1//! # How to use cpal
3//! Here are some concepts cpal exposes:
5//! - A [`Host`] provides access to the available audio devices on the system.
6//! Some platforms have more than one host available, but every platform supported by CPAL has at
7//! least one [default_host] that is guaranteed to be available.
8//! - A [`Device`] is an audio device that may have any number of input and
9//! output streams.
10//! - A [`Stream`] is an open flow of audio data. Input streams allow you to
11//! receive audio data, output streams allow you to play audio data. You must choose which
12//! [Device] will run your stream before you can create one. Often, a default device can be
13//! retrieved via the [Host].
15//! The first step is to initialise the [`Host`]:
17//! ```
18//! use cpal::traits::HostTrait;
19//! let host = cpal::default_host();
20//! ```
22//! Then choose an available [`Device`]. The easiest way is to use the default input or output
23//! `Device` via the [`default_input_device()`] or [`default_output_device()`] methods on `host`.
25//! Alternatively, you can enumerate all the available devices with the [`devices()`] method.
26//! Beware that the `default_*_device()` functions return an `Option<Device>` in case no device
27//! is available for that stream type on the system.
29//! ```no_run
30//! # use cpal::traits::HostTrait;
31//! # let host = cpal::default_host();
32//! let device = host.default_output_device().expect("no output device available");
33//! ```
35//! Before we can create a stream, we must decide what the configuration of the audio stream is
36//! going to be.
37//! You can query all the supported configurations with the
38//! [`supported_input_configs()`] and [`supported_output_configs()`] methods.
39//! These produce a list of [`SupportedStreamConfigRange`] structs which can later be turned into
40//! actual [`SupportedStreamConfig`] structs.
42//! If you don't want to query the list of configs,
43//! you can also build your own [`StreamConfig`] manually, but doing so could lead to an error when
44//! building the stream if the config is not supported by the device.
46//! > **Note**: the `supported_input/output_configs()` methods
47//! > could return an error for example if the device has been disconnected.
49//! ```no_run
50//! use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait};
51//! # let host = cpal::default_host();
52//! # let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap();
53//! let mut supported_configs_range = device.supported_output_configs()
54//! .expect("error while querying configs");
55//! let supported_config = supported_configs_range.next()
56//! .expect("no supported config?!")
57//! .with_max_sample_rate();
58//! ```
60//! Now that we have everything for the stream, we are ready to create it from our selected device:
62//! ```no_run
63//! use cpal::Data;
64//! use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
65//! # let host = cpal::default_host();
66//! # let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap();
67//! # let config = device.default_output_config().unwrap().into();
68//! let stream = device.build_output_stream(
69//! &config,
70//! move |data: &mut [f32], _: &cpal::OutputCallbackInfo| {
71//! // react to stream events and read or write stream data here.
72//! },
73//! move |err| {
74//! // react to errors here.
75//! },
76//! None // None=blocking, Some(Duration)=timeout
77//! );
78//! ```
80//! While the stream is running, the selected audio device will periodically call the data callback
81//! that was passed to the function. The callback is passed an instance of either [`&Data` or
82//! `&mut Data`](Data) depending on whether the stream is an input stream or output stream respectively.
84//! > **Note**: Creating and running a stream will *not* block the thread. On modern platforms, the
85//! > given callback is called by a dedicated, high-priority thread responsible for delivering
86//! > audio data to the system's audio device in a timely manner. On older platforms that only
87//! > provide a blocking API (e.g. ALSA), CPAL will create a thread in order to consistently
88//! > provide non-blocking behaviour (currently this is a thread per stream, but this may change to
89//! > use a single thread for all streams). *If this is an issue for your platform or design,
90//! > please share your issue and use-case with the CPAL team on the GitHub issue tracker for
91//! > consideration.*
93//! In this example, we simply fill the given output buffer with silence.
