1 | #![no_std ]
2 | #![warn (missing_docs)]
3 | #![allow (clippy::match_like_matches_macro)]
4 | #![allow (clippy::uninlined_format_args)]
5 | #![cfg_attr (feature = "nightly_docs" , feature(doc_cfg))]
6 | #![cfg_attr (feature = "nightly_portable_simd" , feature(portable_simd))]
7 | #![cfg_attr (
8 | all(
9 | feature = "nightly_stdsimd" ,
10 | any(target_arch = "x86_64" , target_arch = "x86" )
11 | ),
12 | feature(stdarch_x86_avx512)
13 | )]
14 |
15 | //! This crate gives small utilities for casting between plain data types.
16 | //!
17 | //! ## Basics
18 | //!
19 | //! Data comes in five basic forms in Rust, so we have five basic casting
20 | //! functions:
21 | //!
22 | //! * `T` uses [`cast`]
23 | //! * `&T` uses [`cast_ref`]
24 | //! * `&mut T` uses [`cast_mut`]
25 | //! * `&[T]` uses [`cast_slice`]
26 | //! * `&mut [T]` uses [`cast_slice_mut`]
27 | //!
28 | //! Depending on the function, the [`NoUninit`] and/or [`AnyBitPattern`] traits
29 | //! are used to maintain memory safety.
30 | //!
31 | //! **Historical Note:** When the crate first started the [`Pod`] trait was used
32 | //! instead, and so you may hear people refer to that, but it has the strongest
33 | //! requirements and people eventually wanted the more fine-grained system, so
34 | //! here we are. All types that impl `Pod` have a blanket impl to also support
35 | //! `NoUninit` and `AnyBitPattern`. The traits unfortunately do not have a
36 | //! perfectly clean hierarchy for semver reasons.
37 | //!
38 | //! ## Failures
39 | //!
40 | //! Some casts will never fail, and other casts might fail.
41 | //!
42 | //! * `cast::<u32, f32>` always works (and [`f32::from_bits`]).
43 | //! * `cast_ref::<[u8; 4], u32>` might fail if the specific array reference
44 | //! given at runtime doesn't have alignment 4.
45 | //!
46 | //! In addition to the "normal" forms of each function, which will panic on
47 | //! invalid input, there's also `try_` versions which will return a `Result`.
48 | //!
49 | //! If you would like to statically ensure that a cast will work at runtime you
50 | //! can use the `must_cast` crate feature and the `must_` casting functions. A
51 | //! "must cast" that can't be statically known to be valid will cause a
52 | //! compilation error (and sometimes a very hard to read compilation error).
53 | //!
54 | //! ## Using Your Own Types
55 | //!
56 | //! All the functions listed above are guarded by the [`Pod`] trait, which is a
57 | //! sub-trait of the [`Zeroable`] trait.
58 | //!
59 | //! If you enable the crate's `derive` feature then these traits can be derived
60 | //! on your own types. The derive macros will perform the necessary checks on
61 | //! your type declaration, and trigger an error if your type does not qualify.
62 | //!
63 | //! The derive macros might not cover all edge cases, and sometimes they will
64 | //! error when actually everything is fine. As a last resort you can impl these
65 | //! traits manually. However, these traits are `unsafe`, and you should
66 | //! carefully read the requirements before using a manual implementation.
67 | //!
68 | //! ## Cargo Features
69 | //!
70 | //! The crate supports Rust 1.34 when no features are enabled, and so there's
71 | //! cargo features for thing that you might consider "obvious".
72 | //!
73 | //! The cargo features **do not** promise any particular MSRV, and they may
74 | //! increase their MSRV in new versions.
75 | //!
76 | //! * `derive`: Provide derive macros for the various traits.
77 | //! * `extern_crate_alloc`: Provide utilities for `alloc` related types such as
78 | //! Box and Vec.
79 | //! * `zeroable_maybe_uninit` and `zeroable_atomics`: Provide more [`Zeroable`]
80 | //! impls.
81 | //! * `wasm_simd` and `aarch64_simd`: Support more SIMD types.
82 | //! * `min_const_generics`: Provides appropriate impls for arrays of all lengths
83 | //! instead of just for a select list of array lengths.
84 | //! * `must_cast`: Provides the `must_` functions, which will compile error if
85 | //! the requested cast can't be statically verified.
