2#![cfg_attr(fieldoffset_assert_in_const_fn, feature(const_panic))]
3// Explicit lifetimes are clearer when we are working with raw pointers,
4// as the compiler will not warn us if we specify lifetime constraints
5// which are too lax.
8#[cfg(all(test, fieldoffset_has_alloc))]
9extern crate alloc;
11use core::fmt;
12use core::marker::PhantomData;
13use core::mem;
14use core::ops::Add;
15use core::pin::Pin;
18pub extern crate memoffset as __memoffset; // `pub` for macro availability
20/// Represents a pointer to a field of type `U` within the type `T`
22/// The `PinFlag` parameter can be set to `AllowPin` to enable the projection
23/// from Pin<&T> to Pin<&U>
25pub struct FieldOffset<T, U, PinFlag = NotPinned>(
26 /// Offset in bytes of the field within the struct
27 usize,
28 /// A pointer-to-member can be thought of as a function from
29 /// `&T` to `&U` with matching lifetimes
30 ///
31 /// ```compile_fail
32 /// use field_offset::FieldOffset;
33 /// struct Foo<'a>(&'a str);
34 /// fn test<'a>(foo: &Foo<'a>, of: FieldOffset<Foo<'static>, &'static str>) -> &'static str {
35 /// let of2 : FieldOffset<Foo<'a>, &'static str> = of; // This must not compile
36 /// of2.apply(foo)
37 /// }
38 /// ```
39 /// That should compile:
40 /// ```
41 /// use field_offset::FieldOffset;
42 /// struct Foo<'a>(&'a str, &'static str);
43 /// fn test<'a>(foo: &'a Foo<'static>, of: FieldOffset<Foo, &'static str>) -> &'a str {
44 /// let of2 : FieldOffset<Foo<'static>, &'static str> = of;
45 /// of.apply(foo)
46 /// }
47 /// fn test2(foo: &Foo<'static>, of: FieldOffset<Foo, &'static str>) -> &'static str {
48 /// let of2 : FieldOffset<Foo<'static>, &'static str> = of;
49 /// of.apply(foo)
50 /// }
51 /// fn test3<'a>(foo: &'a Foo, of: FieldOffset<Foo<'a>, &'a str>) -> &'a str {
52 /// of.apply(foo)
53 /// }
54 /// ```
55 PhantomData<(PhantomContra<T>, U, PinFlag)>,
58/// `fn` cannot appear directly in a type that need to be const.
59/// Workaround that with an indirection
60struct PhantomContra<T>(fn(T));
62/// Type that can be used in the `PinFlag` parameter of `FieldOffset` to specify that
63/// this projection is valid on Pin types.
64/// See documentation of `FieldOffset::new_from_offset_pinned`
65pub enum AllowPin {}
67/// Type that can be used in the `PinFlag` parameter of `FieldOffset` to specify that
68/// this projection is not valid on Pin types.
69pub enum NotPinned {}
71impl<T, U> FieldOffset<T, U, NotPinned> {
72 // Use MaybeUninit to get a fake T
73 #[cfg(fieldoffset_maybe_uninit)]
74 #[inline]
75 fn with_uninit_ptr<R, F: FnOnce(*const T) -> R>(f: F) -> R {
76 let uninit = mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
77 f(uninit.as_ptr())
78 }
80 // Use a dangling pointer to get a fake T
81 #[cfg(not(fieldoffset_maybe_uninit))]
82 #[inline]
83 fn with_uninit_ptr<R, F: FnOnce(*const T) -> R>(f: F) -> R {
84 f(mem::align_of::<T>() as *const T)
85 }
87 /// Construct a field offset via a lambda which returns a reference
88 /// to the field in question.
89 ///
90 /// # Safety
91 ///
92 /// The lambda *must not* dereference the provided pointer or access the
93 /// inner value in any way as it may point to uninitialized memory.
