of built-in types: |
64 | |
65 | \list |
66 | \li Basic types: integers, floating point (double), boolean, null, etc. |
67 | \li String-like types: strings and byte arrays |
68 | \li Containers: arrays and maps |
69 | \endlist |
70 | |
71 | Additionally, CBOR supports a form of type extensibility by associating a |
72 | "tag" to one of the above types to convey more information. For example, a |
73 | UUID is represented by a tag and a byte array containing the 16 bytes of |
74 | the UUID content. QCborValue supports creating and decoding several of those |
75 | extended types directly with Qt classes (like QUuid). |
76 | |
77 | For the complete list, see \l QCborValue::Type. The type of a QCborValue can |
78 | be queried using type() or one of the "isXxxx" functions. |
79 | |
80 | \section1 Extended types and tagged values |
81 | |
82 | A tagged value is a normal QCborValue that is paired with a number that |
83 | is its tag. See \l QCborKnownTags for more information on what tags are in |
84 | the API as well as the full, official list. Such combinations form extended |
85 | types. |
86 | |
87 | QCborValue has support for certain extended types in the API, like URL |
88 | (with \l QUrl) and UUID (with \l QUuid). Other extended types not supported |
89 | in the API are represented by a QCborValue of \l {Type}{Tag} type. The tag |
90 | can later be retrieved by tag() and the tagged value using taggedValue(). |
91 | |
92 | In order to support future compatibility, QCborValues containing extended |
93 | Qt types compare equal to the tag type of the same contents. In other |
94 | words, the following expression is true: |
95 | |
96 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 0 |
97 | |
98 | \section1 Undefined and null values |
99 | |
100 | QCborValue can contain a value of "null", which is not of any specific type. |
101 | It resembles the C++ \c {std::nullptr_t} type, whose only possible value is |
102 | \nullptr. QCborValue has a constructor taking such a type and creates a |
103 | null QCborValue. |
104 | |
105 | Null values are used to indicate that an optional value is not present. In |
106 | that aspect, it is similar to the C++ Standard Library type \c |
107 | {std::optional} when that is disengaged. Unlike the C++ type, CBOR nulls |
108 | are simply of type "Null" and it is not possible to determine what concrete |
109 | type it is replacing. |
110 | |
111 | QCborValue can also be of the undefined type, which represents a value of |
112 | "undefined". In fact, that is what the QCborValue default constructor |
113 | creates. |
114 | |
115 | Undefined values are different from null values. While nulls are used to |
116 | indicate an optional value that is not provided, Undefined is usually |
117 | used to indicate that an expected value could not be provided, usually due |
118 | to an error or a precondition that could not be satisfied. |
119 | |
120 | Such values are completely valid and may appear in CBOR streams, unlike |
121 | JSON content and QJsonValue's undefined bit. But like QJsonValue's |
122 | Undefined, it is returned by a CBOR container's value() or read-only |
123 | operator[] for invalid look-ups (index out of range for QCborArray, or key |
124 | not found for QCborMap). It is not possible to tell such a case apart from |
125 | the value of Undefined, so if that is required, check the QCborArray size |
126 | and use the QCborMap iterator API. |
127 | |
128 | \section1 Simple types |
129 | |
130 | CBOR supports additional simple types that, like Null and Undefined, carry |
131 | no other value. They are called interchangeably "Simple Types" and "Simple |
132 | Values". CBOR encodes booleans as two distinct types (one for \c true and |
133 | one for \c false), but QCborValue has a convenience API for them. |
134 | |
135 | There are currently no other defined CBOR simple types. QCborValue supports |
136 | them simply by their number with API like isSimpleType() and |
137 | toSimpleType(), available for compatibility with future specifications |
138 | before the Qt API can be updated. Their use before such a specification is |
139 | discouraged, as other CBOR implementations may not support them fully. |
140 | |
141 | \section1 CBOR support |
142 | |
143 | QCborValue supports all CBOR features required to create canonical and |
144 | strict streams. It implements almost all of the features specified in \l |
145 | {RFC 7049}. |
146 | |
147 | The following table lists the CBOR features that QCborValue supports. |
148 | |
149 | \table |
150 | \header \li Feature \li Support |
151 | \row \li Unsigned numbers \li Yes (\l qint64 range) |
152 | \row \li Negative numbers \li Yes (\l qint64 range) |
153 | \row \li Byte strings \li Yes |
154 | \row \li Text strings \li Yes |
155 | \row \li Chunked strings \li See below |
156 | \row \li Tags \li Yes (arbitrary) |
157 | \row \li Booleans \li Yes |
158 | \row \li Null \li Yes |
159 | \row \li Undefined \li Yes |
160 | \row \li Arbitrary simple values \li Yes |
161 | \row \li Half-precision float (16-bit) \li Yes |
162 | \row \li Single-precision float (32-bit) \li Yes |
163 | \row \li Double-precision float (64-bit) \li Yes |
164 | \row \li Infinities and NaN floating point \li Yes |
165 | \row \li Determinate-length arrays and maps \li Yes |
166 | \row \li Indeterminate-length arrays and maps \li Yes |
167 | \row \li Map key types other than strings and integers \li Yes (arbitrary) |
168 | \endtable |
169 | |
170 | Integers in QCborValue are limited to the range of the \l qint64 type. That |
171 | is, from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-2\sup{63}) to |
172 | 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (2\sup{63} - 1). CBOR itself can represent integer |
173 | values outside of this range, which QCborValue does not support. When |
174 | decoding a stream using fromCbor() containing one of those values, |
175 | QCborValue will convert automatically to \l {Type}{Double}, but that may |
176 | lose up to 11 bits of precision. |
177 | |
178 | fromCbor() is able to decode chunked strings, but will always merge the |
179 | chunks together into a single QCborValue. For that reason, it always writes |
180 | non-chunked strings when using toCbor() (which is required by the Canonical |
181 | format anyway). |
182 | |
183 | QCborValue will always convert half- and single-precision floating point |
184 | values in the CBOR stream to double-precision. The toCbor() function can |
185 | take a parameter indicating to recreate them. |
186 | |
187 | \section1 QCborValueRef |
188 | |
189 | QCborValueRef is a helper class for QCborArray and QCborMap. It is the type |
190 | you get when using one of the mutating APIs in those classes. Unlike |
191 | QCborValue, new values can be assigned to that class. When that is done, the |
192 | array or map it refers to will be modified with the new value. In all other |
193 | aspects, its API is identical to QCborValue. |
194 | |
195 | \sa QCborArray, QCborMap, QCborStreamReader, QCborStreamWriter, |
196 | QJsonValue, QJsonDocument, {Serialization Converter}, {Saving and Loading a Game} |
197 | {Parsing and displaying CBOR data} |
198 | */ |
199 | |
200 | /*! |
201 | \class QCborParserError |
202 | \inmodule QtCore |
203 | \ingroup cbor |
204 | \reentrant |
205 | \since 5.12 |
206 | |
207 | \brief The QCborParserError is used by QCborValue to report a parsing error. |
208 | |
209 | This class is used by \l {QCborValue::fromCbor(const QByteArray &ba, |
210 | QCborParserError *error)} to report a parser error and the byte offset |
211 | where the error was detected. |
212 | |
213 | \sa QCborValue, QCborError |
214 | */ |
215 | |
216 | /*! |
217 | \variable QCborParserError::offset |
218 | |
219 | This field contains the offset from the beginning of the data where the |
220 | error was detected. The offset should point to the beginning of the item |
221 | that contained the error, even if the error itself was elsewhere (for |
222 | example, for UTF-8 decoding issues). |
223 | |
224 | \sa QCborValue::fromCbor() |
225 | */ |
226 | |
227 | /*! |
228 | \variable QCborParserError::error |
229 | |
230 | This field contains the error code that indicates what decoding problem was |
231 | found. |
232 | |
233 | \sa QCborValue::fromCbor() |
234 | */ |
235 | |
236 | /*! |
237 | \fn QString QCborParserError::errorString() const |
238 | |
239 | Returns a string representation of the error code. This string is not |
240 | translated. |
241 | |
242 | \sa QCborError::toString(), QCborValue::fromCbor() |
243 | */ |
244 | |
245 | /*! |
246 | \enum QCborValue::EncodingOption |
247 | |
248 | This enum is used in the options argument to toCbor(), modifying the |
249 | behavior of the encoder. |
250 | |
251 | \omitvalue SortKeysInMaps |
252 | \value NoTransformation (Default) Performs no transformations. |
253 | \value UseFloat Tells the encoder to use IEEE 754 single-precision floating point |
254 | (that is, \c float) whenever possible. |
255 | \value UseFloat16 Tells the encoder to use IEEE 754 half-precision floating point |
256 | (that is, \c qfloat16), whenever possible. Implies \c UseFloat. |
257 | \value UseIntegers Tells the encoder to use integers whenever a value of type \l |
258 | {Type}{Double} contains an integer. |
259 | |
260 | The use of \c UseFloat16 is required to encode the stream in Canonical |
261 | Format, but is not otherwise necessary. |
262 | |
263 | \sa toCbor() |
264 | */ |
265 | |
266 | /*! |
267 | \enum QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOption |
268 | |
269 | This enum is used in the option argument to toDiagnosticNotation(), to |
270 | modify the output format. |
271 | |
272 | \value Compact Does not use any line-breaks, producing a compact representation. |
273 | \value LineWrapped Uses line-breaks, one QCborValue per line. |
274 | \value ExtendedFormat Uses some different options to represent values, not found in |
275 | RFC 7049. Those options are subject to change. |
276 | |
277 | Currently, \c ExtendedFormat will change how byte arrays are represented. |
278 | Without it, they are always hex-encoded and without spaces. With it, |
279 | QCborValue::toCbor() will either use hex with spaces, base64 or base64url |
280 | encoding, depending on the context. |
281 | |
282 | \sa toDiagnosticNotation() |
283 | */ |
284 | |
285 | /*! |
286 | \enum QCborValue::Type |
287 | |
288 | This enum represents the QCborValue type. It is returned by the type() |
289 | function. |
290 | |
291 | The CBOR built-in types are: |
292 | |
293 | \value Integer \c qint64: An integer value |
294 | \value ByteArray \l QByteArray: a byte array ("byte string") |
295 | \value String \l QString: a Unicode string ("text string") |
296 | \value Array \l QCborArray: an array of QCborValues |
297 | \value Map \l QCborMap: an associative container of QCborValues |
298 | \value SimpleType \l QCborSimpleType: one of several simple types/values |
299 | \value False \c bool: the simple type for value \c false |
300 | \value True \c bool: the simple type for value \c true |
301 | \value Null \c std::nullptr_t: the simple type for the null value |
302 | \value Undefined (no type) the simple type for the undefined value |
303 | \value Double \c double: a double-precision floating point |
304 | \value Invalid Not a valid value, this usually indicates a CBOR decoding error |
305 | |
306 | Additionally, QCborValue can represent extended types: |
307 | |
308 | \value Tag An unknown or unrecognized extended type, represented by its |
309 | tag (a \l QCborTag) and the tagged value (a QCborValue) |
310 | \value DateTime \l QDateTime: a date and time stamp |
311 | \value Url \l QUrl: a URL or URI |
312 | \value RegularExpression \l QRegularExpression: the pattern of a regular expression |
313 | \value Uuid \l QUuid: a UUID |
314 | |
315 | \sa type() |
316 | */ |
317 | |
318 | /*! |
319 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue() |
320 | |
321 | Creates a QCborValue of the \l {Type}{Undefined} type. |
322 | |
323 | CBOR undefined values are used to indicate missing information, usually as |
324 | a result of a previous operation that did not complete as expected. They |
325 | are also used by the QCborArray and QCborMap API to indicate the searched |
326 | item was not found. |
327 | |
328 | Undefined values are represented by the \l {QCborSimpleType}{Undefined |
329 | simple type}. Because of that, QCborValues with undefined values will also |
330 | return true for isSimpleType() and |
331 | \c{isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType::Undefined)}. |
332 | |
333 | Undefined values are different from null values. |
334 | |
335 | QCborValue objects with undefined values are also different from invalid |
336 | QCborValue objects. The API will not create invalid QCborValues, but they |
337 | may exist as a result of a parsing error. |
338 | |
339 | \sa isUndefined(), isNull(), isSimpleType() |
340 | */ |
341 | |
342 | /*! |
343 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(Type t_) |
344 | |
345 | Creates a QCborValue of type \a t_. The value associated with such a type |
346 | (if any) will be default constructed. |
347 | |
348 | \sa type() |
349 | */ |
350 | |
351 | /*! |
352 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(std::nullptr_t) |
353 | |
354 | Creates a QCborValue of the \l {Type}{Null} type. |
355 | |
356 | CBOR null values are used to indicate optional values that were not |
357 | provided. They are distinct from undefined values, in that null values are |
358 | usually not the result of an earlier error or problem. |
359 | |
360 | \sa isNull(), isUndefined(), isSimpleType() |
361 | */ |
362 | |
363 | /*! |
364 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(bool b) |
365 | |
366 | Creates a QCborValue with boolean value \a b. The value can later be |
367 | retrieved using toBool(). |
368 | |
369 | Internally, CBOR booleans are represented by a pair of types, one for true |
370 | and one for false. For that reason, boolean QCborValues will return true |
371 | for isSimpleType() and one of \c{isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType::False)} or |
372 | \c{isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType::True)}. |
373 | |
374 | \sa toBool(), isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse(), isSimpleType() |
375 | */ |
376 | |
377 | /*! |
378 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(qint64 i) |
379 | |
380 | Creates a QCborValue with integer value \a i. The value can later be |
381 | retrieved using toInteger(). |
382 | |
383 | CBOR integer values are distinct from floating point values. Therefore, |
384 | QCborValue objects with integers will compare differently to QCborValue |
385 | objects containing floating-point, even if the values contained in the |
386 | objects are equivalent. |
387 | |
388 | \sa toInteger(), isInteger(), isDouble() |
389 | */ |
390 | |
391 | /*! |
392 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(double d) |
393 | |
394 | Creates a QCborValue with floating point value \a d. The value can later be |
395 | retrieved using toDouble(). |
396 | |
397 | CBOR floating point values are distinct from integer values. Therefore, |
398 | QCborValue objects with integers will compare differently to QCborValue |
399 | objects containing floating-point, even if the values contained in the |
400 | objects are equivalent. |
401 | |
402 | \sa toDouble(), isDouble(), isInteger() |
403 | */ |
404 | |
405 | /*! |
406 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborSimpleType st) |
407 | |
408 | Creates a QCborValue of simple type \a st. The type can later be retrieved |
409 | using toSimpleType() as well as isSimpleType(st). |
410 | |
411 | CBOR simple types are types that do not have any associated value, like |
412 | C++'s \c{std::nullptr_t} type, whose only possible value is \nullptr. |
413 | |
414 | If \a st is \c{QCborSimpleType::Null}, the resulting QCborValue will be of |
415 | the \l{Type}{Null} type and similarly for \c{QCborSimpleType::Undefined}. |
416 | If \a st is \c{QCborSimpleType::False} or \c{QCborSimpleType::True}, the |
417 | created QCborValue will be a boolean containing a value of false or true, |
418 | respectively. |
419 | |
420 | This function can be used with simple types not defined in the API. For |
421 | example, to create a QCborValue with simple type 12, one could write: |
422 | |
423 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 1 |
424 | |
425 | Simple types should not be used until a specification for them has been |
426 | published, since other implementations may not support them properly. |
427 | Simple type values 24 to 31 are reserved and must not be used. |
428 | |
429 | isSimpleType(), isNull(), isUndefined(), isTrue(), isFalse() |
430 | */ |
431 | |
432 | /*! |
433 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborKnownTags tag, const QCborValue &taggedValue) |
434 | \overload |
435 | |
436 | Creates a QCborValue for the extended type represented by the tag value \a |
437 | tag, tagging value \a taggedValue. The tag can later be retrieved using |
