1//===- OperationSupport.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file defines a number of support types that Operation and related
10// classes build on top of.
17#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
18#include "mlir/IR/BlockSupport.h"
19#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
20#include "mlir/IR/Diagnostics.h"
21#include "mlir/IR/DialectRegistry.h"
22#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
23#include "mlir/IR/TypeRange.h"
24#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
25#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
26#include "mlir/Support/InterfaceSupport.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/STLFunctionalExtras.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/PointerLikeTypeTraits.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
33#include <memory>
34#include <optional>
36namespace llvm {
37class BitVector;
38} // namespace llvm
40namespace mlir {
41class Dialect;
42class DictionaryAttr;
43class ElementsAttr;
44struct EmptyProperties;
45class MutableOperandRangeRange;
46class NamedAttrList;
47class Operation;
48struct OperationState;
49class OpAsmParser;
50class OpAsmPrinter;
51class OperandRange;
52class OperandRangeRange;
53class OpFoldResult;
54class ParseResult;
55class Pattern;
56class Region;
57class ResultRange;
58class RewritePattern;
59class RewritePatternSet;
60class Type;
61class Value;
62class ValueRange;
63template <typename ValueRangeT>
64class ValueTypeRange;
67// OpaqueProperties
70/// Simple wrapper around a void* in order to express generically how to pass
71/// in op properties through APIs.
72class OpaqueProperties {
74 OpaqueProperties(void *prop) : properties(prop) {}
75 operator bool() const { return properties != nullptr; }
76 template <typename Dest>
77 Dest as() const {
78 return static_cast<Dest>(const_cast<void *>(properties));
79 }
82 void *properties;
86// OperationName
89class OperationName {
91 using FoldHookFn = llvm::unique_function<LogicalResult(
92 Operation *, ArrayRef<Attribute>, SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &) const>;
93 using HasTraitFn = llvm::unique_function<bool(TypeID) const>;
94 using ParseAssemblyFn =
95 llvm::unique_function<ParseResult(OpAsmParser &, OperationState &)>;
96 // Note: RegisteredOperationName is passed as reference here as the derived
97 // class is defined below.
98 using PopulateDefaultAttrsFn =
99 llvm::unique_function<void(const OperationName &, NamedAttrList &) const>;
100 using PrintAssemblyFn =
101 llvm::unique_function<void(Operation *, OpAsmPrinter &, StringRef) const>;
102 using VerifyInvariantsFn =
103 llvm::unique_function<LogicalResult(Operation *) const>;
104 using VerifyRegionInvariantsFn =
105 llvm::unique_function<LogicalResult(Operation *) const>;
107 /// This class represents a type erased version of an operation. It contains
108 /// all of the components necessary for opaquely interacting with an
109 /// operation. If the operation is not registered, some of these components
110 /// may not be populated.
111 struct InterfaceConcept {
112 virtual ~InterfaceConcept() = default;
113 virtual LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *, ArrayRef<Attribute>,
114 SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &) = 0;
115 virtual void getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &,
116 MLIRContext *) = 0;
117 virtual bool hasTrait(TypeID) = 0;
118 virtual OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn getParseAssemblyFn() = 0;
119 virtual void populateDefaultAttrs(const OperationName &,
120 NamedAttrList &) = 0;
121 virtual void printAssembly(Operation *, OpAsmPrinter &, StringRef) = 0;
122 virtual LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *) = 0;
123 virtual LogicalResult verifyRegionInvariants(Operation *) = 0;
124 /// Implementation for properties
125 virtual std::optional<Attribute> getInherentAttr(Operation *,
126 StringRef name) = 0;
127 virtual void setInherentAttr(Operation *op, StringAttr name,
128 Attribute value) = 0;
129 virtual void populateInherentAttrs(Operation *op, NamedAttrList &attrs) = 0;
130 virtual LogicalResult
131 verifyInherentAttrs(OperationName opName, NamedAttrList &attributes,
132 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) = 0;
133 virtual int getOpPropertyByteSize() = 0;
134 virtual void initProperties(OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties storage,
135 OpaqueProperties init) = 0;
136 virtual void deleteProperties(OpaqueProperties) = 0;
137 virtual void populateDefaultProperties(OperationName opName,
138 OpaqueProperties properties) = 0;
139 virtual LogicalResult
140 setPropertiesFromAttr(OperationName, OpaqueProperties, Attribute,
141 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) = 0;
142 virtual Attribute getPropertiesAsAttr(Operation *) = 0;
143 virtual void copyProperties(OpaqueProperties, OpaqueProperties) = 0;
144 virtual bool compareProperties(OpaqueProperties, OpaqueProperties) = 0;
145 virtual llvm::hash_code hashProperties(OpaqueProperties) = 0;
146 };
149 class Impl : public InterfaceConcept {
150 public:
151 Impl(StringRef, Dialect *dialect, TypeID typeID,
152 detail::InterfaceMap interfaceMap);
153 Impl(StringAttr name, Dialect *dialect, TypeID typeID,
154 detail::InterfaceMap interfaceMap)
155 : name(name), typeID(typeID), dialect(dialect),
156 interfaceMap(std::move(interfaceMap)) {}
158 /// Returns true if this is a registered operation.
159 bool isRegistered() const { return typeID != TypeID::get<void>(); }
160 detail::InterfaceMap &getInterfaceMap() { return interfaceMap; }
161 Dialect *getDialect() const { return dialect; }
162 StringAttr getName() const { return name; }
163 TypeID getTypeID() const { return typeID; }
164 ArrayRef<StringAttr> getAttributeNames() const { return attributeNames; }
166 protected:
167 //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
168 // Registered Operation Info
170 /// The name of the operation.
171 StringAttr name;
173 /// The unique identifier of the derived Op class.
174 TypeID typeID;
176 /// The following fields are only populated when the operation is
177 /// registered.
179 /// This is the dialect that this operation belongs to.
180 Dialect *dialect;
182 /// A map of interfaces that were registered to this operation.
183 detail::InterfaceMap interfaceMap;
185 /// A list of attribute names registered to this operation in StringAttr
186 /// form. This allows for operation classes to use StringAttr for attribute
187 /// lookup/creation/etc., as opposed to raw strings.
188 ArrayRef<StringAttr> attributeNames;
190 friend class RegisteredOperationName;
191 };
194 /// Default implementation for unregistered operations.
