1//===- SampleProfile.cpp - Incorporate sample profiles into the IR --------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the SampleProfileLoader transformation. This pass
10// reads a profile file generated by a sampling profiler (e.g. Linux Perf -
11// http://perf.wiki.kernel.org/) and generates IR metadata to reflect the
12// profile information in the given profile.
14// This pass generates branch weight annotations on the IR:
16// - prof: Represents branch weights. This annotation is added to branches
17// to indicate the weights of each edge coming out of the branch.
18// The weight of each edge is the weight of the target block for
19// that edge. The weight of a block B is computed as the maximum
20// number of samples found in B.
24#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfile.h"
25#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
26#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/PriorityQueue.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
31#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
32#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
33#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
34#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
35#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
36#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
37#include "llvm/Analysis/BlockFrequencyInfoImpl.h"
38#include "llvm/Analysis/InlineAdvisor.h"
39#include "llvm/Analysis/InlineCost.h"
40#include "llvm/Analysis/LazyCallGraph.h"
41#include "llvm/Analysis/OptimizationRemarkEmitter.h"
42#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileSummaryInfo.h"
43#include "llvm/Analysis/ReplayInlineAdvisor.h"
44#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
45#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
46#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
47#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
48#include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h"
49#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
50#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
51#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
52#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
53#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
54#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
55#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
56#include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
57#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
58#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
59#include "llvm/IR/ProfDataUtils.h"
60#include "llvm/IR/PseudoProbe.h"
61#include "llvm/IR/ValueSymbolTable.h"
62#include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h"
63#include "llvm/ProfileData/SampleProf.h"
64#include "llvm/ProfileData/SampleProfReader.h"
65#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
66#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
67#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
68#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
69#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
70#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
71#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
72#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/ProfiledCallGraph.h"
73#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/SampleContextTracker.h"
74#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfileMatcher.h"
75#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfileProbe.h"
76#include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation.h"
77#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/CallPromotionUtils.h"
78#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
79#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/MisExpect.h"
80#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/SampleProfileLoaderBaseImpl.h"
81#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/SampleProfileLoaderBaseUtil.h"
82#include <algorithm>
83#include <cassert>
84#include <cstdint>
85#include <functional>
86#include <limits>
87#include <map>
88#include <memory>
89#include <queue>
90#include <string>
91#include <system_error>
92#include <utility>
93#include <vector>
95using namespace llvm;
96using namespace sampleprof;
97using namespace llvm::sampleprofutil;
98using ProfileCount = Function::ProfileCount;
99#define DEBUG_TYPE "sample-profile"
100#define CSINLINE_DEBUG DEBUG_TYPE "-inline"
103 "Number of functions inlined with context sensitive profile");
105 "Number of functions not inlined with context sensitive profile");
107 "Number of functions with CFG mismatched profile");
108STATISTIC(NumMatchedProfile, "Number of functions with CFG matched profile");
110 "Number of inlined callsites with a partial distribution factor");
113 "Number of functions with FDO inline stopped due to min size limit");
115 "Number of functions with FDO inline stopped due to max size limit");
117 NumCSInlinedHitGrowthLimit,
118 "Number of functions with FDO inline stopped due to growth size limit");
120// Command line option to specify the file to read samples from. This is
121// mainly used for debugging.
122static cl::opt<std::string> SampleProfileFile(
123 "sample-profile-file", cl::init(Val: ""), cl::value_desc("filename"),
124 cl::desc("Profile file loaded by -sample-profile"), cl::Hidden);
126// The named file contains a set of transformations that may have been applied
127// to the symbol names between the program from which the sample data was
128// collected and the current program's symbols.
129static cl::opt<std::string> SampleProfileRemappingFile(
130 "sample-profile-remapping-file", cl::init(Val: ""), cl::value_desc("filename"),
131 cl::desc("Profile remapping file loaded by -sample-profile"), cl::Hidden);
133cl::opt<bool> SalvageStaleProfile(
134 "salvage-stale-profile", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
135 cl::desc("Salvage stale profile by fuzzy matching and use the remapped "
136 "location for sample profile query."));
138cl::opt<bool> ReportProfileStaleness(
139 "report-profile-staleness", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
140 cl::desc("Compute and report stale profile statistical metrics."));
142cl::opt<bool> PersistProfileStaleness(
143 "persist-profile-staleness", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
144 cl::desc("Compute stale profile statistical metrics and write it into the "
145 "native object file(.llvm_stats section)."));
147static cl::opt<bool> ProfileSampleAccurate(
148 "profile-sample-accurate", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
149 cl::desc("If the sample profile is accurate, we will mark all un-sampled "
150 "callsite and function as having 0 samples. Otherwise, treat "
151 "un-sampled callsites and functions conservatively as unknown. "));
153static cl::opt<bool> ProfileSampleBlockAccurate(
154 "profile-sample-block-accurate", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
155 cl::desc("If the sample profile is accurate, we will mark all un-sampled "
156 "branches and calls as having 0 samples. Otherwise, treat "
157 "them conservatively as unknown. "));
159static cl::opt<bool> ProfileAccurateForSymsInList(
160 "profile-accurate-for-symsinlist", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: true),
161 cl::desc("For symbols in profile symbol list, regard their profiles to "
162 "be accurate. It may be overriden by profile-sample-accurate. "));
164static cl::opt<bool> ProfileMergeInlinee(
165 "sample-profile-merge-inlinee", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: true),
166 cl::desc("Merge past inlinee's profile to outline version if sample "
167 "profile loader decided not to inline a call site. It will "
168 "only be enabled when top-down order of profile loading is "
169 "enabled. "));
171static cl::opt<bool> ProfileTopDownLoad(
172 "sample-profile-top-down-load", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: true),
173 cl::desc("Do profile annotation and inlining for functions in top-down "
174 "order of call graph during sample profile loading. It only "
175 "works for new pass manager. "));
177static cl::opt<bool>
178 UseProfiledCallGraph("use-profiled-call-graph", cl::init(Val: true), cl::Hidden,
179 cl::desc("Process functions in a top-down order "
180 "defined by the profiled call graph when "
181 "-sample-profile-top-down-load is on."));
183static cl::opt<bool> ProfileSizeInline(
184 "sample-profile-inline-size", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
185 cl::desc("Inline cold call sites in profile loader if it's beneficial "
186 "for code size."));
188// Since profiles are consumed by many passes, turning on this option has
189// side effects. For instance, pre-link SCC inliner would see merged profiles
190// and inline the hot functions (that are skipped in this pass).
191static cl::opt<bool> DisableSampleLoaderInlining(
192 "disable-sample-loader-inlining", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
193 cl::desc("If true, artifically skip inline transformation in sample-loader "
194 "pass, and merge (or scale) profiles (as configured by "
195 "--sample-profile-merge-inlinee)."));
197namespace llvm {
199 SortProfiledSCC("sort-profiled-scc-member", cl::init(Val: true), cl::Hidden,
200 cl::desc("Sort profiled recursion by edge weights."));
202cl::opt<int> ProfileInlineGrowthLimit(
203 "sample-profile-inline-growth-limit", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 12),
204 cl::desc("The size growth ratio limit for proirity-based sample profile "
205 "loader inlining."));
207cl::opt<int> ProfileInlineLimitMin(
208 "sample-profile-inline-limit-min", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 100),
209 cl::desc("The lower bound of size growth limit for "
210 "proirity-based sample profile loader inlining."));
212cl::opt<int> ProfileInlineLimitMax(
213 "sample-profile-inline-limit-max", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 10000),
214 cl::desc("The upper bound of size growth limit for "
215 "proirity-based sample profile loader inlining."));
217cl::opt<int> SampleHotCallSiteThreshold(
218 "sample-profile-hot-inline-threshold", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 3000),
219 cl::desc("Hot callsite threshold for proirity-based sample profile loader "
220 "inlining."));
222cl::opt<int> SampleColdCallSiteThreshold(
223 "sample-profile-cold-inline-threshold", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 45),
224 cl::desc("Threshold for inlining cold callsites"));
225} // namespace llvm
227static cl::opt<unsigned> ProfileICPRelativeHotness(
228 "sample-profile-icp-relative-hotness", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 25),
229 cl::desc(
230 "Relative hotness percentage threshold for indirect "
231 "call promotion in proirity-based sample profile loader inlining."));
233static cl::opt<unsigned> ProfileICPRelativeHotnessSkip(
234 "sample-profile-icp-relative-hotness-skip", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 1),
235 cl::desc(
236 "Skip relative hotness check for ICP up to given number of targets."));
238static cl::opt<unsigned> HotFuncCutoffForStalenessError(
239 "hot-func-cutoff-for-staleness-error", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 800000),
240 cl::desc("A function is considered hot for staleness error check if its "
241 "total sample count is above the specified percentile"));
243static cl::opt<unsigned> MinfuncsForStalenessError(
244 "min-functions-for-staleness-error", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 50),
245 cl::desc("Skip the check if the number of hot functions is smaller than "
246 "the specified number."));
248static cl::opt<unsigned> PrecentMismatchForStalenessError(
249 "precent-mismatch-for-staleness-error", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: 80),
250 cl::desc("Reject the profile if the mismatch percent is higher than the "
251 "given number."));
253static cl::opt<bool> CallsitePrioritizedInline(
254 "sample-profile-prioritized-inline", cl::Hidden,
256 cl::desc("Use call site prioritized inlining for sample profile loader."
257 "Currently only CSSPGO is supported."));
259static cl::opt<bool> UsePreInlinerDecision(
260 "sample-profile-use-preinliner", cl::Hidden,
262 cl::desc("Use the preinliner decisions stored in profile context."));
264static cl::opt<bool> AllowRecursiveInline(
265 "sample-profile-recursive-inline", cl::Hidden,
267 cl::desc("Allow sample loader inliner to inline recursive calls."));
269static cl::opt<std::string> ProfileInlineReplayFile(
270 "sample-profile-inline-replay", cl::init(Val: ""), cl::value_desc("filename"),
271 cl::desc(
272 "Optimization remarks file containing inline remarks to be replayed "
273 "by inlining from sample profile loader."),
274 cl::Hidden);
276static cl::opt<ReplayInlinerSettings::Scope> ProfileInlineReplayScope(
277 "sample-profile-inline-replay-scope",
278 cl::init(Val: ReplayInlinerSettings::Scope::Function),
279 cl::values(clEnumValN(ReplayInlinerSettings::Scope::Function, "Function",
280 "Replay on functions that have remarks associated "
281 "with them (default)"),
282 clEnumValN(ReplayInlinerSettings::Scope::Module, "Module",
283 "Replay on the entire module")),
284 cl::desc("Whether inline replay should be applied to the entire "
285 "Module or just the Functions (default) that are present as "
286 "callers in remarks during sample profile inlining."),
287 cl::Hidden);
289static cl::opt<ReplayInlinerSettings::Fallback> ProfileInlineReplayFallback(
290 "sample-profile-inline-replay-fallback",
291 cl::init(Val: ReplayInlinerSettings::Fallback::Original),
292 cl::values(
293 clEnumValN(
294 ReplayInlinerSettings::Fallback::Original, "Original",
295 "All decisions not in replay send to original advisor (default)"),
296 clEnumValN(ReplayInlinerSettings::Fallback::AlwaysInline,
297 "AlwaysInline", "All decisions not in replay are inlined"),
298 clEnumValN(ReplayInlinerSettings::Fallback::NeverInline, "NeverInline",
299 "All decisions not in replay are not inlined")),
300 cl::desc("How sample profile inline replay treats sites that don't come "
301 "from the replay. Original: defers to original advisor, "
302 "AlwaysInline: inline all sites not in replay, NeverInline: "
303 "inline no sites not in replay"),
304 cl::Hidden);
306static cl::opt<CallSiteFormat::Format> ProfileInlineReplayFormat(
307 "sample-profile-inline-replay-format",
308 cl::init(Val: CallSiteFormat::Format::LineColumnDiscriminator),
309 cl::values(
310 clEnumValN(CallSiteFormat::Format::Line, "Line", "<Line Number>"),
311 clEnumValN(CallSiteFormat::Format::LineColumn, "LineColumn",
312 "<Line Number>:<Column Number>"),
313 clEnumValN(CallSiteFormat::Format::LineDiscriminator,
314 "LineDiscriminator", "<Line Number>.<Discriminator>"),
315 clEnumValN(CallSiteFormat::Format::LineColumnDiscriminator,
316 "LineColumnDiscriminator",
317 "<Line Number>:<Column Number>.<Discriminator> (default)")),
318 cl::desc("How sample profile inline replay file is formatted"), cl::Hidden);
320static cl::opt<unsigned>
321 MaxNumPromotions("sample-profile-icp-max-prom", cl::init(Val: 3), cl::Hidden,
322 cl::desc("Max number of promotions for a single indirect "
323 "call callsite in sample profile loader"));
325static cl::opt<bool> OverwriteExistingWeights(
326 "overwrite-existing-weights", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
327 cl::desc("Ignore existing branch weights on IR and always overwrite."));
329static cl::opt<bool> AnnotateSampleProfileInlinePhase(
330 "annotate-sample-profile-inline-phase", cl::Hidden, cl::init(Val: false),
331 cl::desc("Annotate LTO phase (prelink / postlink), or main (no LTO) for "
332 "sample-profile inline pass name."));
334namespace llvm {
335extern cl::opt<bool> EnableExtTspBlockPlacement;
338namespace {
340using BlockWeightMap = DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, uint64_t>;
341using EquivalenceClassMap = DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock *>;
342using Edge = std::pair<const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock *>;
343using EdgeWeightMap = DenseMap<Edge, uint64_t>;
344using BlockEdgeMap =
345 DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, SmallVector<const BasicBlock *, 8>>;
347class GUIDToFuncNameMapper {
349 GUIDToFuncNameMapper(Module &M, SampleProfileReader &Reader,
350 DenseMap<uint64_t, StringRef> &GUIDToFuncNameMap)
351 : CurrentReader(Reader), CurrentModule(M),
352 CurrentGUIDToFuncNameMap(GUIDToFuncNameMap) {
353 if (!CurrentReader.useMD5())
354 return;
356 for (const auto &F : CurrentModule) {
357 StringRef OrigName = F.getName();
358 CurrentGUIDToFuncNameMap.insert(
359 KV: {Function::getGUID(GlobalName: OrigName), OrigName});
361 // Local to global var promotion used by optimization like thinlto
362 // will rename the var and add suffix like ".llvm.xxx" to the
363 // original local name. In sample profile, the suffixes of function
364 // names are all stripped. Since it is possible that the mapper is
365 // built in post-thin-link phase and var promotion has been done,
366 // we need to add the substring of function name without the suffix
367 // into the GUIDToFuncNameMap.
