1//===- DialectConversion.h - MLIR dialect conversion pass -------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file declares a generic pass for converting between MLIR dialects.
16#include "mlir/Config/mlir-config.h"
17#include "mlir/Rewrite/FrozenRewritePatternSet.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
19#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
20#include <type_traits>
22namespace mlir {
24// Forward declarations.
25class Attribute;
26class Block;
27struct ConversionConfig;
28class ConversionPatternRewriter;
29class MLIRContext;
30class Operation;
31struct OperationConverter;
32class Type;
33class Value;
36// Type Conversion
39/// Type conversion class. Specific conversions and materializations can be
40/// registered using addConversion and addMaterialization, respectively.
41class TypeConverter {
43 virtual ~TypeConverter() = default;
44 TypeConverter() = default;
45 // Copy the registered conversions, but not the caches
46 TypeConverter(const TypeConverter &other)
47 : conversions(other.conversions),
48 argumentMaterializations(other.argumentMaterializations),
49 sourceMaterializations(other.sourceMaterializations),
50 targetMaterializations(other.targetMaterializations),
51 typeAttributeConversions(other.typeAttributeConversions) {}
52 TypeConverter &operator=(const TypeConverter &other) {
53 conversions = other.conversions;
54 argumentMaterializations = other.argumentMaterializations;
55 sourceMaterializations = other.sourceMaterializations;
56 targetMaterializations = other.targetMaterializations;
57 typeAttributeConversions = other.typeAttributeConversions;
58 return *this;
59 }
61 /// This class provides all of the information necessary to convert a type
62 /// signature.
63 class SignatureConversion {
64 public:
65 SignatureConversion(unsigned numOrigInputs)
66 : remappedInputs(numOrigInputs) {}
68 /// This struct represents a range of new types or a single value that
69 /// remaps an existing signature input.
70 struct InputMapping {
71 size_t inputNo, size;
72 Value replacementValue;
73 };
75 /// Return the argument types for the new signature.
76 ArrayRef<Type> getConvertedTypes() const { return argTypes; }
78 /// Get the input mapping for the given argument.
79 std::optional<InputMapping> getInputMapping(unsigned input) const {
80 return remappedInputs[input];
81 }
83 //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
84 // Conversion Hooks
85 //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
87 /// Remap an input of the original signature with a new set of types. The
88 /// new types are appended to the new signature conversion.
89 void addInputs(unsigned origInputNo, ArrayRef<Type> types);
91 /// Append new input types to the signature conversion, this should only be
92 /// used if the new types are not intended to remap an existing input.
93 void addInputs(ArrayRef<Type> types);
95 /// Remap an input of the original signature to another `replacement`
96 /// value. This drops the original argument.
97 void remapInput(unsigned origInputNo, Value replacement);
99 private:
100 /// Remap an input of the original signature with a range of types in the
101 /// new signature.
102 void remapInput(unsigned origInputNo, unsigned newInputNo,
103 unsigned newInputCount = 1);
105 /// The remapping information for each of the original arguments.
106 SmallVector<std::optional<InputMapping>, 4> remappedInputs;
108 /// The set of new argument types.
109 SmallVector<Type, 4> argTypes;
110 };
112 /// The general result of a type attribute conversion callback, allowing
113 /// for early termination. The default constructor creates the na case.
114 class AttributeConversionResult {
115 public:
116 constexpr AttributeConversionResult() : impl() {}
117 AttributeConversionResult(Attribute attr) : impl(attr, resultTag) {}
119 static AttributeConversionResult result(Attribute attr);
120 static AttributeConversionResult na();
121 static AttributeConversionResult abort();
123 bool hasResult() const;
124 bool isNa() const;
125 bool isAbort() const;
127 Attribute getResult() const;
129 private:
130 AttributeConversionResult(Attribute attr, unsigned tag) : impl(attr, tag) {}
132 llvm::PointerIntPair<Attribute, 2> impl;
133 // Note that na is 0 so that we can use PointerIntPair's default
134 // constructor.
135 static constexpr unsigned naTag = 0;
136 static constexpr unsigned resultTag = 1;
137 static constexpr unsigned abortTag = 2;
138 };
140 /// Register a conversion function. A conversion function must be convertible
141 /// to any of the following forms(where `T` is a class derived from `Type`:
142 /// * std::optional<Type>(T)
143 /// - This form represents a 1-1 type conversion. It should return nullptr
144 /// or `std::nullopt` to signify failure. If `std::nullopt` is returned,
145 /// the converter is allowed to try another conversion function to
146 /// perform the conversion.
147 /// * std::optional<LogicalResult>(T, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &)
148 /// - This form represents a 1-N type conversion. It should return
149 /// `failure` or `std::nullopt` to signify a failed conversion. If the
150 /// new set of types is empty, the type is removed and any usages of the
151 /// existing value are expected to be removed during conversion. If
152 /// `std::nullopt` is returned, the converter is allowed to try another
153 /// conversion function to perform the conversion.
154 /// * std::optional<LogicalResult>(T, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &,
155 /// ArrayRef<Type>)
156 /// - This form represents a 1-N type conversion supporting recursive
157 /// types. The first two arguments and the return value are the same as
158 /// for the regular 1-N form. The third argument is contains is the
159 /// "call stack" of the recursive conversion: it contains the list of
160 /// types currently being converted, with the current type being the
161 /// last one. If it is present more than once in the list, the
162 /// conversion concerns a recursive type.
163 /// Note: When attempting to convert a type, e.g. via 'convertType', the
164 /// mostly recently added conversions will be invoked first.
