1use url::{ParseError, Url};
3use std::error;
4use std::fmt::{self, Display};
5use std::io;
7use crate::Response;
9/// An error that may occur when processing a [Request](crate::Request).
11/// This can represent connection-level errors (e.g. connection refused),
12/// protocol-level errors (malformed response), or status code errors
13/// (e.g. 404 Not Found). Status code errors are represented by the
14/// [Status](Error::Status) enum variant, while connection-level and
15/// protocol-level errors are represented by the [Transport](Error::Transport)
16/// enum variant. You can use a match statement to extract a Response
17/// from a `Status` error. For instance, you may want to read the full
18/// body of a response because you expect it to contain a useful error
19/// message. Or you may want to handle certain error code responses
20/// differently.
22/// # Examples
24/// Example of matching out all unexpected server status codes.
26/// ```no_run
27/// use ureq::Error;
29/// match ureq::get("http://mypage.example.com/").call() {
30/// Ok(response) => { /* it worked */},
31/// Err(Error::Status(code, response)) => {
32/// /* the server returned an unexpected status
33/// code (such as 400, 500 etc) */
34/// }
35/// Err(_) => { /* some kind of io/transport error */ }
36/// }
37/// ```
39/// An example of a function that handles HTTP 429 and 500 errors differently
40/// than other errors. They get retried after a suitable delay, up to 4 times.
42/// ```
43/// use std::{result::Result, time::Duration, thread};
44/// use ureq::{Response, Error, Error::Status};
45/// # fn main(){ ureq::is_test(true); get_response( "http://httpbin.org/status/500" ); }
47/// fn get_response(url: &str) -> Result<Response, Error> {
48/// for _ in 1..4 {
49/// match ureq::get(url).call() {
50/// Err(Status(503, r)) | Err(Status(429, r)) => {
51/// let retry: Option<u64> = r.header("retry-after")
52/// .and_then(|h| h.parse().ok());
53/// let retry = retry.unwrap_or(5);
54/// eprintln!("{} for {}, retry in {}", r.status(), r.get_url(), retry);
55/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(retry));
56/// }
57/// result => return result,
58/// };
59/// }
60/// // Ran out of retries; try one last time and return whatever result we get.
61/// ureq::get(url).call()
62/// }
63/// ```
65/// If you'd like to treat all status code errors as normal, successful responses,
66/// you can use [OrAnyStatus::or_any_status] like this:
68/// ```
69/// use ureq::Error::Status;
70/// # fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), ureq::Transport> {
71/// # ureq::is_test(true);
72/// use ureq::OrAnyStatus;
74/// let resp = ureq::get("http://example.com/")
75/// .call()
76/// .or_any_status()?;
77/// # Ok(())
78/// # }
79/// ```
81pub enum Error {
82 /// A response was successfully received but had status code >= 400.
83 /// Values are (status_code, Response).
84 Status(u16, Response),
85 /// There was an error making the request or receiving the response.
86 Transport(Transport),
89impl Error {
90 /// Optionally turn this error into an underlying `Transport`.
91 ///
92 /// `None` if the underlying error is `Error::Status`.
93 pub fn into_transport(self) -> Option<Transport> {
94 match self {
95 Error::Status(_, _) => None,
96 Error::Transport(t: Transport) => Some(t),
97 }
98 }
100 /// Optionally turn this error into an underlying `Response`.
101 ///
102 /// `None` if the underlying error is `Error::Transport`.
103 pub fn into_response(self) -> Option<Response> {
104 match self {
105 Error::Status(_, r: Response) => Some(r),
106 Error::Transport(_) => None,
107 }
108 }
111/// Error that is not a status code error. For instance, DNS name not found,
112/// connection refused, or malformed response.
114/// * [`Transport::kind()`] provides a classification (same as for [`Error::kind`]).
115/// * [`Transport::message()`] might vary for the same classification to give more context.
116/// * [`Transport::source()`](std::error::Error::source) holds the underlying error with even more details.