94 ///
95 /// For the returned `FieldOffset` to be safe to use, the returned pointer
96 /// must be valid for *any* instance of `T`. For example, returning a pointer
97 /// to a field from an enum with multiple variants will produce a `FieldOffset`
98 /// which is unsafe to use.
99 pub unsafe fn new<F: for<'a> FnOnce(*const T) -> *const U>(f: F) -> Self {
100 let offset = Self::with_uninit_ptr(|base_ptr| {
101 let field_ptr = f(base_ptr);
102 (field_ptr as usize).wrapping_sub(base_ptr as usize)
103 });
105 // Construct an instance using the offset
106 Self::new_from_offset(offset)
107 }
108 /// Construct a field offset directly from a byte offset.
109 ///
110 /// # Safety
111 ///
112 /// For the returned `FieldOffset` to be safe to use, the field offset
113 /// must be valid for *any* instance of `T`. For example, returning the offset
114 /// to a field from an enum with multiple variants will produce a `FieldOffset`
115 /// which is unsafe to use.
116 #[inline]
117 pub const unsafe fn new_from_offset(offset: usize) -> Self {
118 // Sanity check: ensure that the field offset plus the field size
119 // is no greater than the size of the containing struct. This is
120 // not sufficient to make the function *safe*, but it does catch
121 // obvious errors like returning a reference to a boxed value,
122 // which is owned by `T` and so has the correct lifetime, but is not
123 // actually a field.
124 #[cfg(fieldoffset_assert_in_const_fn)]
125 assert!(offset + mem::size_of::<U>() <= mem::size_of::<T>());
126 // On stable rust, we can still get an assert in debug mode,
127 // relying on the checked overflow behaviour
128 let _ = mem::size_of::<T>() - (offset + mem::size_of::<U>());
130 FieldOffset(offset, PhantomData)
131 }
134// Methods for applying the pointer to member
135impl<T, U, PinFlag> FieldOffset<T, U, PinFlag> {
136 /// Apply the field offset to a native pointer.
137 #[inline]
138 pub fn apply_ptr(self, x: *const T) -> *const U {
139 ((x as usize) + self.0) as *const U
140 }
141 /// Apply the field offset to a native mutable pointer.
142 #[inline]
143 pub fn apply_ptr_mut(self, x: *mut T) -> *mut U {
144 ((x as usize) + self.0) as *mut U
145 }
146 /// Apply the field offset to a reference.
147 #[inline]
148 pub fn apply<'a>(self, x: &'a T) -> &'a U {
149 unsafe { &*self.apply_ptr(x) }
150 }
151 /// Apply the field offset to a mutable reference.
152 #[inline]
153 pub fn apply_mut<'a>(self, x: &'a mut T) -> &'a mut U {
154 unsafe { &mut *self.apply_ptr_mut(x) }
155 }
156 /// Get the raw byte offset for this field offset.
157 #[inline]
158 pub const fn get_byte_offset(self) -> usize {
159 self.0
160 }
162 // Methods for unapplying the pointer to member
164 /// Unapply the field offset to a native pointer.
165 ///
166 /// # Safety
167 ///
168 /// *Warning: very unsafe!*
169 ///
170 /// This applies a negative offset to a pointer. If the safety
171 /// implications of this are not already clear to you, then *do
172 /// not* use this method. Also be aware that Rust has stronger
173 /// aliasing rules than other languages, so it may be UB to
174 /// dereference the resulting pointer even if it points to a valid
175 /// location, due to the presence of other live references.
176 #[inline]
177 pub unsafe fn unapply_ptr(self, x: *const U) -> *const T {
178 ((x as usize) - self.0) as *const T
179 }
180 /// Unapply the field offset to a native mutable pointer.
181 ///
182 /// # Safety
183 ///
184 /// *Warning: very unsafe!*
185 ///
186 /// This applies a negative offset to a pointer. If the safety
187 /// implications of this are not already clear to you, then *do
188 /// not* use this method. Also be aware that Rust has stronger
189 /// aliasing rules than other languages, so it may be UB to
190 /// dereference the resulting pointer even if it points to a valid
191 /// location, due to the presence of other live references.
