1// pest. The Elegant Parser
2// Copyright (c) 2018 Dragoș Tiselice
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
5// <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
6// license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
7// option. All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied,
8// modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
10use core::cmp::Ordering;
11use core::fmt;
12use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
13use core::ops::Range;
14use core::ptr;
15use core::str;
17use crate::span;
19/// A cursor position in a `&str` which provides useful methods to manually parse that string.
20#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
21pub struct Position<'i> {
22 input: &'i str,
23 /// # Safety:
24 ///
25 /// `input[pos..]` must be a valid codepoint boundary (should not panic when indexing thus).
26 pos: usize,
29impl<'i> Position<'i> {
30 /// Create a new `Position` without checking invariants. (Checked with `debug_assertions`.)
31 ///
32 /// # Safety:
33 ///
34 /// `input[pos..]` must be a valid codepoint boundary (should not panic when indexing thus).
35 pub(crate) unsafe fn new_unchecked(input: &str, pos: usize) -> Position<'_> {
36 debug_assert!(input.get(pos..).is_some());
37 Position { input, pos }
38 }
40 /// Attempts to create a new `Position` at the given position. If the specified position is
41 /// an invalid index, or the specified position is not a valid UTF8 boundary, then None is
42 /// returned.
43 ///
44 /// # Examples
45 /// ```
46 /// # use pest::Position;
47 /// let cheart = '💖';
48 /// let heart = "💖";
49 /// assert_eq!(Position::new(heart, 1), None);
50 /// assert_ne!(Position::new(heart, cheart.len_utf8()), None);
51 /// ```
52 pub fn new(input: &str, pos: usize) -> Option<Position<'_>> {
53 input.get(pos..).map(|_| Position { input, pos })
54 }
56 /// Creates a `Position` at the start of a `&str`.
57 ///
58 /// # Examples
59 ///
60 /// ```
61 /// # use pest::Position;
62 /// let start = Position::from_start("");
63 /// assert_eq!(start.pos(), 0);
64 /// ```
65 #[inline]
66 pub fn from_start(input: &'i str) -> Position<'i> {
67 // Position 0 is always safe because it's always a valid UTF-8 border.
68 Position { input, pos: 0 }
69 }
71 /// Returns the byte position of this `Position` as a `usize`.
72 ///
73 /// # Examples
74 ///
75 /// ```
76 /// # use pest::Position;
77 /// let input = "ab";
78 /// let mut start = Position::from_start(input);
79 ///
80 /// assert_eq!(start.pos(), 0);
81 /// ```
82 #[inline]
83 pub fn pos(&self) -> usize {
84 self.pos
85 }
87 /// Creates a `Span` from two `Position`s.
88 ///
89 /// # Panics
90 ///
91 /// Panics if the positions come from different inputs.
92 ///
93 /// # Examples
94 ///
95 /// ```
96 /// # use pest::Position;
97 /// let input = "ab";
98 /// let start = Position::from_start(input);
99 /// let span = start.span(&start.clone());
100 ///
101 /// assert_eq!(span.start(), 0);
102 /// assert_eq!(span.end(), 0);
103 /// ```
104 #[inline]
105 pub fn span(&self, other: &Position<'i>) -> span::Span<'i> {
106 if ptr::eq(self.input, other.input)
107 /* && self.input.get(self.pos..other.pos).is_some() */
108 {
109 // This is safe because the pos field of a Position should always be a valid str index.
110 unsafe { span::Span::new_unchecked(self.input, self.pos, other.pos) }
111 } else {
112 // TODO: maybe a panic if self.pos < other.pos
113 panic!("span created from positions from different inputs")
114 }
115 }
117 /// Returns the line and column number of this `Position`.
118 ///
119 /// This is an O(n) operation, where n is the number of chars in the input.
120 /// You better use [`pair.line_col()`](struct.Pair.html#method.line_col) instead.