95//! ```no_run
96//! use cpal::{Data, Sample, SampleFormat, FromSample};
97//! use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
98//! # let host = cpal::default_host();
99//! # let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap();
100//! # let supported_config = device.default_output_config().unwrap();
101//! let err_fn = |err| eprintln!("an error occurred on the output audio stream: {}", err);
102//! let sample_format = supported_config.sample_format();
103//! let config = supported_config.into();
104//! let stream = match sample_format {
105//! SampleFormat::F32 => device.build_output_stream(&config, write_silence::<f32>, err_fn, None),
106//! SampleFormat::I16 => device.build_output_stream(&config, write_silence::<i16>, err_fn, None),
107//! SampleFormat::U16 => device.build_output_stream(&config, write_silence::<u16>, err_fn, None),
108//! sample_format => panic!("Unsupported sample format '{sample_format}'")
109//! }.unwrap();
111//! fn write_silence<T: Sample>(data: &mut [T], _: &cpal::OutputCallbackInfo) {
112//! for sample in data.iter_mut() {
113//! *sample = Sample::EQUILIBRIUM;
114//! }
115//! }
116//! ```
118//! Not all platforms automatically run the stream upon creation. To ensure the stream has started,
119//! we can use [`Stream::play`](traits::StreamTrait::play).
121//! ```no_run
122//! # use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
123//! # let host = cpal::default_host();
124//! # let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap();
125//! # let supported_config = device.default_output_config().unwrap();
126//! # let sample_format = supported_config.sample_format();
127//! # let config = supported_config.into();
128//! # let data_fn = move |_data: &mut cpal::Data, _: &cpal::OutputCallbackInfo| {};
129//! # let err_fn = move |_err| {};
130//! # let stream = device.build_output_stream_raw(&config, sample_format, data_fn, err_fn, None).unwrap();
131//! stream.play().unwrap();
132//! ```
134//! Some devices support pausing the audio stream. This can be useful for saving energy in moments
135//! of silence.
137//! ```no_run
138//! # use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
139//! # let host = cpal::default_host();
140//! # let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap();
141//! # let supported_config = device.default_output_config().unwrap();
142//! # let sample_format = supported_config.sample_format();
143//! # let config = supported_config.into();
144//! # let data_fn = move |_data: &mut cpal::Data, _: &cpal::OutputCallbackInfo| {};
145//! # let err_fn = move |_err| {};
146//! # let stream = device.build_output_stream_raw(&config, sample_format, data_fn, err_fn, None).unwrap();
147//! stream.pause().unwrap();
148//! ```
150//! [`default_input_device()`]: traits::HostTrait::default_input_device
151//! [`default_output_device()`]: traits::HostTrait::default_output_device
152//! [`devices()`]: traits::HostTrait::devices
153//! [`supported_input_configs()`]: traits::DeviceTrait::supported_input_configs
154//! [`supported_output_configs()`]: traits::DeviceTrait::supported_output_configs
156#![recursion_limit = "2048"]
158// Extern crate declarations with `#[macro_use]` must unfortunately be at crate root.
159#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
161extern crate wasm_bindgen;
162#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
163extern crate js_sys;
164#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
165extern crate web_sys;
167pub use error::*;
168pub use platform::{
169 available_hosts, default_host, host_from_id, Device, Devices, Host, HostId, Stream,
170 SupportedInputConfigs, SupportedOutputConfigs, ALL_HOSTS,
172pub use samples_formats::{FromSample, Sample, SampleFormat, SizedSample, I24, I48, U24, U48};
173use std::convert::TryInto;
174use std::ops::{Div, Mul};
175use std::time::Duration;
176#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
177use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
179mod error;
180mod host;
181pub mod platform;
182mod samples_formats;
183pub mod traits;
185/// A host's device iterator yielding only *input* devices.
186pub type InputDevices<I> = std::iter::Filter<I, fn(&<I as Iterator>::Item) -> bool>;
188/// A host's device iterator yielding only *output* devices.
189pub type OutputDevices<I> = std::iter::Filter<I, fn(&<I as Iterator>::Item) -> bool>;
191/// Number of channels.
192pub type ChannelCount = u16;
194/// The number of samples processed per second for a single channel of audio.
195#[cfg_attr(target_os = "emscripten", wasm_bindgen)]
196#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
197pub struct SampleRate(pub u32);
199impl<T> Mul<T> for SampleRate
201 u32: Mul<T, Output = u32>,
203 type Output = Self;
204 fn mul(self, rhs: T) -> Self {
205 SampleRate(self.0 * rhs)
206 }
209impl<T> Div<T> for SampleRate
211 u32: Div<T, Output = u32>,
213 type Output = Self;
214 fn div(self, rhs: T) -> Self {
215 SampleRate(self.0 / rhs)
216 }
219/// The desired number of frames for the hardware buffer.
220pub type FrameCount = u32;
222/// The buffer size used by the device.