368 StringRef CanonName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(F);
369 if (CanonName != OrigName)
370 CurrentGUIDToFuncNameMap.insert(
371 KV: {Function::getGUID(GlobalName: CanonName), CanonName});
372 }
374 // Update GUIDToFuncNameMap for each function including inlinees.
375 SetGUIDToFuncNameMapForAll(&CurrentGUIDToFuncNameMap);
376 }
378 ~GUIDToFuncNameMapper() {
379 if (!CurrentReader.useMD5())
380 return;
382 CurrentGUIDToFuncNameMap.clear();
384 // Reset GUIDToFuncNameMap for of each function as they're no
385 // longer valid at this point.
386 SetGUIDToFuncNameMapForAll(nullptr);
387 }
390 void SetGUIDToFuncNameMapForAll(DenseMap<uint64_t, StringRef> *Map) {
391 std::queue<FunctionSamples *> FSToUpdate;
392 for (auto &IFS : CurrentReader.getProfiles()) {
393 FSToUpdate.push(x: &IFS.second);
394 }
396 while (!FSToUpdate.empty()) {
397 FunctionSamples *FS = FSToUpdate.front();
398 FSToUpdate.pop();
399 FS->GUIDToFuncNameMap = Map;
400 for (const auto &ICS : FS->getCallsiteSamples()) {
401 const FunctionSamplesMap &FSMap = ICS.second;
402 for (const auto &IFS : FSMap) {
403 FunctionSamples &FS = const_cast<FunctionSamples &>(IFS.second);
404 FSToUpdate.push(x: &FS);
405 }
406 }
407 }
408 }
410 SampleProfileReader &CurrentReader;
411 Module &CurrentModule;
412 DenseMap<uint64_t, StringRef> &CurrentGUIDToFuncNameMap;
415// Inline candidate used by iterative callsite prioritized inliner
416struct InlineCandidate {
417 CallBase *CallInstr;
418 const FunctionSamples *CalleeSamples;
419 // Prorated callsite count, which will be used to guide inlining. For example,
420 // if a callsite is duplicated in LTO prelink, then in LTO postlink the two
421 // copies will get their own distribution factors and their prorated counts
422 // will be used to decide if they should be inlined independently.
423 uint64_t CallsiteCount;
424 // Call site distribution factor to prorate the profile samples for a
425 // duplicated callsite. Default value is 1.0.
426 float CallsiteDistribution;
429// Inline candidate comparer using call site weight
430struct CandidateComparer {
431 bool operator()(const InlineCandidate &LHS, const InlineCandidate &RHS) {
432 if (LHS.CallsiteCount != RHS.CallsiteCount)
433 return LHS.CallsiteCount < RHS.CallsiteCount;
435 const FunctionSamples *LCS = LHS.CalleeSamples;
436 const FunctionSamples *RCS = RHS.CalleeSamples;
437 assert(LCS && RCS && "Expect non-null FunctionSamples");
439 // Tie breaker using number of samples try to favor smaller functions first
440 if (LCS->getBodySamples().size() != RCS->getBodySamples().size())
441 return LCS->getBodySamples().size() > RCS->getBodySamples().size();
443 // Tie breaker using GUID so we have stable/deterministic inlining order
444 return LCS->getGUID() < RCS->getGUID();
445 }
448using CandidateQueue =
449 PriorityQueue<InlineCandidate, std::vector<InlineCandidate>,
450 CandidateComparer>;
452/// Sample profile pass.
454/// This pass reads profile data from the file specified by
455/// -sample-profile-file and annotates every affected function with the
456/// profile information found in that file.
457class SampleProfileLoader final : public SampleProfileLoaderBaseImpl<Function> {
459 SampleProfileLoader(
460 StringRef Name, StringRef RemapName, ThinOrFullLTOPhase LTOPhase,
461 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS,
462 std::function<AssumptionCache &(Function &)> GetAssumptionCache,
463 std::function<TargetTransformInfo &(Function &)> GetTargetTransformInfo,
464 std::function<const TargetLibraryInfo &(Function &)> GetTLI)
465 : SampleProfileLoaderBaseImpl(std::string(Name), std::string(RemapName),
466 std::move(FS)),
467 GetAC(std::move(GetAssumptionCache)),
468 GetTTI(std::move(GetTargetTransformInfo)), GetTLI(std::move(GetTLI)),
469 LTOPhase(LTOPhase),
470 AnnotatedPassName(AnnotateSampleProfileInlinePhase
471 ? llvm::AnnotateInlinePassName(IC: InlineContext{
472 .LTOPhase: LTOPhase, .Pass: InlinePass::SampleProfileInliner})
475 bool doInitialization(Module &M, FunctionAnalysisManager *FAM = nullptr);
476 bool runOnModule(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager *AM,
477 ProfileSummaryInfo *_PSI, LazyCallGraph &CG);
480 bool runOnFunction(Function &F, ModuleAnalysisManager *AM);
481 bool emitAnnotations(Function &F);
482 ErrorOr<uint64_t> getInstWeight(const Instruction &I) override;
483 const FunctionSamples *findCalleeFunctionSamples(const CallBase &I) const;
484 const FunctionSamples *
485 findFunctionSamples(const Instruction &I) const override;
486 std::vector<const FunctionSamples *>
487 findIndirectCallFunctionSamples(const Instruction &I, uint64_t &Sum) const;
488 void findExternalInlineCandidate(CallBase *CB, const FunctionSamples *Samples,
489 DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &InlinedGUIDs,
490 uint64_t Threshold);
491 // Attempt to promote indirect call and also inline the promoted call
492 bool tryPromoteAndInlineCandidate(
493 Function &F, InlineCandidate &Candidate, uint64_t SumOrigin,
494 uint64_t &Sum, SmallVector<CallBase *, 8> *InlinedCallSites = nullptr);
496 bool inlineHotFunctions(Function &F,
497 DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &InlinedGUIDs);
498 std::optional<InlineCost> getExternalInlineAdvisorCost(CallBase &CB);
499 bool getExternalInlineAdvisorShouldInline(CallBase &CB);
500 InlineCost shouldInlineCandidate(InlineCandidate &Candidate);
501 bool getInlineCandidate(InlineCandidate *NewCandidate, CallBase *CB);
502 bool
503 tryInlineCandidate(InlineCandidate &Candidate,
504 SmallVector<CallBase *, 8> *InlinedCallSites = nullptr);
505 bool
506 inlineHotFunctionsWithPriority(Function &F,
507 DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &InlinedGUIDs);
508 // Inline cold/small functions in addition to hot ones
509 bool shouldInlineColdCallee(CallBase &CallInst);
510 void emitOptimizationRemarksForInlineCandidates(
511 const SmallVectorImpl<CallBase *> &Candidates, const Function &F,
512 bool Hot);
513 void promoteMergeNotInlinedContextSamples(
514 MapVector<CallBase *, const FunctionSamples *> NonInlinedCallSites,
515 const Function &F);
516 std::vector<Function *> buildFunctionOrder(Module &M, LazyCallGraph &CG);
517 std::unique_ptr<ProfiledCallGraph> buildProfiledCallGraph(Module &M);
518 void generateMDProfMetadata(Function &F);
519 bool rejectHighStalenessProfile(Module &M, ProfileSummaryInfo *PSI,
520 const SampleProfileMap &Profiles);
522 /// Map from function name to Function *. Used to find the function from
523 /// the function name. If the function name contains suffix, additional
524 /// entry is added to map from the stripped name to the function if there
525 /// is one-to-one mapping.
526 HashKeyMap<std::unordered_map, FunctionId, Function *> SymbolMap;
528 std::function<AssumptionCache &(Function &)> GetAC;
529 std::function<TargetTransformInfo &(Function &)> GetTTI;
530 std::function<const TargetLibraryInfo &(Function &)> GetTLI;
532 /// Profile tracker for different context.
533 std::unique_ptr<SampleContextTracker> ContextTracker;
535 /// Flag indicating which LTO/ThinLTO phase the pass is invoked in.
536 ///
537 /// We need to know the LTO phase because for example in ThinLTOPrelink
538 /// phase, in annotation, we should not promote indirect calls. Instead,
539 /// we will mark GUIDs that needs to be annotated to the function.
540 const ThinOrFullLTOPhase LTOPhase;
541 const std::string AnnotatedPassName;
543 /// Profle Symbol list tells whether a function name appears in the binary
544 /// used to generate the current profile.
545 std::unique_ptr<ProfileSymbolList> PSL;
547 /// Total number of samples collected in this profile.
548 ///
549 /// This is the sum of all the samples collected in all the functions executed
550 /// at runtime.
551 uint64_t TotalCollectedSamples = 0;
553 // Information recorded when we declined to inline a call site
554 // because we have determined it is too cold is accumulated for
555 // each callee function. Initially this is just the entry count.
556 struct NotInlinedProfileInfo {
557 uint64_t entryCount;
558 };
559 DenseMap<Function *, NotInlinedProfileInfo> notInlinedCallInfo;
561 // GUIDToFuncNameMap saves the mapping from GUID to the symbol name, for
562 // all the function symbols defined or declared in current module.
563 DenseMap<uint64_t, StringRef> GUIDToFuncNameMap;
565 // All the Names used in FunctionSamples including outline function
566 // names, inline instance names and call target names.
567 StringSet<> NamesInProfile;
568 // MD5 version of NamesInProfile. Either NamesInProfile or GUIDsInProfile is
569 // populated, depends on whether the profile uses MD5. Because the name table
570 // generally contains several magnitude more entries than the number of
571 // functions, we do not want to convert all names from one form to another.
572 llvm::DenseSet<uint64_t> GUIDsInProfile;
574 // For symbol in profile symbol list, whether to regard their profiles
575 // to be accurate. It is mainly decided by existance of profile symbol
576 // list and -profile-accurate-for-symsinlist flag, but it can be
577 // overriden by -profile-sample-accurate or profile-sample-accurate
578 // attribute.
579 bool ProfAccForSymsInList;
581 // External inline advisor used to replay inline decision from remarks.
582 std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvisor> ExternalInlineAdvisor;
584 // A helper to implement the sample profile matching algorithm.
585 std::unique_ptr<SampleProfileMatcher> MatchingManager;
588 const char *getAnnotatedRemarkPassName() const {
589 return AnnotatedPassName.c_str();
590 }
592} // end anonymous namespace
594namespace llvm {
595template <>
596inline bool SampleProfileInference<Function>::isExit(const BasicBlock *BB) {
597 return succ_empty(BB);
600template <>
601inline void SampleProfileInference<Function>::findUnlikelyJumps(
602 const std::vector<const BasicBlockT *> &BasicBlocks,
603 BlockEdgeMap &Successors, FlowFunction &Func) {
604 for (auto &Jump : Func.Jumps) {
605 const auto *BB = BasicBlocks[Jump.Source];
606 const auto *Succ = BasicBlocks[Jump.Target];
607 const Instruction *TI = BB->getTerminator();
608 // Check if a block ends with InvokeInst and mark non-taken branch unlikely.