118/// ```
119/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
120/// use ureq::ErrorKind;
121/// use std::error::Error;
122/// use url::ParseError;
124/// let result = ureq::get("broken/url").call();
125/// let error = result.unwrap_err().into_transport().unwrap();
127/// // the display trait is a combo of the underlying classifications
128/// assert_eq!(error.to_string(),
129/// "Bad URL: failed to parse URL: RelativeUrlWithoutBase: relative URL without a base");
131/// // classification
132/// assert_eq!(error.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidUrl);
133/// assert_eq!(error.kind().to_string(), "Bad URL");
135/// // higher level message
136/// assert_eq!(error.message(), Some("failed to parse URL: RelativeUrlWithoutBase"));
138/// // boxed underlying error
139/// let source = error.source().unwrap();
140/// // downcast to original error
141/// let downcast: &ParseError = source.downcast_ref().unwrap();
143/// assert_eq!(downcast.to_string(), "relative URL without a base");
144/// # Ok(())
145/// # }
146/// ```
148pub struct Transport {
149 kind: ErrorKind,
150 message: Option<String>,
151 url: Option<Url>,
152 source: Option<Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>,
155impl Transport {
156 /// The type of error that happened while processing the request.
157 pub fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
158 self.kind
159 }
161 /// Higher level error details, if there are any.
162 pub fn message(&self) -> Option<&str> {
163 self.message.as_deref()
164 }
166 /// The url that failed. This can be interesting in cases of redirect where
167 /// the original url worked, but a later redirected to url fails.
168 pub fn url(&self) -> Option<&Url> {
169 self.url.as_ref()
170 }
173/// Extension to [`Result<Response, Error>`] for handling all status codes as [`Response`].
174pub trait OrAnyStatus {
175 /// Ergonomic helper for handling all status codes as [`Response`].
176 ///
177 /// By default, ureq returns non-2xx responses as [`Error::Status`]. This
178 /// helper is for handling all responses as [`Response`], regardless
179 /// of status code.
180 ///
181 /// ```
182 /// # ureq::is_test(true);
183 /// # fn main() -> Result<(), ureq::Transport> {
184 /// // Bring trait into context.
185 /// use ureq::OrAnyStatus;
186 ///
187 /// let response = ureq::get("http://httpbin.org/status/500")
188 /// .call()
189 /// // Transport errors, such as DNS or connectivity problems
190 /// // must still be dealt with as `Err`.
191 /// .or_any_status()?;
192 ///
193 /// assert_eq!(response.status(), 500);
194 /// # Ok(())
195 /// # }
196 /// ```
197 fn or_any_status(self) -> Result<Response, Transport>;
200impl OrAnyStatus for Result<Response, Error> {
201 fn or_any_status(self) -> Result<Response, Transport> {
202 match self {
203 Ok(response: Response) => Ok(response),
204 Err(Error::Status(_, response: Response)) => Ok(response),
205 Err(Error::Transport(transport: Transport)) => Err(transport),
206 }
207 }
210impl Display for Error {
211 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
212 match self {
213 Error::Status(status: &u16, response: &Response) => {
214 write!(f, "{}: status code {}", response.get_url(), status)?;
215 if let Some(original: &Url) = response.history.first() {
216 write!(f, " (redirected from {})", original)?;
217 }
218 }
219 Error::Transport(err: &Transport) => {
220 write!(f, "{}", err)?;
221 }
222 }
223 Ok(())
224 }
227impl Display for Transport {
228 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
229 if let Some(url: &Url) = &self.url {
230 write!(f, "{}: ", url)?;
231 }
232 write!(f, "{}", self.kind)?;
233 if let Some(message: &String) = &self.message {
234 write!(f, ": {}", message)?;
235 }
236 if let Some(source: &Box) = &self.source {
237 write!(f, ": {}", source)?;
238 }
239 Ok(())
240 }
243impl error::Error for Error {
244 fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
245 match &self {
246 Error::Transport(Transport {
247 source: Some(s: &Box), ..