121 ///
122 /// # Examples
123 ///
124 /// ```
125 /// # use pest;
126 /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
127 /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
128 /// enum Rule {}
129 ///
130 /// let input = "\na";
131 /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<'_, Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
132 /// let mut result = state.match_string("\na");
133 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
134 /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().line_col(), (2, 2));
135 /// ```
136 #[inline]
137 pub fn line_col(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
138 if self.pos > self.input.len() {
139 panic!("position out of bounds");
140 }
141 let mut pos = self.pos;
142 let slice = &self.input[..pos];
143 let mut chars = slice.chars().peekable();
145 let mut line_col = (1, 1);
147 while pos != 0 {
148 match chars.next() {
149 Some('\r') => {
150 if let Some(&'\n') = chars.peek() {
151 chars.next();
153 if pos == 1 {
154 pos -= 1;
155 } else {
156 pos -= 2;
157 }
159 line_col = (line_col.0 + 1, 1);
160 } else {
161 pos -= 1;
162 line_col = (line_col.0, line_col.1 + 1);
163 }
164 }
165 Some('\n') => {
166 pos -= 1;
167 line_col = (line_col.0 + 1, 1);
168 }
169 Some(c) => {
170 pos -= c.len_utf8();
171 line_col = (line_col.0, line_col.1 + 1);
172 }
173 None => unreachable!(),
174 }
175 }
177 line_col
178 }
180 /// Returns the entire line of the input that contains this `Position`.
181 ///
182 /// # Examples
183 ///
184 /// ```
185 /// # use pest;
186 /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
187 /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
188 /// enum Rule {}
189 ///
190 /// let input = "\na";
191 /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<'_, Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
192 /// let mut result = state.match_string("\na");
193 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
194 /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().line_of(), "a");
195 /// ```
196 #[inline]
197 pub fn line_of(&self) -> &'i str {
198 if self.pos > self.input.len() {
199 panic!("position out of bounds");
200 };
201 // Safe since start and end can only be valid UTF-8 borders.
202 &self.input[self.find_line_start()..self.find_line_end()]
203 }
205 pub(crate) fn find_line_start(&self) -> usize {
206 if self.input.is_empty() {
207 return 0;
208 };
209 // Position's pos is always a UTF-8 border.
210 let start = self
211 .input
212 .char_indices()
213 .rev()
214 .skip_while(|&(i, _)| i >= self.pos)
215 .find(|&(_, c)| c == '\n');
216 match start {
217 Some((i, _)) => i + 1,
218 None => 0,
219 }
220 }
222 pub(crate) fn find_line_end(&self) -> usize {
223 if self.input.is_empty() {
224 0
225 } else if self.pos == self.input.len() - 1 {
226 self.input.len()
227 } else {
228 // Position's pos is always a UTF-8 border.
229 let end = self
230 .input
231 .char_indices()
232 .skip_while(|&(i, _)| i < self.pos)
233 .find(|&(_, c)| c == '\n');
234 match end {
235 Some((i, _)) => i + 1,
236 None => self.input.len(),
237 }
238 }
239 }
241 /// Returns `true` when the `Position` points to the start of the input `&str`.
242 #[inline]
243 pub(crate) fn at_start(&self) -> bool {
244 self.pos == 0
245 }
247 /// Returns `true` when the `Position` points to the end of the input `&str`.
248 #[inline]
249 pub(crate) fn at_end(&self) -> bool {
250 self.pos == self.input.len()
251 }
253 /// Skips `n` `char`s from the `Position` and returns `true` if the skip was possible or `false`
254 /// otherwise. If the return value is `false`, `pos` will not be updated.
255 #[inline]
256 pub(crate) fn skip(&mut self, n: usize) -> bool {
257 let skipped = {
258 let mut len = 0;
259 // Position's pos is always a UTF-8 border.
260 let mut chars = self.input[self.pos..].chars();
261 for _ in 0..n {
262 if let Some(c) = chars.next() {
263 len += c.len_utf8();
264 } else {
265 return false;
266 }
267 }
268 len
269 };
271 self.pos += skipped;
272 true
273 }
275 /// Goes back `n` `char`s from the `Position` and returns `true` if the skip was possible or `false`
276 /// otherwise. If the return value is `false`, `pos` will not be updated.
