1//===- FlatLinearValueConstraints.h - Linear Constraints --------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.h"
13#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Matrix.h"
14#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
15#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
16#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
17#include <optional>
19namespace mlir {
21class AffineMap;
22class IntegerSet;
23class MLIRContext;
24class Value;
25class MemRefType;
26struct MutableAffineMap;
28namespace presburger {
29class MultiAffineFunction;
30} // namespace presburger
32/// FlatLinearConstraints is an extension of IntegerPolyhedron. It provides an
33/// AffineExpr-based API.
34class FlatLinearConstraints : public presburger::IntegerPolyhedron {
36 /// Constructs a constraint system reserving memory for the specified number
37 /// of constraints and variables. `valArgs` are the optional SSA values
38 /// associated with each dimension/symbol. These must either be empty or match
39 /// the number of dimensions and symbols.
40 FlatLinearConstraints(unsigned numReservedInequalities,
41 unsigned numReservedEqualities,
42 unsigned numReservedCols, unsigned numDims,
43 unsigned numSymbols, unsigned numLocals)
44 : IntegerPolyhedron(numReservedInequalities, numReservedEqualities,
45 numReservedCols,
46 presburger::PresburgerSpace::getSetSpace(
47 numDims, numSymbols, numLocals)) {
48 assert(numReservedCols >= getNumVars() + 1);
49 }
51 /// Constructs a constraint system with the specified number of dimensions
52 /// and symbols. `valArgs` are the optional SSA values associated with each
53 /// dimension/symbol. These must either be empty or match the number of
54 /// dimensions and symbols.
55 FlatLinearConstraints(unsigned numDims = 0, unsigned numSymbols = 0,
56 unsigned numLocals = 0)
57 : FlatLinearConstraints(/*numReservedInequalities=*/0,
58 /*numReservedEqualities=*/0,
59 /*numReservedCols=*/numDims + numSymbols +
60 numLocals + 1,
61 numDims, numSymbols, numLocals) {}
63 FlatLinearConstraints(const IntegerPolyhedron &fac)
64 : IntegerPolyhedron(fac) {}
66 /// Return the kind of this object.
67 Kind getKind() const override { return Kind::FlatLinearConstraints; }
69 /// Adds a bound for the variable at the specified position with constraints
70 /// being drawn from the specified bound map. In case of an EQ bound, the
71 /// bound map is expected to have exactly one result. In case of a LB/UB, the
72 /// bound map may have more than one result, for each of which an inequality
73 /// is added.
74 ///
75 /// The bound can be added as open or closed by specifying isClosedBound. In
76 /// case of a LB/UB, isClosedBound = false means the bound is added internally
77 /// as a closed bound by +1/-1 respectively. In case of an EQ bound, it can
78 /// only be added as a closed bound.
79 ///
80 /// Note: The dimensions/symbols of this FlatLinearConstraints must match the
81 /// dimensions/symbols of the affine map.
82 LogicalResult addBound(presburger::BoundType type, unsigned pos,
83 AffineMap boundMap, bool isClosedBound);
85 /// Adds a bound for the variable at the specified position with constraints
86 /// being drawn from the specified bound map. In case of an EQ bound, the
87 /// bound map is expected to have exactly one result. In case of a LB/UB, the
88 /// bound map may have more than one result, for each of which an inequality
89 /// is added.
90 /// Note: The dimensions/symbols of this FlatLinearConstraints must match the
91 /// dimensions/symbols of the affine map. By default the lower bound is closed
92 /// and the upper bound is open.
93 LogicalResult addBound(presburger::BoundType type, unsigned pos,
94 AffineMap boundMap);
96 /// The `addBound` overload above hides the inherited overloads by default, so
97 /// we explicitly introduce them here.
98 using IntegerPolyhedron::addBound;
100 /// Returns the constraint system as an integer set. Returns a null integer
101 /// set if the system has no constraints, or if an integer set couldn't be
102 /// constructed as a result of a local variable's explicit representation not
103 /// being known and such a local variable appearing in any of the constraints.
