1//! Collection types.
3//! Rust's standard collection library provides efficient implementations of the
4//! most common general purpose programming data structures. By using the
5//! standard implementations, it should be possible for two libraries to
6//! communicate without significant data conversion.
8//! To get this out of the way: you should probably just use [`Vec`] or [`HashMap`].
9//! These two collections cover most use cases for generic data storage and
10//! processing. They are exceptionally good at doing what they do. All the other
11//! collections in the standard library have specific use cases where they are
12//! the optimal choice, but these cases are borderline *niche* in comparison.
13//! Even when `Vec` and `HashMap` are technically suboptimal, they're probably a
14//! good enough choice to get started.
16//! Rust's collections can be grouped into four major categories:
18//! * Sequences: [`Vec`], [`VecDeque`], [`LinkedList`]
19//! * Maps: [`HashMap`], [`BTreeMap`]
20//! * Sets: [`HashSet`], [`BTreeSet`]
21//! * Misc: [`BinaryHeap`]
23//! # When Should You Use Which Collection?
25//! These are fairly high-level and quick break-downs of when each collection
26//! should be considered. Detailed discussions of strengths and weaknesses of
27//! individual collections can be found on their own documentation pages.
29//! ### Use a `Vec` when:
30//! * You want to collect items up to be processed or sent elsewhere later, and
31//! don't care about any properties of the actual values being stored.
32//! * You want a sequence of elements in a particular order, and will only be
33//! appending to (or near) the end.
34//! * You want a stack.
35//! * You want a resizable array.
36//! * You want a heap-allocated array.
38//! ### Use a `VecDeque` when:
39//! * You want a [`Vec`] that supports efficient insertion at both ends of the
40//! sequence.
41//! * You want a queue.
42//! * You want a double-ended queue (deque).
44//! ### Use a `LinkedList` when:
45//! * You want a [`Vec`] or [`VecDeque`] of unknown size, and can't tolerate
46//! amortization.
47//! * You want to efficiently split and append lists.
48//! * You are *absolutely* certain you *really*, *truly*, want a doubly linked
49//! list.
51//! ### Use a `HashMap` when:
52//! * You want to associate arbitrary keys with an arbitrary value.
53//! * You want a cache.
54//! * You want a map, with no extra functionality.
56//! ### Use a `BTreeMap` when:
57//! * You want a map sorted by its keys.
58//! * You want to be able to get a range of entries on-demand.
59//! * You're interested in what the smallest or largest key-value pair is.
60//! * You want to find the largest or smallest key that is smaller or larger
61//! than something.
63//! ### Use the `Set` variant of any of these `Map`s when:
64//! * You just want to remember which keys you've seen.
65//! * There is no meaningful value to associate with your keys.
66//! * You just want a set.
68//! ### Use a `BinaryHeap` when:
70//! * You want to store a bunch of elements, but only ever want to process the
71//! "biggest" or "most important" one at any given time.
72//! * You want a priority queue.
74//! # Performance
76//! Choosing the right collection for the job requires an understanding of what
77//! each collection is good at. Here we briefly summarize the performance of
78//! different collections for certain important operations. For further details,
79//! see each type's documentation, and note that the names of actual methods may
80//! differ from the tables below on certain collections.
82//! Throughout the documentation, we will follow a few conventions. For all
83//! operations, the collection's size is denoted by n. If another collection is
84//! involved in the operation, it contains m elements. Operations which have an
85//! *amortized* cost are suffixed with a `*`. Operations with an *expected*
86//! cost are suffixed with a `~`.
88//! All amortized costs are for the potential need to resize when capacity is
89//! exhausted. If a resize occurs it will take *O*(*n*) time. Our collections never
90//! automatically shrink, so removal operations aren't amortized. Over a
91//! sufficiently large series of operations, the average cost per operation will
92//! deterministically equal the given cost.
94//! Only [`HashMap`] has expected costs, due to the probabilistic nature of hashing.
95//! It is theoretically possible, though very unlikely, for [`HashMap`] to
96//! experience worse performance.
98//! ## Sequences
100//! | | get(i) | insert(i) | remove(i) | append | split_off(i) |
101//! |----------------|------------------------|-------------------------|------------------------|-----------|------------------------|
102//! | [`Vec`] | *O*(1) | *O*(*n*-*i*)* | *O*(*n*-*i*) | *O*(*m*)* | *O*(*n*-*i*) |
103//! | [`VecDeque`] | *O*(1) | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*))* | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*)) | *O*(*m*)* | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*)) |
104//! | [`LinkedList`] | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*)) | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*)) | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*)) | *O*(1) | *O*(min(*i*, *n*-*i*)) |
106//! Note that where ties occur, [`Vec`] is generally going to be faster than [`VecDeque`], and
107//! [`VecDeque`] is generally going to be faster than [`LinkedList`].
