1// Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
5// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
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11//! Scoped thread-local storage
13//! This module provides the ability to generate *scoped* thread-local
14//! variables. In this sense, scoped indicates that thread local storage
15//! actually stores a reference to a value, and this reference is only placed
16//! in storage for a scoped amount of time.
18//! There are no restrictions on what types can be placed into a scoped
19//! variable, but all scoped variables are initialized to the equivalent of
20//! null. Scoped thread local storage is useful when a value is present for a known
21//! period of time and it is not required to relinquish ownership of the
22//! contents.
24//! # Examples
26//! ```
27//! #[macro_use]
28//! extern crate scoped_tls;
30//! scoped_thread_local!(static FOO: u32);
32//! # fn main() {
33//! // Initially each scoped slot is empty.
34//! assert!(!FOO.is_set());
36//! // When inserting a value, the value is only in place for the duration
37//! // of the closure specified.
38//! FOO.set(&1, || {
39//! FOO.with(|slot| {
40//! assert_eq!(*slot, 1);
41//! });
42//! });
43//! # }
44//! ```
46#![deny(missing_docs, warnings)]
48use std::cell::Cell;
49use std::marker;
50use std::thread::LocalKey;
52/// The macro. See the module level documentation for the description and examples.
54macro_rules! scoped_thread_local {
55 ($(#[$attrs:meta])* $vis:vis static $name:ident: $ty:ty) => (
56 $(#[$attrs])*
57 $vis static $name: $crate::ScopedKey<$ty> = $crate::ScopedKey {
58 inner: {
59 ::std::thread_local!(static FOO: ::std::cell::Cell<*const ()> = const {
60 ::std::cell::Cell::new(::std::ptr::null())
61 });
62 &FOO
63 },
64 _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData,
65 };
66 )
69/// Type representing a thread local storage key corresponding to a reference
70/// to the type parameter `T`.
72/// Keys are statically allocated and can contain a reference to an instance of
73/// type `T` scoped to a particular lifetime. Keys provides two methods, `set`
74/// and `with`, both of which currently use closures to control the scope of
75/// their contents.
76pub struct ScopedKey<T> {
77 #[doc(hidden)]
78 pub inner: &'static LocalKey<Cell<*const ()>>,
79 #[doc(hidden)]
80 pub _marker: marker::PhantomData<T>,
83unsafe impl<T> Sync for ScopedKey<T> {}
85impl<T> ScopedKey<T> {
86 /// Inserts a value into this scoped thread local storage slot for a
87 /// duration of a closure.
88 ///
89 /// While `f` is running, the value `t` will be returned by `get` unless
90 /// this function is called recursively inside of `f`.
91 ///
92 /// Upon return, this function will restore the previous value, if any
93 /// was available.
94 ///
95 /// # Examples
96 ///
97 /// ```
98 /// #[macro_use]
99 /// extern crate scoped_tls;
100 ///
101 /// scoped_thread_local!(static FOO: u32);
102 ///
103 /// # fn main() {
104 /// FOO.set(&100, || {
105 /// let val = FOO.with(|v| *v);
106 /// assert_eq!(val, 100);
107 ///
108 /// // set can be called recursively
109 /// FOO.set(&101, || {
110 /// // ...
111 /// });
112 ///
113 /// // Recursive calls restore the previous value.
114 /// let val = FOO.with(|v| *v);
115 /// assert_eq!(val, 100);
116 /// });
117 /// # }
118 /// ```
119 pub fn set<F, R>(&'static self, t: &T, f: F) -> R
120 where F: FnOnce() -> R
121 {
122 struct Reset {
123 key: &'static LocalKey<Cell<*const ()>>,
124 val: *const (),
125 }
126 impl Drop for Reset {
127 fn drop(&mut self) {
128 self.key.with(|c| c.set(self.val));
129 }
130 }
131 let prev = self.inner.with(|c| {
132 let prev = c.get();
133 c.set(t as *const T as *const ());
134 prev
135 });
136 let _reset = Reset { key: self.inner, val: prev };
137 f()
138 }
140 /// Gets a value out of this scoped variable.
141 ///
142 /// This function takes a closure which receives the value of this
143 /// variable.
144 ///
145 /// # Panics
146 ///
147 /// This function will panic if `set` has not previously been called.
148 ///
149 /// # Examples
150 ///
151 /// ```no_run
152 /// #[macro_use]
153 /// extern crate scoped_tls;
154 ///
155 /// scoped_thread_local!(static FOO: u32);
156 ///
157 /// # fn main() {
158 /// FOO.with(|slot| {
159 /// // work with `slot`
160 /// # drop(slot);
161 /// });
162 /// # }
163 /// ```
164 pub fn with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
165 where F: FnOnce(&T) -> R
166 {
167 let val = self.inner.with(|c| c.get());
168 assert!(!val.is_null(), "cannot access a scoped thread local \
169 variable without calling `set` first");
170 unsafe {
171 f(&*(val as *const T))
172 }
173 }
175 /// Test whether this TLS key has been `set` for the current thread.
176 pub fn is_set(&'static self) -> bool {
177 self.inner.with(|c| !c.get().is_null())
178 }
182mod tests {
183 use std::cell::Cell;
184 use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
185 use std::thread;
187 scoped_thread_local!(static FOO: u32);
189 #[test]
190 fn smoke() {
191 scoped_thread_local!(static BAR: u32);
193 assert!(!BAR.is_set());
194 BAR.set(&1, || {
195 assert!(BAR.is_set());
196 BAR.with(|slot| {
197 assert_eq!(*slot, 1);
198 });
199 });
200 assert!(!BAR.is_set());
201 }
203 #[test]
204 fn cell_allowed() {
205 scoped_thread_local!(static BAR: Cell<u32>);
207 BAR.set(&Cell::new(1), || {
208 BAR.with(|slot| {
209 assert_eq!(slot.get(), 1);
210 });
211 });
212 }
214 #[test]
215 fn scope_item_allowed() {
216 assert!(!FOO.is_set());
217 FOO.set(&1, || {
218 assert!(FOO.is_set());
219 FOO.with(|slot| {
220 assert_eq!(*slot, 1);
221 });
222 });
223 assert!(!FOO.is_set());
224 }
226 #[test]
227 fn panic_resets() {
228 struct Check(Sender<u32>);
229 impl Drop for Check {
230 fn drop(&mut self) {
231 FOO.with(|r| {
232 self.0.send(*r).unwrap();
233 })
234 }
235 }
237 let (tx, rx) = channel();
238 let t = thread::spawn(|| {
239 FOO.set(&1, || {
240 let _r = Check(tx);
242 FOO.set(&2, || {
243 panic!()
244 });
245 });
246 });
248 assert_eq!(rx.recv().unwrap(), 1);
249 assert!(t.join().is_err());
250 }
252 #[test]
253 fn attrs_allowed() {
254 scoped_thread_local!(
255 /// Docs
256 static BAZ: u32
257 );
259 scoped_thread_local!(
260 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
261 static quux: u32
262 );
264 let _ = BAZ;
265 let _ = quux;
266 }