1// Copyright 2018 the Kurbo Authors
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
4//! Affine transforms.
6use core::ops::{Mul, MulAssign};
8use crate::{Point, Rect, Vec2};
10#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
11use crate::common::FloatFuncs;
13/// A 2D affine transform.
14#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
15#[cfg_attr(feature = "schemars", derive(schemars::JsonSchema))]
16#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
17pub struct Affine([f64; 6]);
19impl Affine {
20 /// The identity transform.
21 pub const IDENTITY: Affine = Affine::scale(1.0);
23 /// A transform that is flipped on the y-axis. Useful for converting between
24 /// y-up and y-down spaces.
25 pub const FLIP_Y: Affine = Affine::new([1.0, 0., 0., -1.0, 0., 0.]);
27 /// A transform that is flipped on the x-axis.
28 pub const FLIP_X: Affine = Affine::new([-1.0, 0., 0., 1.0, 0., 0.]);
30 /// Construct an affine transform from coefficients.
31 ///
32 /// If the coefficients are `(a, b, c, d, e, f)`, then the resulting
33 /// transformation represents this augmented matrix:
34 ///
35 /// ```text
36 /// | a c e |
37 /// | b d f |
38 /// | 0 0 1 |
39 /// ```
40 ///
41 /// Note that this convention is transposed from PostScript and
42 /// Direct2D, but is consistent with the
43 /// [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affine_transformation)
44 /// formulation of affine transformation as augmented matrix. The
45 /// idea is that `(A * B) * v == A * (B * v)`, where `*` is the
46 /// [`Mul`](std::ops::Mul) trait.
47 #[inline]
48 pub const fn new(c: [f64; 6]) -> Affine {
49 Affine(c)
50 }
52 /// An affine transform representing uniform scaling.
53 #[inline]
54 pub const fn scale(s: f64) -> Affine {
55 Affine([s, 0.0, 0.0, s, 0.0, 0.0])
56 }
58 /// An affine transform representing non-uniform scaling
59 /// with different scale values for x and y
60 #[inline]
61 pub const fn scale_non_uniform(s_x: f64, s_y: f64) -> Affine {
62 Affine([s_x, 0.0, 0.0, s_y, 0.0, 0.0])
63 }
65 /// An affine transform representing rotation.
66 ///
67 /// The convention for rotation is that a positive angle rotates a
68 /// positive X direction into positive Y. Thus, in a Y-down coordinate
69 /// system (as is common for graphics), it is a clockwise rotation, and
70 /// in Y-up (traditional for math), it is anti-clockwise.
71 ///
72 /// The angle, `th`, is expressed in radians.
73 #[inline]
74 pub fn rotate(th: f64) -> Affine {
75 let (s, c) = th.sin_cos();
76 Affine([c, s, -s, c, 0.0, 0.0])
77 }
79 /// An affine transform representing a rotation of `th` radians about `center`.
80 ///
81 /// See [`Affine::rotate()`] for more info.
82 #[inline]
83 pub fn rotate_about(th: f64, center: Point) -> Affine {
84 let center = center.to_vec2();
85 Self::translate(-center)
86 .then_rotate(th)
87 .then_translate(center)
88 }
90 /// An affine transform representing translation.
91 #[inline]
92 pub fn translate<V: Into<Vec2>>(p: V) -> Affine {
93 let p = p.into();
94 Affine([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, p.x, p.y])
95 }
97 /// An affine transformation representing a skew.
98 ///
99 /// The `skew_x` and `skew_y` parameters represent skew factors for the
100 /// horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.
