1//! Utilities for formatting and printing `String`s.
3//! This module contains the runtime support for the [`format!`] syntax extension.
4//! This macro is implemented in the compiler to emit calls to this module in
5//! order to format arguments at runtime into strings.
7//! # Usage
9//! The [`format!`] macro is intended to be familiar to those coming from C's
10//! `printf`/`fprintf` functions or Python's `str.format` function.
12//! Some examples of the [`format!`] extension are:
14//! ```
15//! format!("Hello"); // => "Hello"
16//! format!("Hello, {}!", "world"); // => "Hello, world!"
17//! format!("The number is {}", 1); // => "The number is 1"
18//! format!("{:?}", (3, 4)); // => "(3, 4)"
19//! format!("{value}", value=4); // => "4"
20//! let people = "Rustaceans";
21//! format!("Hello {people}!"); // => "Hello Rustaceans!"
22//! format!("{} {}", 1, 2); // => "1 2"
23//! format!("{:04}", 42); // => "0042" with leading zeros
24//! format!("{:#?}", (100, 200)); // => "(
25//! // 100,
26//! // 200,
27//! // )"
28//! ```
30//! From these, you can see that the first argument is a format string. It is
31//! required by the compiler for this to be a string literal; it cannot be a
32//! variable passed in (in order to perform validity checking). The compiler
33//! will then parse the format string and determine if the list of arguments
34//! provided is suitable to pass to this format string.
36//! To convert a single value to a string, use the [`to_string`] method. This
37//! will use the [`Display`] formatting trait.
39//! ## Positional parameters
41//! Each formatting argument is allowed to specify which value argument it's
42//! referencing, and if omitted it is assumed to be "the next argument". For
43//! example, the format string `{} {} {}` would take three parameters, and they
44//! would be formatted in the same order as they're given. The format string
45//! `{2} {1} {0}`, however, would format arguments in reverse order.
47//! Things can get a little tricky once you start intermingling the two types of
48//! positional specifiers. The "next argument" specifier can be thought of as an
49//! iterator over the argument. Each time a "next argument" specifier is seen,
50//! the iterator advances. This leads to behavior like this:
52//! ```
53//! format!("{1} {} {0} {}", 1, 2); // => "2 1 1 2"
54//! ```
56//! The internal iterator over the argument has not been advanced by the time
57//! the first `{}` is seen, so it prints the first argument. Then upon reaching
58//! the second `{}`, the iterator has advanced forward to the second argument.
59//! Essentially, parameters that explicitly name their argument do not affect
60//! parameters that do not name an argument in terms of positional specifiers.
62//! A format string is required to use all of its arguments, otherwise it is a
63//! compile-time error. You may refer to the same argument more than once in the
64//! format string.
66//! ## Named parameters
68//! Rust itself does not have a Python-like equivalent of named parameters to a
69//! function, but the [`format!`] macro is a syntax extension that allows it to
70//! leverage named parameters. Named parameters are listed at the end of the
71//! argument list and have the syntax:
73//! ```text
74//! identifier '=' expression
75//! ```
77//! For example, the following [`format!`] expressions all use named arguments:
79//! ```
80//! format!("{argument}", argument = "test"); // => "test"
81//! format!("{name} {}", 1, name = 2); // => "2 1"
82//! format!("{a} {c} {b}", a="a", b='b', c=3); // => "a 3 b"
83//! ```
85//! If a named parameter does not appear in the argument list, `format!` will
86//! reference a variable with that name in the current scope.
88//! ```
89//! let argument = 2 + 2;
90//! format!("{argument}"); // => "4"
92//! fn make_string(a: u32, b: &str) -> String {
93//! format!("{b} {a}")
94//! }
95//! make_string(927, "label"); // => "label 927"
96//! ```
98//! It is not valid to put positional parameters (those without names) after
99//! arguments that have names. Like with positional parameters, it is not
100//! valid to provide named parameters that are unused by the format string.
102//! # Formatting Parameters
104//! Each argument being formatted can be transformed by a number of formatting
105//! parameters (corresponding to `format_spec` in [the syntax](#syntax)). These
106//! parameters affect the string representation of what's being formatted.
108//! ## Width
110//! ```
111//! // All of these print "Hello x !"