277 #[inline]
278 pub(crate) fn skip_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> bool {
279 let skipped = {
280 let mut len = 0;
281 // Position's pos is always a UTF-8 border.
282 let mut chars = self.input[..self.pos].chars().rev();
283 for _ in 0..n {
284 if let Some(c) = chars.next() {
285 len += c.len_utf8();
286 } else {
287 return false;
288 }
289 }
290 len
291 };
293 self.pos -= skipped;
294 true
295 }
297 /// Skips until one of the given `strings` is found. If none of the `strings` can be found,
298 /// this function will return `false` but its `pos` will *still* be updated.
299 #[inline]
300 pub(crate) fn skip_until(&mut self, strings: &[&str]) -> bool {
301 #[cfg(not(feature = "memchr"))]
302 {
303 self.skip_until_basic(strings)
304 }
305 #[cfg(feature = "memchr")]
306 {
307 match strings {
308 [] => (),
309 [s1] => {
310 if let Some(from) =
311 memchr::memmem::find(&self.input.as_bytes()[self.pos..], s1.as_bytes())
312 {
313 self.pos += from;
314 return true;
315 }
316 }
317 [s1, s2] if !s1.is_empty() && !s2.is_empty() => {
318 let b1 = s1.as_bytes()[0];
319 let b2 = s2.as_bytes()[0];
320 let miter = memchr::memchr2_iter(b1, b2, &self.input.as_bytes()[self.pos..]);
321 for from in miter {
322 let start = &self.input[self.pos + from..];
323 if start.starts_with(s1) || start.starts_with(s2) {
324 self.pos += from;
325 return true;
326 }
327 }
328 }
329 [s1, s2, s3] if !s1.is_empty() && !s2.is_empty() && s3.is_empty() => {
330 let b1 = s1.as_bytes()[0];
331 let b2 = s2.as_bytes()[0];
332 let b3 = s2.as_bytes()[0];
333 let miter =
334 memchr::memchr3_iter(b1, b2, b3, &self.input.as_bytes()[self.pos..]);
335 for from in miter {
336 let start = &self.input[self.pos + from..];
337 if start.starts_with(s1) || start.starts_with(s2) || start.starts_with(s3) {
338 self.pos += from;
339 return true;
340 }
341 }
342 }
343 _ => {
344 return self.skip_until_basic(strings);
345 }
346 }
347 self.pos = self.input.len();
348 false
349 }
350 }
352 #[inline]
353 fn skip_until_basic(&mut self, strings: &[&str]) -> bool {
354 // TODO: optimize with Aho-Corasick, e.g. https://crates.io/crates/daachorse?
355 for from in self.pos..self.input.len() {
356 let bytes = if let Some(string) = self.input.get(from..) {
357 string.as_bytes()
358 } else {
359 continue;
360 };
362 for slice in strings.iter() {
363 let to = slice.len();
364 if Some(slice.as_bytes()) == bytes.get(0..to) {
365 self.pos = from;
366 return true;
367 }
368 }
369 }
371 self.pos = self.input.len();
372 false
373 }
375 /// Matches the char at the `Position` against a specified character and returns `true` if a match
376 /// was made. If no match was made, returns `false`.
377 /// `pos` will not be updated in either case.
378 #[inline]
379 pub(crate) fn match_char(&self, c: char) -> bool {
380 matches!(self.input[self.pos..].chars().next(), Some(cc) if c == cc)
381 }
383 /// Matches the char at the `Position` against a filter function and returns `true` if a match
384 /// was made. If no match was made, returns `false` and `pos` will not be updated.
