1 | //! # Terminal
2 | //!
3 | //! The `terminal` module provides functionality to work with the terminal.
4 | //!
5 | //! This documentation does not contain a lot of examples. The reason is that it's fairly
6 | //! obvious how to use this crate. Although, we do provide
7 | //! [examples](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm/tree/master/examples) repository
8 | //! to demonstrate the capabilities.
9 | //!
10 | //! Most terminal actions can be performed with commands.
11 | //! Please have a look at [command documentation](../index.html#command-api) for a more detailed documentation.
12 | //!
13 | //! ## Screen Buffer
14 | //!
15 | //! A screen buffer is a two-dimensional array of character
16 | //! and color data which is displayed in a terminal screen.
17 | //!
18 | //! The terminal has several of those buffers and is able to switch between them.
19 | //! The default screen in which you work is called the 'main screen'.
20 | //! The other screens are called the 'alternative screen'.
21 | //!
22 | //! It is important to understand that crossterm does not yet support creating screens,
23 | //! or switch between more than two buffers, and only offers the ability to change
24 | //! between the 'alternate' and 'main screen'.
25 | //!
26 | //! ### Alternate Screen
27 | //!
28 | //! By default, you will be working on the main screen.
29 | //! There is also another screen called the 'alternative' screen.
30 | //! This screen is slightly different from the main screen.
31 | //! For example, it has the exact dimensions of the terminal window,
32 | //! without any scroll-back area.
33 | //!
34 | //! Crossterm offers the possibility to switch to the 'alternative' screen,
35 | //! make some modifications, and move back to the 'main' screen again.
36 | //! The main screen will stay intact and will have the original data as we performed all
37 | //! operations on the alternative screen.
38 | //!
39 | //! An good example of this is Vim.
40 | //! When it is launched from bash, a whole new buffer is used to modify a file.
41 | //! Then, when the modification is finished, it closes again and continues on the main screen.
42 | //!
43 | //! ### Raw Mode
44 | //!
45 | //! By default, the terminal functions in a certain way.
46 | //! For example, it will move the cursor to the beginning of the next line when the input hits the end of a line.
47 | //! Or that the backspace is interpreted for character removal.
48 | //!
49 | //! Sometimes these default modes are irrelevant,
50 | //! and in this case, we can turn them off.
51 | //! This is what happens when you enable raw modes.
52 | //!
53 | //! Those modes will be set when enabling raw modes:
54 | //!
55 | //! - Input will not be forwarded to screen
56 | //! - Input will not be processed on enter press
57 | //! - Input will not be line buffered (input sent byte-by-byte to input buffer)
58 | //! - Special keys like backspace and CTRL+C will not be processed by terminal driver
59 | //! - New line character will not be processed therefore `println!` can't be used, use `write!` instead
60 | //!
61 | //! Raw mode can be enabled/disabled with the [enable_raw_mode](terminal::enable_raw_mode) and [disable_raw_mode](terminal::disable_raw_mode) functions.
62 | //!
63 | //! ## Examples
64 | //!
65 | //! ```no_run
66 | //! use std::io::{self, Write};
67 | //! use crossterm::{execute, terminal::{ScrollUp, SetSize, size}};
68 | //!
69 | //! fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
70 | //! let (cols, rows) = size()?;
71 | //! // Resize terminal and scroll up.
72 | //! execute!(
73 | //! io::stdout(),
74 | //! SetSize(10, 10),
75 | //! ScrollUp(5)
76 | //! )?;
77 | //!
78 | //! // Be a good citizen, cleanup
79 | //! execute!(io::stdout(), SetSize(cols, rows))?;
80 | //! Ok(())
81 | //! }
82 | //! ```
83 | //!
84 | //! For manual execution control check out [crossterm::queue](../macro.queue.html).
85 |
86 | use std::{fmt, io};
87 |
88 | #[cfg (windows)]
89 | use crossterm_winapi::{ConsoleMode, Handle, ScreenBuffer};
90 | #[cfg (feature = "serde" )]
91 | use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
92 | #[cfg (windows)]
93 | use winapi::um::wincon::ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT;
94 |
95 | #[doc (no_inline)]
96 | use crate::Command;
97 | use crate::{csi, impl_display};
98 |
99 | pub(crate) mod sys;
100 |
101 | #[cfg (feature = "events" )]
102 | pub use sys::supports_keyboard_enhancement;
103 |
104 | /// Tells whether the raw mode is enabled.
105 | ///
106 | /// Please have a look at the [raw mode](./index.html#raw-mode) section.
107 | pub fn is_raw_mode_enabled() -> io::Result<bool> {
108 | #[cfg (unix)]
109 | {
110 | Ok(sys::is_raw_mode_enabled())
111 | }
112 |
113 | #[cfg (windows)]
114 | {
115 | sys::is_raw_mode_enabled()
116 | }
117 | }
118 |
119 | /// Enables raw mode.
