1//! Frame a stream of bytes based on a length prefix
3//! Many protocols delimit their frames by prefacing frame data with a
4//! frame head that specifies the length of the frame. The
5//! `length_delimited` module provides utilities for handling the length
6//! based framing. This allows the consumer to work with entire frames
7//! without having to worry about buffering or other framing logic.
9//! # Getting started
11//! If implementing a protocol from scratch, using length delimited framing
12//! is an easy way to get started. [`LengthDelimitedCodec::new()`] will
13//! return a length delimited codec using default configuration values.
14//! This can then be used to construct a framer to adapt a full-duplex
15//! byte stream into a stream of frames.
17//! ```
18//! use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
19//! use tokio_util::codec::{Framed, LengthDelimitedCodec};
21//! fn bind_transport<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite>(io: T)
22//! -> Framed<T, LengthDelimitedCodec>
23//! {
24//! Framed::new(io, LengthDelimitedCodec::new())
25//! }
26//! # pub fn main() {}
27//! ```
29//! The returned transport implements `Sink + Stream` for `BytesMut`. It
30//! encodes the frame with a big-endian `u32` header denoting the frame
31//! payload length:
33//! ```text
34//! +----------+--------------------------------+
35//! | len: u32 | frame payload |
36//! +----------+--------------------------------+
37//! ```
39//! Specifically, given the following:
41//! ```
42//! use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
43//! use tokio_util::codec::{Framed, LengthDelimitedCodec};
45//! use futures::SinkExt;
46//! use bytes::Bytes;
48//! async fn write_frame<T>(io: T) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
49//! where
50//! T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
51//! {
52//! let mut transport = Framed::new(io, LengthDelimitedCodec::new());
53//! let frame = Bytes::from("hello world");
55//! transport.send(frame).await?;
56//! Ok(())
57//! }
58//! ```
60//! The encoded frame will look like this:
62//! ```text
63//! +---- len: u32 ----+---- data ----+
64//! | \x00\x00\x00\x0b | hello world |
65//! +------------------+--------------+
66//! ```
68//! # Decoding
70//! [`FramedRead`] adapts an [`AsyncRead`] into a `Stream` of [`BytesMut`],
71//! such that each yielded [`BytesMut`] value contains the contents of an
72//! entire frame. There are many configuration parameters enabling
73//! [`FramedRead`] to handle a wide range of protocols. Here are some
74//! examples that will cover the various options at a high level.
76//! ## Example 1
78//! The following will parse a `u16` length field at offset 0, including the
79//! frame head in the yielded `BytesMut`.
81//! ```
82//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
83//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
84//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
85//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
86//! .length_field_offset(0) // default value
87//! .length_field_type::<u16>()
88//! .length_adjustment(0) // default value
89//! .num_skip(0) // Do not strip frame header
90//! .new_read(io);
91//! # }
92//! # pub fn main() {}
93//! ```
95//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
97//! ```text
99//! +-- len ---+--- Payload ---+ +-- len ---+--- Payload ---+
100//! | \x00\x0B | Hello world | --> | \x00\x0B | Hello world |
101//! +----------+---------------+ +----------+---------------+
102//! ```
104//! The value of the length field is 11 (`\x0B`) which represents the length
105//! of the payload, `hello world`. By default, [`FramedRead`] assumes that
106//! the length field represents the number of bytes that **follows** the
107//! length field. Thus, the entire frame has a length of 13: 2 bytes for the
108//! frame head + 11 bytes for the payload.
110//! ## Example 2
112//! The following will parse a `u16` length field at offset 0, omitting the
113//! frame head in the yielded `BytesMut`.
115//! ```
116//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
117//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
118//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
119//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
120//! .length_field_offset(0) // default value
121//! .length_field_type::<u16>()
122//! .length_adjustment(0) // default value
123//! // `num_skip` is not needed, the default is to skip
124//! .new_read(io);
125//! # }
126//! # pub fn main() {}
127//! ```
129//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
131//! ```text
133//! +-- len ---+--- Payload ---+ +--- Payload ---+
134//! | \x00\x0B | Hello world | --> | Hello world |
135//! +----------+---------------+ +---------------+
136//! ```
138//! This is similar to the first example, the only difference is that the
139//! frame head is **not** included in the yielded `BytesMut` value.