101 ///
102 /// This is commonly used to generate a faux oblique transform for
103 /// font rendering. In this case, you can slant the glyph 20 degrees
104 /// clockwise in the horizontal direction (assuming a Y-up coordinate
105 /// system):
106 ///
107 /// ```
108 /// let oblique_transform = kurbo::Affine::skew(20f64.to_radians().tan(), 0.0);
109 /// ```
110 #[inline]
111 pub fn skew(skew_x: f64, skew_y: f64) -> Affine {
112 Affine([1.0, skew_y, skew_x, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
113 }
115 /// Create an affine transform that represents reflection about the line `point + direction * t, t in (-infty, infty)`
116 ///
117 /// # Examples
118 ///
119 /// ```
120 /// # use kurbo::{Point, Vec2, Affine};
121 /// # fn assert_near(p0: Point, p1: Point) {
122 /// # assert!((p1 - p0).hypot() < 1e-9, "{p0:?} != {p1:?}");
123 /// # }
124 /// let point = Point::new(1., 0.);
125 /// let vec = Vec2::new(1., 1.);
126 /// let map = Affine::reflect(point, vec);
127 /// assert_near(map * Point::new(1., 0.), Point::new(1., 0.));
128 /// assert_near(map * Point::new(2., 1.), Point::new(2., 1.));
129 /// assert_near(map * Point::new(2., 2.), Point::new(3., 1.));
130 /// ```
131 #[inline]
132 #[must_use]
133 pub fn reflect(point: impl Into<Point>, direction: impl Into<Vec2>) -> Self {
134 let point = point.into();
135 let direction = direction.into();
137 let n = Vec2 {
138 x: direction.y,
139 y: -direction.x,
140 }
141 .normalize();
143 // Compute Householder reflection matrix
144 let x2 = n.x * n.x;
145 let xy = n.x * n.y;
146 let y2 = n.y * n.y;
147 // Here we also add in the post translation, because it doesn't require any further calc.
148 let aff = Affine::new([
149 1. - 2. * x2,
150 -2. * xy,
151 -2. * xy,
152 1. - 2. * y2,
153 point.x,
154 point.y,
155 ]);
156 aff.pre_translate(-point.to_vec2())
157 }
159 /// A rotation by `th` followed by `self`.
160 ///
161 /// Equivalent to `self * Affine::rotate(th)`
162 #[inline]
163 #[must_use]
164 pub fn pre_rotate(self, th: f64) -> Self {
165 self * Affine::rotate(th)
166 }
168 /// A rotation by `th` about `center` followed by `self`.
169 ///
170 /// Equivalent to `self * Affine::rotate_about(th)`
171 #[inline]
172 #[must_use]
173 pub fn pre_rotate_about(self, th: f64, center: Point) -> Self {
174 Affine::rotate_about(th, center) * self
175 }
177 /// A scale by `scale` followed by `self`.
178 ///
179 /// Equivalent to `self * Affine::scale(scale)`
180 #[inline]
181 #[must_use]
182 pub fn pre_scale(self, scale: f64) -> Self {
183 self * Affine::scale(scale)
184 }
186 /// A scale by `(scale_x, scale_y)` followed by `self`.
187 ///
188 /// Equivalent to `self * Affine::scale_non_uniform(scale_x, scale_y)`
189 #[inline]
190 #[must_use]
191 pub fn pre_scale_non_uniform(self, scale_x: f64, scale_y: f64) -> Self {
192 self * Affine::scale_non_uniform(scale_x, scale_y)
193 }
195 /// A translation of `trans` followed by `self`.
196 ///
197 /// Equivalent to `self * Affine::translate(trans)`
198 #[inline]
199 #[must_use]
200 pub fn pre_translate(self, trans: Vec2) -> Self {
201 self * Affine::translate(trans)
202 }
204 /// `self` followed by a rotation of `th`.
205 ///
206 /// Equivalent to `Affine::rotate(th) * self`
207 #[inline]
208 #[must_use]
209 pub fn then_rotate(self, th: f64) -> Self {
210 Affine::rotate(th) * self
211 }
213 /// `self` followed by a rotation of `th` about `center`.
214 ///
215 /// Equivalent to `Affine::rotate_about(th, center) * self`
216 #[inline]
217 #[must_use]
218 pub fn then_rotate_about(self, th: f64, center: Point) -> Self {
219 Affine::rotate_about(th, center) * self
220 }
222 /// `self` followed by a scale of `scale`.
223 ///
224 /// Equivalent to `Affine::scale(scale) * self`
225 #[inline]
226 #[must_use]
227 pub fn then_scale(self, scale: f64) -> Self {
228 Affine::scale(scale) * self
229 }
231 /// `self` followed by a scale of `(scale_x, scale_y)`.