109//! ## Maps
111//! For Sets, all operations have the cost of the equivalent Map operation.
113//! | | get | insert | remove | range | append |
114//! |--------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|--------------|
115//! | [`HashMap`] | *O*(1)~ | *O*(1)~* | *O*(1)~ | N/A | N/A |
116//! | [`BTreeMap`] | *O*(log(*n*)) | *O*(log(*n*)) | *O*(log(*n*)) | *O*(log(*n*)) | *O*(*n*+*m*) |
118//! # Correct and Efficient Usage of Collections
120//! Of course, knowing which collection is the right one for the job doesn't
121//! instantly permit you to use it correctly. Here are some quick tips for
122//! efficient and correct usage of the standard collections in general. If
123//! you're interested in how to use a specific collection in particular, consult
124//! its documentation for detailed discussion and code examples.
126//! ## Capacity Management
128//! Many collections provide several constructors and methods that refer to
129//! "capacity". These collections are generally built on top of an array.
130//! Optimally, this array would be exactly the right size to fit only the
131//! elements stored in the collection, but for the collection to do this would
132//! be very inefficient. If the backing array was exactly the right size at all
133//! times, then every time an element is inserted, the collection would have to
134//! grow the array to fit it. Due to the way memory is allocated and managed on
135//! most computers, this would almost surely require allocating an entirely new
136//! array and copying every single element from the old one into the new one.
137//! Hopefully you can see that this wouldn't be very efficient to do on every
138//! operation.
140//! Most collections therefore use an *amortized* allocation strategy. They
141//! generally let themselves have a fair amount of unoccupied space so that they
142//! only have to grow on occasion. When they do grow, they allocate a
143//! substantially larger array to move the elements into so that it will take a
144//! while for another grow to be required. While this strategy is great in
145//! general, it would be even better if the collection *never* had to resize its
146//! backing array. Unfortunately, the collection itself doesn't have enough
147//! information to do this itself. Therefore, it is up to us programmers to give
148//! it hints.
150//! Any `with_capacity` constructor will instruct the collection to allocate
151//! enough space for the specified number of elements. Ideally this will be for
152//! exactly that many elements, but some implementation details may prevent
153//! this. See collection-specific documentation for details. In general, use
154//! `with_capacity` when you know exactly how many elements will be inserted, or
155//! at least have a reasonable upper-bound on that number.
157//! When anticipating a large influx of elements, the `reserve` family of
158//! methods can be used to hint to the collection how much room it should make
159//! for the coming items. As with `with_capacity`, the precise behavior of
160//! these methods will be specific to the collection of interest.
162//! For optimal performance, collections will generally avoid shrinking
163//! themselves. If you believe that a collection will not soon contain any more
164//! elements, or just really need the memory, the `shrink_to_fit` method prompts
165//! the collection to shrink the backing array to the minimum size capable of
166//! holding its elements.
168//! Finally, if ever you're interested in what the actual capacity of the
169//! collection is, most collections provide a `capacity` method to query this
170//! information on demand. This can be useful for debugging purposes, or for
171//! use with the `reserve` methods.
173//! ## Iterators
175//! [Iterators][crate::iter]
176//! are a powerful and robust mechanism used throughout Rust's
177//! standard libraries. Iterators provide a sequence of values in a generic,
178//! safe, efficient and convenient way. The contents of an iterator are usually
179//! *lazily* evaluated, so that only the values that are actually needed are
180//! ever actually produced, and no allocation need be done to temporarily store
181//! them. Iterators are primarily consumed using a `for` loop, although many
182//! functions also take iterators where a collection or sequence of values is
183//! desired.
185//! All of the standard collections provide several iterators for performing
186//! bulk manipulation of their contents. The three primary iterators almost
187//! every collection should provide are `iter`, `iter_mut`, and `into_iter`.
188//! Some of these are not provided on collections where it would be unsound or
189//! unreasonable to provide them.