224/// [`Default`] is used when no specific buffer size is set and uses the default
225/// behavior of the given host. Note, the default buffer size may be surprisingly
226/// large, leading to latency issues. If low latency is desired, [`Fixed(FrameCount)`]
227/// should be used in accordance with the [`SupportedBufferSize`] range produced by
228/// the [`SupportedStreamConfig`] API.
230/// [`Default`]: BufferSize::Default
231/// [`Fixed(FrameCount)`]: BufferSize::Fixed
232/// [`SupportedStreamConfig`]: SupportedStreamConfig::buffer_size
233#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
234pub enum BufferSize {
235 Default,
236 Fixed(FrameCount),
239#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
240impl wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for BufferSize {
241 fn describe() {}
244#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
245impl wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi for BufferSize {
246 type Abi = Option<u32>;
247 fn into_abi(self) -> Self::Abi {
248 match self {
249 Self::Default => None,
250 Self::Fixed(fc) => Some(fc),
251 }
252 .into_abi()
253 }
256/// The set of parameters used to describe how to open a stream.
258/// The sample format is omitted in favour of using a sample type.
259#[cfg_attr(target_os = "emscripten", wasm_bindgen)]
260#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
261pub struct StreamConfig {
262 pub channels: ChannelCount,
263 pub sample_rate: SampleRate,
264 pub buffer_size: BufferSize,
267/// Describes the minimum and maximum supported buffer size for the device
268#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
269pub enum SupportedBufferSize {
270 Range {
271 min: FrameCount,
272 max: FrameCount,
273 },
274 /// In the case that the platform provides no way of getting the default
275 /// buffersize before starting a stream.
276 Unknown,
279/// Describes a range of supported stream configurations, retrieved via the
280/// [`Device::supported_input/output_configs`](traits::DeviceTrait#required-methods) method.
281#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
282pub struct SupportedStreamConfigRange {
283 pub(crate) channels: ChannelCount,
284 /// Minimum value for the samples rate of the supported formats.
285 pub(crate) min_sample_rate: SampleRate,
286 /// Maximum value for the samples rate of the supported formats.
287 pub(crate) max_sample_rate: SampleRate,
288 /// Buffersize ranges supported by the device
289 pub(crate) buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize,
290 /// Type of data expected by the device.
291 pub(crate) sample_format: SampleFormat,
294/// Describes a single supported stream configuration, retrieved via either a
295/// [`SupportedStreamConfigRange`] instance or one of the
296/// [`Device::default_input/output_config`](traits::DeviceTrait#required-methods) methods.
297#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
298pub struct SupportedStreamConfig {
299 channels: ChannelCount,
300 sample_rate: SampleRate,
301 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize,
302 sample_format: SampleFormat,
305/// A buffer of dynamically typed audio data, passed to raw stream callbacks.
307/// Raw input stream callbacks receive `&Data`, while raw output stream callbacks expect `&mut
308/// Data`.
309#[cfg_attr(target_os = "emscripten", wasm_bindgen)]
311pub struct Data {
312 data: *mut (),
313 len: usize,
314 sample_format: SampleFormat,
317/// A monotonic time instance associated with a stream, retrieved from either:
319/// 1. A timestamp provided to the stream's underlying audio data callback or
320/// 2. The same time source used to generate timestamps for a stream's underlying audio data
321/// callback.
323/// `StreamInstant` represents a duration since some unspecified origin occurring either before
324/// or equal to the moment the stream from which it was created begins.
326/// ## Host `StreamInstant` Sources
328/// | Host | Source |
329/// | ---- | ------ |
330/// | alsa | `snd_pcm_status_get_htstamp` |
331/// | coreaudio | `mach_absolute_time` |
332/// | wasapi | `QueryPerformanceCounter` |
333/// | asio | `timeGetTime` |
334/// | emscripten | `AudioContext.getOutputTimestamp` |
335#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
336pub struct StreamInstant {
337 secs: i64,
338 nanos: u32,
341/// A timestamp associated with a call to an input stream's data callback.
342#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
343pub struct InputStreamTimestamp {
344 /// The instant the stream's data callback was invoked.
345 pub callback: StreamInstant,
346 /// The instant that data was captured from the device.
347 ///
348 /// E.g. The instant data was read from an ADC.
349 pub capture: StreamInstant,
352/// A timestamp associated with a call to an output stream's data callback.
353#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
354pub struct OutputStreamTimestamp {
355 /// The instant the stream's data callback was invoked.
