1use alloc::alloc::{alloc, dealloc};
2use core::{alloc::Layout, ptr::NonNull, slice};
4pub struct RingBuffer {
5 // Safety invariants:
6 //
7 // 1.
8 // a.`buf` must be a valid allocation of capacity `cap`
9 // b. ...unless `cap=0`, in which case it is dangling
10 // 2. If tail≥head
11 // a. `head..tail` must contain initialized memory.
12 // b. Else, `head..` and `..tail` must be initialized
13 // 3. `head` and `tail` are in bounds (≥ 0 and < cap)
14 // 4. `tail` is never `cap` except for a full buffer, and instead uses the value `0`. In other words, `tail` always points to the place
15 // where the next element would go (if there is space)
16 buf: NonNull<u8>,
17 cap: usize,
18 head: usize,
19 tail: usize,
22impl RingBuffer {
23 pub fn new() -> Self {
24 RingBuffer {
25 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 1a as stated
26 buf: NonNull::dangling(),
27 cap: 0,
28 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 2-4
29 head: 0,
30 tail: 0,
31 }
32 }
34 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
35 let (x, y) = self.data_slice_lengths();
36 x + y
37 }
39 pub fn free(&self) -> usize {
40 let (x, y) = self.free_slice_lengths();
41 (x + y).saturating_sub(1)
42 }
44 pub fn clear(&mut self) {
45 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 2, trivially
46 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 3; 0 is always valid
47 self.head = 0;
48 self.tail = 0;
49 }
51 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
52 self.head == self.tail
53 }
55 pub fn reserve(&mut self, amount: usize) {
56 let free = self.free();
57 if free >= amount {
58 return;
59 }
61 self.reserve_amortized(amount - free);
62 }
64 #[inline(never)]
65 #[cold]
66 fn reserve_amortized(&mut self, amount: usize) {
67 // SAFETY: if we were succesfully able to construct this layout when we allocated then it's also valid do so now
68 let current_layout = unsafe { Layout::array::<u8>(self.cap).unwrap_unchecked() };
70 // Always have at least 1 unused element as the sentinel.
71 let new_cap = usize::max(
72 self.cap.next_power_of_two(),
73 (self.cap + amount).next_power_of_two(),
74 ) + 1;
76 // Check that the capacity isn't bigger than isize::MAX, which is the max allowed by LLVM, or that
77 // we are on a >= 64 bit system which will never allow that much memory to be allocated
78 #[allow(clippy::assertions_on_constants)]
79 {
80 debug_assert!(usize::BITS >= 64 || new_cap < isize::MAX as usize);
81 }
83 let new_layout = Layout::array::<u8>(new_cap)
84 .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not create layout for u8 array of size {}", new_cap));
86 // alloc the new memory region and panic if alloc fails
87 // TODO maybe rework this to generate an error?
88 let new_buf = unsafe {
89 let new_buf = alloc(new_layout);
91 NonNull::new(new_buf).expect("Allocating new space for the ringbuffer failed")
92 };
94 // If we had data before, copy it over to the newly alloced memory region
95 if self.cap > 0 {
96 let ((s1_ptr, s1_len), (s2_ptr, s2_len)) = self.data_slice_parts();
98 unsafe {
99 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 2, we end up populating (0..(len₁ + len₂))
100 new_buf.as_ptr().copy_from_nonoverlapping(s1_ptr, s1_len);
101 new_buf
102 .as_ptr()
103 .add(s1_len)
104 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(s2_ptr, s2_len);
105 dealloc(self.buf.as_ptr(), current_layout);
106 }
108 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 3, head is 0 and in bounds, tail is only ever `cap` if the buffer
109 // is entirely full
110 self.tail = s1_len + s2_len;
111 self.head = 0;
112 }
113 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 1: the buffer was just allocated correctly
114 self.buf = new_buf;
115 self.cap = new_cap;
116 }
118 #[allow(dead_code)]
119 pub fn push_back(&mut self, byte: u8) {
120 self.reserve(1);
122 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 2 by writing initialized memory
123 unsafe { self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.tail).write(byte) };
124 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 3 by wrapping `tail` around
125 self.tail = (self.tail + 1) % self.cap;
126 }
128 #[allow(dead_code)]
129 pub fn get(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<u8> {
130 if idx < self.len() {
131 // SAFETY: Establishes invariants on memory being initialized and the range being in-bounds
132 // (Invariants 2 & 3)
133 let idx = (self.head + idx) % self.cap;
134 Some(unsafe { self.buf.as_ptr().add(idx).read() })
135 } else {
136 None
137 }
138 }
140 pub fn extend(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
141 let len = data.len();
142 let ptr = data.as_ptr();
143 if len == 0 {
144 return;
145 }
147 self.reserve(len);
149 debug_assert!(self.len() + len <= self.cap - 1);
150 debug_assert!(self.free() >= len, "free: {} len: {}", self.free(), len);
152 let ((f1_ptr, f1_len), (f2_ptr, f2_len)) = self.free_slice_parts();
153 debug_assert!(f1_len + f2_len >= len, "{} + {} < {}", f1_len, f2_len, len);
155 let in_f1 = usize::min(len, f1_len);
157 let in_f2 = len - in_f1;
159 debug_assert!(in_f1 + in_f2 == len);
161 unsafe {
162 // SAFETY: `in_f₁ + in_f₂ = len`, so this writes `len` bytes total
163 // upholding invariant 2
164 if in_f1 > 0 {
165 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(ptr, in_f1);
166 }
167 if in_f2 > 0 {
168 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(ptr.add(in_f1), in_f2);
169 }
170 }
171 // SAFETY: Upholds invariant 3 by wrapping `tail` around.