609 // In that case block Succ should be a landing pad
610 if (Successors[BB].size() == 2 && Successors[BB].back() == Succ) {
611 if (isa<InvokeInst>(Val: TI)) {
612 Jump.IsUnlikely = true;
613 }
614 }
615 const Instruction *SuccTI = Succ->getTerminator();
616 // Check if the target block contains UnreachableInst and mark it unlikely
617 if (SuccTI->getNumSuccessors() == 0) {
618 if (isa<UnreachableInst>(Val: SuccTI)) {
619 Jump.IsUnlikely = true;
620 }
621 }
622 }
625template <>
626void SampleProfileLoaderBaseImpl<Function>::computeDominanceAndLoopInfo(
627 Function &F) {
628 DT.reset(p: new DominatorTree);
629 DT->recalculate(Func&: F);
631 PDT.reset(p: new PostDominatorTree(F));
633 LI.reset(p: new LoopInfo);
634 LI->analyze(DomTree: *DT);
636} // namespace llvm
638ErrorOr<uint64_t> SampleProfileLoader::getInstWeight(const Instruction &Inst) {
639 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsProbeBased)
640 return getProbeWeight(Inst);
642 const DebugLoc &DLoc = Inst.getDebugLoc();
643 if (!DLoc)
644 return std::error_code();
646 // Ignore all intrinsics, phinodes and branch instructions.
647 // Branch and phinodes instruction usually contains debug info from sources
648 // outside of the residing basic block, thus we ignore them during annotation.
649 if (isa<BranchInst>(Val: Inst) || isa<IntrinsicInst>(Val: Inst) || isa<PHINode>(Val: Inst))
650 return std::error_code();
652 // For non-CS profile, if a direct call/invoke instruction is inlined in
653 // profile (findCalleeFunctionSamples returns non-empty result), but not
654 // inlined here, it means that the inlined callsite has no sample, thus the
655 // call instruction should have 0 count.
656 // For CS profile, the callsite count of previously inlined callees is
657 // populated with the entry count of the callees.
658 if (!FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
659 if (const auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(Val: &Inst))
660 if (!CB->isIndirectCall() && findCalleeFunctionSamples(I: *CB))
661 return 0;
663 return getInstWeightImpl(Inst);
666/// Get the FunctionSamples for a call instruction.
668/// The FunctionSamples of a call/invoke instruction \p Inst is the inlined
669/// instance in which that call instruction is calling to. It contains
670/// all samples that resides in the inlined instance. We first find the
671/// inlined instance in which the call instruction is from, then we
672/// traverse its children to find the callsite with the matching
673/// location.
675/// \param Inst Call/Invoke instruction to query.
677/// \returns The FunctionSamples pointer to the inlined instance.
678const FunctionSamples *
679SampleProfileLoader::findCalleeFunctionSamples(const CallBase &Inst) const {
680 const DILocation *DIL = Inst.getDebugLoc();
681 if (!DIL) {
682 return nullptr;
683 }
685 StringRef CalleeName;
686 if (Function *Callee = Inst.getCalledFunction())
687 CalleeName = Callee->getName();
689 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
690 return ContextTracker->getCalleeContextSamplesFor(Inst, CalleeName);
692 const FunctionSamples *FS = findFunctionSamples(I: Inst);
693 if (FS == nullptr)
694 return nullptr;
696 return FS->findFunctionSamplesAt(Loc: FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL),
697 CalleeName, Remapper: Reader->getRemapper());
700/// Returns a vector of FunctionSamples that are the indirect call targets
701/// of \p Inst. The vector is sorted by the total number of samples. Stores
702/// the total call count of the indirect call in \p Sum.
703std::vector<const FunctionSamples *>
705 const Instruction &Inst, uint64_t &Sum) const {
706 const DILocation *DIL = Inst.getDebugLoc();
707 std::vector<const FunctionSamples *> R;
709 if (!DIL) {
710 return R;
711 }
713 auto FSCompare = [](const FunctionSamples *L, const FunctionSamples *R) {
714 assert(L && R && "Expect non-null FunctionSamples");
715 if (L->getHeadSamplesEstimate() != R->getHeadSamplesEstimate())
716 return L->getHeadSamplesEstimate() > R->getHeadSamplesEstimate();
717 return L->getGUID() < R->getGUID();
718 };
720 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS) {
721 auto CalleeSamples =
722 ContextTracker->getIndirectCalleeContextSamplesFor(DIL);
723 if (CalleeSamples.empty())
724 return R;
726 // For CSSPGO, we only use target context profile's entry count
727 // as that already includes both inlined callee and non-inlined ones..
728 Sum = 0;
729 for (const auto *const FS : CalleeSamples) {
730 Sum += FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate();
731 R.push_back(x: FS);
732 }
733 llvm::sort(C&: R, Comp: FSCompare);
734 return R;
735 }
737 const FunctionSamples *FS = findFunctionSamples(I: Inst);
738 if (FS == nullptr)
739 return R;
741 auto CallSite = FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL);
742 Sum = 0;
743 if (auto T = FS->findCallTargetMapAt(CallSite))
744 for (const auto &T_C : *T)
745 Sum += T_C.second;
746 if (const FunctionSamplesMap *M = FS->findFunctionSamplesMapAt(Loc: CallSite)) {
747 if (M->empty())
748 return R;
749 for (const auto &NameFS : *M) {
750 Sum += NameFS.second.getHeadSamplesEstimate();
751 R.push_back(x: &NameFS.second);
752 }
753 llvm::sort(C&: R, Comp: FSCompare);
754 }
755 return R;
758const FunctionSamples *
759SampleProfileLoader::findFunctionSamples(const Instruction &Inst) const {
760 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsProbeBased) {
761 std::optional<PseudoProbe> Probe = extractProbe(Inst);
762 if (!Probe)
763 return nullptr;
764 }
766 const DILocation *DIL = Inst.getDebugLoc();
767 if (!DIL)
768 return Samples;
770 auto it = DILocation2SampleMap.try_emplace(Key: DIL,Args: nullptr);
771 if (it.second) {
772 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
773 it.first->second = ContextTracker->getContextSamplesFor(DIL);
774 else
775 it.first->second =
776 Samples->findFunctionSamples(DIL, Remapper: Reader->getRemapper());
777 }
778 return it.first->second;
781/// Check whether the indirect call promotion history of \p Inst allows
782/// the promotion for \p Candidate.
783/// If the profile count for the promotion candidate \p Candidate is
784/// NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM, it means \p Candidate has already been promoted
785/// for \p Inst. If we already have at least MaxNumPromotions
786/// NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM count values in the value profile of \p Inst, we
787/// cannot promote for \p Inst anymore.
788static bool doesHistoryAllowICP(const Instruction &Inst, StringRef Candidate) {
789 uint32_t NumVals = 0;
790 uint64_t TotalCount = 0;
791 std::unique_ptr<InstrProfValueData[]> ValueData =
792 std::make_unique<InstrProfValueData[]>(num: MaxNumPromotions);
793 bool Valid =
794 getValueProfDataFromInst(Inst, ValueKind: IPVK_IndirectCallTarget, MaxNumValueData: MaxNumPromotions,
795 ValueData: ValueData.get(), ActualNumValueData&: NumVals, TotalC&: TotalCount, GetNoICPValue: true);
796 // No valid value profile so no promoted targets have been recorded
797 // before. Ok to do ICP.
798 if (!Valid)
799 return true;
801 unsigned NumPromoted = 0;
802 for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumVals; I++) {
803 if (ValueData[I].Count != NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM)
804 continue;
806 // If the promotion candidate has NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM count in the
807 // metadata, it means the candidate has been promoted for this
808 // indirect call.
809 if (ValueData[I].Value == Function::getGUID(GlobalName: Candidate))
810 return false;
811 NumPromoted++;
812 // If already have MaxNumPromotions promotion, don't do it anymore.
813 if (NumPromoted == MaxNumPromotions)
814 return false;
815 }
816 return true;
819/// Update indirect call target profile metadata for \p Inst.
820/// Usually \p Sum is the sum of counts of all the targets for \p Inst.
821/// If it is 0, it means updateIDTMetaData is used to mark a
822/// certain target to be promoted already. If it is not zero,
823/// we expect to use it to update the total count in the value profile.
824static void
825updateIDTMetaData(Instruction &Inst,
826 const SmallVectorImpl<InstrProfValueData> &CallTargets,
827 uint64_t Sum) {
828 // Bail out early if MaxNumPromotions is zero.
829 // This prevents allocating an array of zero length below.
830 //
831 // Note `updateIDTMetaData` is called in two places so check
832 // `MaxNumPromotions` inside it.
833 if (MaxNumPromotions == 0)
834 return;
835 uint32_t NumVals = 0;
836 // OldSum is the existing total count in the value profile data.
837 uint64_t OldSum = 0;
838 std::unique_ptr<InstrProfValueData[]> ValueData =
839 std::make_unique<InstrProfValueData[]>(num: MaxNumPromotions);
840 bool Valid =
841 getValueProfDataFromInst(Inst, ValueKind: IPVK_IndirectCallTarget, MaxNumValueData: MaxNumPromotions,
842 ValueData: ValueData.get(), ActualNumValueData&: NumVals, TotalC&: OldSum, GetNoICPValue: true);
844 DenseMap<uint64_t, uint64_t> ValueCountMap;
845 if (Sum == 0) {
846 assert((CallTargets.size() == 1 &&
847 CallTargets[0].Count == NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM) &&
848 "If sum is 0, assume only one element in CallTargets "
849 "with count being NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM");
850 // Initialize ValueCountMap with existing value profile data.
851 if (Valid) {
852 for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumVals; I++)
853 ValueCountMap[ValueData[I].Value] = ValueData[I].Count;
854 }
855 auto Pair =
856 ValueCountMap.try_emplace(Key: CallTargets[0].Value, Args: CallTargets[0].Count);
857 // If the target already exists in value profile, decrease the total
858 // count OldSum and reset the target's count to NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM.
859 if (!Pair.second) {
860 OldSum -= Pair.first->second;
861 Pair.first->second = NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM;
862 }
863 Sum = OldSum;
864 } else {
865 // Initialize ValueCountMap with existing NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM
866 // counts in the value profile.
867 if (Valid) {
868 for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumVals; I++) {
869 if (ValueData[I].Count == NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM)
870 ValueCountMap[ValueData[I].Value] = ValueData[I].Count;
871 }
872 }
874 for (const auto &Data : CallTargets) {
875 auto Pair = ValueCountMap.try_emplace(Key: Data.Value, Args: Data.Count);
876 if (Pair.second)
877 continue;
878 // The target represented by Data.Value has already been promoted.
879 // Keep the count as NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM in the profile and decrease
880 // Sum by Data.Count.
881 assert(Sum >= Data.Count && "Sum should never be less than Data.Count");
882 Sum -= Data.Count;
883 }
884 }
886 SmallVector<InstrProfValueData, 8> NewCallTargets;
887 for (const auto &ValueCount : ValueCountMap) {
888 NewCallTargets.emplace_back(
889 Args: InstrProfValueData{.Value: ValueCount.first, .Count: ValueCount.second});
890 }
892 llvm::sort(C&: NewCallTargets,
893 Comp: [](const InstrProfValueData &L, const InstrProfValueData &R) {
894 if (L.Count != R.Count)
895 return L.Count > R.Count;
896 return L.Value > R.Value;
897 });
899 uint32_t MaxMDCount =
900 std::min(a: NewCallTargets.size(), b: static_cast<size_t>(MaxNumPromotions));
901 annotateValueSite(M&: *Inst.getParent()->getParent()->getParent(), Inst,
902 VDs: NewCallTargets, Sum, ValueKind: IPVK_IndirectCallTarget, MaxMDCount);
905/// Attempt to promote indirect call and also inline the promoted call.
907/// \param F Caller function.
908/// \param Candidate ICP and inline candidate.
909/// \param SumOrigin Original sum of target counts for indirect call before
910/// promoting given candidate.
911/// \param Sum Prorated sum of remaining target counts for indirect call
912/// after promoting given candidate.
913/// \param InlinedCallSite Output vector for new call sites exposed after
914/// inlining.
915bool SampleProfileLoader::tryPromoteAndInlineCandidate(
916 Function &F, InlineCandidate &Candidate, uint64_t SumOrigin, uint64_t &Sum,
917 SmallVector<CallBase *, 8> *InlinedCallSite) {
918 // Bail out early if sample-loader inliner is disabled.
919 if (DisableSampleLoaderInlining)
920 return false;
922 // Bail out early if MaxNumPromotions is zero.
923 // This prevents allocating an array of zero length in callees below.
924 if (MaxNumPromotions == 0)
925 return false;
926 auto CalleeFunctionName = Candidate.CalleeSamples->getFunction();
927 auto R = SymbolMap.find(Key: CalleeFunctionName);
928 if (R == SymbolMap.end() || !R->second)
929 return false;
931 auto &CI = *Candidate.CallInstr;
932 if (!doesHistoryAllowICP(Inst: CI, Candidate: R->second->getName()))
933 return false;
935 const char *Reason = "Callee function not available";
936 // R->getValue() != &F is to prevent promoting a recursive call.
937 // If it is a recursive call, we do not inline it as it could bloat
938 // the code exponentially. There is way to better handle this, e.g.
939 // clone the caller first, and inline the cloned caller if it is
940 // recursive. As llvm does not inline recursive calls, we will
941 // simply ignore it instead of handling it explicitly.
