1// This module defines pure Rust platform independent implementations of all
2// the memchr routines. We do our best to make them fast. Some of them may even
3// get auto-vectorized.
5use core::{cmp, usize};
7#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
8const USIZE_BYTES: usize = 2;
10#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
11const USIZE_BYTES: usize = 4;
13#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
14const USIZE_BYTES: usize = 8;
16// The number of bytes to loop at in one iteration of memchr/memrchr.
17const LOOP_SIZE: usize = 2 * USIZE_BYTES;
19/// Return `true` if `x` contains any zero byte.
21/// From *Matters Computational*, J. Arndt
23/// "The idea is to subtract one from each of the bytes and then look for
24/// bytes where the borrow propagated all the way to the most significant
25/// bit."
27fn contains_zero_byte(x: usize) -> bool {
28 const LO_U64: u64 = 0x0101010101010101;
29 const HI_U64: u64 = 0x8080808080808080;
31 const LO_USIZE: usize = LO_U64 as usize;
32 const HI_USIZE: usize = HI_U64 as usize;
34 x.wrapping_sub(LO_USIZE) & !x & HI_USIZE != 0
37/// Repeat the given byte into a word size number. That is, every 8 bits
38/// is equivalent to the given byte. For example, if `b` is `\x4E` or
39/// `01001110` in binary, then the returned value on a 32-bit system would be:
40/// `01001110_01001110_01001110_01001110`.
42fn repeat_byte(b: u8) -> usize {
43 (b as usize) * (usize::MAX / 255)
46pub fn memchr(n1: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
47 let vn1 = repeat_byte(n1);
48 let confirm = |byte| byte == n1;
49 let loop_size = cmp::min(LOOP_SIZE, haystack.len());
50 let align = USIZE_BYTES - 1;
51 let start_ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
52 let mut ptr = start_ptr;
54 unsafe {
55 let end_ptr = start_ptr.add(haystack.len());
56 if haystack.len() < USIZE_BYTES {
57 return forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
58 }
60 let chunk = (ptr as *const usize).read_unaligned();
61 if contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1) {
62 return forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
63 }
65 ptr = ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES - (start_ptr as usize & align));
66 debug_assert!(ptr > start_ptr);
67 debug_assert!(end_ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) >= start_ptr);
68 while loop_size == LOOP_SIZE && ptr <= end_ptr.sub(loop_size) {
69 debug_assert_eq!(0, (ptr as usize) % USIZE_BYTES);
71 let a = *(ptr as *const usize);
72 let b = *(ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize);
73 let eqa = contains_zero_byte(a ^ vn1);
74 let eqb = contains_zero_byte(b ^ vn1);
75 if eqa || eqb {
76 break;
77 }
78 ptr = ptr.add(LOOP_SIZE);
79 }
80 forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm)
81 }
84/// Like `memchr`, but searches for two bytes instead of one.
85pub fn memchr2(n1: u8, n2: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
86 let vn1 = repeat_byte(n1);
87 let vn2 = repeat_byte(n2);
88 let confirm = |byte| byte == n1 || byte == n2;
89 let align = USIZE_BYTES - 1;
90 let start_ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
91 let mut ptr = start_ptr;
93 unsafe {
94 let end_ptr = start_ptr.add(haystack.len());
95 if haystack.len() < USIZE_BYTES {
96 return forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
97 }
99 let chunk = (ptr as *const usize).read_unaligned();
100 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
101 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
102 if eq1 || eq2 {
103 return forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
104 }
106 ptr = ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES - (start_ptr as usize & align));
107 debug_assert!(ptr > start_ptr);
108 debug_assert!(end_ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) >= start_ptr);
109 while ptr <= end_ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) {
110 debug_assert_eq!(0, (ptr as usize) % USIZE_BYTES);
112 let chunk = *(ptr as *const usize);
113 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
114 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
115 if eq1 || eq2 {
116 break;
117 }
118 ptr = ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES);
119 }
120 forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm)
121 }
124/// Like `memchr`, but searches for three bytes instead of one.
125pub fn memchr3(n1: u8, n2: u8, n3: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
126 let vn1 = repeat_byte(n1);
127 let vn2 = repeat_byte(n2);
128 let vn3 = repeat_byte(n3);
129 let confirm = |byte| byte == n1 || byte == n2 || byte == n3;
130 let align = USIZE_BYTES - 1;
131 let start_ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
132 let mut ptr = start_ptr;
134 unsafe {
135 let end_ptr = start_ptr.add(haystack.len());
136 if haystack.len() < USIZE_BYTES {
137 return forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
138 }
140 let chunk = (ptr as *const usize).read_unaligned();
141 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
142 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
143 let eq3 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn3);
144 if eq1 || eq2 || eq3 {
145 return forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
146 }
148 ptr = ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES - (start_ptr as usize & align));
149 debug_assert!(ptr > start_ptr);
150 debug_assert!(end_ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) >= start_ptr);
151 while ptr <= end_ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) {
152 debug_assert_eq!(0, (ptr as usize) % USIZE_BYTES);
154 let chunk = *(ptr as *const usize);
155 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
156 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
157 let eq3 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn3);
158 if eq1 || eq2 || eq3 {
159 break;
160 }
161 ptr = ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES);
162 }
163 forward_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm)
164 }
167/// Return the last index matching the byte `x` in `text`.