165 template <typename FnT, typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
166 std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>>
167 void addConversion(FnT &&callback) {
168 registerConversion(callback: wrapCallback<T>(std::forward<FnT>(callback)));
169 }
171 /// Register a materialization function, which must be convertible to the
172 /// following form:
173 /// `std::optional<Value>(OpBuilder &, T, ValueRange, Location)`,
174 /// where `T` is any subclass of `Type`. This function is responsible for
175 /// creating an operation, using the OpBuilder and Location provided, that
176 /// "casts" a range of values into a single value of the given type `T`. It
177 /// must return a Value of the converted type on success, an `std::nullopt` if
178 /// it failed but other materialization can be attempted, and `nullptr` on
179 /// unrecoverable failure. It will only be called for (sub)types of `T`.
180 /// Materialization functions must be provided when a type conversion may
181 /// persist after the conversion has finished.
182 ///
183 /// This method registers a materialization that will be called when
184 /// converting an illegal block argument type, to a legal type.
185 template <typename FnT, typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
186 std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<1>>
187 void addArgumentMaterialization(FnT &&callback) {
188 argumentMaterializations.emplace_back(
189 wrapMaterialization<T>(std::forward<FnT>(callback)));
190 }
191 /// This method registers a materialization that will be called when
192 /// converting a legal type to an illegal source type. This is used when
193 /// conversions to an illegal type must persist beyond the main conversion.
194 template <typename FnT, typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
195 std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<1>>
196 void addSourceMaterialization(FnT &&callback) {
197 sourceMaterializations.emplace_back(
198 wrapMaterialization<T>(std::forward<FnT>(callback)));
199 }
200 /// This method registers a materialization that will be called when
201 /// converting type from an illegal, or source, type to a legal type.
202 template <typename FnT, typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
203 std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<1>>
204 void addTargetMaterialization(FnT &&callback) {
205 targetMaterializations.emplace_back(
206 wrapMaterialization<T>(std::forward<FnT>(callback)));
207 }
209 /// Register a conversion function for attributes within types. Type
210 /// converters may call this function in order to allow hoking into the
211 /// translation of attributes that exist within types. For example, a type
212 /// converter for the `memref` type could use these conversions to convert
213 /// memory spaces or layouts in an extensible way.
214 ///
215 /// The conversion functions take a non-null Type or subclass of Type and a
216 /// non-null Attribute (or subclass of Attribute), and returns a
217 /// `AttributeConversionResult`. This result can either contan an `Attribute`,
218 /// which may be `nullptr`, representing the conversion's success,
219 /// `AttributeConversionResult::na()` (the default empty value), indicating
220 /// that the conversion function did not apply and that further conversion
221 /// functions should be checked, or `AttributeConversionResult::abort()`
222 /// indicating that the conversion process should be aborted.
223 ///
224 /// Registered conversion functions are callled in the reverse of the order in
225 /// which they were registered.
226 template <
227 typename FnT,
228 typename T =
229 typename llvm::function_traits<std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>,
230 typename A =
231 typename llvm::function_traits<std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<1>>
232 void addTypeAttributeConversion(FnT &&callback) {
233 registerTypeAttributeConversion(
234 callback: wrapTypeAttributeConversion<T, A>(std::forward<FnT>(callback)));
235 }
237 /// Convert the given type. This function should return failure if no valid
238 /// conversion exists, success otherwise. If the new set of types is empty,
239 /// the type is removed and any usages of the existing value are expected to
240 /// be removed during conversion.
241 LogicalResult convertType(Type t, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &results) const;
243 /// This hook simplifies defining 1-1 type conversions. This function returns
244 /// the type to convert to on success, and a null type on failure.
245 Type convertType(Type t) const;
247 /// Attempts a 1-1 type conversion, expecting the result type to be
248 /// `TargetType`. Returns the converted type cast to `TargetType` on success,
249 /// and a null type on conversion or cast failure.
250 template <typename TargetType> TargetType convertType(Type t) const {
251 return dyn_cast_or_null<TargetType>(convertType(t));
252 }
254 /// Convert the given set of types, filling 'results' as necessary. This
255 /// returns failure if the conversion of any of the types fails, success
256 /// otherwise.
257 LogicalResult convertTypes(TypeRange types,
258 SmallVectorImpl<Type> &results) const;
260 /// Return true if the given type is legal for this type converter, i.e. the
261 /// type converts to itself.
262 bool isLegal(Type type) const;
264 /// Return true if all of the given types are legal for this type converter.
265 template <typename RangeT>
266 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<RangeT, Type>::value &&
267 !std::is_convertible<RangeT, Operation *>::value,
268 bool>
269 isLegal(RangeT &&range) const {
270 return llvm::all_of(range, [this](Type type) { return isLegal(type); });
271 }
272 /// Return true if the given operation has legal operand and result types.
273 bool isLegal(Operation *op) const;
275 /// Return true if the types of block arguments within the region are legal.
276 bool isLegal(Region *region) const;
278 /// Return true if the inputs and outputs of the given function type are
279 /// legal.
280 bool isSignatureLegal(FunctionType ty) const;
282 /// This method allows for converting a specific argument of a signature. It
283 /// takes as inputs the original argument input number, type.
284 /// On success, it populates 'result' with any new mappings.
285 LogicalResult convertSignatureArg(unsigned inputNo, Type type,
286 SignatureConversion &result) const;
287 LogicalResult convertSignatureArgs(TypeRange types,
288 SignatureConversion &result,
289 unsigned origInputOffset = 0) const;
291 /// This function converts the type signature of the given block, by invoking
292 /// 'convertSignatureArg' for each argument. This function should return a
293 /// valid conversion for the signature on success, std::nullopt otherwise.
294 std::optional<SignatureConversion> convertBlockSignature(Block *block) const;
296 /// Materialize a conversion from a set of types into one result type by
297 /// generating a cast sequence of some kind. See the respective
298 /// `add*Materialization` for more information on the context for these
299 /// methods.