385 #[inline]
386 pub(crate) fn match_char_by<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> bool
387 where
388 F: FnOnce(char) -> bool,
389 {
390 if let Some(c) = self.input[self.pos..].chars().next() {
391 if f(c) {
392 self.pos += c.len_utf8();
393 true
394 } else {
395 false
396 }
397 } else {
398 false
399 }
400 }
402 /// Matches `string` from the `Position` and returns `true` if a match was made or `false`
403 /// otherwise. If no match was made, `pos` will not be updated.
404 #[inline]
405 pub(crate) fn match_string(&mut self, string: &str) -> bool {
406 let to = self.pos + string.len();
408 if Some(string.as_bytes()) == self.input.as_bytes().get(self.pos..to) {
409 self.pos = to;
410 true
411 } else {
412 false
413 }
414 }
416 /// Case-insensitively matches `string` from the `Position` and returns `true` if a match was
417 /// made or `false` otherwise. If no match was made, `pos` will not be updated.
418 #[inline]
419 pub(crate) fn match_insensitive(&mut self, string: &str) -> bool {
420 let matched = {
421 let slice = &self.input[self.pos..];
422 if let Some(slice) = slice.get(0..string.len()) {
423 slice.eq_ignore_ascii_case(string)
424 } else {
425 false
426 }
427 };
429 if matched {
430 self.pos += string.len();
431 true
432 } else {
433 false
434 }
435 }
437 /// Matches `char` `range` from the `Position` and returns `true` if a match was made or `false`
438 /// otherwise. If no match was made, `pos` will not be updated.
439 #[inline]
440 pub(crate) fn match_range(&mut self, range: Range<char>) -> bool {
441 if let Some(c) = self.input[self.pos..].chars().next() {
442 if range.start <= c && c <= range.end {
443 self.pos += c.len_utf8();
444 return true;
445 }
446 }
448 false
449 }
452impl<'i> fmt::Debug for Position<'i> {
453 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
454 f.debug_struct("Position").field(name:"pos", &self.pos).finish()
455 }
458impl<'i> PartialEq for Position<'i> {
459 fn eq(&self, other: &Position<'i>) -> bool {
460 ptr::eq(self.input, b:other.input) && self.pos == other.pos
461 }
464impl<'i> Eq for Position<'i> {}
466impl<'i> PartialOrd for Position<'i> {
467 fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Position<'i>) -> Option<Ordering> {
468 if ptr::eq(self.input, b:other.input) {
469 self.pos.partial_cmp(&other.pos)
470 } else {
471 None
472 }
473 }
476impl<'i> Ord for Position<'i> {
477 fn cmp(&self, other: &Position<'i>) -> Ordering {
478 self.partial_cmp(other)
479 .expect(msg:"cannot compare positions from different strs")
480 }
483impl<'i> Hash for Position<'i> {
484 fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
485 (self.input as *const str).hash(state);
486 self.pos.hash(state);
487 }
491mod tests {
492 use super::*;
494 #[test]
495 fn empty() {
496 let input = "";
497 assert!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_string(""));
498 assert!(!Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_string("a"));
499 }
501 #[test]
502 fn parts() {
503 let input = "asdasdf";
505 assert!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_string("asd"));
506 assert!(Position::new(input, 3).unwrap().match_string("asdf"));
507 }
509 #[test]
510 fn line_col() {
511 let input = "a\rb\nc\r\nd嗨";
513 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().line_col(), (1, 1));
514 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 1).unwrap().line_col(), (1, 2));
515 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 2).unwrap().line_col(), (1, 3));
516 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 3).unwrap().line_col(), (1, 4));
517 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 4).unwrap().line_col(), (2, 1));
518 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 5).unwrap().line_col(), (2, 2));
519 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 6).unwrap().line_col(), (2, 3));
520 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 7).unwrap().line_col(), (3, 1));
521 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 8).unwrap().line_col(), (3, 2));
522 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 11).unwrap().line_col(), (3, 3));