141//! ## Example 3
143//! The following will parse a `u16` length field at offset 0, including the
144//! frame head in the yielded `BytesMut`. In this case, the length field
145//! **includes** the frame head length.
147//! ```
148//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
149//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
150//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
151//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
152//! .length_field_offset(0) // default value
153//! .length_field_type::<u16>()
154//! .length_adjustment(-2) // size of head
155//! .num_skip(0)
156//! .new_read(io);
157//! # }
158//! # pub fn main() {}
159//! ```
161//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
163//! ```text
165//! +-- len ---+--- Payload ---+ +-- len ---+--- Payload ---+
166//! | \x00\x0D | Hello world | --> | \x00\x0D | Hello world |
167//! +----------+---------------+ +----------+---------------+
168//! ```
170//! In most cases, the length field represents the length of the payload
171//! only, as shown in the previous examples. However, in some protocols the
172//! length field represents the length of the whole frame, including the
173//! head. In such cases, we specify a negative `length_adjustment` to adjust
174//! the value provided in the frame head to represent the payload length.
176//! ## Example 4
178//! The following will parse a 3 byte length field at offset 0 in a 5 byte
179//! frame head, including the frame head in the yielded `BytesMut`.
181//! ```
182//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
183//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
184//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
185//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
186//! .length_field_offset(0) // default value
187//! .length_field_length(3)
188//! .length_adjustment(2) // remaining head
189//! .num_skip(0)
190//! .new_read(io);
191//! # }
192//! # pub fn main() {}
193//! ```
195//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
197//! ```text
198//! INPUT
199//! +---- len -----+- head -+--- Payload ---+
200//! | \x00\x00\x0B | \xCAFE | Hello world |
201//! +--------------+--------+---------------+
203//! DECODED
204//! +---- len -----+- head -+--- Payload ---+
205//! | \x00\x00\x0B | \xCAFE | Hello world |
206//! +--------------+--------+---------------+
207//! ```
209//! A more advanced example that shows a case where there is extra frame
210//! head data between the length field and the payload. In such cases, it is
211//! usually desirable to include the frame head as part of the yielded
212//! `BytesMut`. This lets consumers of the length delimited framer to
213//! process the frame head as needed.
215//! The positive `length_adjustment` value lets `FramedRead` factor in the
216//! additional head into the frame length calculation.
218//! ## Example 5
220//! The following will parse a `u16` length field at offset 1 of a 4 byte
221//! frame head. The first byte and the length field will be omitted from the
222//! yielded `BytesMut`, but the trailing 2 bytes of the frame head will be
223//! included.
225//! ```
226//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
227//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
228//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
229//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
230//! .length_field_offset(1) // length of hdr1
231//! .length_field_type::<u16>()
232//! .length_adjustment(1) // length of hdr2
233//! .num_skip(3) // length of hdr1 + LEN
234//! .new_read(io);
235//! # }
236//! # pub fn main() {}
237//! ```
239//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
241//! ```text
242//! INPUT
243//! +- hdr1 -+-- len ---+- hdr2 -+--- Payload ---+
244//! | \xCA | \x00\x0B | \xFE | Hello world |
245//! +--------+----------+--------+---------------+
247//! DECODED
248//! +- hdr2 -+--- Payload ---+
249//! | \xFE | Hello world |
250//! +--------+---------------+
251//! ```
253//! The length field is situated in the middle of the frame head. In this
254//! case, the first byte in the frame head could be a version or some other
255//! identifier that is not needed for processing. On the other hand, the
256//! second half of the head is needed.
258//! `length_field_offset` indicates how many bytes to skip before starting
259//! to read the length field. `length_adjustment` is the number of bytes to
260//! skip starting at the end of the length field. In this case, it is the
261//! second half of the head.
263//! ## Example 6
265//! The following will parse a `u16` length field at offset 1 of a 4 byte
266//! frame head. The first byte and the length field will be omitted from the
267//! yielded `BytesMut`, but the trailing 2 bytes of the frame head will be
268//! included. In this case, the length field **includes** the frame head
269//! length.