300 Value materializeArgumentConversion(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
301 Type resultType,
302 ValueRange inputs) const {
303 return materializeConversion(materializations: argumentMaterializations, builder, loc,
304 resultType, inputs);
305 }
306 Value materializeSourceConversion(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
307 Type resultType, ValueRange inputs) const {
308 return materializeConversion(materializations: sourceMaterializations, builder, loc,
309 resultType, inputs);
310 }
311 Value materializeTargetConversion(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
312 Type resultType, ValueRange inputs) const {
313 return materializeConversion(materializations: targetMaterializations, builder, loc,
314 resultType, inputs);
315 }
317 /// Convert an attribute present `attr` from within the type `type` using
318 /// the registered conversion functions. If no applicable conversion has been
319 /// registered, return std::nullopt. Note that the empty attribute/`nullptr`
320 /// is a valid return value for this function.
321 std::optional<Attribute> convertTypeAttribute(Type type,
322 Attribute attr) const;
325 /// The signature of the callback used to convert a type. If the new set of
326 /// types is empty, the type is removed and any usages of the existing value
327 /// are expected to be removed during conversion.
328 using ConversionCallbackFn = std::function<std::optional<LogicalResult>(
329 Type, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &)>;
331 /// The signature of the callback used to materialize a conversion.
332 using MaterializationCallbackFn = std::function<std::optional<Value>(
333 OpBuilder &, Type, ValueRange, Location)>;
335 /// The signature of the callback used to convert a type attribute.
336 using TypeAttributeConversionCallbackFn =
337 std::function<AttributeConversionResult(Type, Attribute)>;
339 /// Attempt to materialize a conversion using one of the provided
340 /// materialization functions.
341 Value
342 materializeConversion(ArrayRef<MaterializationCallbackFn> materializations,
343 OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Type resultType,
344 ValueRange inputs) const;
346 /// Generate a wrapper for the given callback. This allows for accepting
347 /// different callback forms, that all compose into a single version.
348 /// With callback of form: `std::optional<Type>(T)`
349 template <typename T, typename FnT>
350 std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<FnT, T>, ConversionCallbackFn>
351 wrapCallback(FnT &&callback) const {
352 return wrapCallback<T>([callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
353 T type, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &results) {
354 if (std::optional<Type> resultOpt = callback(type)) {
355 bool wasSuccess = static_cast<bool>(*resultOpt);
356 if (wasSuccess)
357 results.push_back(Elt: *resultOpt);
358 return std::optional<LogicalResult>(success(isSuccess: wasSuccess));
359 }
360 return std::optional<LogicalResult>();
361 });
362 }
363 /// With callback of form: `std::optional<LogicalResult>(
364 /// T, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &, ArrayRef<Type>)`.
365 template <typename T, typename FnT>
366 std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<FnT, T, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &>,
367 ConversionCallbackFn>
368 wrapCallback(FnT &&callback) const {
369 return [callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
370 Type type,
371 SmallVectorImpl<Type> &results) -> std::optional<LogicalResult> {
372 T derivedType = dyn_cast<T>(type);
373 if (!derivedType)
374 return std::nullopt;
375 return callback(derivedType, results);
376 };
377 }
379 /// Register a type conversion.
380 void registerConversion(ConversionCallbackFn callback) {
381 conversions.emplace_back(Args: std::move(callback));
382 cachedDirectConversions.clear();
383 cachedMultiConversions.clear();
384 }
386 /// Generate a wrapper for the given materialization callback. The callback
387 /// may take any subclass of `Type` and the wrapper will check for the target
388 /// type to be of the expected class before calling the callback.
389 template <typename T, typename FnT>
390 MaterializationCallbackFn wrapMaterialization(FnT &&callback) const {
391 return [callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
392 OpBuilder &builder, Type resultType, ValueRange inputs,
393 Location loc) -> std::optional<Value> {
394 if (T derivedType = dyn_cast<T>(resultType))
395 return callback(builder, derivedType, inputs, loc);
396 return std::nullopt;
397 };
398 }
400 /// Generate a wrapper for the given memory space conversion callback. The
401 /// callback may take any subclass of `Attribute` and the wrapper will check
402 /// for the target attribute to be of the expected class before calling the
403 /// callback.
404 template <typename T, typename A, typename FnT>
405 TypeAttributeConversionCallbackFn
406 wrapTypeAttributeConversion(FnT &&callback) const {
407 return [callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
408 Type type, Attribute attr) -> AttributeConversionResult {
409 if (T derivedType = dyn_cast<T>(type)) {
410 if (A derivedAttr = dyn_cast_or_null<A>(attr))
411 return callback(derivedType, derivedAttr);
412 }
413 return AttributeConversionResult::na();
414 };
415 }
417 /// Register a memory space conversion, clearing caches.
418 void
419 registerTypeAttributeConversion(TypeAttributeConversionCallbackFn callback) {
420 typeAttributeConversions.emplace_back(Args: std::move(callback));
421 // Clear type conversions in case a memory space is lingering inside.
422 cachedDirectConversions.clear();
423 cachedMultiConversions.clear();
424 }
426 /// The set of registered conversion functions.
427 SmallVector<ConversionCallbackFn, 4> conversions;
429 /// The list of registered materialization functions.
430 SmallVector<MaterializationCallbackFn, 2> argumentMaterializations;
431 SmallVector<MaterializationCallbackFn, 2> sourceMaterializations;
432 SmallVector<MaterializationCallbackFn, 2> targetMaterializations;
434 /// The list of registered type attribute conversion functions.
435 SmallVector<TypeAttributeConversionCallbackFn, 2> typeAttributeConversions;
437 /// A set of cached conversions to avoid recomputing in the common case.