112//! println!("Hello {:5}!", "x");
113//! println!("Hello {:1$}!", "x", 5);
114//! println!("Hello {1:0$}!", 5, "x");
115//! println!("Hello {:width$}!", "x", width = 5);
116//! let width = 5;
117//! println!("Hello {:width$}!", "x");
118//! ```
120//! This is a parameter for the "minimum width" that the format should take up.
121//! If the value's string does not fill up this many characters, then the
122//! padding specified by fill/alignment will be used to take up the required
123//! space (see below).
125//! The value for the width can also be provided as a [`usize`] in the list of
126//! parameters by adding a postfix `$`, indicating that the second argument is
127//! a [`usize`] specifying the width.
129//! Referring to an argument with the dollar syntax does not affect the "next
130//! argument" counter, so it's usually a good idea to refer to arguments by
131//! position, or use named arguments.
133//! ## Fill/Alignment
135//! ```
136//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:<5}!", "x"), "Hello x !");
137//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:-<5}!", "x"), "Hello x----!");
138//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:^5}!", "x"), "Hello x !");
139//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:>5}!", "x"), "Hello x!");
140//! ```
142//! The optional fill character and alignment is provided normally in conjunction with the
143//! [`width`](#width) parameter. It must be defined before `width`, right after the `:`.
144//! This indicates that if the value being formatted is smaller than
145//! `width` some extra characters will be printed around it.
146//! Filling comes in the following variants for different alignments:
148//! * `[fill]<` - the argument is left-aligned in `width` columns
149//! * `[fill]^` - the argument is center-aligned in `width` columns
150//! * `[fill]>` - the argument is right-aligned in `width` columns
152//! The default [fill/alignment](#fillalignment) for non-numerics is a space and
153//! left-aligned. The
154//! default for numeric formatters is also a space character but with right-alignment. If
155//! the `0` flag (see below) is specified for numerics, then the implicit fill character is
156//! `0`.
158//! Note that alignment might not be implemented by some types. In particular, it
159//! is not generally implemented for the `Debug` trait. A good way to ensure
160//! padding is applied is to format your input, then pad this resulting string
161//! to obtain your output:
163//! ```
164//! println!("Hello {:^15}!", format!("{:?}", Some("hi"))); // => "Hello Some("hi") !"
165//! ```
167//! ## Sign/`#`/`0`
169//! ```
170//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:+}!", 5), "Hello +5!");
171//! assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}!", 27), "0x1b!");
172//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:05}!", 5), "Hello 00005!");
173//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:05}!", -5), "Hello -0005!");
174//! assert_eq!(format!("{:#010x}!", 27), "0x0000001b!");
175//! ```
177//! These are all flags altering the behavior of the formatter.
179//! * `+` - This is intended for numeric types and indicates that the sign
180//! should always be printed. By default only the negative sign of signed values
181//! is printed, and the sign of positive or unsigned values is omitted.
182//! This flag indicates that the correct sign (`+` or `-`) should always be printed.
183//! * `-` - Currently not used
184//! * `#` - This flag indicates that the "alternate" form of printing should
185//! be used. The alternate forms are:
186//! * `#?` - pretty-print the [`Debug`] formatting (adds linebreaks and indentation)
187//! * `#x` - precedes the argument with a `0x`
188//! * `#X` - precedes the argument with a `0x`
189//! * `#b` - precedes the argument with a `0b`
190//! * `#o` - precedes the argument with a `0o`
192//! See [Formatting traits](#formatting-traits) for a description of what the `?`, `x`, `X`,
193//! `b`, and `o` flags do.
195//! * `0` - This is used to indicate for integer formats that the padding to `width` should
196//! both be done with a `0` character as well as be sign-aware. A format
197//! like `{:08}` would yield `00000001` for the integer `1`, while the
198//! same format would yield `-0000001` for the integer `-1`. Notice that
199//! the negative version has one fewer zero than the positive version.
200//! Note that padding zeros are always placed after the sign (if any)
201//! and before the digits. When used together with the `#` flag, a similar
202//! rule applies: padding zeros are inserted after the prefix but before
203//! the digits. The prefix is included in the total width.
204//! This flag overrides the [fill character and alignment flag](#fillalignment).