271//! ```
272//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
273//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
274//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
275//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
276//! .length_field_offset(1) // length of hdr1
277//! .length_field_type::<u16>()
278//! .length_adjustment(-3) // length of hdr1 + LEN, negative
279//! .num_skip(3)
280//! .new_read(io);
281//! # }
282//! ```
284//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
286//! ```text
287//! INPUT
288//! +- hdr1 -+-- len ---+- hdr2 -+--- Payload ---+
289//! | \xCA | \x00\x0F | \xFE | Hello world |
290//! +--------+----------+--------+---------------+
292//! DECODED
293//! +- hdr2 -+--- Payload ---+
294//! | \xFE | Hello world |
295//! +--------+---------------+
296//! ```
298//! Similar to the example above, the difference is that the length field
299//! represents the length of the entire frame instead of just the payload.
300//! The length of `hdr1` and `len` must be counted in `length_adjustment`.
301//! Note that the length of `hdr2` does **not** need to be explicitly set
302//! anywhere because it already is factored into the total frame length that
303//! is read from the byte stream.
305//! ## Example 7
307//! The following will parse a 3 byte length field at offset 0 in a 4 byte
308//! frame head, excluding the 4th byte from the yielded `BytesMut`.
310//! ```
311//! # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
312//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
313//! # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
314//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
315//! .length_field_offset(0) // default value
316//! .length_field_length(3)
317//! .length_adjustment(0) // default value
318//! .num_skip(4) // skip the first 4 bytes
319//! .new_read(io);
320//! # }
321//! # pub fn main() {}
322//! ```
324//! The following frame will be decoded as such:
326//! ```text
328//! +------- len ------+--- Payload ---+ +--- Payload ---+
329//! | \x00\x00\x0B\xFF | Hello world | => | Hello world |
330//! +------------------+---------------+ +---------------+
331//! ```
333//! A simple example where there are unused bytes between the length field
334//! and the payload.
336//! # Encoding
338//! [`FramedWrite`] adapts an [`AsyncWrite`] into a `Sink` of [`BytesMut`],
339//! such that each submitted [`BytesMut`] is prefaced by a length field.
340//! There are fewer configuration options than [`FramedRead`]. Given
341//! protocols that have more complex frame heads, an encoder should probably
342//! be written by hand using [`Encoder`].
344//! Here is a simple example, given a `FramedWrite` with the following
345//! configuration:
347//! ```
348//! # use tokio::io::AsyncWrite;
349//! # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
350//! # fn write_frame<T: AsyncWrite>(io: T) {
351//! # let _ =
352//! LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
353//! .length_field_type::<u16>()
354//! .new_write(io);
355//! # }
356//! # pub fn main() {}
357//! ```
359//! A payload of `hello world` will be encoded as:
361//! ```text
362//! +- len: u16 -+---- data ----+
363//! | \x00\x0b | hello world |
364//! +------------+--------------+
365//! ```
367//! [`LengthDelimitedCodec::new()`]: method@LengthDelimitedCodec::new
368//! [`FramedRead`]: struct@FramedRead
369//! [`FramedWrite`]: struct@FramedWrite
370//! [`AsyncRead`]: trait@tokio::io::AsyncRead
371//! [`AsyncWrite`]: trait@tokio::io::AsyncWrite
372//! [`Encoder`]: trait@Encoder
373//! [`BytesMut`]: bytes::BytesMut
375use crate::codec::{Decoder, Encoder, Framed, FramedRead, FramedWrite};
377use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
379use bytes::{Buf, BufMut, Bytes, BytesMut};
380use std::error::Error as StdError;
381use std::io::{self, Cursor};
382use std::{cmp, fmt, mem};
384/// Configure length delimited `LengthDelimitedCodec`s.
386/// `Builder` enables constructing configured length delimited codecs. Note
387/// that not all configuration settings apply to both encoding and decoding. See
388/// the documentation for specific methods for more detail.
