1use sharded_slab::{pool::Ref, Clear, Pool};
2use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
4use super::stack::SpanStack;
5use crate::{
6 filter::{FilterId, FilterMap, FilterState},
7 registry::{
8 extensions::{Extensions, ExtensionsInner, ExtensionsMut},
9 LookupSpan, SpanData,
10 },
11 sync::RwLock,
13use std::{
14 cell::{self, Cell, RefCell},
15 sync::atomic::{fence, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
17use tracing_core::{
18 dispatcher::{self, Dispatch},
19 span::{self, Current, Id},
20 Event, Interest, Metadata, Subscriber,
23/// A shared, reusable store for spans.
25/// A `Registry` is a [`Subscriber`] around which multiple [`Layer`]s
26/// implementing various behaviors may be [added]. Unlike other types
27/// implementing `Subscriber`, `Registry` does not actually record traces itself:
28/// instead, it collects and stores span data that is exposed to any [`Layer`]s
29/// wrapping it through implementations of the [`LookupSpan`] trait.
30/// The `Registry` is responsible for storing span metadata, recording
31/// relationships between spans, and tracking which spans are active and which
32/// are closed. In addition, it provides a mechanism for [`Layer`]s to store
33/// user-defined per-span data, called [extensions], in the registry. This
34/// allows [`Layer`]-specific data to benefit from the `Registry`'s
35/// high-performance concurrent storage.
37/// This registry is implemented using a [lock-free sharded slab][slab], and is
38/// highly optimized for concurrent access.
40/// # Span ID Generation
42/// Span IDs are not globally unique, but the registry ensures that
43/// no two currently active spans have the same ID within a process.
45/// One of the primary responsibilities of the registry is to generate [span
46/// IDs]. Therefore, it's important for other code that interacts with the
47/// registry, such as [`Layer`]s, to understand the guarantees of the
48/// span IDs that are generated.
50/// The registry's span IDs are guaranteed to be unique **at a given point
51/// in time**. This means that an active span will never be assigned the
52/// same ID as another **currently active** span. However, the registry
53/// **will** eventually reuse the IDs of [closed] spans, although an ID
54/// will never be reassigned immediately after a span has closed.
56/// Spans are not [considered closed] by the `Registry` until *every*
57/// [`Span`] reference with that ID has been dropped.
59/// Thus: span IDs generated by the registry should be considered unique
60/// only at a given point in time, and only relative to other spans
61/// generated by the same process. Two spans with the same ID will not exist
62/// in the same process concurrently. However, if historical span data is
63/// being stored, the same ID may occur for multiple spans times in that
64/// data. If spans must be uniquely identified in historical data, the user
65/// code storing this data must assign its own unique identifiers to those
66/// spans. A counter is generally sufficient for this.
68/// Similarly, span IDs generated by the registry are not unique outside of
69/// a given process. Distributed tracing systems may require identifiers
70/// that are unique across multiple processes on multiple machines (for
71/// example, [OpenTelemetry's `SpanId`s and `TraceId`s][ot]). `tracing` span
72/// IDs generated by the registry should **not** be used for this purpose.
73/// Instead, code which integrates with a distributed tracing system should
74/// generate and propagate its own IDs according to the rules specified by
75/// the distributed tracing system. These IDs can be associated with
76/// `tracing` spans using [fields] and/or [stored span data].
78/// [span IDs]: tracing_core::span::Id
79/// [slab]: sharded_slab
80/// [`Layer`]: crate::Layer
81/// [added]: crate::layer::Layer#composing-layers
82/// [extensions]: super::Extensions
83/// [closed]: https://docs.rs/tracing/latest/tracing/span/index.html#closing-spans
84/// [considered closed]: tracing_core::subscriber::Subscriber::try_close()
85/// [`Span`]: https://docs.rs/tracing/latest/tracing/span/struct.Span.html
86/// [ot]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#spancontext
87/// [fields]: tracing_core::field
88/// [stored span data]: crate::registry::SpanData::extensions_mut
89#[cfg(feature = "registry")]
90#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))))]
92pub struct Registry {
93 spans: Pool<DataInner>,
94 current_spans: ThreadLocal<RefCell<SpanStack>>,
95 next_filter_id: u8,
98/// Span data stored in a [`Registry`].
