1//! Port of LLVM's APFloat software floating-point implementation from the
2//! following C++ sources (please update commit hash when backporting):
3//! https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/462a31f5a5abb905869ea93cc49b096079b11aa4
4//! * `llvm/include/llvm/ADT/APFloat.h` -> `Float` and `FloatConvert` traits
5//! * `llvm/lib/Support/APFloat.cpp` -> `ieee` and `ppc` modules
6//! * `llvm/unittests/ADT/APFloatTest.cpp` -> `tests` directory
8//! The port contains no unsafe code, global state, or side-effects in general,
9//! and the only allocations are in the conversion to/from decimal strings.
11//! Most of the API and the testcases are intact in some form or another,
12//! with some ergonomic changes, such as idiomatic short names, returning
13//! new values instead of mutating the receiver, and having separate method
14//! variants that take a non-default rounding mode (with the suffix `_r`).
15//! Comments have been preserved where possible, only slightly adapted.
17//! Instead of keeping a pointer to a configuration struct and inspecting it
18//! dynamically on every operation, types (e.g. `ieee::Double`), traits
19//! (e.g. `ieee::Semantics`) and associated constants are employed for
20//! increased type safety and performance.
22//! On-heap bigints are replaced everywhere (except in decimal conversion),
23//! with short arrays of `type Limb = u128` elements (instead of `u64`),
24//! This allows fitting the largest supported significands in one integer
25//! (`ieee::Quad` and `ppc::Fallback` use slightly less than 128 bits).
26//! All of the functions in the `ieee::sig` module operate on slices.
28//! # Note
30//! This API is completely unstable and subject to change.
37extern crate bitflags;
39extern crate alloc;
41use core::cmp::Ordering;
42use core::fmt;
43use core::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Rem, Sub};
44use core::ops::{AddAssign, DivAssign, MulAssign, RemAssign, SubAssign};
45use core::str::FromStr;
47bitflags! {
48 /// IEEE-754R 7: Default exception handling.
49 ///
50 /// UNDERFLOW or OVERFLOW are always returned or-ed with INEXACT.
51 ///
52 /// APFloat models this behavior specified by IEEE-754:
53 /// "For operations producing results in floating-point format, the default
54 /// result of an operation that signals the invalid operation exception
55 /// shall be a quiet NaN."
56 #[must_use]
57 pub struct Status: u8 {
58 const OK = 0x00;
59 const INVALID_OP = 0x01;
60 const DIV_BY_ZERO = 0x02;
61 const OVERFLOW = 0x04;
62 const UNDERFLOW = 0x08;
63 const INEXACT = 0x10;
64 }
68#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
69pub struct StatusAnd<T> {
70 pub status: Status,
71 pub value: T,
74impl Status {
75 pub fn and<T>(self, value: T) -> StatusAnd<T> {
76 StatusAnd { status: self, value }
77 }
80impl<T> StatusAnd<T> {
81 pub fn map<F: FnOnce(T) -> U, U>(self, f: F) -> StatusAnd<U> {
82 StatusAnd {
83 status: self.status,
84 value: f(self.value),
85 }
86 }
90macro_rules! unpack {
91 ($status:ident|=, $e:expr) => {
92 match $e {
93 $crate::StatusAnd { status, value } => {
94 $status |= status;
95 value
96 }
97 }
98 };
99 ($status:ident=, $e:expr) => {
100 match $e {
101 $crate::StatusAnd { status, value } => {
102 $status = status;
103 value
104 }
105 }
106 };
109/// Category of internally-represented number.
110#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
111pub enum Category {
112 Infinity,
113 NaN,
114 Normal,
115 Zero,
118/// IEEE-754R 4.3: Rounding-direction attributes.
119#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
120pub enum Round {
121 NearestTiesToEven,
122 TowardPositive,
123 TowardNegative,
124 TowardZero,
125 NearestTiesToAway,
128impl Neg for Round {
129 type Output = Round;
130 #[inline]
131 fn neg(self) -> Round {
132 match self {
133 Round::TowardPositive => Round::TowardNegative,
134 Round::TowardNegative => Round::TowardPositive,
135 Round::NearestTiesToEven | Round::TowardZero | Round::NearestTiesToAway => self,
136 }
137 }
140/// A signed type to represent a floating point number's unbiased exponent.