389#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
390pub struct Builder {
391 // Maximum frame length
392 max_frame_len: usize,
394 // Number of bytes representing the field length
395 length_field_len: usize,
397 // Number of bytes in the header before the length field
398 length_field_offset: usize,
400 // Adjust the length specified in the header field by this amount
401 length_adjustment: isize,
403 // Total number of bytes to skip before reading the payload, if not set,
404 // `length_field_len + length_field_offset`
405 num_skip: Option<usize>,
407 // Length field byte order (little or big endian)
408 length_field_is_big_endian: bool,
411/// An error when the number of bytes read is more than max frame length.
412pub struct LengthDelimitedCodecError {
413 _priv: (),
416/// A codec for frames delimited by a frame head specifying their lengths.
418/// This allows the consumer to work with entire frames without having to worry
419/// about buffering or other framing logic.
421/// See [module level] documentation for more detail.
423/// [module level]: index.html
424#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
425pub struct LengthDelimitedCodec {
426 // Configuration values
427 builder: Builder,
429 // Read state
430 state: DecodeState,
433#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
434enum DecodeState {
435 Head,
436 Data(usize),
439// ===== impl LengthDelimitedCodec ======
441impl LengthDelimitedCodec {
442 /// Creates a new `LengthDelimitedCodec` with the default configuration values.
443 pub fn new() -> Self {
444 Self {
445 builder: Builder::new(),
446 state: DecodeState::Head,
447 }
448 }
450 /// Creates a new length delimited codec builder with default configuration
451 /// values.
452 pub fn builder() -> Builder {
453 Builder::new()
454 }
456 /// Returns the current max frame setting
457 ///
458 /// This is the largest size this codec will accept from the wire. Larger
459 /// frames will be rejected.
460 pub fn max_frame_length(&self) -> usize {
461 self.builder.max_frame_len
462 }
464 /// Updates the max frame setting.
465 ///
466 /// The change takes effect the next time a frame is decoded. In other
467 /// words, if a frame is currently in process of being decoded with a frame
468 /// size greater than `val` but less than the max frame length in effect
469 /// before calling this function, then the frame will be allowed.
470 pub fn set_max_frame_length(&mut self, val: usize) {
471 self.builder.max_frame_length(val);
472 }
474 fn decode_head(&mut self, src: &mut BytesMut) -> io::Result<Option<usize>> {
475 let head_len = self.builder.num_head_bytes();
476 let field_len = self.builder.length_field_len;
478 if src.len() < head_len {
479 // Not enough data
480 return Ok(None);
481 }
483 let n = {
484 let mut src = Cursor::new(&mut *src);
486 // Skip the required bytes
487 src.advance(self.builder.length_field_offset);
489 // match endianness
490 let n = if self.builder.length_field_is_big_endian {
491 src.get_uint(field_len)
492 } else {
493 src.get_uint_le(field_len)
494 };
496 if n > self.builder.max_frame_len as u64 {
497 return Err(io::Error::new(
498 io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
499 LengthDelimitedCodecError { _priv: () },
500 ));
501 }
503 // The check above ensures there is no overflow
504 let n = n as usize;
506 // Adjust `n` with bounds checking
507 let n = if self.builder.length_adjustment < 0 {
508 n.checked_sub(-self.builder.length_adjustment as usize)
509 } else {
510 n.checked_add(self.builder.length_adjustment as usize)
511 };
513 // Error handling
514 match n {
515 Some(n) => n,
516 None => {
517 return Err(io::Error::new(
518 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
519 "provided length would overflow after adjustment",
520 ));
521 }
522 }
523 };
525 let num_skip = self.builder.get_num_skip();
527 if num_skip > 0 {
528 src.advance(num_skip);
529 }
531 // Ensure that the buffer has enough space to read the incoming
532 // payload
533 src.reserve(n);
535 Ok(Some(n))
536 }
538 fn decode_data(&self, n: usize, src: &mut BytesMut) -> Option<BytesMut> {
539 // At this point, the buffer has already had the required capacity
540 // reserved. All there is to do is read.