195 struct UnregisteredOpModel : public Impl {
196 using Impl::Impl;
197 LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *, ArrayRef<Attribute>,
198 SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &) final;
199 void getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &, MLIRContext *) final;
200 bool hasTrait(TypeID) final;
201 OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn getParseAssemblyFn() final;
202 void populateDefaultAttrs(const OperationName &, NamedAttrList &) final;
203 void printAssembly(Operation *, OpAsmPrinter &, StringRef) final;
204 LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *) final;
205 LogicalResult verifyRegionInvariants(Operation *) final;
206 /// Implementation for properties
207 std::optional<Attribute> getInherentAttr(Operation *op,
208 StringRef name) final;
209 void setInherentAttr(Operation *op, StringAttr name, Attribute value) final;
210 void populateInherentAttrs(Operation *op, NamedAttrList &attrs) final;
211 LogicalResult
212 verifyInherentAttrs(OperationName opName, NamedAttrList &attributes,
213 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) final;
214 int getOpPropertyByteSize() final;
215 void initProperties(OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties storage,
216 OpaqueProperties init) final;
217 void deleteProperties(OpaqueProperties) final;
218 void populateDefaultProperties(OperationName opName,
219 OpaqueProperties properties) final;
220 LogicalResult
221 setPropertiesFromAttr(OperationName, OpaqueProperties, Attribute,
222 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) final;
223 Attribute getPropertiesAsAttr(Operation *) final;
224 void copyProperties(OpaqueProperties, OpaqueProperties) final;
225 bool compareProperties(OpaqueProperties, OpaqueProperties) final;
226 llvm::hash_code hashProperties(OpaqueProperties) final;
227 };
230 OperationName(StringRef name, MLIRContext *context);
232 /// Return if this operation is registered.
233 bool isRegistered() const { return getImpl()->isRegistered(); }
235 /// Return the unique identifier of the derived Op class, or null if not
236 /// registered.
237 TypeID getTypeID() const { return getImpl()->getTypeID(); }
239 /// If this operation is registered, returns the registered information,
240 /// std::nullopt otherwise.
241 std::optional<RegisteredOperationName> getRegisteredInfo() const;
243 /// This hook implements a generalized folder for this operation. Operations
244 /// can implement this to provide simplifications rules that are applied by
245 /// the Builder::createOrFold API and the canonicalization pass.
246 ///
247 /// This is an intentionally limited interface - implementations of this
248 /// hook can only perform the following changes to the operation:
249 ///
250 /// 1. They can leave the operation alone and without changing the IR, and
251 /// return failure.
252 /// 2. They can mutate the operation in place, without changing anything
253 /// else
254 /// in the IR. In this case, return success.
255 /// 3. They can return a list of existing values that can be used instead
256 /// of
257 /// the operation. In this case, fill in the results list and return
258 /// success. The caller will remove the operation and use those results
259 /// instead.
260 ///
261 /// This allows expression of some simple in-place canonicalizations (e.g.
262 /// "x+0 -> x", "min(x,y,x,z) -> min(x,y,z)", "x+y-x -> y", etc), as well as
263 /// generalized constant folding.
264 LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
265 SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) const {
266 return getImpl()->foldHook(op, operands, results);
267 }
269 /// This hook returns any canonicalization pattern rewrites that the
270 /// operation supports, for use by the canonicalization pass.
271 void getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
272 MLIRContext *context) const {
273 return getImpl()->getCanonicalizationPatterns(results, context);
274 }
276 /// Returns true if the operation was registered with a particular trait, e.g.
277 /// hasTrait<OperandsAreSignlessIntegerLike>(). Returns false if the operation
278 /// is unregistered.
279 template <template <typename T> class Trait>
280 bool hasTrait() const {
281 return hasTrait(TypeID::get<Trait>());
282 }
283 bool hasTrait(TypeID traitID) const { return getImpl()->hasTrait(traitID); }
285 /// Returns true if the operation *might* have the provided trait. This
286 /// means that either the operation is unregistered, or it was registered with
287 /// the provide trait.
288 template <template <typename T> class Trait>
289 bool mightHaveTrait() const {
290 return mightHaveTrait(TypeID::get<Trait>());
291 }
292 bool mightHaveTrait(TypeID traitID) const {
293 return !isRegistered() || getImpl()->hasTrait(traitID);
294 }
296 /// Return the static hook for parsing this operation assembly.
297 ParseAssemblyFn getParseAssemblyFn() const {
298 return getImpl()->getParseAssemblyFn();
299 }
301 /// This hook implements the method to populate defaults attributes that are
302 /// unset.
303 void populateDefaultAttrs(NamedAttrList &attrs) const {
304 getImpl()->populateDefaultAttrs(*this, attrs);
305 }
307 /// This hook implements the AsmPrinter for this operation.
308 void printAssembly(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter &p,
309 StringRef defaultDialect) const {
310 return getImpl()->printAssembly(op, p, defaultDialect);
311 }
313 /// These hooks implement the verifiers for this operation. It should emits
314 /// an error message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or
315 /// returns success if everything is ok.
316 LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *op) const {
317 return getImpl()->verifyInvariants(op);
318 }
319 LogicalResult verifyRegionInvariants(Operation *op) const {
320 return getImpl()->verifyRegionInvariants(op);
321 }
323 /// Return the list of cached attribute names registered to this operation.
324 /// The order of attributes cached here is unique to each type of operation,
325 /// and the interpretation of this attribute list should generally be driven
326 /// by the respective operation. In many cases, this caching removes the
327 /// need to use the raw string name of a known attribute.
328 ///
329 /// For example the ODS generator, with an op defining the following
330 /// attributes:
331 ///
332 /// let arguments = (ins I32Attr:$attr1, I32Attr:$attr2);
333 ///
334 /// ... may produce an order here of ["attr1", "attr2"]. This allows for the
335 /// ODS generator to directly access the cached name for a known attribute,
336 /// greatly simplifying the cost and complexity of attribute usage produced
337 /// by the generator.
338 ///
339 ArrayRef<StringAttr> getAttributeNames() const {
340 return getImpl()->getAttributeNames();
341 }
343 /// Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface if it
344 /// was registered to this operation, null otherwise. This should not be used
345 /// directly.
346 template <typename T>
347 typename T::Concept *getInterface() const {
348 return getImpl()->getInterfaceMap().lookup<T>();
349 }
351 /// Attach the given models as implementations of the corresponding
352 /// interfaces for the concrete operation.
353 template <typename... Models>
354 void attachInterface() {
355 // Handle the case where the models resolve a promised interface.
356 (dialect_extension_detail::handleAdditionOfUndefinedPromisedInterface(
357 dialect&: *getDialect(), interfaceRequestorID: getTypeID(), interfaceID: Models::Interface::getInterfaceID()),
358 ...);
360 getImpl()->getInterfaceMap().insertModels<Models...>();
361 }
363 /// Returns true if `InterfaceT` has been promised by the dialect or
364 /// implemented.
