1 |
2 |
3 | //! The PIZ compression method is a wavelet compression,
4 | //! based on the PIZ image format, customized for OpenEXR.
5 | // inspired by https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/master/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfPizCompressor.cpp
6 |
7 | mod huffman;
8 | mod wavelet;
9 |
10 | use crate::prelude::*;
11 | use crate::io::Data;
12 | use crate::meta::attribute::*;
13 | use crate::compression::{ByteVec, Bytes, mod_p};
14 | use crate::error::{usize_to_i32, usize_to_u16};
15 | use std::convert::TryFrom;
16 |
17 |
18 | const U16_RANGE: usize = (1_i32 << 16_i32) as usize;
19 | const BITMAP_SIZE: usize = (U16_RANGE as i32 >> 3_i32) as usize;
20 |
21 | #[derive (Debug)]
22 | struct ChannelData {
23 | tmp_start_index: usize,
24 | tmp_end_index: usize,
25 |
26 | resolution: Vec2<usize>,
27 | y_sampling: usize,
28 | samples_per_pixel: usize,
29 | }
30 |
31 |
32 | pub fn decompress(
33 | channels: &ChannelList,
34 | compressed: ByteVec,
35 | rectangle: IntegerBounds,
36 | expected_byte_size: usize, // TODO remove expected byte size as it can be computed with `rectangle.size.area() * channels.bytes_per_pixel`
37 | pedantic: bool
38 | ) -> Result<ByteVec>
39 | {
40 | let expected_u16_count = expected_byte_size / 2;
41 | debug_assert_eq!(expected_byte_size, rectangle.size.area() * channels.bytes_per_pixel);
42 | debug_assert!(!channels.list.is_empty());
43 |
44 | if compressed.is_empty() {
45 | return Ok(Vec::new());
46 | }
47 |
48 | debug_assert_ne!(expected_u16_count, 0);
49 |
50 | let mut bitmap = vec![0_u8; BITMAP_SIZE]; // FIXME use bit_vec!
51 |
52 | let mut remaining_input = compressed.as_slice();
53 | let min_non_zero = u16::read(&mut remaining_input)? as usize;
54 | let max_non_zero = u16::read(&mut remaining_input)? as usize;
55 |
56 | if max_non_zero >= BITMAP_SIZE || min_non_zero >= BITMAP_SIZE {
57 | return Err(Error::invalid("compression data" ));
58 | }
59 |
60 | if min_non_zero <= max_non_zero {
61 | u8::read_slice(&mut remaining_input, &mut bitmap[min_non_zero ..= max_non_zero])?;
62 | }
63 |
64 | let (lookup_table, max_value) = reverse_lookup_table_from_bitmap(&bitmap);
65 |
66 | {
67 | let length = i32::read(&mut remaining_input)?;
68 | if pedantic && length as i64 != remaining_input.len() as i64 {
69 | // TODO length might be smaller than remaining??
70 | return Err(Error::invalid("compression data" ));
71 | }
72 | }
73 |
74 | let mut tmp_u16_buffer = huffman::decompress(remaining_input, expected_u16_count)?;
75 |
76 | let mut channel_data: SmallVec<[ChannelData; 6]> = {
77 | let mut tmp_read_index = 0;
78 |
79 | let channel_data = channels.list.iter().map(|channel| {
80 | let channel_data = ChannelData {
81 | tmp_start_index: tmp_read_index,
82 | tmp_end_index: tmp_read_index,
83 | y_sampling: channel.sampling.y(),
84 | resolution: channel.subsampled_resolution(rectangle.size),
85 | samples_per_pixel: channel.sample_type.bytes_per_sample() / SampleType::F16.bytes_per_sample()
86 | };
87 |
88 | tmp_read_index += channel_data.resolution.area() * channel_data.samples_per_pixel;
89 | channel_data
90 | }).collect();
91 |
92 | debug_assert_eq!(tmp_read_index, expected_u16_count);
93 | channel_data
94 | };
95 |
96 | for channel in &channel_data {
97 | let u16_count = channel.resolution.area() * channel.samples_per_pixel;
98 | let u16s = &mut tmp_u16_buffer[channel.tmp_start_index .. channel.tmp_start_index + u16_count];
99 |
100 | for offset in 0..channel.samples_per_pixel { // if channel is 32 bit, compress interleaved as two 16 bit values
101 | wavelet::decode(
102 | &mut u16s[offset..],
103 | channel.resolution,
104 | Vec2(channel.samples_per_pixel, channel.resolution.x() * channel.samples_per_pixel),
105 | max_value
106 | )?;
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | // Expand the pixel data to their original range
111 | apply_lookup_table(&mut tmp_u16_buffer, &lookup_table);
112 |
113 | // let out_buffer_size = (max_scan_line_size * scan_line_count) + 65536 + 8192; // TODO not use expected byte size?