541 if src.len() < n {
542 return None;
543 }
545 Some(src.split_to(n))
546 }
549impl Decoder for LengthDelimitedCodec {
550 type Item = BytesMut;
551 type Error = io::Error;
553 fn decode(&mut self, src: &mut BytesMut) -> io::Result<Option<BytesMut>> {
554 let n = match self.state {
555 DecodeState::Head => match self.decode_head(src)? {
556 Some(n) => {
557 self.state = DecodeState::Data(n);
558 n
559 }
560 None => return Ok(None),
561 },
562 DecodeState::Data(n) => n,
563 };
565 match self.decode_data(n, src) {
566 Some(data) => {
567 // Update the decode state
568 self.state = DecodeState::Head;
570 // Make sure the buffer has enough space to read the next head
571 src.reserve(self.builder.num_head_bytes());
573 Ok(Some(data))
574 }
575 None => Ok(None),
576 }
577 }
580impl Encoder<Bytes> for LengthDelimitedCodec {
581 type Error = io::Error;
583 fn encode(&mut self, data: Bytes, dst: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
584 let n = data.len();
586 if n > self.builder.max_frame_len {
587 return Err(io::Error::new(
588 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
589 LengthDelimitedCodecError { _priv: () },
590 ));
591 }
593 // Adjust `n` with bounds checking
594 let n = if self.builder.length_adjustment < 0 {
595 n.checked_add(-self.builder.length_adjustment as usize)
596 } else {
597 n.checked_sub(self.builder.length_adjustment as usize)
598 };
600 let n = n.ok_or_else(|| {
601 io::Error::new(
602 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
603 "provided length would overflow after adjustment",
604 )
605 })?;
607 // Reserve capacity in the destination buffer to fit the frame and
608 // length field (plus adjustment).
609 dst.reserve(self.builder.length_field_len + n);
611 if self.builder.length_field_is_big_endian {
612 dst.put_uint(n as u64, self.builder.length_field_len);
613 } else {
614 dst.put_uint_le(n as u64, self.builder.length_field_len);
615 }
617 // Write the frame to the buffer
618 dst.extend_from_slice(&data[..]);
620 Ok(())
621 }
624impl Default for LengthDelimitedCodec {
625 fn default() -> Self {
626 Self::new()
627 }
630// ===== impl Builder =====
632mod builder {
633 /// Types that can be used with `Builder::length_field_type`.
634 pub trait LengthFieldType {}
636 impl LengthFieldType for u8 {}
637 impl LengthFieldType for u16 {}
638 impl LengthFieldType for u32 {}
639 impl LengthFieldType for u64 {}
641 #[cfg(any(
642 target_pointer_width = "8",
643 target_pointer_width = "16",
644 target_pointer_width = "32",
645 target_pointer_width = "64",
646 ))]
647 impl LengthFieldType for usize {}
650impl Builder {
651 /// Creates a new length delimited codec builder with default configuration
652 /// values.
653 ///
654 /// # Examples
655 ///
656 /// ```
657 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
658 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
659 ///
660 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
661 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
662 /// .length_field_offset(0)
663 /// .length_field_type::<u16>()
664 /// .length_adjustment(0)
665 /// .num_skip(0)
666 /// .new_read(io);
667 /// # }
668 /// # pub fn main() {}
669 /// ```
670 pub fn new() -> Builder {
671 Builder {
672 // Default max frame length of 8MB
673 max_frame_len: 8 * 1_024 * 1_024,
675 // Default byte length of 4
676 length_field_len: 4,
678 // Default to the header field being at the start of the header.
679 length_field_offset: 0,
681 length_adjustment: 0,
683 // Total number of bytes to skip before reading the payload, if not set,
684 // `length_field_len + length_field_offset`
685 num_skip: None,
687 // Default to reading the length field in network (big) endian.
688 length_field_is_big_endian: true,
689 }
690 }
692 /// Read the length field as a big endian integer
693 ///
694 /// This is the default setting.
695 ///
696 /// This configuration option applies to both encoding and decoding.
697 ///
698 /// # Examples
699 ///
700 /// ```
701 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
702 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
703 ///
704 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
705 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
706 /// .big_endian()
707 /// .new_read(io);
708 /// # }
709 /// # pub fn main() {}
710 /// ```
711 pub fn big_endian(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
712 self.length_field_is_big_endian = true;
713 self
714 }
716 /// Read the length field as a little endian integer
717 ///
718 /// The default setting is big endian.
719 ///
720 /// This configuration option applies to both encoding and decoding.