191//! `iter` provides an iterator of immutable references to all the contents of a
192//! collection in the most "natural" order. For sequence collections like [`Vec`],
193//! this means the items will be yielded in increasing order of index starting
194//! at 0. For ordered collections like [`BTreeMap`], this means that the items
195//! will be yielded in sorted order. For unordered collections like [`HashMap`],
196//! the items will be yielded in whatever order the internal representation made
197//! most convenient. This is great for reading through all the contents of the
198//! collection.
200//! ```
201//! let vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
202//! for x in vec.iter() {
203//! println!("vec contained {x:?}");
204//! }
205//! ```
207//! `iter_mut` provides an iterator of *mutable* references in the same order as
208//! `iter`. This is great for mutating all the contents of the collection.
210//! ```
211//! let mut vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
212//! for x in vec.iter_mut() {
213//! *x += 1;
214//! }
215//! ```
217//! `into_iter` transforms the actual collection into an iterator over its
218//! contents by-value. This is great when the collection itself is no longer
219//! needed, and the values are needed elsewhere. Using `extend` with `into_iter`
220//! is the main way that contents of one collection are moved into another.
221//! `extend` automatically calls `into_iter`, and takes any <code>T: [IntoIterator]</code>.
222//! Calling `collect` on an iterator itself is also a great way to convert one
223//! collection into another. Both of these methods should internally use the
224//! capacity management tools discussed in the previous section to do this as
225//! efficiently as possible.
227//! ```
228//! let mut vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
229//! let vec2 = vec![10, 20, 30, 40];
230//! vec1.extend(vec2);
231//! ```
233//! ```
234//! use std::collections::VecDeque;
236//! let vec = [1, 2, 3, 4];
237//! let buf: VecDeque<_> = vec.into_iter().collect();
238//! ```
240//! Iterators also provide a series of *adapter* methods for performing common
241//! threads to sequences. Among the adapters are functional favorites like `map`,
242//! `fold`, `skip` and `take`. Of particular interest to collections is the
243//! `rev` adapter, which reverses any iterator that supports this operation. Most
244//! collections provide reversible iterators as the way to iterate over them in
245//! reverse order.
247//! ```
248//! let vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
249//! for x in vec.iter().rev() {
250//! println!("vec contained {x:?}");
251//! }
252//! ```
254//! Several other collection methods also return iterators to yield a sequence
255//! of results but avoid allocating an entire collection to store the result in.
256//! This provides maximum flexibility as
257//! [`collect`][crate::iter::Iterator::collect] or
258//! [`extend`][crate::iter::Extend::extend] can be called to
259//! "pipe" the sequence into any collection if desired. Otherwise, the sequence
260//! can be looped over with a `for` loop. The iterator can also be discarded
261//! after partial use, preventing the computation of the unused items.
263//! ## Entries
265//! The `entry` API is intended to provide an efficient mechanism for
266//! manipulating the contents of a map conditionally on the presence of a key or
267//! not. The primary motivating use case for this is to provide efficient
268//! accumulator maps. For instance, if one wishes to maintain a count of the
269//! number of times each key has been seen, they will have to perform some
270//! conditional logic on whether this is the first time the key has been seen or
271//! not. Normally, this would require a `find` followed by an `insert`,
272//! effectively duplicating the search effort on each insertion.
274//! When a user calls `map.entry(key)`, the map will search for the key and
275//! then yield a variant of the `Entry` enum.
277//! If a `Vacant(entry)` is yielded, then the key *was not* found. In this case
278//! the only valid operation is to `insert` a value into the entry. When this is
279//! done, the vacant entry is consumed and converted into a mutable reference to
280//! the value that was inserted. This allows for further manipulation of the
281//! value beyond the lifetime of the search itself. This is useful if complex
282//! logic needs to be performed on the value regardless of whether the value was
283//! just inserted.
285//! If an `Occupied(entry)` is yielded, then the key *was* found. In this case,
286//! the user has several options: they can `get`, `insert` or `remove` the
287//! value of the occupied entry. Additionally, they can convert the occupied
288//! entry into a mutable reference to its value, providing symmetry to the
289//! vacant `insert` case.
291//! ### Examples
293//! Here are the two primary ways in which `entry` is used. First, a simple
294//! example where the logic performed on the values is trivial.