172 self.tail = (self.tail + len) % self.cap;
173 }
175 pub fn drop_first_n(&mut self, amount: usize) {
176 debug_assert!(amount <= self.len());
177 let amount = usize::min(amount, self.len());
178 // SAFETY: we maintain invariant 2 here since this will always lead to a smaller buffer
179 // for amount≤len
180 self.head = (self.head + amount) % self.cap;
181 }
183 // SAFETY: other code relies on this pointing to initialized halves of the buffer only
184 fn data_slice_lengths(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
185 let len_after_head;
186 let len_to_tail;
188 // TODO can we do this branchless?
189 if self.tail >= self.head {
190 len_after_head = self.tail - self.head;
191 len_to_tail = 0;
192 } else {
193 len_after_head = self.cap - self.head;
194 len_to_tail = self.tail;
195 }
196 (len_after_head, len_to_tail)
197 }
199 // SAFETY: other code relies on this pointing to initialized halves of the buffer only
200 fn data_slice_parts(&self) -> ((*const u8, usize), (*const u8, usize)) {
201 let (len_after_head, len_to_tail) = self.data_slice_lengths();
203 (
204 (unsafe { self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.head) }, len_after_head),
205 (self.buf.as_ptr(), len_to_tail),
206 )
207 }
208 pub fn as_slices(&self) -> (&[u8], &[u8]) {
209 let (s1, s2) = self.data_slice_parts();
210 unsafe {
211 // SAFETY: relies on the behavior of data_slice_parts for producing initialized memory
212 let s1 = slice::from_raw_parts(s1.0, s1.1);
213 let s2 = slice::from_raw_parts(s2.0, s2.1);
214 (s1, s2)
215 }
216 }
218 // SAFETY: other code relies on this producing the lengths of free zones
219 // at the beginning/end of the buffer. Everything else must be initialized
220 fn free_slice_lengths(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
221 let len_to_head;
222 let len_after_tail;
224 // TODO can we do this branchless?