438 /// Direct 1-1 conversions are the most common, so this cache stores the
439 /// successful 1-1 conversions as well as all failed conversions.
440 mutable DenseMap<Type, Type> cachedDirectConversions;
441 /// This cache stores the successful 1->N conversions, where N != 1.
442 mutable DenseMap<Type, SmallVector<Type, 2>> cachedMultiConversions;
443 /// A mutex used for cache access
444 mutable llvm::sys::SmartRWMutex<true> cacheMutex;
448// Conversion Patterns
451/// Base class for the conversion patterns. This pattern class enables type
452/// conversions, and other uses specific to the conversion framework. As such,
453/// patterns of this type can only be used with the 'apply*' methods below.
454class ConversionPattern : public RewritePattern {
456 /// Hook for derived classes to implement rewriting. `op` is the (first)
457 /// operation matched by the pattern, `operands` is a list of the rewritten
458 /// operand values that are passed to `op`, `rewriter` can be used to emit the
459 /// new operations. This function should not fail. If some specific cases of
460 /// the operation are not supported, these cases should not be matched.
461 virtual void rewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
462 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
463 llvm_unreachable("unimplemented rewrite");
464 }
466 /// Hook for derived classes to implement combined matching and rewriting.
467 virtual LogicalResult
468 matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
469 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
470 if (failed(result: match(op)))
471 return failure();
472 rewrite(op, operands, rewriter);
473 return success();
474 }
476 /// Attempt to match and rewrite the IR root at the specified operation.
477 LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op,
478 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final;
480 /// Return the type converter held by this pattern, or nullptr if the pattern
481 /// does not require type conversion.
482 const TypeConverter *getTypeConverter() const { return typeConverter; }
484 template <typename ConverterTy>
485 std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<TypeConverter, ConverterTy>::value,
486 const ConverterTy *>
487 getTypeConverter() const {
488 return static_cast<const ConverterTy *>(typeConverter);
489 }
492 /// See `RewritePattern::RewritePattern` for information on the other
493 /// available constructors.
494 using RewritePattern::RewritePattern;
495 /// Construct a conversion pattern with the given converter, and forward the
496 /// remaining arguments to RewritePattern.
497 template <typename... Args>
498 ConversionPattern(const TypeConverter &typeConverter, Args &&...args)
499 : RewritePattern(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
500 typeConverter(&typeConverter) {}
503 /// An optional type converter for use by this pattern.
504 const TypeConverter *typeConverter = nullptr;
507 using RewritePattern::rewrite;
510/// OpConversionPattern is a wrapper around ConversionPattern that allows for
511/// matching and rewriting against an instance of a derived operation class as
512/// opposed to a raw Operation.
513template <typename SourceOp>
514class OpConversionPattern : public ConversionPattern {
516 using OpAdaptor = typename SourceOp::Adaptor;
518 OpConversionPattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
519 : ConversionPattern(SourceOp::getOperationName(), benefit, context) {}
520 OpConversionPattern(const TypeConverter &typeConverter, MLIRContext *context,
521 PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
522 : ConversionPattern(typeConverter, SourceOp::getOperationName(), benefit,
523 context) {}
525 /// Wrappers around the ConversionPattern methods that pass the derived op
526 /// type.
527 LogicalResult match(Operation *op) const final {
528 return match(cast<SourceOp>(op));
529 }
530 void rewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
531 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
532 auto sourceOp = cast<SourceOp>(op);
533 rewrite(sourceOp, OpAdaptor(operands, sourceOp), rewriter);
534 }
535 LogicalResult
536 matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
537 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
538 auto sourceOp = cast<SourceOp>(op);
539 return matchAndRewrite(sourceOp, OpAdaptor(operands, sourceOp), rewriter);
540 }
542 /// Rewrite and Match methods that operate on the SourceOp type. These must be
543 /// overridden by the derived pattern class.
544 virtual LogicalResult match(SourceOp op) const {
545 llvm_unreachable("must override match or matchAndRewrite");
546 }
547 virtual void rewrite(SourceOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
548 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
549 llvm_unreachable("must override matchAndRewrite or a rewrite method");
550 }
551 virtual LogicalResult
552 matchAndRewrite(SourceOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
553 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
554 if (failed(match(op)))
555 return failure();
556 rewrite(op, adaptor, rewriter);
557 return success();
558 }
561 using ConversionPattern::matchAndRewrite;
564/// OpInterfaceConversionPattern is a wrapper around ConversionPattern that
565/// allows for matching and rewriting against an instance of an OpInterface
566/// class as opposed to a raw Operation.
567template <typename SourceOp>
568class OpInterfaceConversionPattern : public ConversionPattern {
570 OpInterfaceConversionPattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
571 : ConversionPattern(Pattern::MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag(),
572 SourceOp::getInterfaceID(), benefit, context) {}
573 OpInterfaceConversionPattern(const TypeConverter &typeConverter,
574 MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
575 : ConversionPattern(typeConverter, Pattern::MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag(),
576 SourceOp::getInterfaceID(), benefit, context) {}
578 /// Wrappers around the ConversionPattern methods that pass the derived op
579 /// type.
580 void rewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
581 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
582 rewrite(cast<SourceOp>(op), operands, rewriter);
583 }
584 LogicalResult
585 matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
586 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
587 return matchAndRewrite(cast<SourceOp>(op), operands, rewriter);
588 }
590 /// Rewrite and Match methods that operate on the SourceOp type. These must be
591 /// overridden by the derived pattern class.