438 | tag() and the tagged value using taggedValue(). |
439 | |
440 | \sa isTag(), tag(), taggedValue(), QCborKnownTags |
441 | */ |
442 | |
443 | /*! |
444 | \fn QCborValue::~QCborValue() |
445 | |
446 | Disposes of the current QCborValue object and frees any associated resources. |
447 | */ |
448 | |
449 | /*! |
450 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborValue &&other) |
451 | \overload |
452 | |
453 | Moves the contents of the \a other QCborValue object into this one and frees |
454 | the resources of this one. |
455 | */ |
456 | |
457 | /*! |
458 | \fn QCborValue &&QCborValue::operator=(QCborValue &&other) |
459 | \overload |
460 | |
461 | Moves the contents of the \a other QCborValue object into this one and frees |
462 | the resources of this one. Returns a reference to this object. |
463 | */ |
464 | |
465 | /*! |
466 | \fn void QCborValue::swap(QCborValue &other) |
467 | |
468 | Swaps the contents of this QCborValue object and \a other. |
469 | */ |
470 | |
471 | /*! |
472 | \fn QCborValue::Type QCborValue::type() const |
473 | |
474 | Returns the type of this QCborValue. The type can also later be retrieved by one |
475 | of the "isXxx" functions. |
476 | |
477 | \sa isInteger(), isByteArray(), isString(), isArray(), isMap(), |
478 | isTag(), isFalse(), isTrue(), isBool(), isNull(), isUndefined, isDouble(), |
479 | isDateTime(), isUrl(), isRegularExpression(), isUuid() |
480 | */ |
481 | |
482 | /*! |
483 | \fn bool QCborValue::isInteger() const |
484 | |
485 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the integer type. The integer value |
486 | can be retrieved using toInteger(). |
487 | |
488 | \sa type(), toInteger() |
489 | */ |
490 | |
491 | /*! |
492 | \fn bool QCborValue::isByteArray() const |
493 | |
494 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the byte array type. The byte array |
495 | value can be retrieved using toByteArray(). |
496 | |
497 | \sa type(), toByteArray() |
498 | */ |
499 | |
500 | /*! |
501 | \fn bool QCborValue::isString() const |
502 | |
503 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the string type. The string value |
504 | can be retrieved using toString(). |
505 | |
506 | \sa type(), toString() |
507 | */ |
508 | |
509 | /*! |
510 | \fn bool QCborValue::isArray() const |
511 | |
512 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the array type. The array value can |
513 | be retrieved using toArray(). |
514 | |
515 | \sa type(), toArray() |
516 | */ |
517 | |
518 | /*! |
519 | \fn bool QCborValue::isMap() const |
520 | |
521 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the map type. The map value can be |
522 | retrieved using toMap(). |
523 | |
524 | \sa type(), toMap() |
525 | */ |
526 | |
527 | /*! |
528 | \fn bool QCborValue::isTag() const |
529 | |
530 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the tag type. The tag value can be |
531 | retrieved using tag() and the tagged value using taggedValue(). |
532 | |
533 | This function also returns true for extended types that the API |
534 | recognizes. For code that handles extended types directly before the Qt API |
535 | is updated to support them, it is possible to recreate the tag + tagged |
536 | value pair by using taggedValue(). |
537 | |
538 | \sa type(), tag(), taggedValue(), taggedValue() |
539 | */ |
540 | |
541 | /*! |
542 | \fn bool QCborValue::isFalse() const |
543 | |
544 | Returns true if this QCborValue is a boolean with false value. This |
545 | function exists because, internally, CBOR booleans are stored as two |
546 | separate types, one for true and one for false. |
547 | |
548 | \sa type(), isBool(), isTrue(), toBool() |
549 | */ |
550 | |
551 | /*! |
552 | \fn bool QCborValue::isTrue() const |
553 | |
554 | Returns true if this QCborValue is a boolean with true value. This |
555 | function exists because, internally, CBOR booleans are stored as two |
556 | separate types, one for false and one for true. |
557 | |
558 | \sa type(), isBool(), isFalse(), toBool() |
559 | */ |
560 | |
561 | /*! |
562 | \fn bool QCborValue::isBool() const |
563 | |
564 | Returns true if this QCborValue is a boolean. The value can be retrieved |
565 | using toBool(). |
566 | |
567 | \sa type(), toBool(), isTrue(), isFalse() |
568 | */ |
569 | |
570 | /*! |
571 | \fn bool QCborValue::isUndefined() const |
572 | |
573 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the undefined type. |
574 | |
575 | CBOR undefined values are used to indicate missing information, usually as |
576 | a result of a previous operation that did not complete as expected. They |
577 | are also used by the QCborArray and QCborMap API to indicate the searched |
578 | item was not found. |
579 | |
580 | Undefined values are distinct from null values. |
581 | |
582 | QCborValue objects with undefined values are also different from invalid |
583 | QCborValue objects. The API will not create invalid QCborValues, but they |
584 | may exist as a result of a parsing error. |
585 | |
586 | \sa type(), isNull(), isInvalid() |
587 | */ |
588 | |
589 | /*! |
590 | \fn bool QCborValue::isNull() const |
591 | |
592 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the null type. |
593 | |
594 | CBOR null values are used to indicate optional values that were not |
595 | provided. They are distinct from undefined values, in that null values are |
596 | usually not the result of an earlier error or problem. |
597 | |
598 | Null values are distinct from undefined values and from invalid QCborValue |
599 | objects. The API will not create invalid QCborValues, but they may exist as |
600 | a result of a parsing error. |
601 | |
602 | \sa type(), isUndefined(), isInvalid() |
603 | */ |
604 | |
605 | /*! |
606 | \fn bool QCborValue::isDouble() const |
607 | |
608 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the floating-point type. The value |
609 | can be retrieved using toDouble(). |
610 | |
611 | \sa type(), toDouble() |
612 | */ |
613 | |
614 | /*! |
615 | \fn bool QCborValue::isDateTime() const |
616 | |
617 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the date/time type. The value can be |
618 | retrieved using toDateTime(). Date/times are extended types that use the |
619 | tag \l{QCborKnownTags}{DateTime}. |
620 | |
621 | Additionally, when decoding from a CBOR stream, QCborValue will interpret |
622 | tags of value \l{QCborKnownTags}{UnixTime_t} and convert them to the |
623 | equivalent date/time. |
624 | |
625 | \sa type(), toDateTime() |
626 | */ |
627 | |
628 | /*! |
629 | \fn bool QCborValue::isUrl() const |
630 | |
631 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of the URL type. The URL value |
632 | can be retrieved using toUrl(). |
633 | |
634 | \sa type(), toUrl() |
635 | */ |
636 | |
637 | /*! |
638 | \fn bool QCborValue::isRegularExpression() const |
639 | |
640 | Returns true if this QCborValue contains a regular expression's pattern. |
641 | The pattern can be retrieved using toRegularExpression(). |
642 | |
643 | \sa type(), toRegularExpression() |
644 | */ |
645 | |
646 | /*! |
647 | \fn bool QCborValue::isUuid() const |
648 | |
649 | Returns true if this QCborValue contains a UUID. The value can be retrieved |
650 | using toUuid(). |
651 | |
652 | \sa type(), toUuid() |
653 | */ |
654 | |
655 | /*! |
656 | \fn bool QCborValue::isInvalid() const |
657 | |
658 | Returns true if this QCborValue is not of any valid type. Invalid |
659 | QCborValues are distinct from those with undefined values and they usually |
660 | represent a decoding error. |
661 | |
662 | \sa isUndefined(), isNull() |
663 | */ |
664 | |
665 | /*! |
666 | \fn bool QCborValue::isContainer() const |
667 | |
668 | This convenience function returns true if the QCborValue is either an array |
669 | or a map. |
670 | |
671 | \sa isArray(), isMap() |
672 | */ |
673 | |
674 | /*! |
675 | \fn bool QCborValue::isSimpleType() const |
676 | |
677 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of one of the CBOR simple types. The |
678 | type itself can later be retrieved using type(), even for types that don't have an |
679 | enumeration in the API. They can also be checked with the |
680 | \l{isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType)} overload. |
681 | |
682 | \sa QCborSimpleType, isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType), toSimpleType() |
683 | */ |
684 | |
685 | /*! |
686 | \fn bool QCborValue::isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType st) const |
687 | \overload |
688 | |
689 | Returns true if this QCborValue is of a simple type and toSimpleType() |
690 | would return \a st, false otherwise. This function can be used to check for |
691 | any CBOR simple type, even those for which there is no enumeration in the |
692 | API. For example, for the simple type of value 12, you could write: |
693 | |
694 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 2 |
695 | |
696 | \sa QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborSimpleType), isSimpleType(), isFalse(), |
697 | isTrue(), isNull, isUndefined(), toSimpleType() |
698 | */ |
699 | |
700 | /*! |
701 | \fn QCborSimpleType QCborValue::toSimpleType(QCborSimpleType defaultValue) const |
702 | |
703 | Returns the simple type this QCborValue is of, if it is a simple type. If |
704 | it is not a simple type, it returns \a defaultValue. |
705 | |
706 | The following types are simple types and this function will return the |
707 | listed values: |
708 | |
709 | \table |
710 | \row \li QCborValue::False \li QCborSimpleType::False |
711 | \row \li QCborValue::True \li QCborSimpleType::True |
712 | \row \li QCborValue::Null \li QCborSimpleType::Null |
713 | \row \li QCborValue::Undefined \li QCborSimpleType::Undefined |
714 | \endtable |
715 | |
716 | \sa type(), isSimpleType(), isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse(), isTrue(), |
717 | isNull(), isUndefined() |
718 | */ |
719 | |
720 | /*! |
721 | \fn qint64 QCborValue::toInteger(qint64 defaultValue) const |
722 | |
723 | Returns the integer value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the |
724 | integer type. If it is of the Double type, this function returns the |
725 | floating point value converted to integer. In any other case, it returns \a |
726 | defaultValue. |
727 | |
728 | \sa isInteger(), isDouble(), toDouble() |
729 | */ |
730 | |
731 | /*! |
732 | \fn bool QCborValue::toBool(bool defaultValue) const |
733 | |
734 | Returns the boolean value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of a boolean |
735 | type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
736 | |
737 | \sa isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse() |
738 | */ |
739 | |
740 | /*! |
741 | \fn double QCborValue::toDouble(double defaultValue) const |
742 | |
743 | Returns the floating point value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the |
744 | Double type. If it is of the Integer type, this function returns the |
745 | integer value converted to double. In any other case, it returns \a |
746 | defaultValue. |
747 | |
748 | \sa isDouble(), isInteger(), toInteger() |
749 | */ |
750 | |
751 | using namespace QtCbor; |
752 | |
753 | static QCborContainerPrivate *assignContainer(QCborContainerPrivate *&d, QCborContainerPrivate *x) |
754 | { |
755 | if (d == x) |
756 | return d; |
757 | if (d) |
758 | d->deref(); |
759 | if (x) |
760 | x->ref.ref(); |
761 | return d = x; |
762 | } |
763 | |
764 | static QCborValue::Type convertToExtendedType(QCborContainerPrivate *d) |
765 | { |
766 | qint64 tag = d->elements.at(i: 0).value; |
767 | auto &e = d->elements[1]; |
768 | const ByteData *b = d->byteData(e); |
769 | |
770 | auto replaceByteData = [&](const char *buf, qsizetype len, Element::ValueFlags f) { |
771 | d->data.clear(); |
772 | d->usedData = 0; |
773 | e.flags = Element::HasByteData | f; |
774 | e.value = d->addByteData(block: buf, len); |
775 | }; |
776 | |
777 | switch (tag) { |
778 | case qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString): |
779 | case qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t): { |
780 | QDateTime dt; |
781 | if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString) && b && |
782 | e.type == QCborValue::String && (e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) == 0) { |
783 | // The data is supposed to be US-ASCII. If it isn't (contains UTF-8), |
784 | // QDateTime::fromString will fail anyway. |
785 | dt = QDateTime::fromString(string: b->asLatin1(), format: Qt::ISODateWithMs); |
786 | } else if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t)) { |
787 | qint64 msecs; |
788 | bool ok = false; |
789 | if (e.type == QCborValue::Integer) { |
790 | #if QT_POINTER_SIZE == 8 |
791 | // we don't have a fast 64-bit qMulOverflow implementation on |
792 | // 32-bit architectures. |
793 | ok = !qMulOverflow(v1: e.value, v2: qint64(1000), r: &msecs); |
794 | #else |
795 | static const qint64 Limit = std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max() / 1000; |
796 | ok = (e.value > -Limit && e.value < Limit); |
797 | if (ok) |
798 | msecs = e.value * 1000; |
799 | #endif |
800 | } else if (e.type == QCborValue::Double) { |
801 | ok = convertDoubleTo(v: round(x: e.fpvalue() * 1000), value: &msecs); |
802 | } |
803 | if (ok) |
804 | dt = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(msecs, timeZone: QTimeZone::UTC); |
805 | } |
806 | if (dt.isValid()) { |
807 | QByteArray text = dt.toString(format: Qt::ISODateWithMs).toLatin1(); |
808 | if (!text.isEmpty()) { |
809 | replaceByteData(text, text.size(), Element::StringIsAscii); |
810 | e.type = QCborValue::String; |
811 | d->elements[0].value = qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString); |
812 | return QCborValue::DateTime; |
813 | } |
814 | } |
815 | break; |
816 | } |
817 | |
818 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
819 | case qint64(QCborKnownTags::Url): |
820 | if (e.type == QCborValue::String) { |
821 | if (b) { |
822 | // normalize to a short (decoded) form, so as to save space |
823 | QUrl url(e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16 ? |
824 | b->asQStringRaw() : |
825 | b->toUtf8String(), QUrl::StrictMode); |
826 | if (url.isValid()) { |
827 | QByteArray encoded = url.toString(options: QUrl::DecodeReserved).toUtf8(); |
828 | replaceByteData(encoded, encoded.size(), {}); |
829 | } |
830 | } |
831 | return QCborValue::Url; |
832 | } |
833 | break; |
834 | #endif // QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
835 | |
836 | #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
837 | case quint64(QCborKnownTags::RegularExpression): |
838 | if (e.type == QCborValue::String) { |
839 | // no normalization is necessary |
840 | return QCborValue::RegularExpression; |
841 | } |
842 | break; |
843 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
844 | |
845 | case qint64(QCborKnownTags::Uuid): |
846 | if (e.type == QCborValue::ByteArray) { |
847 | // force the size to 16 |
848 | char buf[sizeof(QUuid)] = {}; |
849 | if (b) |
850 | memcpy(dest: buf, src: b->byte(), n: qMin(a: sizeof(buf), b: size_t(b->len))); |
851 | replaceByteData(buf, sizeof(buf), {}); |
852 | |
853 | return QCborValue::Uuid; |
854 | } |
855 | break; |
856 | } |
857 | |
858 | // no enriching happened |
859 | return QCborValue::Tag; |
860 | } |
861 | |
862 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
863 | static void writeDoubleToCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, double d, QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt) |
864 | { |
865 | if (qt_is_nan(d)) { |
866 | if (opt & QCborValue::UseFloat) { |
867 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
868 | if ((opt & QCborValue::UseFloat16) == QCborValue::UseFloat16) |
869 | return writer.append(f: std::numeric_limits<qfloat16>::quiet_NaN()); |
870 | #endif |
871 | return writer.append(f: std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()); |
872 | } |
873 | return writer.append(d: qt_qnan()); |
874 | } |
875 | |
876 | if (qt_is_inf(d)) { |
877 | d = d > 0 ? qt_inf() : -qt_inf(); |
878 | } else if (opt & QCborValue::UseIntegers) { |
879 | quint64 i; |
880 | if (convertDoubleTo(v: d, value: &i)) { |
881 | if (d < 0) |
882 | return writer.append(n: QCborNegativeInteger(i)); |
883 | return writer.append(u: i); |
884 | } |
885 | } |
886 | |
887 | if (opt & QCborValue::UseFloat) { |
888 | float f = float(d); |
889 | if (f == d) { |
890 | // no data loss, we could use float |
891 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
892 | if ((opt & QCborValue::UseFloat16) == QCborValue::UseFloat16) { |
893 | qfloat16 f16 = qfloat16(f); |
894 | if (f16 == f) |
895 | return writer.append(f: f16); |
896 | } |
897 | #endif |
898 | |
899 | return writer.append(f); |
900 | } |
901 | } |
902 | |
903 | writer.append(d); |
904 | } |
905 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
906 | |
907 | static inline int typeOrder(QCborValue::Type e1, QCborValue::Type e2) |
908 | { |
909 | auto comparable = [](QCborValue::Type type) { |
910 | if (type >= 0x10000) // see QCborValue::isTag_helper() |
