1use crate::reader::error::SyntaxError;
2use std::char;
3use crate::common::{is_name_char, is_name_start_char, is_whitespace_char};
4use crate::reader::lexer::Token;
5use super::{PullParser, Result, State};
7impl PullParser {
8 pub fn inside_reference(&mut self, t: Token) -> Option<Result> {
9 match t {
10 Token::Character(c) if !self.data.ref_data.is_empty() && is_name_char(c) ||
11 self.data.ref_data.is_empty() && (is_name_start_char(c) || c == '#') => {
12 self.data.ref_data.push(c);
13 None
14 }
16 Token::ReferenceEnd => {
17 let name = self.data.take_ref_data();
18 if name.is_empty() {
19 return Some(self.error(SyntaxError::EmptyEntity));
20 }
22 let c = match &*name {
23 "lt" => Some('<'),
24 "gt" => Some('>'),
25 "amp" => Some('&'),
26 "apos" => Some('\''),
27 "quot" => Some('"'),
28 _ if name.starts_with('#') => match self.numeric_reference_from_str(&name[1..]) {
29 Ok(c) => Some(c),
30 Err(e) => return Some(self.error(e))
31 },
32 _ => None,
33 };
34 if let Some(c) = c {
35 self.buf.push(c);
36 } else if let Some(v) = self.config.c.extra_entities.get(&name) {
37 self.buf.push_str(v);
38 } else if let Some(v) = self.entities.get(&name) {
39 if self.state_after_reference == State::OutsideTag {
40 // an entity can expand to *elements*, so outside of a tag it needs a full reparse
41 if let Err(e) = self.lexer.reparse(v) {
42 return Some(Err(e));
43 }
44 } else {
45 // however, inside attributes it's not allowed to affect attribute quoting,
46 // so it can't be fed to the lexer
47 self.buf.push_str(v);
48 }
49 } else {
50 return Some(self.error(SyntaxError::UnexpectedEntity(name.into())));
51 }
52 let prev_st = self.state_after_reference;
53 if prev_st == State::OutsideTag && !is_whitespace_char(self.buf.chars().last().unwrap_or('\0')) {
54 self.inside_whitespace = false;
55 }
56 self.into_state_continue(prev_st)
57 }
59 _ => Some(self.error(SyntaxError::UnexpectedTokenInEntity(t))),
60 }
61 }
63 pub(crate) fn numeric_reference_from_str(&self, num_str: &str) -> std::result::Result<char, SyntaxError> {
64 let val = if let Some(hex) = num_str.strip_prefix('x') {
65 u32::from_str_radix(hex, 16).map_err(move |_| SyntaxError::InvalidNumericEntity(num_str.into()))?
66 } else {
67 u32::from_str_radix(num_str, 10).map_err(move |_| SyntaxError::InvalidNumericEntity(num_str.into()))?
68 };
69 match char::from_u32(val) {
70 Some(c) if self.is_valid_xml_char(c) => Ok(c),
71 Some(_) if self.config.c.replace_unknown_entity_references => Ok('\u{fffd}'),
72 None if self.config.c.replace_unknown_entity_references => {
73 Ok('\u{fffd}')
74 },
75 _ => Err(SyntaxError::InvalidCharacterEntity(val)),
76 }
77 }