356 pub callback: StreamInstant,
357 /// The predicted instant that data written will be delivered to the device for playback.
358 ///
359 /// E.g. The instant data will be played by a DAC.
360 pub playback: StreamInstant,
363/// Information relevant to a single call to the user's input stream data callback.
364#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
365pub struct InputCallbackInfo {
366 timestamp: InputStreamTimestamp,
369/// Information relevant to a single call to the user's output stream data callback.
370#[cfg_attr(target_os = "emscripten", wasm_bindgen)]
371#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
372pub struct OutputCallbackInfo {
373 timestamp: OutputStreamTimestamp,
376impl SupportedStreamConfig {
377 pub fn new(
378 channels: ChannelCount,
379 sample_rate: SampleRate,
380 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize,
381 sample_format: SampleFormat,
382 ) -> Self {
383 Self {
384 channels,
385 sample_rate,
386 buffer_size,
387 sample_format,
388 }
389 }
391 pub fn channels(&self) -> ChannelCount {
392 self.channels
393 }
395 pub fn sample_rate(&self) -> SampleRate {
396 self.sample_rate
397 }
399 pub fn buffer_size(&self) -> &SupportedBufferSize {
400 &self.buffer_size
401 }
403 pub fn sample_format(&self) -> SampleFormat {
404 self.sample_format
405 }
407 pub fn config(&self) -> StreamConfig {
408 StreamConfig {
409 channels: self.channels,
410 sample_rate: self.sample_rate,
411 buffer_size: BufferSize::Default,
412 }
413 }
416impl StreamInstant {
417 /// The amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one.
418 ///
419 /// Returns `None` if `earlier` is later than self.
420 pub fn duration_since(&self, earlier: &Self) -> Option<Duration> {
421 if self < earlier {
422 None
423 } else {
424 (self.as_nanos() - earlier.as_nanos())
425 .try_into()
426 .ok()
427 .map(Duration::from_nanos)
428 }
429 }
431 /// Returns the instant in time after the given duration has passed.
432 ///
433 /// Returns `None` if the resulting instant would exceed the bounds of the underlying data
434 /// structure.
435 pub fn add(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<Self> {
436 self.as_nanos()
437 .checked_add(duration.as_nanos() as i128)
438 .and_then(Self::from_nanos_i128)
439 }
441 /// Returns the instant in time one `duration` ago.
442 ///
443 /// Returns `None` if the resulting instant would underflow. As a result, it is important to
444 /// consider that on some platforms the [`StreamInstant`] may begin at `0` from the moment the
445 /// source stream is created.
446 pub fn sub(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<Self> {
447 self.as_nanos()
448 .checked_sub(duration.as_nanos() as i128)
449 .and_then(Self::from_nanos_i128)
450 }
452 fn as_nanos(&self) -> i128 {
453 (self.secs as i128 * 1_000_000_000) + self.nanos as i128
454 }
456 #[allow(dead_code)]
457 fn from_nanos(nanos: i64) -> Self {
458 let secs = nanos / 1_000_000_000;
459 let subsec_nanos = nanos - secs * 1_000_000_000;
460 Self::new(secs, subsec_nanos as u32)
461 }
463 #[allow(dead_code)]
464 fn from_nanos_i128(nanos: i128) -> Option<Self> {
465 let secs = nanos / 1_000_000_000;
466 if secs > i64::MAX as i128 || secs < i64::MIN as i128 {
467 None
468 } else {
469 let subsec_nanos = nanos - secs * 1_000_000_000;
470 debug_assert!(subsec_nanos < u32::MAX as i128);
471 Some(Self::new(secs as i64, subsec_nanos as u32))
472 }
473 }
475 #[allow(dead_code)]
476 fn from_secs_f64(secs: f64) -> crate::StreamInstant {
477 let s = secs.floor() as i64;
478 let ns = ((secs - s as f64) * 1_000_000_000.0) as u32;
479 Self::new(s, ns)
480 }
482 fn new(secs: i64, nanos: u32) -> Self {
483 StreamInstant { secs, nanos }
484 }
487impl InputCallbackInfo {
488 /// The timestamp associated with the call to an input stream's data callback.
489 pub fn timestamp(&self) -> InputStreamTimestamp {
490 self.timestamp
491 }
494impl OutputCallbackInfo {
495 /// The timestamp associated with the call to an output stream's data callback.
496 pub fn timestamp(&self) -> OutputStreamTimestamp {
497 self.timestamp
498 }
502impl Data {
503 // Internal constructor for host implementations to use.