120 | ///
121 | /// Please have a look at the [raw mode](./index.html#raw-mode) section.
122 | pub fn enable_raw_mode() -> io::Result<()> {
123 | sys::enable_raw_mode()
124 | }
125 |
126 | /// Disables raw mode.
127 | ///
128 | /// Please have a look at the [raw mode](./index.html#raw-mode) section.
129 | pub fn disable_raw_mode() -> io::Result<()> {
130 | sys::disable_raw_mode()
131 | }
132 |
133 | /// Returns the terminal size `(columns, rows)`.
134 | ///
135 | /// The top left cell is represented `(1, 1)`.
136 | pub fn size() -> io::Result<(u16, u16)> {
137 | sys::size()
138 | }
139 |
140 | #[derive (Debug)]
141 | pub struct WindowSize {
142 | pub rows: u16,
143 | pub columns: u16,
144 | pub width: u16,
145 | pub height: u16,
146 | }
147 |
148 | /// Returns the terminal size `[WindowSize]`.
149 | ///
150 | /// The width and height in pixels may not be reliably implemented or default to 0.
151 | /// For unix, https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/tty_ioctl.4.html documents them as "unused".
152 | /// For windows it is not implemented.
153 | pub fn window_size() -> io::Result<WindowSize> {
154 | sys::window_size()
155 | }
156 |
157 | /// Disables line wrapping.
158 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
159 | pub struct DisableLineWrap;
160 |
161 | impl Command for DisableLineWrap {
162 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
163 | f.write_str(csi!("?7l" ))
164 | }
165 |
166 | #[cfg (windows)]
167 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
168 | let screen_buffer = ScreenBuffer::current()?;
169 | let console_mode = ConsoleMode::from(screen_buffer.handle().clone());
170 | let new_mode = console_mode.mode()? & !ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT;
171 | console_mode.set_mode(new_mode)?;
172 | Ok(())
173 | }
174 | }
175 |
176 | /// Enable line wrapping.
177 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
178 | pub struct EnableLineWrap;
179 |
180 | impl Command for EnableLineWrap {
181 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
182 | f.write_str(csi!("?7h" ))
183 | }
184 |
185 | #[cfg (windows)]
186 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
187 | let screen_buffer = ScreenBuffer::current()?;
188 | let console_mode = ConsoleMode::from(screen_buffer.handle().clone());
189 | let new_mode = console_mode.mode()? | ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT;
190 | console_mode.set_mode(new_mode)?;
191 | Ok(())
192 | }
193 | }
194 |
195 | /// A command that switches to alternate screen.
196 | ///
197 | /// # Notes
198 | ///
199 | /// * Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
200 | /// * Use [LeaveAlternateScreen](./struct.LeaveAlternateScreen.html) command to leave the entered alternate screen.
201 | ///
202 | /// # Examples
203 | ///
204 | /// ```no_run
205 | /// use std::io::{self, Write};
206 | /// use crossterm::{execute, terminal::{EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}};
207 | ///
208 | /// fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
209 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), EnterAlternateScreen)?;
210 | ///
211 | /// // Do anything on the alternate screen
212 | ///
213 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), LeaveAlternateScreen)
214 | /// }
215 | /// ```
216 | ///
217 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
218 | pub struct EnterAlternateScreen;
219 |
220 | impl Command for EnterAlternateScreen {
221 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
222 | f.write_str(csi!("?1049h" ))
223 | }
224 |
225 | #[cfg (windows)]
226 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
227 | let alternate_screen = ScreenBuffer::create()?;
228 | alternate_screen.show()?;
229 | Ok(())
230 | }
231 | }
232 |
233 | /// A command that switches back to the main screen.
234 | ///
235 | /// # Notes
236 | ///
237 | /// * Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
238 | /// * Use [EnterAlternateScreen](./struct.EnterAlternateScreen.html) to enter the alternate screen.
239 | ///
240 | /// # Examples
241 | ///
242 | /// ```no_run
243 | /// use std::io::{self, Write};
244 | /// use crossterm::{execute, terminal::{EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}};
245 | ///
246 | /// fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
247 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), EnterAlternateScreen)?;
248 | ///
249 | /// // Do anything on the alternate screen
250 | ///
251 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), LeaveAlternateScreen)
252 | /// }
253 | /// ```
254 | ///
255 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
256 | pub struct LeaveAlternateScreen;
257 |
258 | impl Command for LeaveAlternateScreen {
259 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
260 | f.write_str(csi!("?1049l" ))
261 | }
262 |
263 | #[cfg (windows)]
264 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
265 | let screen_buffer = ScreenBuffer::from(Handle::current_out_handle()?);
266 | screen_buffer.show()?;
267 | Ok(())
268 | }
269 | }
270 |
271 | /// Different ways to clear the terminal buffer.