942 if (!R->second->isDeclaration() && R->second->getSubprogram() &&
943 R->second->hasFnAttribute(Kind: "use-sample-profile") &&
944 R->second != &F && isLegalToPromote(CB: CI, Callee: R->second, FailureReason: &Reason)) {
945 // For promoted target, set its value with NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM count
946 // in the value profile metadata so the target won't be promoted again.
947 SmallVector<InstrProfValueData, 1> SortedCallTargets = {InstrProfValueData{
948 .Value: Function::getGUID(GlobalName: R->second->getName()), .Count: NOMORE_ICP_MAGICNUM}};
949 updateIDTMetaData(Inst&: CI, CallTargets: SortedCallTargets, Sum: 0);
951 auto *DI = &pgo::promoteIndirectCall(
952 CB&: CI, F: R->second, Count: Candidate.CallsiteCount, TotalCount: Sum, AttachProfToDirectCall: false, ORE);
953 if (DI) {
954 Sum -= Candidate.CallsiteCount;
955 // Do not prorate the indirect callsite distribution since the original
956 // distribution will be used to scale down non-promoted profile target
957 // counts later. By doing this we lose track of the real callsite count
958 // for the leftover indirect callsite as a trade off for accurate call
959 // target counts.
960 // TODO: Ideally we would have two separate factors, one for call site
961 // counts and one is used to prorate call target counts.
962 // Do not update the promoted direct callsite distribution at this
963 // point since the original distribution combined with the callee profile
964 // will be used to prorate callsites from the callee if inlined. Once not
965 // inlined, the direct callsite distribution should be prorated so that
966 // the it will reflect the real callsite counts.
967 Candidate.CallInstr = DI;
968 if (isa<CallInst>(Val: DI) || isa<InvokeInst>(Val: DI)) {
969 bool Inlined = tryInlineCandidate(Candidate, InlinedCallSites: InlinedCallSite);
970 if (!Inlined) {
971 // Prorate the direct callsite distribution so that it reflects real
972 // callsite counts.
973 setProbeDistributionFactor(
974 Inst&: *DI, Factor: static_cast<float>(Candidate.CallsiteCount) / SumOrigin);
975 }
976 return Inlined;
977 }
978 }
979 } else {
980 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nFailed to promote indirect call to "
981 << FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(
982 Candidate.CallInstr->getName())<< " because "
983 << Reason << "\n");
984 }
985 return false;
988bool SampleProfileLoader::shouldInlineColdCallee(CallBase &CallInst) {
989 if (!ProfileSizeInline)
990 return false;
992 Function *Callee = CallInst.getCalledFunction();
993 if (Callee == nullptr)
994 return false;
996 InlineCost Cost = getInlineCost(Call&: CallInst, Params: getInlineParams(), CalleeTTI&: GetTTI(*Callee),
997 GetAssumptionCache: GetAC, GetTLI);
999 if (Cost.isNever())
1000 return false;
1002 if (Cost.isAlways())
1003 return true;
1005 return Cost.getCost() <= SampleColdCallSiteThreshold;
1008void SampleProfileLoader::emitOptimizationRemarksForInlineCandidates(
1009 const SmallVectorImpl<CallBase *> &Candidates, const Function &F,
1010 bool Hot) {
1011 for (auto *I : Candidates) {
1012 Function *CalledFunction = I->getCalledFunction();
1013 if (CalledFunction) {
1014 ORE->emit(OptDiag&: OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(getAnnotatedRemarkPassName(),
1015 "InlineAttempt", I->getDebugLoc(),
1016 I->getParent())
1017 << "previous inlining reattempted for "
1018 << (Hot ? "hotness: '" : "size: '")
1019 << ore::NV("Callee", CalledFunction) << "' into '"
1020 << ore::NV("Caller", &F) << "'");
1021 }
1022 }
1025void SampleProfileLoader::findExternalInlineCandidate(
1026 CallBase *CB, const FunctionSamples *Samples,
1027 DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &InlinedGUIDs, uint64_t Threshold) {
1029 // If ExternalInlineAdvisor(ReplayInlineAdvisor) wants to inline an external
1030 // function make sure it's imported
1031 if (CB && getExternalInlineAdvisorShouldInline(CB&: *CB)) {
1032 // Samples may not exist for replayed function, if so
1033 // just add the direct GUID and move on
1034 if (!Samples) {
1035 InlinedGUIDs.insert(
1036 V: Function::getGUID(GlobalName: CB->getCalledFunction()->getName()));
1037 return;
1038 }
1039 // Otherwise, drop the threshold to import everything that we can
1040 Threshold = 0;
1041 }
1043 // In some rare cases, call instruction could be changed after being pushed
1044 // into inline candidate queue, this is because earlier inlining may expose
1045 // constant propagation which can change indirect call to direct call. When
1046 // this happens, we may fail to find matching function samples for the
1047 // candidate later, even if a match was found when the candidate was enqueued.
1048 if (!Samples)
1049 return;
1051 // For AutoFDO profile, retrieve candidate profiles by walking over
1052 // the nested inlinee profiles.
1053 if (!FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS) {
1054 // Set threshold to zero to honor pre-inliner decision.
1055 if (UsePreInlinerDecision)
1056 Threshold = 0;
1057 Samples->findInlinedFunctions(S&: InlinedGUIDs, SymbolMap, Threshold);
1058 return;
1059 }
1061 ContextTrieNode *Caller = ContextTracker->getContextNodeForProfile(FSamples: Samples);
1062 std::queue<ContextTrieNode *> CalleeList;
1063 CalleeList.push(x: Caller);
1064 while (!CalleeList.empty()) {
1065 ContextTrieNode *Node = CalleeList.front();
1066 CalleeList.pop();
1067 FunctionSamples *CalleeSample = Node->getFunctionSamples();
1068 // For CSSPGO profile, retrieve candidate profile by walking over the
1069 // trie built for context profile. Note that also take call targets
1070 // even if callee doesn't have a corresponding context profile.
1071 if (!CalleeSample)
1072 continue;
1074 // If pre-inliner decision is used, honor that for importing as well.
1075 bool PreInline =
1076 UsePreInlinerDecision &&
1077 CalleeSample->getContext().hasAttribute(A: ContextShouldBeInlined);
1078 if (!PreInline && CalleeSample->getHeadSamplesEstimate() < Threshold)
1079 continue;
1081 Function *Func = SymbolMap.lookup(Key: CalleeSample->getFunction());
1082 // Add to the import list only when it's defined out of module.
1083 if (!Func || Func->isDeclaration())
1084 InlinedGUIDs.insert(V: CalleeSample->getGUID());
1086 // Import hot CallTargets, which may not be available in IR because full
1087 // profile annotation cannot be done until backend compilation in ThinLTO.
1088 for (const auto &BS : CalleeSample->getBodySamples())
1089 for (const auto &TS : BS.second.getCallTargets())
1090 if (TS.second > Threshold) {
1091 const Function *Callee = SymbolMap.lookup(Key: TS.first);
1092 if (!Callee || Callee->isDeclaration())
1093 InlinedGUIDs.insert(V: TS.first.getHashCode());
1094 }
1096 // Import hot child context profile associted with callees. Note that this
1097 // may have some overlap with the call target loop above, but doing this
1098 // based child context profile again effectively allow us to use the max of
1099 // entry count and call target count to determine importing.
1100 for (auto &Child : Node->getAllChildContext()) {
1101 ContextTrieNode *CalleeNode = &Child.second;
1102 CalleeList.push(x: CalleeNode);
1103 }
1104 }
1107/// Iteratively inline hot callsites of a function.
1109/// Iteratively traverse all callsites of the function \p F, so as to
1110/// find out callsites with corresponding inline instances.
1112/// For such callsites,
1113/// - If it is hot enough, inline the callsites and adds callsites of the callee
1114/// into the caller. If the call is an indirect call, first promote
1115/// it to direct call. Each indirect call is limited with a single target.
1117/// - If a callsite is not inlined, merge the its profile to the outline
1118/// version (if --sample-profile-merge-inlinee is true), or scale the
1119/// counters of standalone function based on the profile of inlined
1120/// instances (if --sample-profile-merge-inlinee is false).
1122/// Later passes may consume the updated profiles.
1124/// \param F function to perform iterative inlining.
1125/// \param InlinedGUIDs a set to be updated to include all GUIDs that are
1126/// inlined in the profiled binary.
1128/// \returns True if there is any inline happened.
1129bool SampleProfileLoader::inlineHotFunctions(
1130 Function &F, DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &InlinedGUIDs) {
1131 // ProfAccForSymsInList is used in callsiteIsHot. The assertion makes sure
1132 // Profile symbol list is ignored when profile-sample-accurate is on.
1133 assert((!ProfAccForSymsInList ||
1134 (!ProfileSampleAccurate &&
1135 !F.hasFnAttribute("profile-sample-accurate"))) &&
1136 "ProfAccForSymsInList should be false when profile-sample-accurate "
1137 "is enabled");
1139 MapVector<CallBase *, const FunctionSamples *> LocalNotInlinedCallSites;
1140 bool Changed = false;
1141 bool LocalChanged = true;
1142 while (LocalChanged) {
1143 LocalChanged = false;
1144 SmallVector<CallBase *, 10> CIS;
1145 for (auto &BB : F) {
1146 bool Hot = false;
1147 SmallVector<CallBase *, 10> AllCandidates;
1148 SmallVector<CallBase *, 10> ColdCandidates;
1149 for (auto &I : BB) {
1150 const FunctionSamples *FS = nullptr;
1151 if (auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(Val: &I)) {
1152 if (!isa<IntrinsicInst>(Val: I)) {
1153 if ((FS = findCalleeFunctionSamples(Inst: *CB))) {
1154 assert((!FunctionSamples::UseMD5 || FS->GUIDToFuncNameMap) &&
1155 "GUIDToFuncNameMap has to be populated");
1156 AllCandidates.push_back(Elt: CB);
1157 if (FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate() > 0 ||
1158 FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
1159 LocalNotInlinedCallSites.insert(KV: {CB, FS});
1160 if (callsiteIsHot(CallsiteFS: FS, PSI, ProfAccForSymsInList))
1161 Hot = true;
1162 else if (shouldInlineColdCallee(CallInst&: *CB))
1163 ColdCandidates.push_back(Elt: CB);
1164 } else if (getExternalInlineAdvisorShouldInline(CB&: *CB)) {
1165 AllCandidates.push_back(Elt: CB);
1166 }
1167 }
1168 }
1169 }
1170 if (Hot || ExternalInlineAdvisor) {
1171 CIS.insert(I: CIS.begin(), From: AllCandidates.begin(), To: AllCandidates.end());
1172 emitOptimizationRemarksForInlineCandidates(Candidates: AllCandidates, F, Hot: true);
1173 } else {
1174 CIS.insert(I: CIS.begin(), From: ColdCandidates.begin(), To: ColdCandidates.end());
1175 emitOptimizationRemarksForInlineCandidates(Candidates: ColdCandidates, F, Hot: false);
1176 }
1177 }
1178 for (CallBase *I : CIS) {
1179 Function *CalledFunction = I->getCalledFunction();
1180 InlineCandidate Candidate = {.CallInstr: I, .CalleeSamples: LocalNotInlinedCallSites.lookup(Key: I),
1181 .CallsiteCount: 0 /* dummy count */,
1182 .CallsiteDistribution: 1.0 /* dummy distribution factor */};
1183 // Do not inline recursive calls.
1184 if (CalledFunction == &F)
1185 continue;
1186 if (I->isIndirectCall()) {
1187 uint64_t Sum;
1188 for (const auto *FS : findIndirectCallFunctionSamples(Inst: *I, Sum)) {
1189 uint64_t SumOrigin = Sum;
1190 if (LTOPhase == ThinOrFullLTOPhase::ThinLTOPreLink) {
1191 findExternalInlineCandidate(CB: I, Samples: FS, InlinedGUIDs,
1192 Threshold: PSI->getOrCompHotCountThreshold());
1193 continue;
1194 }
1195 if (!callsiteIsHot(CallsiteFS: FS, PSI, ProfAccForSymsInList))
1196 continue;
1198 Candidate = {.CallInstr: I, .CalleeSamples: FS, .CallsiteCount: FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate(), .CallsiteDistribution: 1.0};
1199 if (tryPromoteAndInlineCandidate(F, Candidate, SumOrigin, Sum)) {
1200 LocalNotInlinedCallSites.erase(Key: I);
1201 LocalChanged = true;
1202 }
1203 }
1204 } else if (CalledFunction && CalledFunction->getSubprogram() &&
1205 !CalledFunction->isDeclaration()) {
1206 if (tryInlineCandidate(Candidate)) {
1207 LocalNotInlinedCallSites.erase(Key: I);
1208 LocalChanged = true;
1209 }
1210 } else if (LTOPhase == ThinOrFullLTOPhase::ThinLTOPreLink) {
1211 findExternalInlineCandidate(CB: I, Samples: findCalleeFunctionSamples(Inst: *I),
1212 InlinedGUIDs,
1213 Threshold: PSI->getOrCompHotCountThreshold());
1214 }
1215 }
1216 Changed |= LocalChanged;
1217 }
1219 // For CS profile, profile for not inlined context will be merged when
1220 // base profile is being retrieved.
