1use super::frame;
2use crate::decoding::dictionary::Dictionary;
3use crate::decoding::scratch::DecoderScratch;
4use crate::decoding::{self, dictionary};
5use crate::io::{Error, Read, Write};
6use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
7use alloc::vec::Vec;
8use core::convert::TryInto;
9use core::hash::Hasher;
11/// This implements a decoder for zstd frames. This decoder is able to decode frames only partially and gives control
12/// over how many bytes/blocks will be decoded at a time (so you don't have to decode a 10GB file into memory all at once).
13/// It reads bytes as needed from a provided source and can be read from to collect partial results.
15/// If you want to just read the whole frame with an io::Read without having to deal with manually calling decode_blocks
16/// you can use the provided StreamingDecoder with wraps this FrameDecoder
18/// Workflow is as follows:
19/// ```
20/// use ruzstd::frame_decoder::BlockDecodingStrategy;
22/// # #[cfg(feature = "std")]
23/// use std::io::{Read, Write};
25/// // no_std environments can use the crate's own Read traits
26/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
27/// use ruzstd::io::{Read, Write};
29/// fn decode_this(mut file: impl Read) {
30/// //Create a new decoder
31/// let mut frame_dec = ruzstd::FrameDecoder::new();
32/// let mut result = Vec::new();
34/// // Use reset or init to make the decoder ready to decode the frame from the io::Read
35/// frame_dec.reset(&mut file).unwrap();
37/// // Loop until the frame has been decoded completely
38/// while !frame_dec.is_finished() {
39/// // decode (roughly) batch_size many bytes
40/// frame_dec.decode_blocks(&mut file, BlockDecodingStrategy::UptoBytes(1024)).unwrap();
42/// // read from the decoder to collect bytes from the internal buffer
43/// let bytes_read = frame_dec.read(result.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
45/// // then do something with it
46/// do_something(&result[0..bytes_read]);
47/// }
49/// // handle the last chunk of data
50/// while frame_dec.can_collect() > 0 {
51/// let x = frame_dec.read(result.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
53/// do_something(&result[0..x]);
54/// }
55/// }
57/// fn do_something(data: &[u8]) {
58/// # #[cfg(feature = "std")]
59/// std::io::stdout().write_all(data).unwrap();
60/// }
61/// ```
62pub struct FrameDecoder {
63 state: Option<FrameDecoderState>,
64 dicts: BTreeMap<u32, Dictionary>,
67struct FrameDecoderState {
68 pub frame: frame::Frame,
69 decoder_scratch: DecoderScratch,
70 frame_finished: bool,
71 block_counter: usize,
72 bytes_read_counter: u64,
73 check_sum: Option<u32>,
74 using_dict: Option<u32>,
77pub enum BlockDecodingStrategy {
78 All,
79 UptoBlocks(usize),
80 UptoBytes(usize),
83#[derive(Debug, derive_more::Display, derive_more::From)]
84#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(derive_more::Error))]
86pub enum FrameDecoderError {
87 #[display(fmt = "{_0:?}")]
88 #[from]
89 ReadFrameHeaderError(frame::ReadFrameHeaderError),
90 #[display(fmt = "{_0:?}")]
91 #[from]
92 FrameHeaderError(frame::FrameHeaderError),
93 #[display(
94 fmt = "Specified window_size is too big; Requested: {requested}, Max: {MAX_WINDOW_SIZE}"
95 )]
96 WindowSizeTooBig { requested: u64 },
97 #[display(fmt = "{_0:?}")]
98 #[from]
99 DictionaryDecodeError(dictionary::DictionaryDecodeError),
100 #[display(fmt = "Failed to parse/decode block body: {_0}")]