248 }) => Some(s.as_ref()),
249 _ => None,
250 }
251 }
254impl error::Error for Transport {
255 fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
256 self.source
257 .as_ref()
258 .map(|s: &Box| s.as_ref() as &(dyn error::Error + 'static))
259 }
262impl Error {
263 pub(crate) fn new(kind: ErrorKind, message: Option<String>) -> Self {
264 Error::Transport(Transport {
265 kind,
266 message,
267 url: None,
268 source: None,
269 })
270 }
272 pub(crate) fn url(self, url: Url) -> Self {
273 if let Error::Transport(mut e) = self {
274 e.url = Some(url);
275 Error::Transport(e)
276 } else {
277 self
278 }
279 }
281 pub(crate) fn src(self, e: impl error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static) -> Self {
282 if let Error::Transport(mut oe) = self {
283 oe.source = Some(Box::new(e));
284 Error::Transport(oe)
285 } else {
286 self
287 }
288 }
290 /// The type of this error.
291 ///
292 /// ```
293 /// # ureq::is_test(true);
294 /// let err = ureq::get("http://httpbin.org/status/500")
295 /// .call().unwrap_err();
296 /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), ureq::ErrorKind::HTTP);
297 /// ```
298 pub fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
299 match self {
300 Error::Status(_, _) => ErrorKind::HTTP,
301 Error::Transport(Transport { kind: k, .. }) => *k,
302 }
303 }
305 /// Return true iff the error was due to a connection closing.
306 pub(crate) fn connection_closed(&self) -> bool {
307 if self.kind() != ErrorKind::Io {
308 return false;
309 }
310 let other_err = match self {
311 Error::Status(_, _) => return false,
312 Error::Transport(e) => e,
313 };
314 let source = match other_err.source.as_ref() {
315 Some(e) => e,
316 None => return false,
317 };
318 let ioe: &io::Error = match source.downcast_ref() {
319 Some(e) => e,
320 None => return false,
321 };
322 match ioe.kind() {
323 io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted => true,
324 io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset => true,
325 _ => false,
326 }
327 }
330/// One of the types of error the can occur when processing a Request.
331#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
332pub enum ErrorKind {
333 /// The url could not be understood.
334 InvalidUrl,
335 /// The url scheme could not be understood.
336 UnknownScheme,
337 /// DNS lookup failed.
338 Dns,
339 /// Insecure request attempted with https only set
340 InsecureRequestHttpsOnly,
341 /// Connection to server failed.
342 ConnectionFailed,
343 /// Too many redirects.
344 TooManyRedirects,
345 /// A status line we don't understand `HTTP/1.1 200 OK`.
346 BadStatus,
347 /// A header line that couldn't be parsed.
348 BadHeader,
349 /// Some unspecified `std::io::Error`.
350 Io,
351 /// Proxy information was not properly formatted
352 InvalidProxyUrl,
353 /// Proxy could not connect
354 ProxyConnect,
355 /// Incorrect credentials for proxy
356 ProxyUnauthorized,
357 /// HTTP status code indicating an error (e.g. 4xx, 5xx)
358 /// Read the inner response body for details and to return
359 /// the connection to the pool.