141pub type ExpInt = i32;
143// \c ilogb error results.
144pub const IEK_INF: ExpInt = ExpInt::max_value();
145pub const IEK_NAN: ExpInt = ExpInt::min_value();
146pub const IEK_ZERO: ExpInt = ExpInt::min_value() + 1;
148#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
149pub struct ParseError(pub &'static str);
151/// A self-contained host- and target-independent arbitrary-precision
152/// floating-point software implementation.
154/// `apfloat` uses significand bignum integer arithmetic as provided by functions
155/// in the `ieee::sig`.
157/// Written for clarity rather than speed, in particular with a view to use in
158/// the front-end of a cross compiler so that target arithmetic can be correctly
159/// performed on the host. Performance should nonetheless be reasonable,
160/// particularly for its intended use. It may be useful as a base
161/// implementation for a run-time library during development of a faster
162/// target-specific one.
164/// All 5 rounding modes in the IEEE-754R draft are handled correctly for all
165/// implemented operations. Currently implemented operations are add, subtract,
166/// multiply, divide, fused-multiply-add, conversion-to-float,
167/// conversion-to-integer and conversion-from-integer. New rounding modes
168/// (e.g. away from zero) can be added with three or four lines of code.
170/// Four formats are built-in: IEEE single precision, double precision,
171/// quadruple precision, and x87 80-bit extended double (when operating with
172/// full extended precision). Adding a new format that obeys IEEE semantics
173/// only requires adding two lines of code: a declaration and definition of the
174/// format.
176/// All operations return the status of that operation as an exception bit-mask,
177/// so multiple operations can be done consecutively with their results or-ed
178/// together. The returned status can be useful for compiler diagnostics; e.g.,
179/// inexact, underflow and overflow can be easily diagnosed on constant folding,
180/// and compiler optimizers can determine what exceptions would be raised by
181/// folding operations and optimize, or perhaps not optimize, accordingly.
183/// At present, underflow tininess is detected after rounding; it should be
184/// straight forward to add support for the before-rounding case too.
186/// The library reads hexadecimal floating point numbers as per C99, and
187/// correctly rounds if necessary according to the specified rounding mode.
188/// Syntax is required to have been validated by the caller.
190/// It also reads decimal floating point numbers and correctly rounds according
191/// to the specified rounding mode.
193/// Non-zero finite numbers are represented internally as a sign bit, a 16-bit
194/// signed exponent, and the significand as an array of integer limbs. After
195/// normalization of a number of precision P the exponent is within the range of
196/// the format, and if the number is not denormal the P-th bit of the
197/// significand is set as an explicit integer bit. For denormals the most
198/// significant bit is shifted right so that the exponent is maintained at the
199/// format's minimum, so that the smallest denormal has just the least
200/// significant bit of the significand set. The sign of zeros and infinities
201/// is significant; the exponent and significand of such numbers is not stored,
202/// but has a known implicit (deterministic) value: 0 for the significands, 0
203/// for zero exponent, all 1 bits for infinity exponent. For NaNs the sign and
204/// significand are deterministic, although not really meaningful, and preserved
205/// in non-conversion operations. The exponent is implicitly all 1 bits.
207/// `apfloat` does not provide any exception handling beyond default exception
208/// handling. We represent Signaling NaNs via IEEE-754R 2008 6.2.1 should clause
209/// by encoding Signaling NaNs with the first bit of its trailing significand as
210/// 0.
212/// Future work
213/// ===========
215/// Some features that may or may not be worth adding:
217/// Optional ability to detect underflow tininess before rounding.
219/// New formats: x87 in single and double precision mode (IEEE apart from
220/// extended exponent range) (hard).
222/// New operations: sqrt, nexttoward.