101 #[from]
102 FailedToReadBlockHeader(decoding::block_decoder::BlockHeaderReadError),
103 #[display(fmt = "Failed to parse block header: {_0}")]
104 FailedToReadBlockBody(decoding::block_decoder::DecodeBlockContentError),
105 #[display(fmt = "Failed to read checksum: {_0}")]
106 FailedToReadChecksum(Error),
107 #[display(fmt = "Decoder must initialized or reset before using it")]
108 NotYetInitialized,
109 #[display(fmt = "Decoder encountered error while initializing: {_0}")]
110 FailedToInitialize(frame::FrameHeaderError),
111 #[display(fmt = "Decoder encountered error while draining the decodebuffer: {_0}")]
112 FailedToDrainDecodebuffer(Error),
113 #[display(
114 fmt = "Target must have at least as many bytes as the contentsize of the frame reports"
115 )]
116 TargetTooSmall,
117 #[display(
118 fmt = "Frame header specified dictionary id 0x{dict_id:X} that wasnt provided by add_dict() or reset_with_dict()"
119 )]
120 DictNotProvided { dict_id: u32 },
123const MAX_WINDOW_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 100;
125impl FrameDecoderState {
126 pub fn new(source: impl Read) -> Result<FrameDecoderState, FrameDecoderError> {
127 let (frame, header_size) = frame::read_frame_header(source)?;
128 let window_size = frame.header.window_size()?;
129 Ok(FrameDecoderState {
130 frame,
131 frame_finished: false,
132 block_counter: 0,
133 decoder_scratch: DecoderScratch::new(window_size as usize),
134 bytes_read_counter: u64::from(header_size),
135 check_sum: None,
136 using_dict: None,
137 })
138 }
140 pub fn reset(&mut self, source: impl Read) -> Result<(), FrameDecoderError> {
141 let (frame, header_size) = frame::read_frame_header(source)?;
142 let window_size = frame.header.window_size()?;
144 if window_size > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE {
145 return Err(FrameDecoderError::WindowSizeTooBig {
146 requested: window_size,
147 });
148 }
150 self.frame = frame;
151 self.frame_finished = false;
152 self.block_counter = 0;
153 self.decoder_scratch.reset(window_size as usize);
154 self.bytes_read_counter = u64::from(header_size);
155 self.check_sum = None;
156 self.using_dict = None;
157 Ok(())
158 }
161impl Default for FrameDecoder {
162 fn default() -> Self {
163 Self::new()
164 }
167impl FrameDecoder {
168 /// This will create a new decoder without allocating anything yet.
169 /// init()/reset() will allocate all needed buffers if it is the first time this decoder is used
170 /// else they just reset these buffers with not further allocations
171 pub fn new() -> FrameDecoder {
172 FrameDecoder {
173 state: None,
174 dicts: BTreeMap::new(),
175 }
176 }
178 /// init() will allocate all needed buffers if it is the first time this decoder is used
179 /// else they just reset these buffers with not further allocations
180 ///
181 /// Note that all bytes currently in the decodebuffer from any previous frame will be lost. Collect them with collect()/collect_to_writer()
182 ///
183 /// equivalent to reset()
184 pub fn init(&mut self, source: impl Read) -> Result<(), FrameDecoderError> {
185 self.reset(source)
186 }
188 /// reset() will allocate all needed buffers if it is the first time this decoder is used
189 /// else they just reset these buffers with not further allocations
190 ///
191 /// Note that all bytes currently in the decodebuffer from any previous frame will be lost. Collect them with collect()/collect_to_writer()