911 | return QCborValue::Tag; |
912 | return type; |
913 | }; |
914 | return comparable(e1) - comparable(e2); |
915 | } |
916 | |
917 | QCborContainerPrivate::~QCborContainerPrivate() |
918 | { |
919 | // delete our elements |
920 | for (Element &e : elements) { |
921 | if (e.flags & Element::IsContainer) |
922 | e.container->deref(); |
923 | } |
924 | } |
925 | |
926 | void QCborContainerPrivate::compact() |
927 | { |
928 | if (usedData > data.size() / 2) |
929 | return; |
930 | |
931 | // 50% savings if we recreate the byte data |
932 | QByteArray newData; |
933 | QByteArray::size_type newUsedData = 0; |
934 | // Compact only elements that have byte data. |
935 | // Nested containers will be compacted when their data changes. |
936 | for (auto &e : elements) { |
937 | if (e.flags & Element::HasByteData) { |
938 | if (const ByteData *b = byteData(e)) |
939 | e.value = addByteDataImpl(target&: newData, targetUsed&: newUsedData, block: b->byte(), len: b->len); |
940 | } |
941 | } |
942 | data = newData; |
943 | usedData = newUsedData; |
944 | } |
945 | |
946 | QCborContainerPrivate *QCborContainerPrivate::clone(QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype reserved) |
947 | { |
948 | if (!d) { |
949 | d = new QCborContainerPrivate; |
950 | } else { |
951 | // in case QList::reserve throws |
952 | QExplicitlySharedDataPointer u(new QCborContainerPrivate(*d)); |
953 | if (reserved >= 0) { |
954 | u->elements.reserve(asize: reserved); |
955 | u->compact(); |
956 | } |
957 | |
958 | d = u.take(); |
959 | d->ref.storeRelaxed(newValue: 0); |
960 | |
961 | for (auto &e : std::as_const(t&: d->elements)) { |
962 | if (e.flags & Element::IsContainer) |
963 | e.container->ref.ref(); |
964 | } |
965 | } |
966 | return d; |
967 | } |
968 | |
969 | QCborContainerPrivate *QCborContainerPrivate::detach(QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype reserved) |
970 | { |
971 | if (!d || d->ref.loadRelaxed() != 1) |
972 | return clone(d, reserved); |
973 | return d; |
974 | } |
975 | |
976 | /*! |
977 | Prepare for an insertion at position \a index |
978 | |
979 | Detaches and ensures there are at least index entries in the array, padding |
980 | with Undefined as needed. |
981 | */ |
982 | QCborContainerPrivate *QCborContainerPrivate::grow(QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype index) |
983 | { |
984 | Q_ASSERT(index >= 0); |
985 | d = detach(d, reserved: index + 1); |
986 | Q_ASSERT(d); |
987 | qsizetype j = d->elements.size(); |
988 | while (j++ < index) |
989 | d->append(Undefined()); |
990 | return d; |
991 | } |
992 | |
993 | // Copies or moves \a value into element at position \a e. If \a disp is |
994 | // CopyContainer, then this function increases the reference count of the |
995 | // container, but otherwise leaves it unmodified. If \a disp is MoveContainer, |
996 | // then it transfers ownership (move semantics) and the caller must set |
997 | // value.container back to nullptr. |
998 | void QCborContainerPrivate::replaceAt_complex(Element &e, const QCborValue &value, ContainerDisposition disp) |
999 | { |
1000 | if (value.n < 0) { |
1001 | // This QCborValue is an array, map, or tagged value (container points |
1002 | // to itself). |
1003 | |
1004 | // detect self-assignment |
1005 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(this == value.container)) { |
1006 | Q_ASSERT(ref.loadRelaxed() >= 2); |
1007 | if (disp == MoveContainer) |
1008 | ref.deref(); // not deref() because it can't drop to 0 |
1009 | QCborContainerPrivate *d = QCborContainerPrivate::clone(d: this); |
1010 | d->elements.detach(); |
1011 | d->ref.storeRelaxed(newValue: 1); |
1012 | e.container = d; |
1013 | } else { |
1014 | e.container = value.container; |
1015 | if (disp == CopyContainer) |
1016 | e.container->ref.ref(); |
1017 | } |
1018 | |
1019 | e.type = value.type(); |
1020 | e.flags = Element::IsContainer; |
1021 | } else { |
1022 | // String data, copy contents |
1023 | e = value.container->elements.at(i: value.n); |
1024 | |
1025 | // Copy string data, if any |
1026 | if (const ByteData *b = value.container->byteData(idx: value.n)) { |
1027 | const auto flags = e.flags; |
1028 | // The element e has an invalid e.value, because it is copied from |
1029 | // value. It means that calling compact() will trigger an assertion |
1030 | // or just silently corrupt the data. |
1031 | // Temporarily unset the Element::HasByteData flag in order to skip |
1032 | // the element e in the call to compact(). |
1033 | e.flags = e.flags & ~Element::HasByteData; |
1034 | if (this == value.container) { |
1035 | const QByteArray valueData = b->toByteArray(); |
1036 | compact(); |
1037 | e.value = addByteData(block: valueData, len: valueData.size()); |
1038 | } else { |
1039 | compact(); |
1040 | e.value = addByteData(block: b->byte(), len: b->len); |
1041 | } |
1042 | // restore the flags |
1043 | e.flags = flags; |
1044 | } |
1045 | |
1046 | if (disp == MoveContainer) |
1047 | value.container->deref(); |
1048 | } |
1049 | } |
1050 | |
1051 | // in qstring.cpp |
1052 | void qt_to_latin1_unchecked(uchar *dst, const char16_t *uc, qsizetype len); |
1053 | |
1054 | Q_NEVER_INLINE void QCborContainerPrivate::appendAsciiString(QStringView s) |
1055 | { |
1056 | qsizetype len = s.size(); |
1057 | QtCbor::Element e; |
1058 | e.value = addByteData(block: nullptr, len); |
1059 | e.type = QCborValue::String; |
1060 | e.flags = Element::HasByteData | Element::StringIsAscii; |
1061 | elements.append(t: e); |
1062 | |
1063 | char *ptr = data.data() + e.value + sizeof(ByteData); |
1064 | uchar *l = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(ptr); |
1065 | qt_to_latin1_unchecked(dst: l, uc: s.utf16(), len); |
1066 | } |
1067 | |
1068 | void QCborContainerPrivate::appendNonAsciiString(QStringView s) |
1069 | { |
1070 | appendByteData(data: reinterpret_cast<const char *>(s.utf16()), len: s.size() * 2, |
1071 | type: QCborValue::String, extraFlags: QtCbor::Element::StringIsUtf16); |
1072 | } |
1073 | |
1074 | QCborValue QCborContainerPrivate::extractAt_complex(Element e) |
1075 | { |
1076 | // create a new container for the returned value, containing the byte data |
1077 | // from this element, if it's worth it |
1078 | Q_ASSERT(e.flags & Element::HasByteData); |
1079 | auto b = byteData(e); |
1080 | auto container = new QCborContainerPrivate; |
1081 | |
1082 | if (b->len + qsizetype(sizeof(*b)) < data.size() / 4) { |
1083 | // make a shallow copy of the byte data |
1084 | container->appendByteData(data: b->byte(), len: b->len, type: e.type, extraFlags: e.flags); |
1085 | usedData -= b->len + qsizetype(sizeof(*b)); |
1086 | compact(); |
1087 | } else { |
1088 | // just share with the original byte data |
1089 | container->data = data; |
1090 | container->elements.reserve(asize: 1); |
1091 | container->elements.append(t: e); |
1092 | } |
1093 | |
1094 | return makeValue(type: e.type, n: 0, d: container); |
1095 | } |
1096 | |
1097 | // Similar to QStringIterator::next() but returns malformed surrogate pair |
1098 | // itself when one is detected, and returns the length in UTF-8. |
1099 | static auto nextUtf32Character(const char16_t *&ptr, const char16_t *end) noexcept |
1100 | { |
1101 | Q_ASSERT(ptr != end); |
1102 | struct R { |
1103 | char32_t c; |
1104 | qsizetype len = 1; // in UTF-8 code units (bytes) |
1105 | } r = { .c: *ptr++ }; |
1106 | |
1107 | if (r.c < 0x0800) { |
1108 | if (r.c >= 0x0080) |
1109 | ++r.len; |
1110 | } else if (!QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4: r.c) || ptr == end) { |
1111 | r.len += 2; |
1112 | } else { |
1113 | r.len += 3; |
1114 | r.c = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(high: r.c, low: *ptr++); |
1115 | } |
1116 | |
1117 | return r; |
1118 | } |
1119 | |
1120 | static qsizetype stringLengthInUtf8(const char16_t *ptr, const char16_t *end) noexcept |
1121 | { |
1122 | qsizetype len = 0; |
1123 | while (ptr < end) |
1124 | len += nextUtf32Character(ptr, end).len; |
1125 | return len; |
1126 | } |
1127 | |
1128 | static int compareStringsInUtf8(QStringView lhs, QStringView rhs, Comparison mode) noexcept |
1129 | { |
1130 | if (mode == Comparison::ForEquality) |
1131 | return lhs == rhs ? 0 : 1; |
1132 | |
1133 | // The UTF-16 length is *usually* comparable, but not always. There are |
1134 | // pathological cases where they can be wrong, so we need to compare as if |
1135 | // we were doing it in UTF-8. That includes the case of UTF-16 surrogate |
1136 | // pairs, because qstring.cpp sorts them before U+E000-U+FFFF. |
1137 | int diff = 0; |
1138 | qsizetype len1 = 0; |
1139 | qsizetype len2 = 0; |
1140 | const char16_t *src1 = lhs.utf16(); |
1141 | const char16_t *src2 = rhs.utf16(); |
1142 | const char16_t *end1 = src1 + lhs.size(); |
1143 | const char16_t *end2 = src2 + rhs.size(); |
1144 | |
1145 | // first, scan until we find a difference (if any) |
1146 | do { |
1147 | auto r1 = nextUtf32Character(ptr&: src1, end: end1); |
1148 | auto r2 = nextUtf32Character(ptr&: src2, end: end2); |
1149 | len1 += r1.len; |
1150 | len2 += r2.len; |
1151 | diff = int(r1.c) - int(r2.c); // no underflow due to limited range |
1152 | } while (src1 < end1 && src2 < end2 && diff == 0); |
1153 | |
1154 | // compute the full length past this first difference |
1155 | len1 += stringLengthInUtf8(ptr: src1, end: end1); |
1156 | len2 += stringLengthInUtf8(ptr: src2, end: end2); |
1157 | if (len1 == len2) |
1158 | return diff; |
1159 | return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1; |
1160 | } |
1161 | |
1162 | static int compareStringsInUtf8(QUtf8StringView lhs, QStringView rhs, Comparison mode) noexcept |
1163 | { |
1164 | // CBOR requires that the shortest of the two strings be sorted first, so |
1165 | // we have to calculate the UTF-8 length of the UTF-16 string while |
1166 | // comparing. Unlike the UTF-32 comparison above, we convert the UTF-16 |
1167 | // string to UTF-8 so we only need to decode one string. |
1168 | |
1169 | const qsizetype len1 = lhs.size(); |
1170 | const auto src1 = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(lhs.data()); |
1171 | const char16_t *src2 = rhs.utf16(); |
1172 | const char16_t *const end2 = src2 + rhs.size(); |
1173 | |
1174 | // Compare the two strings until we find a difference. |
1175 | int diff = 0; |
1176 | qptrdiff idx1 = 0; |
1177 | qsizetype len2 = 0; |
1178 | do { |
1179 | uchar utf8[4]; // longest possible Unicode character in UTF-8 |
1180 | uchar *ptr = utf8; |
1181 | char16_t uc = *src2++; |
1182 | int r = QUtf8Functions::toUtf8<QUtf8BaseTraits>(u: uc, dst&: ptr, src&: src2, end: end2); |
1183 | Q_UNUSED(r); // ignore failure to encode proper UTF-16 surrogates |
1184 | |
1185 | qptrdiff n = ptr - utf8; |
1186 | len2 += n; |
1187 | if (len1 - idx1 < n) |
1188 | return -1; // lhs is definitely shorter |
1189 | diff = memcmp(s1: src1 + idx1, s2: utf8, n: n); |
1190 | idx1 += n; |
1191 | } while (diff == 0 && idx1 < len1 && src2 < end2); |
1192 | |
1193 | if (mode == Comparison::ForEquality && diff) |
1194 | return diff; |
1195 | if ((idx1 == len1) != (src2 == end2)) { |
1196 | // One of the strings ended earlier than the other |
1197 | return idx1 == len1 ? -1 : 1; |
1198 | } |
1199 | |
1200 | // We found a difference and neither string ended, so continue calculating |
1201 | // the UTF-8 length of rhs. |
1202 | len2 += stringLengthInUtf8(ptr: src2, end: end2); |
1203 | |
1204 | if (len1 != len2) |
1205 | return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1; |
1206 | return diff; |
1207 | } |
1208 | |
1209 | static int compareStringsInUtf8(QStringView lhs, QUtf8StringView rhs, Comparison mode) noexcept |
1210 | { |
1211 | return -compareStringsInUtf8(lhs: rhs, rhs: lhs, mode); |
1212 | } |
1213 | |
1214 | QT_WARNING_DISABLE_MSVC(4146) // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned |
1215 | static int compareContainer(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, |
1216 | Comparison mode) noexcept; |
1217 | static int compareElementNoData(const Element &e1, const Element &e2) noexcept |
1218 | { |
1219 | Q_ASSERT(e1.type == e2.type); |
1220 | |
1221 | if (e1.type == QCborValue::Integer) { |
1222 | // CBOR sorting order is 0, 1, 2, ..., INT64_MAX, -1, -2, -3, ... INT64_MIN |
1223 | // So we transform: |
1224 | // 0 -> 0 |
1225 | // 1 -> 1 |
1226 | // INT64_MAX -> INT64_MAX |
1227 | // -1 -> INT64_MAX + 1 = INT64_MAX - (-1) |
1228 | // -2 -> INT64_MAX + 2 = INT64_MAX - (-2) |
1229 | // INT64_MIN -> UINT64_MAX = INT64_MAX - INT64_MIN |
1230 | // Note how the unsigned arithmetic is well defined in C++ (it's |
1231 | // always performed modulo 2^64). |
1232 | auto makeSortable = [](qint64 v) { |
1233 | quint64 u = quint64(v); |
1234 | if (v < 0) |
1235 | return quint64(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max()) + (-u); |
1236 | return u; |
1237 | }; |
1238 | quint64 u1 = makeSortable(e1.value); |
1239 | quint64 u2 = makeSortable(e2.value); |
1240 | if (u1 < u2) |
1241 | return -1; |
1242 | if (u1 > u2) |
1243 | return 1; |
1244 | } |
1245 | |
1246 | if (e1.type == QCborValue::Tag || e1.type == QCborValue::Double) { |
1247 | // Perform unsigned comparisons for the tag value and floating point |
1248 | quint64 u1 = quint64(e1.value); |
1249 | quint64 u2 = quint64(e2.value); |
1250 | if (u1 != u2) |
1251 | return u1 < u2 ? -1 : 1; |
1252 | } |
1253 | |
1254 | // Any other type is equal at this point: |
1255 | // - simple types carry no value |
1256 | // - empty strings, arrays and maps |
1257 | return 0; |
1258 | } |
1259 | |
1260 | static int compareElementRecursive(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, const Element &e1, |
1261 | const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, const Element &e2, |
1262 | Comparison mode) noexcept |
1263 | { |
1264 | int cmp = typeOrder(e1: e1.type, e2: e2.type); |
1265 | if (cmp != 0) |
1266 | return cmp; |
1267 | |
1268 | if ((e1.flags & Element::IsContainer) || (e2.flags & Element::IsContainer)) |
1269 | return compareContainer(c1: e1.flags & Element::IsContainer ? e1.container : nullptr, |
1270 | c2: e2.flags & Element::IsContainer ? e2.container : nullptr, mode); |
1271 | |
1272 | // string data? |
1273 | const ByteData *b1 = c1 ? c1->byteData(e: e1) : nullptr; |
1274 | const ByteData *b2 = c2 ? c2->byteData(e: e2) : nullptr; |
1275 | if (b1 || b2) { |
1276 | auto len1 = b1 ? b1->len : 0; |
1277 | auto len2 = b2 ? b2->len : 0; |
1278 | if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) |
1279 | return len1 < len2 ? -1 : len1 == len2 ? 0 : 1; |
1280 | |
1281 | // we definitely have data from this point forward |
1282 | Q_ASSERT(b1); |
1283 | Q_ASSERT(b2); |
1284 | |
1285 | // Officially with CBOR, we sort first the string with the shortest |
1286 | // UTF-8 length. Since US-ASCII is just a subset of UTF-8, its length |
1287 | // is the UTF-8 length. But the UTF-16 length may not be directly |
1288 | // comparable. |
1289 | if ((e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) && (e2.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)) |
1290 | return compareStringsInUtf8(lhs: b1->asStringView(), rhs: b2->asStringView(), mode); |
1291 | |
1292 | if (!(e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) && !(e2.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)) { |
1293 | // Neither is UTF-16, so lengths are comparable too |
1294 | // (this case includes byte arrays too) |
1295 | if (len1 == len2) { |
1296 | if (mode == Comparison::ForEquality) { |
1297 | // GCC optimizes this to __memcmpeq(); Clang to bcmp() |
1298 | return memcmp(s1: b1->byte(), s2: b2->byte(), n: size_t(len1)) == 0 ? 0 : 1; |
1299 | } |
1300 | return memcmp(s1: b1->byte(), s2: b2->byte(), n: size_t(len1)); |
1301 | } |
1302 | return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1; |
1303 | } |
1304 | |
1305 | // Only one is UTF-16 |
1306 | if (e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) |
1307 | return compareStringsInUtf8(lhs: b1->asStringView(), rhs: b2->asUtf8StringView(), mode); |
1308 | else |
1309 | return compareStringsInUtf8(lhs: b1->asUtf8StringView(), rhs: b2->asStringView(), mode); |
1310 | } |
1311 | |
1312 | return compareElementNoData(e1, e2); |
1313 | } |
1314 | |
1315 | static int compareContainer(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, |
1316 | Comparison mode) noexcept |
1317 | { |
1318 | auto len1 = c1 ? c1->elements.size() : 0; |
1319 | auto len2 = c2 ? c2->elements.size() : 0; |
1320 | if (len1 != len2) { |
1321 | // sort the shorter container first |
1322 | return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1; |
1323 | } |
1324 | |
1325 | for (qsizetype i = 0; i < len1; ++i) { |
1326 | const Element &e1 = c1->elements.at(i); |
1327 | const Element &e2 = c2->elements.at(i); |
1328 | int cmp = compareElementRecursive(c1, e1, c2, e2, mode); |
1329 | if (cmp) |
1330 | return cmp; |
1331 | } |
1332 | |
1333 | return 0; |
1334 | } |
1335 | |
1336 | inline int QCborContainerPrivate::compareElement_helper(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, Element e1, |
1337 | const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, Element e2, |