100/// The registry stores well-known data defined by tracing: span relationships,
101/// metadata and reference counts. Additional user-defined data provided by
102/// [`Layer`s], such as formatted fields, metrics, or distributed traces should
103/// be stored in the [extensions] typemap.
105/// [`Layer`s]: crate::layer::Layer
106/// [extensions]: Extensions
107#[cfg(feature = "registry")]
108#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))))]
110pub struct Data<'a> {
111 /// Immutable reference to the pooled `DataInner` entry.
112 inner: Ref<'a, DataInner>,
115/// Stored data associated with a span.
117/// This type is pooled using [`sharded_slab::Pool`]; when a span is
118/// dropped, the `DataInner` entry at that span's slab index is cleared
119/// in place and reused by a future span. Thus, the `Default` and
120/// [`sharded_slab::Clear`] implementations for this type are
121/// load-bearing.
123struct DataInner {
124 filter_map: FilterMap,
125 metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>,
126 parent: Option<Id>,
127 ref_count: AtomicUsize,
128 // The span's `Extensions` typemap. Allocations for the `HashMap` backing
129 // this are pooled and reused in place.
130 pub(crate) extensions: RwLock<ExtensionsInner>,
133// === impl Registry ===
135impl Default for Registry {
136 fn default() -> Self {
137 Self {
138 spans: Pool::new(),
139 current_spans: ThreadLocal::new(),
140 next_filter_id: 0,
141 }
142 }
146fn idx_to_id(idx: usize) -> Id {
147 Id::from_u64(idx as u64 + 1)
151fn id_to_idx(id: &Id) -> usize {
152 id.into_u64() as usize - 1
155/// A guard that tracks how many [`Registry`]-backed `Layer`s have
156/// processed an `on_close` event.
158/// This is needed to enable a [`Registry`]-backed Layer to access span
159/// data after the `Layer` has recieved the `on_close` callback.
161/// Once all `Layer`s have processed this event, the [`Registry`] knows
162/// that is able to safely remove the span tracked by `id`. `CloseGuard`
163/// accomplishes this through a two-step process:
164/// 1. Whenever a [`Registry`]-backed `Layer::on_close` method is
165/// called, `Registry::start_close` is closed.
166/// `Registry::start_close` increments a thread-local `CLOSE_COUNT`
167/// by 1 and returns a `CloseGuard`.
168/// 2. The `CloseGuard` is dropped at the end of `Layer::on_close`. On
169/// drop, `CloseGuard` checks thread-local `CLOSE_COUNT`. If
170/// `CLOSE_COUNT` is 0, the `CloseGuard` removes the span with the
171/// `id` from the registry, as all `Layers` that might have seen the
172/// `on_close` notification have processed it. If `CLOSE_COUNT` is
173/// greater than 0, `CloseGuard` decrements the counter by one and
174/// _does not_ remove the span from the [`Registry`].
176pub(crate) struct CloseGuard<'a> {
177 id: Id,
178 registry: &'a Registry,
179 is_closing: bool,
182impl Registry {
183 fn get(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<Ref<'_, DataInner>> {
184 self.spans.get(id_to_idx(id))
185 }
187 /// Returns a guard which tracks how many `Layer`s have
188 /// processed an `on_close` notification via the `CLOSE_COUNT` thread-local.
189 /// For additional details, see [`CloseGuard`].
190 ///
191 pub(crate) fn start_close(&self, id: Id) -> CloseGuard<'_> {
192 CLOSE_COUNT.with(|count| {
193 let c = count.get();
194 count.set(c + 1);
195 });
196 CloseGuard {
197 id,
198 registry: self,
199 is_closing: false,
200 }
201 }
203 pub(crate) fn has_per_layer_filters(&self) -> bool {
204 self.next_filter_id > 0
205 }
207 pub(crate) fn span_stack(&self) -> cell::Ref<'_, SpanStack> {
208 self.current_spans.get_or_default().borrow()
209 }
212thread_local! {
213 /// `CLOSE_COUNT` is the thread-local counter used by `CloseGuard` to
214 /// track how many layers have processed the close.
215 /// For additional details, see [`CloseGuard`].
216 ///
217 static CLOSE_COUNT: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(0);
220impl Subscriber for Registry {
221 fn register_callsite(&self, _: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
222 if self.has_per_layer_filters() {
223 return FilterState::take_interest().unwrap_or_else(Interest::always);
224 }
226 Interest::always()
227 }
229 fn enabled(&self, _: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
230 if self.has_per_layer_filters() {
231 return FilterState::event_enabled();
232 }
233 true
234 }
236 #[inline]
237 fn new_span(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
238 let parent = if attrs.is_root() {
239 None
240 } else if attrs.is_contextual() {
241 self.current_span().id().map(|id| self.clone_span(id))
242 } else {
243 attrs.parent().map(|id| self.clone_span(id))
244 };
246 let id = self
247 .spans
248 // Check out a `DataInner` entry from the pool for the new span. If
249 // there are free entries already allocated in the pool, this will
250 // preferentially reuse one; otherwise, a new `DataInner` is
251 // allocated and added to the pool.
252 .create_with(|data| {
253 data.metadata = attrs.metadata();
254 data.parent = parent;
255 data.filter_map = crate::filter::FILTERING.with(|filtering| filtering.filter_map());
256 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
257 {
258 if data.filter_map != FilterMap::default() {
259 debug_assert!(self.has_per_layer_filters());
260 }
261 }
263 let refs = data.ref_count.get_mut();
264 debug_assert_eq!(*refs, 0);
265 *refs = 1;
266 })
267 .expect("Unable to allocate another span");
268 idx_to_id(id)
269 }
271 /// This is intentionally not implemented, as recording fields
272 /// on a span is the responsibility of layers atop of this registry.
273 #[inline]
274 fn record(&self, _: &span::Id, _: &span::Record<'_>) {}
276 fn record_follows_from(&self, _span: &span::Id, _follows: &span::Id) {}
278 fn event_enabled(&self, _event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
279 if self.has_per_layer_filters() {
280 return FilterState::event_enabled();
281 }
282 true
283 }
285 /// This is intentionally not implemented, as recording events
286 /// is the responsibility of layers atop of this registry.
287 fn event(&self, _: &Event<'_>) {}
289 fn enter(&self, id: &span::Id) {
290 if self
291 .current_spans
292 .get_or_default()
293 .borrow_mut()
294 .push(id.clone())
295 {
296 self.clone_span(id);
297 }
298 }
300 fn exit(&self, id: &span::Id) {
301 if let Some(spans) = self.current_spans.get() {
302 if spans.borrow_mut().pop(id) {
303 dispatcher::get_default(|dispatch| dispatch.try_close(id.clone()));
304 }
305 }
306 }
308 fn clone_span(&self, id: &span::Id) -> span::Id {
309 let span = self
310 .get(id)
311 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!(
312 "tried to clone {:?}, but no span exists with that ID\n\
313 This may be caused by consuming a parent span (`parent: span`) rather than borrowing it (`parent: &span`).",
314 id,
315 ));
316 // Like `std::sync::Arc`, adds to the ref count (on clone) don't require
317 // a strong ordering; if we call` clone_span`, the reference count must
318 // always at least 1. The only synchronization necessary is between
319 // calls to `try_close`: we have to ensure that all threads have
320 // dropped their refs to the span before the span is closed.
321 let refs = span.ref_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
322 assert_ne!(
323 refs, 0,
324 "tried to clone a span ({:?}) that already closed",
325 id
326 );
327 id.clone()
328 }
330 fn current_span(&self) -> Current {
331 self.current_spans
332 .get()
333 .and_then(|spans| {
334 let spans = spans.borrow();
335 let id = spans.current()?;
336 let span = self.get(id)?;
337 Some(Current::new(id.clone(), span.metadata))
338 })
339 .unwrap_or_else(Current::none)
340 }
342 /// Decrements the reference count of the span with the given `id`, and
343 /// removes the span if it is zero.
344 ///
345 /// The allocated span slot will be reused when a new span is created.
346 fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool {
347 let span = match self.get(&id) {
348 Some(span) => span,
349 None if std::thread::panicking() => return false,
350 None => panic!("tried to drop a ref to {:?}, but no such span exists!", id),
351 };
353 let refs = span.ref_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release);
354 if !std::thread::panicking() {
355 assert!(refs < std::usize::MAX, "reference count overflow!");
356 }
357 if refs > 1 {
358 return false;
359 }
361 // Synchronize if we are actually removing the span (stolen
362 // from std::Arc); this ensures that all other `try_close` calls on
363 // other threads happen-before we actually remove the span.
364 fence(Ordering::Acquire);
365 true
366 }
369impl<'a> LookupSpan<'a> for Registry {
370 type Data = Data<'a>;
372 fn span_data(&'a self, id: &Id) -> Option<Self::Data> {
373 let inner: Ref<'_, DataInner> = self.get(id)?;
374 Some(Data { inner })
375 }
377 fn register_filter(&mut self) -> FilterId {
378 let id: FilterId = FilterId::new(self.next_filter_id);
379 self.next_filter_id += 1;
380 id
381 }
384// === impl CloseGuard ===
386impl<'a> CloseGuard<'a> {
387 pub(crate) fn set_closing(&mut self) {
388 self.is_closing = true;
389 }
392impl<'a> Drop for CloseGuard<'a> {
393 fn drop(&mut self) {
394 // If this returns with an error, we are already panicking. At
395 // this point, there's nothing we can really do to recover
396 // except by avoiding a double-panic.
397 let _ = CLOSE_COUNT.try_with(|count: &Cell| {
398 let c: usize = count.get();
399 // Decrement the count to indicate that _this_ guard's
400 // `on_close` callback has completed.
401 //
402 // Note that we *must* do this before we actually remove the span
403 // from the registry, since dropping the `DataInner` may trigger a
404 // new close, if this span is the last reference to a parent span.
405 count.set(val:c - 1);
407 // If the current close count is 1, this stack frame is the last
408 // `on_close` call. If the span is closing, it's okay to remove the
409 // span.
410 if c == 1 && self.is_closing {
411 self.registry.spans.clear(key:id_to_idx(&self.id));
412 }
413 });
414 }
417// === impl Data ===
419impl<'a> SpanData<'a> for Data<'a> {
420 fn id(&self) -> Id {
421 idx_to_id(self.inner.key())
422 }
424 fn metadata(&self) -> &'static Metadata<'static> {
425 self.inner.metadata
426 }
428 fn parent(&self) -> Option<&Id> {
429 self.inner.parent.as_ref()
430 }
432 fn extensions(&self) -> Extensions<'_> {
433 Extensions::new(self.inner.extensions.read().expect("Mutex poisoned"))
434 }
436 fn extensions_mut(&self) -> ExtensionsMut<'_> {
437 ExtensionsMut::new(self.inner.extensions.write().expect("Mutex poisoned"))
438 }
440 #[inline]
441 fn is_enabled_for(&self, filter: FilterId) -> bool {
442 self.inner.filter_map.is_enabled(filter)
443 }
446// === impl DataInner ===
448impl Default for DataInner {
449 fn default() -> Self {
450 // Since `DataInner` owns a `&'static Callsite` pointer, we need
451 // something to use as the initial default value for that callsite.
452 // Since we can't access a `DataInner` until it has had actual span data
453 // inserted into it, the null metadata will never actually be accessed.
454 struct NullCallsite;
455 impl tracing_core::callsite::Callsite for NullCallsite {
456 fn set_interest(&self, _: Interest) {
457 unreachable!(
458 "/!\\ Tried to register the null callsite /!\\\n \
459 This should never have happened and is definitely a bug. \
460 A `tracing` bug report would be appreciated."
461 )
462 }
464 fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata<'_> {
465 unreachable!(
466 "/!\\ Tried to access the null callsite's metadata /!\\\n \
467 This should never have happened and is definitely a bug. \
468 A `tracing` bug report would be appreciated."
469 )
470 }
471 }
473 static NULL_CALLSITE: NullCallsite = NullCallsite;
474 static NULL_METADATA: Metadata<'static> = tracing_core::metadata! {
475 name: "",
476 target: "",
477 level: tracing_core::Level::TRACE,
478 fields: &[],
479 callsite: &NULL_CALLSITE,
480 kind: tracing_core::metadata::Kind::SPAN,
481 };
483 Self {
484 filter_map: FilterMap::default(),
485 metadata: &NULL_METADATA,
486 parent: None,
487 ref_count: AtomicUsize::new(0),
488 extensions: RwLock::new(ExtensionsInner::new()),
489 }
490 }
493impl Clear for DataInner {
494 /// Clears the span's data in place, dropping the parent's reference count.
495 fn clear(&mut self) {
496 // A span is not considered closed until all of its children have closed.
497 // Therefore, each span's `DataInner` holds a "reference" to the parent
498 // span, keeping the parent span open until all its children have closed.
499 // When we close a span, we must then decrement the parent's ref count
500 // (potentially, allowing it to close, if this child is the last reference
501 // to that span).
502 // We have to actually unpack the option inside the `get_default`
503 // closure, since it is a `FnMut`, but testing that there _is_ a value
504 // here lets us avoid the thread-local access if we don't need the
505 // dispatcher at all.
506 if self.parent.is_some() {
507 // Note that --- because `Layered::try_close` works by calling
508 // `try_close` on the inner subscriber and using the return value to
509 // determine whether to call the `Layer`'s `on_close` callback ---
510 // we must call `try_close` on the entire subscriber stack, rather
511 // than just on the registry. If the registry called `try_close` on
512 // itself directly, the layers wouldn't see the close notification.
513 let subscriber = dispatcher::get_default(Dispatch::clone);
514 if let Some(parent) = self.parent.take() {
515 let _ = subscriber.try_close(parent);
516 }
517 }
519 // Clear (but do not deallocate!) the pooled `HashMap` for the span's extensions.
520 self.extensions
521 .get_mut()
522 .unwrap_or_else(|l| {
523 // This function can be called in a `Drop` impl, such as while
524 // panicking, so ignore lock poisoning.
525 l.into_inner()
526 })
527 .clear();
529 self.filter_map = FilterMap::default();
530 }
534mod tests {
535 use super::*;
536 use crate::{layer::Context, registry::LookupSpan, Layer};
537 use std::{
538 collections::HashMap,
539 sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak},
540 };
541 use tracing::{self, subscriber::with_default};
542 use tracing_core::{
543 dispatcher,
544 span::{Attributes, Id},
545 Subscriber,
546 };
548 #[derive(Debug)]
549 struct DoesNothing;
550 impl<S: Subscriber> Layer<S> for DoesNothing {}
552 struct AssertionLayer;
553 impl<S> Layer<S> for AssertionLayer
554 where
555 S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
556 {
557 fn on_close(&self, id: Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
558 dbg!(format_args!("closing {:?}", id));
559 assert!(&ctx.span(&id).is_some());
560 }
561 }
563 #[test]
564 fn single_layer_can_access_closed_span() {
565 let subscriber = AssertionLayer.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
567 with_default(subscriber, || {
568 let span = tracing::debug_span!("span");
569 drop(span);
570 });
571 }
573 #[test]
574 fn multiple_layers_can_access_closed_span() {
575 let subscriber = AssertionLayer
576 .and_then(AssertionLayer)
577 .with_subscriber(Registry::default());
579 with_default(subscriber, || {
580 let span = tracing::debug_span!("span");
581 drop(span);
582 });
583 }
585 struct CloseLayer {
586 inner: Arc<Mutex<CloseState>>,
587 }
589 struct CloseHandle {
590 state: Arc<Mutex<CloseState>>,
591 }
593 #[derive(Default)]
594 struct CloseState {
595 open: HashMap<&'static str, Weak<()>>,
596 closed: Vec<(&'static str, Weak<()>)>,
597 }
599 struct SetRemoved(Arc<()>);
601 impl<S> Layer<S> for CloseLayer
602 where
603 S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
604 {
605 fn on_new_span(&self, _: &Attributes<'_>, id: &Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
606 let span = ctx.span(id).expect("Missing span; this is a bug");
607 let mut lock = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
608 let is_removed = Arc::new(());
609 assert!(
610 lock.open
611 .insert(span.name(), Arc::downgrade(&is_removed))
612 .is_none(),
613 "test layer saw multiple spans with the same name, the test is probably messed up"
614 );
615 let mut extensions = span.extensions_mut();
616 extensions.insert(SetRemoved(is_removed));
617 }
619 fn on_close(&self, id: Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
620 let span = if let Some(span) = ctx.span(&id) {
621 span
622 } else {
623 println!(
624 "span {:?} did not exist in `on_close`, are we panicking?",
625 id
626 );
627 return;
628 };
629 let name = span.name();
630 println!("close {} ({:?})", name, id);
631 if let Ok(mut lock) = self.inner.lock() {
632 if let Some(is_removed) = lock.open.remove(name) {
633 assert!(is_removed.upgrade().is_some());
634 lock.closed.push((name, is_removed));
635 }
636 }
637 }
638 }
640 impl CloseLayer {
641 fn new() -> (Self, CloseHandle) {
642 let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CloseState::default()));
643 (
644 Self {
645 inner: state.clone(),
646 },
647 CloseHandle { state },
648 )
649 }
650 }
652 impl CloseState {
653 fn is_open(&self, span: &str) -> bool {
654 self.open.contains_key(span)
655 }
657 fn is_closed(&self, span: &str) -> bool {
658 self.closed.iter().any(|(name, _)| name == &span)
659 }
660 }
662 impl CloseHandle {
663 fn assert_closed(&self, span: &str) {
664 let lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
665 assert!(
666 lock.is_closed(span),
667 "expected {} to be closed{}",
668 span,
669 if lock.is_open(span) {
670 " (it was still open)"
671 } else {
672 ", but it never existed (is there a problem with the test?)"
673 }
674 )
675 }
677 fn assert_open(&self, span: &str) {
678 let lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
679 assert!(
680 lock.is_open(span),
681 "expected {} to be open{}",
682 span,
683 if lock.is_closed(span) {
684 " (it was still open)"
685 } else {
686 ", but it never existed (is there a problem with the test?)"
687 }
688 )
689 }
691 fn assert_removed(&self, span: &str) {
692 let lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
693 let is_removed = match lock.closed.iter().find(|(name, _)| name == &span) {
694 Some((_, is_removed)) => is_removed,
695 None => panic!(
696 "expected {} to be removed from the registry, but it was not closed {}",
697 span,
698 if lock.is_closed(span) {
699 " (it was still open)"
700 } else {
701 ", but it never existed (is there a problem with the test?)"
702 }
703 ),
704 };
705 assert!(
706 is_removed.upgrade().is_none(),
707 "expected {} to have been removed from the registry",
708 span
709 )
710 }
712 fn assert_not_removed(&self, span: &str) {
713 let lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
714 let is_removed = match lock.closed.iter().find(|(name, _)| name == &span) {
715 Some((_, is_removed)) => is_removed,
716 None if lock.is_open(span) => return,
717 None => unreachable!(),
718 };
719 assert!(
720 is_removed.upgrade().is_some(),
721 "expected {} to have been removed from the registry",
722 span
723 )
724 }
726 #[allow(unused)] // may want this for future tests
727 fn assert_last_closed(&self, span: Option<&str>) {
728 let lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
729 let last = lock.closed.last().map(|(span, _)| span);
730 assert_eq!(
731 last,
732 span.as_ref(),
733 "expected {:?} to have closed last",
734 span
735 );
736 }
738 fn assert_closed_in_order(&self, order: impl AsRef<[&'static str]>) {
739 let lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
740 let order = order.as_ref();
741 for (i, name) in order.iter().enumerate() {
742 assert_eq!(
743 lock.closed.get(i).map(|(span, _)| span),
744 Some(name),
745 "expected close order: {:?}, actual: {:?}",
746 order,
747 lock.closed.iter().map(|(name, _)| name).collect::<Vec<_>>()
748 );
749 }
750 }
751 }
753 #[test]
754 fn spans_are_removed_from_registry() {
755 let (close_layer, state) = CloseLayer::new();
756 let subscriber = AssertionLayer
757 .and_then(close_layer)
758 .with_subscriber(Registry::default());
760 // Create a `Dispatch` (which is internally reference counted) so that
761 // the subscriber lives to the end of the test. Otherwise, if we just
762 // passed the subscriber itself to `with_default`, we could see the span
763 // be dropped when the subscriber itself is dropped, destroying the
764 // registry.
765 let dispatch = dispatcher::Dispatch::new(subscriber);
767 dispatcher::with_default(&dispatch, || {
768 let span = tracing::debug_span!("span1");
769 drop(span);
770 let span = tracing::info_span!("span2");
771 drop(span);
772 });
774 state.assert_removed("span1");
775 state.assert_removed("span2");
777 // Ensure the registry itself outlives the span.
778 drop(dispatch);
779 }
781 #[test]
782 fn spans_are_only_closed_when_the_last_ref_drops() {
783 let (close_layer, state) = CloseLayer::new();
784 let subscriber = AssertionLayer
785 .and_then(close_layer)
786 .with_subscriber(Registry::default());
788 // Create a `Dispatch` (which is internally reference counted) so that
789 // the subscriber lives to the end of the test. Otherwise, if we just
790 // passed the subscriber itself to `with_default`, we could see the span
791 // be dropped when the subscriber itself is dropped, destroying the
792 // registry.
793 let dispatch = dispatcher::Dispatch::new(subscriber);
795 let span2 = dispatcher::with_default(&dispatch, || {
796 let span = tracing::debug_span!("span1");
797 drop(span);
798 let span2 = tracing::info_span!("span2");
799 let span2_clone = span2.clone();
800 drop(span2);
801 span2_clone
802 });
804 state.assert_removed("span1");
805 state.assert_not_removed("span2");
807 drop(span2);
808 state.assert_removed("span1");
810 // Ensure the registry itself outlives the span.
811 drop(dispatch);
812 }
814 #[test]
815 fn span_enter_guards_are_dropped_out_of_order() {
816 let (close_layer, state) = CloseLayer::new();
817 let subscriber = AssertionLayer
818 .and_then(close_layer)
819 .with_subscriber(Registry::default());
821 // Create a `Dispatch` (which is internally reference counted) so that
822 // the subscriber lives to the end of the test. Otherwise, if we just
823 // passed the subscriber itself to `with_default`, we could see the span
824 // be dropped when the subscriber itself is dropped, destroying the
825 // registry.
826 let dispatch = dispatcher::Dispatch::new(subscriber);
828 dispatcher::with_default(&dispatch, || {
829 let span1 = tracing::debug_span!("span1");
830 let span2 = tracing::info_span!("span2");
832 let enter1 = span1.enter();
833 let enter2 = span2.enter();
835 drop(enter1);
836 drop(span1);
838 state.assert_removed("span1");
839 state.assert_not_removed("span2");
841 drop(enter2);
842 state.assert_not_removed("span2");
844 drop(span2);
845 state.assert_removed("span1");
846 state.assert_removed("span2");
847 });
848 }
850 #[test]
851 fn child_closes_parent() {
852 // This test asserts that if a parent span's handle is dropped before
853 // a child span's handle, the parent will remain open until child
854 // closes, and will then be closed.
856 let (close_layer, state) = CloseLayer::new();
857 let subscriber = close_layer.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
859 let dispatch = dispatcher::Dispatch::new(subscriber);
861 dispatcher::with_default(&dispatch, || {
862 let span1 = tracing::info_span!("parent");
863 let span2 = tracing::info_span!(parent: &span1, "child");
865 state.assert_open("parent");
866 state.assert_open("child");
868 drop(span1);
869 state.assert_open("parent");
870 state.assert_open("child");
872 drop(span2);
873 state.assert_closed("parent");
874 state.assert_closed("child");
875 });
876 }
878 #[test]
879 fn child_closes_grandparent() {
880 // This test asserts that, when a span is kept open by a child which
881 // is *itself* kept open by a child, closing the grandchild will close
882 // both the parent *and* the grandparent.
883 let (close_layer, state) = CloseLayer::new();
884 let subscriber = close_layer.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
886 let dispatch = dispatcher::Dispatch::new(subscriber);
888 dispatcher::with_default(&dispatch, || {
889 let span1 = tracing::info_span!("grandparent");
890 let span2 = tracing::info_span!(parent: &span1, "parent");
891 let span3 = tracing::info_span!(parent: &span2, "child");
893 state.assert_open("grandparent");
894 state.assert_open("parent");
895 state.assert_open("child");
897 drop(span1);
898 drop(span2);
899 state.assert_open("grandparent");
900 state.assert_open("parent");
901 state.assert_open("child");
903 drop(span3);
905 state.assert_closed_in_order(["child", "parent", "grandparent"]);
906 });
907 }