104 IntegerSet getAsIntegerSet(MLIRContext *context) const;
106 /// Computes the lower and upper bounds of the first `num` dimensional
107 /// variables (starting at `offset`) as an affine map of the remaining
108 /// variables (dimensional and symbolic). This method is able to detect
109 /// variables as floordiv's and mod's of affine expressions of other
110 /// variables with respect to (positive) constants. Sets bound map to a
111 /// null AffineMap if such a bound can't be found (or yet unimplemented).
112 ///
113 /// By default the returned lower bounds are closed and upper bounds are open.
114 /// If `closedUb` is true, the upper bound is closed.
115 void getSliceBounds(unsigned offset, unsigned num, MLIRContext *context,
116 SmallVectorImpl<AffineMap> *lbMaps,
117 SmallVectorImpl<AffineMap> *ubMaps,
118 bool closedUB = false);
120 /// Composes an affine map whose dimensions and symbols match one to one with
121 /// the dimensions and symbols of this FlatLinearConstraints. The results of
122 /// the map `other` are added as the leading dimensions of this constraint
123 /// system. Returns failure if `other` is a semi-affine map.
124 LogicalResult composeMatchingMap(AffineMap other);
126 /// Gets the lower and upper bound of the `offset` + `pos`th variable
127 /// treating [0, offset) U [offset + num, symStartPos) as dimensions and
128 /// [symStartPos, getNumDimAndSymbolVars) as symbols, and `pos` lies in
129 /// [0, num). The multi-dimensional maps in the returned pair represent the
130 /// max and min of potentially multiple affine expressions. `localExprs` holds
131 /// pre-computed AffineExpr's for all local variables in the system.
132 ///
133 /// By default the returned lower bounds are closed and upper bounds are open.
134 /// If `closedUb` is true, the upper bound is closed.
135 std::pair<AffineMap, AffineMap>
136 getLowerAndUpperBound(unsigned pos, unsigned offset, unsigned num,
137 unsigned symStartPos, ArrayRef<AffineExpr> localExprs,
138 MLIRContext *context, bool closedUB = false) const;
140 /// Insert variables of the specified kind at position `pos`. Positions are
141 /// relative to the kind of variable. The coefficient columns corresponding
142 /// to the added variables are initialized to zero. `vals` are the Values
143 /// corresponding to the variables. Values should not be used with
144 /// VarKind::Local since values can only be attached to non-local variables.
145 /// Return the absolute column position (i.e., not relative to the kind of
146 /// variable) of the first added variable.
147 ///
148 /// Note: Empty Values are allowed in `vals`.
149 unsigned insertDimVar(unsigned pos, unsigned num = 1) {
150 return insertVar(kind: VarKind::SetDim, pos, num);
151 }
152 unsigned insertSymbolVar(unsigned pos, unsigned num = 1) {
153 return insertVar(kind: VarKind::Symbol, pos, num);
154 }
155 unsigned insertLocalVar(unsigned pos, unsigned num = 1) {
156 return insertVar(kind: VarKind::Local, pos, num);
157 }
159 /// Append variables of the specified kind after the last variable of that
160 /// kind. The coefficient columns corresponding to the added variables are
161 /// initialized to zero. `vals` are the Values corresponding to the
162 /// variables. Return the absolute column position (i.e., not relative to the
163 /// kind of variable) of the first appended variable.
164 ///
165 /// Note: Empty Values are allowed in `vals`.
166 unsigned appendDimVar(unsigned num = 1) {
167 return appendVar(kind: VarKind::SetDim, num);
168 }
169 unsigned appendSymbolVar(unsigned num = 1) {
170 return appendVar(kind: VarKind::Symbol, num);
171 }
172 unsigned appendLocalVar(unsigned num = 1) {
173 return appendVar(kind: VarKind::Local, num);
174 }
177 using VarKind = presburger::VarKind;
179 /// Compute an explicit representation for local vars. For all systems coming
180 /// from MLIR integer sets, maps, or expressions where local vars were
181 /// introduced to model floordivs and mods, this always succeeds.
182 LogicalResult computeLocalVars(SmallVectorImpl<AffineExpr> &memo,
183 MLIRContext *context) const;
185 /// Given an affine map that is aligned with this constraint system:
186 /// * Flatten the map.
187 /// * Add newly introduced local columns at the beginning of this constraint
188 /// system (local column pos 0).