360 HTTP,
363impl ErrorKind {
364 #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
365 #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)]
366 pub(crate) fn new(self) -> Error {
367 Error::new(self, message:None)
368 }
370 pub(crate) fn msg(self, s: impl Into<String>) -> Error {
371 Error::new(self, message:Some(s.into()))
372 }
375impl From<Response> for Error {
376 fn from(resp: Response) -> Error {
377 Error::Status(resp.status(), resp)
378 }
381impl From<io::Error> for Error {
382 fn from(err: io::Error) -> Error {
383 ErrorKind::Io.new().src(err)
384 }
387impl From<Transport> for Error {
388 fn from(err: Transport) -> Error {
389 Error::Transport(err)
390 }
393impl From<ParseError> for Error {
394 fn from(err: ParseError) -> Self {
395 ErrorKindError::InvalidUrl
396 .msg(format!("failed to parse URL: {:?}", err))
397 .src(err)
398 }
401impl fmt::Display for ErrorKind {
402 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
403 match self {
404 ErrorKind::InvalidUrl => write!(f, "Bad URL"),
405 ErrorKind::UnknownScheme => write!(f, "Unknown Scheme"),
406 ErrorKind::Dns => write!(f, "Dns Failed"),
407 ErrorKind::InsecureRequestHttpsOnly => {
408 write!(f, "Insecure request attempted with https_only set")
409 }
410 ErrorKind::ConnectionFailed => write!(f, "Connection Failed"),
411 ErrorKind::TooManyRedirects => write!(f, "Too Many Redirects"),
412 ErrorKind::BadStatus => write!(f, "Bad Status"),
413 ErrorKind::BadHeader => write!(f, "Bad Header"),
414 ErrorKind::Io => write!(f, "Network Error"),
415 ErrorKind::InvalidProxyUrl => write!(f, "Malformed proxy"),
416 ErrorKind::ProxyConnect => write!(f, "Proxy failed to connect"),
417 ErrorKind::ProxyUnauthorized => write!(f, "Provided proxy credentials are incorrect"),
418 ErrorKind::HTTP => write!(f, "HTTP status error"),
419 }
420 }
424mod tests {
425 use super::*;
427 #[test]
428 fn status_code_error() {
429 let mut response = Response::new(404, "NotFound", "").unwrap();
430 response.set_url("http://example.org/".parse().unwrap());
431 let err = Error::Status(response.status(), response);
433 assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "http://example.org/: status code 404");
434 }
436 #[test]
437 fn status_code_error_redirect() {
438 use crate::{get, test};
440 test::set_handler("/redirect_a", |unit| {
441 assert_eq!(unit.method, "GET");
442 test::make_response(
443 302,
444 "Go here",
445 vec!["Location: test://example.edu/redirect_b"],
446 vec![],
447 )
448 });
449 test::set_handler("/redirect_b", |unit| {
450 assert_eq!(unit.method, "GET");
451 test::make_response(
452 302,
453 "Go here",
454 vec!["Location: http://example.com/status/500"],
455 vec![],
456 )
457 });
459 let err = get("test://example.org/redirect_a").call().unwrap_err();
460 assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::HTTP, "{:?}", err);
461 assert_eq!(
462 err.to_string(),
463 "http://example.com/status/500: status code 500 (redirected from test://example.org/redirect_a)"
464 );
465 }
467 #[test]
468 fn io_error() {
469 let ioe = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::TimedOut, "too slow");
470 let mut err = Error::new(ErrorKind::Io, Some("oops".to_string())).src(ioe);
472 err = err.url("http://example.com/".parse().unwrap());
473 assert_eq!(
474 err.to_string(),
475 "http://example.com/: Network Error: oops: too slow"
476 );
477 }
479 #[test]
480 fn connection_closed() {
481 let ioe = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset, "connection reset");
482 let err = ErrorKind::Io.new().src(ioe);
483 assert!(err.connection_closed());
485 let ioe = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted");
486 let err = ErrorKind::Io.new().src(ioe);
487 assert!(err.connection_closed());
488 }
490 #[test]
491 fn error_implements_send_and_sync() {
492 let _error: Box<dyn Send> = Box::new(Error::new(ErrorKind::Io, None));
493 let _error: Box<dyn Sync> = Box::new(Error::new(ErrorKind::Io, None));
494 }
496 #[test]
497 fn ensure_error_size() {
498 // This is platform dependent, so we can't be too strict or precise.
499 let size = std::mem::size_of::<Error>();
500 println!("Error size: {}", size);
501 assert!(size < 500); // 344 on Macbook M1
502 }