114 | let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(expected_byte_size);
115 |
116 | for y in rectangle.position.y() .. rectangle.end().y() {
117 | for channel in &mut channel_data {
118 | if mod_p(y, usize_to_i32(channel.y_sampling)) != 0 {
119 | continue;
120 | }
121 |
122 | let u16s_per_line = channel.resolution.x() * channel.samples_per_pixel;
123 | let next_tmp_end_index = channel.tmp_end_index + u16s_per_line;
124 | let values = &tmp_u16_buffer[channel.tmp_end_index .. next_tmp_end_index];
125 | channel.tmp_end_index = next_tmp_end_index;
126 |
127 | // TODO do not convert endianness for f16-only images
128 | // see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/3bd93f85bcb74c77255f28cdbb913fdbfbb39dfe/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp#L750-L842
129 | // We can support uncompressed data in the machine's native format
130 | // if all image channels are of type HALF, and if the Xdr and the
131 | // native representations of a half have the same size.
132 | u16::write_slice(&mut out, values).expect("write to in-memory failed" );
133 | }
134 | }
135 |
136 | for (previous, current) in channel_data.iter().zip(channel_data.iter().skip(1)) {
137 | debug_assert_eq!(previous.tmp_end_index, current.tmp_start_index);
138 | }
139 |
140 | debug_assert_eq!(channel_data.last().unwrap().tmp_end_index, tmp_u16_buffer.len());
141 | debug_assert_eq!(out.len(), expected_byte_size);
142 |
143 | // TODO optimize for when all channels are f16!
144 | // we should be able to omit endianness conversions in that case
145 | // see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/3bd93f85bcb74c77255f28cdbb913fdbfbb39dfe/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp#L750-L842
146 | Ok(super::convert_little_endian_to_current(out, channels, rectangle))
147 | }
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 | pub fn compress(
152 | channels: &ChannelList,
153 | uncompressed: ByteVec,
154 | rectangle: IntegerBounds
155 | ) -> Result<ByteVec>
156 | {
157 | if uncompressed.is_empty() {
158 | return Ok(Vec::new());
159 | }
160 |
161 | // TODO do not convert endianness for f16-only images
162 | // see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/3bd93f85bcb74c77255f28cdbb913fdbfbb39dfe/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp#L750-L842
163 | let uncompressed = super::convert_current_to_little_endian(uncompressed, channels, rectangle);
164 | let uncompressed = uncompressed.as_slice();// TODO no alloc
165 |
166 | let mut tmp = vec![0_u16; uncompressed.len() / 2 ];
167 | let mut channel_data: SmallVec<[ChannelData; 6]> = {
168 | let mut tmp_end_index = 0;
169 |
170 | let vec = channels.list.iter().map(|channel| {
171 | let number_samples = channel.subsampled_resolution(rectangle.size);
172 | let byte_size = channel.sample_type.bytes_per_sample() / SampleType::F16.bytes_per_sample();
173 | let byte_count = byte_size * number_samples.area();
174 |
175 | let channel = ChannelData {
176 | tmp_end_index,
177 | tmp_start_index: tmp_end_index,
178 | y_sampling: channel.sampling.y(),
179 | resolution: number_samples,
180 | samples_per_pixel: byte_size,
181 | };
182 |
183 | tmp_end_index += byte_count;
184 | channel
185 | }).collect();
186 |
187 | debug_assert_eq!(tmp_end_index, tmp.len());
188 | vec
189 | };
190 |
191 | let mut remaining_uncompressed_bytes = uncompressed;
192 | for y in rectangle.position.y() .. rectangle.end().y() {
193 | for channel in &mut channel_data {
194 | if mod_p(y, usize_to_i32(channel.y_sampling)) != 0 { continue; }
195 | let u16s_per_line = channel.resolution.x() * channel.samples_per_pixel;
196 | let next_tmp_end_index = channel.tmp_end_index + u16s_per_line;
197 | let target = &mut tmp[channel.tmp_end_index .. next_tmp_end_index];
198 | channel.tmp_end_index = next_tmp_end_index;
199 |
200 | // TODO do not convert endianness for f16-only images
201 | // see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/3bd93f85bcb74c77255f28cdbb913fdbfbb39dfe/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp#L750-L842
202 | // We can support uncompressed data in the machine's native format
203 | // if all image channels are of type HALF, and if the Xdr and the
204 | // native representations of a half have the same size.