224pub trait Float:
225 Copy
226 + Default
227 + FromStr<Err = ParseError>
228 + PartialOrd
229 + fmt::Display
230 + Neg<Output = Self>
231 + AddAssign
232 + SubAssign
233 + MulAssign
234 + DivAssign
235 + RemAssign
236 + Add<Output = StatusAnd<Self>>
237 + Sub<Output = StatusAnd<Self>>
238 + Mul<Output = StatusAnd<Self>>
239 + Div<Output = StatusAnd<Self>>
240 + Rem<Output = StatusAnd<Self>>
242 /// Total number of bits in the in-memory format.
243 const BITS: usize;
245 /// Number of bits in the significand. This includes the integer bit.
246 const PRECISION: usize;
248 /// The largest E such that 2^E is representable; this matches the
249 /// definition of IEEE 754.
250 const MAX_EXP: ExpInt;
252 /// The smallest E such that 2^E is a normalized number; this
253 /// matches the definition of IEEE 754.
254 const MIN_EXP: ExpInt;
256 /// Positive Zero.
257 const ZERO: Self;
259 /// Positive Infinity.
260 const INFINITY: Self;
262 /// NaN (Not a Number).
263 // FIXME(eddyb) provide a default when qnan becomes const fn.
264 const NAN: Self;
266 /// Factory for QNaN values.
267 // FIXME(eddyb) should be const fn.
268 fn qnan(payload: Option<u128>) -> Self;
270 /// Factory for SNaN values.
271 // FIXME(eddyb) should be const fn.
272 fn snan(payload: Option<u128>) -> Self;
274 /// Largest finite number.
275 // FIXME(eddyb) should be const (but FloatPair::largest is nontrivial).
276 fn largest() -> Self;
278 /// Smallest (by magnitude) finite number.
279 /// Might be denormalized, which implies a relative loss of precision.
280 const SMALLEST: Self;
282 /// Smallest (by magnitude) normalized finite number.
283 // FIXME(eddyb) should be const (but FloatPair::smallest_normalized is nontrivial).
284 fn smallest_normalized() -> Self;
286 // Arithmetic
288 fn add_r(self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
289 fn sub_r(self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
290 self.add_r(-rhs, round)
291 }
292 fn mul_r(self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
293 fn mul_add_r(self, multiplicand: Self, addend: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
294 fn mul_add(self, multiplicand: Self, addend: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
295 self.mul_add_r(multiplicand, addend, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
296 }
297 fn div_r(self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
298 /// IEEE remainder.
299 fn ieee_rem(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
300 /// C fmod, or llvm frem.
301 fn c_fmod(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
302 fn round_to_integral(self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
304 /// IEEE-754R 2008 5.3.1: nextUp.
305 fn next_up(self) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
307 /// IEEE-754R 2008 5.3.1: nextDown.
308 ///
309 /// *NOTE* since nextDown(x) = -nextUp(-x), we only implement nextUp with
310 /// appropriate sign switching before/after the computation.
311 fn next_down(self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
312 (-self).next_up().map(|r| -r)
313 }
315 fn abs(self) -> Self {
316 if self.is_negative() {
317 -self
318 } else {
319 self
320 }
321 }
322 fn copy_sign(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
323 if self.is_negative() != rhs.is_negative() {
324 -self
325 } else {
326 self
327 }
328 }
330 // Conversions
331 fn from_bits(input: u128) -> Self;
332 fn from_i128_r(input: i128, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
333 if input < 0 {
334 Self::from_u128_r(input.wrapping_neg() as u128, -round).map(|r| -r)
335 } else {
336 Self::from_u128_r(input as u128, round)
337 }
338 }
339 fn from_i128(input: i128) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
340 Self::from_i128_r(input, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
341 }
342 fn from_u128_r(input: u128, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self>;
343 fn from_u128(input: u128) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
344 Self::from_u128_r(input, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
345 }
346 fn from_str_r(s: &str, round: Round) -> Result<StatusAnd<Self>, ParseError>;
347 fn to_bits(self) -> u128;
349 /// Convert a floating point number to an integer according to the
350 /// rounding mode. In case of an invalid operation exception,
351 /// deterministic values are returned, namely zero for NaNs and the
352 /// minimal or maximal value respectively for underflow or overflow.
