1// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
2// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
3// (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
5use crate::asciibyte::AsciiByte;
6use crate::int_ops::{Aligned4, Aligned8};
7use crate::TinyStrError;
8use core::fmt;
9use core::ops::Deref;
10use core::str::{self, FromStr};
13#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
14pub struct TinyAsciiStr<const N: usize> {
15 bytes: [AsciiByte; N],
18impl<const N: usize> TinyAsciiStr<N> {
19 /// Creates a `TinyAsciiStr<N>` from the given byte slice.
20 /// `bytes` may contain at most `N` non-null ASCII bytes.
21 pub const fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, TinyStrError> {
22 Self::from_bytes_inner(bytes, 0, bytes.len(), false)
23 }
25 /// Attempts to parse a fixed-length byte array to a `TinyAsciiStr`.
26 ///
27 /// The byte array may contain trailing NUL bytes.
28 ///
29 /// # Example
30 ///
31 /// ```
32 /// use tinystr::tinystr;
33 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
34 ///
35 /// assert_eq!(
36 /// TinyAsciiStr::<3>::try_from_raw(*b"GB\0"),
37 /// Ok(tinystr!(3, "GB"))
38 /// );
39 /// assert_eq!(
40 /// TinyAsciiStr::<3>::try_from_raw(*b"USD"),
41 /// Ok(tinystr!(3, "USD"))
42 /// );
43 /// assert!(matches!(TinyAsciiStr::<3>::try_from_raw(*b"\0A\0"), Err(_)));
44 /// ```
45 pub const fn try_from_raw(raw: [u8; N]) -> Result<Self, TinyStrError> {
46 Self::from_bytes_inner(&raw, 0, N, true)
47 }
49 /// Equivalent to [`from_bytes(bytes[start..end])`](Self::from_bytes),
50 /// but callable in a `const` context (which range indexing is not).
51 pub const fn from_bytes_manual_slice(
52 bytes: &[u8],
53 start: usize,
54 end: usize,
55 ) -> Result<Self, TinyStrError> {
56 Self::from_bytes_inner(bytes, start, end, false)
57 }
59 #[inline]
60 pub(crate) const fn from_bytes_inner(
61 bytes: &[u8],
62 start: usize,
63 end: usize,
64 allow_trailing_null: bool,
65 ) -> Result<Self, TinyStrError> {
66 let len = end - start;
67 if len > N {
68 return Err(TinyStrError::TooLarge { max: N, len });
69 }
71 let mut out = [0; N];
72 let mut i = 0;
73 let mut found_null = false;
74 // Indexing is protected by TinyStrError::TooLarge
75 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
76 while i < len {
77 let b = bytes[start + i];
79 if b == 0 {
80 found_null = true;
81 } else if b >= 0x80 {
82 return Err(TinyStrError::NonAscii);
83 } else if found_null {
84 // Error if there are contentful bytes after null
85 return Err(TinyStrError::ContainsNull);
86 }
87 out[i] = b;
89 i += 1;
90 }
92 if !allow_trailing_null && found_null {
93 // We found some trailing nulls, error
94 return Err(TinyStrError::ContainsNull);
95 }
97 Ok(Self {
98 // SAFETY: `out` only contains ASCII bytes and has same size as `self.bytes`
99 bytes: unsafe { AsciiByte::to_ascii_byte_array(&out) },
100 })
101 }
103 // TODO: This function shadows the FromStr trait. Rename?
104 #[inline]
105 pub const fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, TinyStrError> {
106 Self::from_bytes_inner(s.as_bytes(), 0, s.len(), false)
107 }
109 #[inline]
110 pub const fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
111 // as_bytes is valid utf8
112 unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_bytes()) }
113 }
115 #[inline]
116 #[must_use]
117 pub const fn len(&self) -> usize {
118 if N <= 4 {
119 Aligned4::from_ascii_bytes(&self.bytes).len()
120 } else if N <= 8 {
121 Aligned8::from_ascii_bytes(&self.bytes).len()
122 } else {
123 let mut i = 0;
124 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)] // < N is safe
125 while i < N && self.bytes[i] as u8 != AsciiByte::B0 as u8 {
126 i += 1
127 }
128 i
129 }
130 }
132 #[inline]
133 #[must_use]
134 pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
135 self.bytes[0] as u8 == AsciiByte::B0 as u8
136 }
138 #[inline]
139 #[must_use]
140 pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
141 // Safe because `self.bytes.as_slice()` pointer-casts to `&[u8]`,
142 // and changing the length of that slice to self.len() < N is safe.