296//! #### Counting the number of times each character in a string occurs
298//! ```
299//! use std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
301//! let mut count = BTreeMap::new();
302//! let message = "she sells sea shells by the sea shore";
304//! for c in message.chars() {
305//! *count.entry(c).or_insert(0) += 1;
306//! }
308//! assert_eq!(count.get(&'s'), Some(&8));
310//! println!("Number of occurrences of each character");
311//! for (char, count) in &count {
312//! println!("{char}: {count}");
313//! }
314//! ```
316//! When the logic to be performed on the value is more complex, we may simply
317//! use the `entry` API to ensure that the value is initialized and perform the
318//! logic afterwards.
320//! #### Tracking the inebriation of customers at a bar
322//! ```
323//! use std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
325//! // A client of the bar. They have a blood alcohol level.
326//! struct Person { blood_alcohol: f32 }
328//! // All the orders made to the bar, by client ID.
329//! let orders = vec![1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1];
331//! // Our clients.
332//! let mut blood_alcohol = BTreeMap::new();
334//! for id in orders {
335//! // If this is the first time we've seen this customer, initialize them
336//! // with no blood alcohol. Otherwise, just retrieve them.
337//! let person = blood_alcohol.entry(id).or_insert(Person { blood_alcohol: 0.0 });
339//! // Reduce their blood alcohol level. It takes time to order and drink a beer!
340//! person.blood_alcohol *= 0.9;
342//! // Check if they're sober enough to have another beer.
343//! if person.blood_alcohol > 0.3 {
344//! // Too drunk... for now.
345//! println!("Sorry {id}, I have to cut you off");
346//! } else {
347//! // Have another!
348//! person.blood_alcohol += 0.1;
349//! }
350//! }
351//! ```
353//! # Insert and complex keys
355//! If we have a more complex key, calls to `insert` will
356//! not update the value of the key. For example:
358//! ```
359//! use std::cmp::Ordering;
360//! use std::collections::BTreeMap;
361//! use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
363//! #[derive(Debug)]
364//! struct Foo {
365//! a: u32,
366//! b: &'static str,
367//! }
369//! // we will compare `Foo`s by their `a` value only.
370//! impl PartialEq for Foo {
371//! fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.a == other.a }
372//! }
374//! impl Eq for Foo {}
376//! // we will hash `Foo`s by their `a` value only.
377//! impl Hash for Foo {
378//! fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, h: &mut H) { self.a.hash(h); }
379//! }
381//! impl PartialOrd for Foo {
382//! fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { self.a.partial_cmp(&other.a) }
383//! }
385//! impl Ord for Foo {
386//! fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.a.cmp(&other.a) }
387//! }
389//! let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
390//! map.insert(Foo { a: 1, b: "baz" }, 99);
392//! // We already have a Foo with an a of 1, so this will be updating the value.
393//! map.insert(Foo { a: 1, b: "xyz" }, 100);
395//! // The value has been updated...
396//! assert_eq!(map.values().next().unwrap(), &100);
398//! // ...but the key hasn't changed. b is still "baz", not "xyz".
399//! assert_eq!(map.keys().next().unwrap().b, "baz");
400//! ```
402#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
404#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
405// FIXME(#82080) The deprecation here is only theoretical, and does not actually produce a warning.
406#[deprecated(note = "moved to `std::ops::Bound`", since = "1.26.0")]
408pub use crate::ops::Bound;
410#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
411pub use alloc_crate::collections::{binary_heap, btree_map, btree_set};
412#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
413pub use alloc_crate::collections::{linked_list, vec_deque};
414#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
415pub use alloc_crate::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, BinaryHeap};
416#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
417pub use alloc_crate::collections::{LinkedList, VecDeque};
419#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
421pub use self::hash_map::HashMap;
422#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
424pub use self::hash_set::HashSet;
426#[stable(feature = "try_reserve", since = "1.57.0")]
427pub use alloc_crate::collections::TryReserveError;
429 feature = "try_reserve_kind",
430 reason = "Uncertain how much info should be exposed",
431 issue = "48043"
433pub use alloc_crate::collections::TryReserveErrorKind;
435mod hash;
437#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
438pub mod hash_map {
439 //! A hash map implemented with quadratic probing and SIMD lookup.
440 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
441 pub use super::hash::map::*;
443 #[stable(feature = "hashmap_build_hasher", since = "1.7.0")]
444 pub use crate::hash::random::DefaultHasher;
445 #[stable(feature = "hashmap_build_hasher", since = "1.7.0")]
446 pub use crate::hash::random::RandomState;
449#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
450pub mod hash_set {
451 //! A hash set implemented as a `HashMap` where the value is `()`.
452 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
453 pub use super::hash::set::*;