721 ///
722 /// # Examples
723 ///
724 /// ```
725 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
726 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
727 ///
728 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
729 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
730 /// .little_endian()
731 /// .new_read(io);
732 /// # }
733 /// # pub fn main() {}
734 /// ```
735 pub fn little_endian(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
736 self.length_field_is_big_endian = false;
737 self
738 }
740 /// Read the length field as a native endian integer
741 ///
742 /// The default setting is big endian.
743 ///
744 /// This configuration option applies to both encoding and decoding.
745 ///
746 /// # Examples
747 ///
748 /// ```
749 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
750 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
751 ///
752 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
753 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
754 /// .native_endian()
755 /// .new_read(io);
756 /// # }
757 /// # pub fn main() {}
758 /// ```
759 pub fn native_endian(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
760 if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
761 self.big_endian()
762 } else {
763 self.little_endian()
764 }
765 }
767 /// Sets the max frame length in bytes
768 ///
769 /// This configuration option applies to both encoding and decoding. The
770 /// default value is 8MB.
771 ///
772 /// When decoding, the length field read from the byte stream is checked
773 /// against this setting **before** any adjustments are applied. When
774 /// encoding, the length of the submitted payload is checked against this
775 /// setting.
776 ///
777 /// When frames exceed the max length, an `io::Error` with the custom value
778 /// of the `LengthDelimitedCodecError` type will be returned.
779 ///
780 /// # Examples
781 ///
782 /// ```
783 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
784 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
785 ///
786 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
787 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
788 /// .max_frame_length(8 * 1024 * 1024)
789 /// .new_read(io);
790 /// # }
791 /// # pub fn main() {}
792 /// ```
793 pub fn max_frame_length(&mut self, val: usize) -> &mut Self {
794 self.max_frame_len = val;
795 self
796 }
798 /// Sets the unsigned integer type used to represent the length field.
799 ///
800 /// The default type is [`u32`]. The max type is [`u64`] (or [`usize`] on
801 /// 64-bit targets).
802 ///
803 /// # Examples
804 ///
805 /// ```
806 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
807 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
808 ///
809 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
810 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
811 /// .length_field_type::<u32>()
812 /// .new_read(io);
813 /// # }
814 /// # pub fn main() {}
815 /// ```
816 ///
817 /// Unlike [`Builder::length_field_length`], this does not fail at runtime
818 /// and instead produces a compile error:
819 ///
820 /// ```compile_fail
821 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
822 /// # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
823 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
824 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
825 /// .length_field_type::<u128>()
826 /// .new_read(io);
827 /// # }
828 /// # pub fn main() {}
829 /// ```
830 pub fn length_field_type<T: builder::LengthFieldType>(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
831 self.length_field_length(mem::size_of::<T>())
832 }
834 /// Sets the number of bytes used to represent the length field
835 ///
836 /// The default value is `4`. The max value is `8`.
837 ///
838 /// This configuration option applies to both encoding and decoding.
839 ///
840 /// # Examples
841 ///
842 /// ```
843 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
844 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
845 ///
846 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
847 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
848 /// .length_field_length(4)
849 /// .new_read(io);
850 /// # }
851 /// # pub fn main() {}
852 /// ```
853 pub fn length_field_length(&mut self, val: usize) -> &mut Self {
854 assert!(val > 0 && val <= 8, "invalid length field length");
855 self.length_field_len = val;
856 self
857 }
859 /// Sets the number of bytes in the header before the length field
860 ///
861 /// This configuration option only applies to decoding.