143 unsafe {
144 core::slice::from_raw_parts(self.bytes.as_slice().as_ptr() as *const u8, self.len())
145 }
146 }
148 #[inline]
149 #[must_use]
150 pub const fn all_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; N] {
151 // SAFETY: `self.bytes` has same size as [u8; N]
152 unsafe { &*(self.bytes.as_ptr() as *const [u8; N]) }
153 }
155 #[inline]
156 #[must_use]
157 /// Resizes a `TinyAsciiStr<N>` to a `TinyAsciiStr<M>`.
158 ///
159 /// If `M < len()` the string gets truncated, otherwise only the
160 /// memory representation changes.
161 pub const fn resize<const M: usize>(self) -> TinyAsciiStr<M> {
162 let mut bytes = [0; M];
163 let mut i = 0;
164 // Indexing is protected by the loop guard
165 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
166 while i < M && i < N {
167 bytes[i] = self.bytes[i] as u8;
168 i += 1;
169 }
170 // `self.bytes` only contains ASCII bytes, with no null bytes between
171 // ASCII characters, so this also holds for `bytes`.
172 unsafe { TinyAsciiStr::from_bytes_unchecked(bytes) }
173 }
175 /// # Safety
176 /// Must be called with a bytes array made of valid ASCII bytes, with no null bytes
177 /// between ASCII characters
178 #[must_use]
179 pub const unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: [u8; N]) -> Self {
180 Self {
181 bytes: AsciiByte::to_ascii_byte_array(&bytes),
182 }
183 }
186macro_rules! check_is {
187 ($self:ident, $check_int:ident, $check_u8:ident) => {
188 if N <= 4 {
189 Aligned4::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$check_int()
190 } else if N <= 8 {
191 Aligned8::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$check_int()
192 } else {
193 let mut i = 0;
194 // Won't panic because self.bytes has length N
195 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
196 while i < N && $self.bytes[i] as u8 != AsciiByte::B0 as u8 {
197 if !($self.bytes[i] as u8).$check_u8() {
198 return false;
199 }
200 i += 1;
201 }
202 true
203 }
204 };
205 ($self:ident, $check_int:ident, !$check_u8_0_inv:ident, !$check_u8_1_inv:ident) => {
206 if N <= 4 {
207 Aligned4::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$check_int()
208 } else if N <= 8 {
209 Aligned8::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$check_int()
210 } else {
211 // Won't panic because N is > 8
212 if ($self.bytes[0] as u8).$check_u8_0_inv() {
213 return false;
214 }
215 let mut i = 1;
216 // Won't panic because self.bytes has length N
217 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
218 while i < N && $self.bytes[i] as u8 != AsciiByte::B0 as u8 {
219 if ($self.bytes[i] as u8).$check_u8_1_inv() {
220 return false;
221 }
222 i += 1;
223 }
224 true
225 }
226 };
227 ($self:ident, $check_int:ident, $check_u8_0_inv:ident, $check_u8_1_inv:ident) => {
228 if N <= 4 {
229 Aligned4::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$check_int()
230 } else if N <= 8 {
231 Aligned8::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$check_int()
232 } else {
233 // Won't panic because N is > 8
234 if !($self.bytes[0] as u8).$check_u8_0_inv() {
235 return false;
236 }
237 let mut i = 1;
238 // Won't panic because self.bytes has length N
239 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
240 while i < N && $self.bytes[i] as u8 != AsciiByte::B0 as u8 {
241 if !($self.bytes[i] as u8).$check_u8_1_inv() {
242 return false;
243 }
244 i += 1;
245 }
246 true
247 }
248 };
251impl<const N: usize> TinyAsciiStr<N> {
252 /// Checks if the value is composed of ASCII alphabetic characters:
253 ///
254 /// * U+0041 'A' ..= U+005A 'Z', or
255 /// * U+0061 'a' ..= U+007A 'z'.
