1 | //! UNIX related logic for terminal manipulation.
2 |
3 | use crate::terminal::{
4 | sys::file_descriptor::{tty_fd, FileDesc},
5 | WindowSize,
6 | };
7 | use libc::{
8 | cfmakeraw, ioctl, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, termios as Termios, winsize, STDOUT_FILENO, TCSANOW,
10 | };
11 | use parking_lot::Mutex;
12 | use std::fs::File;
13 |
14 | use std::os::unix::io::{IntoRawFd, RawFd};
15 |
16 | use std::{io, mem, process};
17 |
18 | // Some(Termios) -> we're in the raw mode and this is the previous mode
19 | // None -> we're not in the raw mode
20 | static TERMINAL_MODE_PRIOR_RAW_MODE: Mutex<Option<Termios>> = parking_lot::const_mutex(val:None);
21 |
22 | pub(crate) fn is_raw_mode_enabled() -> bool {
23 | TERMINAL_MODE_PRIOR_RAW_MODE.lock().is_some()
24 | }
25 |
26 | impl From<winsize> for WindowSize {
27 | fn from(size: winsize) -> WindowSize {
28 | WindowSize {
29 | columns: size.ws_col,
30 | rows: size.ws_row,
31 | width: size.ws_xpixel,
32 | height: size.ws_ypixel,
33 | }
34 | }
35 | }
36 |
37 | #[allow (clippy::useless_conversion)]
38 | pub(crate) fn window_size() -> io::Result<WindowSize> {
39 | // http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Terminal_control/Dimensions#Library:_BSD_libc
40 | let mut size: winsize = winsize {
41 | ws_row: 0,
42 | ws_col: 0,
43 | ws_xpixel: 0,
44 | ws_ypixel: 0,
45 | };
46 |
47 | let file: Result = File::open("/dev/tty" ).map(|file: File| (FileDesc::new(file.into_raw_fd(), close_on_drop:true)));
48 | let fd: i32 = if let Ok(file: &FileDesc) = &file {
49 | file.raw_fd()
50 | } else {
51 | // Fallback to libc::STDOUT_FILENO if /dev/tty is missing
53 | };
54 |
55 | if wrap_with_result(unsafe { ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ.into(), &mut size) }).is_ok() {
56 | return Ok(size.into());
57 | }
58 |
59 | Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error().into())
60 | }
61 |
62 | #[allow (clippy::useless_conversion)]
63 | pub(crate) fn size() -> io::Result<(u16, u16)> {
64 | if let Ok(window_size: WindowSize) = window_size() {
65 | return Ok((window_size.columns, window_size.rows));
66 | }
67 |
68 | tput_size().ok_or_else(|| std::io::Error::last_os_error().into())
69 | }
70 |
71 | pub(crate) fn enable_raw_mode() -> io::Result<()> {
72 | let mut original_mode: MutexGuard<'_, RawMutex, …> = TERMINAL_MODE_PRIOR_RAW_MODE.lock();
73 |
74 | if original_mode.is_some() {
75 | return Ok(());
76 | }
77 |
78 | let tty: FileDesc = tty_fd()?;
79 | let fd: i32 = tty.raw_fd();
80 | let mut ios: termios = get_terminal_attr(fd)?;
81 | let original_mode_ios: termios = ios;
82 |
83 | raw_terminal_attr(&mut ios);
84 | set_terminal_attr(fd, &ios)?;
85 |
86 | // Keep it last - set the original mode only if we were able to switch to the raw mode
87 | *original_mode = Some(original_mode_ios);
88 |
89 | Ok(())
90 | }
91 |
92 | /// Reset the raw mode.
93 | ///
94 | /// More precisely, reset the whole termios mode to what it was before the first call
95 | /// to [enable_raw_mode]. If you don't mess with termios outside of crossterm, it's
96 | /// effectively disabling the raw mode and doing nothing else.
97 | pub(crate) fn disable_raw_mode() -> io::Result<()> {
98 | let mut original_mode: MutexGuard<'_, RawMutex, …> = TERMINAL_MODE_PRIOR_RAW_MODE.lock();
99 |
100 | if let Some(original_mode_ios: &termios) = original_mode.as_ref() {
101 | let tty: FileDesc = tty_fd()?;
102 | set_terminal_attr(tty.raw_fd(), termios:original_mode_ios)?;
103 | // Keep it last - remove the original mode only if we were able to switch back
104 | *original_mode = None;
105 | }
106 |
107 | Ok(())
108 | }
109 |
110 | /// Queries the terminal's support for progressive keyboard enhancement.
111 | ///
112 | /// On unix systems, this function will block and possibly time out while
113 | /// [`crossterm::event::read`](crate::event::read) or [`crossterm::event::poll`](crate::event::poll) are being called.