353 /// If the rounded value is in range but the floating point number is
354 /// not the exact integer, the C standard doesn't require an inexact
355 /// exception to be raised. IEEE-854 does require it so we do that.
356 ///
357 /// Note that for conversions to integer type the C standard requires
358 /// round-to-zero to always be used.
359 ///
360 /// The *is_exact output tells whether the result is exact, in the sense
361 /// that converting it back to the original floating point type produces
362 /// the original value. This is almost equivalent to result==Status::OK,
363 /// except for negative zeroes.
364 fn to_i128_r(self, width: usize, round: Round, is_exact: &mut bool) -> StatusAnd<i128> {
365 let status;
366 if self.is_negative() {
367 if self.is_zero() {
368 // Negative zero can't be represented as an int.
369 *is_exact = false;
370 }
371 let r = unpack!(status=, (-self).to_u128_r(width, -round, is_exact));
373 // Check for values that don't fit in the signed integer.
374 if r > (1 << (width - 1)) {
375 // Return the most negative integer for the given width.
376 *is_exact = false;
377 Status::INVALID_OP.and(-1 << (width - 1))
378 } else {
379 status.and(r.wrapping_neg() as i128)
380 }
381 } else {
382 // Positive case is simpler, can pretend it's a smaller unsigned
383 // integer, and `to_u128` will take care of all the edge cases.
384 self.to_u128_r(width - 1, round, is_exact).map(|r| r as i128)
385 }
386 }
387 fn to_i128(self, width: usize) -> StatusAnd<i128> {
388 self.to_i128_r(width, Round::TowardZero, &mut true)
389 }
390 fn to_u128_r(self, width: usize, round: Round, is_exact: &mut bool) -> StatusAnd<u128>;
391 fn to_u128(self, width: usize) -> StatusAnd<u128> {
392 self.to_u128_r(width, Round::TowardZero, &mut true)
393 }
395 fn cmp_abs_normal(self, rhs: Self) -> Ordering;
397 /// Bitwise comparison for equality (QNaNs compare equal, 0!=-0).
398 fn bitwise_eq(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
400 // IEEE-754R 5.7.2 General operations.
402 /// Implements IEEE minNum semantics. Returns the smaller of the 2 arguments if
403 /// both are not NaN. If either argument is a NaN, returns the other argument.
404 fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self {
405 if self.is_nan() {
406 other
407 } else if other.is_nan() {
408 self
409 } else if other < self {
410 other
411 } else {
412 self
413 }
414 }
416 /// Implements IEEE maxNum semantics. Returns the larger of the 2 arguments if
417 /// both are not NaN. If either argument is a NaN, returns the other argument.
418 fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self {
419 if self.is_nan() {
420 other
421 } else if other.is_nan() {
422 self
423 } else if self < other {
424 other
425 } else {
426 self
427 }
428 }
430 /// Implements IEEE 754-2018 minimum semantics. Returns the smaller of 2
431 /// arguments, propagating NaNs and treating -0 as less than +0.
432 fn minimum(self, other: Self) -> Self {
433 if self.is_nan() {
434 self
435 } else if other.is_nan() {
436 other
437 } else if self.is_zero() && other.is_zero() && self.is_negative() != other.is_negative() {
438 if self.is_negative() {
439 self
440 } else {
441 other
442 }
443 } else if other < self {
444 other
445 } else {
446 self
447 }
448 }
450 /// Implements IEEE 754-2018 maximum semantics. Returns the larger of 2
451 /// arguments, propagating NaNs and treating -0 as less than +0.
452 fn maximum(self, other: Self) -> Self {
453 if self.is_nan() {
454 self
455 } else if other.is_nan() {
456 other
457 } else if self.is_zero() && other.is_zero() && self.is_negative() != other.is_negative() {
458 if self.is_negative() {
459 other
460 } else {
461 self
462 }
463 } else if self < other {
464 other
465 } else {
466 self
467 }
468 }
470 /// IEEE-754R isSignMinus: Returns true if and only if the current value is
471 /// negative.