232 ///
233 /// Equivalent to `Affine::scale_non_uniform(scale_x, scale_y) * self`
234 #[inline]
235 #[must_use]
236 pub fn then_scale_non_uniform(self, scale_x: f64, scale_y: f64) -> Self {
237 Affine::scale_non_uniform(scale_x, scale_y) * self
238 }
240 /// `self` followed by a translation of `trans`.
241 ///
242 /// Equivalent to `Affine::translate(trans) * self`
243 #[inline]
244 #[must_use]
245 pub fn then_translate(mut self, trans: Vec2) -> Self {
246 self.0[4] += trans.x;
247 self.0[5] += trans.y;
248 self
249 }
251 /// Creates an affine transformation that takes the unit square to the given rectangle.
252 ///
253 /// Useful when you want to draw into the unit square but have your output fill any rectangle.
254 /// In this case push the `Affine` onto the transform stack.
255 pub fn map_unit_square(rect: Rect) -> Affine {
256 Affine([rect.width(), 0., 0., rect.height(), rect.x0, rect.y0])
257 }
259 /// Get the coefficients of the transform.
260 #[inline]
261 pub fn as_coeffs(self) -> [f64; 6] {
262 self.0
263 }
265 /// Compute the determinant of this transform.
266 pub fn determinant(self) -> f64 {
267 self.0[0] * self.0[3] - self.0[1] * self.0[2]
268 }
270 /// Compute the inverse transform.
271 ///
272 /// Produces NaN values when the determinant is zero.
273 pub fn inverse(self) -> Affine {
274 let inv_det = self.determinant().recip();
275 Affine([
276 inv_det * self.0[3],
277 -inv_det * self.0[1],
278 -inv_det * self.0[2],
279 inv_det * self.0[0],
280 inv_det * (self.0[2] * self.0[5] - self.0[3] * self.0[4]),
281 inv_det * (self.0[1] * self.0[4] - self.0[0] * self.0[5]),
282 ])
283 }
285 /// Compute the bounding box of a transformed rectangle.
286 ///
287 /// Returns the minimal `Rect` that encloses the given `Rect` after affine transformation.
288 /// If the transform is axis-aligned, then this bounding box is "tight", in other words the
289 /// returned `Rect` is the transformed rectangle.
290 ///
291 /// The returned rectangle always has non-negative width and height.
292 pub fn transform_rect_bbox(self, rect: Rect) -> Rect {
293 let p00 = self * Point::new(rect.x0, rect.y0);
294 let p01 = self * Point::new(rect.x0, rect.y1);
295 let p10 = self * Point::new(rect.x1, rect.y0);
296 let p11 = self * Point::new(rect.x1, rect.y1);
297 Rect::from_points(p00, p01).union(Rect::from_points(p10, p11))
298 }
300 /// Is this map finite?
301 #[inline]
302 pub fn is_finite(&self) -> bool {
303 self.0[0].is_finite()
304 && self.0[1].is_finite()
305 && self.0[2].is_finite()
306 && self.0[3].is_finite()
307 && self.0[4].is_finite()
308 && self.0[5].is_finite()
309 }
311 /// Is this map NaN?
312 #[inline]
313 pub fn is_nan(&self) -> bool {
314 self.0[0].is_nan()
315 || self.0[1].is_nan()
316 || self.0[2].is_nan()
317 || self.0[3].is_nan()
318 || self.0[4].is_nan()
319 || self.0[5].is_nan()
320 }
322 /// Compute the singular value decomposition of the linear transformation (ignoring the
323 /// translation).
324 ///
325 /// All non-degenerate linear transformations can be represented as
326 ///
327 /// 1. a rotation about the origin.
328 /// 2. a scaling along the x and y axes
329 /// 3. another rotation about the origin
330 ///
331 /// composed together. Decomposing a 2x2 matrix in this way is called a "singular value
332 /// decomposition" and is written `U Σ V^T`, where U and V^T are orthogonal (rotations) and Σ
333 /// is a diagonal matrix (a scaling).