206//! ## Precision
208//! For non-numeric types, this can be considered a "maximum width". If the resulting string is
209//! longer than this width, then it is truncated down to this many characters and that truncated
210//! value is emitted with proper `fill`, `alignment` and `width` if those parameters are set.
212//! For integral types, this is ignored.
214//! For floating-point types, this indicates how many digits after the decimal point should be
215//! printed.
217//! There are three possible ways to specify the desired `precision`:
219//! 1. An integer `.N`:
221//! the integer `N` itself is the precision.
223//! 2. An integer or name followed by dollar sign `.N$`:
225//! use format *argument* `N` (which must be a `usize`) as the precision.
227//! 3. An asterisk `.*`:
229//! `.*` means that this `{...}` is associated with *two* format inputs rather than one:
230//! - If a format string in the fashion of `{:<spec>.*}` is used, then the first input holds
231//! the `usize` precision, and the second holds the value to print.
232//! - If a format string in the fashion of `{<arg>:<spec>.*}` is used, then the `<arg>` part
233//! refers to the value to print, and the `precision` is taken like it was specified with an
234//! omitted positional parameter (`{}` instead of `{<arg>:}`).
236//! For example, the following calls all print the same thing `Hello x is 0.01000`:
238//! ```
239//! // Hello {arg 0 ("x")} is {arg 1 (0.01) with precision specified inline (5)}
240//! println!("Hello {0} is {1:.5}", "x", 0.01);
242//! // Hello {arg 1 ("x")} is {arg 2 (0.01) with precision specified in arg 0 (5)}
243//! println!("Hello {1} is {2:.0$}", 5, "x", 0.01);
245//! // Hello {arg 0 ("x")} is {arg 2 (0.01) with precision specified in arg 1 (5)}
246//! println!("Hello {0} is {2:.1$}", "x", 5, 0.01);
248//! // Hello {next arg -> arg 0 ("x")} is {second of next two args -> arg 2 (0.01) with precision
249//! // specified in first of next two args -> arg 1 (5)}
250//! println!("Hello {} is {:.*}", "x", 5, 0.01);
252//! // Hello {arg 1 ("x")} is {arg 2 (0.01) with precision
253//! // specified in next arg -> arg 0 (5)}
254//! println!("Hello {1} is {2:.*}", 5, "x", 0.01);
256//! // Hello {next arg -> arg 0 ("x")} is {arg 2 (0.01) with precision
257//! // specified in next arg -> arg 1 (5)}
258//! println!("Hello {} is {2:.*}", "x", 5, 0.01);
260//! // Hello {next arg -> arg 0 ("x")} is {arg "number" (0.01) with precision specified
261//! // in arg "prec" (5)}
262//! println!("Hello {} is {number:.prec$}", "x", prec = 5, number = 0.01);
263//! ```
265//! While these:
267//! ```
268//! println!("{}, `{name:.*}` has 3 fractional digits", "Hello", 3, name=1234.56);
269//! println!("{}, `{name:.*}` has 3 characters", "Hello", 3, name="1234.56");
270//! println!("{}, `{name:>8.*}` has 3 right-aligned characters", "Hello", 3, name="1234.56");
271//! ```
273//! print three significantly different things:
275//! ```text
276//! Hello, `1234.560` has 3 fractional digits
277//! Hello, `123` has 3 characters
278//! Hello, ` 123` has 3 right-aligned characters
279//! ```
281//! When truncating these values, Rust uses [round half-to-even](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding#Rounding_half_to_even),
282//! which is the default rounding mode in IEEE 754.
283//! For example,
285//! ```
286//! print!("{0:.1$e}", 12345, 3);
287//! print!("{0:.1$e}", 12355, 3);
288//! ```
290//! Would return:
292//! ```text
293//! 1.234e4
294//! 1.236e4
295//! ```
297//! ## Localization
299//! In some programming languages, the behavior of string formatting functions
300//! depends on the operating system's locale setting. The format functions
301//! provided by Rust's standard library do not have any concept of locale and
302//! will produce the same results on all systems regardless of user
303//! configuration.
305//! For example, the following code will always print `1.5` even if the system
306//! locale uses a decimal separator other than a dot.
308//! ```
309//! println!("The value is {}", 1.5);
310//! ```
312//! # Escaping
314//! The literal characters `{` and `}` may be included in a string by preceding
315//! them with the same character. For example, the `{` character is escaped with
316//! `{{` and the `}` character is escaped with `}}`.