592 virtual void rewrite(SourceOp op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
593 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
594 llvm_unreachable("must override matchAndRewrite or a rewrite method");
595 }
596 virtual LogicalResult
597 matchAndRewrite(SourceOp op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
598 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
599 if (failed(match(op)))
600 return failure();
601 rewrite(op, operands, rewriter);
602 return success();
603 }
606 using ConversionPattern::matchAndRewrite;
609/// OpTraitConversionPattern is a wrapper around ConversionPattern that allows
610/// for matching and rewriting against instances of an operation that possess a
611/// given trait.
612template <template <typename> class TraitType>
613class OpTraitConversionPattern : public ConversionPattern {
615 OpTraitConversionPattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
616 : ConversionPattern(Pattern::MatchTraitOpTypeTag(),
617 TypeID::get<TraitType>(), benefit, context) {}
618 OpTraitConversionPattern(const TypeConverter &typeConverter,
619 MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
620 : ConversionPattern(typeConverter, Pattern::MatchTraitOpTypeTag(),
621 TypeID::get<TraitType>(), benefit, context) {}
624/// Generic utility to convert op result types according to type converter
625/// without knowing exact op type.
626/// Clones existing op with new result types and returns it.
627FailureOr<Operation *>
628convertOpResultTypes(Operation *op, ValueRange operands,
629 const TypeConverter &converter,
630 ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter);
632/// Add a pattern to the given pattern list to convert the signature of a
633/// FunctionOpInterface op with the given type converter. This only supports
634/// ops which use FunctionType to represent their type.
635void populateFunctionOpInterfaceTypeConversionPattern(
636 StringRef functionLikeOpName, RewritePatternSet &patterns,
637 const TypeConverter &converter);
639template <typename FuncOpT>
640void populateFunctionOpInterfaceTypeConversionPattern(
641 RewritePatternSet &patterns, const TypeConverter &converter) {
642 populateFunctionOpInterfaceTypeConversionPattern(FuncOpT::getOperationName(),
643 patterns, converter);
646void populateAnyFunctionOpInterfaceTypeConversionPattern(
647 RewritePatternSet &patterns, const TypeConverter &converter);
650// Conversion PatternRewriter
653namespace detail {
654struct ConversionPatternRewriterImpl;
655} // namespace detail
657/// This class implements a pattern rewriter for use with ConversionPatterns. It
658/// extends the base PatternRewriter and provides special conversion specific
659/// hooks.
660class ConversionPatternRewriter final : public PatternRewriter {
662 ~ConversionPatternRewriter() override;
664 /// Apply a signature conversion to the entry block of the given region. This
665 /// replaces the entry block with a new block containing the updated
666 /// signature. The new entry block to the region is returned for convenience.
667 /// If no block argument types are changing, the entry original block will be
668 /// left in place and returned.
669 ///
670 /// If provided, `converter` will be used for any materializations.
671 Block *
672 applySignatureConversion(Region *region,
673 TypeConverter::SignatureConversion &conversion,
674 const TypeConverter *converter = nullptr);
676 /// Convert the types of block arguments within the given region. This
677 /// replaces each block with a new block containing the updated signature. If
678 /// an updated signature would match the current signature, the respective
679 /// block is left in place as is.
680 ///
681 /// The entry block may have a special conversion if `entryConversion` is
682 /// provided. On success, the new entry block to the region is returned for
683 /// convenience. Otherwise, failure is returned.
684 FailureOr<Block *> convertRegionTypes(
685 Region *region, const TypeConverter &converter,
686 TypeConverter::SignatureConversion *entryConversion = nullptr);
688 /// Convert the types of block arguments within the given region except for
689 /// the entry region. This replaces each non-entry block with a new block
690 /// containing the updated signature. If an updated signature would match the
691 /// current signature, the respective block is left in place as is.
692 ///
693 /// If special conversion behavior is needed for the non-entry blocks (for
694 /// example, we need to convert only a subset of a BB arguments), such
695 /// behavior can be specified in blockConversions.
696 LogicalResult convertNonEntryRegionTypes(
697 Region *region, const TypeConverter &converter,
698 ArrayRef<TypeConverter::SignatureConversion> blockConversions);
700 /// Replace all the uses of the block argument `from` with value `to`.
701 void replaceUsesOfBlockArgument(BlockArgument from, Value to);
703 /// Return the converted value of 'key' with a type defined by the type
704 /// converter of the currently executing pattern. Return nullptr in the case
705 /// of failure, the remapped value otherwise.
706 Value getRemappedValue(Value key);
708 /// Return the converted values that replace 'keys' with types defined by the
709 /// type converter of the currently executing pattern. Returns failure if the
710 /// remap failed, success otherwise.
711 LogicalResult getRemappedValues(ValueRange keys,
712 SmallVectorImpl<Value> &results);
714 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
715 // PatternRewriter Hooks
716 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
718 /// Indicate that the conversion rewriter can recover from rewrite failure.
719 /// Recovery is supported via rollback, allowing for continued processing of
720 /// patterns even if a failure is encountered during the rewrite step.
721 bool canRecoverFromRewriteFailure() const override { return true; }
723 /// PatternRewriter hook for replacing an operation.
724 void replaceOp(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues) override;
726 /// PatternRewriter hook for replacing an operation.
727 void replaceOp(Operation *op, Operation *newOp) override;
729 /// PatternRewriter hook for erasing a dead operation. The uses of this
730 /// operation *must* be made dead by the end of the conversion process,
731 /// otherwise an assert will be issued.
732 void eraseOp(Operation *op) override;
734 /// PatternRewriter hook for erase all operations in a block. This is not yet
735 /// implemented for dialect conversion.
736 void eraseBlock(Block *block) override;
738 /// PatternRewriter hook for inlining the ops of a block into another block.
739 void inlineBlockBefore(Block *source, Block *dest, Block::iterator before,
740 ValueRange argValues = std::nullopt) override;
741 using PatternRewriter::inlineBlockBefore;
743 /// PatternRewriter hook for updating the given operation in-place.
