1use std::cmp;
2use std::io;
3use std::io::prelude::*;
5use super::bufread::{corrupt, read_gz_header};
6use super::{GzBuilder, GzHeader};
7use crate::crc::{Crc, CrcWriter};
8use crate::zio;
9use crate::{Compress, Compression, Decompress, Status};
11/// A gzip streaming encoder
13/// This structure exposes a [`Write`] interface that will emit compressed data
14/// to the underlying writer `W`.
16/// [`Write`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.Write.html
18/// # Examples
20/// ```
21/// use std::io::prelude::*;
22/// use flate2::Compression;
23/// use flate2::write::GzEncoder;
25/// // Vec<u8> implements Write to print the compressed bytes of sample string
26/// # fn main() {
28/// let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
29/// e.write_all(b"Hello World").unwrap();
30/// println!("{:?}", e.finish().unwrap());
31/// # }
32/// ```
34pub struct GzEncoder<W: Write> {
35 inner: zio::Writer<W, Compress>,
36 crc: Crc,
37 crc_bytes_written: usize,
38 header: Vec<u8>,
41pub fn gz_encoder<W: Write>(header: Vec<u8>, w: W, lvl: Compression) -> GzEncoder<W> {
42 GzEncoder {
43 inner: zio::Writer::new(w, d:Compress::new(level:lvl, zlib_header:false)),
44 crc: Crc::new(),
45 header,
46 crc_bytes_written: 0,
47 }
50impl<W: Write> GzEncoder<W> {
51 /// Creates a new encoder which will use the given compression level.
52 ///
53 /// The encoder is not configured specially for the emitted header. For
54 /// header configuration, see the `GzBuilder` type.
55 ///
56 /// The data written to the returned encoder will be compressed and then
57 /// written to the stream `w`.
58 pub fn new(w: W, level: Compression) -> GzEncoder<W> {
59 GzBuilder::new().write(w, level)
60 }
62 /// Acquires a reference to the underlying writer.
63 pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &W {
64 self.inner.get_ref()
65 }
67 /// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying writer.
68 ///
69 /// Note that mutation of the writer may result in surprising results if
70 /// this encoder is continued to be used.
71 pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
72 self.inner.get_mut()
73 }
75 /// Attempt to finish this output stream, writing out final chunks of data.
76 ///
77 /// Note that this function can only be used once data has finished being
78 /// written to the output stream. After this function is called then further
79 /// calls to `write` may result in a panic.
80 ///
81 /// # Panics
82 ///
83 /// Attempts to write data to this stream may result in a panic after this
84 /// function is called.
85 ///
86 /// # Errors
87 ///
88 /// This function will perform I/O to complete this stream, and any I/O
89 /// errors which occur will be returned from this function.
90 pub fn try_finish(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
91 self.write_header()?;
92 self.inner.finish()?;
94 while self.crc_bytes_written < 8 {
95 let (sum, amt) = (self.crc.sum(), self.crc.amount());
96 let buf = [
97 (sum >> 0) as u8,
98 (sum >> 8) as u8,
99 (sum >> 16) as u8,
100 (sum >> 24) as u8,
101 (amt >> 0) as u8,
102 (amt >> 8) as u8,
103 (amt >> 16) as u8,
104 (amt >> 24) as u8,
105 ];
106 let inner = self.inner.get_mut();
107 let n = inner.write(&buf[self.crc_bytes_written..])?;
108 self.crc_bytes_written += n;
109 }
110 Ok(())
111 }
113 /// Finish encoding this stream, returning the underlying writer once the
114 /// encoding is done.
115 ///
116 /// Note that this function may not be suitable to call in a situation where
117 /// the underlying stream is an asynchronous I/O stream. To finish a stream
118 /// the `try_finish` (or `shutdown`) method should be used instead. To
119 /// re-acquire ownership of a stream it is safe to call this method after
120 /// `try_finish` or `shutdown` has returned `Ok`.
121 ///
122 /// # Errors
123 ///
124 /// This function will perform I/O to complete this stream, and any I/O
125 /// errors which occur will be returned from this function.