1338 | Comparison mode) noexcept |
1339 | { |
1340 | return compareElementRecursive(c1, e1, c2, e2, mode); |
1341 | } |
1342 | |
1343 | /*! |
1344 | \fn bool QCborValue::operator==(const QCborValue &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) |
1345 | |
1346 | Compares \a lhs and \a rhs, and returns true if they hold the same |
1347 | contents, false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the |
1348 | comparison is recursive to elements contained in them. |
1349 | |
1350 | For more information on CBOR equality in Qt, see, compare(). |
1351 | |
1352 | \sa compare(), QCborValue::operator==(), QCborMap::operator==(), |
1353 | operator!=(), operator<() |
1354 | */ |
1355 | |
1356 | /*! |
1357 | \fn bool QCborValue::operator!=(const QCborValue &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) |
1358 | |
1359 | Compares \a lhs and \a rhs, and returns true if contents differ, |
1360 | false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the comparison |
1361 | is recursive to elements contained in them. |
1362 | |
1363 | For more information on CBOR equality in Qt, see, QCborValue::compare(). |
1364 | |
1365 | \sa compare(), QCborValue::operator==(), QCborMap::operator==(), |
1366 | operator==(), operator<() |
1367 | */ |
1368 | bool comparesEqual(const QCborValue &lhs, |
1369 | const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
1370 | { |
1371 | Element e1 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(value: lhs); |
1372 | Element e2 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(value: rhs); |
1373 | return compareElementRecursive(c1: lhs.container, e1, c2: rhs.container, e2, |
1374 | mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
1375 | } |
1376 | |
1377 | /*! |
1378 | \fn bool QCborValue::operator<(const QCborValue &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) |
1379 | |
1380 | Compares \a lhs and \a rhs, and returns true if \a lhs should be |
1381 | sorted before \a rhs, false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an |
1382 | array or map, the comparison is recursive to elements contained in them. |
1383 | |
1384 | For more information on CBOR sorting order, see QCborValue::compare(). |
1385 | |
1386 | \sa compare(), QCborValue::operator==(), QCborMap::operator==(), |
1387 | operator==(), operator!=() |
1388 | */ |
1389 | |
1390 | /*! |
1391 | \fn bool QCborValue::operator<=(const QCborValue &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) |
1392 | |
1393 | Compares \a lhs and \a rhs, and returns true if \a lhs should be |
1394 | sorted before \a rhs or is being equal to \a rhs, false otherwise. |
1395 | If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the comparison is recursive |
1396 | to elements contained in them. |
1397 | |
1398 | For more information on CBOR sorting order, see QCborValue::compare(). |
1399 | |
1400 | \sa compare(), QCborValue::operator<(), QCborMap::operator==(), |
1401 | operator==(), operator!=() |
1402 | */ |
1403 | |
1404 | /*! |
1405 | \fn bool QCborValue::operator>(const QCborValue &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) |
1406 | |
1407 | Compares \a lhs and \a rhs, and returns true if \a lhs should be |
1408 | sorted after \a rhs, false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an |
1409 | array or map, the comparison is recursive to elements contained in them. |
1410 | |
1411 | For more information on CBOR sorting order, see QCborValue::compare(). |
1412 | |
1413 | \sa compare(), QCborValue::operator>=(), QCborMap::operator==(), |
1414 | operator==(), operator!=() |
1415 | */ |
1416 | |
1417 | /*! |
1418 | \fn bool QCborValue::operator>=(const QCborValue &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) |
1419 | |
1420 | Compares \a lhs and \a rhs, and returns true if \a lhs should be |
1421 | sorted after \a rhs or is being equal to \a rhs, false otherwise. |
1422 | If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the comparison is recursive |
1423 | to elements contained in them. |
1424 | |
1425 | For more information on CBOR sorting order, see QCborValue::compare(). |
1426 | |
1427 | \sa compare(), QCborValue::operator>(), QCborMap::operator==(), |
1428 | operator==(), operator!=() |
1429 | */ |
1430 | |
1431 | /*! |
1432 | Compares this value and \a other, and returns an integer that indicates |
1433 | whether this value should be sorted prior to (if the result is negative) or |
1434 | after \a other (if the result is positive). If this function returns 0, the |
1435 | two values are equal and hold the same contents. |
1436 | |
1437 | If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the comparison is recursive to |
1438 | elements contained in them. |
1439 | |
1440 | \section3 Extended types |
1441 | |
1442 | QCborValue compares equal a QCborValue containing an extended type, like |
1443 | \l{Type}{Url} and \l{Type}{Url} and its equivalent tagged representation. |
1444 | So, for example, the following expression is true: |
1445 | |
1446 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 3 |
1447 | |
1448 | Do note that Qt types like \l QUrl and \l QDateTime will normalize and |
1449 | otherwise modify their arguments. The expression above is true only because |
1450 | the string on the right side is the normalized value that the QCborValue on |
1451 | the left would take. If, for example, the "https" part were uppercase in |
1452 | both sides, the comparison would fail. For information on normalizations |
1453 | performed by QCborValue, please consult the documentation of the |
1454 | constructor taking the Qt type in question. |
1455 | |
1456 | \section3 Sorting order |
1457 | |
1458 | Sorting order in CBOR is defined in |
1459 | \l{RFC 7049, section 3.9}, which |
1460 | discusses the sorting of keys in a map when following the Canonical |
1461 | encoding. According to the specification, "sorting is performed on the |
1462 | bytes of the representation of the key data items" and lists as |
1463 | consequences that: |
1464 | |
1465 | \list |
1466 | \li "If two keys have different lengths, the shorter one sorts earlier;" |
1467 | \li "If two keys have the same length, the one with the lower value in |
1468 | (byte-wise) lexical order sorts earlier." |
1469 | \endlist |
1470 | |
1471 | This results in surprising sorting of QCborValues, where the result of this |
1472 | function is different from that which would later be retrieved by comparing the |
1473 | contained elements. For example, the QCborValue containing string "zzz" |
1474 | sorts before the QCborValue with string "foobar", even though when |
1475 | comparing as \l{QString::compare()}{QStrings} or |
1476 | \l{QByteArray}{QByteArrays} the "zzz" sorts after "foobar" |
1477 | (dictionary order). |
1478 | |
1479 | The specification does not clearly indicate what sorting order should be |
1480 | done for values of different types (it says sorting should not pay |
1481 | "attention to the 3/5 bit splitting for major types"). QCborValue makes the |
1482 | assumption that types should be sorted too. The numeric values of the |
1483 | QCborValue::Type enumeration are in that order, with the exception of the |
1484 | extended types, which compare as their tagged equivalents. |
1485 | |
1486 | \note Sorting order is preliminary and is subject to change. Applications |
1487 | should not depend on the order returned by this function for the time |
1488 | being. |
1489 | |
1490 | \sa QCborArray::compare(), QCborMap::compare(), operator==() |
1491 | */ |
1492 | int QCborValue::compare(const QCborValue &other) const |
1493 | { |
1494 | Element e1 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(value: *this); |
1495 | Element e2 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(value: other); |
1496 | return compareElementRecursive(c1: container, e1, c2: other.container, e2, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
1497 | } |
1498 | |
1499 | bool comparesEqual(const QCborArray &lhs, const QCborArray &rhs) noexcept |
1500 | { |
1501 | return compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: rhs.d.constData(), mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
1502 | } |
1503 | |
1504 | int QCborArray::compare(const QCborArray &other) const noexcept |
1505 | { |
1506 | return compareContainer(c1: d.data(), c2: other.d.data(), mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
1507 | } |
1508 | |
1509 | bool QCborArray::comparesEqual_helper(const QCborArray &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
1510 | { |
1511 | if (typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Array, e2: rhs.type())) |
1512 | return false; |
1513 | return compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: rhs.container, mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
1514 | } |
1515 | |
1516 | Qt::strong_ordering |
1517 | QCborArray::compareThreeWay_helper(const QCborArray &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
1518 | { |
1519 | int c = typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Array, e2: rhs.type()); |
1520 | if (c == 0) |
1521 | c = compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: rhs.container, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
1522 | return Qt::compareThreeWay(lhs: c, rhs: 0); |
1523 | } |
1524 | |
1525 | bool comparesEqual(const QCborMap &lhs, const QCborMap &rhs) noexcept |
1526 | { |
1527 | return compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: rhs.d.constData(), mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
1528 | } |
1529 | |
1530 | int QCborMap::compare(const QCborMap &other) const noexcept |
1531 | { |
1532 | return compareContainer(c1: d.data(), c2: other.d.data(), mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
1533 | } |
1534 | |
1535 | bool QCborMap::comparesEqual_helper(const QCborMap &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
1536 | { |
1537 | if (typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Map, e2: rhs.type())) |
1538 | return false; |
1539 | return compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: rhs.container, mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
1540 | } |
1541 | |
1542 | Qt::strong_ordering |
1543 | QCborMap::compareThreeWay_helper(const QCborMap &lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
1544 | { |
1545 | int c = typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Map, e2: rhs.type()); |
1546 | if (c == 0) |
1547 | c = compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: rhs.container, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
1548 | return Qt::compareThreeWay(lhs: c, rhs: 0); |
1549 | } |
1550 | |
1551 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
1552 | static void encodeToCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, const QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype idx, |
1553 | QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt) |
1554 | { |
1555 | if (idx == -QCborValue::Array || idx == -QCborValue::Map) { |
1556 | bool isArray = (idx == -QCborValue::Array); |
1557 | qsizetype len = d ? d->elements.size() : 0; |
1558 | if (isArray) |
1559 | writer.startArray(count: quint64(len)); |
1560 | else |
1561 | writer.startMap(count: quint64(len) / 2); |
1562 | |
1563 | for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) |
1564 | encodeToCbor(writer, d, idx, opt); |
1565 | |
1566 | if (isArray) |
1567 | writer.endArray(); |
1568 | else |
1569 | writer.endMap(); |
1570 | } else if (idx < 0) { |
1571 | Q_ASSERT_X(d != nullptr, "QCborValue", "Unexpected null container"); |
1572 | if (d->elements.size() != 2) { |
1573 | // invalid state! |
1574 | qWarning(msg: "QCborValue: invalid tag state; are you encoding something that was improperly decoded?"); |
1575 | return; |
1576 | } |
1577 | |
1578 | // write the tag and the tagged element |
1579 | writer.append(tag: QCborTag(d->elements.at(i: 0).value)); |
1580 | encodeToCbor(writer, d, idx: 1, opt); |
1581 | } else { |
1582 | Q_ASSERT_X(d != nullptr, "QCborValue", "Unexpected null container"); |
1583 | // just one element |
1584 | auto e = d->elements.at(i: idx); |
1585 | const ByteData *b = d->byteData(idx); |
1586 | switch (e.type) { |
1587 | case QCborValue::Integer: |
1588 | return writer.append(i: qint64(e.value)); |
1589 | |
1590 | case QCborValue::ByteArray: |
1591 | if (b) |
1592 | return writer.appendByteString(data: b->byte(), len: b->len); |
1593 | return writer.appendByteString(data: "", len: 0); |
1594 | |
1595 | case QCborValue::String: |
1596 | if (b) { |
1597 | if (e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) |
1598 | return writer.append(str: b->asStringView()); |
1599 | return writer.appendTextString(utf8: b->byte(), len: b->len); |
1600 | } |
1601 | return writer.append(str: QLatin1StringView()); |
1602 | |
1603 | case QCborValue::Array: |
1604 | case QCborValue::Map: |
1605 | case QCborValue::Tag: |
1606 | // recurse |
1607 | return encodeToCbor(writer, |
1608 | d: e.flags & Element::IsContainer ? e.container : nullptr, |
1609 | idx: -qsizetype(e.type), opt); |
1610 | |
1611 | case QCborValue::SimpleType: |
1612 | case QCborValue::False: |
1613 | case QCborValue::True: |
1614 | case QCborValue::Null: |
1615 | case QCborValue::Undefined: |
1616 | break; |
1617 | |
1618 | case QCborValue::Double: |
1619 | return writeDoubleToCbor(writer, d: e.fpvalue(), opt); |
1620 | |
1621 | case QCborValue::Invalid: |
1622 | return; |
1623 | |
1624 | case QCborValue::DateTime: |
1625 | case QCborValue::Url: |
1626 | case QCborValue::RegularExpression: |
1627 | case QCborValue::Uuid: |
1628 | // recurse as tag |
1629 | return encodeToCbor(writer, d: e.container, idx: -QCborValue::Tag, opt); |
1630 | } |
1631 | |
1632 | // maybe it's a simple type |
1633 | int simpleType = e.type - QCborValue::SimpleType; |
1634 | if (unsigned(simpleType) < 0x100) |
1635 | return writer.append(st: QCborSimpleType(simpleType)); |
1636 | |
1637 | // if we got here, we've got an unknown type |
1638 | qWarning(msg: "QCborValue: found unknown type 0x%x", e.type); |
1639 | } |
1640 | } |
1641 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
1642 | |
1643 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader) |
1644 | static inline double integerOutOfRange(const QCborStreamReader &reader) |
1645 | { |
1646 | Q_ASSERT(reader.isInteger()); |
1647 | if (reader.isUnsignedInteger()) { |
1648 | quint64 v = reader.toUnsignedInteger(); |
1649 | if (qint64(v) < 0) |
1650 | return double(v); |
1651 | } else { |
1652 | quint64 v = quint64(reader.toNegativeInteger()); |
1653 | if (qint64(v - 1) < 0) |
1654 | return -double(v); |
1655 | } |
1656 | |
1657 | // result is in range |
1658 | return 0; |
1659 | } |
1660 | |
1661 | static Element decodeBasicValueFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader) |
1662 | { |
1663 | Element e = {}; |
1664 | |
1665 | switch (reader.type()) { |
1666 | case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger: |
1667 | case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger: |
1668 | if (double d = integerOutOfRange(reader)) { |
1669 | e.type = QCborValue::Double; |
1670 | qToUnaligned(src: d, dest: &e.value); |
1671 | } else { |
1672 | e.type = QCborValue::Integer; |
1673 | e.value = reader.toInteger(); |
1674 | } |
1675 | break; |
1676 | case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType: |
1677 | e.type = QCborValue::Type(quint8(reader.toSimpleType()) + 0x100); |
1678 | break; |
1679 | case QCborStreamReader::Float16: |
1680 | e.type = QCborValue::Double; |
1681 | qToUnaligned(src: double(reader.toFloat16()), dest: &e.value); |
1682 | break; |
1683 | case QCborStreamReader::Float: |
1684 | e.type = QCborValue::Double; |
1685 | qToUnaligned(src: double(reader.toFloat()), dest: &e.value); |
1686 | break; |
1687 | case QCborStreamReader::Double: |
1688 | e.type = QCborValue::Double; |
1689 | qToUnaligned(src: reader.toDouble(), dest: &e.value); |
1690 | break; |
1691 | |
1692 | default: |
1693 | Q_UNREACHABLE(); |
1694 | } |
1695 | |
1696 | reader.next(); |
1697 | return e; |
1698 | } |
1699 | |
1700 | // Clamp allocation to avoid crashing due to corrupt stream. This also |
1701 | // ensures we never overflow qsizetype. The returned length is doubled for Map |
1702 | // entries to account for key-value pairs. |
1703 | static qsizetype clampedContainerLength(const QCborStreamReader &reader) |
1704 | { |
1705 | if (!reader.isLengthKnown()) |
1706 | return 0; |
1707 | int mapShift = reader.isMap() ? 1 : 0; |
1708 | quint64 shiftedMaxElements = MaximumPreallocatedElementCount >> mapShift; |
1709 | qsizetype len = qsizetype(qMin(a: reader.length(), b: shiftedMaxElements)); |
1710 | return len << mapShift; |
1711 | } |
1712 | |
1713 | static inline QCborContainerPrivate *createContainerFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader, int remainingRecursionDepth) |
1714 | { |
1715 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(remainingRecursionDepth == 0)) { |
1716 | QCborContainerPrivate::setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::NestingTooDeep }); |
1717 | return nullptr; |
1718 | } |