744 /// Note: These methods only track updates to the given operation itself,
745 /// and not nested regions. Updates to regions will still require notification
746 /// through other more specific hooks above.
747 void startOpModification(Operation *op) override;
749 /// PatternRewriter hook for updating the given operation in-place.
750 void finalizeOpModification(Operation *op) override;
752 /// PatternRewriter hook for updating the given operation in-place.
753 void cancelOpModification(Operation *op) override;
755 /// Return a reference to the internal implementation.
756 detail::ConversionPatternRewriterImpl &getImpl();
759 // Allow OperationConverter to construct new rewriters.
760 friend struct OperationConverter;
762 /// Conversion pattern rewriters must not be used outside of dialect
763 /// conversions. They apply some IR rewrites in a delayed fashion and could
764 /// bring the IR into an inconsistent state when used standalone.
765 explicit ConversionPatternRewriter(MLIRContext *ctx,
766 const ConversionConfig &config);
768 // Hide unsupported pattern rewriter API.
769 using OpBuilder::setListener;
771 std::unique_ptr<detail::ConversionPatternRewriterImpl> impl;
775// ConversionTarget
778/// This class describes a specific conversion target.
779class ConversionTarget {
781 /// This enumeration corresponds to the specific action to take when
782 /// considering an operation legal for this conversion target.
783 enum class LegalizationAction {
784 /// The target supports this operation.
785 Legal,
787 /// This operation has dynamic legalization constraints that must be checked
788 /// by the target.
789 Dynamic,
791 /// The target explicitly does not support this operation.
792 Illegal,
793 };
795 /// A structure containing additional information describing a specific legal
796 /// operation instance.
797 struct LegalOpDetails {
798 /// A flag that indicates if this operation is 'recursively' legal. This
799 /// means that if an operation is legal, either statically or dynamically,
800 /// all of the operations nested within are also considered legal.
801 bool isRecursivelyLegal = false;
802 };
804 /// The signature of the callback used to determine if an operation is
805 /// dynamically legal on the target.
806 using DynamicLegalityCallbackFn =
807 std::function<std::optional<bool>(Operation *)>;
809 ConversionTarget(MLIRContext &ctx) : ctx(ctx) {}
810 virtual ~ConversionTarget() = default;
812 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
813 // Legality Registration
814 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
816 /// Register a legality action for the given operation.
817 void setOpAction(OperationName op, LegalizationAction action);
818 template <typename OpT>
819 void setOpAction(LegalizationAction action) {
820 setOpAction(op: OperationName(OpT::getOperationName(), &ctx), action);
821 }
823 /// Register the given operations as legal.
824 void addLegalOp(OperationName op) {
825 setOpAction(op, action: LegalizationAction::Legal);
826 }
827 template <typename OpT>
828 void addLegalOp() {
829 addLegalOp(op: OperationName(OpT::getOperationName(), &ctx));
830 }
831 template <typename OpT, typename OpT2, typename... OpTs>
832 void addLegalOp() {
833 addLegalOp<OpT>();
834 addLegalOp<OpT2, OpTs...>();
835 }
837 /// Register the given operation as dynamically legal and set the dynamic
838 /// legalization callback to the one provided.
839 void addDynamicallyLegalOp(OperationName op,
840 const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback) {
841 setOpAction(op, action: LegalizationAction::Dynamic);
842 setLegalityCallback(name: op, callback);
843 }
844 template <typename OpT>
845 void addDynamicallyLegalOp(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback) {
846 addDynamicallyLegalOp(op: OperationName(OpT::getOperationName(), &ctx),
847 callback);
848 }
849 template <typename OpT, typename OpT2, typename... OpTs>
850 void addDynamicallyLegalOp(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback) {
851 addDynamicallyLegalOp<OpT>(callback);
852 addDynamicallyLegalOp<OpT2, OpTs...>(callback);
853 }
854 template <typename OpT, class Callable>
855 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_invocable_v<Callable, Operation *>>
856 addDynamicallyLegalOp(Callable &&callback) {
857 addDynamicallyLegalOp<OpT>(
858 [=](Operation *op) { return callback(cast<OpT>(op)); });
859 }
861 /// Register the given operation as illegal, i.e. this operation is known to
862 /// not be supported by this target.
863 void addIllegalOp(OperationName op) {
864 setOpAction(op, action: LegalizationAction::Illegal);
865 }
866 template <typename OpT>
867 void addIllegalOp() {
868 addIllegalOp(op: OperationName(OpT::getOperationName(), &ctx));
869 }
870 template <typename OpT, typename OpT2, typename... OpTs>
871 void addIllegalOp() {
872 addIllegalOp<OpT>();
873 addIllegalOp<OpT2, OpTs...>();
874 }
876 /// Mark an operation, that *must* have either been set as `Legal` or
877 /// `DynamicallyLegal`, as being recursively legal. This means that in
878 /// addition to the operation itself, all of the operations nested within are
879 /// also considered legal. An optional dynamic legality callback may be
880 /// provided to mark subsets of legal instances as recursively legal.
881 void markOpRecursivelyLegal(OperationName name,
882 const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback);
883 template <typename OpT>
884 void markOpRecursivelyLegal(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback = {}) {
885 OperationName opName(OpT::getOperationName(), &ctx);
886 markOpRecursivelyLegal(name: opName, callback);
887 }
888 template <typename OpT, typename OpT2, typename... OpTs>
889 void markOpRecursivelyLegal(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback = {}) {
890 markOpRecursivelyLegal<OpT>(callback);
891 markOpRecursivelyLegal<OpT2, OpTs...>(callback);
892 }
893 template <typename OpT, class Callable>
894 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_invocable_v<Callable, Operation *>>
895 markOpRecursivelyLegal(Callable &&callback) {
896 markOpRecursivelyLegal<OpT>(
897 [=](Operation *op) { return callback(cast<OpT>(op)); });
898 }
900 /// Register a legality action for the given dialects.