192 #[inline]
193 pub unsafe fn unapply_ptr_mut(self, x: *mut U) -> *mut T {
194 ((x as usize) - self.0) as *mut T
195 }
196 /// Unapply the field offset to a reference.
197 ///
198 /// # Safety
199 ///
200 /// *Warning: very unsafe!*
201 ///
202 /// This applies a negative offset to a reference. If the safety
203 /// implications of this are not already clear to you, then *do
204 /// not* use this method. Also be aware that Rust has stronger
205 /// aliasing rules than other languages, so this method may cause UB
206 /// even if the resulting reference points to a valid location, due
207 /// to the presence of other live references.
208 #[inline]
209 pub unsafe fn unapply<'a>(self, x: &'a U) -> &'a T {
210 &*self.unapply_ptr(x)
211 }
212 /// Unapply the field offset to a mutable reference.
213 ///
214 /// # Safety
215 ///
216 /// *Warning: very unsafe!*
217 ///
218 /// This applies a negative offset to a reference. If the safety
219 /// implications of this are not already clear to you, then *do
220 /// not* use this method. Also be aware that Rust has stronger
221 /// aliasing rules than other languages, so this method may cause UB
222 /// even if the resulting reference points to a valid location, due
223 /// to the presence of other live references.
224 #[inline]
225 pub unsafe fn unapply_mut<'a>(self, x: &'a mut U) -> &'a mut T {
226 &mut *self.unapply_ptr_mut(x)
227 }
229 /// Convert this offset to an offset that is allowed to go from `Pin<&T>`
230 /// to `Pin<&U>`
231 ///
232 /// # Safety
233 ///
234 /// The Pin safety rules for projection must be respected. These rules are
235 /// explained in the
236 /// [Pin documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/pin/index.html#pinning-is-structural-for-field)
237 pub const unsafe fn as_pinned_projection(self) -> FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin> {
238 FieldOffset::new_from_offset_pinned(self.get_byte_offset())
239 }
241 /// Remove the AllowPin flag
242 pub const fn as_unpinned_projection(self) -> FieldOffset<T, U, NotPinned> {
243 unsafe { FieldOffset::new_from_offset(self.get_byte_offset()) }
244 }
247impl<T, U> FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin> {
248 /// Construct a field offset directly from a byte offset, which can be projected from
249 /// a pinned.
250 ///
251 /// # Safety
252 ///
253 /// In addition to the safety rules of FieldOffset::new_from_offset, the projection
254 /// from `Pin<&T>` to `Pin<&U>` must also be allowed. The rules are explained in the
255 /// [Pin documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/pin/index.html#pinning-is-structural-for-field)
256 #[inline]
257 pub const unsafe fn new_from_offset_pinned(offset: usize) -> Self {
258 FieldOffset(offset, PhantomData)
259 }
261 /// Apply the field offset to a pinned reference and return a pinned
262 /// reference to the field
263 #[inline]
264 pub fn apply_pin<'a>(self, x: Pin<&'a T>) -> Pin<&'a U> {
265 unsafe { x.map_unchecked(|x| self.apply(x)) }
266 }
267 /// Apply the field offset to a pinned mutable reference and return a
268 /// pinned mutable reference to the field
269 #[inline]
270 pub fn apply_pin_mut<'a>(self, x: Pin<&'a mut T>) -> Pin<&'a mut U> {
271 unsafe { x.map_unchecked_mut(|x| self.apply_mut(x)) }
272 }
275impl<T, U> From<FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin>> for FieldOffset<T, U, NotPinned> {
276 fn from(other: FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin>) -> Self {
277 other.as_unpinned_projection()
278 }
281/// Allow chaining pointer-to-members.