318//! ```
319//! assert_eq!(format!("Hello {{}}"), "Hello {}");
320//! assert_eq!(format!("{{ Hello"), "{ Hello");
321//! ```
323//! # Syntax
325//! To summarize, here you can find the full grammar of format strings.
326//! The syntax for the formatting language used is drawn from other languages,
327//! so it should not be too alien. Arguments are formatted with Python-like
328//! syntax, meaning that arguments are surrounded by `{}` instead of the C-like
329//! `%`. The actual grammar for the formatting syntax is:
331//! ```text
332//! format_string := text [ maybe_format text ] *
333//! maybe_format := '{' '{' | '}' '}' | format
334//! format := '{' [ argument ] [ ':' format_spec ] [ ws ] * '}'
335//! argument := integer | identifier
337//! format_spec := [[fill]align][sign]['#']['0'][width]['.' precision]type
338//! fill := character
339//! align := '<' | '^' | '>'
340//! sign := '+' | '-'
341//! width := count
342//! precision := count | '*'
343//! type := '' | '?' | 'x?' | 'X?' | identifier
344//! count := parameter | integer
345//! parameter := argument '$'
346//! ```
347//! In the above grammar,
348//! - `text` must not contain any `'{'` or `'}'` characters,
349//! - `ws` is any character for which [`char::is_whitespace`] returns `true`, has no semantic
350//! meaning and is completely optional,
351//! - `integer` is a decimal integer that may contain leading zeroes and must fit into an `usize` and
352//! - `identifier` is an `IDENTIFIER_OR_KEYWORD` (not an `IDENTIFIER`) as defined by the [Rust language reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/identifiers.html).
354//! # Formatting traits
356//! When requesting that an argument be formatted with a particular type, you
357//! are actually requesting that an argument ascribes to a particular trait.
358//! This allows multiple actual types to be formatted via `{:x}` (like [`i8`] as
359//! well as [`isize`]). The current mapping of types to traits is:
361//! * *nothing* ⇒ [`Display`]
362//! * `?` ⇒ [`Debug`]
363//! * `x?` ⇒ [`Debug`] with lower-case hexadecimal integers
364//! * `X?` ⇒ [`Debug`] with upper-case hexadecimal integers
365//! * `o` ⇒ [`Octal`]
366//! * `x` ⇒ [`LowerHex`]
367//! * `X` ⇒ [`UpperHex`]
368//! * `p` ⇒ [`Pointer`]
369//! * `b` ⇒ [`Binary`]
370//! * `e` ⇒ [`LowerExp`]
371//! * `E` ⇒ [`UpperExp`]
373//! What this means is that any type of argument which implements the
374//! [`fmt::Binary`][`Binary`] trait can then be formatted with `{:b}`. Implementations
375//! are provided for these traits for a number of primitive types by the
376//! standard library as well. If no format is specified (as in `{}` or `{:6}`),
377//! then the format trait used is the [`Display`] trait.
379//! When implementing a format trait for your own type, you will have to
380//! implement a method of the signature:
382//! ```
383//! # #![allow(dead_code)]
384//! # use std::fmt;
385//! # struct Foo; // our custom type
386//! # impl fmt::Display for Foo {
387//! fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
388//! # write!(f, "testing, testing")
389//! # } }
390//! ```
392//! Your type will be passed as `self` by-reference, and then the function
393//! should emit output into the Formatter `f` which implements `fmt::Write`. It is up to each
394//! format trait implementation to correctly adhere to the requested formatting parameters.
395//! The values of these parameters can be accessed with methods of the
396//! [`Formatter`] struct. In order to help with this, the [`Formatter`] struct also
397//! provides some helper methods.
399//! Additionally, the return value of this function is [`fmt::Result`] which is a
400//! type alias of <code>[Result]<(), [std::fmt::Error]></code>. Formatting implementations
401//! should ensure that they propagate errors from the [`Formatter`] (e.g., when
402//! calling [`write!`]). However, they should never return errors spuriously. That
403//! is, a formatting implementation must and may only return an error if the
404//! passed-in [`Formatter`] returns an error. This is because, contrary to what
405//! the function signature might suggest, string formatting is an infallible
406//! operation. This function only returns a result because writing to the
407//! underlying stream might fail and it must provide a way to propagate the fact
408//! that an error has occurred back up the stack.