225 if self.tail < self.head {
226 len_after_tail = self.head - self.tail;
227 len_to_head = 0;
228 } else {
229 len_after_tail = self.cap - self.tail;
230 len_to_head = self.head;
231 }
232 (len_to_head, len_after_tail)
233 }
235 // SAFETY: Other code relies on this pointing to the free zones, data after the first and before the second must
236 // be valid
237 fn free_slice_parts(&self) -> ((*mut u8, usize), (*mut u8, usize)) {
238 let (len_to_head, len_after_tail) = self.free_slice_lengths();
240 (
241 (unsafe { self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.tail) }, len_after_tail),
242 (self.buf.as_ptr(), len_to_head),
243 )
244 }
246 #[allow(dead_code)]
247 pub fn extend_from_within(&mut self, start: usize, len: usize) {
248 if start + len > self.len() {
249 panic!(
250 "Calls to this functions must respect start ({}) + len ({}) <= self.len() ({})!",
251 start,
252 len,
253 self.len()
254 );
255 }
257 self.reserve(len);
259 // SAFETY: Requirements checked:
260 // 1. explicitly checked above, resulting in a panic if it does not hold
261 // 2. explicitly reserved enough memory
262 unsafe { self.extend_from_within_unchecked(start, len) }
263 }
265 /// SAFETY:
266 /// For this to be safe two requirements need to hold:
267 /// 1. start + len <= self.len() so we do not copy uninitialised memory
268 /// 2. More then len reserved space so we do not write out-of-bounds
269 #[warn(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]
270 pub unsafe fn extend_from_within_unchecked(&mut self, start: usize, len: usize) {
271 if self.head < self.tail {
272 // continous data slice |____HDDDDDDDT_____|
273 let after_tail = usize::min(len, self.cap - self.tail);
274 unsafe {
275 self.buf
276 .as_ptr()
277 .add(self.tail)
278 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.head + start), after_tail);
279 if after_tail < len {
280 self.buf.as_ptr().copy_from_nonoverlapping(
281 self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.head + start + after_tail),
282 len - after_tail,
283 );
284 }
285 }
286 } else {
287 // continous free slice |DDDT_________HDDDD|
288 if self.head + start > self.cap {
289 let start = (self.head + start) % self.cap;
290 unsafe {
291 self.buf
292 .as_ptr()
293 .add(self.tail)
294 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(self.buf.as_ptr().add(start), len)
295 }
296 } else {
297 let after_start = usize::min(len, self.cap - self.head - start);
298 unsafe {
299 self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.tail).copy_from_nonoverlapping(
300 self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.head + start),
301 after_start,
302 );
303 if after_start < len {
304 self.buf
305 .as_ptr()
306 .add(self.tail + after_start)
307 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(self.buf.as_ptr(), len - after_start);
308 }
309 }
310 }
311 }
313 self.tail = (self.tail + len) % self.cap;
314 }
316 #[allow(dead_code)]
317 /// SAFETY:
318 /// Needs start + len <= self.len()
319 /// And more then len reserved space
320 pub unsafe fn extend_from_within_unchecked_branchless(&mut self, start: usize, len: usize) {
321 // data slices in raw parts
322 let ((s1_ptr, s1_len), (s2_ptr, s2_len)) = self.data_slice_parts();
324 debug_assert!(len <= s1_len + s2_len, "{} > {} + {}", len, s1_len, s2_len);
326 // calc the actually wanted slices in raw parts
327 let start_in_s1 = usize::min(s1_len, start);
328 let end_in_s1 = usize::min(s1_len, start + len);
329 let m1_ptr = s1_ptr.add(start_in_s1);
330 let m1_len = end_in_s1 - start_in_s1;
332 debug_assert!(end_in_s1 <= s1_len);
333 debug_assert!(start_in_s1 <= s1_len);
335 let start_in_s2 = start.saturating_sub(s1_len);
336 let end_in_s2 = start_in_s2 + (len - m1_len);
337 let m2_ptr = s2_ptr.add(start_in_s2);
338 let m2_len = end_in_s2 - start_in_s2;
340 debug_assert!(start_in_s2 <= s2_len);
341 debug_assert!(end_in_s2 <= s2_len);
343 debug_assert_eq!(len, m1_len + m2_len);
345 // the free slices, must hold: f1_len + f2_len >= m1_len + m2_len
346 let ((f1_ptr, f1_len), (f2_ptr, f2_len)) = self.free_slice_parts();
348 debug_assert!(f1_len + f2_len >= m1_len + m2_len);
350 // calc how many from where bytes go where
351 let m1_in_f1 = usize::min(m1_len, f1_len);
352 let m1_in_f2 = m1_len - m1_in_f1;
353 let m2_in_f1 = usize::min(f1_len - m1_in_f1, m2_len);
354 let m2_in_f2 = m2_len - m2_in_f1;
356 debug_assert_eq!(m1_len, m1_in_f1 + m1_in_f2);
357 debug_assert_eq!(m2_len, m2_in_f1 + m2_in_f2);
358 debug_assert!(f1_len >= m1_in_f1 + m2_in_f1);
359 debug_assert!(f2_len >= m1_in_f2 + m2_in_f2);
360 debug_assert_eq!(len, m1_in_f1 + m2_in_f1 + m1_in_f2 + m2_in_f2);