365 template <typename InterfaceT>
366 bool hasPromiseOrImplementsInterface() const {
367 return dialect_extension_detail::hasPromisedInterface(
368 getDialect(), getTypeID(), InterfaceT::getInterfaceID()) ||
369 hasInterface<InterfaceT>();
370 }
372 /// Returns true if this operation has the given interface registered to it.
373 template <typename T>
374 bool hasInterface() const {
375 return hasInterface(TypeID::get<T>());
376 }
377 bool hasInterface(TypeID interfaceID) const {
378 return getImpl()->getInterfaceMap().contains(interfaceID);
379 }
381 /// Returns true if the operation *might* have the provided interface. This
382 /// means that either the operation is unregistered, or it was registered with
383 /// the provide interface.
384 template <typename T>
385 bool mightHaveInterface() const {
386 return mightHaveInterface(TypeID::get<T>());
387 }
388 bool mightHaveInterface(TypeID interfaceID) const {
389 return !isRegistered() || hasInterface(interfaceID);
390 }
392 /// Lookup an inherent attribute by name, this method isn't recommended
393 /// and may be removed in the future.
394 std::optional<Attribute> getInherentAttr(Operation *op,
395 StringRef name) const {
396 return getImpl()->getInherentAttr(op, name);
397 }
399 void setInherentAttr(Operation *op, StringAttr name, Attribute value) const {
400 return getImpl()->setInherentAttr(op, name: name, value);
401 }
403 void populateInherentAttrs(Operation *op, NamedAttrList &attrs) const {
404 return getImpl()->populateInherentAttrs(op, attrs);
405 }
406 /// This method exists for backward compatibility purpose when using
407 /// properties to store inherent attributes, it enables validating the
408 /// attributes when parsed from the older generic syntax pre-Properties.
409 LogicalResult
410 verifyInherentAttrs(NamedAttrList &attributes,
411 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const {
412 return getImpl()->verifyInherentAttrs(*this, attributes, emitError);
413 }
414 /// This hooks return the number of bytes to allocate for the op properties.
415 int getOpPropertyByteSize() const {
416 return getImpl()->getOpPropertyByteSize();
417 }
419 /// This hooks destroy the op properties.
420 void destroyOpProperties(OpaqueProperties properties) const {
421 getImpl()->deleteProperties(properties);
422 }
424 /// Initialize the op properties.
425 void initOpProperties(OpaqueProperties storage, OpaqueProperties init) const {
426 getImpl()->initProperties(*this, storage, init);
427 }
429 /// Set the default values on the ODS attribute in the properties.
430 void populateDefaultProperties(OpaqueProperties properties) const {
431 getImpl()->populateDefaultProperties(*this, properties);
432 }
434 /// Return the op properties converted to an Attribute.
435 Attribute getOpPropertiesAsAttribute(Operation *op) const {
436 return getImpl()->getPropertiesAsAttr(op);
437 }
439 /// Define the op properties from the provided Attribute.
440 LogicalResult setOpPropertiesFromAttribute(
441 OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties properties, Attribute attr,
442 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const {
443 return getImpl()->setPropertiesFromAttr(opName, properties, attr,
444 emitError);
445 }
447 void copyOpProperties(OpaqueProperties lhs, OpaqueProperties rhs) const {
448 return getImpl()->copyProperties(lhs, rhs);
449 }
451 bool compareOpProperties(OpaqueProperties lhs, OpaqueProperties rhs) const {
452 return getImpl()->compareProperties(lhs, rhs);
453 }
455 llvm::hash_code hashOpProperties(OpaqueProperties properties) const {
456 return getImpl()->hashProperties(properties);
457 }
459 /// Return the dialect this operation is registered to if the dialect is
460 /// loaded in the context, or nullptr if the dialect isn't loaded.
461 Dialect *getDialect() const {
462 return isRegistered() ? getImpl()->getDialect()
463 : getImpl()->getName().getReferencedDialect();
464 }
466 /// Return the name of the dialect this operation is registered to.
467 StringRef getDialectNamespace() const;
469 /// Return the operation name with dialect name stripped, if it has one.
470 StringRef stripDialect() const { return getStringRef().split(Separator: '.').second; }
472 /// Return the context this operation is associated with.
473 MLIRContext *getContext() { return getIdentifier().getContext(); }
475 /// Return the name of this operation. This always succeeds.
476 StringRef getStringRef() const { return getIdentifier(); }
478 /// Return the name of this operation as a StringAttr.
479 StringAttr getIdentifier() const { return getImpl()->getName(); }
481 void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
482 void dump() const;
484 /// Represent the operation name as an opaque pointer. (Used to support
485 /// PointerLikeTypeTraits).
486 void *getAsOpaquePointer() const { return const_cast<Impl *>(impl); }
487 static OperationName getFromOpaquePointer(const void *pointer) {
488 return OperationName(
489 const_cast<Impl *>(reinterpret_cast<const Impl *>(pointer)));
490 }
492 bool operator==(const OperationName &rhs) const { return impl == rhs.impl; }
493 bool operator!=(const OperationName &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
496 OperationName(Impl *impl) : impl(impl) {}
497 Impl *getImpl() const { return impl; }
498 void setImpl(Impl *rhs) { impl = rhs; }
501 /// The internal implementation of the operation name.
502 Impl *impl = nullptr;
504 /// Allow access to the Impl struct.
505 friend MLIRContextImpl;
506 friend DenseMapInfo<mlir::OperationName>;
507 friend DenseMapInfo<mlir::RegisteredOperationName>;
510inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, OperationName info) {
511 info.print(os);
512 return os;
515// Make operation names hashable.
516inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(OperationName arg) {
517 return llvm::hash_value(ptr: arg.getAsOpaquePointer());
521// RegisteredOperationName
524/// This is a "type erased" representation of a registered operation. This
525/// should only be used by things like the AsmPrinter and other things that need
526/// to be parameterized by generic operation hooks. Most user code should use
527/// the concrete operation types.
528class RegisteredOperationName : public OperationName {
530 /// Implementation of the InterfaceConcept for operation APIs that forwarded
531 /// to a concrete op implementation.
