1//===--- TestTU.cpp - Scratch source files for testing --------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "TestTU.h"
10#include "CompileCommands.h"
11#include "Compiler.h"
12#include "Diagnostics.h"
13#include "TestFS.h"
14#include "index/FileIndex.h"
15#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
16#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
17#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
21#include <cstdlib>
23namespace clang {
24namespace clangd {
26ParseInputs TestTU::inputs(MockFS &FS) const {
27 std::string FullFilename = testPath(File: Filename),
28 FullHeaderName = testPath(File: HeaderFilename),
29 ImportThunk = testPath(File: "import_thunk.h");
30 // We want to implicitly include HeaderFilename without messing up offsets.
31 // -include achieves this, but sometimes we want #import (to simulate a header
32 // guard without messing up offsets). In this case, use an intermediate file.
33 std::string ThunkContents = "#import \"" + FullHeaderName + "\"\n";
35 FS.Files = AdditionalFiles;
36 FS.Files[FullFilename] = Code;
37 FS.Files[FullHeaderName] = HeaderCode;
38 FS.Files[ImportThunk] = ThunkContents;
40 ParseInputs Inputs;
41 Inputs.FeatureModules = FeatureModules;
42 auto &Argv = Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine;
43 Argv = {"clang"};
44 // In tests, unless explicitly specified otherwise, omit predefined macros
45 // (__GNUC__ etc) for a 25% speedup. There are hundreds, and we'd generate,
46 // parse, serialize, and re-parse them!
47 if (!PredefineMacros) {
48 Argv.push_back(x: "-Xclang");
49 Argv.push_back(x: "-undef");
50 }
51 // FIXME: this shouldn't need to be conditional, but it breaks a
52 // GoToDefinition test for some reason (getMacroArgExpandedLocation fails).
53 if (!HeaderCode.empty()) {
54 Argv.push_back(x: "-include");
55 Argv.push_back(x: ImplicitHeaderGuard ? ImportThunk : FullHeaderName);
56 // ms-compatibility changes the meaning of #import.
57 // The default is OS-dependent (on windows), ensure it's off.
58 if (ImplicitHeaderGuard)
59 Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine.push_back(x: "-fno-ms-compatibility");
60 }
61 Argv.insert(position: Argv.end(), first: ExtraArgs.begin(), last: ExtraArgs.end());
62 // Put the file name at the end -- this allows the extra arg (-xc++) to
63 // override the language setting.
64 Argv.push_back(x: FullFilename);
66 auto Mangler = CommandMangler::forTests();
67 Mangler(Inputs.CompileCommand, FullFilename);
68 Inputs.CompileCommand.Filename = FullFilename;
69 Inputs.CompileCommand.Directory = testRoot();
70 Inputs.Contents = Code;
71 if (OverlayRealFileSystemForModules)
72 FS.OverlayRealFileSystemForModules = true;
73 Inputs.TFS = &FS;
74 Inputs.Opts = ParseOptions();
75 if (ClangTidyProvider)
76 Inputs.ClangTidyProvider = ClangTidyProvider;
77 Inputs.Index = ExternalIndex;
78 return Inputs;
81void initializeModuleCache(CompilerInvocation &CI) {
82 llvm::SmallString<128> ModuleCachePath;
83 if (llvm::sys::fs::createUniqueDirectory(Prefix: "module-cache", ResultPath&: ModuleCachePath)) {
84 llvm::errs() << "Failed to create temp directory for module-cache";
85 std::abort();
86 }
87 CI.getHeaderSearchOpts().ModuleCachePath = ModuleCachePath.c_str();
90void deleteModuleCache(const std::string ModuleCachePath) {
91 if (!ModuleCachePath.empty()) {
92 if (llvm::sys::fs::remove_directories(path: ModuleCachePath)) {
93 llvm::errs() << "Failed to delete temp directory for module-cache";
94 std::abort();
95 }
96 }
99std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>
100TestTU::preamble(PreambleParsedCallback PreambleCallback) const {
101 MockFS FS;
102 auto Inputs = inputs(FS);
103 IgnoreDiagnostics Diags;
104 auto CI = buildCompilerInvocation(Inputs, D&: Diags);
105 assert(CI && "Failed to build compilation invocation.");
106 if (OverlayRealFileSystemForModules)
107 initializeModuleCache(CI&: *CI);
108 auto ModuleCacheDeleter = llvm::make_scope_exit(
109 F: std::bind(f&: deleteModuleCache, args&: CI->getHeaderSearchOpts().ModuleCachePath));
110 return clang::clangd::buildPreamble(FileName: testPath(File: Filename), CI: *CI, Inputs,
111 /*StoreInMemory=*/true, PreambleCallback);
114ParsedAST TestTU::build() const {
115 MockFS FS;
116 auto Inputs = inputs(FS);
117 Inputs.Opts = ParseOpts;
118 StoreDiags Diags;
119 auto CI = buildCompilerInvocation(Inputs, D&: Diags);
120 assert(CI && "Failed to build compilation invocation.");
121 if (OverlayRealFileSystemForModules)
122 initializeModuleCache(CI&: *CI);
123 auto ModuleCacheDeleter = llvm::make_scope_exit(
124 F: std::bind(f&: deleteModuleCache, args&: CI->getHeaderSearchOpts().ModuleCachePath));
126 auto Preamble = clang::clangd::buildPreamble(FileName: testPath(File: Filename), CI: *CI, Inputs,
127 /*StoreInMemory=*/true,
128 /*PreambleCallback=*/nullptr);
129 auto AST = ParsedAST::build(Filename: testPath(File: Filename), Inputs, CI: std::move(CI),
130 CompilerInvocationDiags: Diags.take(), Preamble);
131 if (!AST) {
132 llvm::errs() << "Failed to build code:\n" << Code;
133 std::abort();
134 }
135 // Check for error diagnostics and report gtest failures (unless expected).