126 pub fn finish(mut self) -> io::Result<W> {
127 self.try_finish()?;
128 Ok(self.inner.take_inner())
129 }
131 fn write_header(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
132 while !self.header.is_empty() {
133 let n = self.inner.get_mut().write(&self.header)?;
134 self.header.drain(..n);
135 }
136 Ok(())
137 }
140impl<W: Write> Write for GzEncoder<W> {
141 fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
142 assert_eq!(self.crc_bytes_written, 0);
143 self.write_header()?;
144 let n: usize = self.inner.write(buf)?;
145 self.crc.update(&buf[..n]);
146 Ok(n)
147 }
149 fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
150 assert_eq!(self.crc_bytes_written, 0);
151 self.write_header()?;
152 self.inner.flush()
153 }
156impl<R: Read + Write> Read for GzEncoder<R> {
157 fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
158 self.get_mut().read(buf)
159 }
162impl<W: Write> Drop for GzEncoder<W> {
163 fn drop(&mut self) {
164 if self.inner.is_present() {
165 let _ = self.try_finish();
166 }
167 }
170/// A gzip streaming decoder
172/// This structure exposes a [`Write`] interface that will emit uncompressed data
173/// to the underlying writer `W`.
175/// [`Write`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.Write.html
177/// # Examples
179/// ```
180/// use std::io::prelude::*;
181/// use std::io;
182/// use flate2::Compression;
183/// use flate2::write::{GzEncoder, GzDecoder};
185/// # fn main() {
186/// # let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
187/// # e.write(b"Hello World").unwrap();
188/// # let bytes = e.finish().unwrap();
189/// # assert_eq!("Hello World", decode_writer(bytes).unwrap());
190/// # }
191/// // Uncompresses a gzip encoded vector of bytes and returns a string or error
192/// // Here Vec<u8> implements Write
193/// fn decode_writer(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> io::Result<String> {
194/// let mut writer = Vec::new();
195/// let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(writer);
196/// decoder.write_all(&bytes[..])?;
197/// writer = decoder.finish()?;
198/// let return_string = String::from_utf8(writer).expect("String parsing error");
199/// Ok(return_string)
200/// }
201/// ```
203pub struct GzDecoder<W: Write> {
204 inner: zio::Writer<CrcWriter<W>, Decompress>,
205 crc_bytes: Vec<u8>,
206 header: Option<GzHeader>,
207 header_buf: Vec<u8>,
210const CRC_BYTES_LEN: usize = 8;
212impl<W: Write> GzDecoder<W> {
213 /// Creates a new decoder which will write uncompressed data to the stream.
214 ///
215 /// When this encoder is dropped or unwrapped the final pieces of data will
216 /// be flushed.
217 pub fn new(w: W) -> GzDecoder<W> {
218 GzDecoder {
219 inner: zio::Writer::new(CrcWriter::new(w), Decompress::new(false)),
220 crc_bytes: Vec::with_capacity(CRC_BYTES_LEN),
221 header: None,
222 header_buf: Vec::new(),
223 }
224 }
226 /// Returns the header associated with this stream.
227 pub fn header(&self) -> Option<&GzHeader> {
228 self.header.as_ref()
229 }
231 /// Acquires a reference to the underlying writer.
232 pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &W {
233 self.inner.get_ref().get_ref()
234 }
236 /// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying writer.
237 ///
238 /// Note that mutating the output/input state of the stream may corrupt this
239 /// object, so care must be taken when using this method.
240 pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
241 self.inner.get_mut().get_mut()
242 }
244 /// Attempt to finish this output stream, writing out final chunks of data.
245 ///
246 /// Note that this function can only be used once data has finished being
247 /// written to the output stream. After this function is called then further
248 /// calls to `write` may result in a panic.
249 ///
250 /// # Panics
251 ///
252 /// Attempts to write data to this stream may result in a panic after this
253 /// function is called.
254 ///
255 /// # Errors
256 ///
257 /// This function will perform I/O to finish the stream, returning any
258 /// errors which happen.
259 pub fn try_finish(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
260 self.finish_and_check_crc()?;
261 Ok(())
262 }
264 /// Consumes this decoder, flushing the output stream.
265 ///
266 /// This will flush the underlying data stream and then return the contained
267 /// writer if the flush succeeded.
268 ///
269 /// Note that this function may not be suitable to call in a situation where
270 /// the underlying stream is an asynchronous I/O stream. To finish a stream
271 /// the `try_finish` (or `shutdown`) method should be used instead. To
272 /// re-acquire ownership of a stream it is safe to call this method after
273 /// `try_finish` or `shutdown` has returned `Ok`.
274 ///
275 /// # Errors
276 ///
277 /// This function will perform I/O to complete this stream, and any I/O
278 /// errors which occur will be returned from this function.