410//! An example of implementing the formatting traits would look
411//! like:
413//! ```
414//! use std::fmt;
416//! #[derive(Debug)]
417//! struct Vector2D {
418//! x: isize,
419//! y: isize,
420//! }
422//! impl fmt::Display for Vector2D {
423//! fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
424//! // The `f` value implements the `Write` trait, which is what the
425//! // write! macro is expecting. Note that this formatting ignores the
426//! // various flags provided to format strings.
427//! write!(f, "({}, {})", self.x, self.y)
428//! }
429//! }
431//! // Different traits allow different forms of output of a type. The meaning
432//! // of this format is to print the magnitude of a vector.
433//! impl fmt::Binary for Vector2D {
434//! fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
435//! let magnitude = (self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y) as f64;
436//! let magnitude = magnitude.sqrt();
438//! // Respect the formatting flags by using the helper method
439//! // `pad_integral` on the Formatter object. See the method
440//! // documentation for details, and the function `pad` can be used
441//! // to pad strings.
442//! let decimals = f.precision().unwrap_or(3);
443//! let string = format!("{magnitude:.decimals$}");
444//! f.pad_integral(true, "", &string)
445//! }
446//! }
448//! fn main() {
449//! let myvector = Vector2D { x: 3, y: 4 };
451//! println!("{myvector}"); // => "(3, 4)"
452//! println!("{myvector:?}"); // => "Vector2D {x: 3, y:4}"
453//! println!("{myvector:10.3b}"); // => " 5.000"
454//! }
455//! ```
457//! ### `fmt::Display` vs `fmt::Debug`
459//! These two formatting traits have distinct purposes:
461//! - [`fmt::Display`][`Display`] implementations assert that the type can be faithfully
462//! represented as a UTF-8 string at all times. It is **not** expected that
463//! all types implement the [`Display`] trait.
464//! - [`fmt::Debug`][`Debug`] implementations should be implemented for **all** public types.
465//! Output will typically represent the internal state as faithfully as possible.
466//! The purpose of the [`Debug`] trait is to facilitate debugging Rust code. In
467//! most cases, using `#[derive(Debug)]` is sufficient and recommended.
469//! Some examples of the output from both traits:
471//! ```
472//! assert_eq!(format!("{} {:?}", 3, 4), "3 4");
473//! assert_eq!(format!("{} {:?}", 'a', 'b'), "a 'b'");
474//! assert_eq!(format!("{} {:?}", "foo\n", "bar\n"), "foo\n \"bar\\n\"");
475//! ```
477//! # Related macros
479//! There are a number of related macros in the [`format!`] family. The ones that
480//! are currently implemented are:
482//! ```ignore (only-for-syntax-highlight)
483//! format! // described above
484//! write! // first argument is either a &mut io::Write or a &mut fmt::Write, the destination
485//! writeln! // same as write but appends a newline
486//! print! // the format string is printed to the standard output
487//! println! // same as print but appends a newline
488//! eprint! // the format string is printed to the standard error
489//! eprintln! // same as eprint but appends a newline
490//! format_args! // described below.
491//! ```
493//! ### `write!`
495//! [`write!`] and [`writeln!`] are two macros which are used to emit the format string
496//! to a specified stream. This is used to prevent intermediate allocations of
497//! format strings and instead directly write the output. Under the hood, this
498//! function is actually invoking the [`write_fmt`] function defined on the
499//! [`std::io::Write`] and the [`std::fmt::Write`] trait. Example usage is:
501//! ```
502//! # #![allow(unused_must_use)]
503//! use std::io::Write;
504//! let mut w = Vec::new();
505//! write!(&mut w, "Hello {}!", "world");
506//! ```
508//! ### `print!`
510//! This and [`println!`] emit their output to stdout. Similarly to the [`write!`]
511//! macro, the goal of these macros is to avoid intermediate allocations when
512//! printing output. Example usage is:
514//! ```
515//! print!("Hello {}!", "world");
516//! println!("I have a newline {}", "character at the end");
517//! ```
518//! ### `eprint!`
520//! The [`eprint!`] and [`eprintln!`] macros are identical to
521//! [`print!`] and [`println!`], respectively, except they emit their
522//! output to stderr.