192 ///
193 /// equivalent to init()
194 pub fn reset(&mut self, source: impl Read) -> Result<(), FrameDecoderError> {
195 use FrameDecoderError as err;
196 let state = match &mut self.state {
197 Some(s) => {
198 s.reset(source)?;
199 s
200 }
201 None => {
202 self.state = Some(FrameDecoderState::new(source)?);
203 self.state.as_mut().unwrap()
204 }
205 };
206 if let Some(dict_id) = state.frame.header.dictionary_id() {
207 let dict = self
208 .dicts
209 .get(&dict_id)
210 .ok_or(err::DictNotProvided { dict_id })?;
211 state.decoder_scratch.init_from_dict(dict);
212 state.using_dict = Some(dict_id);
213 }
214 Ok(())
215 }
217 /// Add a dict to the FrameDecoder that can be used when needed. The FrameDecoder uses the appropriate one dynamically
218 pub fn add_dict(&mut self, dict: Dictionary) -> Result<(), FrameDecoderError> {
219 self.dicts.insert(dict.id, dict);
220 Ok(())
221 }
223 pub fn force_dict(&mut self, dict_id: u32) -> Result<(), FrameDecoderError> {
224 use FrameDecoderError as err;
225 let Some(state) = self.state.as_mut() else {
226 return Err(err::NotYetInitialized);
227 };
229 let dict = self
230 .dicts
231 .get(&dict_id)
232 .ok_or(err::DictNotProvided { dict_id })?;
233 state.decoder_scratch.init_from_dict(dict);
234 state.using_dict = Some(dict_id);
236 Ok(())
237 }
239 /// Returns how many bytes the frame contains after decompression
240 pub fn content_size(&self) -> u64 {
241 match &self.state {
242 None => 0,
243 Some(s) => s.frame.header.frame_content_size(),
244 }
245 }
247 /// Returns the checksum that was read from the data. Only available after all bytes have been read. It is the last 4 bytes of a zstd-frame
248 pub fn get_checksum_from_data(&self) -> Option<u32> {
249 let state = match &self.state {
250 None => return None,
251 Some(s) => s,
252 };
254 state.check_sum
255 }
257 /// Returns the checksum that was calculated while decoding.
258 /// Only a sensible value after all decoded bytes have been collected/read from the FrameDecoder
259 pub fn get_calculated_checksum(&self) -> Option<u32> {
260 let state = match &self.state {
261 None => return None,
262 Some(s) => s,
263 };
264 let cksum_64bit = state.decoder_scratch.buffer.hash.finish();
265 //truncate to lower 32bit because reasons...
266 Some(cksum_64bit as u32)
267 }
269 /// Counter for how many bytes have been consumed while decoding the frame
270 pub fn bytes_read_from_source(&self) -> u64 {
271 let state = match &self.state {
272 None => return 0,
273 Some(s) => s,
274 };
275 state.bytes_read_counter
276 }
278 /// Whether the current frames last block has been decoded yet
279 /// If this returns true you can call the drain* functions to get all content
280 /// (the read() function will drain automatically if this returns true)
281 pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
282 let state = match &self.state {
283 None => return true,
284 Some(s) => s,
285 };
286 if state.frame.header.descriptor.content_checksum_flag() {
287 state.frame_finished && state.check_sum.is_some()
288 } else {
289 state.frame_finished
290 }
291 }
293 /// Counter for how many blocks have already been decoded
294 pub fn blocks_decoded(&self) -> usize {
295 let state = match &self.state {
296 None => return 0,
297 Some(s) => s,
298 };
299 state.block_counter
300 }
302 /// Decodes blocks from a reader. It requires that the framedecoder has been initialized first.