362 debug_assert!(self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.cap) > f1_ptr.add(m1_in_f1 + m2_in_f1));
363 debug_assert!(self.buf.as_ptr().add(self.cap) > f2_ptr.add(m1_in_f2 + m2_in_f2));
365 debug_assert!((m1_in_f2 > 0) ^ (m2_in_f1 > 0) || (m1_in_f2 == 0 && m2_in_f1 == 0));
367 copy_with_checks(
368 m1_ptr, m2_ptr, f1_ptr, f2_ptr, m1_in_f1, m2_in_f1, m1_in_f2, m2_in_f2,
369 );
370 self.tail = (self.tail + len) % self.cap;
371 }
374impl Drop for RingBuffer {
375 fn drop(&mut self) {
376 if self.cap == 0 {
377 return;
378 }
380 // SAFETY: is we were succesfully able to construct this layout when we allocated then it's also valid do so now
381 // Relies on / establishes invariant 1
382 let current_layout: Layout = unsafe { Layout::array::<u8>(self.cap).unwrap_unchecked() };
384 unsafe {
385 dealloc(self.buf.as_ptr(), current_layout);
386 }
387 }
393unsafe fn copy_without_checks(
394 m1_ptr: *const u8,
395 m2_ptr: *const u8,
396 f1_ptr: *mut u8,
397 f2_ptr: *mut u8,
398 m1_in_f1: usize,
399 m2_in_f1: usize,
400 m1_in_f2: usize,
401 m2_in_f2: usize,
402) {
403 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m1_ptr, count:m1_in_f1);
404 f1_ptr
405 .add(m1_in_f1)
406 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m2_ptr, count:m2_in_f1);
408 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m1_ptr.add(m1_in_f1), count:m1_in_f2);
409 f2_ptr
410 .add(m1_in_f2)
411 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m2_ptr.add(m2_in_f1), count:m2_in_f2);
417unsafe fn copy_with_checks(
418 m1_ptr: *const u8,
419 m2_ptr: *const u8,
420 f1_ptr: *mut u8,
421 f2_ptr: *mut u8,
422 m1_in_f1: usize,
423 m2_in_f1: usize,
424 m1_in_f2: usize,
425 m2_in_f2: usize,
426) {
427 if m1_in_f1 != 0 {
428 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m1_ptr, count:m1_in_f1);
429 }
430 if m2_in_f1 != 0 {
431 f1_ptr
432 .add(m1_in_f1)
433 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m2_ptr, count:m2_in_f1);
434 }
436 if m1_in_f2 != 0 {
437 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m1_ptr.add(m1_in_f1), count:m1_in_f2);
438 }
439 if m2_in_f2 != 0 {
440 f2_ptr
441 .add(m1_in_f2)
442 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(src:m2_ptr.add(m2_in_f1), count:m2_in_f2);
443 }
449unsafe fn copy_with_nobranch_check(
450 m1_ptr: *const u8,
451 m2_ptr: *const u8,
452 f1_ptr: *mut u8,
453 f2_ptr: *mut u8,
454 m1_in_f1: usize,
455 m2_in_f1: usize,
456 m1_in_f2: usize,
457 m2_in_f2: usize,
458) {
459 let case = (m1_in_f1 > 0) as usize
460 | (((m2_in_f1 > 0) as usize) << 1)
461 | (((m1_in_f2 > 0) as usize) << 2)
462 | (((m2_in_f2 > 0) as usize) << 3);
464 match case {
465 0 => {}
467 // one bit set
468 1 => {
469 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f1);
470 }
471 2 => {
472 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f1);
473 }
474 4 => {
475 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f2);
476 }
477 8 => {
478 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f2);
479 }
481 // two bit set
482 3 => {
483 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f1);
484 f1_ptr
485 .add(m1_in_f1)
486 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f1);
487 }
488 5 => {
489 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f1);
490 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr.add(m1_in_f1), m1_in_f2);
491 }
492 6 => core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
493 7 => core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
494 9 => {
495 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f1);
496 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f2);
497 }
498 10 => {
499 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f1);
500 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr.add(m2_in_f1), m2_in_f2);
501 }
502 12 => {
503 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f2);
504 f2_ptr
505 .add(m1_in_f2)
506 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f2);
507 }
509 // three bit set
510 11 => {
511 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f1);
512 f1_ptr
513 .add(m1_in_f1)
514 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f1);
515 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr.add(m2_in_f1), m2_in_f2);
516 }
517 13 => {
518 f1_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr, m1_in_f1);
519 f2_ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(m1_ptr.add(m1_in_f1), m1_in_f2);
520 f2_ptr
521 .add(m1_in_f2)
522 .copy_from_nonoverlapping(m2_ptr, m2_in_f2);
523 }
524 14 => core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
525 15 => core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
526 _ => core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
527 }
531mod tests {