334 ///
335 /// Since currently this function is used to calculate ellipse radii and rotation from an
336 /// affine map on the unit circle, we don't calculate V^T, since a rotation of the unit (or
337 /// any) circle about its center always results in the same circle. This is the reason that an
338 /// ellipse mapped using an affine map is always an ellipse.
339 ///
340 /// Will return NaNs if the matrix (or equivalently the linear map) is singular.
341 ///
342 /// First part of the return tuple is the scaling, second part is the angle of rotation (in
343 /// radians)
344 #[inline]
345 pub(crate) fn svd(self) -> (Vec2, f64) {
346 let a = self.0[0];
347 let a2 = a * a;
348 let b = self.0[1];
349 let b2 = b * b;
350 let c = self.0[2];
351 let c2 = c * c;
352 let d = self.0[3];
353 let d2 = d * d;
354 let ab = a * b;
355 let cd = c * d;
356 let angle = 0.5 * (2.0 * (ab + cd)).atan2(a2 - b2 + c2 - d2);
357 let s1 = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2;
358 let s2 = ((a2 - b2 + c2 - d2).powi(2) + 4.0 * (ab + cd).powi(2)).sqrt();
359 (
360 Vec2 {
361 x: (0.5 * (s1 + s2)).sqrt(),
362 y: (0.5 * (s1 - s2)).sqrt(),
363 },
364 angle,
365 )
366 }
368 /// Returns the translation part of this affine map (`(self.0[4], self.0[5])`).
369 #[inline]
370 pub fn translation(self) -> Vec2 {
371 Vec2 {
372 x: self.0[4],
373 y: self.0[5],
374 }
375 }
377 /// Replaces the translation portion of this affine map
378 ///
379 /// The translation can be seen as being applied after the linear part of the map.
380 #[must_use]
381 #[inline]
382 pub fn with_translation(mut self, trans: Vec2) -> Affine {
383 self.0[4] = trans.x;
384 self.0[5] = trans.y;
385 self
386 }
389impl Default for Affine {
390 #[inline]
391 fn default() -> Affine {
392 Affine::IDENTITY
393 }
396impl Mul<Point> for Affine {
397 type Output = Point;
399 #[inline]
400 fn mul(self, other: Point) -> Point {
401 Point::new(
402 self.0[0] * other.x + self.0[2] * other.y + self.0[4],
403 self.0[1] * other.x + self.0[3] * other.y + self.0[5],
404 )
405 }
408impl Mul for Affine {
409 type Output = Affine;
411 #[inline]
412 fn mul(self, other: Affine) -> Affine {
413 Affine([
414 self.0[0] * other.0[0] + self.0[2] * other.0[1],
415 self.0[1] * other.0[0] + self.0[3] * other.0[1],
416 self.0[0] * other.0[2] + self.0[2] * other.0[3],
417 self.0[1] * other.0[2] + self.0[3] * other.0[3],
418 self.0[0] * other.0[4] + self.0[2] * other.0[5] + self.0[4],
419 self.0[1] * other.0[4] + self.0[3] * other.0[5] + self.0[5],
420 ])
421 }
424impl MulAssign for Affine {
425 #[inline]
426 fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Affine) {
427 *self = self.mul(other);
428 }
431impl Mul<Affine> for f64 {
432 type Output = Affine;
434 #[inline]
435 fn mul(self, other: Affine) -> Affine {
436 Affine([
437 self * other.0[0],
438 self * other.0[1],
439 self * other.0[2],
440 self * other.0[3],
441 self * other.0[4],
442 self * other.0[5],
443 ])
444 }
447// Conversions to and from mint
448#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
449impl From<Affine> for mint::ColumnMatrix2x3<f64> {
450 #[inline]
451 fn from(a: Affine) -> mint::ColumnMatrix2x3<f64> {
452 mint::ColumnMatrix2x3 {
453 x: mint::Vector2 {
454 x: a.0[0],
455 y: a.0[1],
456 },
457 y: mint::Vector2 {