256 ///
257 /// # Examples
258 ///
259 /// ```
260 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
261 ///
262 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
263 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Te3t".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
264 ///
265 /// assert!(s1.is_ascii_alphabetic());
266 /// assert!(!s2.is_ascii_alphabetic());
267 /// ```
268 #[inline]
269 #[must_use]
270 pub const fn is_ascii_alphabetic(&self) -> bool {
271 check_is!(self, is_ascii_alphabetic, is_ascii_alphabetic)
272 }
274 /// Checks if the value is composed of ASCII alphanumeric characters:
275 ///
276 /// * U+0041 'A' ..= U+005A 'Z', or
277 /// * U+0061 'a' ..= U+007A 'z', or
278 /// * U+0030 '0' ..= U+0039 '9'.
279 ///
280 /// # Examples
281 ///
282 /// ```
283 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
284 ///
285 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "A15b".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
286 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "[3@w".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
287 ///
288 /// assert!(s1.is_ascii_alphanumeric());
289 /// assert!(!s2.is_ascii_alphanumeric());
290 /// ```
291 #[inline]
292 #[must_use]
293 pub const fn is_ascii_alphanumeric(&self) -> bool {
294 check_is!(self, is_ascii_alphanumeric, is_ascii_alphanumeric)
295 }
297 /// Checks if the value is composed of ASCII decimal digits:
298 ///
299 /// * U+0030 '0' ..= U+0039 '9'.
300 ///
301 /// # Examples
302 ///
303 /// ```
304 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
305 ///
306 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "312".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
307 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "3d".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
308 ///
309 /// assert!(s1.is_ascii_numeric());
310 /// assert!(!s2.is_ascii_numeric());
311 /// ```
312 #[inline]
313 #[must_use]
314 pub const fn is_ascii_numeric(&self) -> bool {
315 check_is!(self, is_ascii_numeric, is_ascii_digit)
316 }
318 /// Checks if the value is in ASCII lower case.
319 ///
320 /// All letter characters are checked for case. Non-letter characters are ignored.
321 ///
322 /// # Examples
323 ///
324 /// ```
325 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
326 ///
327 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
328 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
329 /// let s3: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "001z".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
330 ///
331 /// assert!(!s1.is_ascii_lowercase());
332 /// assert!(s2.is_ascii_lowercase());
333 /// assert!(s3.is_ascii_lowercase());
334 /// ```
335 #[inline]
336 #[must_use]
337 pub const fn is_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> bool {
338 check_is!(
339 self,
340 is_ascii_lowercase,
341 !is_ascii_uppercase,
342 !is_ascii_uppercase
343 )
344 }
346 /// Checks if the value is in ASCII title case.
347 ///
348 /// This verifies that the first character is ASCII uppercase and all others ASCII lowercase.
349 /// Non-letter characters are ignored.
350 ///
351 /// # Examples
352 ///
353 /// ```
354 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
355 ///
356 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
357 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
358 /// let s3: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "001z".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
359 ///
360 /// assert!(!s1.is_ascii_titlecase());
361 /// assert!(s2.is_ascii_titlecase());
362 /// assert!(s3.is_ascii_titlecase());
363 /// ```
364 #[inline]
365 #[must_use]
366 pub const fn is_ascii_titlecase(&self) -> bool {
367 check_is!(
368 self,
369 is_ascii_titlecase,
370 !is_ascii_lowercase,
371 !is_ascii_uppercase
372 )
373 }
375 /// Checks if the value is in ASCII upper case.
376 ///
377 /// All letter characters are checked for case. Non-letter characters are ignored.