86 |
87 | #[cfg (all(target_arch = "aarch64" , feature = "aarch64_simd" ))]
88 | use core::arch::aarch64;
89 | #[cfg (all(target_arch = "wasm32" , feature = "wasm_simd" ))]
90 | use core::arch::wasm32;
91 | #[cfg (target_arch = "x86" )]
92 | use core::arch::x86;
93 | #[cfg (target_arch = "x86_64" )]
94 | use core::arch::x86_64;
95 | //
96 | use core::{marker::*, mem::*, num::*, ptr::*};
97 |
98 | // Used from macros to ensure we aren't using some locally defined name and
99 | // actually are referencing libcore. This also would allow pre-2018 edition
100 | // crates to use our macros, but I'm not sure how important that is.
101 | #[doc (hidden)]
102 | pub use ::core as __core;
103 |
104 | #[cfg (not(feature = "min_const_generics" ))]
105 | macro_rules! impl_unsafe_marker_for_array {
106 | ( $marker:ident , $( $n:expr ),* ) => {
107 | $(unsafe impl<T> $marker for [T; $n] where T: $marker {})*
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | /// A macro to transmute between two types without requiring knowing size
112 | /// statically.
113 | macro_rules! transmute {
114 | ($val:expr) => {
115 | ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&::core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new($val))
116 | };
117 | }
118 |
119 | /// A macro to implement marker traits for various simd types.
120 | /// #[allow(unused)] because the impls are only compiled on relevant platforms
121 | /// with relevant cargo features enabled.
122 | #[allow (unused)]
123 | macro_rules! impl_unsafe_marker_for_simd {
124 | ($(#[cfg($cfg_predicate:meta)])? unsafe impl $trait:ident for $platform:ident :: {}) => {};
125 | ($(#[cfg($cfg_predicate:meta)])? unsafe impl $trait:ident for $platform:ident :: { $first_type:ident $(, $types:ident)* $(,)? }) => {
126 | $( #[cfg($cfg_predicate)] )?
127 | $( #[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_docs" , doc(cfg($cfg_predicate)))] )?
128 | unsafe impl $trait for $platform::$first_type {}
129 | $( #[cfg($cfg_predicate)] )? // To prevent recursion errors if nothing is going to be expanded anyway.
130 | impl_unsafe_marker_for_simd!($( #[cfg($cfg_predicate)] )? unsafe impl $trait for $platform::{ $( $types ),* });
131 | };
132 | }
133 |
134 | #[cfg (feature = "extern_crate_std" )]
135 | extern crate std;
136 |
137 | #[cfg (feature = "extern_crate_alloc" )]
138 | extern crate alloc;
139 | #[cfg (feature = "extern_crate_alloc" )]
140 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "nightly_docs" , doc(cfg(feature = "extern_crate_alloc" )))]
141 | pub mod allocation;
142 | #[cfg (feature = "extern_crate_alloc" )]
143 | pub use allocation::*;
144 |
145 | mod anybitpattern;
146 | pub use anybitpattern::*;
147 |
148 | pub mod checked;
149 | pub use checked::CheckedBitPattern;
150 |
151 | mod internal;
152 |
153 | mod zeroable;
154 | pub use zeroable::*;
155 | mod zeroable_in_option;
156 | pub use zeroable_in_option::*;
157 |
158 | mod pod;
159 | pub use pod::*;
160 | mod pod_in_option;
161 | pub use pod_in_option::*;
162 |
163 | #[cfg (feature = "must_cast" )]
164 | mod must;
165 | #[cfg (feature = "must_cast" )]
166 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "nightly_docs" , doc(cfg(feature = "must_cast" )))]
167 | pub use must::*;
168 |
169 | mod no_uninit;
170 | pub use no_uninit::*;
171 |
172 | mod contiguous;
173 | pub use contiguous::*;
174 |
175 | mod offset_of;
176 | // ^ no import, the module only has a macro_rules, which are cursed and don't
177 | // follow normal import/export rules.
178 |
179 | mod transparent;
180 | pub use transparent::*;
181 |
182 | #[cfg (feature = "derive" )]
183 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "nightly_docs" , doc(cfg(feature = "derive" )))]
184 | pub use bytemuck_derive::{
185 | AnyBitPattern, ByteEq, ByteHash, CheckedBitPattern, Contiguous, NoUninit,
186 | Pod, TransparentWrapper, Zeroable,
187 | };
188 |
189 | /// The things that can go wrong when casting between [`Pod`] data forms.