205 | u16::read_slice(&mut remaining_uncompressed_bytes, target).expect("in-memory read failed" );
206 | }
207 | }
208 |
209 |
210 | let (min_non_zero, max_non_zero, bitmap) = bitmap_from_data(&tmp);
211 | let (max_value, table) = forward_lookup_table_from_bitmap(&bitmap);
212 | apply_lookup_table(&mut tmp, &table);
213 |
214 | let mut piz_compressed = Vec::with_capacity(uncompressed.len() / 2);
215 | u16::try_from(min_non_zero)?.write(&mut piz_compressed)?;
216 | u16::try_from(max_non_zero)?.write(&mut piz_compressed)?;
217 |
218 | if min_non_zero <= max_non_zero {
219 | piz_compressed.extend_from_slice(&bitmap[min_non_zero ..= max_non_zero]);
220 | }
221 |
222 | for channel in channel_data {
223 | for offset in 0 .. channel.samples_per_pixel {
224 | wavelet::encode(
225 | &mut tmp[channel.tmp_start_index + offset .. channel.tmp_end_index],
226 | channel.resolution,
227 | Vec2(channel.samples_per_pixel, channel.resolution.x() * channel.samples_per_pixel),
228 | max_value
229 | )?;
230 | }
231 | }
232 |
233 | let huffman_compressed: Vec<u8> = huffman::compress(&tmp)?;
234 | u8::write_i32_sized_slice(&mut piz_compressed, &huffman_compressed).expect("in-memory write failed" );
235 |
236 | Ok(piz_compressed)
237 | }
238 |
239 |
240 | pub fn bitmap_from_data(data: &[u16]) -> (usize, usize, Vec<u8>) {
241 | let mut bitmap: Vec = vec![0_u8; BITMAP_SIZE];
242 |
243 | for value: &u16 in data {
244 | bitmap[*value as usize >> 3] |= 1 << (*value as u8 & 7);
245 | }
246 |
247 | bitmap[0] = bitmap[0] & !1; // zero is not explicitly stored in the bitmap; we assume that the data always contain zeroes
248 |
249 | let min_index: Option = bitmap.iter().position(|&value: u8| value != 0);
250 | let max_index: Option = min_index.map(|min: usize| // only if min was found
251 | min + bitmap[min..].iter().rposition(|&value| value != 0).expect(msg:"[min] not found" )
252 | );
253 |
254 | (min_index.unwrap_or(default:0), max_index.unwrap_or(default:0), bitmap)
255 | }
256 |
257 | pub fn forward_lookup_table_from_bitmap(bitmap: &[u8]) -> (u16, Vec<u16>) {
258 | debug_assert_eq!(bitmap.len(), BITMAP_SIZE);
259 |
260 | let mut table: Vec = vec![0_u16; U16_RANGE];
261 | let mut count: usize = 0_usize;
262 |
263 | for (index: usize, entry: &mut u16) in table.iter_mut().enumerate() {
264 | if index == 0 || bitmap[index >> 3] as usize & (1 << (index & 7)) != 0 {
265 | *entry = usize_to_u16(count).unwrap();
266 | count += 1;
267 | }
268 | }
269 |
270 | (usize_to_u16(count - 1).unwrap(), table)
271 | }
272 |
273 | fn reverse_lookup_table_from_bitmap(bitmap: Bytes<'_>) -> (Vec<u16>, u16) {
274 | let mut table: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(U16_RANGE);
275 |
276 | for index: usize in 0 .. U16_RANGE { // cannot use iter because filter removes capacity sizehint
277 | if index == 0 || ((bitmap[index >> 3] as usize & (1 << (index & 7))) != 0) {
278 | table.push(usize_to_u16(index).unwrap());
279 | }
280 | }
281 |
282 | debug_assert!(!table.is_empty());
283 | let max_value: u16 = usize_to_u16(table.len() - 1).unwrap();
284 |
285 | // fill remaining up to u16 range
286 | assert!(table.len() <= U16_RANGE);
287 | table.resize(U16_RANGE, value:0);
288 |
289 | (table, max_value)
290 | }
291 |
292 | fn apply_lookup_table(data: &mut [u16], table: &[u16]) {
293 | for data: &mut u16 in data {
294 | *data = table[*data as usize];
295 | }
296 | }
297 |
298 | #[cfg (test)]
299 | mod test {
300 | use crate::prelude::*;
301 | use crate::compression::ByteVec;
302 | use crate::compression::piz;
303 | use crate::meta::attribute::*;
304 |
305 | fn test_roundtrip_noise_with(channels: ChannelList, rectangle: IntegerBounds){