378 ///
379 /// # Examples
380 ///
381 /// ```
382 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
383 ///
384 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
385 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "TEST".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
386 /// let s3: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "001z".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
387 ///
388 /// assert!(!s1.is_ascii_uppercase());
389 /// assert!(s2.is_ascii_uppercase());
390 /// assert!(!s3.is_ascii_uppercase());
391 /// ```
392 #[inline]
393 #[must_use]
394 pub const fn is_ascii_uppercase(&self) -> bool {
395 check_is!(
396 self,
397 is_ascii_uppercase,
398 !is_ascii_lowercase,
399 !is_ascii_lowercase
400 )
401 }
403 /// Checks if the value is composed of ASCII alphabetic lower case characters:
404 ///
405 /// * U+0061 'a' ..= U+007A 'z',
406 ///
407 /// # Examples
408 ///
409 /// ```
410 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
411 ///
412 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
413 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Te3t".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
414 /// let s3: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
415 /// let s4: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
416 /// let s5: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "001z".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
417 ///
418 /// assert!(!s1.is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase());
419 /// assert!(!s2.is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase());
420 /// assert!(!s3.is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase());
421 /// assert!(s4.is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase());
422 /// assert!(!s5.is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase());
423 /// ```
424 #[inline]
425 #[must_use]
426 pub const fn is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase(&self) -> bool {
427 check_is!(
428 self,
429 is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase,
430 is_ascii_lowercase,
431 is_ascii_lowercase
432 )
433 }
435 /// Checks if the value is composed of ASCII alphabetic, with the first character being ASCII uppercase, and all others ASCII lowercase.
436 ///
437 /// # Examples
438 ///
439 /// ```
440 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
441 ///
442 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
443 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Te3t".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
444 /// let s3: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
445 /// let s4: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
446 /// let s5: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "001z".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
447 ///
448 /// assert!(s1.is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase());
449 /// assert!(!s2.is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase());
450 /// assert!(!s3.is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase());
451 /// assert!(!s4.is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase());
452 /// assert!(!s5.is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase());
453 /// ```
454 #[inline]
455 #[must_use]
456 pub const fn is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase(&self) -> bool {
457 check_is!(
458 self,
459 is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase,
460 is_ascii_uppercase,
461 is_ascii_lowercase
462 )
463 }
465 /// Checks if the value is composed of ASCII alphabetic upper case characters:
466 ///
467 /// * U+0041 'A' ..= U+005A 'Z',
468 ///
469 /// # Examples
470 ///
471 /// ```
472 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
473 ///
474 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Test".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
475 /// let s2: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Te3t".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
476 /// let s3: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
477 /// let s4: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "TEST".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
478 /// let s5: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "001z".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
479 ///
480 /// assert!(!s1.is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase());
481 /// assert!(!s2.is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase());
482 /// assert!(!s3.is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase());
483 /// assert!(s4.is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase());
484 /// assert!(!s5.is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase());
485 /// ```
486 #[inline]
487 #[must_use]
488 pub const fn is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase(&self) -> bool {
489 check_is!(
490 self,
491 is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase,
492 is_ascii_uppercase,
493 is_ascii_uppercase
494 )
495 }
498macro_rules! to {
499 ($self:ident, $to:ident, $later_char_to:ident $(,$first_char_to:ident)?) => {{
500 let mut i = 0;
501 if N <= 4 {
502 let aligned = Aligned4::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$to().to_ascii_bytes();
503 // Won't panic because self.bytes has length N and aligned has length >= N
504 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
505 while i < N {
506 $self.bytes[i] = aligned[i];
507 i += 1;
508 }
509 } else if N <= 8 {
510 let aligned = Aligned8::from_ascii_bytes(&$self.bytes).$to().to_ascii_bytes();
511 // Won't panic because self.bytes has length N and aligned has length >= N
512 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
513 while i < N {
514 $self.bytes[i] = aligned[i];
515 i += 1;
516 }
517 } else {
518 // Won't panic because self.bytes has length N
519 #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
520 while i < N && $self.bytes[i] as u8 != AsciiByte::B0 as u8 {
521 // SAFETY: AsciiByte is repr(u8) and has same size as u8
522 unsafe {
523 $self.bytes[i] = core::mem::transmute(
524 ($self.bytes[i] as u8).$later_char_to()
525 );
526 }
527 i += 1;
528 }
529 // SAFETY: AsciiByte is repr(u8) and has same size as u8
530 $(
531 $self.bytes[0] = unsafe {
532 core::mem::transmute(($self.bytes[0] as u8).$first_char_to())
533 };
534 )?