532 template <typename ConcreteOp>
533 struct Model : public Impl {
534 Model(Dialect *dialect)
535 : Impl(ConcreteOp::getOperationName(), dialect,
536 TypeID::get<ConcreteOp>(), ConcreteOp::getInterfaceMap()) {}
537 LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> attrs,
538 SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) final {
539 return ConcreteOp::getFoldHookFn()(op, attrs, results);
540 }
541 void getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &set,
542 MLIRContext *context) final {
543 ConcreteOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(set, context);
544 }
545 bool hasTrait(TypeID id) final { return ConcreteOp::getHasTraitFn()(id); }
546 OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn getParseAssemblyFn() final {
547 return ConcreteOp::parse;
548 }
549 void populateDefaultAttrs(const OperationName &name,
550 NamedAttrList &attrs) final {
551 ConcreteOp::populateDefaultAttrs(name, attrs);
552 }
553 void printAssembly(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter &printer,
554 StringRef name) final {
555 ConcreteOp::getPrintAssemblyFn()(op, printer, name);
556 }
557 LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *op) final {
558 return ConcreteOp::getVerifyInvariantsFn()(op);
559 }
560 LogicalResult verifyRegionInvariants(Operation *op) final {
561 return ConcreteOp::getVerifyRegionInvariantsFn()(op);
562 }
564 /// Implementation for "Properties"
566 using Properties = std::remove_reference_t<
567 decltype(std::declval<ConcreteOp>().getProperties())>;
569 std::optional<Attribute> getInherentAttr(Operation *op,
570 StringRef name) final {
571 if constexpr (hasProperties) {
572 auto concreteOp = cast<ConcreteOp>(op);
573 return ConcreteOp::getInherentAttr(concreteOp->getContext(),
574 concreteOp.getProperties(), name);
575 }
576 // If the op does not have support for properties, we dispatch back to the
577 // dictionnary of discardable attributes for now.
578 return cast<ConcreteOp>(op)->getDiscardableAttr(name);
579 }
580 void setInherentAttr(Operation *op, StringAttr name,
581 Attribute value) final {
582 if constexpr (hasProperties) {
583 auto concreteOp = cast<ConcreteOp>(op);
584 return ConcreteOp::setInherentAttr(concreteOp.getProperties(), name,
585 value);
586 }
587 // If the op does not have support for properties, we dispatch back to the
588 // dictionnary of discardable attributes for now.
589 return cast<ConcreteOp>(op)->setDiscardableAttr(name, value);
590 }
591 void populateInherentAttrs(Operation *op, NamedAttrList &attrs) final {
592 if constexpr (hasProperties) {
593 auto concreteOp = cast<ConcreteOp>(op);
594 ConcreteOp::populateInherentAttrs(concreteOp->getContext(),
595 concreteOp.getProperties(), attrs);
596 }
597 }
598 LogicalResult
599 verifyInherentAttrs(OperationName opName, NamedAttrList &attributes,
600 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) final {
601 if constexpr (hasProperties)
602 return ConcreteOp::verifyInherentAttrs(opName, attributes, emitError);
603 return success();
604 }
605 // Detect if the concrete operation defined properties.
606 static constexpr bool hasProperties = !std::is_same_v<
607 typename ConcreteOp::template InferredProperties<ConcreteOp>,
608 EmptyProperties>;
610 int getOpPropertyByteSize() final {
611 if constexpr (hasProperties)
612 return sizeof(Properties);
613 return 0;
614 }
615 void initProperties(OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties storage,
616 OpaqueProperties init) final {
617 using Properties =
618 typename ConcreteOp::template InferredProperties<ConcreteOp>;
619 if (init)
620 new (storage.as<Properties *>()) Properties(*init.as<Properties *>());
621 else
622 new (storage.as<Properties *>()) Properties();
623 if constexpr (hasProperties)
624 ConcreteOp::populateDefaultProperties(opName,
625 *storage.as<Properties *>());
626 }
627 void deleteProperties(OpaqueProperties prop) final {
628 prop.as<Properties *>()->~Properties();
629 }
630 void populateDefaultProperties(OperationName opName,
631 OpaqueProperties properties) final {
632 if constexpr (hasProperties)
633 ConcreteOp::populateDefaultProperties(opName,
634 *properties.as<Properties *>());
635 }
637 LogicalResult
638 setPropertiesFromAttr(OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties properties,
639 Attribute attr,
640 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) final {
641 if constexpr (hasProperties) {
642 auto p = properties.as<Properties *>();
643 return ConcreteOp::setPropertiesFromAttr(*p, attr, emitError);
644 }
645 emitError() << "this operation does not support properties";
646 return failure();
647 }
648 Attribute getPropertiesAsAttr(Operation *op) final {
649 if constexpr (hasProperties) {
650 auto concreteOp = cast<ConcreteOp>(op);
651 return ConcreteOp::getPropertiesAsAttr(concreteOp->getContext(),
652 concreteOp.getProperties());
653 }
654 return {};
655 }
656 bool compareProperties(OpaqueProperties lhs, OpaqueProperties rhs) final {
657 if constexpr (hasProperties) {
658 return *lhs.as<Properties *>() == *rhs.as<Properties *>();
659 } else {
660 return true;
661 }
662 }
663 void copyProperties(OpaqueProperties lhs, OpaqueProperties rhs) final {
664 *lhs.as<Properties *>() = *rhs.as<Properties *>();
665 }
666 llvm::hash_code hashProperties(OpaqueProperties prop) final {
667 if constexpr (hasProperties)
668 return ConcreteOp::computePropertiesHash(*prop.as<Properties *>());
670 return {};
671 }
672 };
674 /// Lookup the registered operation information for the given operation.
675 /// Returns std::nullopt if the operation isn't registered.
676 static std::optional<RegisteredOperationName> lookup(StringRef name,
677 MLIRContext *ctx);
679 /// Lookup the registered operation information for the given operation.
680 /// Returns std::nullopt if the operation isn't registered.
681 static std::optional<RegisteredOperationName> lookup(TypeID typeID,
682 MLIRContext *ctx);
684 /// Register a new operation in a Dialect object.
685 /// This constructor is used by Dialect objects when they register the list
686 /// of operations they contain.
687 template <typename T>
688 static void insert(Dialect &dialect) {
689 insert(std::make_unique<Model<T>>(&dialect), T::getAttributeNames());
690 }
691 /// The use of this method is in general discouraged in favor of
692 /// 'insert<CustomOp>(dialect)'.
693 static void insert(std::unique_ptr<OperationName::Impl> ownedImpl,
694 ArrayRef<StringRef> attrNames);
696 /// Return the dialect this operation is registered to.
697 Dialect &getDialect() const { return *getImpl()->getDialect(); }
699 /// Use the specified object to parse this ops custom assembly format.
700 ParseResult parseAssembly(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) const;
702 /// Represent the operation name as an opaque pointer. (Used to support
703 /// PointerLikeTypeTraits).