862 ///
863 /// # Examples
864 ///
865 /// ```
866 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
867 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
868 ///
869 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
870 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
871 /// .length_field_offset(1)
872 /// .new_read(io);
873 /// # }
874 /// # pub fn main() {}
875 /// ```
876 pub fn length_field_offset(&mut self, val: usize) -> &mut Self {
877 self.length_field_offset = val;
878 self
879 }
881 /// Delta between the payload length specified in the header and the real
882 /// payload length
883 ///
884 /// # Examples
885 ///
886 /// ```
887 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
888 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
889 ///
890 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
891 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
892 /// .length_adjustment(-2)
893 /// .new_read(io);
894 /// # }
895 /// # pub fn main() {}
896 /// ```
897 pub fn length_adjustment(&mut self, val: isize) -> &mut Self {
898 self.length_adjustment = val;
899 self
900 }
902 /// Sets the number of bytes to skip before reading the payload
903 ///
904 /// Default value is `length_field_len + length_field_offset`
905 ///
906 /// This configuration option only applies to decoding
907 ///
908 /// # Examples
909 ///
910 /// ```
911 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
912 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
913 ///
914 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
915 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
916 /// .num_skip(4)
917 /// .new_read(io);
918 /// # }
919 /// # pub fn main() {}
920 /// ```
921 pub fn num_skip(&mut self, val: usize) -> &mut Self {
922 self.num_skip = Some(val);
923 self
924 }
926 /// Create a configured length delimited `LengthDelimitedCodec`
927 ///
928 /// # Examples
929 ///
930 /// ```
931 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
932 /// # pub fn main() {
933 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
934 /// .length_field_offset(0)
935 /// .length_field_type::<u16>()
936 /// .length_adjustment(0)
937 /// .num_skip(0)
938 /// .new_codec();
939 /// # }
940 /// ```
941 pub fn new_codec(&self) -> LengthDelimitedCodec {
942 LengthDelimitedCodec {
943 builder: *self,
944 state: DecodeState::Head,
945 }
946 }
948 /// Create a configured length delimited `FramedRead`
949 ///
950 /// # Examples
951 ///
952 /// ```
953 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
954 /// use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
955 ///
956 /// # fn bind_read<T: AsyncRead>(io: T) {
957 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
958 /// .length_field_offset(0)
959 /// .length_field_type::<u16>()
960 /// .length_adjustment(0)
961 /// .num_skip(0)
962 /// .new_read(io);
963 /// # }
964 /// # pub fn main() {}
965 /// ```
966 pub fn new_read<T>(&self, upstream: T) -> FramedRead<T, LengthDelimitedCodec>
967 where
968 T: AsyncRead,
969 {
970 FramedRead::new(upstream, self.new_codec())
971 }
973 /// Create a configured length delimited `FramedWrite`
974 ///
975 /// # Examples
976 ///
977 /// ```
978 /// # use tokio::io::AsyncWrite;
979 /// # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
980 /// # fn write_frame<T: AsyncWrite>(io: T) {
981 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
982 /// .length_field_type::<u16>()
983 /// .new_write(io);
984 /// # }
985 /// # pub fn main() {}
986 /// ```
987 pub fn new_write<T>(&self, inner: T) -> FramedWrite<T, LengthDelimitedCodec>
988 where
989 T: AsyncWrite,
990 {
991 FramedWrite::new(inner, self.new_codec())
992 }
994 /// Create a configured length delimited `Framed`
995 ///
996 /// # Examples
997 ///
998 /// ```
999 /// # use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
1000 /// # use tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec;
1001 /// # fn write_frame<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite>(io: T) {
1002 /// # let _ =
1003 /// LengthDelimitedCodec::builder()
1004 /// .length_field_type::<u16>()
1005 /// .new_framed(io);
1006 /// # }
1007 /// # pub fn main() {}
1008 /// ```
1009 pub fn new_framed<T>(&self, inner: T) -> Framed<T, LengthDelimitedCodec>
1010 where
1011 T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
1012 {
1013 Framed::new(inner, self.new_codec())
1014 }
1016 fn num_head_bytes(&self) -> usize {
1017 let num = self.length_field_offset + self.length_field_len;
1018 cmp::max(num, self.num_skip.unwrap_or(0))
1019 }
1021 fn get_num_skip(&self) -> usize {
1022 self.num_skip
1023 .unwrap_or(self.length_field_offset + self.length_field_len)
1024 }
1027impl Default for Builder {
1028 fn default() -> Self {
1029 Self::new()
1030 }
1033// ===== impl LengthDelimitedCodecError =====
1035impl fmt::Debug for LengthDelimitedCodecError {
1036 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1037 f.debug_struct(name:"LengthDelimitedCodecError").finish()
1038 }
1041impl fmt::Display for LengthDelimitedCodecError {
1042 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1043 f.write_str(data:"frame size too big")
1044 }
1047impl StdError for LengthDelimitedCodecError {}