303 /// The Strategy influences how many blocks will be decoded before the function returns
304 /// This is important if you want to manage memory consumption carefully. If you don't care
305 /// about that you can just choose the strategy "All" and have all blocks of the frame decoded into the buffer
306 pub fn decode_blocks(
307 &mut self,
308 mut source: impl Read,
309 strat: BlockDecodingStrategy,
310 ) -> Result<bool, FrameDecoderError> {
311 use FrameDecoderError as err;
312 let state = self.state.as_mut().ok_or(err::NotYetInitialized)?;
314 let mut block_dec = decoding::block_decoder::new();
316 let buffer_size_before = state.decoder_scratch.buffer.len();
317 let block_counter_before = state.block_counter;
318 loop {
319 vprintln!("################");
320 vprintln!("Next Block: {}", state.block_counter);
321 vprintln!("################");
322 let (block_header, block_header_size) = block_dec
323 .read_block_header(&mut source)
324 .map_err(err::FailedToReadBlockHeader)?;
325 state.bytes_read_counter += u64::from(block_header_size);
327 vprintln!();
328 vprintln!(
329 "Found {} block with size: {}, which will be of size: {}",
330 block_header.block_type,
331 block_header.content_size,
332 block_header.decompressed_size
333 );
335 let bytes_read_in_block_body = block_dec
336 .decode_block_content(&block_header, &mut state.decoder_scratch, &mut source)
337 .map_err(err::FailedToReadBlockBody)?;
338 state.bytes_read_counter += bytes_read_in_block_body;
340 state.block_counter += 1;
342 vprintln!("Output: {}", state.decoder_scratch.buffer.len());
344 if block_header.last_block {
345 state.frame_finished = true;
346 if state.frame.header.descriptor.content_checksum_flag() {
347 let mut chksum = [0u8; 4];
348 source
349 .read_exact(&mut chksum)
350 .map_err(err::FailedToReadChecksum)?;
351 state.bytes_read_counter += 4;
352 let chksum = u32::from_le_bytes(chksum);
353 state.check_sum = Some(chksum);
354 }
355 break;
356 }
358 match strat {
359 BlockDecodingStrategy::All => { /* keep going */ }
360 BlockDecodingStrategy::UptoBlocks(n) => {
361 if state.block_counter - block_counter_before >= n {
362 break;
363 }
364 }
365 BlockDecodingStrategy::UptoBytes(n) => {
366 if state.decoder_scratch.buffer.len() - buffer_size_before >= n {
367 break;
368 }
369 }
370 }
371 }
373 Ok(state.frame_finished)
374 }
376 /// Collect bytes and retain window_size bytes while decoding is still going on.
377 /// After decoding of the frame (is_finished() == true) has finished it will collect all remaining bytes
378 pub fn collect(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
379 let finished = self.is_finished();
380 let state = self.state.as_mut()?;
381 if finished {
382 Some(state.decoder_scratch.buffer.drain())
383 } else {
384 state.decoder_scratch.buffer.drain_to_window_size()
385 }
386 }
388 /// Collect bytes and retain window_size bytes while decoding is still going on.
389 /// After decoding of the frame (is_finished() == true) has finished it will collect all remaining bytes
390 pub fn collect_to_writer(&mut self, w: impl Write) -> Result<usize, Error> {
391 let finished = self.is_finished();
392 let state = match &mut self.state {
393 None => return Ok(0),
394 Some(s) => s,
395 };
396 if finished {
397 state.decoder_scratch.buffer.drain_to_writer(w)
398 } else {
399 state.decoder_scratch.buffer.drain_to_window_size_writer(w)
400 }
401 }
403 /// How many bytes can currently be collected from the decodebuffer, while decoding is going on this will be lower than the actual decodbuffer size
404 /// because window_size bytes need to be retained for decoding.
405 /// After decoding of the frame (is_finished() == true) has finished it will report all remaining bytes
406 pub fn can_collect(&self) -> usize {
407 let finished = self.is_finished();
408 let state = match &self.state {
409 None => return 0,
410 Some(s) => s,
411 };
412 if finished {
413 state.decoder_scratch.buffer.can_drain()
414 } else {
415 state
416 .decoder_scratch
417 .buffer
418 .can_drain_to_window_size()
419 .unwrap_or(0)
420 }
421 }
423 /// Decodes as many blocks as possible from the source slice and reads from the decodebuffer into the target slice
424 /// The source slice may contain only parts of a frame but must contain at least one full block to make progress
425 ///
426 /// By all means use decode_blocks if you have a io.Reader available. This is just for compatibility with other decompressors
427 /// which try to serve an old-style c api
428 ///
429 /// Returns (read, written), if read == 0 then the source did not contain a full block and further calls with the same
430 /// input will not make any progress!
431 ///
432 /// Note that no kind of block can be bigger than 128kb.