279 pub fn finish(mut self) -> io::Result<W> {
280 self.finish_and_check_crc()?;
281 Ok(self.inner.take_inner().into_inner())
282 }
284 fn finish_and_check_crc(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
285 self.inner.finish()?;
287 if self.crc_bytes.len() != 8 {
288 return Err(corrupt());
289 }
291 let crc = ((self.crc_bytes[0] as u32) << 0)
292 | ((self.crc_bytes[1] as u32) << 8)
293 | ((self.crc_bytes[2] as u32) << 16)
294 | ((self.crc_bytes[3] as u32) << 24);
295 let amt = ((self.crc_bytes[4] as u32) << 0)
296 | ((self.crc_bytes[5] as u32) << 8)
297 | ((self.crc_bytes[6] as u32) << 16)
298 | ((self.crc_bytes[7] as u32) << 24);
299 if crc != self.inner.get_ref().crc().sum() {
300 return Err(corrupt());
301 }
302 if amt != self.inner.get_ref().crc().amount() {
303 return Err(corrupt());
304 }
305 Ok(())
306 }
309struct Counter<T: Read> {
310 inner: T,
311 pos: usize,
314impl<T: Read> Read for Counter<T> {
315 fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
316 let pos: usize = self.inner.read(buf)?;
317 self.pos += pos;
318 Ok(pos)
319 }
322impl<W: Write> Write for GzDecoder<W> {
323 fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
324 if self.header.is_none() {
325 // trying to avoid buffer usage
326 let (res, pos) = {
327 let mut counter = Counter {
328 inner: self.header_buf.chain(buf),
329 pos: 0,
330 };
331 let res = read_gz_header(&mut counter);
332 (res, counter.pos)
333 };
335 match res {
336 Err(err) => {
337 if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof {
338 // not enough data for header, save to the buffer
339 self.header_buf.extend(buf);
340 Ok(buf.len())
341 } else {
342 Err(err)
343 }
344 }
345 Ok(header) => {
346 self.header = Some(header);
347 let pos = pos - self.header_buf.len();
348 self.header_buf.truncate(0);
349 Ok(pos)
350 }
351 }
352 } else {
353 let (n, status) = self.inner.write_with_status(buf)?;
355 if status == Status::StreamEnd && n < buf.len() && self.crc_bytes.len() < 8 {
356 let remaining = buf.len() - n;
357 let crc_bytes = cmp::min(remaining, CRC_BYTES_LEN - self.crc_bytes.len());
358 self.crc_bytes.extend(&buf[n..n + crc_bytes]);
359 return Ok(n + crc_bytes);
360 }
361 Ok(n)
362 }
363 }
365 fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
366 self.inner.flush()
367 }
370impl<W: Read + Write> Read for GzDecoder<W> {
371 fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
372 self.inner.get_mut().get_mut().read(buf)
373 }
376/// A gzip streaming decoder that decodes all members of a multistream
378/// A gzip member consists of a header, compressed data and a trailer. The [gzip
379/// specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952), however, allows multiple
380/// gzip members to be joined in a single stream. `MultiGzDecoder` will
381/// decode all consecutive members while `GzDecoder` will only decompress
382/// the first gzip member. The multistream format is commonly used in
383/// bioinformatics, for example when using the BGZF compressed data.
385/// This structure exposes a [`Write`] interface that will consume all gzip members
386/// from the written buffers and write uncompressed data to the writer.
388pub struct MultiGzDecoder<W: Write> {
389 inner: GzDecoder<W>,
392impl<W: Write> MultiGzDecoder<W> {
393 /// Creates a new decoder which will write uncompressed data to the stream.
394 /// If the gzip stream contains multiple members all will be decoded.
395 pub fn new(w: W) -> MultiGzDecoder<W> {
396 MultiGzDecoder {
397 inner: GzDecoder::new(w),
398 }
399 }
401 /// Returns the header associated with the current member.
402 pub fn header(&self) -> Option<&GzHeader> {
403 self.inner.header()
404 }
406 /// Acquires a reference to the underlying writer.
407 pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &W {
408 self.inner.get_ref()
409 }
411 /// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying writer.
412 ///
413 /// Note that mutating the output/input state of the stream may corrupt this
414 /// object, so care must be taken when using this method.
415 pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
416 self.inner.get_mut()
417 }
419 /// Attempt to finish this output stream, writing out final chunks of data.
420 ///
421 /// Note that this function can only be used once data has finished being
422 /// written to the output stream. After this function is called then further
423 /// calls to `write` may result in a panic.
424 ///
425 /// # Panics
426 ///
427 /// Attempts to write data to this stream may result in a panic after this
428 /// function is called.
429 ///
430 /// # Errors
431 ///
432 /// This function will perform I/O to finish the stream, returning any
433 /// errors which happen.
434 pub fn try_finish(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
435 self.inner.try_finish()
436 }
438 /// Consumes this decoder, flushing the output stream.