1719 | |
1720 | QCborContainerPrivate *d = nullptr; |
1721 | { |
1722 | // in case QList::reserve throws |
1723 | QExplicitlySharedDataPointer u(new QCborContainerPrivate); |
1724 | if (qsizetype len = clampedContainerLength(reader)) |
1725 | u->elements.reserve(asize: len); |
1726 | d = u.take(); |
1727 | } |
1728 | |
1729 | reader.enterContainer(); |
1730 | if (reader.lastError() != QCborError::NoError) { |
1731 | d->elements.clear(); |
1732 | return d; |
1733 | } |
1734 | |
1735 | while (reader.hasNext() && reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError) |
1736 | d->decodeValueFromCbor(reader, remainingStackDepth: remainingRecursionDepth - 1); |
1737 | |
1738 | if (reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError) |
1739 | reader.leaveContainer(); |
1740 | else |
1741 | d->elements.squeeze(); |
1742 | |
1743 | return d; |
1744 | } |
1745 | |
1746 | static QCborValue taggedValueFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader, int remainingRecursionDepth) |
1747 | { |
1748 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(remainingRecursionDepth == 0)) { |
1749 | QCborContainerPrivate::setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::NestingTooDeep }); |
1750 | return QCborValue::Invalid; |
1751 | } |
1752 | |
1753 | auto d = new QCborContainerPrivate; |
1754 | d->append(tag: reader.toTag()); |
1755 | reader.next(); |
1756 | |
1757 | if (reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError) { |
1758 | // decode tagged value |
1759 | d->decodeValueFromCbor(reader, remainingStackDepth: remainingRecursionDepth - 1); |
1760 | } |
1761 | |
1762 | QCborValue::Type type; |
1763 | if (reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError) { |
1764 | // post-process to create our extended types |
1765 | type = convertToExtendedType(d); |
1766 | } else { |
1767 | // decoding error |
1768 | type = QCborValue::Invalid; |
1769 | } |
1770 | |
1771 | // note: may return invalid state! |
1772 | return QCborContainerPrivate::makeValue(type, n: -1, d); |
1773 | } |
1774 | |
1775 | // in qcborstream.cpp |
1776 | extern void qt_cbor_stream_set_error(QCborStreamReaderPrivate *d, QCborError error); |
1777 | inline void QCborContainerPrivate::setErrorInReader(QCborStreamReader &reader, QCborError error) |
1778 | { |
1779 | qt_cbor_stream_set_error(d: reader.d.data(), error); |
1780 | } |
1781 | |
1782 | extern QCborStreamReader::StringResultCode qt_cbor_append_string_chunk(QCborStreamReader &reader, QByteArray *data); |
1783 | |
1784 | void QCborContainerPrivate::decodeStringFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader) |
1785 | { |
1786 | if (reader.lastError() != QCborError::NoError) |
1787 | return; |
1788 | |
1789 | qsizetype rawlen = reader.currentStringChunkSize(); |
1790 | QByteArray::size_type len = rawlen; |
1791 | if (rawlen < 0) |
1792 | return; // error |
1793 | if (len != rawlen) { |
1794 | // truncation |
1795 | setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::DataTooLarge }); |
1796 | return; |
1797 | } |
1798 | |
1799 | Element e = {}; |
1800 | e.type = (reader.isByteArray() ? QCborValue::ByteArray : QCborValue::String); |
1801 | if (len || !reader.isLengthKnown()) { |
1802 | // The use of size_t means none of the operations here can overflow because |
1803 | // all inputs are less than half SIZE_MAX. |
1804 | constexpr size_t EstimatedOverhead = 16; |
1805 | constexpr size_t MaxMemoryIncrement = 16384; |
1806 | size_t offset = data.size(); |
1807 | |
1808 | // add space for aligned ByteData (this can't overflow) |
1809 | offset += sizeof(QtCbor::ByteData) + alignof(QtCbor::ByteData); |
1810 | offset &= ~(alignof(QtCbor::ByteData) - 1); |
1811 | if (offset > size_t(QByteArray::maxSize())) { |
1812 | // overflow |
1813 | setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::DataTooLarge }); |
1814 | return; |
1815 | } |
1816 | |
1817 | // and calculate the size we want to have |
1818 | size_t newCapacity = offset + len; // can't overflow |
1819 | if (size_t(len) > MaxMemoryIncrement - EstimatedOverhead) { |
1820 | // there's a non-zero chance that we won't need this memory at all, |
1821 | // so capa how much we allocate |
1822 | newCapacity = offset + MaxMemoryIncrement - EstimatedOverhead; |
1823 | } |
1824 | if (newCapacity > size_t(QByteArray::maxSize())) { |
1825 | // this may cause an allocation failure |
1826 | newCapacity = QByteArray::maxSize(); |
1827 | } |
1828 | if (newCapacity > size_t(data.capacity())) |
1829 | data.reserve(asize: newCapacity); |
1830 | data.resize(size: offset + sizeof(QtCbor::ByteData)); |
1831 | e.value = offset; |
1832 | e.flags = Element::HasByteData; |
1833 | } |
1834 | |
1835 | // read chunks |
1836 | bool isAscii = (e.type == QCborValue::String); |
1837 | QCborStreamReader::StringResultCode status = qt_cbor_append_string_chunk(reader, data: &data); |
1838 | while (status == QCborStreamReader::Ok) { |
1839 | if (e.type == QCborValue::String && len) { |
1840 | // verify UTF-8 string validity |
1841 | auto utf8result = QUtf8::isValidUtf8(in: QByteArrayView(data).last(n: len)); |
1842 | if (!utf8result.isValidUtf8) { |
1843 | status = QCborStreamReader::Error; |
1844 | setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::InvalidUtf8String }); |
1845 | break; |
1846 | } |
1847 | isAscii = isAscii && utf8result.isValidAscii; |
1848 | } |
1849 | |
1850 | rawlen = reader.currentStringChunkSize(); |
1851 | len = rawlen; |
1852 | if (len == rawlen) { |
1853 | status = qt_cbor_append_string_chunk(reader, data: &data); |
1854 | } else { |
1855 | // error |
1856 | status = QCborStreamReader::Error; |
1857 | setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::DataTooLarge }); |
1858 | } |
1859 | } |
1860 | |
1861 | // update size |
1862 | if (status == QCborStreamReader::EndOfString && e.flags & Element::HasByteData) { |
1863 | Q_ASSERT(data.isDetached()); |
1864 | const char *ptr = data.constData() + e.value; |
1865 | auto b = new (const_cast<char *>(ptr)) ByteData; |
1866 | b->len = data.size() - e.value - int(sizeof(*b)); |
1867 | usedData += b->len; |
1868 | |
1869 | if (isAscii) { |
1870 | // set the flag if it is US-ASCII only (as it often is) |
1871 | Q_ASSERT(e.type == QCborValue::String); |
1872 | e.flags |= Element::StringIsAscii; |
1873 | } |
1874 | |
1875 | // check that this UTF-8 text string can be loaded onto a QString |
1876 | if (e.type == QCborValue::String) { |
1877 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(b->len > QString::maxSize())) { |
1878 | setErrorInReader(reader, error: { .c: QCborError::DataTooLarge }); |
1879 | status = QCborStreamReader::Error; |
1880 | } |
1881 | } |
1882 | } |
1883 | |
1884 | if (status == QCborStreamReader::Error) { |
1885 | data.truncate(pos: e.value); |
1886 | } else { |
1887 | elements.append(t: e); |
1888 | } |
1889 | } |
1890 | |
1891 | void QCborContainerPrivate::decodeValueFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader, int remainingRecursionDepth) |
1892 | { |
1893 | QCborStreamReader::Type t = reader.type(); |
1894 | switch (t) { |
1895 | case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger: |
1896 | case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger: |
1897 | case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType: |
1898 | case QCborStreamReader::Float16: |
1899 | case QCborStreamReader::Float: |
1900 | case QCborStreamReader::Double: |
1901 | elements.append(t: decodeBasicValueFromCbor(reader)); |
1902 | break; |
1903 | |
1904 | case QCborStreamReader::ByteArray: |
1905 | case QCborStreamReader::String: |
1906 | decodeStringFromCbor(reader); |
1907 | break; |
1908 | |
1909 | case QCborStreamReader::Array: |
1910 | case QCborStreamReader::Map: |
1911 | return append(v: makeValue(type: t == QCborStreamReader::Array ? QCborValue::Array : QCborValue::Map, n: -1, |
1912 | d: createContainerFromCbor(reader, remainingRecursionDepth), |
1913 | disp: MoveContainer)); |
1914 | |
1915 | case QCborStreamReader::Tag: |
1916 | return append(v: taggedValueFromCbor(reader, remainingRecursionDepth)); |
1917 | |
1918 | case QCborStreamReader::Invalid: |
1919 | return; // probably a decode error |
1920 | } |
1921 | } |
1922 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader) |
1923 | |
1924 | /*! |
1925 | Creates a QCborValue with byte array value \a ba. The value can later be |
1926 | retrieved using toByteArray(). |
1927 | |
1928 | \sa toByteArray(), isByteArray(), isString() |
1929 | */ |
1930 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QByteArray &ba) |
1931 | : n(0), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(ByteArray) |
1932 | { |
1933 | container->appendByteData(data: ba.constData(), len: ba.size(), type: t); |
1934 | container->ref.storeRelaxed(newValue: 1); |
1935 | } |
1936 | |
1937 | /*! |
1938 | Creates a QCborValue with string value \a s. The value can later be |
1939 | retrieved using toString(). |
1940 | |
1941 | \sa toString(), isString(), isByteArray() |
1942 | */ |
1943 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QString &s) : QCborValue(qToStringViewIgnoringNull(s)) {} |
1944 | |
1945 | /*! |
1946 | Creates a QCborValue with string value \a s. The value can later be |
1947 | retrieved using toString(). |
1948 | |
1949 | \sa toString(), isString(), isByteArray() |
1950 | */ |
1951 | QCborValue::QCborValue(QStringView s) |
1952 | : n(0), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(String) |
1953 | { |
1954 | container->append(s); |
1955 | container->ref.storeRelaxed(newValue: 1); |
1956 | } |
1957 | |
1958 | /*! |
1959 | \overload |
1960 | |
1961 | Creates a QCborValue with the Latin-1 string viewed by \a s. |
1962 | The value can later be retrieved using toString(). |
1963 | |
1964 | \sa toString(), isString(), isByteArray() |
1965 | */ |
1966 | QCborValue::QCborValue(QLatin1StringView s) |
1967 | : n(0), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(String) |
1968 | { |
1969 | container->append(s); |
1970 | container->ref.storeRelaxed(newValue: 1); |
1971 | } |
1972 | |
1973 | /*! |
1974 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborArray &a) |
1975 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborArray &&a) |
1976 | |
1977 | Creates a QCborValue with the array \a a. The array can later be retrieved |
1978 | using toArray(). |
1979 | |
1980 | \sa toArray(), isArray(), isMap() |
1981 | */ |
1982 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborArray &a) |
1983 | : n(-1), container(a.d.data()), t(Array) |
1984 | { |
1985 | if (container) |
1986 | container->ref.ref(); |
1987 | } |
1988 | |
1989 | /*! |
1990 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborMap &m) |
1991 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborMap &&m) |
1992 | |
1993 | Creates a QCborValue with the map \a m. The map can later be retrieved |
1994 | using toMap(). |
1995 | |
1996 | \sa toMap(), isMap(), isArray() |
1997 | */ |
1998 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborMap &m) |
1999 | : n(-1), container(m.d.data()), t(Map) |
2000 | { |
2001 | if (container) |
2002 | container->ref.ref(); |
2003 | } |
2004 | |
2005 | /*! |
2006 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborTag tag, const QCborValue &tv) |
2007 | \fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborKnownTags tag, const QCborValue &tv) |
2008 | |
2009 | Creates a QCborValue for the extended type represented by the tag value \a |
2010 | tag, tagging value \a tv. The tag can later be retrieved using tag() and |
2011 | the tagged value using taggedValue(). |
2012 | |
2013 | \sa isTag(), tag(), taggedValue(), QCborKnownTags |
2014 | */ |
2015 | QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborTag tag, const QCborValue &tv) |
2016 | : n(-1), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(Tag) |
2017 | { |
2018 | container->ref.storeRelaxed(newValue: 1); |
2019 | container->append(tag); |
2020 | container->append(v: tv); |
2021 | t = convertToExtendedType(d: container); |
2022 | } |
2023 | |
2024 | /*! |
2025 | Copies the contents of \a other into this object. |
2026 | */ |
2027 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborValue &other) noexcept |
2028 | : n(other.n), container(other.container), t(other.t) |
2029 | { |
2030 | if (container) |
2031 | container->ref.ref(); |
2032 | } |
2033 | |
2034 | /*! |
2035 | Creates a QCborValue object of the date/time extended type and containing |
2036 | the value represented by \a dt. The value can later be retrieved using |
2037 | toDateTime(). |
2038 | |
2039 | The CBOR date/time types are extension types using tags: either a string |
2040 | (in ISO date format) tagged as a \l{QCborKnownTags}{DateTime} or a number |
2041 | (of seconds since the start of 1970, UTC) tagged as a |
2042 | \l{QCborKnownTags}{UnixTime_t}. When parsing CBOR streams, QCborValue will |
2043 | convert \l{QCborKnownTags}{UnixTime_t} to the string-based type. |
2044 | |
2045 | \sa toDateTime(), isDateTime(), taggedValue() |
2046 | */ |
2047 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QDateTime &dt) |
2048 | : QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString, dt.toString(format: Qt::ISODateWithMs).toLatin1()) |
2049 | { |
2050 | // change types |
2051 | t = DateTime; |
2052 | container->elements[1].type = String; |
2053 | } |
2054 | |
2055 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
2056 | /*! |
2057 | Creates a QCborValue object of the URL extended type and containing the |
2058 | value represented by \a url. The value can later be retrieved using toUrl(). |
2059 | |
2060 | The CBOR URL type is an extended type represented by a string tagged as an |
2061 | \l{QCborKnownTags}{Url}. |
2062 | |
2063 | \sa toUrl(), isUrl(), taggedValue() |
2064 | */ |
2065 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QUrl &url) |
2066 | : QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::Url, url.toString(options: QUrl::DecodeReserved).toUtf8()) |
2067 | { |
2068 | // change types |
2069 | t = Url; |
2070 | container->elements[1].type = String; |
2071 | } |
2072 | |
2073 | #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
2074 | /*! |
2075 | Creates a QCborValue object of the regular expression pattern extended type |
2076 | and containing the value represented by \a rx. The value can later be retrieved |
2077 | using toRegularExpression(). |
2078 | |
2079 | The CBOR regular expression type is an extended type represented by a |
2080 | string tagged as an \l{QCborKnownTags}{RegularExpression}. Note that CBOR |
2081 | regular expressions only store the patterns, so any flags that the |
2082 | QRegularExpression object may carry will be lost. |
2083 | |
2084 | \sa toRegularExpression(), isRegularExpression(), taggedValue() |
2085 | */ |
2086 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QRegularExpression &rx) |
2087 | : QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::RegularExpression, rx.pattern()) |
2088 | { |
2089 | // change type |
2090 | t = RegularExpression; |
2091 | } |
2092 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
2093 | |
2094 | /*! |
2095 | Creates a QCborValue object of the UUID extended type and containing the |
2096 | value represented by \a uuid. The value can later be retrieved using |
2097 | toUuid(). |
2098 | |
2099 | The CBOR UUID type is an extended type represented by a byte array tagged |
2100 | as an \l{QCborKnownTags}{Uuid}. |
2101 | |
2102 | \sa toUuid(), isUuid(), taggedValue() |
2103 | */ |
2104 | QCborValue::QCborValue(const QUuid &uuid) |
2105 | : QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::Uuid, uuid.toRfc4122()) |
2106 | { |
2107 | // change our type |
2108 | t = Uuid; |
2109 | } |
2110 | #endif |
2111 | |
2112 | // destructor |
2113 | void QCborValue::dispose() |
2114 | { |
2115 | container->deref(); |
2116 | } |
2117 | |
2118 | /*! |
2119 | Replaces the contents of this QCborObject with a copy of \a other. |
2120 | */ |
2121 | QCborValue &QCborValue::operator=(const QCborValue &other) noexcept |
2122 | { |
2123 | n = other.n; |
2124 | assignContainer(d&: container, x: other.container); |
2125 | t = other.t; |
2126 | return *this; |
2127 | } |
2128 | |
2129 | /*! |
2130 | Returns the tag of this extended QCborValue object, if it is of the tag |
2131 | type, \a defaultValue otherwise. |
2132 | |
2133 | CBOR represents extended types by associating a number (the tag) with a |
2134 | stored representation. This function returns that number. To retrieve the |
2135 | representation, use taggedValue(). |
2136 | |
2137 | \sa isTag(), taggedValue(), isDateTime(), isUrl(), isRegularExpression(), isUuid() |
2138 | */ |
2139 | QCborTag QCborValue::tag(QCborTag defaultValue) const |
2140 | { |
2141 | return isTag() && container && container->elements.size() == 2 ? |
2142 | QCborTag(container->elements.at(i: 0).value) : defaultValue; |
2143 | } |
2144 | |
2145 | /*! |
2146 | Returns the tagged value of this extended QCborValue object, if it is of |
2147 | the tag type, \a defaultValue otherwise. |
2148 | |
2149 | CBOR represents extended types by associating a number (the tag) with a |