472 ///
473 /// This applies to zeros and NaNs as well.
474 fn is_negative(self) -> bool;
476 /// IEEE-754R isNormal: Returns true if and only if the current value is normal.
477 ///
478 /// This implies that the current value of the float is not zero, subnormal,
479 /// infinite, or NaN following the definition of normality from IEEE-754R.
480 fn is_normal(self) -> bool {
481 !self.is_denormal() && self.is_finite_non_zero()
482 }
484 /// Returns true if and only if the current value is zero, subnormal, or
485 /// normal.
486 ///
487 /// This means that the value is not infinite or NaN.
488 fn is_finite(self) -> bool {
489 !self.is_nan() && !self.is_infinite()
490 }
492 /// Returns true if and only if the float is plus or minus zero.
493 fn is_zero(self) -> bool {
494 self.category() == Category::Zero
495 }
497 /// IEEE-754R isSubnormal(): Returns true if and only if the float is a
498 /// denormal.
499 fn is_denormal(self) -> bool;
501 /// IEEE-754R isInfinite(): Returns true if and only if the float is infinity.
502 fn is_infinite(self) -> bool {
503 self.category() == Category::Infinity
504 }
506 /// Returns true if and only if the float is a quiet or signaling NaN.
507 fn is_nan(self) -> bool {
508 self.category() == Category::NaN
509 }
511 /// Returns true if and only if the float is a signaling NaN.
512 fn is_signaling(self) -> bool;
514 // Simple Queries
516 fn category(self) -> Category;
517 fn is_non_zero(self) -> bool {
518 !self.is_zero()
519 }
520 fn is_finite_non_zero(self) -> bool {
521 self.is_finite() && !self.is_zero()
522 }
523 fn is_pos_zero(self) -> bool {
524 self.is_zero() && !self.is_negative()
525 }
526 fn is_neg_zero(self) -> bool {
527 self.is_zero() && self.is_negative()
528 }
529 fn is_pos_infinity(self) -> bool {
530 self.is_infinite() && !self.is_negative()
531 }
532 fn is_neg_infinity(self) -> bool {
533 self.is_infinite() && self.is_negative()
534 }
536 /// Returns true if and only if the number has the smallest possible non-zero
537 /// magnitude in the current semantics.
538 fn is_smallest(self) -> bool {
539 Self::SMALLEST.copy_sign(self).bitwise_eq(self)
540 }
542 /// Returns true if this is the smallest (by magnitude) normalized finite
543 /// number in the given semantics.
544 fn is_smallest_normalized(self) -> bool {
545 Self::smallest_normalized().copy_sign(self).bitwise_eq(self)
546 }
548 /// Returns true if and only if the number has the largest possible finite
549 /// magnitude in the current semantics.
550 fn is_largest(self) -> bool {
551 Self::largest().copy_sign(self).bitwise_eq(self)
552 }
554 /// Returns true if and only if the number is an exact integer.
555 fn is_integer(self) -> bool {
556 // This could be made more efficient; I'm going for obviously correct.
557 if !self.is_finite() {
558 return false;
559 }
560 self.round_to_integral(Round::TowardZero).value.bitwise_eq(self)
561 }
563 /// If this value has an exact multiplicative inverse, return it.
564 fn get_exact_inverse(self) -> Option<Self>;
566 /// Returns the exponent of the internal representation of the Float.
567 ///
568 /// Because the radix of Float is 2, this is equivalent to floor(log2(x)).
569 /// For special Float values, this returns special error codes:
570 ///
571 /// NaN -> \c IEK_NAN
572 /// 0 -> \c IEK_ZERO
573 /// Inf -> \c IEK_INF
574 ///
575 fn ilogb(self) -> ExpInt;
577 /// Returns: self * 2^exp for integral exponents.
578 fn scalbn_r(self, exp: ExpInt, round: Round) -> Self;
579 fn scalbn(self, exp: ExpInt) -> Self {
580 self.scalbn_r(exp, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
581 }
583 /// Equivalent of C standard library function.