272 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "serde" , derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
273 | #[derive (Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
274 | pub enum ClearType {
275 | /// All cells.
276 | All,
277 | /// All plus history
278 | Purge,
279 | /// All cells from the cursor position downwards.
280 | FromCursorDown,
281 | /// All cells from the cursor position upwards.
282 | FromCursorUp,
283 | /// All cells at the cursor row.
284 | CurrentLine,
285 | /// All cells from the cursor position until the new line.
286 | UntilNewLine,
287 | }
288 |
289 | /// A command that scrolls the terminal screen a given number of rows up.
290 | ///
291 | /// # Notes
292 | ///
293 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
294 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
295 | pub struct ScrollUp(pub u16);
296 |
297 | impl Command for ScrollUp {
298 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
299 | if self.0 != 0 {
300 | write!(f, csi!("{}S" ), self.0)?;
301 | }
302 | Ok(())
303 | }
304 |
305 | #[cfg (windows)]
306 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
307 | sys::scroll_up(self.0)
308 | }
309 | }
310 |
311 | /// A command that scrolls the terminal screen a given number of rows down.
312 | ///
313 | /// # Notes
314 | ///
315 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
316 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
317 | pub struct ScrollDown(pub u16);
318 |
319 | impl Command for ScrollDown {
320 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
321 | if self.0 != 0 {
322 | write!(f, csi!("{}T" ), self.0)?;
323 | }
324 | Ok(())
325 | }
326 |
327 | #[cfg (windows)]
328 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
329 | sys::scroll_down(self.0)
330 | }
331 | }
332 |
333 | /// A command that clears the terminal screen buffer.
334 | ///
335 | /// See the [`ClearType`](enum.ClearType.html) enum.
336 | ///
337 | /// # Notes
338 | ///
339 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
340 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
341 | pub struct Clear(pub ClearType);
342 |
343 | impl Command for Clear {
344 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
345 | f.write_str(match self.0 {
346 | ClearType::All => csi!("2J" ),
347 | ClearType::Purge => csi!("3J" ),
348 | ClearType::FromCursorDown => csi!("J" ),
349 | ClearType::FromCursorUp => csi!("1J" ),
350 | ClearType::CurrentLine => csi!("2K" ),
351 | ClearType::UntilNewLine => csi!("K" ),
352 | })
353 | }
354 |
355 | #[cfg (windows)]
356 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
357 | sys::clear(self.0)
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 | /// A command that sets the terminal buffer size `(columns, rows)`.
362 | ///
363 | /// # Notes
364 | ///
365 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
366 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
367 | pub struct SetSize(pub u16, pub u16);
368 |
369 | impl Command for SetSize {
370 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
371 | write!(f, csi!("8;{};{}t" ), self.1, self.0)
372 | }
373 |
374 | #[cfg (windows)]
375 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
376 | sys::set_size(self.0, self.1)
377 | }
378 | }
379 |
380 | /// A command that sets the terminal title
381 | ///
382 | /// # Notes
383 | ///
384 | /// Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
385 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
386 | pub struct SetTitle<T>(pub T);
387 |
388 | impl<T: fmt::Display> Command for SetTitle<T> {
389 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
390 | write!(f, " \x1B]0; {}\x07" , &self.0)
391 | }
392 |
393 | #[cfg (windows)]
394 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
395 | sys::set_window_title(&self.0)
396 | }
397 | }
398 |
399 | /// A command that instructs the terminal emulator to begin a synchronized frame.
400 | ///
401 | /// # Notes
402 | ///
403 | /// * Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
404 | /// * Use [EndSynchronizedUpdate](./struct.EndSynchronizedUpdate.html) command to leave the entered alternate screen.
405 | ///
406 | /// When rendering the screen of the terminal, the Emulator usually iterates through each visible grid cell and
407 | /// renders its current state. With applications updating the screen a at higher frequency this can cause tearing.
408 | ///
409 | /// This mode attempts to mitigate that.
410 | ///
411 | /// When the synchronization mode is enabled following render calls will keep rendering the last rendered state.
412 | /// The terminal Emulator keeps processing incoming text and sequences. When the synchronized update mode is disabled
413 | /// again the renderer may fetch the latest screen buffer state again, effectively avoiding the tearing effect
414 | /// by unintentionally rendering in the middle a of an application screen update.
415 | ///
416 | /// # Examples
417 | ///
418 | /// ```no_run
419 | /// use std::io::{self, Write};
420 | /// use crossterm::{execute, terminal::{BeginSynchronizedUpdate, EndSynchronizedUpdate}};
421 | ///
422 | /// fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
423 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), BeginSynchronizedUpdate)?;
424 | ///
425 | /// // Anything performed here will not be rendered until EndSynchronizedUpdate is called.