2150 | stored representation. This function returns that representation. To |
2151 | retrieve the tag, use tag(). |
2152 | |
2153 | \sa isTag(), tag(), isDateTime(), isUrl(), isRegularExpression(), isUuid() |
2154 | */ |
2155 | QCborValue QCborValue::taggedValue(const QCborValue &defaultValue) const |
2156 | { |
2157 | return isTag() && container && container->elements.size() == 2 ? |
2158 | container->valueAt(idx: 1) : defaultValue; |
2159 | } |
2160 | |
2161 | /*! |
2162 | Returns the byte array value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the byte |
2163 | array type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2164 | |
2165 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2166 | QByteArray. |
2167 | |
2168 | \sa isByteArray(), isString(), toString() |
2169 | */ |
2170 | QByteArray QCborValue::toByteArray(const QByteArray &defaultValue) const |
2171 | { |
2172 | if (!container || !isByteArray()) |
2173 | return defaultValue; |
2174 | |
2175 | Q_ASSERT(n >= 0); |
2176 | return container->byteArrayAt(idx: n); |
2177 | } |
2178 | |
2179 | /*! |
2180 | Returns the string value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the string |
2181 | type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2182 | |
2183 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2184 | QString. |
2185 | |
2186 | \sa isString(), isByteArray(), toByteArray() |
2187 | */ |
2188 | QString QCborValue::toString(const QString &defaultValue) const |
2189 | { |
2190 | if (!container || !isString()) |
2191 | return defaultValue; |
2192 | |
2193 | Q_ASSERT(n >= 0); |
2194 | return container->stringAt(idx: n); |
2195 | } |
2196 | |
2197 | /*! |
2198 | Returns the date/time value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the |
2199 | date/time extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2200 | |
2201 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2202 | QDateTime. |
2203 | |
2204 | \sa isDateTime(), isTag(), taggedValue() |
2205 | */ |
2206 | QDateTime QCborValue::toDateTime(const QDateTime &defaultValue) const |
2207 | { |
2208 | if (!container || !isDateTime() || container->elements.size() != 2) |
2209 | return defaultValue; |
2210 | |
2211 | Q_ASSERT(n == -1); |
2212 | const ByteData *byteData = container->byteData(idx: 1); |
2213 | if (!byteData) |
2214 | return defaultValue; // date/times are never empty, so this must be invalid |
2215 | |
2216 | // Our data must be US-ASCII. |
2217 | Q_ASSERT((container->elements.at(1).flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) == 0); |
2218 | return QDateTime::fromString(string: byteData->asLatin1(), format: Qt::ISODateWithMs); |
2219 | } |
2220 | |
2221 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
2222 | /*! |
2223 | Returns the URL value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the URL |
2224 | extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2225 | |
2226 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to QUrl. |
2227 | |
2228 | \sa isUrl(), isTag(), taggedValue() |
2229 | */ |
2230 | QUrl QCborValue::toUrl(const QUrl &defaultValue) const |
2231 | { |
2232 | if (!container || !isUrl() || container->elements.size() != 2) |
2233 | return defaultValue; |
2234 | |
2235 | Q_ASSERT(n == -1); |
2236 | const ByteData *byteData = container->byteData(idx: 1); |
2237 | if (!byteData) |
2238 | return QUrl(); // valid, empty URL |
2239 | |
2240 | return QUrl::fromEncoded(input: byteData->asByteArrayView()); |
2241 | } |
2242 | |
2243 | #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
2244 | /*! |
2245 | Returns the regular expression value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of |
2246 | the regular expression pattern extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a |
2247 | defaultValue. |
2248 | |
2249 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2250 | QRegularExpression. |
2251 | |
2252 | \sa isRegularExpression(), isTag(), taggedValue() |
2253 | */ |
2254 | QRegularExpression QCborValue::toRegularExpression(const QRegularExpression &defaultValue) const |
2255 | { |
2256 | if (!container || !isRegularExpression() || container->elements.size() != 2) |
2257 | return defaultValue; |
2258 | |
2259 | Q_ASSERT(n == -1); |
2260 | return QRegularExpression(container->stringAt(idx: 1)); |
2261 | } |
2262 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
2263 | |
2264 | /*! |
2265 | Returns the UUID value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the UUID |
2266 | extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2267 | |
2268 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to QUuid. |
2269 | |
2270 | \sa isUuid(), isTag(), taggedValue() |
2271 | */ |
2272 | QUuid QCborValue::toUuid(const QUuid &defaultValue) const |
2273 | { |
2274 | if (!container || !isUuid() || container->elements.size() != 2) |
2275 | return defaultValue; |
2276 | |
2277 | Q_ASSERT(n == -1); |
2278 | const ByteData *byteData = container->byteData(idx: 1); |
2279 | if (!byteData) |
2280 | return defaultValue; // UUIDs must always be 16 bytes, so this must be invalid |
2281 | |
2282 | return QUuid::fromRfc4122(byteData->asByteArrayView()); |
2283 | } |
2284 | #endif |
2285 | |
2286 | /*! |
2287 | \fn QCborArray QCborValue::toArray() const |
2288 | \fn QCborArray QCborValue::toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const |
2289 | |
2290 | Returns the array value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the array |
2291 | type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2292 | |
2293 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2294 | QCborArray. |
2295 | |
2296 | \sa isArray(), isByteArray(), isMap(), isContainer(), toMap() |
2297 | */ |
2298 | |
2299 | /*! |
2300 | \fn QCborArray QCborValueRef::toArray() const |
2301 | \fn QCborArray QCborValueRef::toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const |
2302 | \internal |
2303 | |
2304 | Returns the array value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the array |
2305 | type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2306 | |
2307 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2308 | QCborArray. |
2309 | |
2310 | \sa isArray(), isByteArray(), isMap(), isContainer(), toMap() |
2311 | */ |
2312 | QCborArray QCborValue::toArray() const |
2313 | { |
2314 | return toArray(defaultValue: QCborArray()); |
2315 | } |
2316 | |
2317 | QCborArray QCborValue::toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const |
2318 | { |
2319 | if (!isArray()) |
2320 | return defaultValue; |
2321 | QCborContainerPrivate *dd = nullptr; |
2322 | Q_ASSERT(n == -1 || container == nullptr); |
2323 | if (n < 0) |
2324 | dd = container; |
2325 | // return QCborArray(*dd); but that's UB if dd is nullptr |
2326 | return dd ? QCborArray(*dd) : QCborArray(); |
2327 | } |
2328 | |
2329 | /*! |
2330 | \fn QCborMap QCborValue::toMap() const |
2331 | \fn QCborMap QCborValue::toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const |
2332 | |
2333 | Returns the map value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the map type. |
2334 | Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2335 | |
2336 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2337 | QCborMap. |
2338 | |
2339 | \sa isMap(), isArray(), isContainer(), toArray() |
2340 | */ |
2341 | |
2342 | /*! |
2343 | \fn QCborMap QCborValueRef::toMap() const |
2344 | \fn QCborMap QCborValueRef::toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const |
2345 | \internal |
2346 | |
2347 | Returns the map value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the map type. |
2348 | Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue. |
2349 | |
2350 | Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to |
2351 | QCborMap. |
2352 | |
2353 | \sa isMap(), isArray(), isContainer(), toArray() |
2354 | */ |
2355 | QCborMap QCborValue::toMap() const |
2356 | { |
2357 | return toMap(defaultValue: QCborMap()); |
2358 | } |
2359 | |
2360 | QCborMap QCborValue::toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const |
2361 | { |
2362 | if (!isMap()) |
2363 | return defaultValue; |
2364 | QCborContainerPrivate *dd = nullptr; |
2365 | Q_ASSERT(n == -1 || container == nullptr); |
2366 | if (n < 0) |
2367 | dd = container; |
2368 | // return QCborMap(*dd); but that's UB if dd is nullptr |
2369 | return dd ? QCborMap(*dd) : QCborMap(); |
2370 | } |
2371 | |
2372 | /*! |
2373 | If this QCborValue is a QCborMap, searches elements for the value whose key |
2374 | matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if this |
2375 | QCborValue object is not a map, returns the undefined value. |
2376 | |
2377 | This function is equivalent to: |
2378 | |
2379 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 4 |
2380 | |
2381 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
2382 | QCborMap::find() |
2383 | */ |
2384 | const QCborValue QCborValue::operator[](const QString &key) const |
2385 | { |
2386 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findCborMapKey(self: *this, key: qToStringViewIgnoringNull(s: key)); |
2387 | } |
2388 | |
2389 | /*! |
2390 | \overload |
2391 | |
2392 | If this QCborValue is a QCborMap, searches elements for the value whose key |
2393 | matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if this |
2394 | QCborValue object is not a map, returns the undefined value. |
2395 | |
2396 | This function is equivalent to: |
2397 | |
2398 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 5 |
2399 | |
2400 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
2401 | QCborMap::find() |
2402 | */ |
2403 | const QCborValue QCborValue::operator[](QLatin1StringView key) const |
2404 | { |
2405 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findCborMapKey(self: *this, key); |
2406 | } |
2407 | |
2408 | /*! |
2409 | \overload |
2410 | |
2411 | If this QCborValue is a QCborMap, searches elements for the value whose key |
2412 | matches \a key. If this is a QCborArray, returns the element whose index is |
2413 | \a key. If there's no matching value in the array or map, or if this |
2414 | QCborValue object is not an array or map, returns the undefined value. |
2415 | |
2416 | \sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
2417 | QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at() |
2418 | */ |
2419 | const QCborValue QCborValue::operator[](qint64 key) const |
2420 | { |
2421 | if (isArray() && container && quint64(key) < quint64(container->elements.size())) |
2422 | return container->valueAt(idx: key); |
2423 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findCborMapKey(self: *this, key); |
2424 | } |
2425 | |
2426 | static bool shouldArrayRemainArray(qint64 key, QCborValue::Type t, QCborContainerPrivate *container) |
2427 | { |
2428 | constexpr qint64 LargeKey = 0x10000; |
2429 | if (t != QCborValue::Array) |
2430 | return false; |
2431 | if (key < 0) |
2432 | return false; // negative keys can't be an array index |
2433 | if (key < LargeKey) |
2434 | return true; |
2435 | |
2436 | // Only convert to map if key is greater than array size + 1 |
2437 | qsizetype currentSize = container ? container->elements.size() : 0; |
2438 | return key <= currentSize; |
2439 | } |
2440 | |
2441 | /*! |
2442 | \internal |
2443 | */ |
2444 | static void convertArrayToMap(QCborContainerPrivate *&array) |
2445 | { |
2446 | if (Q_LIKELY(!array || array->elements.isEmpty())) |
2447 | return; |
2448 | |
2449 | // The Q_LIKELY and the qWarning mark the rest of this function as unlikely |
2450 | qWarning(msg: "Using CBOR array as map forced conversion"); |
2451 | |
2452 | qsizetype size = array->elements.size(); |
2453 | QCborContainerPrivate *map = QCborContainerPrivate::detach(d: array, reserved: size * 2); |
2454 | map->elements.resize(size: size * 2); |
2455 | |
2456 | // this may be an in-place copy, so we have to do it from the end |
2457 | auto dst = map->elements.begin(); |
2458 | auto src = array->elements.constBegin(); |
2459 | for (qsizetype i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) { |
2460 | Q_ASSERT(src->type != QCborValue::Invalid); |
2461 | dst[i * 2 + 1] = src[i]; |
2462 | } |
2463 | for (qsizetype i = 0; i < size; ++i) |
2464 | dst[i * 2] = { i, QCborValue::Integer }; |
2465 | |
2466 | // update reference counts |
2467 | assignContainer(d&: array, x: map); |
2468 | } |
2469 | |
2470 | /*! |
2471 | \internal |
2472 | */ |
2473 | static QCborContainerPrivate *maybeGrow(QCborContainerPrivate *container, qsizetype index) |
2474 | { |
2475 | auto replace = QCborContainerPrivate::grow(d: container, index); |
2476 | Q_ASSERT(replace); |
2477 | if (replace->elements.size() == index) |
2478 | replace->append(Undefined()); |
2479 | else |
2480 | Q_ASSERT(replace->elements.size() > index); |
2481 | return assignContainer(d&: container, x: replace); |
2482 | } |
2483 | |
2484 | template <typename KeyType> inline QCborValueRef |
2485 | QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(QCborValue &self, KeyType key) |
2486 | { |
2487 | // we need a map, so convert if necessary |
2488 | if (self.isArray()) |
2489 | convertArrayToMap(array&: self.container); |
2490 | else if (!self.isMap()) |
2491 | self = QCborValue(QCborValue::Map); |
2492 | self.t = QCborValue::Map; |
2493 | self.n = -1; |
2494 | |
2495 | QCborValueRef result = findOrAddMapKey<KeyType>(self.container, key); |
2496 | assignContainer(d&: self.container, x: result.d); |
2497 | return result; |
2498 | } |
2499 | |
2500 | template<typename KeyType> QCborValueRef |
2501 | QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(QCborValueRef self, KeyType key) |
2502 | { |
2503 | auto &e = self.d->elements[self.i]; |
2504 | |
2505 | // we need a map, so convert if necessary |
2506 | if (e.type == QCborValue::Array) { |
2507 | convertArrayToMap(array&: e.container); |
2508 | } else if (e.type != QCborValue::Map) { |
2509 | if (e.flags & QtCbor::Element::IsContainer) |
2510 | e.container->deref(); |
2511 | e.container = nullptr; |
2512 | } |
2513 | e.flags = QtCbor::Element::IsContainer; |
2514 | e.type = QCborValue::Map; |
2515 | |
2516 | QCborValueRef result = findOrAddMapKey<KeyType>(e.container, key); |
2517 | assignContainer(d&: e.container, x: result.d); |
2518 | return result; |
2519 | } |
2520 | |
2521 | /*! |
2522 | Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in |
2523 | this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a QCborMap, |
2524 | this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map. |
2525 | |
2526 | Before returning the reference: if this QCborValue was an array, it is first |
2527 | converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i, |
2528 | with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it will be |
2529 | over-written with an empty map. |
2530 | |
2531 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
2532 | QCborMap::find() |
2533 | */ |
2534 | QCborValueRef QCborValue::operator[](const QString &key) |
2535 | { |
2536 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(self&: *this, key: qToStringViewIgnoringNull(s: key)); |
2537 | } |
2538 | |
2539 | /*! |
2540 | \overload |
2541 | |
2542 | Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in |
2543 | this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a QCborMap, |
2544 | this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map. |
2545 | |
2546 | Before returning the reference: if this QCborValue was an array, it is first |
2547 | converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i, |
2548 | with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it will be |
2549 | over-written with an empty map. |
2550 | |
2551 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
2552 | QCborMap::find() |
2553 | */ |
2554 | QCborValueRef QCborValue::operator[](QLatin1StringView key) |
2555 | { |
2556 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(self&: *this, key); |
2557 | } |
2558 | |
2559 | /*! |
2560 | \overload |
2561 | |
2562 | Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in |
2563 | this, as a map or array, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a |
2564 | QCborMap or, for 0 <= key < 0x10000, a QCborArray, this function is |
2565 | equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map or array. |
2566 | |
2567 | Before returning the reference: if this QCborValue was an array but the key |
2568 | is out of range, the array is first converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} |
2569 | is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, |
2570 | if it was not a map it will be over-written with an empty map. |
2571 | |
2572 | \sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
2573 | QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at() |
2574 | */ |
2575 | QCborValueRef QCborValue::operator[](qint64 key) |
2576 | { |
2577 | if (shouldArrayRemainArray(key, t, container)) { |
2578 | container = maybeGrow(container, index: key); |
2579 | return { container, qsizetype(key) }; |
2580 | } |
2581 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(self&: *this, key); |
2582 | } |
2583 | |