523 let input = "abcd嗨";
524 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 7).unwrap().line_col(), (1, 6));
525 }
527 #[test]
528 fn line_of() {
529 let input = "a\rb\nc\r\nd嗨";
531 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().line_of(), "a\rb\n");
532 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 1).unwrap().line_of(), "a\rb\n");
533 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 2).unwrap().line_of(), "a\rb\n");
534 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 3).unwrap().line_of(), "a\rb\n");
535 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 4).unwrap().line_of(), "c\r\n");
536 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 5).unwrap().line_of(), "c\r\n");
537 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 6).unwrap().line_of(), "c\r\n");
538 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 7).unwrap().line_of(), "d嗨");
539 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 8).unwrap().line_of(), "d嗨");
540 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 11).unwrap().line_of(), "d嗨");
541 }
543 #[test]
544 fn line_of_empty() {
545 let input = "";
547 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().line_of(), "");
548 }
550 #[test]
551 fn line_of_new_line() {
552 let input = "\n";
554 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().line_of(), "\n");
555 }
557 #[test]
558 fn line_of_between_new_line() {
559 let input = "\n\n";
561 assert_eq!(Position::new(input, 1).unwrap().line_of(), "\n");
562 }
564 fn measure_skip(input: &str, pos: usize, n: usize) -> Option<usize> {
565 let mut p = Position::new(input, pos).unwrap();
566 if p.skip(n) {
567 Some(p.pos - pos)
568 } else {
569 None
570 }
571 }
573 #[test]
574 fn skip_empty() {
575 let input = "";
577 assert_eq!(measure_skip(input, 0, 0), Some(0));
578 assert_eq!(measure_skip(input, 0, 1), None);
579 }
581 #[test]
582 fn skip() {
583 let input = "d嗨";
585 assert_eq!(measure_skip(input, 0, 0), Some(0));
586 assert_eq!(measure_skip(input, 0, 1), Some(1));
587 assert_eq!(measure_skip(input, 1, 1), Some(3));
588 }
590 #[test]
591 fn skip_until() {
592 let input = "ab ac";
593 let pos = Position::from_start(input);
595 let mut test_pos = pos;
596 test_pos.skip_until(&["a", "b"]);
597 assert_eq!(test_pos.pos(), 0);
599 test_pos = pos;
600 test_pos.skip_until(&["b"]);
601 assert_eq!(test_pos.pos(), 1);
603 test_pos = pos;
604 test_pos.skip_until(&["ab"]);
605 assert_eq!(test_pos.pos(), 0);
607 test_pos = pos;
608 test_pos.skip_until(&["ac", "z"]);
609 assert_eq!(test_pos.pos(), 3);
611 test_pos = pos;
612 assert!(!test_pos.skip_until(&["z"]));
613 assert_eq!(test_pos.pos(), 5);
614 }
616 #[test]
617 fn match_range() {
618 let input = "b";
620 assert!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_range('a'..'c'));
621 assert!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_range('b'..'b'));
622 assert!(!Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_range('a'..'a'));
623 assert!(!Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_range('c'..'c'));
624 assert!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_range('a'..'嗨'));
625 }
627 #[test]
628 fn match_insensitive() {
629 let input = "AsdASdF";
631 assert!(Position::new(input, 0).unwrap().match_insensitive("asd"));
632 assert!(Position::new(input, 3).unwrap().match_insensitive("asdf"));
633 }
635 #[test]
636 fn cmp() {
637 let input = "a";
638 let start = Position::from_start(input);
639 let mut end = start;
641 assert!(end.skip(1));
642 let result = start.cmp(&end);
644 assert_eq!(result, Ordering::Less);
645 }
647 #[test]
648 #[should_panic]
649 fn cmp_panic() {
650 let input1 = "a";
651 let input2 = "b";
652 let pos1 = Position::from_start(input1);
653 let pos2 = Position::from_start(input2);
655 let _ = pos1.cmp(&pos2);
656 }
658 #[test]
659 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
660 fn hash() {
661 use std::collections::HashSet;
663 let input = "a";
664 let start = Position::from_start(input);
665 let mut positions = HashSet::new();
667 positions.insert(start);
668 }