283/// Applying the resulting field offset is equivalent to applying the first
284/// field offset, then applying the second field offset.
286/// The requirements on the generic type parameters ensure this is a safe operation.
287impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V>> for FieldOffset<T, U> {
288 type Output = FieldOffset<T, V>;
289 #[inline]
290 fn add(self, other: FieldOffset<U, V>) -> FieldOffset<T, V> {
291 FieldOffset(self.0 + other.0, PhantomData)
292 }
294impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V, AllowPin>> for FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin> {
295 type Output = FieldOffset<T, V, AllowPin>;
296 #[inline]
297 fn add(self, other: FieldOffset<U, V, AllowPin>) -> FieldOffset<T, V, AllowPin> {
298 FieldOffset(self.0 + other.0, PhantomData)
299 }
301impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V>> for FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin> {
302 type Output = FieldOffset<T, V>;
303 #[inline]
304 fn add(self, other: FieldOffset<U, V>) -> FieldOffset<T, V> {
305 FieldOffset(self.0 + other.0, PhantomData)
306 }
308impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V, AllowPin>> for FieldOffset<T, U> {
309 type Output = FieldOffset<T, V>;
310 #[inline]
311 fn add(self, other: FieldOffset<U, V, AllowPin>) -> FieldOffset<T, V> {
312 FieldOffset(self.0 + other.0, PhantomData)
313 }
316/// The debug implementation prints the byte offset of the field in hexadecimal.
317impl<T, U, Flag> fmt::Debug for FieldOffset<T, U, Flag> {
318 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
319 write!(f, "FieldOffset({:#x})", self.0)
320 }
323impl<T, U, Flag> Copy for FieldOffset<T, U, Flag> {}
324impl<T, U, Flag> Clone for FieldOffset<T, U, Flag> {
325 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
326 *self
327 }
330/// This macro allows safe construction of a FieldOffset,
331/// by generating a known to be valid lambda to pass to the
332/// constructor. It takes a type, and the identifier of a field
333/// within that type as input.
335/// Examples:
337/// Offset of field `Foo.bar`
339/// ```rust
340/// # #[macro_use]
341/// # extern crate field_offset;
342/// # fn main() {
343/// #[repr(C)]
344/// struct Foo { foo: i32, bar: i32 }
345/// assert_eq!(offset_of!(Foo => bar).get_byte_offset(), 4);
346/// # }
347/// ```
349/// Offset of nested field `Foo.bar.x`
351/// ```rust
352/// # #[macro_use]
353/// # extern crate field_offset;
354/// # fn main() {
355/// struct Bar { a: u8, x: u8 }
356/// struct Foo { foo: i32, bar: Bar }
357/// assert_eq!(offset_of!(Foo => bar: Bar => x).get_byte_offset(), 5);
358/// # }
359/// ```
361macro_rules! offset_of {
362 ($t: path => $f: tt) => {{
363 // Construct the offset
364 #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
365 unsafe {
366 $crate::FieldOffset::<$t, _>::new(|x| {
367 $crate::__memoffset::raw_field!(x, $t, $f)
368 })
369 }
370 }};
371 ($t: path => $f: ident: $($rest: tt)*) => {
372 offset_of!($t => $f) + offset_of!($($rest)*)
373 };
377mod tests {
378 // Example structs
379 #[derive(Debug)]
380 struct Foo {
381 a: u32,