426 | ///
427 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), EndSynchronizedUpdate)?;
428 | /// Ok(())
429 | /// }
430 | /// ```
431 | ///
432 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
433 | pub struct BeginSynchronizedUpdate;
434 |
435 | impl Command for BeginSynchronizedUpdate {
436 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
437 | f.write_str(csi!("?2026h" ))
438 | }
439 |
440 | #[cfg (windows)]
441 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
442 | Ok(())
443 | }
444 |
445 | #[cfg (windows)]
446 | #[inline ]
447 | fn is_ansi_code_supported(&self) -> bool {
448 | true
449 | }
450 | }
451 |
452 | /// A command that instructs the terminal to end a synchronized frame.
453 | ///
454 | /// # Notes
455 | ///
456 | /// * Commands must be executed/queued for execution otherwise they do nothing.
457 | /// * Use [BeginSynchronizedUpdate](./struct.BeginSynchronizedUpdate.html) to enter the alternate screen.
458 | ///
459 | /// When rendering the screen of the terminal, the Emulator usually iterates through each visible grid cell and
460 | /// renders its current state. With applications updating the screen a at higher frequency this can cause tearing.
461 | ///
462 | /// This mode attempts to mitigate that.
463 | ///
464 | /// When the synchronization mode is enabled following render calls will keep rendering the last rendered state.
465 | /// The terminal Emulator keeps processing incoming text and sequences. When the synchronized update mode is disabled
466 | /// again the renderer may fetch the latest screen buffer state again, effectively avoiding the tearing effect
467 | /// by unintentionally rendering in the middle a of an application screen update.
468 | ///
469 | /// # Examples
470 | ///
471 | /// ```no_run
472 | /// use std::io::{self, Write};
473 | /// use crossterm::{execute, terminal::{BeginSynchronizedUpdate, EndSynchronizedUpdate}};
474 | ///
475 | /// fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
476 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), BeginSynchronizedUpdate)?;
477 | ///
478 | /// // Anything performed here will not be rendered until EndSynchronizedUpdate is called.
479 | ///
480 | /// execute!(io::stdout(), EndSynchronizedUpdate)?;
481 | /// Ok(())
482 | /// }
483 | /// ```
484 | ///
485 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
486 | pub struct EndSynchronizedUpdate;
487 |
488 | impl Command for EndSynchronizedUpdate {
489 | fn write_ansi(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
490 | f.write_str(csi!("?2026l" ))
491 | }
492 |
493 | #[cfg (windows)]
494 | fn execute_winapi(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
495 | Ok(())
496 | }
497 |
498 | #[cfg (windows)]
499 | #[inline ]
500 | fn is_ansi_code_supported(&self) -> bool {
501 | true
502 | }
503 | }
504 |
505 | impl_display!(for ScrollUp);
506 | impl_display!(for ScrollDown);
507 | impl_display!(for SetSize);
508 | impl_display!(for Clear);
509 |
510 | #[cfg (test)]
511 | mod tests {
512 | use std::{io::stdout, thread, time};
513 |
514 | use crate::execute;
515 |
516 | use super::*;
517 |
518 | // Test is disabled, because it's failing on Travis CI
519 | #[test ]
520 | #[ignore ]
521 | fn test_resize_ansi() {
522 | let (width, height) = size().unwrap();
523 |
524 | execute!(stdout(), SetSize(35, 35)).unwrap();
525 |
526 | // see issue: https://github.com/eminence/terminal-size/issues/11
527 | thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(30));
528 |
529 | assert_eq!((35, 35), size().unwrap());
530 |
531 | // reset to previous size
532 | execute!(stdout(), SetSize(width, height)).unwrap();
533 |
534 | // see issue: https://github.com/eminence/terminal-size/issues/11
535 | thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(30));
536 |
537 | assert_eq!((width, height), size().unwrap());
538 | }
539 |
540 | #[test ]
541 | fn test_raw_mode() {
542 | // check we start from normal mode (may fail on some test harnesses)
543 | assert!(!is_raw_mode_enabled().unwrap());
544 |
545 | // enable the raw mode
546 | if enable_raw_mode().is_err() {
547 | // Enabling raw mode doesn't work on the ci
548 | // So we just ignore it
549 | return;
550 | }
551 |
552 | // check it worked (on unix it doesn't really check the underlying
553 | // tty but rather check that the code is consistent)
554 | assert!(is_raw_mode_enabled().unwrap());
555 |
556 | // enable it again, this should not change anything
557 | enable_raw_mode().unwrap();
558 |
559 | // check we're still in raw mode
560 | assert!(is_raw_mode_enabled().unwrap());
561 |
562 | // now let's disable it
563 | disable_raw_mode().unwrap();
564 |
565 | // check we're back to normal mode
566 | assert!(!is_raw_mode_enabled().unwrap());
567 | }
568 | }
569 | |