189 /// * Add equalities that define the new local columns to this constraint
190 /// system.
191 /// * Return the flattened expressions via `flattenedExprs`.
192 ///
193 /// Note: This is a shared helper function of `addLowerOrUpperBound` and
194 /// `composeMatchingMap`.
195 LogicalResult flattenAlignedMapAndMergeLocals(
196 AffineMap map, std::vector<SmallVector<int64_t, 8>> *flattenedExprs);
198 /// Prints the number of constraints, dimensions, symbols and locals in the
199 /// FlatLinearConstraints. Also, prints for each variable whether there is
200 /// an SSA Value attached to it.
201 void printSpace(raw_ostream &os) const override;
204/// FlatLinearValueConstraints represents an extension of FlatLinearConstraints
205/// where each non-local variable can have an SSA Value attached to it.
206class FlatLinearValueConstraints : public FlatLinearConstraints {
208 /// The SSA Values attached to each non-local variable are stored as
209 /// identifiers in the constraint system's space.
210 using Identifier = presburger::Identifier;
212 /// Constructs a constraint system reserving memory for the specified number
213 /// of constraints and variables. `valArgs` are the optional SSA values
214 /// associated with each dimension/symbol. These must either be empty or match
215 /// the number of dimensions and symbols.
216 FlatLinearValueConstraints(unsigned numReservedInequalities,
217 unsigned numReservedEqualities,
218 unsigned numReservedCols, unsigned numDims,
219 unsigned numSymbols, unsigned numLocals,
220 ArrayRef<std::optional<Value>> valArgs)
221 : FlatLinearConstraints(numReservedInequalities, numReservedEqualities,
222 numReservedCols, numDims, numSymbols, numLocals) {
223 assert(valArgs.empty() || valArgs.size() == getNumDimAndSymbolVars());
224 for (unsigned i = 0, e = valArgs.size(); i < e; ++i)
225 if (valArgs[i])
226 setValue(pos: i, val: *valArgs[i]);
227 }
229 /// Constructs a constraint system reserving memory for the specified number
230 /// of constraints and variables. `valArgs` are the optional SSA values
231 /// associated with each dimension/symbol. These must either be empty or match
232 /// the number of dimensions and symbols.
233 FlatLinearValueConstraints(unsigned numReservedInequalities,
234 unsigned numReservedEqualities,
235 unsigned numReservedCols, unsigned numDims,
236 unsigned numSymbols, unsigned numLocals,
237 ArrayRef<Value> valArgs)
238 : FlatLinearConstraints(numReservedInequalities, numReservedEqualities,
239 numReservedCols, numDims, numSymbols, numLocals) {
240 assert(valArgs.empty() || valArgs.size() == getNumDimAndSymbolVars());
241 for (unsigned i = 0, e = valArgs.size(); i < e; ++i)
242 if (valArgs[i])
243 setValue(pos: i, val: valArgs[i]);
244 }
246 /// Constructs a constraint system with the specified number of dimensions
247 /// and symbols. `valArgs` are the optional SSA values associated with each
248 /// dimension/symbol. These must either be empty or match the number of
249 /// dimensions and symbols.
250 FlatLinearValueConstraints(unsigned numDims, unsigned numSymbols,
251 unsigned numLocals,
252 ArrayRef<std::optional<Value>> valArgs)
253 : FlatLinearValueConstraints(/*numReservedInequalities=*/0,
254 /*numReservedEqualities=*/0,
255 /*numReservedCols=*/numDims + numSymbols +
256 numLocals + 1,
257 numDims, numSymbols, numLocals, valArgs) {}
259 /// Constructs a constraint system with the specified number of dimensions
260 /// and symbols. `valArgs` are the optional SSA values associated with each
261 /// dimension/symbol. These must either be empty or match the number of
262 /// dimensions and symbols.