2584 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader) |
2585 | /*! |
2586 | Decodes one item from the CBOR stream found in \a reader and returns the |
2587 | equivalent representation. This function is recursive: if the item is a map |
2588 | or array, it will decode all items found in that map or array, until the |
2589 | outermost object is finished. |
2590 | |
2591 | This function need not be used on the root element of a \l |
2592 | QCborStreamReader. For example, the following code illustrates how to skip |
2593 | the CBOR signature tag from the beginning of a file: |
2594 | |
2595 | \snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 6 |
2596 | |
2597 | The returned value may be partially complete and indistinguishable from a |
2598 | valid QCborValue even if the decoding failed. To determine if there was an |
2599 | error, check if \l{QCborStreamReader::lastError()}{reader.lastError()} is |
2600 | indicating an error condition. This function stops decoding immediately |
2601 | after the first error. |
2602 | |
2603 | \sa toCbor(), toDiagnosticNotation(), toVariant(), toJsonValue() |
2604 | */ |
2605 | QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader) |
2606 | { |
2607 | QCborValue result; |
2608 | auto t = reader.type(); |
2609 | if (reader.lastError() != QCborError::NoError) |
2610 | t = QCborStreamReader::Invalid; |
2611 | |
2612 | switch (t) { |
2613 | // basic types, no container needed: |
2614 | case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger: |
2615 | case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger: |
2616 | case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType: |
2617 | case QCborStreamReader::Float16: |
2618 | case QCborStreamReader::Float: |
2619 | case QCborStreamReader::Double: { |
2620 | Element e = decodeBasicValueFromCbor(reader); |
2621 | result.n = e.value; |
2622 | result.t = e.type; |
2623 | break; |
2624 | } |
2625 | |
2626 | case QCborStreamReader::Invalid: |
2627 | result.t = QCborValue::Invalid; |
2628 | break; // probably a decode error |
2629 | |
2630 | // strings |
2631 | case QCborStreamReader::ByteArray: |
2632 | case QCborStreamReader::String: |
2633 | result.n = 0; |
2634 | result.t = reader.isString() ? String : ByteArray; |
2635 | result.container = new QCborContainerPrivate; |
2636 | result.container->ref.ref(); |
2637 | result.container->decodeStringFromCbor(reader); |
2638 | break; |
2639 | |
2640 | // containers |
2641 | case QCborStreamReader::Array: |
2642 | case QCborStreamReader::Map: |
2643 | result.n = -1; |
2644 | result.t = reader.isArray() ? Array : Map; |
2645 | result.container = createContainerFromCbor(reader, remainingRecursionDepth: MaximumRecursionDepth); |
2646 | break; |
2647 | |
2648 | // tag |
2649 | case QCborStreamReader::Tag: |
2650 | result = taggedValueFromCbor(reader, remainingRecursionDepth: MaximumRecursionDepth); |
2651 | break; |
2652 | } |
2653 | |
2654 | return result; |
2655 | } |
2656 | |
2657 | /*! |
2658 | \overload |
2659 | |
2660 | Decodes one item from the CBOR stream found in the byte array \a ba and |
2661 | returns the equivalent representation. This function is recursive: if the |
2662 | item is a map or array, it will decode all items found in that map or |
2663 | array, until the outermost object is finished. |
2664 | |
2665 | This function stores the error state, if any, in the object pointed to by |
2666 | \a error, along with the offset of where the error occurred. If no error |
2667 | happened, it stores \l{QCborError}{NoError} in the error state and the |
2668 | number of bytes that it consumed (that is, it stores the offset for the |
2669 | first unused byte). Using that information makes it possible to parse |
2670 | further data that may exist in the same byte array. |
2671 | |
2672 | The returned value may be partially complete and indistinguishable from a |
2673 | valid QCborValue even if the decoding failed. To determine if there was an |
2674 | error, check if there was an error stored in \a error. This function stops |
2675 | decoding immediately after the first error. |
2676 | |
2677 | \sa toCbor(), toDiagnosticNotation(), toVariant(), toJsonValue() |
2678 | */ |
2679 | QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(const QByteArray &ba, QCborParserError *error) |
2680 | { |
2681 | QCborStreamReader reader(ba); |
2682 | QCborValue result = fromCbor(reader); |
2683 | if (error) { |
2684 | error->error = reader.lastError(); |
2685 | error->offset = reader.currentOffset(); |
2686 | } |
2687 | return result; |
2688 | } |
2689 | |
2690 | /*! |
2691 | \fn QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(const char *data, qsizetype len, QCborParserError *error) |
2692 | \fn QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(const quint8 *data, qsizetype len, QCborParserError *error) |
2693 | \overload |
2694 | |
2695 | Converts \a len bytes of \a data to a QByteArray and then calls the |
2696 | overload of this function that accepts a QByteArray, also passing \a error, |
2697 | if provided. |
2698 | */ |
2699 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader) |
2700 | |
2701 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
2702 | /*! |
2703 | Encodes this QCborValue object to its CBOR representation, using the |
2704 | options specified in \a opt, and return the byte array containing that |
2705 | representation. |
2706 | |
2707 | This function will not fail, except if this QCborValue or any of the |
2708 | contained items, if this is a map or array, are invalid. Invalid types are |
2709 | not produced normally by the API, but can result from decoding errors. |
2710 | |
2711 | By default, this function performs no transformation on the values in the |
2712 | QCborValue, writing all floating point directly as double-precision (\c |
2713 | double) types. If the \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat} option is specified, it |
2714 | will use single precision (\c float) for any floating point value for which |
2715 | there's no loss of precision in using that representation. That includes |
2716 | infinities and NaN values. |
2717 | |
2718 | Similarly, if \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat16} is specified, this function |
2719 | will try to use half-precision (\c qfloat16) floating point if the |
2720 | conversion to that results in no loss of precision. This is always true for |
2721 | infinities and NaN. |
2722 | |
2723 | If \l{EncodingOption}{UseIntegers} is specified, it will use integers for |
2724 | any floating point value that contains an actual integer. |
2725 | |
2726 | \sa fromCbor(), fromVariant(), fromJsonValue() |
2727 | */ |
2728 | QByteArray QCborValue::toCbor(EncodingOptions opt) const |
2729 | { |
2730 | QByteArray result; |
2731 | QCborStreamWriter writer(&result); |
2732 | toCbor(writer, opt); |
2733 | return result; |
2734 | } |
2735 | |
2736 | /*! |
2737 | \overload |
2738 | |
2739 | Encodes this QCborValue object to its CBOR representation, using the |
2740 | options specified in \a opt, to the writer specified by \a writer. The same |
2741 | writer can be used by multiple QCborValues, for example, in order to encode |
2742 | different elements in a larger array. |
2743 | |
2744 | This function will not fail, except if this QCborValue or any of the |
2745 | contained items, if this is a map or array, are invalid. Invalid types are |
2746 | not produced normally by the API, but can result from decoding errors. |
2747 | |
2748 | By default, this function performs no transformation on the values in the |
2749 | QCborValue, writing all floating point directly as double-precision |
2750 | (binary64) types. If the \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat} option is |
2751 | specified, it will use single precision (binary32) for any floating point |
2752 | value for which there's no loss of precision in using that representation. |
2753 | That includes infinities and NaN values. |
2754 | |
2755 | Similarly, if \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat16} is specified, this function |
2756 | will try to use half-precision (binary16) floating point if the conversion |
2757 | to that results in no loss of precision. This is always true for infinities |
2758 | and NaN. |
2759 | |
2760 | If \l{EncodingOption}{UseIntegers} is specified, it will use integers |
2761 | for any floating point value that contains an actual integer. |
2762 | |
2763 | \sa fromCbor(), fromVariant(), fromJsonValue() |
2764 | */ |
2765 | Q_NEVER_INLINE void QCborValue::toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, EncodingOptions opt) const |
2766 | { |
2767 | if (isContainer() || isTag()) |
2768 | return encodeToCbor(writer, d: container, idx: -type(), opt); |
2769 | if (container) |
2770 | return encodeToCbor(writer, d: container, idx: n, opt); |
2771 | |
2772 | // very simple types |
2773 | if (isSimpleType()) |
2774 | return writer.append(st: toSimpleType()); |
2775 | |
2776 | switch (type()) { |
2777 | case Integer: |
2778 | return writer.append(i: n); |
2779 | |
2780 | case Double: |
2781 | return writeDoubleToCbor(writer, d: fp_helper(), opt); |
2782 | |
2783 | case Invalid: |
2784 | return; |
2785 | |
2786 | case SimpleType: |
2787 | case False: |
2788 | case True: |
2789 | case Null: |
2790 | case Undefined: |
2791 | // handled by "if (isSimpleType())" |
2792 | Q_UNREACHABLE(); |
2793 | break; |
2794 | |
2795 | case ByteArray: |
2796 | // Byte array with no container is empty |
2797 | return writer.appendByteString(data: "", len: 0); |
2798 | |
2799 | case String: |
2800 | // String with no container is empty |
2801 | return writer.appendTextString(utf8: "", len: 0); |
2802 | |
2803 | case Array: |
2804 | case Map: |
2805 | case Tag: |
2806 | // handled by "if (isContainer() || isTag())" |
2807 | Q_UNREACHABLE(); |
2808 | break; |
2809 | |
2810 | case DateTime: |
2811 | case Url: |
2812 | case RegularExpression: |
2813 | case Uuid: |
2814 | // not possible |
2815 | Q_UNREACHABLE(); |
2816 | break; |
2817 | } |
2818 | } |
2819 | |
2820 | # if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(7, 0, 0) && !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED) |
2821 | void QCborValueRef::toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt) |
2822 | { |
2823 | concrete().toCbor(writer, opt); |
2824 | } |
2825 | # endif |
2826 | #endif // QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
2827 | |
2828 | void QCborValueRef::assign(QCborValueRef that, const QCborValue &other) |
2829 | { |
2830 | that.d->replaceAt(idx: that.i, value: other); |
2831 | } |
2832 | |
2833 | void QCborValueRef::assign(QCborValueRef that, QCborValue &&other) |
2834 | { |
2835 | that.d->replaceAt(idx: that.i, value: other, disp: QCborContainerPrivate::MoveContainer); |
2836 | } |
2837 | |
2838 | void QCborValueRef::assign(QCborValueRef that, const QCborValueRef other) |
2839 | { |
2840 | // ### optimize? |
2841 | that = other.concrete(); |
2842 | } |
2843 | |
2844 | bool QCborValueConstRef::concreteBoolean(QCborValueConstRef self, bool defaultValue) noexcept |
2845 | { |
2846 | QtCbor::Element e = self.d->elements.at(i: self.i); |
2847 | if (e.type != QCborValue::False && e.type != QCborValue::True) |
2848 | return defaultValue; |
2849 | return e.type == QCborValue::True; |
2850 | } |
2851 | |
2852 | double QCborValueConstRef::concreteDouble(QCborValueConstRef self, double defaultValue) noexcept |
2853 | { |
2854 | QtCbor::Element e = self.d->elements.at(i: self.i); |
2855 | if (e.type == QCborValue::Integer) |
2856 | return e.value; |
2857 | if (e.type != QCborValue::Double) |
2858 | return defaultValue; |
2859 | return e.fpvalue(); |
2860 | } |
2861 | |
2862 | qint64 QCborValueConstRef::concreteIntegral(QCborValueConstRef self, qint64 defaultValue) noexcept |
2863 | { |
2864 | QtCbor::Element e = self.d->elements.at(i: self.i); |
2865 | QCborValue::Type t = e.type; |
2866 | if (t == QCborValue::Double) |
2867 | return e.fpvalue(); |
2868 | if (t != QCborValue::Integer) |
2869 | return defaultValue; |
2870 | return e.value; |
2871 | } |
2872 | |
2873 | QByteArray QCborValueConstRef::concreteByteArray(QCborValueConstRef self, |
2874 | const QByteArray &defaultValue) |
2875 | { |
2876 | QtCbor::Element e = self.d->elements.at(i: self.i); |
2877 | if (e.type != QCborValue::ByteArray) |
2878 | return defaultValue; |
2879 | return self.d->byteArrayAt(idx: self.i); |
2880 | } |
2881 | |
2882 | QString QCborValueConstRef::concreteString(QCborValueConstRef self, const QString &defaultValue) |
2883 | { |
2884 | QtCbor::Element e = self.d->elements.at(i: self.i); |
2885 | if (e.type != QCborValue::String) |
2886 | return defaultValue; |
2887 | return self.d->stringAt(idx: self.i); |
2888 | } |
2889 | |
2890 | bool |
2891 | QCborValueConstRef::comparesEqual_helper(QCborValueConstRef lhs, QCborValueConstRef rhs) noexcept |
2892 | { |
2893 | QtCbor::Element e1 = lhs.d->elements.at(i: lhs.i); |
2894 | QtCbor::Element e2 = rhs.d->elements.at(i: rhs.i); |
2895 | return compareElementRecursive(c1: lhs.d, e1, c2: rhs.d, e2, mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
2896 | } |
2897 | |
2898 | Qt::strong_ordering |
2899 | QCborValueConstRef::compareThreeWay_helper(QCborValueConstRef lhs, QCborValueConstRef rhs) noexcept |
2900 | { |
2901 | QtCbor::Element e1 = lhs.d->elements.at(i: lhs.i); |
2902 | QtCbor::Element e2 = rhs.d->elements.at(i: rhs.i); |
2903 | int c = compareElementRecursive(c1: lhs.d, e1, c2: rhs.d, e2, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
2904 | return Qt::compareThreeWay(lhs: c, rhs: 0); |
2905 | } |
2906 | |
2907 | bool |
2908 | QCborValueConstRef::comparesEqual_helper(QCborValueConstRef lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
2909 | { |
2910 | QtCbor::Element e1 = lhs.d->elements.at(i: lhs.i); |
2911 | QtCbor::Element e2 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(value: rhs); |
2912 | return compareElementRecursive(c1: lhs.d, e1, c2: rhs.container, e2, mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
2913 | } |
2914 | |
2915 | Qt::strong_ordering |
2916 | QCborValueConstRef::compareThreeWay_helper(QCborValueConstRef lhs, const QCborValue &rhs) noexcept |
2917 | { |
2918 | QtCbor::Element e1 = lhs.d->elements.at(i: lhs.i); |
2919 | QtCbor::Element e2 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(value: rhs); |
2920 | int c = compareElementRecursive(c1: lhs.d, e1, c2: rhs.container, e2, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
2921 | return Qt::compareThreeWay(lhs: c, rhs: 0); |
2922 | } |
2923 | |
2924 | bool QCborArray::comparesEqual_helper(const QCborArray &lhs, QCborValueConstRef rhs) noexcept |
2925 | { |
2926 | QtCbor::Element e2 = rhs.d->elements.at(i: rhs.i); |
2927 | if (typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Array, e2: e2.type)) |
2928 | return false; |
2929 | return compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: e2.container, mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
2930 | } |
2931 | |
2932 | Qt::strong_ordering |
2933 | QCborArray::compareThreeWay_helper(const QCborArray &lhs, QCborValueConstRef rhs) noexcept |
2934 | { |
2935 | QtCbor::Element e2 = rhs.d->elements.at(i: rhs.i); |
2936 | int c = typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Array, e2: e2.type); |
2937 | if (c == 0) |
2938 | c = compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: e2.container, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
2939 | return Qt::compareThreeWay(lhs: c, rhs: 0); |
2940 | } |
2941 | |
2942 | bool QCborMap::comparesEqual_helper(const QCborMap &lhs, QCborValueConstRef rhs) noexcept |
2943 | { |
2944 | QtCbor::Element e2 = rhs.d->elements.at(i: rhs.i); |
2945 | if (typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Array, e2: e2.type)) |
2946 | return false; |
2947 | return compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: e2.container, mode: Comparison::ForEquality) == 0; |
2948 | } |
2949 | |
2950 | Qt::strong_ordering |
2951 | QCborMap::compareThreeWay_helper(const QCborMap &lhs, QCborValueConstRef rhs) noexcept |
2952 | { |
2953 | QtCbor::Element e2 = rhs.d->elements.at(i: rhs.i); |
2954 | int c = typeOrder(e1: QCborValue::Map, e2: e2.type); |
2955 | if (c == 0) |
2956 | c = compareContainer(c1: lhs.d.constData(), c2: e2.container, mode: Comparison::ForOrdering); |
2957 | return Qt::compareThreeWay(lhs: c, rhs: 0); |
2958 | } |
2959 | |
2960 | QCborValue QCborValueConstRef::concrete(QCborValueConstRef self) noexcept |
2961 | { |
2962 | return self.d->valueAt(idx: self.i); |
2963 | } |
2964 | |
2965 | QCborValue::Type QCborValueConstRef::concreteType(QCborValueConstRef self) noexcept |
2966 | { |
2967 | return self.d->elements.at(i: self.i).type; |
2968 | } |
2969 | |
2970 | const QCborValue QCborValueConstRef::operator[](const QString &key) const |
2971 | { |
2972 | const QCborValue item = d->valueAt(idx: i); |
2973 | return item[key]; |
2974 | } |
2975 | |
2976 | const QCborValue QCborValueConstRef::operator[](const QLatin1StringView key) const |
2977 | { |
2978 | const QCborValue item = d->valueAt(idx: i); |
2979 | return item[key]; |