382 b: f64,
383 c: bool,
384 }
386 #[derive(Debug)]
387 struct Bar {
388 x: u32,
389 y: Foo,
390 }
392 #[derive(Debug)]
393 struct Tuple(i32, f64);
395 #[test]
396 fn test_simple() {
397 // Get a pointer to `b` within `Foo`
398 let foo_b = offset_of!(Foo => b);
400 // Construct an example `Foo`
401 let mut x = Foo {
402 a: 1,
403 b: 2.0,
404 c: false,
405 };
407 // Apply the pointer to get at `b` and read it
408 {
409 let y = foo_b.apply(&x);
410 assert_eq!(*y, 2.0);
411 }
413 // Apply the pointer to get at `b` and mutate it
414 {
415 let y = foo_b.apply_mut(&mut x);
416 *y = 42.0;
417 }
418 assert_eq!(x.b, 42.0);
419 }
421 #[test]
422 fn test_tuple() {
423 // Get a pointer to `b` within `Foo`
424 let tuple_1 = offset_of!(Tuple => 1);
426 // Construct an example `Foo`
427 let mut x = Tuple(1, 42.0);
429 // Apply the pointer to get at `b` and read it
430 {
431 let y = tuple_1.apply(&x);
432 assert_eq!(*y, 42.0);
433 }
435 // Apply the pointer to get at `b` and mutate it
436 {
437 let y = tuple_1.apply_mut(&mut x);
438 *y = 5.0;
439 }
440 assert_eq!(x.1, 5.0);
441 }
443 #[test]
444 fn test_nested() {
445 // Construct an example `Foo`
446 let mut x = Bar {
447 x: 0,
448 y: Foo {
449 a: 1,
450 b: 2.0,
451 c: false,
452 },
453 };
455 // Combine the pointer-to-members
456 let bar_y_b = offset_of!(Bar => y: Foo => b);
458 // Apply the pointer to get at `b` and mutate it
459 {
460 let y = bar_y_b.apply_mut(&mut x);
461 *y = 42.0;
462 }
463 assert_eq!(x.y.b, 42.0);
464 }
466 struct Parameterized<T, U> {
467 x: T,
468 _y: U,
469 }
470 #[test]
471 fn test_type_parameter() {
472 let _ = offset_of!(Parameterized<Parameterized<bool, bool>, bool> => x: Parameterized<bool, bool> => x);
473 }
475 #[test]
476 fn test_const() {
477 use crate::FieldOffset;
478 #[repr(C)]
479 struct SomeStruct {
480 a: u8,
481 b: u32,
482 }
483 const CONST_FIELD_OFFSET: FieldOffset<SomeStruct, u32> =
484 unsafe { FieldOffset::new_from_offset(4) };
485 const CONST_VALUE: usize = CONST_FIELD_OFFSET.get_byte_offset();
486 assert_eq!(offset_of!(SomeStruct => b).get_byte_offset(), CONST_VALUE);
488 static STATIC_FIELD_OFFSET: FieldOffset<SomeStruct, u32> =
489 unsafe { FieldOffset::new_from_offset(4) };
490 assert_eq!(
491 offset_of!(SomeStruct => b).get_byte_offset(),
492 STATIC_FIELD_OFFSET.get_byte_offset()
493 );
494 }
496 #[cfg(fieldoffset_has_alloc)]
497 #[test]
498 fn test_pin() {
499 use alloc::boxed::Box;
500 use core::pin::Pin;
502 // Get a pointer to `b` within `Foo`
503 let foo_b = offset_of!(Foo => b);
504 let foo_b_pin = unsafe { foo_b.as_pinned_projection() };
505 let foo = Box::pin(Foo {
506 a: 21,
507 b: 22.0,
508 c: true,
509 });
510 let pb: Pin<&f64> = foo_b_pin.apply_pin(foo.as_ref());
511 assert_eq!(*pb, 22.0);
513 let mut x = Box::pin(Bar {
514 x: 0,
515 y: Foo {
516 a: 1,
517 b: 52.0,
518 c: false,
519 },
520 });
521 let bar_y_b = offset_of!(Bar => y: Foo => b);
522 assert!(*bar_y_b.apply(&*x) == 52.0);
524 let bar_y_pin = unsafe { offset_of!(Bar => y).as_pinned_projection() };
525 *(bar_y_pin + foo_b_pin).apply_pin_mut(x.as_mut()) = 12.;
526 assert_eq!(x.y.b, 12.0);
527 }