704 static RegisteredOperationName getFromOpaquePointer(const void *pointer) {
705 return RegisteredOperationName(
706 const_cast<Impl *>(reinterpret_cast<const Impl *>(pointer)));
707 }
710 RegisteredOperationName(Impl *impl) : OperationName(impl) {}
712 /// Allow access to the constructor.
713 friend OperationName;
716inline std::optional<RegisteredOperationName>
717OperationName::getRegisteredInfo() const {
718 return isRegistered() ? RegisteredOperationName(impl)
719 : std::optional<RegisteredOperationName>();
723// Attribute Dictionary-Like Interface
726/// Attribute collections provide a dictionary-like interface. Define common
727/// lookup functions.
728namespace impl {
730/// Unsorted string search or identifier lookups are linear scans.
731template <typename IteratorT, typename NameT>
732std::pair<IteratorT, bool> findAttrUnsorted(IteratorT first, IteratorT last,
733 NameT name) {
734 for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it)
735 if (it->getName() == name)
736 return {it, true};
737 return {last, false};
740/// Using llvm::lower_bound requires an extra string comparison to check whether
741/// the returned iterator points to the found element or whether it indicates
742/// the lower bound. Skip this redundant comparison by checking if `compare ==
743/// 0` during the binary search.
744template <typename IteratorT>
745std::pair<IteratorT, bool> findAttrSorted(IteratorT first, IteratorT last,
746 StringRef name) {
747 ptrdiff_t length = std::distance(first, last);
749 while (length > 0) {
750 ptrdiff_t half = length / 2;
751 IteratorT mid = first + half;
752 int compare = mid->getName().strref().compare(name);
753 if (compare < 0) {
754 first = mid + 1;
755 length = length - half - 1;
756 } else if (compare > 0) {
757 length = half;
758 } else {
759 return {mid, true};
760 }
761 }
762 return {first, false};
765/// StringAttr lookups on large attribute lists will switch to string binary
766/// search. String binary searches become significantly faster than linear scans
767/// with the identifier when the attribute list becomes very large.
768template <typename IteratorT>
769std::pair<IteratorT, bool> findAttrSorted(IteratorT first, IteratorT last,
770 StringAttr name) {
771 constexpr unsigned kSmallAttributeList = 16;
772 if (std::distance(first, last) > kSmallAttributeList)
773 return findAttrSorted(first, last, name.strref());
774 return findAttrUnsorted(first, last, name);
777/// Get an attribute from a sorted range of named attributes. Returns null if
778/// the attribute was not found.
779template <typename IteratorT, typename NameT>
780Attribute getAttrFromSortedRange(IteratorT first, IteratorT last, NameT name) {
781 std::pair<IteratorT, bool> result = findAttrSorted(first, last, name);
782 return result.second ? result.first->getValue() : Attribute();
785/// Get an attribute from a sorted range of named attributes. Returns
786/// std::nullopt if the attribute was not found.
787template <typename IteratorT, typename NameT>
789getNamedAttrFromSortedRange(IteratorT first, IteratorT last, NameT name) {
790 std::pair<IteratorT, bool> result = findAttrSorted(first, last, name);
791 return result.second ? *result.first : std::optional<NamedAttribute>();
794} // namespace impl
797// NamedAttrList
800/// NamedAttrList is array of NamedAttributes that tracks whether it is sorted
801/// and does some basic work to remain sorted.
802class NamedAttrList {
804 using iterator = SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute>::iterator;
805 using const_iterator = SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute>::const_iterator;
806 using reference = NamedAttribute &;
807 using const_reference = const NamedAttribute &;
808 using size_type = size_t;
810 NamedAttrList() : dictionarySorted({}, true) {}
811 NamedAttrList(std::nullopt_t none) : NamedAttrList() {}
812 NamedAttrList(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes);
813 NamedAttrList(DictionaryAttr attributes);
814 NamedAttrList(const_iterator inStart, const_iterator inEnd);
816 template <typename Container>
817 NamedAttrList(const Container &vec)
818 : NamedAttrList(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>(vec)) {}
820 bool operator!=(const NamedAttrList &other) const {
821 return !(*this == other);
822 }
823 bool operator==(const NamedAttrList &other) const {
824 return attrs == other.attrs;
825 }
827 /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
828 void append(StringRef name, Attribute attr);
830 /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
831 void append(StringAttr name, Attribute attr) {
832 append(attr: NamedAttribute(name, attr));
833 }
835 /// Append the given named attribute.
836 void append(NamedAttribute attr) { push_back(newAttribute: attr); }
838 /// Add an array of named attributes.
839 template <typename RangeT>
840 void append(RangeT &&newAttributes) {
841 append(std::begin(newAttributes), std::end(newAttributes));
842 }
844 /// Add a range of named attributes.
845 template <typename IteratorT,
846 typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
847 typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorT>::iterator_category,
848 std::input_iterator_tag>::value>>
849 void append(IteratorT inStart, IteratorT inEnd) {
850 // TODO: expand to handle case where values appended are in order & after
851 // end of current list.
852 dictionarySorted.setPointerAndInt(PtrVal: nullptr, IntVal: false);
853 attrs.append(inStart, inEnd);
854 }
856 /// Replaces the attributes with new list of attributes.
857 void assign(const_iterator inStart, const_iterator inEnd);
859 /// Replaces the attributes with new list of attributes.
860 void assign(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> range) {
861 assign(inStart: range.begin(), inEnd: range.end());
862 }
864 void clear() {
865 attrs.clear();
866 dictionarySorted.setPointerAndInt(PtrVal: nullptr, IntVal: false);
867 }
869 bool empty() const { return attrs.empty(); }
871 void reserve(size_type N) { attrs.reserve(N); }
873 /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
874 void push_back(NamedAttribute newAttribute);
876 /// Pop last element from list.
877 void pop_back() { attrs.pop_back(); }
879 /// Returns an entry with a duplicate name the list, if it exists, else
880 /// returns std::nullopt.
881 std::optional<NamedAttribute> findDuplicate() const;
883 /// Return a dictionary attribute for the underlying dictionary. This will
884 /// return an empty dictionary attribute if empty rather than null.
885 DictionaryAttr getDictionary(MLIRContext *context) const;
887 /// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
888 ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() const;
890 /// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
891 Attribute get(StringAttr name) const;
892 Attribute get(StringRef name) const;
894 /// Return the specified named attribute if present, std::nullopt otherwise.