439 ///
440 /// This will flush the underlying data stream and then return the contained
441 /// writer if the flush succeeded.
442 ///
443 /// Note that this function may not be suitable to call in a situation where
444 /// the underlying stream is an asynchronous I/O stream. To finish a stream
445 /// the `try_finish` (or `shutdown`) method should be used instead. To
446 /// re-acquire ownership of a stream it is safe to call this method after
447 /// `try_finish` or `shutdown` has returned `Ok`.
448 ///
449 /// # Errors
450 ///
451 /// This function will perform I/O to complete this stream, and any I/O
452 /// errors which occur will be returned from this function.
453 pub fn finish(self) -> io::Result<W> {
454 self.inner.finish()
455 }
458impl<W: Write> Write for MultiGzDecoder<W> {
459 fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
460 if buf.is_empty() {
461 Ok(0)
462 } else {
463 match self.inner.write(buf) {
464 Ok(0) => {
465 // When the GzDecoder indicates that it has finished
466 // create a new GzDecoder to handle additional data.
467 self.inner.try_finish()?;
468 let w: W = self.inner.inner.take_inner().into_inner();
469 self.inner = GzDecoder::new(w);
470 self.inner.write(buf)
471 }
472 res: Result => res,
473 }
474 }
475 }
477 fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
478 self.inner.flush()
479 }
483mod tests {
484 use super::*;
486 const STR: &str = "Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World \
487 Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World \
488 Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World \
489 Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World \
490 Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World";
492 #[test]
493 fn decode_writer_one_chunk() {
494 let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
495 e.write(STR.as_ref()).unwrap();
496 let bytes = e.finish().unwrap();
498 let mut writer = Vec::new();
499 let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(writer);
500 let n = decoder.write(&bytes[..]).unwrap();
501 decoder.write(&bytes[n..]).unwrap();
502 decoder.try_finish().unwrap();
503 writer = decoder.finish().unwrap();
504 let return_string = String::from_utf8(writer).expect("String parsing error");
505 assert_eq!(return_string, STR);
506 }
508 #[test]
509 fn decode_writer_partial_header() {
510 let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
511 e.write(STR.as_ref()).unwrap();
512 let bytes = e.finish().unwrap();
514 let mut writer = Vec::new();
515 let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(writer);
516 assert_eq!(decoder.write(&bytes[..5]).unwrap(), 5);
517 let n = decoder.write(&bytes[5..]).unwrap();
518 if n < bytes.len() - 5 {
519 decoder.write(&bytes[n + 5..]).unwrap();
520 }
521 writer = decoder.finish().unwrap();
522 let return_string = String::from_utf8(writer).expect("String parsing error");
523 assert_eq!(return_string, STR);
524 }
526 #[test]
527 fn decode_writer_exact_header() {
528 let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
529 e.write(STR.as_ref()).unwrap();
530 let bytes = e.finish().unwrap();
532 let mut writer = Vec::new();
533 let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(writer);
534 assert_eq!(decoder.write(&bytes[..10]).unwrap(), 10);
535 decoder.write(&bytes[10..]).unwrap();
536 writer = decoder.finish().unwrap();
537 let return_string = String::from_utf8(writer).expect("String parsing error");
538 assert_eq!(return_string, STR);
539 }
541 #[test]
542 fn decode_writer_partial_crc() {
543 let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
544 e.write(STR.as_ref()).unwrap();
545 let bytes = e.finish().unwrap();
547 let mut writer = Vec::new();
548 let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(writer);
549 let l = bytes.len() - 5;
550 let n = decoder.write(&bytes[..l]).unwrap();
551 decoder.write(&bytes[n..]).unwrap();
552 writer = decoder.finish().unwrap();
553 let return_string = String::from_utf8(writer).expect("String parsing error");
554 assert_eq!(return_string, STR);
555 }
557 // Two or more gzip files concatenated form a multi-member gzip file. MultiGzDecoder will
558 // concatenate the decoded contents of all members.
559 #[test]
560 fn decode_multi_writer() {
561 let mut e = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
562 e.write(STR.as_ref()).unwrap();
563 let bytes = e.finish().unwrap().repeat(2);
565 let mut writer = Vec::new();
566 let mut decoder = MultiGzDecoder::new(writer);
567 let mut count = 0;
568 while count < bytes.len() {
569 let n = decoder.write(&bytes[count..]).unwrap();
570 assert!(n != 0);
571 count += n;
572 }
573 writer = decoder.finish().unwrap();
574 let return_string = String::from_utf8(writer).expect("String parsing error");
575 let expected = STR.repeat(2);
576 assert_eq!(return_string, expected);
577 }