535 }
536 $self
537 }};
540impl<const N: usize> TinyAsciiStr<N> {
541 /// Converts this type to its ASCII lower case equivalent in-place.
542 ///
543 /// ASCII letters 'A' to 'Z' are mapped to 'a' to 'z', other characters are unchanged.
544 ///
545 /// # Examples
546 ///
547 /// ```
548 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
549 ///
550 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "TeS3".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
551 ///
552 /// assert_eq!(&*s1.to_ascii_lowercase(), "tes3");
553 /// ```
554 #[inline]
555 #[must_use]
556 pub const fn to_ascii_lowercase(mut self) -> Self {
557 to!(self, to_ascii_lowercase, to_ascii_lowercase)
558 }
560 /// Converts this type to its ASCII title case equivalent in-place.
561 ///
562 /// The first character is converted to ASCII uppercase; the remaining characters
563 /// are converted to ASCII lowercase.
564 ///
565 /// # Examples
566 ///
567 /// ```
568 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
569 ///
570 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "teSt".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
571 ///
572 /// assert_eq!(&*s1.to_ascii_titlecase(), "Test");
573 /// ```
574 #[inline]
575 #[must_use]
576 pub const fn to_ascii_titlecase(mut self) -> Self {
577 to!(
578 self,
579 to_ascii_titlecase,
580 to_ascii_lowercase,
581 to_ascii_uppercase
582 )
583 }
585 /// Converts this type to its ASCII upper case equivalent in-place.
586 ///
587 /// ASCII letters 'a' to 'z' are mapped to 'A' to 'Z', other characters are unchanged.
588 ///
589 /// # Examples
590 ///
591 /// ```
592 /// use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
593 ///
594 /// let s1: TinyAsciiStr<4> = "Tes3".parse().expect("Failed to parse.");
595 ///
596 /// assert_eq!(&*s1.to_ascii_uppercase(), "TES3");
597 /// ```
598 #[inline]
599 #[must_use]
600 pub const fn to_ascii_uppercase(mut self) -> Self {
601 to!(self, to_ascii_uppercase, to_ascii_uppercase)
602 }
605impl<const N: usize> fmt::Debug for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
606 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
607 fmt::Debug::fmt(self.as_str(), f)
608 }
611impl<const N: usize> fmt::Display for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
612 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
613 fmt::Display::fmt(self.as_str(), f)
614 }
617impl<const N: usize> Deref for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
618 type Target = str;
619 #[inline]
620 fn deref(&self) -> &str {
621 self.as_str()
622 }
625impl<const N: usize> FromStr for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
626 type Err = TinyStrError;
627 #[inline]
628 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, TinyStrError> {
629 Self::from_str(s)
630 }
633impl<const N: usize> PartialEq<str> for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
634 fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
635 self.deref() == other
636 }
639impl<const N: usize> PartialEq<&str> for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
640 fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
641 self.deref() == *other
642 }
645#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
646impl<const N: usize> PartialEq<alloc::string::String> for TinyAsciiStr<N> {
647 fn eq(&self, other: &alloc::string::String) -> bool {
648 self.deref() == other.deref()
649 }
652#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
653impl<const N: usize> PartialEq<TinyAsciiStr<N>> for alloc::string::String {
654 fn eq(&self, other: &TinyAsciiStr<N>) -> bool {
655 self.deref() == other.deref()
656 }
660mod test {
661 use super::*;