895 std::optional<NamedAttribute> getNamed(StringRef name) const;
896 std::optional<NamedAttribute> getNamed(StringAttr name) const;
898 /// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
899 /// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
900 /// Returns the previous attribute value of `name`, or null if no
901 /// attribute previously existed with `name`.
902 Attribute set(StringAttr name, Attribute value);
903 Attribute set(StringRef name, Attribute value);
905 /// Erase the attribute with the given name from the list. Return the
906 /// attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute with such
907 /// name.
908 Attribute erase(StringAttr name);
909 Attribute erase(StringRef name);
911 iterator begin() { return attrs.begin(); }
912 iterator end() { return attrs.end(); }
913 const_iterator begin() const { return attrs.begin(); }
914 const_iterator end() const { return attrs.end(); }
916 NamedAttrList &operator=(const SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &rhs);
917 operator ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>() const;
920 /// Return whether the attributes are sorted.
921 bool isSorted() const { return dictionarySorted.getInt(); }
923 /// Erase the attribute at the given iterator position.
924 Attribute eraseImpl(SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute>::iterator it);
926 /// Lookup an attribute in the list.
927 template <typename AttrListT, typename NameT>
928 static auto findAttr(AttrListT &attrs, NameT name) {
929 return attrs.isSorted()
930 ? impl::findAttrSorted(attrs.begin(), attrs.end(), name)
931 : impl::findAttrUnsorted(attrs.begin(), attrs.end(), name);
932 }
934 // These are marked mutable as they may be modified (e.g., sorted)
935 mutable SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 4> attrs;
936 // Pair with cached DictionaryAttr and status of whether attrs is sorted.
937 // Note: just because sorted does not mean a DictionaryAttr has been created
938 // but the case where there is a DictionaryAttr but attrs isn't sorted should
939 // not occur.
940 mutable llvm::PointerIntPair<Attribute, 1, bool> dictionarySorted;
944// OperationState
947/// This represents an operation in an abstracted form, suitable for use with
948/// the builder APIs. This object is a large and heavy weight object meant to
949/// be used as a temporary object on the stack. It is generally unwise to put
950/// this in a collection.
951struct OperationState {
952 Location location;
953 OperationName name;
954 SmallVector<Value, 4> operands;
955 /// Types of the results of this operation.
956 SmallVector<Type, 4> types;
957 NamedAttrList attributes;
958 /// Successors of this operation and their respective operands.
959 SmallVector<Block *, 1> successors;
960 /// Regions that the op will hold.
961 SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Region>, 1> regions;
963 /// This Attribute is used to opaquely construct the properties of the
964 /// operation. If we're creating an unregistered operation, the Attribute is
965 /// used as-is as the Properties storage of the operation. Otherwise, the
966 /// operation properties are constructed opaquely using its
967 /// `setPropertiesFromAttr` hook. Note that `getOrAddProperties` is the
968 /// preferred method to construct properties from C++.
969 Attribute propertiesAttr;
972 OpaqueProperties properties = nullptr;
973 TypeID propertiesId;
974 llvm::function_ref<void(OpaqueProperties)> propertiesDeleter;
975 llvm::function_ref<void(OpaqueProperties, const OpaqueProperties)>
976 propertiesSetter;
977 friend class Operation;
980 OperationState(Location location, StringRef name);
981 OperationState(Location location, OperationName name);
983 OperationState(Location location, OperationName name, ValueRange operands,
984 TypeRange types, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes = {},
985 BlockRange successors = {},
986 MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions = {});
987 OperationState(Location location, StringRef name, ValueRange operands,
988 TypeRange types, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes = {},
989 BlockRange successors = {},
990 MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions = {});
991 OperationState(OperationState &&other) = default;
992 OperationState(const OperationState &other) = default;
993 OperationState &operator=(OperationState &&other) = default;
994 OperationState &operator=(const OperationState &other) = default;
995 ~OperationState();
997 /// Get (or create) a properties of the provided type to be set on the
998 /// operation on creation.
999 template <typename T>
1000 T &getOrAddProperties() {
1001 if (!properties) {
1002 T *p = new T{};
1003 properties = p;
1004 propertiesDeleter = [](OpaqueProperties prop) {
1005 delete prop.as<const T *>();
1006 };
1007 propertiesSetter = [](OpaqueProperties new_prop,
1008 const OpaqueProperties prop) {
1009 *new_prop.as<T *>() = *prop.as<const T *>();
1010 };
1011 propertiesId = TypeID::get<T>();
1012 }
1013 assert(propertiesId == TypeID::get<T>() && "Inconsistent properties");
1014 return *properties.as<T *>();
1015 }
1016 OpaqueProperties getRawProperties() { return properties; }
1018 // Set the properties defined on this OpState on the given operation,
1019 // optionally emit diagnostics on error through the provided diagnostic.
1020 LogicalResult
1021 setProperties(Operation *op,
1022 function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const;
1024 void addOperands(ValueRange newOperands);
1026 void addTypes(ArrayRef<Type> newTypes) {
1027 types.append(in_start: newTypes.begin(), in_end: newTypes.end());
1028 }
1029 template <typename RangeT>
1030 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<RangeT, ArrayRef<Type>>::value>
1031 addTypes(RangeT &&newTypes) {
1032 types.append(newTypes.begin(), newTypes.end());
1033 }
1035 /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
1036 void addAttribute(StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
1037 addAttribute(StringAttr::get(getContext(), name), attr);
1038 }
1040 /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
1041 void addAttribute(StringAttr name, Attribute attr) {
1042 attributes.append(name, attr);
1043 }
1045 /// Add an array of named attributes.
1046 void addAttributes(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttributes) {
1047 attributes.append(newAttributes);
1048 }
1050 void addSuccessors(Block *successor) { successors.push_back(Elt: successor); }
1051 void addSuccessors(BlockRange newSuccessors);
1053 /// Create a region that should be attached to the operation. These regions
1054 /// can be filled in immediately without waiting for Operation to be
1055 /// created. When it is, the region bodies will be transferred.
1056 Region *addRegion();
1058 /// Take a region that should be attached to the Operation. The body of the
1059 /// region will be transferred when the Operation is constructed. If the
1060 /// region is null, a new empty region will be attached to the Operation.
1061 void addRegion(std::unique_ptr<Region> &&region);
1063 /// Take ownership of a set of regions that should be attached to the
1064 /// Operation.
1065 void addRegions(MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions);
1067 /// Get the context held by this operation state.
1068 MLIRContext *getContext() const { return location->getContext(); }
1072// OperandStorage
1075namespace detail {
1076/// This class handles the management of operation operands. Operands are
1077/// stored either in a trailing array, or a dynamically resizable vector.
