1 | // Copyright 2019 the Kurbo Authors
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
3 |
4 | //! An ellipse arc.
5 |
6 | use crate::{Affine, Ellipse, PathEl, Point, Rect, Shape, Vec2};
7 | use core::{
8 | f64::consts::{FRAC_PI_2, PI},
9 | iter,
10 | ops::Mul,
11 | };
12 |
13 | #[cfg (not(feature = "std" ))]
14 | use crate::common::FloatFuncs;
15 |
16 | /// A single arc segment.
17 | #[derive (Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
18 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "schemars" , derive(schemars::JsonSchema))]
19 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "serde" , derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
20 | pub struct Arc {
21 | /// The arc's centre point.
22 | pub center: Point,
23 | /// The arc's radii, where the vector's x-component is the radius in the
24 | /// positive x direction after applying `x_rotation`.
25 | pub radii: Vec2,
26 | /// The start angle in radians.
27 | pub start_angle: f64,
28 | /// The angle between the start and end of the arc, in radians.
29 | pub sweep_angle: f64,
30 | /// How much the arc is rotated, in radians.
31 | pub x_rotation: f64,
32 | }
33 |
34 | impl Arc {
35 | /// Create a new `Arc`.
36 | pub fn new(
37 | center: impl Into<Point>,
38 | radii: impl Into<Vec2>,
39 | start_angle: f64,
40 | sweep_angle: f64,
41 | x_rotation: f64,
42 | ) -> Self {
43 | Self {
44 | center: center.into(),
45 | radii: radii.into(),
46 | start_angle,
47 | sweep_angle,
48 | x_rotation,
49 | }
50 | }
51 |
52 | /// Create an iterator generating Bezier path elements.
53 | ///
54 | /// The generated elements can be appended to an existing bezier path.
55 | pub fn append_iter(&self, tolerance: f64) -> ArcAppendIter {
56 | let sign = self.sweep_angle.signum();
57 | let scaled_err = self.radii.x.max(self.radii.y) / tolerance;
58 | // Number of subdivisions per ellipse based on error tolerance.
59 | // Note: this may slightly underestimate the error for quadrants.
60 | let n_err = (1.1163 * scaled_err).powf(1.0 / 6.0).max(3.999_999);
61 | let n = (n_err * self.sweep_angle.abs() * (1.0 / (2.0 * PI))).ceil();
62 | let angle_step = self.sweep_angle / n;
63 | let n = n as usize;
64 | let arm_len = (4.0 / 3.0) * (0.25 * angle_step).abs().tan() * sign;
65 | let angle0 = self.start_angle;
66 | let p0 = sample_ellipse(self.radii, self.x_rotation, angle0);
67 |
68 | ArcAppendIter {
69 | idx: 0,
70 |
71 | center: self.center,
72 | radii: self.radii,
73 | x_rotation: self.x_rotation,
74 | n,
75 | arm_len,
76 | angle_step,
77 |
78 | p0,
79 | angle0,
80 | }
81 | }
82 |
83 | /// Converts an Arc into a series of cubic bezier segments.
84 | ///
85 | /// Closure will be invoked for each segment.