1221 if (!FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
1222 promoteMergeNotInlinedContextSamples(NonInlinedCallSites: LocalNotInlinedCallSites, F);
1223 return Changed;
1226bool SampleProfileLoader::tryInlineCandidate(
1227 InlineCandidate &Candidate, SmallVector<CallBase *, 8> *InlinedCallSites) {
1228 // Do not attempt to inline a candidate if
1229 // --disable-sample-loader-inlining is true.
1230 if (DisableSampleLoaderInlining)
1231 return false;
1233 CallBase &CB = *Candidate.CallInstr;
1234 Function *CalledFunction = CB.getCalledFunction();
1235 assert(CalledFunction && "Expect a callee with definition");
1236 DebugLoc DLoc = CB.getDebugLoc();
1237 BasicBlock *BB = CB.getParent();
1239 InlineCost Cost = shouldInlineCandidate(Candidate);
1240 if (Cost.isNever()) {
1241 ORE->emit(OptDiag&: OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(getAnnotatedRemarkPassName(),
1242 "InlineFail", DLoc, BB)
1243 << "incompatible inlining");
1244 return false;
1245 }
1247 if (!Cost)
1248 return false;
1250 InlineFunctionInfo IFI(GetAC);
1251 IFI.UpdateProfile = false;
1252 InlineResult IR = InlineFunction(CB, IFI,
1253 /*MergeAttributes=*/true);
1254 if (!IR.isSuccess())
1255 return false;
1257 // The call to InlineFunction erases I, so we can't pass it here.
1258 emitInlinedIntoBasedOnCost(ORE&: *ORE, DLoc, Block: BB, Callee: *CalledFunction, Caller: *BB->getParent(),
1259 IC: Cost, ForProfileContext: true, PassName: getAnnotatedRemarkPassName());
1261 // Now populate the list of newly exposed call sites.
1262 if (InlinedCallSites) {
1263 InlinedCallSites->clear();
1264 for (auto &I : IFI.InlinedCallSites)
1265 InlinedCallSites->push_back(Elt: I);
1266 }
1268 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
1269 ContextTracker->markContextSamplesInlined(InlinedSamples: Candidate.CalleeSamples);
1270 ++NumCSInlined;
1272 // Prorate inlined probes for a duplicated inlining callsite which probably
1273 // has a distribution less than 100%. Samples for an inlinee should be
1274 // distributed among the copies of the original callsite based on each
1275 // callsite's distribution factor for counts accuracy. Note that an inlined
1276 // probe may come with its own distribution factor if it has been duplicated
1277 // in the inlinee body. The two factor are multiplied to reflect the
1278 // aggregation of duplication.
1279 if (Candidate.CallsiteDistribution < 1) {
1280 for (auto &I : IFI.InlinedCallSites) {
1281 if (std::optional<PseudoProbe> Probe = extractProbe(Inst: *I))
1282 setProbeDistributionFactor(Inst&: *I, Factor: Probe->Factor *
1283 Candidate.CallsiteDistribution);
1284 }
1285 NumDuplicatedInlinesite++;
1286 }
1288 return true;
1291bool SampleProfileLoader::getInlineCandidate(InlineCandidate *NewCandidate,
1292 CallBase *CB) {
1293 assert(CB && "Expect non-null call instruction");
1295 if (isa<IntrinsicInst>(Val: CB))
1296 return false;
1298 // Find the callee's profile. For indirect call, find hottest target profile.
1299 const FunctionSamples *CalleeSamples = findCalleeFunctionSamples(Inst: *CB);
1300 // If ExternalInlineAdvisor wants to inline this site, do so even
1301 // if Samples are not present.
1302 if (!CalleeSamples && !getExternalInlineAdvisorShouldInline(CB&: *CB))
1303 return false;
1305 float Factor = 1.0;
1306 if (std::optional<PseudoProbe> Probe = extractProbe(Inst: *CB))
1307 Factor = Probe->Factor;
1309 uint64_t CallsiteCount =
1310 CalleeSamples ? CalleeSamples->getHeadSamplesEstimate() * Factor : 0;
1311 *NewCandidate = {.CallInstr: CB, .CalleeSamples: CalleeSamples, .CallsiteCount: CallsiteCount, .CallsiteDistribution: Factor};
1312 return true;
1316SampleProfileLoader::getExternalInlineAdvisorCost(CallBase &CB) {
1317 std::unique_ptr<InlineAdvice> Advice = nullptr;
1318 if (ExternalInlineAdvisor) {
1319 Advice = ExternalInlineAdvisor->getAdvice(CB);
1320 if (Advice) {
1321 if (!Advice->isInliningRecommended()) {
1322 Advice->recordUnattemptedInlining();
1323 return InlineCost::getNever(Reason: "not previously inlined");
1324 }
1325 Advice->recordInlining();
1326 return InlineCost::getAlways(Reason: "previously inlined");
1327 }
1328 }
1330 return {};
1333bool SampleProfileLoader::getExternalInlineAdvisorShouldInline(CallBase &CB) {
1334 std::optional<InlineCost> Cost = getExternalInlineAdvisorCost(CB);
1335 return Cost ? !!*Cost : false;
1339SampleProfileLoader::shouldInlineCandidate(InlineCandidate &Candidate) {
1340 if (std::optional<InlineCost> ReplayCost =
1341 getExternalInlineAdvisorCost(CB&: *Candidate.CallInstr))
1342 return *ReplayCost;
1343 // Adjust threshold based on call site hotness, only do this for callsite
1344 // prioritized inliner because otherwise cost-benefit check is done earlier.
1345 int SampleThreshold = SampleColdCallSiteThreshold;
1346 if (CallsitePrioritizedInline) {
1347 if (Candidate.CallsiteCount > PSI->getHotCountThreshold())
1348 SampleThreshold = SampleHotCallSiteThreshold;
1349 else if (!ProfileSizeInline)
1350 return InlineCost::getNever(Reason: "cold callsite");
1351 }
1353 Function *Callee = Candidate.CallInstr->getCalledFunction();
1354 assert(Callee && "Expect a definition for inline candidate of direct call");
1356 InlineParams Params = getInlineParams();
1357 // We will ignore the threshold from inline cost, so always get full cost.
1358 Params.ComputeFullInlineCost = true;
1359 Params.AllowRecursiveCall = AllowRecursiveInline;
1360 // Checks if there is anything in the reachable portion of the callee at
1361 // this callsite that makes this inlining potentially illegal. Need to
1362 // set ComputeFullInlineCost, otherwise getInlineCost may return early
1363 // when cost exceeds threshold without checking all IRs in the callee.
1364 // The acutal cost does not matter because we only checks isNever() to
1365 // see if it is legal to inline the callsite.
1366 InlineCost Cost = getInlineCost(Call&: *Candidate.CallInstr, Callee, Params,
1367 CalleeTTI&: GetTTI(*Callee), GetAssumptionCache: GetAC, GetTLI);
1369 // Honor always inline and never inline from call analyzer
1370 if (Cost.isNever() || Cost.isAlways())
1371 return Cost;
1373 // With CSSPGO, the preinliner in llvm-profgen can estimate global inline
1374 // decisions based on hotness as well as accurate function byte sizes for
1375 // given context using function/inlinee sizes from previous build. It
1376 // stores the decision in profile, and also adjust/merge context profile
1377 // aiming at better context-sensitive post-inline profile quality, assuming
1378 // all inline decision estimates are going to be honored by compiler. Here
1379 // we replay that inline decision under `sample-profile-use-preinliner`.
1380 // Note that we don't need to handle negative decision from preinliner as
1381 // context profile for not inlined calls are merged by preinliner already.
1382 if (UsePreInlinerDecision && Candidate.CalleeSamples) {
1383 // Once two node are merged due to promotion, we're losing some context
1384 // so the original context-sensitive preinliner decision should be ignored
1385 // for SyntheticContext.
1386 SampleContext &Context = Candidate.CalleeSamples->getContext();
1387 if (!Context.hasState(S: SyntheticContext) &&
1388 Context.hasAttribute(A: ContextShouldBeInlined))
1389 return InlineCost::getAlways(Reason: "preinliner");
1390 }
1392 // For old FDO inliner, we inline the call site as long as cost is not
1393 // "Never". The cost-benefit check is done earlier.
1394 if (!CallsitePrioritizedInline) {
1395 return InlineCost::get(Cost: Cost.getCost(), INT_MAX);
1396 }
1398 // Otherwise only use the cost from call analyzer, but overwite threshold with
1399 // Sample PGO threshold.
1400 return InlineCost::get(Cost: Cost.getCost(), Threshold: SampleThreshold);
1403bool SampleProfileLoader::inlineHotFunctionsWithPriority(
1404 Function &F, DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &InlinedGUIDs) {
1405 // ProfAccForSymsInList is used in callsiteIsHot. The assertion makes sure
1406 // Profile symbol list is ignored when profile-sample-accurate is on.
1407 assert((!ProfAccForSymsInList ||
1408 (!ProfileSampleAccurate &&
1409 !F.hasFnAttribute("profile-sample-accurate"))) &&
1410 "ProfAccForSymsInList should be false when profile-sample-accurate "
1411 "is enabled");
1413 // Populating worklist with initial call sites from root inliner, along
1414 // with call site weights.
1415 CandidateQueue CQueue;
1416 InlineCandidate NewCandidate;
1417 for (auto &BB : F) {
1418 for (auto &I : BB) {
1419 auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(Val: &I);
1420 if (!CB)
1421 continue;
1422 if (getInlineCandidate(NewCandidate: &NewCandidate, CB))
1423 CQueue.push(x: NewCandidate);
1424 }
1425 }
1427 // Cap the size growth from profile guided inlining. This is needed even
1428 // though cost of each inline candidate already accounts for callee size,
1429 // because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly
1430 // with large number of smaller inlinees each pass the cost check.
1431 assert(ProfileInlineLimitMax >= ProfileInlineLimitMin &&
1432 "Max inline size limit should not be smaller than min inline size "
1433 "limit.");
1434 unsigned SizeLimit = F.getInstructionCount() * ProfileInlineGrowthLimit;
1435 SizeLimit = std::min(a: SizeLimit, b: (unsigned)ProfileInlineLimitMax);
1436 SizeLimit = std::max(a: SizeLimit, b: (unsigned)ProfileInlineLimitMin);
1437 if (ExternalInlineAdvisor)
1438 SizeLimit = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
1440 MapVector<CallBase *, const FunctionSamples *> LocalNotInlinedCallSites;
1442 // Perform iterative BFS call site prioritized inlining
1443 bool Changed = false;
1444 while (!CQueue.empty() && F.getInstructionCount() < SizeLimit) {
1445 InlineCandidate Candidate = CQueue.top();
1446 CQueue.pop();
1447 CallBase *I = Candidate.CallInstr;
1448 Function *CalledFunction = I->getCalledFunction();
1450 if (CalledFunction == &F)
1451 continue;
1452 if (I->isIndirectCall()) {
1453 uint64_t Sum = 0;
1454 auto CalleeSamples = findIndirectCallFunctionSamples(Inst: *I, Sum);
1455 uint64_t SumOrigin = Sum;
1456 Sum *= Candidate.CallsiteDistribution;
1457 unsigned ICPCount = 0;
1458 for (const auto *FS : CalleeSamples) {
1459 // TODO: Consider disable pre-lTO ICP for MonoLTO as well
1460 if (LTOPhase == ThinOrFullLTOPhase::ThinLTOPreLink) {
1461 findExternalInlineCandidate(CB: I, Samples: FS, InlinedGUIDs,
1462 Threshold: PSI->getOrCompHotCountThreshold());
1463 continue;
1464 }
1465 uint64_t EntryCountDistributed =
1466 FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate() * Candidate.CallsiteDistribution;
1467 // In addition to regular inline cost check, we also need to make sure
1468 // ICP isn't introducing excessive speculative checks even if individual
1469 // target looks beneficial to promote and inline. That means we should
1470 // only do ICP when there's a small number dominant targets.
1471 if (ICPCount >= ProfileICPRelativeHotnessSkip &&
1472 EntryCountDistributed * 100 < SumOrigin * ProfileICPRelativeHotness)
1473 break;
1474 // TODO: Fix CallAnalyzer to handle all indirect calls.
1475 // For indirect call, we don't run CallAnalyzer to get InlineCost
1476 // before actual inlining. This is because we could see two different
1477 // types from the same definition, which makes CallAnalyzer choke as
1478 // it's expecting matching parameter type on both caller and callee
1479 // side. See example from PR18962 for the triggering cases (the bug was
1480 // fixed, but we generate different types).
1481 if (!PSI->isHotCount(C: EntryCountDistributed))
1482 break;
1483 SmallVector<CallBase *, 8> InlinedCallSites;
1484 // Attach function profile for promoted indirect callee, and update
1485 // call site count for the promoted inline candidate too.