662 use rand::distributions::Distribution;
663 use rand::distributions::Standard;
664 use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
665 use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
666 use rand::SeedableRng;
668 const STRINGS: [&str; 26] = [
669 "Latn",
670 "laTn",
671 "windows",
672 "AR",
673 "Hans",
674 "macos",
675 "AT",
676 "infiniband",
677 "FR",
678 "en",
679 "Cyrl",
680 "FromIntegral",
681 "NO",
682 "419",
683 "MacintoshOSX2019",
684 "a3z",
685 "A3z",
686 "A3Z",
687 "a3Z",
688 "3A",
689 "3Z",
690 "3a",
691 "3z",
692 "@@[`{",
693 "UK",
694 "E12",
695 ];
697 fn gen_strings(num_strings: usize, allowed_lengths: &[usize]) -> Vec<String> {
698 let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(2022);
699 // Need to do this in 2 steps since the RNG is needed twice
700 let string_lengths = core::iter::repeat_with(|| *allowed_lengths.choose(&mut rng).unwrap())
701 .take(num_strings)
702 .collect::<Vec<usize>>();
703 string_lengths
704 .iter()
705 .map(|len| {
706 Standard
707 .sample_iter(&mut rng)
708 .filter(|b: &u8| *b > 0 && *b < 0x80)
709 .take(*len)
710 .collect::<Vec<u8>>()
711 })
712 .map(|byte_vec| String::from_utf8(byte_vec).expect("All ASCII"))
713 .collect()
714 }
716 fn check_operation<T, F1, F2, const N: usize>(reference_f: F1, tinystr_f: F2)
717 where
718 F1: Fn(&str) -> T,
719 F2: Fn(TinyAsciiStr<N>) -> T,
720 T: core::fmt::Debug + core::cmp::PartialEq,
721 {
722 for s in STRINGS
723 .into_iter()
724 .map(str::to_owned)
725 .chain(gen_strings(100, &[3, 4, 5, 8, 12]))
726 {
727 let t = match TinyAsciiStr::<N>::from_str(&s) {
728 Ok(t) => t,
729 Err(TinyStrError::TooLarge { .. }) => continue,
730 Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
731 };
732 let expected = reference_f(&s);
733 let actual = tinystr_f(t);
734 assert_eq!(expected, actual, "TinyAsciiStr<{N}>: {s:?}");
735 }
736 }
738 #[test]
739 fn test_is_ascii_alphabetic() {
740 fn check<const N: usize>() {
741 check_operation(
742 |s| s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()),
743 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_alphabetic(&t),
744 )
745 }
746 check::<2>();
747 check::<3>();
748 check::<4>();
749 check::<5>();
750 check::<8>();
751 check::<16>();
752 }
754 #[test]
755 fn test_is_ascii_alphanumeric() {
756 fn check<const N: usize>() {
757 check_operation(
758 |s| s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric()),
759 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_alphanumeric(&t),
760 )
761 }
762 check::<2>();
763 check::<3>();
764 check::<4>();
765 check::<5>();
766 check::<8>();
767 check::<16>();
768 }
770 #[test]
771 fn test_is_ascii_numeric() {
772 fn check<const N: usize>() {
773 check_operation(
774 |s| s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_digit()),
775 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_numeric(&t),
776 )
777 }
778 check::<2>();
779 check::<3>();
780 check::<4>();
781 check::<5>();
782 check::<8>();
783 check::<16>();
784 }
786 #[test]
787 fn test_is_ascii_lowercase() {
788 fn check<const N: usize>() {
789 check_operation(
790 |s| {
791 s == TinyAsciiStr::<16>::from_str(s)
792 .unwrap()
793 .to_ascii_lowercase()
794 .as_str()
795 },
796 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_lowercase(&t),
797 )
798 }
799 check::<2>();
800 check::<3>();
801 check::<4>();
802 check::<5>();
803 check::<8>();
804 check::<16>();
805 }
807 #[test]
808 fn test_is_ascii_titlecase() {
809 fn check<const N: usize>() {
810 check_operation(
811 |s| {
812 s == TinyAsciiStr::<16>::from_str(s)
813 .unwrap()
814 .to_ascii_titlecase()
815 .as_str()
816 },
817 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_titlecase(&t),
