1//! Parser for implementing virtual terminal emulators
3//! [`Parser`] is implemented according to [Paul Williams' ANSI parser
4//! state machine]. The state machine doesn't assign meaning to the parsed data
5//! and is thus not itself sufficient for writing a terminal emulator. Instead,
6//! it is expected that an implementation of [`Perform`] is provided which does
7//! something useful with the parsed data. The [`Parser`] handles the book
8//! keeping, and the [`Perform`] gets to simply handle actions.
10//! # Examples
12//! For an example of using the [`Parser`] please see the examples folder. The example included
13//! there simply logs all the actions [`Perform`] does. One quick thing to see it in action is to
14//! pipe `vim` into it
16//! ```sh
17//! cargo build --release --example parselog
18//! vim | target/release/examples/parselog
19//! ```
21//! Just type `:q` to exit.
23//! # Differences from original state machine description
25//! * UTF-8 Support for Input
26//! * OSC Strings can be terminated by 0x07
27//! * Only supports 7-bit codes. Some 8-bit codes are still supported, but they no longer work in
28//! all states.
30//! [Paul Williams' ANSI parser state machine]: https://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser
31#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
33#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
34extern crate alloc;
36use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
38#[cfg(feature = "core")]
39use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
40#[cfg(feature = "utf8")]
41use utf8parse as utf8;
43mod params;
44pub mod state;
46pub use params::{Params, ParamsIter};
48use state::{state_change, Action, State};
50const MAX_INTERMEDIATES: usize = 2;
51const MAX_OSC_PARAMS: usize = 16;
52#[cfg(feature = "core")]
53const MAX_OSC_RAW: usize = 1024;
55/// Parser for raw _VTE_ protocol which delegates actions to a [`Perform`]
56#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
57pub struct Parser<C = DefaultCharAccumulator> {
58 state: State,
59 intermediates: [u8; MAX_INTERMEDIATES],
60 intermediate_idx: usize,
61 params: Params,
62 param: u16,
63 #[cfg(feature = "core")]
64 osc_raw: ArrayVec<u8, MAX_OSC_RAW>,
65 #[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
66 osc_raw: alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
67 osc_params: [(usize, usize); MAX_OSC_PARAMS],
68 osc_num_params: usize,
69 ignoring: bool,
70 utf8_parser: C,
73impl<C> Parser<C>
75 C: CharAccumulator,
77 /// Create a new Parser
78 pub fn new() -> Parser {
79 Parser::default()
80 }
82 #[inline]
83 fn params(&self) -> &Params {
84 &self.params
85 }
87 #[inline]
88 fn intermediates(&self) -> &[u8] {
89 &self.intermediates[..self.intermediate_idx]
90 }
92 /// Advance the parser state
93 ///
94 /// Requires a [`Perform`] in case `byte` triggers an action
95 #[inline]
96 pub fn advance<P: Perform>(&mut self, performer: &mut P, byte: u8) {
97 // Utf8 characters are handled out-of-band.
98 if let State::Utf8 = self.state {
99 self.process_utf8(performer, byte);
100 return;
101 }
103 let (state, action) = state_change(self.state, byte);
104 self.perform_state_change(performer, state, action, byte);
105 }
107 #[inline]
108 fn process_utf8<P>(&mut self, performer: &mut P, byte: u8)
109 where
110 P: Perform,
111 {
112 if let Some(c) = self.utf8_parser.add(byte) {
113 performer.print(c);
114 self.state = State::Ground;
115 }
116 }
118 #[inline]
119 fn perform_state_change<P>(&mut self, performer: &mut P, state: State, action: Action, byte: u8)
120 where
121 P: Perform,
122 {
123 match state {
124 State::Anywhere => {
125 // Just run the action
126 self.perform_action(performer, action, byte);
127 }
128 state => {
129 match self.state {
130 State::DcsPassthrough => {
131 self.perform_action(performer, Action::Unhook, byte);
132 }
133 State::OscString => {
134 self.perform_action(performer, Action::OscEnd, byte);
135 }
136 _ => (),
137 }
139 match action {
140 Action::Nop => (),
141 action => {
142 self.perform_action(performer, action, byte);
143 }
144 }
146 match state {
147 State::CsiEntry | State::DcsEntry | State::Escape => {
148 self.perform_action(performer, Action::Clear, byte);
149 }
150 State::DcsPassthrough => {
151 self.perform_action(performer, Action::Hook, byte);
152 }
153 State::OscString => {
154 self.perform_action(performer, Action::OscStart, byte);
155 }
156 _ => (),
157 }
159 // Assume the new state
160 self.state = state;
161 }
162 }
163 }
165 /// Separate method for osc_dispatch that borrows self as read-only
166 ///
167 /// The aliasing is needed here for multiple slices into self.osc_raw
168 #[inline]
169 fn osc_dispatch<P: Perform>(&self, performer: &mut P, byte: u8) {
170 let mut slices: [MaybeUninit<&[u8]>; MAX_OSC_PARAMS] =
171 unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
173 for (i, slice) in slices.iter_mut().enumerate().take(self.osc_num_params) {
174 let indices = self.osc_params[i];
175 *slice = MaybeUninit::new(&self.osc_raw[indices.0..indices.1]);
176 }
178 unsafe {
179 let num_params = self.osc_num_params;
180 let params = &slices[..num_params] as *const [MaybeUninit<&[u8]>] as *const [&[u8]];
181 performer.osc_dispatch(&*params, byte == 0x07);
182 }
183 }
185 #[inline]
186 fn perform_action<P: Perform>(&mut self, performer: &mut P, action: Action, byte: u8) {
187 match action {
188 Action::Print => performer.print(byte as char),
189 Action::Execute => performer.execute(byte),
190 Action::Hook => {
191 if self.params.is_full() {
192 self.ignoring = true;
193 } else {
194 self.params.push(self.param);
195 }
197 performer.hook(self.params(), self.intermediates(), self.ignoring, byte);
198 }
199 Action::Put => performer.put(byte),
200 Action::OscStart => {
201 self.osc_raw.clear();
202 self.osc_num_params = 0;
203 }
204 Action::OscPut => {
205 #[cfg(feature = "core")]
206 {
207 if self.osc_raw.is_full() {
208 return;
209 }
210 }
212 let idx = self.osc_raw.len();
214 // Param separator
215 if byte == b';' {
216 let param_idx = self.osc_num_params;
217 match param_idx {
218 // Only process up to MAX_OSC_PARAMS
219 MAX_OSC_PARAMS => return,
221 // First param is special - 0 to current byte index
222 0 => {
223 self.osc_params[param_idx] = (0, idx);
224 }
226 // All other params depend on previous indexing
227 _ => {
228 let prev = self.osc_params[param_idx - 1];
229 let begin = prev.1;
230 self.osc_params[param_idx] = (begin, idx);
231 }
232 }
234 self.osc_num_params += 1;
235 } else {
236 self.osc_raw.push(byte);
237 }
238 }
239 Action::OscEnd => {
240 let param_idx = self.osc_num_params;
241 let idx = self.osc_raw.len();
243 match param_idx {
244 // Finish last parameter if not already maxed
245 MAX_OSC_PARAMS => (),
247 // First param is special - 0 to current byte index
248 0 => {
249 self.osc_params[param_idx] = (0, idx);
250 self.osc_num_params += 1;
251 }
253 // All other params depend on previous indexing
254 _ => {
255 let prev = self.osc_params[param_idx - 1];
256 let begin = prev.1;
257 self.osc_params[param_idx] = (begin, idx);
258 self.osc_num_params += 1;
259 }
260 }
261 self.osc_dispatch(performer, byte);
262 }
263 Action::Unhook => performer.unhook(),
264 Action::CsiDispatch => {
265 if self.params.is_full() {
266 self.ignoring = true;
267 } else {
268 self.params.push(self.param);
269 }
271 performer.csi_dispatch(self.params(), self.intermediates(), self.ignoring, byte);
272 }
273 Action::EscDispatch => {
274 performer.esc_dispatch(self.intermediates(), self.ignoring, byte);
275 }
276 Action::Collect => {
277 if self.intermediate_idx == MAX_INTERMEDIATES {
278 self.ignoring = true;
279 } else {
280 self.intermediates[self.intermediate_idx] = byte;
281 self.intermediate_idx += 1;
282 }
283 }
284 Action::Param => {
285 if self.params.is_full() {
286 self.ignoring = true;
287 return;
288 }
290 if byte == b';' {
291 self.params.push(self.param);
292 self.param = 0;
293 } else if byte == b':' {
294 self.params.extend(self.param);
295 self.param = 0;
296 } else {
297 // Continue collecting bytes into param
298 self.param = self.param.saturating_mul(10);
299 self.param = self.param.saturating_add((byte - b'0') as u16);
300 }
301 }
302 Action::Clear => {
303 // Reset everything on ESC/CSI/DCS entry
304 self.intermediate_idx = 0;
305 self.ignoring = false;
306 self.param = 0;
308 self.params.clear();
309 }
310 Action::BeginUtf8 => self.process_utf8(performer, byte),
311 Action::Ignore => (),
312 Action::Nop => (),
313 }
314 }
317/// Build a `char` out of bytes
318pub trait CharAccumulator: Default {
319 /// Build a `char` out of bytes
320 ///
321 /// Return `None` when more data is needed
322 fn add(&mut self, byte: u8) -> Option<char>;
325#[cfg(feature = "utf8")]
326pub type DefaultCharAccumulator = Utf8Parser;
327#[cfg(not(feature = "utf8"))]
328pub type DefaultCharAccumulator = AsciiParser;
330/// Only allow parsing 7-bit ASCII
331#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
332pub struct AsciiParser;
334impl CharAccumulator for AsciiParser {
335 fn add(&mut self, _byte: u8) -> Option<char> {
336 unreachable!("multi-byte UTF8 characters are unsupported")
337 }
340/// Allow parsing UTF-8
341#[cfg(feature = "utf8")]
342#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
343pub struct Utf8Parser {
344 utf8_parser: utf8::Parser,
347#[cfg(feature = "utf8")]
348impl CharAccumulator for Utf8Parser {
349 fn add(&mut self, byte: u8) -> Option<char> {
350 let mut c: Option = None;
351 let mut receiver: VtUtf8Receiver<'_> = VtUtf8Receiver(&mut c);
352 self.utf8_parser.advance(&mut receiver, byte);
353 c
354 }
357#[cfg(feature = "utf8")]
358struct VtUtf8Receiver<'a>(&'a mut Option<char>);
360#[cfg(feature = "utf8")]
361impl<'a> utf8::Receiver for VtUtf8Receiver<'a> {
362 fn codepoint(&mut self, c: char) {
363 *self.0 = Some(c);
364 }
366 fn invalid_sequence(&mut self) {
367 *self.0 = Some('�');
368 }
371/// Performs actions requested by the [`Parser`]
373/// Actions in this case mean, for example, handling a CSI escape sequence describing cursor
374/// movement, or simply printing characters to the screen.
376/// The methods on this type correspond to actions described in
377/// <http://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser>. I've done my best to describe them in
378/// a useful way in my own words for completeness, but the site should be
379/// referenced if something isn't clear. If the site disappears at some point in
380/// the future, consider checking archive.org.
381pub trait Perform {
382 /// Draw a character to the screen and update states.
383 fn print(&mut self, _c: char) {}
385 /// Execute a C0 or C1 control function.
386 fn execute(&mut self, _byte: u8) {}
388 /// Invoked when a final character arrives in first part of device control string.
389 ///
390 /// The control function should be determined from the private marker, final character, and
391 /// execute with a parameter list. A handler should be selected for remaining characters in the
392 /// string; the handler function should subsequently be called by `put` for every character in
393 /// the control string.
394 ///
395 /// The `ignore` flag indicates that more than two intermediates arrived and
396 /// subsequent characters were ignored.
397 fn hook(&mut self, _params: &Params, _intermediates: &[u8], _ignore: bool, _action: u8) {}
399 /// Pass bytes as part of a device control string to the handle chosen in `hook`. C0 controls
400 /// will also be passed to the handler.
401 fn put(&mut self, _byte: u8) {}
403 /// Called when a device control string is terminated.
404 ///
405 /// The previously selected handler should be notified that the DCS has
406 /// terminated.
407 fn unhook(&mut self) {}
409 /// Dispatch an operating system command.
410 fn osc_dispatch(&mut self, _params: &[&[u8]], _bell_terminated: bool) {}
412 /// A final character has arrived for a CSI sequence
413 ///
414 /// The `ignore` flag indicates that either more than two intermediates arrived
415 /// or the number of parameters exceeded the maximum supported length,
416 /// and subsequent characters were ignored.
417 fn csi_dispatch(
418 &mut self,
419 _params: &Params,
420 _intermediates: &[u8],
421 _ignore: bool,
422 _action: u8,
423 ) {
424 }
426 /// The final character of an escape sequence has arrived.
427 ///
428 /// The `ignore` flag indicates that more than two intermediates arrived and
429 /// subsequent characters were ignored.
430 fn esc_dispatch(&mut self, _intermediates: &[u8], _ignore: bool, _byte: u8) {}