1486 Candidate = {.CallInstr: I, .CalleeSamples: FS, .CallsiteCount: EntryCountDistributed,
1487 .CallsiteDistribution: Candidate.CallsiteDistribution};
1488 if (tryPromoteAndInlineCandidate(F, Candidate, SumOrigin, Sum,
1489 InlinedCallSite: &InlinedCallSites)) {
1490 for (auto *CB : InlinedCallSites) {
1491 if (getInlineCandidate(NewCandidate: &NewCandidate, CB))
1492 CQueue.emplace(args&: NewCandidate);
1493 }
1494 ICPCount++;
1495 Changed = true;
1496 } else if (!ContextTracker) {
1497 LocalNotInlinedCallSites.insert(KV: {I, FS});
1498 }
1499 }
1500 } else if (CalledFunction && CalledFunction->getSubprogram() &&
1501 !CalledFunction->isDeclaration()) {
1502 SmallVector<CallBase *, 8> InlinedCallSites;
1503 if (tryInlineCandidate(Candidate, InlinedCallSites: &InlinedCallSites)) {
1504 for (auto *CB : InlinedCallSites) {
1505 if (getInlineCandidate(NewCandidate: &NewCandidate, CB))
1506 CQueue.emplace(args&: NewCandidate);
1507 }
1508 Changed = true;
1509 } else if (!ContextTracker) {
1510 LocalNotInlinedCallSites.insert(KV: {I, Candidate.CalleeSamples});
1511 }
1512 } else if (LTOPhase == ThinOrFullLTOPhase::ThinLTOPreLink) {
1513 findExternalInlineCandidate(CB: I, Samples: findCalleeFunctionSamples(Inst: *I),
1514 InlinedGUIDs,
1515 Threshold: PSI->getOrCompHotCountThreshold());
1516 }
1517 }
1519 if (!CQueue.empty()) {
1520 if (SizeLimit == (unsigned)ProfileInlineLimitMax)
1521 ++NumCSInlinedHitMaxLimit;
1522 else if (SizeLimit == (unsigned)ProfileInlineLimitMin)
1523 ++NumCSInlinedHitMinLimit;
1524 else
1525 ++NumCSInlinedHitGrowthLimit;
1526 }
1528 // For CS profile, profile for not inlined context will be merged when
1529 // base profile is being retrieved.
1530 if (!FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
1531 promoteMergeNotInlinedContextSamples(NonInlinedCallSites: LocalNotInlinedCallSites, F);
1532 return Changed;
1535void SampleProfileLoader::promoteMergeNotInlinedContextSamples(
1536 MapVector<CallBase *, const FunctionSamples *> NonInlinedCallSites,
1537 const Function &F) {
1538 // Accumulate not inlined callsite information into notInlinedSamples
1539 for (const auto &Pair : NonInlinedCallSites) {
1540 CallBase *I = Pair.first;
1541 Function *Callee = I->getCalledFunction();
1542 if (!Callee || Callee->isDeclaration())
1543 continue;
1545 ORE->emit(
1546 OptDiag&: OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(getAnnotatedRemarkPassName(), "NotInline",
1547 I->getDebugLoc(), I->getParent())
1548 << "previous inlining not repeated: '" << ore::NV("Callee", Callee)
1549 << "' into '" << ore::NV("Caller", &F) << "'");
1551 ++NumCSNotInlined;
1552 const FunctionSamples *FS = Pair.second;
1553 if (FS->getTotalSamples() == 0 && FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate() == 0) {
1554 continue;
1555 }
1557 // Do not merge a context that is already duplicated into the base profile.
1558 if (FS->getContext().hasAttribute(A: sampleprof::ContextDuplicatedIntoBase))
1559 continue;
1561 if (ProfileMergeInlinee) {
1562 // A function call can be replicated by optimizations like callsite
1563 // splitting or jump threading and the replicates end up sharing the
1564 // sample nested callee profile instead of slicing the original
1565 // inlinee's profile. We want to do merge exactly once by filtering out
1566 // callee profiles with a non-zero head sample count.
1567 if (FS->getHeadSamples() == 0) {
1568 // Use entry samples as head samples during the merge, as inlinees
1569 // don't have head samples.
1570 const_cast<FunctionSamples *>(FS)->addHeadSamples(
1571 Num: FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate());
1573 // Note that we have to do the merge right after processing function.
1574 // This allows OutlineFS's profile to be used for annotation during
1575 // top-down processing of functions' annotation.
1576 FunctionSamples *OutlineFS = Reader->getSamplesFor(F: *Callee);
1577 // If outlined function does not exist in the profile, add it to a
1578 // separate map so that it does not rehash the original profile.
1579 if (!OutlineFS)
1580 OutlineFS = &OutlineFunctionSamples[
1581 FunctionId(FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(FnName: Callee->getName()))];
1582 OutlineFS->merge(Other: *FS, Weight: 1);
1583 // Set outlined profile to be synthetic to not bias the inliner.
1584 OutlineFS->SetContextSynthetic();
1585 }
1586 } else {
1587 auto pair =
1588 notInlinedCallInfo.try_emplace(Key: Callee, Args: NotInlinedProfileInfo{.entryCount: 0});
1589 pair.first->second.entryCount += FS->getHeadSamplesEstimate();
1590 }
1591 }
1594/// Returns the sorted CallTargetMap \p M by count in descending order.
1595static SmallVector<InstrProfValueData, 2>
1596GetSortedValueDataFromCallTargets(const SampleRecord::CallTargetMap &M) {
1597 SmallVector<InstrProfValueData, 2> R;
1598 for (const auto &I : SampleRecord::SortCallTargets(Targets: M)) {
1599 R.emplace_back(
1600 Args: InstrProfValueData{.Value: I.first.getHashCode(), .Count: I.second});
1601 }
1602 return R;
1605// Generate MD_prof metadata for every branch instruction using the
1606// edge weights computed during propagation.
1607void SampleProfileLoader::generateMDProfMetadata(Function &F) {
1608 // Generate MD_prof metadata for every branch instruction using the
1609 // edge weights computed during propagation.
1610 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nPropagation complete. Setting branch weights\n");
1611 LLVMContext &Ctx = F.getContext();
1612 MDBuilder MDB(Ctx);
1613 for (auto &BI : F) {
1614 BasicBlock *BB = &BI;
1616 if (BlockWeights[BB]) {
1617 for (auto &I : *BB) {
1618 if (!isa<CallInst>(Val: I) && !isa<InvokeInst>(Val: I))
1619 continue;
1620 if (!cast<CallBase>(Val&: I).getCalledFunction()) {
1621 const DebugLoc &DLoc = I.getDebugLoc();
1622 if (!DLoc)
1623 continue;
1624 const DILocation *DIL = DLoc;
1625 const FunctionSamples *FS = findFunctionSamples(Inst: I);
1626 if (!FS)
1627 continue;
1628 auto CallSite = FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL);
1629 ErrorOr<SampleRecord::CallTargetMap> T =
1630 FS->findCallTargetMapAt(CallSite);
1631 if (!T || T.get().empty())
1632 continue;
1633 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsProbeBased) {
1634 // Prorate the callsite counts based on the pre-ICP distribution
1635 // factor to reflect what is already done to the callsite before
1636 // ICP, such as calliste cloning.
1637 if (std::optional<PseudoProbe> Probe = extractProbe(Inst: I)) {
1638 if (Probe->Factor < 1)
1639 T = SampleRecord::adjustCallTargets(Targets: T.get(), DistributionFactor: Probe->Factor);
1640 }
1641 }
1642 SmallVector<InstrProfValueData, 2> SortedCallTargets =
1643 GetSortedValueDataFromCallTargets(M: T.get());
1644 uint64_t Sum = 0;
1645 for (const auto &C : T.get())
1646 Sum += C.second;
1647 // With CSSPGO all indirect call targets are counted torwards the
1648 // original indirect call site in the profile, including both
1649 // inlined and non-inlined targets.
1650 if (!FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS) {
1651 if (const FunctionSamplesMap *M =
1652 FS->findFunctionSamplesMapAt(Loc: CallSite)) {
1653 for (const auto &NameFS : *M)
1654 Sum += NameFS.second.getHeadSamplesEstimate();
1655 }
1656 }
1657 if (Sum)
1658 updateIDTMetaData(Inst&: I, CallTargets: SortedCallTargets, Sum);
1659 else if (OverwriteExistingWeights)
1660 I.setMetadata(KindID: LLVMContext::MD_prof, Node: nullptr);
1661 } else if (!isa<IntrinsicInst>(Val: &I)) {
1662 setBranchWeights(I, Weights: {static_cast<uint32_t>(BlockWeights[BB])});
1663 }
1664 }
1665 } else if (OverwriteExistingWeights || ProfileSampleBlockAccurate) {
1666 // Set profile metadata (possibly annotated by LTO prelink) to zero or
1667 // clear it for cold code.
1668 for (auto &I : *BB) {
1669 if (isa<CallInst>(Val: I) || isa<InvokeInst>(Val: I)) {
1670 if (cast<CallBase>(Val&: I).isIndirectCall()) {
1671 I.setMetadata(KindID: LLVMContext::MD_prof, Node: nullptr);
1672 } else {
1673 setBranchWeights(I, Weights: {uint32_t(0)});
1674 }
1675 }
1676 }
1677 }
1679 Instruction *TI = BB->getTerminator();
1680 if (TI->getNumSuccessors() == 1)
1681 continue;
1682 if (!isa<BranchInst>(Val: TI) && !isa<SwitchInst>(Val: TI) &&
1683 !isa<IndirectBrInst>(Val: TI))
1684 continue;
1686 DebugLoc BranchLoc = TI->getDebugLoc();
1687 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nGetting weights for branch at line "
1688 << ((BranchLoc) ? Twine(BranchLoc.getLine())
1689 : Twine("<UNKNOWN LOCATION>"))
1690 << ".\n");
1691 SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> Weights;
1692 uint32_t MaxWeight = 0;
1693 Instruction *MaxDestInst;
1694 // Since profi treats multiple edges (multiway branches) as a single edge,
1695 // we need to distribute the computed weight among the branches. We do
1696 // this by evenly splitting the edge weight among destinations.
1697 DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, uint64_t> EdgeMultiplicity;
1698 std::vector<uint64_t> EdgeIndex;
1699 if (SampleProfileUseProfi) {
1700 EdgeIndex.resize(new_size: TI->getNumSuccessors());
1701 for (unsigned I = 0; I < TI->getNumSuccessors(); ++I) {
1702 const BasicBlock *Succ = TI->getSuccessor(Idx: I);
1703 EdgeIndex[I] = EdgeMultiplicity[Succ];
1704 EdgeMultiplicity[Succ]++;
1705 }
1706 }
1707 for (unsigned I = 0; I < TI->getNumSuccessors(); ++I) {
1708 BasicBlock *Succ = TI->getSuccessor(Idx: I);
1709 Edge E = std::make_pair(x&: BB, y&: Succ);
1710 uint64_t Weight = EdgeWeights[E];
1711 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t"; printEdgeWeight(dbgs(), E));
1712 // Use uint32_t saturated arithmetic to adjust the incoming weights,
1713 // if needed. Sample counts in profiles are 64-bit unsigned values,
1714 // but internally branch weights are expressed as 32-bit values.
1715 if (Weight > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
1716 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " (saturated due to uint32_t overflow)");
1717 Weight = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
1718 }
1719 if (!SampleProfileUseProfi) {
1720 // Weight is added by one to avoid propagation errors introduced by
1721 // 0 weights.
1722 Weights.push_back(Elt: static_cast<uint32_t>(Weight + 1));
1723 } else {
1724 // Profi creates proper weights that do not require "+1" adjustments but
1725 // we evenly split the weight among branches with the same destination.
1726 uint64_t W = Weight / EdgeMultiplicity[Succ];
1727 // Rounding up, if needed, so that first branches are hotter.
1728 if (EdgeIndex[I] < Weight % EdgeMultiplicity[Succ])
1729 W++;
1730 Weights.push_back(Elt: static_cast<uint32_t>(W));
1731 }
1732 if (Weight != 0) {
1733 if (Weight > MaxWeight) {
1734 MaxWeight = Weight;
1735 MaxDestInst = Succ->getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime();
1736 }
1737 }
1738 }
1740 misexpect::checkExpectAnnotations(I&: *TI, ExistingWeights: Weights, /*IsFrontend=*/false);
1742 uint64_t TempWeight;
1743 // Only set weights if there is at least one non-zero weight.
1744 // In any other case, let the analyzer set weights.
1745 // Do not set weights if the weights are present unless under
1746 // OverwriteExistingWeights. In ThinLTO, the profile annotation is done
1747 // twice. If the first annotation already set the weights, the second pass
1748 // does not need to set it. With OverwriteExistingWeights, Blocks with zero
1749 // weight should have their existing metadata (possibly annotated by LTO
1750 // prelink) cleared.
1751 if (MaxWeight > 0 &&
1752 (!TI->extractProfTotalWeight(TotalVal&: TempWeight) || OverwriteExistingWeights)) {
1753 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "SUCCESS. Found non-zero weights.\n");
1754 setBranchWeights(I&: *TI, Weights);
1755 ORE->emit(RemarkBuilder: [&]() {
1756 return OptimizationRemark(DEBUG_TYPE, "PopularDest", MaxDestInst)
1757 << "most popular destination for conditional branches at "
1758 << ore::NV("CondBranchesLoc", BranchLoc);
1759 });
1760 } else {
1761 if (OverwriteExistingWeights) {
1762 TI->setMetadata(KindID: LLVMContext::MD_prof, Node: nullptr);
1763 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "CLEARED. All branch weights are zero.\n");
1764 } else {
1765 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "SKIPPED. All branch weights are zero.\n");
1766 }
1767 }
1768 }
1771/// Once all the branch weights are computed, we emit the MD_prof
1772/// metadata on BB using the computed values for each of its branches.
1774/// \param F The function to query.
1776/// \returns true if \p F was modified. Returns false, otherwise.
1777bool SampleProfileLoader::emitAnnotations(Function &F) {
1778 bool Changed = false;
1780 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsProbeBased) {
1782 if (!ProbeManager->getDesc(F))
1783 dbgs() << "Probe descriptor missing for Function " << F.getName()
1784 << "\n";
1785 });
1787 if (ProbeManager->profileIsValid(F, Samples: *Samples)) {
1788 ++NumMatchedProfile;
1789 } else {
1790 ++NumMismatchedProfile;
1792 dbgs() << "Profile is invalid due to CFG mismatch for Function "
1793 << F.getName() << "\n");
1794 if (!SalvageStaleProfile)
1795 return false;
1796 }
1797 } else {
1798 if (getFunctionLoc(F) == 0)
1799 return false;
1801 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Line number for the first instruction in "
1802 << F.getName() << ": " << getFunctionLoc(F) << "\n");
1803 }
1805 DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> InlinedGUIDs;
1806 if (CallsitePrioritizedInline)
1807 Changed |= inlineHotFunctionsWithPriority(F, InlinedGUIDs);
1808 else
1809 Changed |= inlineHotFunctions(F, InlinedGUIDs);
1811 Changed |= computeAndPropagateWeights(F, InlinedGUIDs);
1813 if (Changed)
1814 generateMDProfMetadata(F);
1816 emitCoverageRemarks(F);
1817 return Changed;
1821SampleProfileLoader::buildProfiledCallGraph(Module &M) {
1822 std::unique_ptr<ProfiledCallGraph> ProfiledCG;
1823 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
1824 ProfiledCG = std::make_unique<ProfiledCallGraph>(args&: *ContextTracker);
1825 else
1826 ProfiledCG = std::make_unique<ProfiledCallGraph>(args&: Reader->getProfiles());
1828 // Add all functions into the profiled call graph even if they are not in
1829 // the profile. This makes sure functions missing from the profile still
1830 // gets a chance to be processed.
1831 for (Function &F : M) {
1832 if (skipProfileForFunction(F))
1833 continue;
1834 ProfiledCG->addProfiledFunction(
1835 Name: getRepInFormat(Name: FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(F)));
1836 }
1838 return ProfiledCG;
1841std::vector<Function *>
1842SampleProfileLoader::buildFunctionOrder(Module &M, LazyCallGraph &CG) {
1843 std::vector<Function *> FunctionOrderList;
1844 FunctionOrderList.reserve(n: M.size());
1846 if (!ProfileTopDownLoad && UseProfiledCallGraph)
1847 errs() << "WARNING: -use-profiled-call-graph ignored, should be used "
1848 "together with -sample-profile-top-down-load.\n";
1850 if (!ProfileTopDownLoad) {
1851 if (ProfileMergeInlinee) {
1852 // Disable ProfileMergeInlinee if profile is not loaded in top down order,
1853 // because the profile for a function may be used for the profile
1854 // annotation of its outline copy before the profile merging of its
1855 // non-inlined inline instances, and that is not the way how
1856 // ProfileMergeInlinee is supposed to work.
1857 ProfileMergeInlinee = false;
1858 }
1860 for (Function &F : M)
1861 if (!skipProfileForFunction(F))
1862 FunctionOrderList.push_back(x: &F);
1863 return FunctionOrderList;
1864 }
1866 if (UseProfiledCallGraph || (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS &&
1867 !UseProfiledCallGraph.getNumOccurrences())) {
1868 // Use profiled call edges to augment the top-down order. There are cases
1869 // that the top-down order computed based on the static call graph doesn't
1870 // reflect real execution order. For example
1871 //
1872 // 1. Incomplete static call graph due to unknown indirect call targets.
1873 // Adjusting the order by considering indirect call edges from the
1874 // profile can enable the inlining of indirect call targets by allowing
1875 // the caller processed before them.
1876 // 2. Mutual call edges in an SCC. The static processing order computed for
1877 // an SCC may not reflect the call contexts in the context-sensitive
1878 // profile, thus may cause potential inlining to be overlooked. The
1879 // function order in one SCC is being adjusted to a top-down order based
1880 // on the profile to favor more inlining. This is only a problem with CS
1881 // profile.
1882 // 3. Transitive indirect call edges due to inlining. When a callee function
1883 // (say B) is inlined into a caller function (say A) in LTO prelink,
1884 // every call edge originated from the callee B will be transferred to
1885 // the caller A. If any transferred edge (say A->C) is indirect, the
1886 // original profiled indirect edge B->C, even if considered, would not
1887 // enforce a top-down order from the caller A to the potential indirect
1888 // call target C in LTO postlink since the inlined callee B is gone from
1889 // the static call graph.
1890 // 4. #3 can happen even for direct call targets, due to functions defined
1891 // in header files. A header function (say A), when included into source
1892 // files, is defined multiple times but only one definition survives due
1893 // to ODR. Therefore, the LTO prelink inlining done on those dropped
1894 // definitions can be useless based on a local file scope. More
1895 // importantly, the inlinee (say B), once fully inlined to a
1896 // to-be-dropped A, will have no profile to consume when its outlined
1897 // version is compiled. This can lead to a profile-less prelink
1898 // compilation for the outlined version of B which may be called from
1899 // external modules. while this isn't easy to fix, we rely on the
1900 // postlink AutoFDO pipeline to optimize B. Since the survived copy of
1901 // the A can be inlined in its local scope in prelink, it may not exist
1902 // in the merged IR in postlink, and we'll need the profiled call edges
1903 // to enforce a top-down order for the rest of the functions.
1904 //
1905 // Considering those cases, a profiled call graph completely independent of
1906 // the static call graph is constructed based on profile data, where
1907 // function objects are not even needed to handle case #3 and case 4.
1908 //
1909 // Note that static callgraph edges are completely ignored since they
1910 // can be conflicting with profiled edges for cyclic SCCs and may result in
1911 // an SCC order incompatible with profile-defined one. Using strictly
1912 // profile order ensures a maximum inlining experience. On the other hand,
1913 // static call edges are not so important when they don't correspond to a
1914 // context in the profile.
1916 std::unique_ptr<ProfiledCallGraph> ProfiledCG = buildProfiledCallGraph(M);
1917 scc_iterator<ProfiledCallGraph *> CGI = scc_begin(G: ProfiledCG.get());
1918 while (!CGI.isAtEnd()) {
1919 auto Range = *CGI;
1920 if (SortProfiledSCC) {
1921 // Sort nodes in one SCC based on callsite hotness.
1922 scc_member_iterator<ProfiledCallGraph *> SI(*CGI);
1923 Range = *SI;
1924 }
1925 for (auto *Node : Range) {
1926 Function *F = SymbolMap.lookup(Key: Node->Name);
1927 if (F && !skipProfileForFunction(F: *F))
1928 FunctionOrderList.push_back(x: F);
1929 }
1930 ++CGI;
1931 }
1932 } else {
1933 CG.buildRefSCCs();
1934 for (LazyCallGraph::RefSCC &RC : CG.postorder_ref_sccs()) {
1935 for (LazyCallGraph::SCC &C : RC) {
1936 for (LazyCallGraph::Node &N : C) {
1937 Function &F = N.getFunction();
1938 if (!skipProfileForFunction(F))
1939 FunctionOrderList.push_back(x: &F);
1940 }
1941 }
1942 }
1943 }
1945 std::reverse(first: FunctionOrderList.begin(), last: FunctionOrderList.end());
1948 dbgs() << "Function processing order:\n";
1949 for (auto F : FunctionOrderList) {
1950 dbgs() << F->getName() << "\n";
1951 }
1952 });
1954 return FunctionOrderList;
1957bool SampleProfileLoader::doInitialization(Module &M,
1958 FunctionAnalysisManager *FAM) {
1959 auto &Ctx = M.getContext();
1961 auto ReaderOrErr = SampleProfileReader::create(
1962 Filename, C&: Ctx, FS&: *FS, P: FSDiscriminatorPass::Base, RemapFilename: RemappingFilename);
1963 if (std::error_code EC = ReaderOrErr.getError()) {
1964 std::string Msg = "Could not open profile: " + EC.message();
1965 Ctx.diagnose(DI: DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(Filename, Msg));
1966 return false;
1967 }
1968 Reader = std::move(ReaderOrErr.get());
1969 Reader->setSkipFlatProf(LTOPhase == ThinOrFullLTOPhase::ThinLTOPostLink);
1970 // set module before reading the profile so reader may be able to only
1971 // read the function profiles which are used by the current module.
1972 Reader->setModule(&M);
1973 if (std::error_code EC = Reader->read()) {
1974 std::string Msg = "profile reading failed: " + EC.message();
1975 Ctx.diagnose(DI: DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(Filename, Msg));
1976 return false;
1977 }
1979 PSL = Reader->getProfileSymbolList();
1981 // While profile-sample-accurate is on, ignore symbol list.
1982 ProfAccForSymsInList =
1983 ProfileAccurateForSymsInList && PSL && !ProfileSampleAccurate;
1984 if (ProfAccForSymsInList) {
1985 NamesInProfile.clear();
1986 GUIDsInProfile.clear();
1987 if (auto NameTable = Reader->getNameTable()) {
1988 if (FunctionSamples::UseMD5) {
1989 for (auto Name : *NameTable)
1990 GUIDsInProfile.insert(V: Name.getHashCode());
1991 } else {
1992 for (auto Name : *NameTable)
1993 NamesInProfile.insert(key: Name.stringRef());
1994 }
1995 }
1996 CoverageTracker.setProfAccForSymsInList(true);
1997 }
1999 if (FAM && !ProfileInlineReplayFile.empty()) {
2000 ExternalInlineAdvisor = getReplayInlineAdvisor(
2001 M, FAM&: *FAM, Context&: Ctx, /*OriginalAdvisor=*/nullptr,
2002 ReplaySettings: ReplayInlinerSettings{.ReplayFile: ProfileInlineReplayFile,
2003 .ReplayScope: ProfileInlineReplayScope,
2004 .ReplayFallback: ProfileInlineReplayFallback,
2005 .ReplayFormat: {.OutputFormat: ProfileInlineReplayFormat}},
2006 /*EmitRemarks=*/false, IC: InlineContext{.LTOPhase: LTOPhase, .Pass: InlinePass::ReplaySampleProfileInliner});
2007 }
2009 // Apply tweaks if context-sensitive or probe-based profile is available.
2010 if (Reader->profileIsCS() || Reader->profileIsPreInlined() ||
2011 Reader->profileIsProbeBased()) {
2012 if (!UseIterativeBFIInference.getNumOccurrences())
2013 UseIterativeBFIInference = true;
2014 if (!SampleProfileUseProfi.getNumOccurrences())
2015 SampleProfileUseProfi = true;
2016 if (!EnableExtTspBlockPlacement.getNumOccurrences())
2017 EnableExtTspBlockPlacement = true;
2018 // Enable priority-base inliner and size inline by default for CSSPGO.
2019 if (!ProfileSizeInline.getNumOccurrences())
2020 ProfileSizeInline = true;
2021 if (!CallsitePrioritizedInline.getNumOccurrences())
2022 CallsitePrioritizedInline = true;
2023 // For CSSPGO, we also allow recursive inline to best use context profile.
2024 if (!AllowRecursiveInline.getNumOccurrences())
2025 AllowRecursiveInline = true;
2027 if (Reader->profileIsPreInlined()) {
2028 if (!UsePreInlinerDecision.getNumOccurrences())
2029 UsePreInlinerDecision = true;
2030 }
2032 // Enable stale profile matching by default for probe-based profile.
2033 // Currently the matching relies on if the checksum mismatch is detected,
2034 // which is currently only available for pseudo-probe mode. Removing the
2035 // checksum check could cause regressions for some cases, so further tuning
2036 // might be needed if we want to enable it for all cases.
2037 if (Reader->profileIsProbeBased() &&
2038 !SalvageStaleProfile.getNumOccurrences()) {
2039 SalvageStaleProfile = true;
2040 }
2042 if (!Reader->profileIsCS()) {
2043 // Non-CS profile should be fine without a function size budget for the
2044 // inliner since the contexts in the profile are either all from inlining
2045 // in the prevoius build or pre-computed by the preinliner with a size
2046 // cap, thus they are bounded.