2980 | } |
2981 | |
2982 | const QCborValue QCborValueConstRef::operator[](qint64 key) const |
2983 | { |
2984 | const QCborValue item = d->valueAt(idx: i); |
2985 | return item[key]; |
2986 | } |
2987 | |
2988 | #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(7, 0, 0) && !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED) |
2989 | QCborValue QCborValueRef::concrete(QCborValueRef self) noexcept |
2990 | { |
2991 | return self.d->valueAt(idx: self.i); |
2992 | } |
2993 | |
2994 | QCborValue::Type QCborValueRef::concreteType(QCborValueRef self) noexcept |
2995 | { |
2996 | return self.d->elements.at(i: self.i).type; |
2997 | } |
2998 | |
2999 | /*! |
3000 | If this QCborValueRef refers to a QCborMap, searches elements for the value |
3001 | whose key matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if |
3002 | this QCborValueRef object is not a map, returns the undefined value. |
3003 | |
3004 | This function is equivalent to: |
3005 | |
3006 | \code |
3007 | value.toMap().value(key); |
3008 | \endcode |
3009 | |
3010 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
3011 | QCborMap::find() |
3012 | */ |
3013 | const QCborValue QCborValueRef::operator[](const QString &key) const |
3014 | { |
3015 | return QCborValueConstRef::operator[](key); |
3016 | } |
3017 | |
3018 | /*! |
3019 | \overload |
3020 | |
3021 | If this QCborValueRef refers to a QCborMap, searches elements for the value |
3022 | whose key matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if |
3023 | this QCborValueRef object is not a map, returns the undefined value. |
3024 | |
3025 | This function is equivalent to: |
3026 | |
3027 | \code |
3028 | value.toMap().value(key); |
3029 | \endcode |
3030 | |
3031 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
3032 | QCborMap::find() |
3033 | */ |
3034 | const QCborValue QCborValueRef::operator[](QLatin1StringView key) const |
3035 | { |
3036 | return QCborValueConstRef::operator[](key); |
3037 | } |
3038 | |
3039 | /*! |
3040 | \overload |
3041 | |
3042 | If this QCborValueRef refers to a QCborMap, searches elements for the value |
3043 | whose key matches \a key. If this is a QCborArray, returns the element whose |
3044 | index is \a key. If there's no matching value in the array or map, or if |
3045 | this QCborValueRef object is not an array or map, returns the undefined |
3046 | value. |
3047 | |
3048 | \sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
3049 | QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at() |
3050 | */ |
3051 | const QCborValue QCborValueRef::operator[](qint64 key) const |
3052 | { |
3053 | return QCborValueConstRef::operator[](key); |
3054 | } |
3055 | |
3056 | /*! |
3057 | Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in |
3058 | this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValueRef refers to a |
3059 | QCborMap, this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that |
3060 | map. |
3061 | |
3062 | Before returning the reference: if the QCborValue referenced was an array, |
3063 | it is first converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each |
3064 | index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it |
3065 | will be over-written with an empty map. |
3066 | |
3067 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
3068 | QCborMap::find() |
3069 | */ |
3070 | QCborValueRef QCborValueRef::operator[](const QString &key) |
3071 | { |
3072 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(self: *this, key: qToStringViewIgnoringNull(s: key)); |
3073 | } |
3074 | |
3075 | /*! |
3076 | \overload |
3077 | |
3078 | Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in |
3079 | this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a QCborMap, |
3080 | this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map. |
3081 | |
3082 | Before returning the reference: if the QCborValue referenced was an array, |
3083 | it is first converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each |
3084 | index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it |
3085 | will be over-written with an empty map. |
3086 | |
3087 | \sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
3088 | QCborMap::find() |
3089 | */ |
3090 | QCborValueRef QCborValueRef::operator[](QLatin1StringView key) |
3091 | { |
3092 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(self: *this, key); |
3093 | } |
3094 | |
3095 | /*! |
3096 | \overload |
3097 | |
3098 | Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in |
3099 | this, as a map or array, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a |
3100 | QCborMap or, for 0 <= key < 0x10000, a QCborArray, this function is |
3101 | equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map or array. |
3102 | |
3103 | Before returning the reference: if the QCborValue referenced was an array |
3104 | but the key is out of range, the array is first converted to a map (so that |
3105 | \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); |
3106 | otherwise, if it was not a map it will be over-written with an empty map. |
3107 | |
3108 | \sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(), |
3109 | QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at() |
3110 | */ |
3111 | QCborValueRef QCborValueRef::operator[](qint64 key) |
3112 | { |
3113 | auto &e = d->elements[i]; |
3114 | if (shouldArrayRemainArray(key, t: e.type, container: e.container)) { |
3115 | e.container = maybeGrow(container: e.container, index: key); |
3116 | e.flags |= QtCbor::Element::IsContainer; |
3117 | return { e.container, qsizetype(key) }; |
3118 | } |
3119 | return QCborContainerPrivate::findOrAddMapKey(self: *this, key); |
3120 | } |
3121 | #endif // < Qt 7 |
3122 | |
3123 | inline QCborArray::QCborArray(QCborContainerPrivate &dd) noexcept |
3124 | : d(&dd) |
3125 | { |
3126 | } |
3127 | |
3128 | inline QCborMap::QCborMap(QCborContainerPrivate &dd) noexcept |
3129 | : d(&dd) |
3130 | { |
3131 | } |
3132 | |
3133 | size_t qHash(const QCborValue &value, size_t seed) |
3134 | { |
3135 | switch (value.type()) { |
3136 | case QCborValue::Integer: |
3137 | return qHash(key: value.toInteger(), seed); |
3138 | case QCborValue::ByteArray: |
3139 | return qHash(key: value.toByteArray(), seed); |
3140 | case QCborValue::String: |
3141 | return qHash(key: value.toString(), seed); |
3142 | case QCborValue::Array: |
3143 | return qHash(array: value.toArray(), seed); |
3144 | case QCborValue::Map: |
3145 | return qHash(map: value.toMap(), seed); |
3146 | case QCborValue::Tag: { |
3147 | QtPrivate::QHashCombine hash; |
3148 | seed = hash(seed, value.tag()); |
3149 | seed = hash(seed, value.taggedValue()); |
3150 | return seed; |
3151 | } |
3152 | case QCborValue::SimpleType: |
3153 | break; |
3154 | case QCborValue::False: |
3155 | return qHash(t: false, seed); |
3156 | case QCborValue::True: |
3157 | return qHash(t: true, seed); |
3158 | case QCborValue::Null: |
3159 | return qHash(nullptr, seed); |
3160 | case QCborValue::Undefined: |
3161 | return seed; |
3162 | case QCborValue::Double: |
3163 | return qHash(key: value.toDouble(), seed); |
3164 | case QCborValue::DateTime: |
3165 | return qHash(key: value.toDateTime(), seed); |
3166 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
3167 | case QCborValue::Url: |
3168 | return qHash(url: value.toUrl(), seed); |
3169 | # if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
3170 | case QCborValue::RegularExpression: |
3171 | return qHash(key: value.toRegularExpression(), seed); |
3172 | # endif |
3173 | case QCborValue::Uuid: |
3174 | return qHash(uuid: value.toUuid(), seed); |
3175 | #endif |
3176 | case QCborValue::Invalid: |
3177 | return seed; |
3178 | default: |
3179 | break; |
3180 | } |
3181 | |
3182 | Q_ASSERT(value.isSimpleType()); |
3183 | return qHash(tag: value.toSimpleType(), seed); |
3184 | } |
3185 | |
3186 | Q_CORE_EXPORT const char *qt_cbor_simpletype_id(QCborSimpleType st) |
3187 | { |
3188 | switch (st) { |
3189 | case QCborSimpleType::False: |
3190 | return "False"; |
3191 | case QCborSimpleType::True: |
3192 | return "True"; |
3193 | case QCborSimpleType::Null: |
3194 | return "Null"; |
3195 | case QCborSimpleType::Undefined: |
3196 | return "Undefined"; |
3197 | } |
3198 | return nullptr; |
3199 | } |
3200 | |
3201 | Q_CORE_EXPORT const char *qt_cbor_tag_id(QCborTag tag) |
3202 | { |
3203 | // Casting to QCborKnownTags's underlying type will make the comparison |
3204 | // below fail if the tag value is out of range. |
3205 | auto n = std::underlying_type<QCborKnownTags>::type(tag); |
3206 | if (QCborTag(n) == tag) { |
3207 | switch (QCborKnownTags(n)) { |
3208 | case QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString: |
3209 | return "DateTimeString"; |
3210 | case QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t: |
3211 | return "UnixTime_t"; |
3212 | case QCborKnownTags::PositiveBignum: |
3213 | return "PositiveBignum"; |
3214 | case QCborKnownTags::NegativeBignum: |
3215 | return "NegativeBignum"; |
3216 | case QCborKnownTags::Decimal: |
3217 | return "Decimal"; |
3218 | case QCborKnownTags::Bigfloat: |
3219 | return "Bigfloat"; |
3220 | case QCborKnownTags::COSE_Encrypt0: |
3221 | return "COSE_Encrypt0"; |
3222 | case QCborKnownTags::COSE_Mac0: |
3223 | return "COSE_Mac0"; |
3224 | case QCborKnownTags::COSE_Sign1: |
3225 | return "COSE_Sign1"; |
3226 | case QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url: |
3227 | return "ExpectedBase64url"; |
3228 | case QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64: |
3229 | return "ExpectedBase64"; |
3230 | case QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase16: |
3231 | return "ExpectedBase16"; |
3232 | case QCborKnownTags::EncodedCbor: |
3233 | return "EncodedCbor"; |
3234 | case QCborKnownTags::Url: |
3235 | return "Url"; |
3236 | case QCborKnownTags::Base64url: |
3237 | return "Base64url"; |
3238 | case QCborKnownTags::Base64: |
3239 | return "Base64"; |
3240 | case QCborKnownTags::RegularExpression: |
3241 | return "RegularExpression"; |
3242 | case QCborKnownTags::MimeMessage: |
3243 | return "MimeMessage"; |
3244 | case QCborKnownTags::Uuid: |
3245 | return "Uuid"; |
3246 | case QCborKnownTags::COSE_Encrypt: |
3247 | return "COSE_Encrypt"; |
3248 | case QCborKnownTags::COSE_Mac: |
3249 | return "COSE_Mac"; |
3250 | case QCborKnownTags::COSE_Sign: |
3251 | return "COSE_Sign"; |
3252 | case QCborKnownTags::Signature: |
3253 | return "Signature"; |
3254 | } |
3255 | } |
3256 | return nullptr; |
3257 | } |
3258 | |
3259 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM) |
3260 | static QDebug debugContents(QDebug &dbg, const QCborValue &v) |
3261 | { |
3262 | switch (v.type()) { |
3263 | case QCborValue::Integer: |
3264 | return dbg << v.toInteger(); |
3265 | case QCborValue::ByteArray: |
3266 | return dbg << "QByteArray("<< v.toByteArray() << ')'; |
3267 | case QCborValue::String: |
3268 | return dbg << v.toString(); |
3269 | case QCborValue::Array: |
3270 | return dbg << v.toArray(); |
3271 | case QCborValue::Map: |
3272 | return dbg << v.toMap(); |
3273 | case QCborValue::Tag: { |
3274 | QCborTag tag = v.tag(); |
3275 | const char *id = qt_cbor_tag_id(tag); |
3276 | if (id) |
3277 | dbg.nospace() << "QCborKnownTags::"<< id << ", "; |
3278 | else |
3279 | dbg.nospace() << "QCborTag("<< quint64(tag) << "), "; |
3280 | return dbg << v.taggedValue(); |
3281 | } |
3282 | case QCborValue::SimpleType: |
3283 | break; |
3284 | case QCborValue::True: |
3285 | return dbg << true; |
3286 | case QCborValue::False: |
3287 | return dbg << false; |
3288 | case QCborValue::Null: |
3289 | return dbg << "nullptr"; |
3290 | case QCborValue::Undefined: |
3291 | return dbg; |
3292 | case QCborValue::Double: { |
3293 | qint64 i; |
3294 | if (convertDoubleTo(v: v.toDouble(), value: &i)) |
3295 | return dbg << i << ".0"; |
3296 | else |
3297 | return dbg << v.toDouble(); |
3298 | } |
3299 | case QCborValue::DateTime: |
3300 | return dbg << v.toDateTime(); |
3301 | #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED |
3302 | case QCborValue::Url: |
3303 | return dbg << v.toUrl(); |
3304 | #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression) |
3305 | case QCborValue::RegularExpression: |
3306 | return dbg << v.toRegularExpression(); |
3307 | #endif |
3308 | case QCborValue::Uuid: |
3309 | return dbg << v.toUuid(); |
3310 | #endif |
3311 | case QCborValue::Invalid: |
3312 | return dbg << "<invalid>"; |
3313 | default: |
3314 | break; |
3315 | } |
3316 | if (v.isSimpleType()) |
3317 | return dbg << v.toSimpleType(); |
3318 | return dbg << "<unknown type 0x"<< Qt::hex << int(v.type()) << Qt::dec << '>'; |
3319 | } |
3320 | QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QCborValue &v) |
3321 | { |
3322 | QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); |
3323 | dbg.nospace() << "QCborValue("; |
3324 | return debugContents(dbg, v) << ')'; |
3325 | } |
3326 | |
3327 | QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, QCborSimpleType st) |
3328 | { |
3329 | QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); |
3330 | const char *id = qt_cbor_simpletype_id(st); |
3331 | if (id) |
3332 | return dbg.nospace() << "QCborSimpleType::"<< id; |
3333 | |
3334 | return dbg.nospace() << "QCborSimpleType("<< uint(st) << ')'; |
3335 | } |
3336 | |
3337 | QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, QCborTag tag) |
3338 | { |
3339 | QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); |
3340 | const char *id = qt_cbor_tag_id(tag); |
3341 | dbg.nospace() << "QCborTag("; |
3342 | if (id) |
3343 | dbg.nospace() << "QCborKnownTags::"<< id; |
3344 | else |
3345 | dbg.nospace() << quint64(tag); |
3346 | |
3347 | return dbg << ')'; |
3348 | } |
3349 | |
3350 | QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, QCborKnownTags tag) |
3351 | { |
3352 | QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); |
3353 | const char *id = qt_cbor_tag_id(tag: QCborTag(int(tag))); |
3354 | if (id) |
3355 | return dbg.nospace() << "QCborKnownTags::"<< id; |
3356 | |
3357 | return dbg.nospace() << "QCborKnownTags("<< int(tag) << ')'; |
3358 | } |
3359 | #endif |
3360 | |
3361 | #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM |
3362 | #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter) |
3363 | QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QCborValue &value) |
3364 | { |
3365 | stream << QCborValue(value).toCbor(); |
3366 | return stream; |
3367 | } |
3368 | #endif |
3369 | |
3370 | QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QCborValue &value) |
3371 | { |
3372 | QByteArray buffer; |
3373 | stream >> buffer; |
3374 | QCborParserError parseError{}; |
3375 | value = QCborValue::fromCbor(ba: buffer, error: &parseError); |
3376 | if (parseError.error) |
3377 | stream.setStatus(QDataStream::ReadCorruptData); |
3378 | return stream; |
3379 | } |
3380 | #endif |
3381 | |
3382 | |
3384 | |
3385 | #include "qcborarray.cpp" |
3386 | #include "qcbormap.cpp" |
3387 | |
3388 | #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT |
3389 | #include "moc_qcborvalue.cpp" |
3390 | #endif |
3391 |
- MaxAcceptableMemoryUse
- MaximumRecursionDepth
- MaximumPreallocatedElementCount
- assignContainer
- convertToExtendedType
- writeDoubleToCbor
- typeOrder
- ~QCborContainerPrivate
- compact
- clone
- detach
- grow
- replaceAt_complex
- appendAsciiString
- appendNonAsciiString
- extractAt_complex
- nextUtf32Character
- stringLengthInUtf8
- compareStringsInUtf8
- compareStringsInUtf8
- compareStringsInUtf8
- compareElementNoData
- compareElementRecursive
- compareContainer
- compareElement_helper
- comparesEqual
- compare
- comparesEqual
- compare
- comparesEqual_helper
- compareThreeWay_helper
- comparesEqual
- compare
- comparesEqual_helper
- compareThreeWay_helper
- encodeToCbor
- integerOutOfRange
- decodeBasicValueFromCbor
- clampedContainerLength
- createContainerFromCbor
- taggedValueFromCbor
- setErrorInReader
- decodeStringFromCbor
- decodeValueFromCbor
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- QCborValue
- dispose
- operator=
- tag
- taggedValue
- toByteArray
- toString
- toDateTime
- toUrl
- toRegularExpression
- toUuid
- toArray
- toArray
- toMap
- toMap
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- shouldArrayRemainArray
- convertArrayToMap
- maybeGrow
- findOrAddMapKey
- findOrAddMapKey
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- fromCbor
- fromCbor
- toCbor
- toCbor
- toCbor
- assign
- assign
- assign
- concreteBoolean
- concreteDouble
- concreteIntegral
- concreteByteArray
- concreteString
- comparesEqual_helper
- compareThreeWay_helper
- comparesEqual_helper
- compareThreeWay_helper
- comparesEqual_helper
- compareThreeWay_helper
- comparesEqual_helper
- compareThreeWay_helper
- concrete
- concreteType
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- concrete
- concreteType
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- operator[]
- QCborArray
- QCborMap
- qHash
- qt_cbor_simpletype_id
- qt_cbor_tag_id
- debugContents
- operator<<
- operator<<
- operator<<
- operator<<
- operator<<
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