263 FlatLinearValueConstraints(unsigned numDims = 0, unsigned numSymbols = 0,
264 unsigned numLocals = 0,
265 ArrayRef<Value> valArgs = {})
266 : FlatLinearValueConstraints(/*numReservedInequalities=*/0,
267 /*numReservedEqualities=*/0,
268 /*numReservedCols=*/numDims + numSymbols +
269 numLocals + 1,
270 numDims, numSymbols, numLocals, valArgs) {}
272 FlatLinearValueConstraints(const IntegerPolyhedron &fac,
273 ArrayRef<std::optional<Value>> valArgs = {})
274 : FlatLinearConstraints(fac) {
275 if (valArgs.empty())
276 return;
277 assert(valArgs.size() == getNumDimAndSymbolVars());
278 for (unsigned i = 0, e = valArgs.size(); i < e; ++i)
279 if (valArgs[i])
280 setValue(pos: i, val: *valArgs[i]);
281 }
283 /// Creates an affine constraint system from an IntegerSet.
284 explicit FlatLinearValueConstraints(IntegerSet set, ValueRange operands = {});
286 /// Return the kind of this object.
287 Kind getKind() const override { return Kind::FlatLinearValueConstraints; }
289 static bool classof(const IntegerRelation *cst) {
290 return cst->getKind() >= Kind::FlatLinearValueConstraints &&
291 cst->getKind() <= Kind::FlatAffineRelation;
292 }
294 /// Adds a constant bound for the variable associated with the given Value.
295 void addBound(presburger::BoundType type, Value val, int64_t value);
296 using FlatLinearConstraints::addBound;
298 /// Returns the Value associated with the pos^th variable. Asserts if
299 /// no Value variable was associated.
300 inline Value getValue(unsigned pos) const {
301 assert(pos < getNumDimAndSymbolVars() && "Invalid position");
302 assert(hasValue(pos) && "variable's Value not set");
303 VarKind kind = getVarKindAt(pos);
304 unsigned relativePos = pos - getVarKindOffset(kind);
305 return space.getId(kind, pos: relativePos).getValue<Value>();
306 }
308 /// Returns the Values associated with variables in range [start, end).
309 /// Asserts if no Value was associated with one of these variables.
310 inline void getValues(unsigned start, unsigned end,
311 SmallVectorImpl<Value> *values) const {
312 assert(end <= getNumDimAndSymbolVars() && "invalid end position");
313 assert(start <= end && "invalid start position");
314 values->clear();
315 values->reserve(N: end - start);
316 for (unsigned i = start; i < end; ++i)
317 values->push_back(Elt: getValue(pos: i));
318 }
320 inline SmallVector<std::optional<Value>> getMaybeValues() const {
321 SmallVector<std::optional<Value>> maybeValues;
322 maybeValues.reserve(N: getNumDimAndSymbolVars());
323 for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumDimAndSymbolVars(); i < e; ++i)
324 if (hasValue(pos: i)) {
325 maybeValues.push_back(Elt: getValue(pos: i));
326 } else {
327 maybeValues.push_back(Elt: std::nullopt);
328 }
329 return maybeValues;
330 }
332 inline SmallVector<std::optional<Value>>
333 getMaybeValues(presburger::VarKind kind) const {
334 assert(kind != VarKind::Local &&
335 "Local variables do not have any value attached to them.");
336 SmallVector<std::optional<Value>> maybeValues;
337 maybeValues.reserve(N: getNumVarKind(kind));
338 const unsigned offset = space.getVarKindOffset(kind);
339 for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumVarKind(kind); i < e; ++i) {
340 if (hasValue(pos: offset + i))
341 maybeValues.push_back(Elt: getValue(pos: offset + i));
342 else
343 maybeValues.push_back(Elt: std::nullopt);
344 }
345 return maybeValues;
346 }
348 /// Returns true if the pos^th variable has an associated Value.
349 inline bool hasValue(unsigned pos) const {
350 assert(pos < getNumDimAndSymbolVars() && "Invalid position");
351 VarKind kind = getVarKindAt(pos);
352 unsigned relativePos = pos - getVarKindOffset(kind);
353 return space.getId(kind, pos: relativePos).hasValue();
354 }
356 unsigned appendDimVar(ValueRange vals);
357 using FlatLinearConstraints::appendDimVar;
359 unsigned appendSymbolVar(ValueRange vals);
360 using FlatLinearConstraints::appendSymbolVar;
362 unsigned insertDimVar(unsigned pos, ValueRange vals);
363 using FlatLinearConstraints::insertDimVar;
365 unsigned insertSymbolVar(unsigned pos, ValueRange vals);
366 using FlatLinearConstraints::insertSymbolVar;
368 unsigned insertVar(presburger::VarKind kind, unsigned pos,
369 unsigned num = 1) override;
370 unsigned insertVar(presburger::VarKind kind, unsigned pos, ValueRange vals);
372 /// Removes variables in the column range [varStart, varLimit), and copies any
373 /// remaining valid data into place, updates member variables, and resizes
374 /// arrays as needed.