584 ///
585 /// While the C standard says exp is an unspecified value for infinity and nan,
586 /// this returns INT_MAX for infinities, and INT_MIN for NaNs (see `ilogb`).
587 fn frexp_r(self, exp: &mut ExpInt, round: Round) -> Self;
588 fn frexp(self, exp: &mut ExpInt) -> Self {
589 self.frexp_r(exp, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
590 }
593pub trait FloatConvert<T: Float>: Float {
594 /// Convert a value of one floating point type to another.
595 /// The return value corresponds to the IEEE754 exceptions. *loses_info
596 /// records whether the transformation lost information, i.e. whether
597 /// converting the result back to the original type will produce the
598 /// original value (this is almost the same as return value==Status::OK,
599 /// but there are edge cases where this is not so).
600 fn convert_r(self, round: Round, loses_info: &mut bool) -> StatusAnd<T>;
601 fn convert(self, loses_info: &mut bool) -> StatusAnd<T> {
602 self.convert_r(Round::NearestTiesToEven, loses_info)
603 }
606macro_rules! float_common_impls {
607 ($ty:ident<$t:tt>) => {
608 impl<$t> Default for $ty<$t>
609 where
610 Self: Float,
611 {
612 #[inline]
613 fn default() -> Self {
614 Self::ZERO
615 }
616 }
618 impl<$t> ::core::str::FromStr for $ty<$t>
619 where
620 Self: Float,
621 {
622 type Err = ParseError;
623 #[inline]
624 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
625 Self::from_str_r(s, Round::NearestTiesToEven).map(|x| x.value)
626 }
627 }
629 // Rounding ties to the nearest even, by default.
631 impl<$t> ::core::ops::Add for $ty<$t>
632 where
633 Self: Float,
634 {
635 type Output = StatusAnd<Self>;
636 #[inline]
637 fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
638 self.add_r(rhs, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
639 }
640 }
642 impl<$t> ::core::ops::Sub for $ty<$t>
643 where
644 Self: Float,
645 {
646 type Output = StatusAnd<Self>;
647 #[inline]
648 fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
649 self.sub_r(rhs, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
650 }
651 }
653 impl<$t> ::core::ops::Mul for $ty<$t>
654 where
655 Self: Float,
656 {
657 type Output = StatusAnd<Self>;
658 #[inline]
659 fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
660 self.mul_r(rhs, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
661 }
662 }
664 impl<$t> ::core::ops::Div for $ty<$t>
665 where
666 Self: Float,
667 {
668 type Output = StatusAnd<Self>;
669 #[inline]
670 fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
671 self.div_r(rhs, Round::NearestTiesToEven)
672 }
673 }
675 impl<$t> ::core::ops::Rem for $ty<$t>
676 where
677 Self: Float,
678 {
679 type Output = StatusAnd<Self>;
680 #[inline]
681 fn rem(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
682 self.c_fmod(rhs)
683 }
684 }
686 impl<$t> ::core::ops::AddAssign for $ty<$t>
687 where
688 Self: Float,
689 {
690 #[inline]
691 fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
692 *self = (*self + rhs).value;
693 }
694 }
696 impl<$t> ::core::ops::SubAssign for $ty<$t>
697 where
698 Self: Float,
699 {
700 #[inline]
701 fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
702 *self = (*self - rhs).value;
703 }
704 }
706 impl<$t> ::core::ops::MulAssign for $ty<$t>
707 where
708 Self: Float,
709 {
710 #[inline]
711 fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
712 *self = (*self * rhs).value;
713 }
714 }
716 impl<$t> ::core::ops::DivAssign for $ty<$t>
717 where
718 Self: Float,
719 {
720 #[inline]
721 fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
722 *self = (*self / rhs).value;
723 }
724 }
726 impl<$t> ::core::ops::RemAssign for $ty<$t>
727 where
728 Self: Float,
729 {
730 #[inline]
731 fn rem_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
732 *self = (*self % rhs).value;
733 }
734 }
735 };
738pub mod ieee;
739pub mod ppc;