306 | let pixel_bytes: ByteVec = (0 .. 37).map(|_| rand::random()).collect::<Vec<u8>>().into_iter()
307 | .cycle().take(channels.bytes_per_pixel * rectangle.size.area())
308 | .collect();
309 |
310 | let compressed = piz::compress(&channels, pixel_bytes.clone(), rectangle).unwrap();
311 | let decompressed = piz::decompress(&channels, compressed, rectangle, pixel_bytes.len(), true).unwrap();
312 |
313 | assert_eq!(pixel_bytes, decompressed);
314 | }
315 |
316 |
317 | #[test ]
318 | fn roundtrip_any_sample_type(){
319 | for &sample_type in &[SampleType::F16, SampleType::F32, SampleType::U32] {
320 | let channel = ChannelDescription {
321 | sample_type,
322 |
323 | name: Default::default(),
324 | quantize_linearly: false,
325 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
326 | };
327 |
328 | let channels = ChannelList::new(smallvec![ channel.clone(), channel ]);
329 |
330 | let rectangle = IntegerBounds {
331 | position: Vec2(-30, 100),
332 | size: Vec2(1080, 720),
333 | };
334 |
335 | test_roundtrip_noise_with(channels, rectangle);
336 | }
337 | }
338 |
339 | #[test ]
340 | fn roundtrip_two_channels(){
341 | let channel = ChannelDescription {
342 | sample_type: SampleType::F16,
343 |
344 | name: Default::default(),
345 | quantize_linearly: false,
346 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
347 | };
348 |
349 | let channel2 = ChannelDescription {
350 | sample_type: SampleType::F32,
351 |
352 | name: Default::default(),
353 | quantize_linearly: false,
354 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
355 | };
356 |
357 | let channels = ChannelList::new(smallvec![ channel, channel2 ]);
358 |
359 | let rectangle = IntegerBounds {
360 | position: Vec2(-3, 1),
361 | size: Vec2(223, 3132),
362 | };
363 |
364 | test_roundtrip_noise_with(channels, rectangle);
365 | }
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 | #[test ]
370 | fn roundtrip_seven_channels(){
371 | let channels = ChannelList::new(smallvec![
372 | ChannelDescription {
373 | sample_type: SampleType::F32,
374 |
375 | name: Default::default(),
376 | quantize_linearly: false,
377 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
378 | },
379 |
380 | ChannelDescription {
381 | sample_type: SampleType::F32,
382 |
383 | name: Default::default(),
384 | quantize_linearly: false,
385 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
386 | },
387 |
388 | ChannelDescription {
389 | sample_type: SampleType::F32,
390 |
391 | name: Default::default(),
392 | quantize_linearly: false,
393 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
394 | },
395 |
396 | ChannelDescription {
397 | sample_type: SampleType::F16,
398 |
399 | name: Default::default(),
400 | quantize_linearly: false,
401 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
402 | },
403 |
404 | ChannelDescription {
405 | sample_type: SampleType::F32,
406 |
407 | name: Default::default(),
408 | quantize_linearly: false,
409 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
410 | },
411 |
412 | ChannelDescription {
413 | sample_type: SampleType::F32,
414 |
415 | name: Default::default(),
416 | quantize_linearly: false,
417 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
418 | },
419 |
420 | ChannelDescription {
421 | sample_type: SampleType::U32,
422 |
423 | name: Default::default(),
424 | quantize_linearly: false,
425 | sampling: Vec2(1,1)
426 | },
427 | ]);
428 |
429 | let rectangle = IntegerBounds {
430 | position: Vec2(-3, 1),
431 | size: Vec2(1323, 132),
432 | };
433 |
434 | test_roundtrip_noise_with(channels, rectangle);
435 | }
436 |
437 | } |