458 x: a.0[2],
459 y: a.0[3],
460 },
461 z: mint::Vector2 {
462 x: a.0[4],
463 y: a.0[5],
464 },
465 }
466 }
469#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
470impl From<mint::ColumnMatrix2x3<f64>> for Affine {
471 #[inline]
472 fn from(m: mint::ColumnMatrix2x3<f64>) -> Affine {
473 Affine([m.x.x, m.x.y, m.y.x, m.y.y, m.z.x, m.z.y])
474 }
478mod tests {
479 use crate::{Affine, Point, Vec2};
480 use std::f64::consts::PI;
482 fn assert_near(p0: Point, p1: Point) {
483 assert!((p1 - p0).hypot() < 1e-9, "{p0:?} != {p1:?}");
484 }
486 fn affine_assert_near(a0: Affine, a1: Affine) {
487 for i in 0..6 {
488 assert!((a0.0[i] - a1.0[i]).abs() < 1e-9, "{a0:?} != {a1:?}");
489 }
490 }
492 #[test]
493 fn affine_basic() {
494 let p = Point::new(3.0, 4.0);
496 assert_near(Affine::default() * p, p);
497 assert_near(Affine::scale(2.0) * p, Point::new(6.0, 8.0));
498 assert_near(Affine::rotate(0.0) * p, p);
499 assert_near(Affine::rotate(PI / 2.0) * p, Point::new(-4.0, 3.0));
500 assert_near(Affine::translate((5.0, 6.0)) * p, Point::new(8.0, 10.0));
501 assert_near(Affine::skew(0.0, 0.0) * p, p);
502 assert_near(Affine::skew(2.0, 4.0) * p, Point::new(11.0, 16.0));
503 }
505 #[test]
506 fn affine_mul() {
507 let a1 = Affine::new([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
508 let a2 = Affine::new([0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6]);
510 let px = Point::new(1.0, 0.0);
511 let py = Point::new(0.0, 1.0);
512 let pxy = Point::new(1.0, 1.0);
513 assert_near(a1 * (a2 * px), (a1 * a2) * px);
514 assert_near(a1 * (a2 * py), (a1 * a2) * py);
515 assert_near(a1 * (a2 * pxy), (a1 * a2) * pxy);
516 }
518 #[test]
519 fn affine_inv() {
520 let a = Affine::new([0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6]);
521 let a_inv = a.inverse();
523 let px = Point::new(1.0, 0.0);
524 let py = Point::new(0.0, 1.0);
525 let pxy = Point::new(1.0, 1.0);
526 assert_near(a * (a_inv * px), px);
527 assert_near(a * (a_inv * py), py);
528 assert_near(a * (a_inv * pxy), pxy);
529 assert_near(a_inv * (a * px), px);
530 assert_near(a_inv * (a * py), py);
531 assert_near(a_inv * (a * pxy), pxy);
532 }
534 #[test]
535 fn reflection() {
536 affine_assert_near(
537 Affine::reflect(Point::ZERO, (1., 0.)),
538 Affine::new([1., 0., 0., -1., 0., 0.]),
539 );
540 affine_assert_near(
541 Affine::reflect(Point::ZERO, (0., 1.)),
542 Affine::new([-1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]),
543 );
544 // y = x
545 affine_assert_near(
546 Affine::reflect(Point::ZERO, (1., 1.)),
547 Affine::new([0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.]),
548 );
550 // no translate
551 let point = Point::new(0., 0.);
552 let vec = Vec2::new(1., 1.);
553 let map = Affine::reflect(point, vec);
554 assert_near(map * Point::new(0., 0.), Point::new(0., 0.));
555 assert_near(map * Point::new(1., 1.), Point::new(1., 1.));
556 assert_near(map * Point::new(1., 2.), Point::new(2., 1.));
558 // with translate
559 let point = Point::new(1., 0.);
560 let vec = Vec2::new(1., 1.);
561 let map = Affine::reflect(point, vec);
562 assert_near(map * Point::new(1., 0.), Point::new(1., 0.));
563 assert_near(map * Point::new(2., 1.), Point::new(2., 1.));
564 assert_near(map * Point::new(2., 2.), Point::new(3., 1.));
565 }