532 use super::RingBuffer;
534 #[test]
535 fn smoke() {
536 let mut rb = RingBuffer::new();
538 rb.reserve(15);
539 assert_eq!(17, rb.cap);
541 rb.extend(b"0123456789");
542 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 10);
543 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"0123456789");
544 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"");
546 rb.drop_first_n(5);
547 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 5);
548 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"56789");
549 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"");
551 rb.extend_from_within(2, 3);
552 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 8);
553 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"56789789");
554 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"");
556 rb.extend_from_within(0, 3);
557 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 11);
558 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"56789789567");
559 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"");
561 rb.extend_from_within(0, 2);
562 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 13);
563 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"567897895675");
564 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"6");
566 rb.drop_first_n(11);
567 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 2);
568 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"5");
569 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"6");
571 rb.extend(b"0123456789");
572 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 12);
573 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"5");
574 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"60123456789");
576 rb.drop_first_n(11);
577 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 1);
578 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"9");
579 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"");
581 rb.extend(b"0123456789");
582 assert_eq!(rb.len(), 11);
583 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().0, b"9012345");
584 assert_eq!(rb.as_slices().1, b"6789");
585 }
587 #[test]
588 fn edge_cases() {
589 // Fill exactly, then empty then fill again
590 let mut rb = RingBuffer::new();
591 rb.reserve(16);
592 assert_eq!(17, rb.cap);
593 rb.extend(b"0123456789012345");
594 assert_eq!(17, rb.cap);
595 assert_eq!(16, rb.len());
596 assert_eq!(0, rb.free());
597 rb.drop_first_n(16);
598 assert_eq!(0, rb.len());
599 assert_eq!(16, rb.free());
600 rb.extend(b"0123456789012345");
601 assert_eq!(16, rb.len());
602 assert_eq!(0, rb.free());
603 assert_eq!(17, rb.cap);
604 assert_eq!(1, rb.as_slices().0.len());
605 assert_eq!(15, rb.as_slices().1.len());
607 rb.clear();
609 // data in both slices and then reserve
610 rb.extend(b"0123456789012345");
611 rb.drop_first_n(8);
612 rb.extend(b"67890123");
613 assert_eq!(16, rb.len());
614 assert_eq!(0, rb.free());
615 assert_eq!(17, rb.cap);
616 assert_eq!(9, rb.as_slices().0.len());
617 assert_eq!(7, rb.as_slices().1.len());
618 rb.reserve(1);
619 assert_eq!(16, rb.len());
620 assert_eq!(16, rb.free());
621 assert_eq!(33, rb.cap);
622 assert_eq!(16, rb.as_slices().0.len());
623 assert_eq!(0, rb.as_slices().1.len());
625 rb.clear();
627 // fill exactly, then extend from within
628 rb.extend(b"0123456789012345");
629 rb.extend_from_within(0, 16);
630 assert_eq!(32, rb.len());
631 assert_eq!(0, rb.free());
632 assert_eq!(33, rb.cap);
633 assert_eq!(32, rb.as_slices().0.len());
634 assert_eq!(0, rb.as_slices().1.len());
636 // extend from within cases
637 let mut rb = RingBuffer::new();
638 rb.reserve(8);
639 rb.extend(b"01234567");
640 rb.drop_first_n(5);
641 rb.extend_from_within(0, 3);
642 assert_eq!(4, rb.as_slices().0.len());
643 assert_eq!(2, rb.as_slices().1.len());
645 rb.drop_first_n(2);
646 assert_eq!(2, rb.as_slices().0.len());
647 assert_eq!(2, rb.as_slices().1.len());
648 rb.extend_from_within(0, 4);
649 assert_eq!(2, rb.as_slices().0.len());
650 assert_eq!(6, rb.as_slices().1.len());
652 rb.drop_first_n(2);
653 assert_eq!(6, rb.as_slices().0.len());
654 assert_eq!(0, rb.as_slices().1.len());
655 rb.drop_first_n(2);
656 assert_eq!(4, rb.as_slices().0.len());
657 assert_eq!(0, rb.as_slices().1.len());
658 rb.extend_from_within(0, 4);
659 assert_eq!(7, rb.as_slices().0.len());
660 assert_eq!(1, rb.as_slices().1.len());
662 let mut rb = RingBuffer::new();
663 rb.reserve(8);
664 rb.extend(b"11111111");
665 rb.drop_first_n(7);
666 rb.extend(b"111");
667 assert_eq!(2, rb.as_slices().0.len());
668 assert_eq!(2, rb.as_slices().1.len());
669 rb.extend_from_within(0, 4);
670 assert_eq!(b"11", rb.as_slices().0);
671 assert_eq!(b"111111", rb.as_slices().1);
672 }