136 // This guards against accidental syntax errors silently subverting tests.
137 // error-ok is awfully primitive - using clang -verify would be nicer.
138 // Ownership and layering makes it pretty hard.
139 bool ErrorOk = [&, this] {
140 llvm::StringLiteral Marker = "error-ok";
141 if (llvm::StringRef(Code).contains(Other: Marker) ||
142 llvm::StringRef(HeaderCode).contains(Other: Marker))
143 return true;
144 for (const auto &KV : this->AdditionalFiles)
145 if (llvm::StringRef(KV.second).contains(Other: Marker))
146 return true;
147 return false;
148 }();
149 if (!ErrorOk) {
150 // We always build AST with a fresh preamble in TestTU.
151 for (const auto &D : AST->getDiagnostics())
152 if (D.Severity >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error) {
153 llvm::errs()
154 << "TestTU failed to build (suppress with /*error-ok*/): \n"
155 << D << "\n\nFor code:\n"
156 << Code;
157 std::abort(); // Stop after first error for simplicity.
158 }
159 }
160 return std::move(*AST);
163SymbolSlab TestTU::headerSymbols() const {
164 auto AST = build();
165 return std::get<0>(t: indexHeaderSymbols(
166 /*Version=*/"null", AST&: AST.getASTContext(), PP&: AST.getPreprocessor(),
167 PI: AST.getPragmaIncludes()));
170RefSlab TestTU::headerRefs() const {
171 auto AST = build();
172 return std::get<1>(t: indexMainDecls(AST));
175std::unique_ptr<SymbolIndex> TestTU::index() const {
176 auto AST = build();
177 auto Idx = std::make_unique<FileIndex>();
178 Idx->updatePreamble(Path: testPath(File: Filename), /*Version=*/"null",
179 AST&: AST.getASTContext(), PP&: AST.getPreprocessor(),
180 PI: AST.getPragmaIncludes());
181 Idx->updateMain(Path: testPath(File: Filename), AST);
182 return std::move(Idx);
185const Symbol &findSymbol(const SymbolSlab &Slab, llvm::StringRef QName) {
186 const Symbol *Result = nullptr;
187 for (const Symbol &S : Slab) {
188 if (QName != (S.Scope + S.Name).str())
189 continue;
190 if (Result) {
191 llvm::errs() << "Multiple symbols named " << QName << ":\n"
192 << *Result << "\n---\n"
193 << S;
194 assert(false && "QName is not unique");
195 }
196 Result = &S;
197 }
198 if (!Result) {
199 llvm::errs() << "No symbol named " << QName << " in "
200 << llvm::to_string(Value: Slab);
201 assert(false && "No symbol with QName");
202 }
203 return *Result;
206// RAII scoped class to disable TraversalScope for a ParsedAST.
207class TraverseHeadersToo {
208 ASTContext &Ctx;
209 std::vector<Decl *> ScopeToRestore;
212 TraverseHeadersToo(ParsedAST &AST)
213 : Ctx(AST.getASTContext()), ScopeToRestore(Ctx.getTraversalScope()) {
214 Ctx.setTraversalScope({Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()});
215 }
216 ~TraverseHeadersToo() { Ctx.setTraversalScope(std::move(ScopeToRestore)); }
219const NamedDecl &findDecl(ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef QName) {
220 auto &Ctx = AST.getASTContext();
221 auto LookupDecl = [&Ctx](const DeclContext &Scope,
222 llvm::StringRef Name) -> const NamedDecl & {
223 auto LookupRes = Scope.lookup(Name: DeclarationName(&Ctx.Idents.get(Name)));
224 assert(!LookupRes.empty() && "Lookup failed");
225 assert(LookupRes.isSingleResult() && "Lookup returned multiple results");
226 return *LookupRes.front();
227 };
229 const DeclContext *Scope = Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl();
231 StringRef Cur, Rest;
232 for (std::tie(args&: Cur, args&: Rest) = QName.split(Separator: "::"); !Rest.empty();
233 std::tie(args&: Cur, args&: Rest) = Rest.split(Separator: "::")) {
234 Scope = &cast<DeclContext>(Val: LookupDecl(*Scope, Cur));
235 }
236 return LookupDecl(*Scope, Cur);
239const NamedDecl &findDecl(ParsedAST &AST,
240 std::function<bool(const NamedDecl &)> Filter) {
241 TraverseHeadersToo Too(AST);
242 struct Visitor : RecursiveASTVisitor<Visitor> {
243 decltype(Filter) F;
244 llvm::SmallVector<const NamedDecl *, 1> Decls;
245 bool VisitNamedDecl(const NamedDecl *ND) {
246 if (F(*ND))
247 Decls.push_back(Elt: ND);
248 return true;
249 }
250 } Visitor;
251 Visitor.F = Filter;
252 Visitor.TraverseDecl(AST.getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl());
253 if (Visitor.Decls.size() != 1) {
254 llvm::errs() << Visitor.Decls.size() << " symbols matched.\n";
255 assert(Visitor.Decls.size() == 1);
256 }
257 return *Visitor.Decls.front();
260const NamedDecl &findUnqualifiedDecl(ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef Name) {
261 return findDecl(AST, Filter: [Name](const NamedDecl &ND) {
262 if (auto *ID = ND.getIdentifier())
263 if (ID->getName() == Name)
264 return true;
265 return false;
266 });
269} // namespace clangd
270} // namespace clang

source code of clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/TestTU.cpp