504 //
505 // The following requirements must be met in order for the safety of `Data`'s public API.
506 //
507 // - The `data` pointer must point to the first sample in the slice containing all samples.
508 // - The `len` must describe the length of the buffer as a number of samples in the expected
509 // format specified via the `sample_format` argument.
510 // - The `sample_format` must correctly represent the underlying sample data delivered/expected
511 // by the stream.
512 pub(crate) unsafe fn from_parts(
513 data: *mut (),
514 len: usize,
515 sample_format: SampleFormat,
516 ) -> Self {
517 Data {
518 data,
519 len,
520 sample_format,
521 }
522 }
524 /// The sample format of the internal audio data.
525 pub fn sample_format(&self) -> SampleFormat {
526 self.sample_format
527 }
529 /// The full length of the buffer in samples.
530 ///
531 /// The returned length is the same length as the slice of type `T` that would be returned via
532 /// [`as_slice`](Self::as_slice) given a sample type that matches the inner sample format.
533 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
534 self.len
535 }
537 /// The raw slice of memory representing the underlying audio data as a slice of bytes.
538 ///
539 /// It is up to the user to interpret the slice of memory based on [`Data::sample_format`].
540 pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
541 let len = self.len * self.sample_format.sample_size();
542 // The safety of this block relies on correct construction of the `Data` instance.
543 // See the unsafe `from_parts` constructor for these requirements.
544 unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.data as *const u8, len) }
545 }
547 /// The raw slice of memory representing the underlying audio data as a slice of bytes.
548 ///
549 /// It is up to the user to interpret the slice of memory based on [`Data::sample_format`].
550 pub fn bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
551 let len = self.len * self.sample_format.sample_size();
552 // The safety of this block relies on correct construction of the `Data` instance. See
553 // the unsafe `from_parts` constructor for these requirements.
554 unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.data as *mut u8, len) }
555 }
557 /// Access the data as a slice of sample type `T`.
558 ///
559 /// Returns `None` if the sample type does not match the expected sample format.
560 pub fn as_slice<T>(&self) -> Option<&[T]>
561 where
562 T: SizedSample,
563 {
564 if T::FORMAT == self.sample_format {
565 // The safety of this block relies on correct construction of the `Data` instance. See
566 // the unsafe `from_parts` constructor for these requirements.
567 unsafe { Some(std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.data as *const T, self.len)) }
568 } else {
569 None
570 }
571 }
573 /// Access the data as a slice of sample type `T`.
574 ///
575 /// Returns `None` if the sample type does not match the expected sample format.
576 pub fn as_slice_mut<T>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut [T]>
577 where
578 T: SizedSample,
579 {
580 if T::FORMAT == self.sample_format {
581 // The safety of this block relies on correct construction of the `Data` instance. See
582 // the unsafe `from_parts` constructor for these requirements.
583 unsafe {
584 Some(std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
585 self.data as *mut T,
586 self.len,
587 ))
588 }
589 } else {
590 None
591 }
592 }
595impl SupportedStreamConfigRange {
596 pub fn new(
597 channels: ChannelCount,
598 min_sample_rate: SampleRate,
599 max_sample_rate: SampleRate,
600 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize,
601 sample_format: SampleFormat,
602 ) -> Self {
603 Self {
604 channels,
605 min_sample_rate,
606 max_sample_rate,
607 buffer_size,
608 sample_format,
609 }
610 }
612 pub fn channels(&self) -> ChannelCount {
613 self.channels
614 }
616 pub fn min_sample_rate(&self) -> SampleRate {
617 self.min_sample_rate
618 }
620 pub fn max_sample_rate(&self) -> SampleRate {
621 self.max_sample_rate
622 }
624 pub fn buffer_size(&self) -> &SupportedBufferSize {
625 &self.buffer_size
626 }
628 pub fn sample_format(&self) -> SampleFormat {
629 self.sample_format
630 }
632 /// Retrieve a [`SupportedStreamConfig`] with the given sample rate and buffer size.
633 ///
634 /// # Panics
635 ///
636 /// Panics if the given `sample_rate` is outside the range specified within
637 /// this [`SupportedStreamConfigRange`] instance. For a non-panicking
638 /// variant, use [`try_with_sample_rate`](#method.try_with_sample_rate).