901 void setDialectAction(ArrayRef<StringRef> dialectNames,
902 LegalizationAction action);
904 /// Register the operations of the given dialects as legal.
905 template <typename... Names>
906 void addLegalDialect(StringRef name, Names... names) {
907 SmallVector<StringRef, 2> dialectNames({name, names...});
908 setDialectAction(dialectNames, action: LegalizationAction::Legal);
909 }
910 template <typename... Args>
911 void addLegalDialect() {
912 SmallVector<StringRef, 2> dialectNames({Args::getDialectNamespace()...});
913 setDialectAction(dialectNames, action: LegalizationAction::Legal);
914 }
916 /// Register the operations of the given dialects as dynamically legal, i.e.
917 /// requiring custom handling by the callback.
918 template <typename... Names>
919 void addDynamicallyLegalDialect(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback,
920 StringRef name, Names... names) {
921 SmallVector<StringRef, 2> dialectNames({name, names...});
922 setDialectAction(dialectNames, action: LegalizationAction::Dynamic);
923 setLegalityCallback(dialects: dialectNames, callback);
924 }
925 template <typename... Args>
926 void addDynamicallyLegalDialect(DynamicLegalityCallbackFn callback) {
927 addDynamicallyLegalDialect(std::move(callback),
928 Args::getDialectNamespace()...);
929 }
931 /// Register unknown operations as dynamically legal. For operations(and
932 /// dialects) that do not have a set legalization action, treat them as
933 /// dynamically legal and invoke the given callback.
934 void markUnknownOpDynamicallyLegal(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &fn) {
935 setLegalityCallback(fn);
936 }
938 /// Register the operations of the given dialects as illegal, i.e.
939 /// operations of this dialect are not supported by the target.
940 template <typename... Names>
941 void addIllegalDialect(StringRef name, Names... names) {
942 SmallVector<StringRef, 2> dialectNames({name, names...});
943 setDialectAction(dialectNames, action: LegalizationAction::Illegal);
944 }
945 template <typename... Args>
946 void addIllegalDialect() {
947 SmallVector<StringRef, 2> dialectNames({Args::getDialectNamespace()...});
948 setDialectAction(dialectNames, action: LegalizationAction::Illegal);
949 }
951 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
952 // Legality Querying
953 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
955 /// Get the legality action for the given operation.
956 std::optional<LegalizationAction> getOpAction(OperationName op) const;
958 /// If the given operation instance is legal on this target, a structure
959 /// containing legality information is returned. If the operation is not
960 /// legal, std::nullopt is returned. Also returns std::nullopt if operation
961 /// legality wasn't registered by user or dynamic legality callbacks returned
962 /// None.
963 ///
964 /// Note: Legality is actually a 4-state: Legal(recursive=true),
965 /// Legal(recursive=false), Illegal or Unknown, where Unknown is treated
966 /// either as Legal or Illegal depending on context.
967 std::optional<LegalOpDetails> isLegal(Operation *op) const;
969 /// Returns true is operation instance is illegal on this target. Returns
970 /// false if operation is legal, operation legality wasn't registered by user
971 /// or dynamic legality callbacks returned None.
972 bool isIllegal(Operation *op) const;
975 /// Set the dynamic legality callback for the given operation.
976 void setLegalityCallback(OperationName name,
977 const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback);
979 /// Set the dynamic legality callback for the given dialects.
980 void setLegalityCallback(ArrayRef<StringRef> dialects,
981 const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback);
983 /// Set the dynamic legality callback for the unknown ops.
984 void setLegalityCallback(const DynamicLegalityCallbackFn &callback);
986 /// The set of information that configures the legalization of an operation.
987 struct LegalizationInfo {
988 /// The legality action this operation was given.
989 LegalizationAction action = LegalizationAction::Illegal;
991 /// If some legal instances of this operation may also be recursively legal.
992 bool isRecursivelyLegal = false;
994 /// The legality callback if this operation is dynamically legal.
995 DynamicLegalityCallbackFn legalityFn;
996 };
998 /// Get the legalization information for the given operation.
999 std::optional<LegalizationInfo> getOpInfo(OperationName op) const;
1001 /// A deterministic mapping of operation name and its respective legality
1002 /// information.
1003 llvm::MapVector<OperationName, LegalizationInfo> legalOperations;
1005 /// A set of legality callbacks for given operation names that are used to
1006 /// check if an operation instance is recursively legal.
1007 DenseMap<OperationName, DynamicLegalityCallbackFn> opRecursiveLegalityFns;
1009 /// A deterministic mapping of dialect name to the specific legality action to
1010 /// take.
1011 llvm::StringMap<LegalizationAction> legalDialects;
1013 /// A set of dynamic legality callbacks for given dialect names.
1014 llvm::StringMap<DynamicLegalityCallbackFn> dialectLegalityFns;
1016 /// An optional legality callback for unknown operations.
1017 DynamicLegalityCallbackFn unknownLegalityFn;
1019 /// The current context this target applies to.
1020 MLIRContext &ctx;
1025// PDL Configuration
1028/// A PDL configuration that is used to supported dialect conversion
1029/// functionality.
1030class PDLConversionConfig final
1031 : public PDLPatternConfigBase<PDLConversionConfig> {
1033 PDLConversionConfig(const TypeConverter *converter) : converter(converter) {}
1034 ~PDLConversionConfig() final = default;
1036 /// Return the type converter used by this configuration, which may be nullptr
1037 /// if no type conversions are expected.
1038 const TypeConverter *getTypeConverter() const { return converter; }
1040 /// Hooks that are invoked at the beginning and end of a rewrite of a matched
1041 /// pattern.