168pub fn memrchr(n1: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
169 let vn1 = repeat_byte(n1);
170 let confirm = |byte| byte == n1;
171 let loop_size = cmp::min(LOOP_SIZE, haystack.len());
172 let align = USIZE_BYTES - 1;
173 let start_ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
175 unsafe {
176 let end_ptr = start_ptr.add(haystack.len());
177 let mut ptr = end_ptr;
178 if haystack.len() < USIZE_BYTES {
179 return reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
180 }
182 let chunk = (ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize).read_unaligned();
183 if contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1) {
184 return reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
185 }
187 ptr = (end_ptr as usize & !align) as *const u8;
188 debug_assert!(start_ptr <= ptr && ptr <= end_ptr);
189 while loop_size == LOOP_SIZE && ptr >= start_ptr.add(loop_size) {
190 debug_assert_eq!(0, (ptr as usize) % USIZE_BYTES);
192 let a = *(ptr.sub(2 * USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize);
193 let b = *(ptr.sub(1 * USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize);
194 let eqa = contains_zero_byte(a ^ vn1);
195 let eqb = contains_zero_byte(b ^ vn1);
196 if eqa || eqb {
197 break;
198 }
199 ptr = ptr.sub(loop_size);
200 }
201 reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm)
202 }
205/// Like `memrchr`, but searches for two bytes instead of one.
206pub fn memrchr2(n1: u8, n2: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
207 let vn1 = repeat_byte(n1);
208 let vn2 = repeat_byte(n2);
209 let confirm = |byte| byte == n1 || byte == n2;
210 let align = USIZE_BYTES - 1;
211 let start_ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
213 unsafe {
214 let end_ptr = start_ptr.add(haystack.len());
215 let mut ptr = end_ptr;
216 if haystack.len() < USIZE_BYTES {
217 return reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
218 }
220 let chunk = (ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize).read_unaligned();
221 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
222 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
223 if eq1 || eq2 {
224 return reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
225 }
227 ptr = (end_ptr as usize & !align) as *const u8;
228 debug_assert!(start_ptr <= ptr && ptr <= end_ptr);
229 while ptr >= start_ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES) {
230 debug_assert_eq!(0, (ptr as usize) % USIZE_BYTES);
232 let chunk = *(ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize);
233 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
234 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
235 if eq1 || eq2 {
236 break;
237 }
238 ptr = ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES);
239 }
240 reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm)
241 }
244/// Like `memrchr`, but searches for three bytes instead of one.
245pub fn memrchr3(n1: u8, n2: u8, n3: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
246 let vn1 = repeat_byte(n1);
247 let vn2 = repeat_byte(n2);
248 let vn3 = repeat_byte(n3);
249 let confirm = |byte| byte == n1 || byte == n2 || byte == n3;
250 let align = USIZE_BYTES - 1;
251 let start_ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
253 unsafe {
254 let end_ptr = start_ptr.add(haystack.len());
255 let mut ptr = end_ptr;
256 if haystack.len() < USIZE_BYTES {
257 return reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
258 }
260 let chunk = (ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize).read_unaligned();
261 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
262 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
263 let eq3 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn3);
264 if eq1 || eq2 || eq3 {
265 return reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm);
266 }
268 ptr = (end_ptr as usize & !align) as *const u8;
269 debug_assert!(start_ptr <= ptr && ptr <= end_ptr);
270 while ptr >= start_ptr.add(USIZE_BYTES) {
271 debug_assert_eq!(0, (ptr as usize) % USIZE_BYTES);
273 let chunk = *(ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES) as *const usize);
274 let eq1 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn1);
275 let eq2 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn2);
276 let eq3 = contains_zero_byte(chunk ^ vn3);
277 if eq1 || eq2 || eq3 {
278 break;
279 }
280 ptr = ptr.sub(USIZE_BYTES);
281 }
282 reverse_search(start_ptr, end_ptr, ptr, confirm)
283 }
287unsafe fn forward_search<F: Fn(u8) -> bool>(
288 start_ptr: *const u8,
289 end_ptr: *const u8,
290 mut ptr: *const u8,
291 confirm: F,
292) -> Option<usize> {
293 debug_assert!(start_ptr <= ptr);
294 debug_assert!(ptr <= end_ptr);
296 while ptr < end_ptr {
297 if confirm(*ptr) {
298 return Some(sub(a:ptr, b:start_ptr));
299 }
300 ptr = ptr.offset(count:1);
301 }
302 None
306unsafe fn reverse_search<F: Fn(u8) -> bool>(
307 start_ptr: *const u8,
308 end_ptr: *const u8,
309 mut ptr: *const u8,
310 confirm: F,
311) -> Option<usize> {
312 debug_assert!(start_ptr <= ptr);
313 debug_assert!(ptr <= end_ptr);
315 while ptr > start_ptr {
316 ptr = ptr.offset(count:-1);
317 if confirm(*ptr) {
318 return Some(sub(a:ptr, b:start_ptr));
319 }
320 }
321 None
324/// Subtract `b` from `a` and return the difference. `a` should be greater than
325/// or equal to `b`.
326fn sub(a: *const u8, b: *const u8) -> usize {
327 debug_assert!(a >= b);
328 (a as usize) - (b as usize)