433 /// So to be safe use at least 128*1024 (max block content size) + 3 (block_header size) + 18 (max frame_header size) bytes as your source buffer
434 ///
435 /// You may call this function with an empty source after all bytes have been decoded. This is equivalent to just call decoder.read(&mut target)
436 pub fn decode_from_to(
437 &mut self,
438 source: &[u8],
439 target: &mut [u8],
440 ) -> Result<(usize, usize), FrameDecoderError> {
441 use FrameDecoderError as err;
442 let bytes_read_at_start = match &self.state {
443 Some(s) => s.bytes_read_counter,
444 None => 0,
445 };
447 if !self.is_finished() || self.state.is_none() {
448 let mut mt_source = source;
450 if self.state.is_none() {
451 self.init(&mut mt_source)?;
452 }
454 //pseudo block to scope "state" so we can borrow self again after the block
455 {
456 let state = match &mut self.state {
457 Some(s) => s,
458 None => panic!("Bug in library"),
459 };
460 let mut block_dec = decoding::block_decoder::new();
462 if state.frame.header.descriptor.content_checksum_flag()
463 && state.frame_finished
464 && state.check_sum.is_none()
465 {
466 //this block is needed if the checksum were the only 4 bytes that were not included in the last decode_from_to call for a frame
467 if mt_source.len() >= 4 {
468 let chksum = mt_source[..4].try_into().expect("optimized away");
469 state.bytes_read_counter += 4;
470 let chksum = u32::from_le_bytes(chksum);
471 state.check_sum = Some(chksum);
472 }
473 return Ok((4, 0));
474 }
476 loop {
477 //check if there are enough bytes for the next header
478 if mt_source.len() < 3 {
479 break;
480 }
481 let (block_header, block_header_size) = block_dec
482 .read_block_header(&mut mt_source)
483 .map_err(err::FailedToReadBlockHeader)?;
485 // check the needed size for the block before updating counters.
486 // If not enough bytes are in the source, the header will have to be read again, so act like we never read it in the first place
487 if mt_source.len() < block_header.content_size as usize {
488 break;
489 }
490 state.bytes_read_counter += u64::from(block_header_size);
492 let bytes_read_in_block_body = block_dec
493 .decode_block_content(
494 &block_header,
495 &mut state.decoder_scratch,
496 &mut mt_source,
497 )
498 .map_err(err::FailedToReadBlockBody)?;
499 state.bytes_read_counter += bytes_read_in_block_body;
500 state.block_counter += 1;
502 if block_header.last_block {
503 state.frame_finished = true;
504 if state.frame.header.descriptor.content_checksum_flag() {
505 //if there are enough bytes handle this here. Else the block at the start of this function will handle it at the next call
506 if mt_source.len() >= 4 {
507 let chksum = mt_source[..4].try_into().expect("optimized away");
508 state.bytes_read_counter += 4;
509 let chksum = u32::from_le_bytes(chksum);
510 state.check_sum = Some(chksum);
511 }
512 }
513 break;
514 }
515 }
516 }
517 }
519 let result_len = self.read(target).map_err(err::FailedToDrainDecodebuffer)?;
520 let bytes_read_at_end = match &mut self.state {
521 Some(s) => s.bytes_read_counter,
522 None => panic!("Bug in library"),
523 };
524 let read_len = bytes_read_at_end - bytes_read_at_start;
525 Ok((read_len as usize, result_len))
526 }
529/// Read bytes from the decode_buffer that are no longer needed. While the frame is not yet finished
530/// this will retain window_size bytes, else it will drain it completely
531impl Read for FrameDecoder {
532 fn read(&mut self, target: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Error> {
533 let state: &mut FrameDecoderState = match &mut self.state {
534 None => return Ok(0),
535 Some(s: &mut FrameDecoderState) => s,
536 };
537 if state.frame_finished {
538 state.decoder_scratch.buffer.read_all(target)
539 } else {
540 state.decoder_scratch.buffer.read(buf:target)
541 }
542 }