190 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
191 | pub enum PodCastError {
192 | /// You tried to cast a slice to an element type with a higher alignment
193 | /// requirement but the slice wasn't aligned.
194 | TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned,
195 | /// If the element size changes then the output slice changes length
196 | /// accordingly. If the output slice wouldn't be a whole number of elements
197 | /// then the conversion fails.
198 | OutputSliceWouldHaveSlop,
199 | /// When casting a slice you can't convert between ZST elements and non-ZST
200 | /// elements. When casting an individual `T`, `&T`, or `&mut T` value the
201 | /// source size and destination size must be an exact match.
202 | SizeMismatch,
203 | /// For this type of cast the alignments must be exactly the same and they
204 | /// were not so now you're sad.
205 | ///
206 | /// This error is generated **only** by operations that cast allocated types
207 | /// (such as `Box` and `Vec`), because in that case the alignment must stay
208 | /// exact.
209 | AlignmentMismatch,
210 | }
211 | #[cfg (not(target_arch = "spirv" ))]
212 | impl core::fmt::Display for PodCastError {
213 | fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
214 | write!(f, " {:?}" , self)
215 | }
216 | }
217 | #[cfg (feature = "extern_crate_std" )]
218 | #[cfg_attr (feature = "nightly_docs" , doc(cfg(feature = "extern_crate_std" )))]
219 | impl std::error::Error for PodCastError {}
220 |
221 | /// Re-interprets `&T` as `&[u8]`.
222 | ///
223 | /// Any ZST becomes an empty slice, and in that case the pointer value of that
224 | /// empty slice might not match the pointer value of the input reference.
225 | #[inline ]
226 | pub fn bytes_of<T: NoUninit>(t: &T) -> &[u8] {
227 | unsafe { internal::bytes_of(t) }
228 | }
229 |
230 | /// Re-interprets `&mut T` as `&mut [u8]`.
231 | ///
232 | /// Any ZST becomes an empty slice, and in that case the pointer value of that
233 | /// empty slice might not match the pointer value of the input reference.
234 | #[inline ]
235 | pub fn bytes_of_mut<T: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern>(t: &mut T) -> &mut [u8] {
236 | unsafe { internal::bytes_of_mut(t) }
237 | }
238 |
239 | /// Re-interprets `&[u8]` as `&T`.
240 | ///
241 | /// ## Panics
242 | ///
243 | /// This is like [`try_from_bytes`] but will panic on error.
244 | #[inline ]
245 | pub fn from_bytes<T: AnyBitPattern>(s: &[u8]) -> &T {
246 | unsafe { internal::from_bytes(s) }
247 | }
248 |
249 | /// Re-interprets `&mut [u8]` as `&mut T`.
250 | ///
251 | /// ## Panics
252 | ///
253 | /// This is like [`try_from_bytes_mut`] but will panic on error.
254 | #[inline ]
255 | pub fn from_bytes_mut<T: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern>(s: &mut [u8]) -> &mut T {
256 | unsafe { internal::from_bytes_mut(s) }
257 | }
258 |
259 | /// Reads from the bytes as if they were a `T`.
260 | ///
261 | /// Unlike [`from_bytes`], the slice doesn't need to respect alignment of `T`,
262 | /// only sizes must match.
263 | ///
264 | /// ## Failure
265 | /// * If the `bytes` length is not equal to `size_of::<T>()`.
266 | #[inline ]
267 | pub fn try_pod_read_unaligned<T: AnyBitPattern>(
268 | bytes: &[u8],
269 | ) -> Result<T, PodCastError> {
270 | unsafe { internal::try_pod_read_unaligned(bytes) }
271 | }
272 |
273 | /// Reads the slice into a `T` value.
274 | ///
275 | /// Unlike [`from_bytes`], the slice doesn't need to respect alignment of `T`,
276 | /// only sizes must match.
277 | ///
278 | /// ## Panics
279 | /// * This is like `try_pod_read_unaligned` but will panic on failure.