114 | #[cfg (feature = "events" )]
115 | pub fn supports_keyboard_enhancement() -> io::Result<bool> {
116 | if is_raw_mode_enabled() {
117 | read_supports_keyboard_enhancement_raw()
118 | } else {
119 | read_supports_keyboard_enhancement_flags()
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | #[cfg (feature = "events" )]
124 | fn read_supports_keyboard_enhancement_flags() -> io::Result<bool> {
125 | enable_raw_mode()?;
126 | let flags: Result = read_supports_keyboard_enhancement_raw();
127 | disable_raw_mode()?;
128 | flags
129 | }
130 |
131 | #[cfg (feature = "events" )]
132 | fn read_supports_keyboard_enhancement_raw() -> io::Result<bool> {
133 | use crate::event::{
134 | filter::{KeyboardEnhancementFlagsFilter, PrimaryDeviceAttributesFilter},
135 | poll_internal, read_internal, InternalEvent,
136 | };
137 | use std::io::Write;
138 | use std::time::Duration;
139 |
140 | // This is the recommended method for testing support for the keyboard enhancement protocol.
141 | // We send a query for the flags supported by the terminal and then the primary device attributes
142 | // query. If we receive the primary device attributes response but not the keyboard enhancement
143 | // flags, none of the flags are supported.
144 | //
145 | // See <https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/keyboard-protocol/#detection-of-support-for-this-protocol>
146 |
147 | // ESC [ ? u Query progressive keyboard enhancement flags (kitty protocol).
148 | // ESC [ c Query primary device attributes.
149 | const QUERY: &[u8] = b" \x1B[?u \x1B[c" ;
150 |
151 | let result = File::open("/dev/tty" ).and_then(|mut file| {
152 | file.write_all(QUERY)?;
153 | file.flush()
154 | });
155 | if result.is_err() {
156 | let mut stdout = io::stdout();
157 | stdout.write_all(QUERY)?;
158 | stdout.flush()?;
159 | }
160 |
161 | loop {
162 | match poll_internal(
163 | Some(Duration::from_millis(2000)),
164 | &KeyboardEnhancementFlagsFilter,
165 | ) {
166 | Ok(true) => {
167 | match read_internal(&KeyboardEnhancementFlagsFilter) {
168 | Ok(InternalEvent::KeyboardEnhancementFlags(_current_flags)) => {
169 | // Flush the PrimaryDeviceAttributes out of the event queue.
170 | read_internal(&PrimaryDeviceAttributesFilter).ok();
171 | return Ok(true);
172 | }
173 | _ => return Ok(false),
174 | }
175 | }
176 | Ok(false) => {
177 | return Err(io::Error::new(
178 | io::ErrorKind::Other,
179 | "The keyboard enhancement status could not be read within a normal duration" ,
180 | ));
181 | }
182 | Err(_) => {}
183 | }
184 | }
185 | }
186 |
187 | /// execute tput with the given argument and parse
188 | /// the output as a u16.
189 | ///
190 | /// The arg should be "cols" or "lines"
191 | fn tput_value(arg: &str) -> Option<u16> {
192 | let output: Output = process::Command::new(program:"tput" ).arg(arg).output().ok()?;
193 | let value: u16 = output
194 | .stdout
195 | .into_iter()
196 | .filter_map(|b| char::from(b).to_digit(10))
197 | .fold(init:0, |v: u16, n: u32| v * 10 + n as u16);
198 |
199 | if value > 0 {
200 | Some(value)
201 | } else {
202 | None
203 | }
204 | }
205 |
206 | /// Returns the size of the screen as determined by tput.
207 | ///
208 | /// This alternate way of computing the size is useful
209 | /// when in a subshell.
210 | fn tput_size() -> Option<(u16, u16)> {
211 | match (tput_value(arg:"cols" ), tput_value(arg:"lines" )) {
212 | (Some(w: u16), Some(h: u16)) => Some((w, h)),
213 | _ => None,
214 | }
215 | }
216 |
217 | // Transform the given mode into an raw mode (non-canonical) mode.
218 | fn raw_terminal_attr(termios: &mut Termios) {
219 | unsafe { cfmakeraw(termios) }
220 | }
221 |
222 | fn get_terminal_attr(fd: RawFd) -> io::Result<Termios> {
223 | unsafe {
224 | let mut termios: termios = mem::zeroed();
225 | wrap_with_result(tcgetattr(fd, &mut termios))?;
226 | Ok(termios)
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | fn set_terminal_attr(fd: RawFd, termios: &Termios) -> io::Result<()> {
231 | wrap_with_result(unsafe { tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, termios) })
232 | }
233 |
234 | fn wrap_with_result(result: i32) -> io::Result<()> {
235 | if result == -1 {
236 | Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
237 | } else {
238 | Ok(())
239 | }
240 | }
241 | |