1078class alignas(8) OperandStorage {
1080 OperandStorage(Operation *owner, OpOperand *trailingOperands,
1081 ValueRange values);
1082 ~OperandStorage();
1084 /// Replace the operands contained in the storage with the ones provided in
1085 /// 'values'.
1086 void setOperands(Operation *owner, ValueRange values);
1088 /// Replace the operands beginning at 'start' and ending at 'start' + 'length'
1089 /// with the ones provided in 'operands'. 'operands' may be smaller or larger
1090 /// than the range pointed to by 'start'+'length'.
1091 void setOperands(Operation *owner, unsigned start, unsigned length,
1092 ValueRange operands);
1094 /// Erase the operands held by the storage within the given range.
1095 void eraseOperands(unsigned start, unsigned length);
1097 /// Erase the operands held by the storage that have their corresponding bit
1098 /// set in `eraseIndices`.
1099 void eraseOperands(const BitVector &eraseIndices);
1101 /// Get the operation operands held by the storage.
1102 MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOperands() { return {operandStorage, size()}; }
1104 /// Return the number of operands held in the storage.
1105 unsigned size() { return numOperands; }
1108 /// Resize the storage to the given size. Returns the array containing the new
1109 /// operands.
1110 MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> resize(Operation *owner, unsigned newSize);
1112 /// The total capacity number of operands that the storage can hold.
1113 unsigned capacity : 31;
1114 /// A flag indicating if the operand storage was dynamically allocated, as
1115 /// opposed to inlined into the owning operation.
1116 unsigned isStorageDynamic : 1;
1117 /// The number of operands within the storage.
1118 unsigned numOperands;
1119 /// A pointer to the operand storage.
1120 OpOperand *operandStorage;
1122} // namespace detail
1125// OpPrintingFlags
1128/// Set of flags used to control the behavior of the various IR print methods
1129/// (e.g. Operation::Print).
1130class OpPrintingFlags {
1132 OpPrintingFlags();
1133 OpPrintingFlags(std::nullopt_t) : OpPrintingFlags() {}
1135 /// Enables the elision of large elements attributes by printing a lexically
1136 /// valid but otherwise meaningless form instead of the element data. The
1137 /// `largeElementLimit` is used to configure what is considered to be a
1138 /// "large" ElementsAttr by providing an upper limit to the number of
1139 /// elements.
1140 OpPrintingFlags &elideLargeElementsAttrs(int64_t largeElementLimit = 16);
1142 /// Enables the printing of large element attributes with a hex string. The
1143 /// `largeElementLimit` is used to configure what is considered to be a
1144 /// "large" ElementsAttr by providing an upper limit to the number of
1145 /// elements. Use -1 to disable the hex printing.
1146 OpPrintingFlags &
1147 printLargeElementsAttrWithHex(int64_t largeElementLimit = 100);
1149 /// Enables the elision of large resources strings by omitting them from the
1150 /// `dialect_resources` section. The `largeResourceLimit` is used to configure
1151 /// what is considered to be a "large" resource by providing an upper limit to
1152 /// the string size.
1153 OpPrintingFlags &elideLargeResourceString(int64_t largeResourceLimit = 64);
1155 /// Enable or disable printing of debug information (based on `enable`). If
1156 /// 'prettyForm' is set to true, debug information is printed in a more
1157 /// readable 'pretty' form. Note: The IR generated with 'prettyForm' is not
1158 /// parsable.
1159 OpPrintingFlags &enableDebugInfo(bool enable = true, bool prettyForm = false);
1161 /// Always print operations in the generic form.
1162 OpPrintingFlags &printGenericOpForm(bool enable = true);
1164 /// Skip printing regions.
1165 OpPrintingFlags &skipRegions(bool skip = true);
1167 /// Do not verify the operation when using custom operation printers.
1168 OpPrintingFlags &assumeVerified();
1170 /// Use local scope when printing the operation. This allows for using the
1171 /// printer in a more localized and thread-safe setting, but may not
1172 /// necessarily be identical to what the IR will look like when dumping
1173 /// the full module.
1174 OpPrintingFlags &useLocalScope();
1176 /// Print users of values as comments.
1177 OpPrintingFlags &printValueUsers();
1179 /// Return if the given ElementsAttr should be elided.
1180 bool shouldElideElementsAttr(ElementsAttr attr) const;
1182 /// Return if the given ElementsAttr should be printed as hex string.
1183 bool shouldPrintElementsAttrWithHex(ElementsAttr attr) const;
1185 /// Return the size limit for printing large ElementsAttr.
1186 std::optional<int64_t> getLargeElementsAttrLimit() const;
1188 /// Return the size limit for printing large ElementsAttr as hex string.
1189 int64_t getLargeElementsAttrHexLimit() const;
1191 /// Return the size limit in chars for printing large resources.
1192 std::optional<uint64_t> getLargeResourceStringLimit() const;
1194 /// Return if debug information should be printed.
1195 bool shouldPrintDebugInfo() const;
1197 /// Return if debug information should be printed in the pretty form.
1198 bool shouldPrintDebugInfoPrettyForm() const;
1200 /// Return if operations should be printed in the generic form.
1201 bool shouldPrintGenericOpForm() const;
1203 /// Return if regions should be skipped.
1204 bool shouldSkipRegions() const;
1206 /// Return if operation verification should be skipped.
1207 bool shouldAssumeVerified() const;
1209 /// Return if the printer should use local scope when dumping the IR.
1210 bool shouldUseLocalScope() const;
1212 /// Return if the printer should print users of values.
1213 bool shouldPrintValueUsers() const;
1216 /// Elide large elements attributes if the number of elements is larger than
1217 /// the upper limit.
1218 std::optional<int64_t> elementsAttrElementLimit;
1220 /// Elide printing large resources based on size of string.
1221 std::optional<uint64_t> resourceStringCharLimit;
1223 /// Print large element attributes with hex strings if the number of elements
1224 /// is larger than the upper limit.
1225 int64_t elementsAttrHexElementLimit = 100;
1227 /// Print debug information.
1228 bool printDebugInfoFlag : 1;
1229 bool printDebugInfoPrettyFormFlag : 1;
1231 /// Print operations in the generic form.
1232 bool printGenericOpFormFlag : 1;
1234 /// Always skip Regions.
1235 bool skipRegionsFlag : 1;
1237 /// Skip operation verification.
1238 bool assumeVerifiedFlag : 1;
1240 /// Print operations with numberings local to the current operation.
1241 bool printLocalScope : 1;
1243 /// Print users of values.