2047 if (!ProfileInlineLimitMin.getNumOccurrences())
2048 ProfileInlineLimitMin = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
2049 if (!ProfileInlineLimitMax.getNumOccurrences())
2050 ProfileInlineLimitMax = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
2051 }
2052 }
2054 if (Reader->profileIsCS()) {
2055 // Tracker for profiles under different context
2056 ContextTracker = std::make_unique<SampleContextTracker>(
2057 args&: Reader->getProfiles(), args: &GUIDToFuncNameMap);
2058 }
2060 // Load pseudo probe descriptors for probe-based function samples.
2061 if (Reader->profileIsProbeBased()) {
2062 ProbeManager = std::make_unique<PseudoProbeManager>(args&: M);
2063 if (!ProbeManager->moduleIsProbed(M)) {
2064 const char *Msg =
2065 "Pseudo-probe-based profile requires SampleProfileProbePass";
2066 Ctx.diagnose(DI: DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(M.getModuleIdentifier(), Msg,
2067 DS_Warning));
2068 return false;
2069 }
2070 }
2072 if (ReportProfileStaleness || PersistProfileStaleness ||
2073 SalvageStaleProfile) {
2074 MatchingManager = std::make_unique<SampleProfileMatcher>(
2075 args&: M, args&: *Reader, args: ProbeManager.get(), args: LTOPhase);
2076 }
2078 return true;
2081// Note that this is a module-level check. Even if one module is errored out,
2082// the entire build will be errored out. However, the user could make big
2083// changes to functions in single module but those changes might not be
2084// performance significant to the whole binary. Therefore, to avoid those false
2085// positives, we select a reasonable big set of hot functions that are supposed
2086// to be globally performance significant, only compute and check the mismatch
2087// within those functions. The function selection is based on two criteria:
2088// 1) The function is hot enough, which is tuned by a hotness-based
2089// flag(HotFuncCutoffForStalenessError). 2) The num of function is large enough
2090// which is tuned by the MinfuncsForStalenessError flag.
2091bool SampleProfileLoader::rejectHighStalenessProfile(
2092 Module &M, ProfileSummaryInfo *PSI, const SampleProfileMap &Profiles) {
2093 assert(FunctionSamples::ProfileIsProbeBased &&
2094 "Only support for probe-based profile");
2095 uint64_t TotalHotFunc = 0;
2096 uint64_t NumMismatchedFunc = 0;
2097 for (const auto &I : Profiles) {
2098 const auto &FS = I.second;
2099 const auto *FuncDesc = ProbeManager->getDesc(GUID: FS.getGUID());
2100 if (!FuncDesc)
2101 continue;
2103 // Use a hotness-based threshold to control the function selection.
2104 if (!PSI->isHotCountNthPercentile(PercentileCutoff: HotFuncCutoffForStalenessError,
2105 C: FS.getTotalSamples()))
2106 continue;
2108 TotalHotFunc++;
2109 if (ProbeManager->profileIsHashMismatched(FuncDesc: *FuncDesc, Samples: FS))
2110 NumMismatchedFunc++;
2111 }
2112 // Make sure that the num of selected function is not too small to distinguish
2113 // from the user's benign changes.
2114 if (TotalHotFunc < MinfuncsForStalenessError)
2115 return false;
2117 // Finally check the mismatch percentage against the threshold.
2118 if (NumMismatchedFunc * 100 >=
2119 TotalHotFunc * PrecentMismatchForStalenessError) {
2120 auto &Ctx = M.getContext();
2121 const char *Msg =
2122 "The input profile significantly mismatches current source code. "
2123 "Please recollect profile to avoid performance regression.";
2124 Ctx.diagnose(DI: DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(M.getModuleIdentifier(), Msg));
2125 return true;
2126 }
2127 return false;
2130bool SampleProfileLoader::runOnModule(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager *AM,
2131 ProfileSummaryInfo *_PSI,
2132 LazyCallGraph &CG) {
2133 GUIDToFuncNameMapper Mapper(M, *Reader, GUIDToFuncNameMap);
2135 PSI = _PSI;
2136 if (M.getProfileSummary(/* IsCS */ false) == nullptr) {
2137 M.setProfileSummary(M: Reader->getSummary().getMD(Context&: M.getContext()),
2138 Kind: ProfileSummary::PSK_Sample);
2139 PSI->refresh();
2140 }
2142 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsProbeBased &&
2143 rejectHighStalenessProfile(M, PSI, Profiles: Reader->getProfiles()))
2144 return false;
2146 // Compute the total number of samples collected in this profile.
2147 for (const auto &I : Reader->getProfiles())
2148 TotalCollectedSamples += I.second.getTotalSamples();
2150 auto Remapper = Reader->getRemapper();
2151 // Populate the symbol map.
2152 for (const auto &N_F : M.getValueSymbolTable()) {
2153 StringRef OrigName = N_F.getKey();
2154 Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(Val: N_F.getValue());
2155 if (F == nullptr || OrigName.empty())
2156 continue;
2157 SymbolMap[FunctionId(OrigName)] = F;
2158 StringRef NewName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(F: *F);
2159 if (OrigName != NewName && !NewName.empty()) {
2160 auto r = SymbolMap.emplace(Args: FunctionId(NewName), Args&: F);
2161 // Failiing to insert means there is already an entry in SymbolMap,
2162 // thus there are multiple functions that are mapped to the same
2163 // stripped name. In this case of name conflicting, set the value
2164 // to nullptr to avoid confusion.
2165 if (!r.second)
2166 r.first->second = nullptr;
2167 OrigName = NewName;
2168 }
2169 // Insert the remapped names into SymbolMap.
2170 if (Remapper) {
2171 if (auto MapName = Remapper->lookUpNameInProfile(FunctionName: OrigName)) {
2172 if (*MapName != OrigName && !MapName->empty())
2173 SymbolMap.emplace(Args: FunctionId(*MapName), Args&: F);
2174 }
2175 }
2176 }
2177 assert(SymbolMap.count(FunctionId()) == 0 &&
2178 "No empty StringRef should be added in SymbolMap");
2180 if (ReportProfileStaleness || PersistProfileStaleness ||
2181 SalvageStaleProfile) {
2182 MatchingManager->runOnModule();
2183 MatchingManager->clearMatchingData();
2184 }
2186 bool retval = false;
2187 for (auto *F : buildFunctionOrder(M, CG)) {
2188 assert(!F->isDeclaration());
2189 clearFunctionData();
2190 retval |= runOnFunction(F&: *F, AM);
2191 }
2193 // Account for cold calls not inlined....
2194 if (!FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
2195 for (const std::pair<Function *, NotInlinedProfileInfo> &pair :
2196 notInlinedCallInfo)
2197 updateProfileCallee(Callee: pair.first, EntryDelta: pair.second.entryCount);
2199 return retval;
2202bool SampleProfileLoader::runOnFunction(Function &F, ModuleAnalysisManager *AM) {
2203 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n\nProcessing Function " << F.getName() << "\n");
2204 DILocation2SampleMap.clear();
2205 // By default the entry count is initialized to -1, which will be treated
2206 // conservatively by getEntryCount as the same as unknown (None). This is
2207 // to avoid newly added code to be treated as cold. If we have samples
2208 // this will be overwritten in emitAnnotations.
2209 uint64_t initialEntryCount = -1;
2211 ProfAccForSymsInList = ProfileAccurateForSymsInList && PSL;
2212 if (ProfileSampleAccurate || F.hasFnAttribute(Kind: "profile-sample-accurate")) {
2213 // initialize all the function entry counts to 0. It means all the
2214 // functions without profile will be regarded as cold.
2215 initialEntryCount = 0;
2216 // profile-sample-accurate is a user assertion which has a higher precedence
2217 // than symbol list. When profile-sample-accurate is on, ignore symbol list.
2218 ProfAccForSymsInList = false;
2219 }
2220 CoverageTracker.setProfAccForSymsInList(ProfAccForSymsInList);
2222 // PSL -- profile symbol list include all the symbols in sampled binary.
2223 // If ProfileAccurateForSymsInList is enabled, PSL is used to treat
2224 // old functions without samples being cold, without having to worry
2225 // about new and hot functions being mistakenly treated as cold.
2226 if (ProfAccForSymsInList) {
2227 // Initialize the entry count to 0 for functions in the list.
2228 if (PSL->contains(Name: F.getName()))
2229 initialEntryCount = 0;
2231 // Function in the symbol list but without sample will be regarded as
2232 // cold. To minimize the potential negative performance impact it could
2233 // have, we want to be a little conservative here saying if a function
2234 // shows up in the profile, no matter as outline function, inline instance
2235 // or call targets, treat the function as not being cold. This will handle
2236 // the cases such as most callsites of a function are inlined in sampled
2237 // binary but not inlined in current build (because of source code drift,
2238 // imprecise debug information, or the callsites are all cold individually
2239 // but not cold accumulatively...), so the outline function showing up as
2240 // cold in sampled binary will actually not be cold after current build.
2241 StringRef CanonName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(F);
2242 if ((FunctionSamples::UseMD5 &&
2243 GUIDsInProfile.count(V: Function::getGUID(GlobalName: CanonName))) ||
2244 (!FunctionSamples::UseMD5 && NamesInProfile.count(Key: CanonName)))
2245 initialEntryCount = -1;
2246 }
2248 // Initialize entry count when the function has no existing entry
2249 // count value.
2250 if (!F.getEntryCount())
2251 F.setEntryCount(Count: ProfileCount(initialEntryCount, Function::PCT_Real));
2252 std::unique_ptr<OptimizationRemarkEmitter> OwnedORE;
2253 if (AM) {
2254 auto &FAM =
2255 AM->getResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(IR&: *F.getParent())
2256 .getManager();
2257 ORE = &FAM.getResult<OptimizationRemarkEmitterAnalysis>(IR&: F);
2258 } else {
2259 OwnedORE = std::make_unique<OptimizationRemarkEmitter>(args: &F);
2260 ORE = OwnedORE.get();
2261 }
2263 if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS)
2264 Samples = ContextTracker->getBaseSamplesFor(Func: F);
2265 else {
2266 Samples = Reader->getSamplesFor(F);
2267 // Try search in previously inlined functions that were split or duplicated
2268 // into base.
2269 if (!Samples) {
2270 StringRef CanonName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(F);
2271 auto It = OutlineFunctionSamples.find(x: FunctionId(CanonName));
2272 if (It != OutlineFunctionSamples.end()) {
2273 Samples = &It->second;
2274 } else if (auto Remapper = Reader->getRemapper()) {
2275 if (auto RemppedName = Remapper->lookUpNameInProfile(FunctionName: CanonName)) {
2276 It = OutlineFunctionSamples.find(x: FunctionId(*RemppedName));
2277 if (It != OutlineFunctionSamples.end())
2278 Samples = &It->second;
2279 }
2280 }
2281 }
2282 }
2284 if (Samples && !Samples->empty())
2285 return emitAnnotations(F);
2286 return false;
2289 std::string File, std::string RemappingFile, ThinOrFullLTOPhase LTOPhase,
2290 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS)
2291 : ProfileFileName(File), ProfileRemappingFileName(RemappingFile),
2292 LTOPhase(LTOPhase), FS(std::move(FS)) {}
2294PreservedAnalyses SampleProfileLoaderPass::run(Module &M,
2295 ModuleAnalysisManager &AM) {
2296 FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM =
2297 AM.getResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(IR&: M).getManager();
2299 auto GetAssumptionCache = [&](Function &F) -> AssumptionCache & {
2300 return FAM.getResult<AssumptionAnalysis>(IR&: F);
2301 };
2302 auto GetTTI = [&](Function &F) -> TargetTransformInfo & {
2303 return FAM.getResult<TargetIRAnalysis>(IR&: F);
2304 };
2305 auto GetTLI = [&](Function &F) -> const TargetLibraryInfo & {
2306 return FAM.getResult<TargetLibraryAnalysis>(IR&: F);
2307 };
2309 if (!FS)
2310 FS = vfs::getRealFileSystem();
2312 SampleProfileLoader SampleLoader(
2313 ProfileFileName.empty() ? SampleProfileFile : ProfileFileName,
2314 ProfileRemappingFileName.empty() ? SampleProfileRemappingFile
2315 : ProfileRemappingFileName,
2316 LTOPhase, FS, GetAssumptionCache, GetTTI, GetTLI);
2318 if (!SampleLoader.doInitialization(M, FAM: &FAM))
2319 return PreservedAnalyses::all();
2321 ProfileSummaryInfo *PSI = &AM.getResult<ProfileSummaryAnalysis>(IR&: M);
2322 LazyCallGraph &CG = AM.getResult<LazyCallGraphAnalysis>(IR&: M);
2323 if (!SampleLoader.runOnModule(M, AM: &AM, PSI: PSI, CG))
2324 return PreservedAnalyses::all();
2326 return PreservedAnalyses::none();

source code of llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfile.cpp