639 pub fn with_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: SampleRate) -> SupportedStreamConfig {
640 self.try_with_sample_rate(sample_rate)
641 .expect("sample rate out of range")
642 }
644 /// Retrieve a [`SupportedStreamConfig`] with the given sample rate and buffer size.
645 ///
646 /// Returns `None` if the given sample rate is outside the range specified
647 /// within this [`SupportedStreamConfigRange`] instance.
648 pub fn try_with_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: SampleRate) -> Option<SupportedStreamConfig> {
649 if self.min_sample_rate <= sample_rate && sample_rate <= self.max_sample_rate {
650 Some(SupportedStreamConfig {
651 channels: self.channels,
652 sample_rate,
653 sample_format: self.sample_format,
654 buffer_size: self.buffer_size,
655 })
656 } else {
657 None
658 }
659 }
661 /// Turns this [`SupportedStreamConfigRange`] into a [`SupportedStreamConfig`] corresponding to the maximum samples rate.
662 #[inline]
663 pub fn with_max_sample_rate(self) -> SupportedStreamConfig {
664 SupportedStreamConfig {
665 channels: self.channels,
666 sample_rate: self.max_sample_rate,
667 sample_format: self.sample_format,
668 buffer_size: self.buffer_size,
669 }
670 }
672 /// A comparison function which compares two [`SupportedStreamConfigRange`]s in terms of their priority of
673 /// use as a default stream format.
674 ///
675 /// Some backends do not provide a default stream format for their audio devices. In these
676 /// cases, CPAL attempts to decide on a reasonable default format for the user. To do this we
677 /// use the "greatest" of all supported stream formats when compared with this method.
678 ///
679 /// SupportedStreamConfigs are prioritised by the following heuristics:
680 ///
681 /// **Channels**:
682 ///
683 /// - Stereo
684 /// - Mono
685 /// - Max available channels
686 ///
687 /// **Sample format**:
688 /// - f32
689 /// - i16
690 /// - u16
691 ///
692 /// **Sample rate**:
693 ///
694 /// - 44100 (cd quality)
695 /// - Max sample rate
696 pub fn cmp_default_heuristics(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
697 use std::cmp::Ordering::Equal;
698 use SampleFormat::{F32, I16, U16};
700 let cmp_stereo = (self.channels == 2).cmp(&(other.channels == 2));
701 if cmp_stereo != Equal {
702 return cmp_stereo;
703 }
705 let cmp_mono = (self.channels == 1).cmp(&(other.channels == 1));
706 if cmp_mono != Equal {
707 return cmp_mono;
708 }
710 let cmp_channels = self.channels.cmp(&other.channels);
711 if cmp_channels != Equal {
712 return cmp_channels;
713 }
715 let cmp_f32 = (self.sample_format == F32).cmp(&(other.sample_format == F32));
716 if cmp_f32 != Equal {
717 return cmp_f32;
718 }
720 let cmp_i16 = (self.sample_format == I16).cmp(&(other.sample_format == I16));
721 if cmp_i16 != Equal {
722 return cmp_i16;
723 }
725 let cmp_u16 = (self.sample_format == U16).cmp(&(other.sample_format == U16));
726 if cmp_u16 != Equal {
727 return cmp_u16;
728 }
730 const HZ_44100: SampleRate = SampleRate(44_100);
731 let r44100_in_self = self.min_sample_rate <= HZ_44100 && HZ_44100 <= self.max_sample_rate;
732 let r44100_in_other =
733 other.min_sample_rate <= HZ_44100 && HZ_44100 <= other.max_sample_rate;
734 let cmp_r44100 = r44100_in_self.cmp(&r44100_in_other);
735 if cmp_r44100 != Equal {
736 return cmp_r44100;
737 }
739 self.max_sample_rate.cmp(&other.max_sample_rate)
740 }
744fn test_cmp_default_heuristics() {
745 let mut formats = [
746 SupportedStreamConfigRange {
747 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize::Range { min: 256, max: 512 },
748 channels: 2,
749 min_sample_rate: SampleRate(1),
750 max_sample_rate: SampleRate(96000),
751 sample_format: SampleFormat::F32,
752 },
753 SupportedStreamConfigRange {
754 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize::Range { min: 256, max: 512 },
755 channels: 1,