1244 bool printValueUsersFlag : 1;
1248// Operation Equivalency
1251/// This class provides utilities for computing if two operations are
1252/// equivalent.
1253struct OperationEquivalence {
1254 enum Flags {
1255 None = 0,
1257 // When provided, the location attached to the operation are ignored.
1258 IgnoreLocations = 1,
1260 LLVM_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(/* LargestValue = */ IgnoreLocations)
1261 };
1263 /// Compute a hash for the given operation.
1264 /// The `hashOperands` and `hashResults` callbacks are expected to return a
1265 /// unique hash_code for a given Value.
1266 static llvm::hash_code computeHash(
1267 Operation *op,
1268 function_ref<llvm::hash_code(Value)> hashOperands =
1269 [](Value v) { return hash_value(arg: v); },
1270 function_ref<llvm::hash_code(Value)> hashResults =
1271 [](Value v) { return hash_value(arg: v); },
1272 Flags flags = Flags::None);
1274 /// Helper that can be used with `computeHash` above to ignore operation
1275 /// operands/result mapping.
1276 static llvm::hash_code ignoreHashValue(Value) { return llvm::hash_code{}; }
1277 /// Helper that can be used with `computeHash` above to ignore operation
1278 /// operands/result mapping.
1279 static llvm::hash_code directHashValue(Value v) { return hash_value(arg: v); }
1281 /// Compare two operations (including their regions) and return if they are
1282 /// equivalent.
1283 ///
1284 /// * `checkEquivalent` is a callback to check if two values are equivalent.
1285 /// For two operations to be equivalent, their operands must be the same SSA
1286 /// value or this callback must return `success`.
1287 /// * `markEquivalent` is a callback to inform the caller that the analysis
1288 /// determined that two values are equivalent.
1289 /// * `checkCommutativeEquivalent` is an optional callback to check for
1290 /// equivalence across two ranges for a commutative operation. If not passed
1291 /// in, then equivalence is checked pairwise. This callback is needed to be
1292 /// able to query the optional equivalence classes.
1293 ///
1294 /// Note: Additional information regarding value equivalence can be injected
1295 /// into the analysis via `checkEquivalent`. Typically, callers may want
1296 /// values that were determined to be equivalent as per `markEquivalent` to be
1297 /// reflected in `checkEquivalent`, unless `exactValueMatch` or a different
1298 /// equivalence relationship is desired.
1299 static bool
1300 isEquivalentTo(Operation *lhs, Operation *rhs,
1301 function_ref<LogicalResult(Value, Value)> checkEquivalent,
1302 function_ref<void(Value, Value)> markEquivalent = nullptr,
1303 Flags flags = Flags::None,
1304 function_ref<LogicalResult(ValueRange, ValueRange)>
1305 checkCommutativeEquivalent = nullptr);
1307 /// Compare two operations and return if they are equivalent.
1308 static bool isEquivalentTo(Operation *lhs, Operation *rhs, Flags flags);
1310 /// Compare two regions (including their subregions) and return if they are
1311 /// equivalent. See also `isEquivalentTo` for details.
1312 static bool isRegionEquivalentTo(
1313 Region *lhs, Region *rhs,
1314 function_ref<LogicalResult(Value, Value)> checkEquivalent,
1315 function_ref<void(Value, Value)> markEquivalent,
1316 OperationEquivalence::Flags flags,
1317 function_ref<LogicalResult(ValueRange, ValueRange)>
1318 checkCommutativeEquivalent = nullptr);
1320 /// Compare two regions and return if they are equivalent.
1321 static bool isRegionEquivalentTo(Region *lhs, Region *rhs,
1322 OperationEquivalence::Flags flags);
1324 /// Helper that can be used with `isEquivalentTo` above to consider ops
1325 /// equivalent even if their operands are not equivalent.
1326 static LogicalResult ignoreValueEquivalence(Value lhs, Value rhs) {
1327 return success();
1328 }
1329 /// Helper that can be used with `isEquivalentTo` above to consider ops
1330 /// equivalent only if their operands are the exact same SSA values.
1331 static LogicalResult exactValueMatch(Value lhs, Value rhs) {
1332 return success(isSuccess: lhs == rhs);
1333 }
1336/// Enable Bitmask enums for OperationEquivalence::Flags.
1340// OperationFingerPrint
1343/// A unique fingerprint for a specific operation, and all of it's internal
1344/// operations (if `includeNested` is set).
1345class OperationFingerPrint {
1347 OperationFingerPrint(Operation *topOp, bool includeNested = true);
1348 OperationFingerPrint(const OperationFingerPrint &) = default;
1349 OperationFingerPrint &operator=(const OperationFingerPrint &) = default;
1351 bool operator==(const OperationFingerPrint &other) const {
1352 return hash == other.hash;
1353 }
1354 bool operator!=(const OperationFingerPrint &other) const {
1355 return !(*this == other);
1356 }
1359 std::array<uint8_t, 20> hash;
1362} // namespace mlir
1364namespace llvm {
1365template <>
1366struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::OperationName> {
1367 static mlir::OperationName getEmptyKey() {
1368 void *pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
1369 return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
1370 }
1371 static mlir::OperationName getTombstoneKey() {
1372 void *pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
1373 return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
1374 }
1375 static unsigned getHashValue(mlir::OperationName val) {
1376 return DenseMapInfo<void *>::getHashValue(PtrVal: val.getAsOpaquePointer());
1377 }
1378 static bool isEqual(mlir::OperationName lhs, mlir::OperationName rhs) {
1379 return lhs == rhs;
1380 }
1382template <>
1383struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::RegisteredOperationName>
1384 : public DenseMapInfo<mlir::OperationName> {
1385 static mlir::RegisteredOperationName getEmptyKey() {
1386 void *pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
1387 return mlir::RegisteredOperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
1388 }
1389 static mlir::RegisteredOperationName getTombstoneKey() {
1390 void *pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
1391 return mlir::RegisteredOperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
1392 }
1395template <>
1396struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::OperationName> {
1397 static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(mlir::OperationName I) {
1398 return const_cast<void *>(I.getAsOpaquePointer());
1399 }
1400 static inline mlir::OperationName getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
1401 return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer: P);
1402 }
1403 static constexpr int NumLowBitsAvailable =
1404 PointerLikeTypeTraits<void *>::NumLowBitsAvailable;
1406template <>
1407struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::RegisteredOperationName>
1408 : public PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::OperationName> {
1409 static inline mlir::RegisteredOperationName getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
1410 return mlir::RegisteredOperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer: P);
1411 }
1414} // namespace llvm

source code of mlir/include/mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h