375 void removeVarRange(presburger::VarKind kind, unsigned varStart,
376 unsigned varLimit) override;
377 using IntegerPolyhedron::removeVarRange;
379 /// Sets the Value associated with the pos^th variable.
380 /// Stores the Value in the space's identifiers.
381 inline void setValue(unsigned pos, Value val) {
382 assert(pos < getNumDimAndSymbolVars() && "invalid var position");
383 VarKind kind = getVarKindAt(pos);
384 unsigned relativePos = pos - getVarKindOffset(kind);
385 space.setId(kind, pos: relativePos, id: presburger::Identifier(val));
386 }
388 /// Sets the Values associated with the variables in the range [start, end).
389 /// The range must contain only dim and symbol variables.
390 void setValues(unsigned start, unsigned end, ArrayRef<Value> values) {
391 assert(end <= getNumVars() && "invalid end position");
392 assert(start <= end && "invalid start position");
393 assert(values.size() == end - start &&
394 "value should be provided for each variable in the range.");
395 for (unsigned i = start; i < end; ++i)
396 setValue(pos: i, val: values[i - start]);
397 }
399 /// Looks up the position of the variable with the specified Value starting
400 /// with variables at offset `offset`. Returns true if found (false
401 /// otherwise). `pos` is set to the (column) position of the variable.
402 bool findVar(Value val, unsigned *pos, unsigned offset = 0) const;
404 /// Returns true if a variable with the specified Value exists, false
405 /// otherwise.
406 bool containsVar(Value val) const;
408 /// Projects out the variable that is associate with Value.
409 void projectOut(Value val);
410 using IntegerPolyhedron::projectOut;
412 /// Prints the number of constraints, dimensions, symbols and locals in the
413 /// FlatAffineValueConstraints. Also, prints for each variable whether there
414 /// is an SSA Value attached to it.
415 void printSpace(raw_ostream &os) const override;
417 /// Align `map` with this constraint system based on `operands`. Each operand
418 /// must already have a corresponding dim/symbol in this constraint system.
419 AffineMap computeAlignedMap(AffineMap map, ValueRange operands) const;
421 /// Merge and align the variables of `this` and `other` starting at
422 /// `offset`, so that both constraint systems get the union of the contained
423 /// variables that is dimension-wise and symbol-wise unique; both
424 /// constraint systems are updated so that they have the union of all
425 /// variables, with `this`'s original variables appearing first followed
426 /// by any of `other`'s variables that didn't appear in `this`. Local
427 /// variables in `other` that have the same division representation as local
428 /// variables in `this` are merged into one.
429 // E.g.: Input: `this` has (%i, %j) [%M, %N]
430 // `other` has (%k, %j) [%P, %N, %M]
431 // Output: both `this`, `other` have (%i, %j, %k) [%M, %N, %P]
432 //
433 void mergeAndAlignVarsWithOther(unsigned offset,
434 FlatLinearValueConstraints *other);
436 /// Merge and align symbols of `this` and `other` such that both get union of
437 /// of symbols that are unique. Symbols in `this` and `other` should be
438 /// unique. Symbols with Value as `None` are considered to be inequal to all
439 /// other symbols.
440 void mergeSymbolVars(FlatLinearValueConstraints &other);
442 /// Returns true if this constraint system and `other` are in the same
443 /// space, i.e., if they are associated with the same set of variables,
444 /// appearing in the same order. Returns false otherwise.
445 bool areVarsAlignedWithOther(const FlatLinearConstraints &other);
447 /// Updates the constraints to be the smallest bounding (enclosing) box that
448 /// contains the points of `this` set and that of `other`, with the symbols
449 /// being treated specially. For each of the dimensions, the min of the lower
450 /// bounds (symbolic) and the max of the upper bounds (symbolic) is computed
451 /// to determine such a bounding box. `other` is expected to have the same
452 /// dimensional variables as this constraint system (in the same order).