280 | #[inline ]
281 | pub fn pod_read_unaligned<T: AnyBitPattern>(bytes: &[u8]) -> T {
282 | unsafe { internal::pod_read_unaligned(bytes) }
283 | }
284 |
285 | /// Re-interprets `&[u8]` as `&T`.
286 | ///
287 | /// ## Failure
288 | ///
289 | /// * If the slice isn't aligned for the new type
290 | /// * If the slice's length isn’t exactly the size of the new type
291 | #[inline ]
292 | pub fn try_from_bytes<T: AnyBitPattern>(s: &[u8]) -> Result<&T, PodCastError> {
293 | unsafe { internal::try_from_bytes(s) }
294 | }
295 |
296 | /// Re-interprets `&mut [u8]` as `&mut T`.
297 | ///
298 | /// ## Failure
299 | ///
300 | /// * If the slice isn't aligned for the new type
301 | /// * If the slice's length isn’t exactly the size of the new type
302 | #[inline ]
303 | pub fn try_from_bytes_mut<T: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern>(
304 | s: &mut [u8],
305 | ) -> Result<&mut T, PodCastError> {
306 | unsafe { internal::try_from_bytes_mut(s) }
307 | }
308 |
309 | /// Cast `T` into `U`
310 | ///
311 | /// ## Panics
312 | ///
313 | /// * This is like [`try_cast`], but will panic on a size mismatch.
314 | #[inline ]
315 | pub fn cast<A: NoUninit, B: AnyBitPattern>(a: A) -> B {
316 | unsafe { internal::cast(a) }
317 | }
318 |
319 | /// Cast `&mut T` into `&mut U`.
320 | ///
321 | /// ## Panics
322 | ///
323 | /// This is [`try_cast_mut`] but will panic on error.
324 | #[inline ]
325 | pub fn cast_mut<A: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern, B: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern>(
326 | a: &mut A,
327 | ) -> &mut B {
328 | unsafe { internal::cast_mut(a) }
329 | }
330 |
331 | /// Cast `&T` into `&U`.
332 | ///
333 | /// ## Panics
334 | ///
335 | /// This is [`try_cast_ref`] but will panic on error.
336 | #[inline ]
337 | pub fn cast_ref<A: NoUninit, B: AnyBitPattern>(a: &A) -> &B {
338 | unsafe { internal::cast_ref(a) }
339 | }
340 |
341 | /// Cast `&[A]` into `&[B]`.
342 | ///
343 | /// ## Panics
344 | ///
345 | /// This is [`try_cast_slice`] but will panic on error.
346 | #[inline ]
347 | pub fn cast_slice<A: NoUninit, B: AnyBitPattern>(a: &[A]) -> &[B] {
348 | unsafe { internal::cast_slice(a) }
349 | }
350 |
351 | /// Cast `&mut [T]` into `&mut [U]`.
352 | ///
353 | /// ## Panics
354 | ///
355 | /// This is [`try_cast_slice_mut`] but will panic on error.
356 | #[inline ]
357 | pub fn cast_slice_mut<
358 | A: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
359 | B: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
360 | >(
361 | a: &mut [A],
362 | ) -> &mut [B] {
363 | unsafe { internal::cast_slice_mut(a) }
364 | }
365 |
366 | /// As [`align_to`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.slice.html#method.align_to),
367 | /// but safe because of the [`Pod`] bound.
368 | #[inline ]
369 | pub fn pod_align_to<T: NoUninit, U: AnyBitPattern>(
370 | vals: &[T],
371 | ) -> (&[T], &[U], &[T]) {
372 | unsafe { vals.align_to::<U>() }
373 | }
374 |
375 | /// As [`align_to_mut`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.slice.html#method.align_to_mut),
376 | /// but safe because of the [`Pod`] bound.
377 | #[inline ]
378 | pub fn pod_align_to_mut<
379 | T: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
380 | U: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
381 | >(
382 | vals: &mut [T],
383 | ) -> (&mut [T], &mut [U], &mut [T]) {
384 | unsafe { vals.align_to_mut::<U>() }
385 | }
386 |
387 | /// Try to cast `T` into `U`.
388 | ///
389 | /// Note that for this particular type of cast, alignment isn't a factor. The
390 | /// input value is semantically copied into the function and then returned to a
391 | /// new memory location which will have whatever the required alignment of the
392 | /// output type is.