756 min_sample_rate: SampleRate(1),
757 max_sample_rate: SampleRate(96000),
758 sample_format: SampleFormat::F32,
759 },
760 SupportedStreamConfigRange {
761 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize::Range { min: 256, max: 512 },
762 channels: 2,
763 min_sample_rate: SampleRate(1),
764 max_sample_rate: SampleRate(96000),
765 sample_format: SampleFormat::I16,
766 },
767 SupportedStreamConfigRange {
768 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize::Range { min: 256, max: 512 },
769 channels: 2,
770 min_sample_rate: SampleRate(1),
771 max_sample_rate: SampleRate(96000),
772 sample_format: SampleFormat::U16,
773 },
774 SupportedStreamConfigRange {
775 buffer_size: SupportedBufferSize::Range { min: 256, max: 512 },
776 channels: 2,
777 min_sample_rate: SampleRate(1),
778 max_sample_rate: SampleRate(22050),
779 sample_format: SampleFormat::F32,
780 },
781 ];
783 formats.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp_default_heuristics(b));
785 // lowest-priority first:
786 assert_eq!(formats[0].sample_format(), SampleFormat::F32);
787 assert_eq!(formats[0].min_sample_rate(), SampleRate(1));
788 assert_eq!(formats[0].max_sample_rate(), SampleRate(96000));
789 assert_eq!(formats[0].channels(), 1);
791 assert_eq!(formats[1].sample_format(), SampleFormat::U16);
792 assert_eq!(formats[1].min_sample_rate(), SampleRate(1));
793 assert_eq!(formats[1].max_sample_rate(), SampleRate(96000));
794 assert_eq!(formats[1].channels(), 2);
796 assert_eq!(formats[2].sample_format(), SampleFormat::I16);
797 assert_eq!(formats[2].min_sample_rate(), SampleRate(1));
798 assert_eq!(formats[2].max_sample_rate(), SampleRate(96000));
799 assert_eq!(formats[2].channels(), 2);
801 assert_eq!(formats[3].sample_format(), SampleFormat::F32);
802 assert_eq!(formats[3].min_sample_rate(), SampleRate(1));
803 assert_eq!(formats[3].max_sample_rate(), SampleRate(22050));
804 assert_eq!(formats[3].channels(), 2);
806 assert_eq!(formats[4].sample_format(), SampleFormat::F32);
807 assert_eq!(formats[4].min_sample_rate(), SampleRate(1));
808 assert_eq!(formats[4].max_sample_rate(), SampleRate(96000));
809 assert_eq!(formats[4].channels(), 2);
812impl From<SupportedStreamConfig> for StreamConfig {
813 fn from(conf: SupportedStreamConfig) -> Self {
814 conf.config()
815 }
818// If a backend does not provide an API for retrieving supported formats, we query it with a bunch
819// of commonly used rates. This is always the case for wasapi and is sometimes the case for alsa.
821// If a rate you desire is missing from this list, feel free to add it!
822#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
823const COMMON_SAMPLE_RATES: &[SampleRate] = &[
824 SampleRate(5512),
825 SampleRate(8000),
826 SampleRate(11025),
827 SampleRate(16000),
828 SampleRate(22050),
829 SampleRate(32000),
830 SampleRate(44100),
831 SampleRate(48000),
832 SampleRate(64000),
833 SampleRate(88200),
834 SampleRate(96000),
835 SampleRate(176400),
836 SampleRate(192000),
840fn test_stream_instant() {
841 let a = StreamInstant::new(2, 0);
842 let b = StreamInstant::new(-2, 0);
843 let min = StreamInstant::new(i64::MIN, 0);
844 let max = StreamInstant::new(i64::MAX, 0);
845 assert_eq!(
846 a.sub(Duration::from_secs(1)),
847 Some(StreamInstant::new(1, 0))
848 );
849 assert_eq!(
850 a.sub(Duration::from_secs(2)),
851 Some(StreamInstant::new(0, 0))
852 );
853 assert_eq!(
854 a.sub(Duration::from_secs(3)),
855 Some(StreamInstant::new(-1, 0))
856 );
857 assert_eq!(min.sub(Duration::from_secs(1)), None);
858 assert_eq!(
859 b.add(Duration::from_secs(1)),
860 Some(StreamInstant::new(-1, 0))
861 );
862 assert_eq!(
863 b.add(Duration::from_secs(2)),
864 Some(StreamInstant::new(0, 0))
865 );
866 assert_eq!(
867 b.add(Duration::from_secs(3)),
868 Some(StreamInstant::new(1, 0))
869 );
870 assert_eq!(max.add(Duration::from_secs(1)), None);