524//! ### `format_args!`
526//! [`format_args!`] is a curious macro used to safely pass around
527//! an opaque object describing the format string. This object
528//! does not require any heap allocations to create, and it only
529//! references information on the stack. Under the hood, all of
530//! the related macros are implemented in terms of this. First
531//! off, some example usage is:
533//! ```
534//! # #![allow(unused_must_use)]
535//! use std::fmt;
536//! use std::io::{self, Write};
538//! let mut some_writer = io::stdout();
539//! write!(&mut some_writer, "{}", format_args!("print with a {}", "macro"));
541//! fn my_fmt_fn(args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) {
542//! write!(&mut io::stdout(), "{args}");
543//! }
544//! my_fmt_fn(format_args!(", or a {} too", "function"));
545//! ```
547//! The result of the [`format_args!`] macro is a value of type [`fmt::Arguments`].
548//! This structure can then be passed to the [`write`] and [`format`] functions
549//! inside this module in order to process the format string.
550//! The goal of this macro is to even further prevent intermediate allocations
551//! when dealing with formatting strings.
553//! For example, a logging library could use the standard formatting syntax, but
554//! it would internally pass around this structure until it has been determined
555//! where output should go to.
557//! [`fmt::Result`]: Result "fmt::Result"
558//! [Result]: core::result::Result "std::result::Result"
559//! [std::fmt::Error]: Error "fmt::Error"
560//! [`write`]: write() "fmt::write"
561//! [`to_string`]: crate::string::ToString::to_string "ToString::to_string"
562//! [`write_fmt`]: ../../std/io/trait.Write.html#method.write_fmt
563//! [`std::io::Write`]: ../../std/io/trait.Write.html
564//! [`std::fmt::Write`]: ../../std/fmt/trait.Write.html
565//! [`print!`]: ../../std/macro.print.html "print!"
566//! [`println!`]: ../../std/macro.println.html "println!"
567//! [`eprint!`]: ../../std/macro.eprint.html "eprint!"
568//! [`eprintln!`]: ../../std/macro.eprintln.html "eprintln!"
569//! [`format_args!`]: ../../std/macro.format_args.html "format_args!"
570//! [`fmt::Arguments`]: Arguments "fmt::Arguments"
571//! [`format`]: format() "fmt::format"
573#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
575#[stable(feature = "fmt_flags_align", since = "1.28.0")]
576pub use core::fmt::Alignment;
577#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
578pub use core::fmt::Error;
579#[unstable(feature = "debug_closure_helpers", issue = "117729")]
580pub use core::fmt::FormatterFn;
581#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
582pub use core::fmt::{write, Arguments};
583#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
584pub use core::fmt::{Binary, Octal};
585#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
586pub use core::fmt::{Debug, Display};
587#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
588pub use core::fmt::{DebugList, DebugMap, DebugSet, DebugStruct, DebugTuple};
589#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
590pub use core::fmt::{Formatter, Result, Write};
591#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
592pub use core::fmt::{LowerExp, UpperExp};
593#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
594pub use core::fmt::{LowerHex, Pointer, UpperHex};
597use crate::string;
599/// The `format` function takes an [`Arguments`] struct and returns the resulting
600/// formatted string.
602/// The [`Arguments`] instance can be created with the [`format_args!`] macro.
604/// # Examples
606/// Basic usage:
608/// ```
609/// use std::fmt;
611/// let s = fmt::format(format_args!("Hello, {}!", "world"));
612/// assert_eq!(s, "Hello, world!");
613/// ```
615/// Please note that using [`format!`] might be preferable.
616/// Example:
618/// ```
619/// let s = format!("Hello, {}!", "world");
620/// assert_eq!(s, "Hello, world!");
621/// ```
623/// [`format_args!`]: core::format_args
624/// [`format!`]: crate::format
627#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
629pub fn format(args: Arguments<'_>) -> string::String {
630 fn format_inner(args: Arguments<'_>) -> string::String {
631 let capacity: usize = args.estimated_capacity();
632 let mut output: String = string::String::with_capacity(capacity);
633 output.write_fmt(args).expect(msg:"a formatting trait implementation returned an error");
634 output
635 }
637 args.as_str().map_or_else(|| format_inner(args), f:crate::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned)