1use regex_automata::DFA;
3use crate::{
4 ext_slice::ByteSlice,
5 unicode::fsm::{
6 simple_word_fwd::SIMPLE_WORD_FWD, word_break_fwd::WORD_BREAK_FWD,
7 },
8 utf8,
11/// An iterator over words in a byte string.
13/// This iterator is typically constructed by
14/// [`ByteSlice::words`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.words).
16/// This is similar to the [`WordsWithBreaks`](struct.WordsWithBreaks.html)
17/// iterator, except it only returns elements that contain a "word" character.
18/// A word character is defined by UTS #18 (Annex C) to be the combination
19/// of the `Alphabetic` and `Join_Control` properties, along with the
20/// `Decimal_Number`, `Mark` and `Connector_Punctuation` general categories.
22/// Since words are made up of one or more codepoints, this iterator yields
23/// `&str` elements. When invalid UTF-8 is encountered, replacement codepoints
24/// are [substituted](index.html#handling-of-invalid-utf-8).
26/// This iterator yields words in accordance with the default word boundary
27/// rules specified in
28/// [UAX #29](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-33.html#Word_Boundaries).
29/// In particular, this may not be suitable for Japanese and Chinese scripts
30/// that do not use spaces between words.
31#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
32pub struct Words<'a>(WordsWithBreaks<'a>);
34impl<'a> Words<'a> {
35 pub(crate) fn new(bs: &'a [u8]) -> Words<'a> {
36 Words(WordsWithBreaks::new(bs))
37 }
39 /// View the underlying data as a subslice of the original data.
40 ///
41 /// The slice returned has the same lifetime as the original slice, and so
42 /// the iterator can continue to be used while this exists.
43 ///
44 /// # Examples
45 ///
46 /// ```
47 /// use bstr::ByteSlice;
48 ///
49 /// let mut it = b"foo bar baz".words();
50 ///
51 /// assert_eq!(b"foo bar baz", it.as_bytes());
52 /// it.next();
53 /// it.next();
54 /// assert_eq!(b" baz", it.as_bytes());
55 /// it.next();
56 /// assert_eq!(b"", it.as_bytes());
57 /// ```
58 #[inline]
59 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
60 self.0.as_bytes()
61 }
64impl<'a> Iterator for Words<'a> {
65 type Item = &'a str;
67 #[inline]
68 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
69 while let Some(word: &str) = self.0.next() {
70 if SIMPLE_WORD_FWD.is_match(word.as_bytes()) {
71 return Some(word);
72 }
73 }
74 None
75 }
78/// An iterator over words in a byte string and their byte index positions.
80/// This iterator is typically constructed by
81/// [`ByteSlice::word_indices`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.word_indices).
83/// This is similar to the
84/// [`WordsWithBreakIndices`](struct.WordsWithBreakIndices.html) iterator,
85/// except it only returns elements that contain a "word" character. A
86/// word character is defined by UTS #18 (Annex C) to be the combination
87/// of the `Alphabetic` and `Join_Control` properties, along with the
88/// `Decimal_Number`, `Mark` and `Connector_Punctuation` general categories.
90/// Since words are made up of one or more codepoints, this iterator
91/// yields `&str` elements (along with their start and end byte offsets).
92/// When invalid UTF-8 is encountered, replacement codepoints are
93/// [substituted](index.html#handling-of-invalid-utf-8). Because of this, the
94/// indices yielded by this iterator may not correspond to the length of the
95/// word yielded with those indices. For example, when this iterator encounters
96/// `\xFF` in the byte string, then it will yield a pair of indices ranging
97/// over a single byte, but will provide an `&str` equivalent to `"\u{FFFD}"`,
98/// which is three bytes in length. However, when given only valid UTF-8, then
99/// all indices are in exact correspondence with their paired word.
101/// This iterator yields words in accordance with the default word boundary
102/// rules specified in
103/// [UAX #29](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-33.html#Word_Boundaries).
104/// In particular, this may not be suitable for Japanese and Chinese scripts
105/// that do not use spaces between words.
106#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
107pub struct WordIndices<'a>(WordsWithBreakIndices<'a>);
109impl<'a> WordIndices<'a> {
110 pub(crate) fn new(bs: &'a [u8]) -> WordIndices<'a> {
111 WordIndices(WordsWithBreakIndices::new(bs))
112 }
114 /// View the underlying data as a subslice of the original data.
115 ///
116 /// The slice returned has the same lifetime as the original slice, and so
117 /// the iterator can continue to be used while this exists.
118 ///
119 /// # Examples
120 ///
121 /// ```
122 /// use bstr::ByteSlice;
123 ///
124 /// let mut it = b"foo bar baz".word_indices();
125 ///
126 /// assert_eq!(b"foo bar baz", it.as_bytes());
127 /// it.next();
128 /// it.next();
129 /// assert_eq!(b" baz", it.as_bytes());
130 /// it.next();
131 /// it.next();
132 /// assert_eq!(b"", it.as_bytes());
133 /// ```
134 #[inline]
135 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
136 self.0.as_bytes()
137 }
140impl<'a> Iterator for WordIndices<'a> {
141 type Item = (usize, usize, &'a str);
143 #[inline]
144 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize, &'a str)> {
145 while let Some((start: usize, end: usize, word: &str)) = self.0.next() {
146 if SIMPLE_WORD_FWD.is_match(word.as_bytes()) {
147 return Some((start, end, word));
148 }
149 }
150 None
151 }
154/// An iterator over all word breaks in a byte string.
156/// This iterator is typically constructed by
157/// [`ByteSlice::words_with_breaks`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.words_with_breaks).
159/// This iterator yields not only all words, but the content that comes between
160/// words. In particular, if all elements yielded by this iterator are
161/// concatenated, then the result is the original string (subject to Unicode
162/// replacement codepoint substitutions).
164/// Since words are made up of one or more codepoints, this iterator yields
165/// `&str` elements. When invalid UTF-8 is encountered, replacement codepoints
166/// are [substituted](index.html#handling-of-invalid-utf-8).
168/// This iterator yields words in accordance with the default word boundary
169/// rules specified in
170/// [UAX #29](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-33.html#Word_Boundaries).
171/// In particular, this may not be suitable for Japanese and Chinese scripts
172/// that do not use spaces between words.
173#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
174pub struct WordsWithBreaks<'a> {
175 bs: &'a [u8],
178impl<'a> WordsWithBreaks<'a> {
179 pub(crate) fn new(bs: &'a [u8]) -> WordsWithBreaks<'a> {
180 WordsWithBreaks { bs }
181 }
183 /// View the underlying data as a subslice of the original data.
184 ///
185 /// The slice returned has the same lifetime as the original slice, and so
186 /// the iterator can continue to be used while this exists.
187 ///
188 /// # Examples
189 ///
190 /// ```
191 /// use bstr::ByteSlice;
192 ///
193 /// let mut it = b"foo bar baz".words_with_breaks();
194 ///
195 /// assert_eq!(b"foo bar baz", it.as_bytes());
196 /// it.next();
197 /// assert_eq!(b" bar baz", it.as_bytes());
198 /// it.next();
199 /// it.next();
200 /// assert_eq!(b" baz", it.as_bytes());
201 /// it.next();
202 /// it.next();
203 /// assert_eq!(b"", it.as_bytes());
204 /// ```
205 #[inline]
206 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
207 self.bs
208 }
211impl<'a> Iterator for WordsWithBreaks<'a> {
212 type Item = &'a str;
214 #[inline]
215 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
216 let (word: &str, size: usize) = decode_word(self.bs);
217 if size == 0 {
218 return None;
219 }
220 self.bs = &self.bs[size..];
221 Some(word)
222 }
225/// An iterator over all word breaks in a byte string, along with their byte
226/// index positions.
228/// This iterator is typically constructed by
229/// [`ByteSlice::words_with_break_indices`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.words_with_break_indices).
231/// This iterator yields not only all words, but the content that comes between
232/// words. In particular, if all elements yielded by this iterator are
233/// concatenated, then the result is the original string (subject to Unicode
234/// replacement codepoint substitutions).
236/// Since words are made up of one or more codepoints, this iterator
237/// yields `&str` elements (along with their start and end byte offsets).
238/// When invalid UTF-8 is encountered, replacement codepoints are
239/// [substituted](index.html#handling-of-invalid-utf-8). Because of this, the
240/// indices yielded by this iterator may not correspond to the length of the
241/// word yielded with those indices. For example, when this iterator encounters
242/// `\xFF` in the byte string, then it will yield a pair of indices ranging
243/// over a single byte, but will provide an `&str` equivalent to `"\u{FFFD}"`,
244/// which is three bytes in length. However, when given only valid UTF-8, then
245/// all indices are in exact correspondence with their paired word.
247/// This iterator yields words in accordance with the default word boundary
248/// rules specified in
249/// [UAX #29](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-33.html#Word_Boundaries).
250/// In particular, this may not be suitable for Japanese and Chinese scripts
251/// that do not use spaces between words.
252#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
253pub struct WordsWithBreakIndices<'a> {
254 bs: &'a [u8],
255 forward_index: usize,
258impl<'a> WordsWithBreakIndices<'a> {
259 pub(crate) fn new(bs: &'a [u8]) -> WordsWithBreakIndices<'a> {
260 WordsWithBreakIndices { bs, forward_index: 0 }
261 }
263 /// View the underlying data as a subslice of the original data.
264 ///
265 /// The slice returned has the same lifetime as the original slice, and so
266 /// the iterator can continue to be used while this exists.
267 ///
268 /// # Examples
269 ///
270 /// ```
271 /// use bstr::ByteSlice;
272 ///
273 /// let mut it = b"foo bar baz".words_with_break_indices();
274 ///
275 /// assert_eq!(b"foo bar baz", it.as_bytes());
276 /// it.next();
277 /// assert_eq!(b" bar baz", it.as_bytes());
278 /// it.next();
279 /// it.next();
280 /// assert_eq!(b" baz", it.as_bytes());
281 /// it.next();
282 /// it.next();
283 /// assert_eq!(b"", it.as_bytes());
284 /// ```
285 #[inline]
286 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
287 self.bs
288 }
291impl<'a> Iterator for WordsWithBreakIndices<'a> {
292 type Item = (usize, usize, &'a str);
294 #[inline]
295 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize, &'a str)> {
296 let index: usize = self.forward_index;
297 let (word: &str, size: usize) = decode_word(self.bs);
298 if size == 0 {
299 return None;
300 }
301 self.bs = &self.bs[size..];
302 self.forward_index += size;
303 Some((index, index + size, word))
304 }
307fn decode_word(bs: &[u8]) -> (&str, usize) {
308 if bs.is_empty() {
309 ("", 0)
310 } else if let Some(end: usize) = WORD_BREAK_FWD.find(bytes:bs) {
311 // Safe because a match can only occur for valid UTF-8.
312 let word: &str = unsafe { bs[..end].to_str_unchecked() };
313 (word, word.len())
314 } else {
315 const INVALID: &'static str = "\u{FFFD}";
316 // No match on non-empty bytes implies we found invalid UTF-8.
317 let (_, size: usize) = utf8::decode_lossy(slice:bs);
318 (INVALID, size)
319 }
322#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
323mod tests {
324 #[cfg(not(miri))]
325 use ucd_parse::WordBreakTest;
327 use crate::ext_slice::ByteSlice;
329 #[test]
330 #[cfg(not(miri))]
331 fn forward_ucd() {
332 for (i, test) in ucdtests().into_iter().enumerate() {
333 let given = test.words.concat();
334 let got = words(given.as_bytes());
335 assert_eq!(
336 test.words,
337 got,
338 "\n\nword forward break test {} failed:\n\
339 given: {:?}\n\
340 expected: {:?}\n\
341 got: {:?}\n",
342 i,
343 given,
344 strs_to_bstrs(&test.words),
345 strs_to_bstrs(&got),
346 );
347 }
348 }
350 // Some additional tests that don't seem to be covered by the UCD tests.
351 //
352 // It's pretty amazing that the UCD tests miss these cases. I only found
353 // them by running this crate's segmenter and ICU's segmenter on the same
354 // text and comparing the output.
355 #[test]
356 fn forward_additional() {
357 assert_eq!(vec!["a", ".", " ", "Y"], words(b"a. Y"));
358 assert_eq!(vec!["r", ".", " ", "Yo"], words(b"r. Yo"));
359 assert_eq!(
360 vec!["whatsoever", ".", " ", "You", " ", "may"],
361 words(b"whatsoever. You may")
362 );
363 assert_eq!(
364 vec!["21stcentury'syesterday"],
365 words(b"21stcentury'syesterday")
366 );
368 assert_eq!(vec!["Bonta_", "'", "s"], words(b"Bonta_'s"));
369 assert_eq!(vec!["_vhat's"], words(b"_vhat's"));
370 assert_eq!(vec!["__on'anima"], words(b"__on'anima"));
371 assert_eq!(vec!["123_", "'", "4"], words(b"123_'4"));
372 assert_eq!(vec!["_123'4"], words(b"_123'4"));
373 assert_eq!(vec!["__12'345"], words(b"__12'345"));
375 assert_eq!(
376 vec!["tomorrowat4", ":", "00", ","],
377 words(b"tomorrowat4:00,")
378 );
379 assert_eq!(vec!["RS1", "'", "s"], words(b"RS1's"));
380 assert_eq!(vec!["X38"], words(b"X38"));
382 assert_eq!(vec!["4abc", ":", "00", ","], words(b"4abc:00,"));
383 assert_eq!(vec!["12S", "'", "1"], words(b"12S'1"));
384 assert_eq!(vec!["1XY"], words(b"1XY"));
386 assert_eq!(vec!["\u{FEFF}", "Ты"], words("\u{FEFF}Ты".as_bytes()));
388 // Tests that Vithkuqi works, which was introduced in Unicode 14.
389 // This test fails prior to Unicode 14.
390 assert_eq!(
391 vec!["\u{10570}\u{10597}"],
392 words("\u{10570}\u{10597}".as_bytes())
393 );
394 }
396 fn words(bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<&str> {
397 bytes.words_with_breaks().collect()
398 }
400 #[cfg(not(miri))]
401 fn strs_to_bstrs<S: AsRef<str>>(strs: &[S]) -> Vec<&[u8]> {
402 strs.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().as_bytes()).collect()
403 }
405 /// Return all of the UCD for word breaks.
406 #[cfg(not(miri))]
407 fn ucdtests() -> Vec<WordBreakTest> {
408 const TESTDATA: &'static str = include_str!("data/WordBreakTest.txt");
410 let mut tests = vec![];
411 for mut line in TESTDATA.lines() {
412 line = line.trim();
413 if line.starts_with("#") || line.contains("surrogate") {
414 continue;
415 }
416 tests.push(line.parse().unwrap());
417 }
418 tests
419 }