818 )
819 }
820 check::<2>();
821 check::<3>();
822 check::<4>();
823 check::<5>();
824 check::<8>();
825 check::<16>();
826 }
828 #[test]
829 fn test_is_ascii_uppercase() {
830 fn check<const N: usize>() {
831 check_operation(
832 |s| {
833 s == TinyAsciiStr::<16>::from_str(s)
834 .unwrap()
835 .to_ascii_uppercase()
836 .as_str()
837 },
838 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_uppercase(&t),
839 )
840 }
841 check::<2>();
842 check::<3>();
843 check::<4>();
844 check::<5>();
845 check::<8>();
846 check::<16>();
847 }
849 #[test]
850 fn test_is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase() {
851 fn check<const N: usize>() {
852 check_operation(
853 |s| {
854 // Check alphabetic
855 s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) &&
856 // Check lowercase
857 s == TinyAsciiStr::<16>::from_str(s)
858 .unwrap()
859 .to_ascii_lowercase()
860 .as_str()
861 },
862 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_alphabetic_lowercase(&t),
863 )
864 }
865 check::<2>();
866 check::<3>();
867 check::<4>();
868 check::<5>();
869 check::<8>();
870 check::<16>();
871 }
873 #[test]
874 fn test_is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase() {
875 fn check<const N: usize>() {
876 check_operation(
877 |s| {
878 // Check alphabetic
879 s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) &&
880 // Check titlecase
881 s == TinyAsciiStr::<16>::from_str(s)
882 .unwrap()
883 .to_ascii_titlecase()
884 .as_str()
885 },
886 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_alphabetic_titlecase(&t),
887 )
888 }
889 check::<2>();
890 check::<3>();
891 check::<4>();
892 check::<5>();
893 check::<8>();
894 check::<16>();
895 }
897 #[test]
898 fn test_is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase() {
899 fn check<const N: usize>() {
900 check_operation(
901 |s| {
902 // Check alphabetic
903 s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) &&
904 // Check uppercase
905 s == TinyAsciiStr::<16>::from_str(s)
906 .unwrap()
907 .to_ascii_uppercase()
908 .as_str()
909 },
910 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::is_ascii_alphabetic_uppercase(&t),
911 )
912 }
913 check::<2>();
914 check::<3>();
915 check::<4>();
916 check::<5>();
917 check::<8>();
918 check::<16>();
919 }
921 #[test]
922 fn test_to_ascii_lowercase() {
923 fn check<const N: usize>() {
924 check_operation(
925 |s| {
926 s.chars()
927 .map(|c| c.to_ascii_lowercase())
928 .collect::<String>()
929 },
930 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::to_ascii_lowercase(t).as_str().to_owned(),
931 )
932 }
933 check::<2>();
934 check::<3>();
935 check::<4>();
936 check::<5>();
937 check::<8>();
938 check::<16>();
939 }
941 #[test]
942 fn test_to_ascii_titlecase() {
943 fn check<const N: usize>() {
944 check_operation(
945 |s| {
946 let mut r = s
947 .chars()
948 .map(|c| c.to_ascii_lowercase())
949 .collect::<String>();
950 // Safe because the string is nonempty and an ASCII string
951 unsafe { r.as_bytes_mut()[0].make_ascii_uppercase() };
952 r
953 },
954 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::to_ascii_titlecase(t).as_str().to_owned(),
955 )
956 }
957 check::<2>();
958 check::<3>();
959 check::<4>();
960 check::<5>();
961 check::<8>();
962 check::<16>();
963 }
965 #[test]
966 fn test_to_ascii_uppercase() {
967 fn check<const N: usize>() {
968 check_operation(
969 |s| {
970 s.chars()
971 .map(|c| c.to_ascii_uppercase())
972 .collect::<String>()
973 },
974 |t: TinyAsciiStr<N>| TinyAsciiStr::to_ascii_uppercase(t).as_str().to_owned(),
975 )
976 }
977 check::<2>();
978 check::<3>();
979 check::<4>();
980 check::<5>();
981 check::<8>();
982 check::<16>();
983 }