1042 void notifyRewriteBegin(PatternRewriter &rewriter) final;
1043 void notifyRewriteEnd(PatternRewriter &rewriter) final;
1046 /// An optional type converter to use for the pattern.
1047 const TypeConverter *converter;
1050/// Register the dialect conversion PDL functions with the given pattern set.
1051void registerConversionPDLFunctions(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
1055// Stubs for when PDL in rewriting is not enabled.
1057inline void registerConversionPDLFunctions(RewritePatternSet &patterns) {}
1059class PDLConversionConfig final {
1061 PDLConversionConfig(const TypeConverter * /*converter*/) {}
1067// ConversionConfig
1070/// Dialect conversion configuration.
1071struct ConversionConfig {
1072 /// An optional callback used to notify about match failure diagnostics during
1073 /// the conversion. Diagnostics reported to this callback may only be
1074 /// available in debug mode.
1075 function_ref<void(Diagnostic &)> notifyCallback = nullptr;
1077 /// Partial conversion only. All operations that are found not to be
1078 /// legalizable are placed in this set. (Note that if there is an op
1079 /// explicitly marked as illegal, the conversion terminates and the set will
1080 /// not necessarily be complete.)
1081 DenseSet<Operation *> *unlegalizedOps = nullptr;
1083 /// Analysis conversion only. All operations that are found to be legalizable
1084 /// are placed in this set. Note that no actual rewrites are applied to the
1085 /// IR during an analysis conversion and only pre-existing operations are
1086 /// added to the set.
1087 DenseSet<Operation *> *legalizableOps = nullptr;
1089 /// An optional listener that is notified about all IR modifications in case
1090 /// dialect conversion succeeds. If the dialect conversion fails and no IR
1091 /// modifications are visible (i.e., they were all rolled back), no
1092 /// notifications are sent.
1093 ///
1094 /// Note: Notifications are sent in a delayed fashion, when the dialect
1095 /// conversion is guaranteed to succeed. At that point, some IR modifications
1096 /// may already have been materialized. Consequently, operations/blocks that
1097 /// are passed to listener callbacks should not be accessed. (Ops/blocks are
1098 /// guaranteed to be valid pointers and accessing op names is allowed. But
1099 /// there are no guarantees about the state of ops/blocks at the time that a
1100 /// callback is triggered.)
1101 ///
1102 /// Example: Consider a dialect conversion a new op ("test.foo") is created
1103 /// and inserted, and later moved to another block. (Moving ops also triggers
1104 /// "notifyOperationInserted".)
1105 ///
1106 /// (1) notifyOperationInserted: "test.foo" (into block "b1")
1107 /// (2) notifyOperationInserted: "test.foo" (moved to another block "b2")
1108 ///
1109 /// When querying "op->getBlock()" during the first "notifyOperationInserted",
1110 /// "b2" would be returned because "moving an op" is a kind of rewrite that is
1111 /// immediately performed by the dialect conversion (and rolled back upon
1112 /// failure).
1113 //
1114 // Note: When receiving a "notifyBlockInserted"/"notifyOperationInserted"
1115 // callback, the previous region/block is provided to the callback, but not
1116 // the iterator pointing to the exact location within the region/block. That
1117 // is because these notifications are sent with a delay (after the IR has
1118 // already been modified) and iterators into past IR state cannot be
1119 // represented at the moment.
1120 RewriterBase::Listener *listener = nullptr;
1124// Op Conversion Entry Points
1127/// Below we define several entry points for operation conversion. It is
1128/// important to note that the patterns provided to the conversion framework may
1129/// have additional constraints. See the `PatternRewriter Hooks` section of the
1130/// ConversionPatternRewriter, to see what additional constraints are imposed on
1131/// the use of the PatternRewriter.
1133/// Apply a partial conversion on the given operations and all nested
1134/// operations. This method converts as many operations to the target as
1135/// possible, ignoring operations that failed to legalize. This method only
1136/// returns failure if there ops explicitly marked as illegal.
1138applyPartialConversion(ArrayRef<Operation *> ops,
1139 const ConversionTarget &target,
1140 const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns,
1141 ConversionConfig config = ConversionConfig());
1143applyPartialConversion(Operation *op, const ConversionTarget &target,
1144 const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns,
1145 ConversionConfig config = ConversionConfig());
1147/// Apply a complete conversion on the given operations, and all nested
1148/// operations. This method returns failure if the conversion of any operation
1149/// fails, or if there are unreachable blocks in any of the regions nested
1150/// within 'ops'.
1151LogicalResult applyFullConversion(ArrayRef<Operation *> ops,
1152 const ConversionTarget &target,
1153 const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns,
1154 ConversionConfig config = ConversionConfig());
1155LogicalResult applyFullConversion(Operation *op, const ConversionTarget &target,
1156 const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns,
1157 ConversionConfig config = ConversionConfig());
1159/// Apply an analysis conversion on the given operations, and all nested
1160/// operations. This method analyzes which operations would be successfully
1161/// converted to the target if a conversion was applied. All operations that
1162/// were found to be legalizable to the given 'target' are placed within the
1163/// provided 'config.legalizableOps' set; note that no actual rewrites are
1164/// applied to the operations on success. This method only returns failure if
1165/// there are unreachable blocks in any of the regions nested within 'ops'.
1167applyAnalysisConversion(ArrayRef<Operation *> ops, ConversionTarget &target,
1168 const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns,
1169 ConversionConfig config = ConversionConfig());
1171applyAnalysisConversion(Operation *op, ConversionTarget &target,
1172 const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns,
1173 ConversionConfig config = ConversionConfig());
1174} // namespace mlir

source code of mlir/include/mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h