86 | pub fn to_cubic_beziers<P>(self, tolerance: f64, mut p: P)
87 | where
88 | P: FnMut(Point, Point, Point),
89 | {
90 | let mut path = self.append_iter(tolerance);
91 | while let Some(PathEl::CurveTo(p1, p2, p3)) = path.next() {
92 | p(p1, p2, p3);
93 | }
94 | }
95 | }
96 |
97 | #[doc (hidden)]
98 | pub struct ArcAppendIter {
99 | idx: usize,
100 |
101 | center: Point,
102 | radii: Vec2,
103 | x_rotation: f64,
104 | n: usize,
105 | arm_len: f64,
106 | angle_step: f64,
107 |
108 | p0: Vec2,
109 | angle0: f64,
110 | }
111 |
112 | impl Iterator for ArcAppendIter {
113 | type Item = PathEl;
114 |
115 | fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
116 | if self.idx >= self.n {
117 | return None;
118 | }
119 |
120 | let angle1 = self.angle0 + self.angle_step;
121 | let p0 = self.p0;
122 | let p1 = p0
123 | + self.arm_len * sample_ellipse(self.radii, self.x_rotation, self.angle0 + FRAC_PI_2);
124 | let p3 = sample_ellipse(self.radii, self.x_rotation, angle1);
125 | let p2 =
126 | p3 - self.arm_len * sample_ellipse(self.radii, self.x_rotation, angle1 + FRAC_PI_2);
127 |
128 | self.angle0 = angle1;
129 | self.p0 = p3;
130 | self.idx += 1;
131 |
132 | Some(PathEl::CurveTo(
133 | self.center + p1,
134 | self.center + p2,
135 | self.center + p3,
136 | ))
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | /// Take the ellipse radii, how the radii are rotated, and the sweep angle, and return a point on
141 | /// the ellipse.
142 | fn sample_ellipse(radii: Vec2, x_rotation: f64, angle: f64) -> Vec2 {
143 | let (angle_sin: f64, angle_cos: f64) = angle.sin_cos();
144 | let u: f64 = radii.x * angle_cos;
145 | let v: f64 = radii.y * angle_sin;
146 | rotate_pt(pt:Vec2::new(u, v), angle:x_rotation)
147 | }
148 |
149 | /// Rotate `pt` about the origin by `angle` radians.
150 | fn rotate_pt(pt: Vec2, angle: f64) -> Vec2 {
151 | let (angle_sin: f64, angle_cos: f64) = angle.sin_cos();
152 | Vec2::new(
153 | x:pt.x * angle_cos - pt.y * angle_sin,
154 | y:pt.x * angle_sin + pt.y * angle_cos,
155 | )
156 | }
157 |
158 | impl Shape for Arc {
159 | type PathElementsIter<'iter> = iter::Chain<iter::Once<PathEl>, ArcAppendIter>;
160 |
161 | fn path_elements(&self, tolerance: f64) -> Self::PathElementsIter<'_> {
162 | let p0 = sample_ellipse(self.radii, self.x_rotation, self.start_angle);
163 | iter::once(PathEl::MoveTo(self.center + p0)).chain(self.append_iter(tolerance))
164 | }
165 |
166 | /// Note: shape isn't closed so area is not well defined.
167 | #[inline ]
168 | fn area(&self) -> f64 {
169 | let Vec2 { x, y } = self.radii;
170 | PI * x * y
171 | }
172 |
173 | /// The perimeter of the ellipse.
174 | ///
175 | /// Note: Finding the perimeter of an ellipse is [fairly involved][wikipedia],
176 | /// so for now we just approximate by using the bezier curve representation.
177 | ///
178 | /// [wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse#Circumference
179 | #[inline ]
180 | fn perimeter(&self, accuracy: f64) -> f64 {
181 | self.path_segments(0.1).perimeter(accuracy)
182 | }
183 |
184 | /// Note: shape isn't closed, so a point's winding number is not well defined.
185 | #[inline ]
186 | fn winding(&self, pt: Point) -> i32 {
187 | self.path_segments(0.1).winding(pt)
188 | }
189 |
190 | #[inline ]
191 | fn bounding_box(&self) -> Rect {
192 | self.path_segments(0.1).bounding_box()
193 | }
194 | }
195 |
196 | impl Mul<Arc> for Affine {
197 | type Output = Arc;
198 |
199 | fn mul(self, arc: Arc) -> Self::Output {
200 | let ellipse: Ellipse = self * Ellipse::new(arc.center, arc.radii, arc.x_rotation);
201 | let center: Point = ellipse.center();
202 | let (radii: Vec2, rotation: f64) = ellipse.radii_and_rotation();
203 | Arc {
204 | center,
205 | radii,
206 | x_rotation: rotation,
207 | start_angle: arc.start_angle,
208 | sweep_angle: arc.sweep_angle,
209 | }
210 | }
211 | }
212 | |