453 ///
454 /// E.g.:
455 /// 1) this = {0 <= d0 <= 127},
456 /// other = {16 <= d0 <= 192},
457 /// output = {0 <= d0 <= 192}
458 /// 2) this = {s0 + 5 <= d0 <= s0 + 20},
459 /// other = {s0 + 1 <= d0 <= s0 + 9},
460 /// output = {s0 + 1 <= d0 <= s0 + 20}
461 /// 3) this = {0 <= d0 <= 5, 1 <= d1 <= 9}
462 /// other = {2 <= d0 <= 6, 5 <= d1 <= 15},
463 /// output = {0 <= d0 <= 6, 1 <= d1 <= 15}
464 LogicalResult unionBoundingBox(const FlatLinearValueConstraints &other);
465 using IntegerPolyhedron::unionBoundingBox;
468/// Flattens 'expr' into 'flattenedExpr', which contains the coefficients of the
469/// dimensions, symbols, and additional variables that represent floor divisions
470/// of dimensions, symbols, and in turn other floor divisions. Returns failure
471/// if 'expr' could not be flattened (i.e., semi-affine is not yet handled).
472/// 'cst' contains constraints that connect newly introduced local variables
473/// to existing dimensional and symbolic variables. See documentation for
474/// AffineExprFlattener on how mod's and div's are flattened.
475LogicalResult getFlattenedAffineExpr(AffineExpr expr, unsigned numDims,
476 unsigned numSymbols,
477 SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> *flattenedExpr,
478 FlatLinearConstraints *cst = nullptr);
480/// Flattens the result expressions of the map to their corresponding flattened
481/// forms and set in 'flattenedExprs'. Returns failure if any expression in the
482/// map could not be flattened (i.e., semi-affine is not yet handled). 'cst'
483/// contains constraints that connect newly introduced local variables to
484/// existing dimensional and / symbolic variables. See documentation for
485/// AffineExprFlattener on how mod's and div's are flattened. For all affine
486/// expressions that share the same operands (like those of an affine map), this
487/// method should be used instead of repeatedly calling getFlattenedAffineExpr
488/// since local variables added to deal with div's and mod's will be reused
489/// across expressions.
491getFlattenedAffineExprs(AffineMap map,
492 std::vector<SmallVector<int64_t, 8>> *flattenedExprs,
493 FlatLinearConstraints *cst = nullptr);
495getFlattenedAffineExprs(IntegerSet set,
496 std::vector<SmallVector<int64_t, 8>> *flattenedExprs,
497 FlatLinearConstraints *cst = nullptr);
500getMultiAffineFunctionFromMap(AffineMap map,
501 presburger::MultiAffineFunction &multiAff);
503/// Re-indexes the dimensions and symbols of an affine map with given `operands`
504/// values to align with `dims` and `syms` values.
506/// Each dimension/symbol of the map, bound to an operand `o`, is replaced with
507/// dimension `i`, where `i` is the position of `o` within `dims`. If `o` is not
508/// in `dims`, replace it with symbol `i`, where `i` is the position of `o`
509/// within `syms`. If `o` is not in `syms` either, replace it with a new symbol.
511/// Note: If a value appears multiple times as a dimension/symbol (or both), all
512/// corresponding dim/sym expressions are replaced with the first dimension
513/// bound to that value (or first symbol if no such dimension exists).
515/// The resulting affine map has `dims.size()` many dimensions and at least
516/// `syms.size()` many symbols.
518/// The SSA values of the symbols of the resulting map are optionally returned
519/// via `newSyms`. This is a concatenation of `syms` with the SSA values of the
520/// newly added symbols.
522/// Note: As part of this re-indexing, dimensions may turn into symbols, or vice
523/// versa.
524AffineMap alignAffineMapWithValues(AffineMap map, ValueRange operands,
525 ValueRange dims, ValueRange syms,
526 SmallVector<Value> *newSyms = nullptr);
528} // namespace mlir

source code of mlir/include/mlir/Analysis/FlatLinearValueConstraints.h