393 | ///
394 | /// ## Failure
395 | ///
396 | /// * If the types don't have the same size this fails.
397 | #[inline ]
398 | pub fn try_cast<A: NoUninit, B: AnyBitPattern>(
399 | a: A,
400 | ) -> Result<B, PodCastError> {
401 | unsafe { internal::try_cast(a) }
402 | }
403 |
404 | /// Try to convert a `&T` into `&U`.
405 | ///
406 | /// ## Failure
407 | ///
408 | /// * If the reference isn't aligned in the new type
409 | /// * If the source type and target type aren't the same size.
410 | #[inline ]
411 | pub fn try_cast_ref<A: NoUninit, B: AnyBitPattern>(
412 | a: &A,
413 | ) -> Result<&B, PodCastError> {
414 | unsafe { internal::try_cast_ref(a) }
415 | }
416 |
417 | /// Try to convert a `&mut T` into `&mut U`.
418 | ///
419 | /// As [`try_cast_ref`], but `mut`.
420 | #[inline ]
421 | pub fn try_cast_mut<
422 | A: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
423 | B: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
424 | >(
425 | a: &mut A,
426 | ) -> Result<&mut B, PodCastError> {
427 | unsafe { internal::try_cast_mut(a) }
428 | }
429 |
430 | /// Try to convert `&[A]` into `&[B]` (possibly with a change in length).
431 | ///
432 | /// * `input.as_ptr() as usize == output.as_ptr() as usize`
433 | /// * `input.len() * size_of::<A>() == output.len() * size_of::<B>()`
434 | ///
435 | /// ## Failure
436 | ///
437 | /// * If the target type has a greater alignment requirement and the input slice
438 | /// isn't aligned.
439 | /// * If the target element type is a different size from the current element
440 | /// type, and the output slice wouldn't be a whole number of elements when
441 | /// accounting for the size change (eg: 3 `u16` values is 1.5 `u32` values, so
442 | /// that's a failure).
443 | /// * Similarly, you can't convert between a [ZST](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/exotic-sizes.html#zero-sized-types-zsts)
444 | /// and a non-ZST.
445 | #[inline ]
446 | pub fn try_cast_slice<A: NoUninit, B: AnyBitPattern>(
447 | a: &[A],
448 | ) -> Result<&[B], PodCastError> {
449 | unsafe { internal::try_cast_slice(a) }
450 | }
451 |
452 | /// Try to convert `&mut [A]` into `&mut [B]` (possibly with a change in
453 | /// length).
454 | ///
455 | /// As [`try_cast_slice`], but `&mut`.
456 | #[inline ]
457 | pub fn try_cast_slice_mut<
458 | A: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
459 | B: NoUninit + AnyBitPattern,
460 | >(
461 | a: &mut [A],
462 | ) -> Result<&mut [B], PodCastError> {
463 | unsafe { internal::try_cast_slice_mut(a) }
464 | }
465 |
466 | /// Fill all bytes of `target` with zeroes (see [`Zeroable`]).
467 | ///
468 | /// This is similar to `*target = Zeroable::zeroed()`, but guarantees that any
469 | /// padding bytes in `target` are zeroed as well.
470 | ///
471 | /// See also [`fill_zeroes`], if you have a slice rather than a single value.
472 | #[inline ]
473 | pub fn write_zeroes<T: Zeroable>(target: &mut T) {
474 | struct EnsureZeroWrite<T>(*mut T);
475 | impl<T> Drop for EnsureZeroWrite<T> {
476 | #[inline (always)]
477 | fn drop(&mut self) {
478 | unsafe {
479 | core::ptr::write_bytes(self.0, val:0u8, count:1);
480 | }
481 | }
482 | }
483 | unsafe {
484 | let guard: EnsureZeroWrite = EnsureZeroWrite(target);
485 | core::ptr::drop_in_place(to_drop:guard.0);
486 | drop(guard);
487 | }
488 | }
489 |
490 | /// Fill all bytes of `slice` with zeroes (see [`Zeroable`]).
491 | ///
492 | /// This is similar to `slice.fill(Zeroable::zeroed())`, but guarantees that any
493 | /// padding bytes in `slice` are zeroed as well.
494 | ///
495 | /// See also [`write_zeroes`], which zeroes all bytes of a single value rather
496 | /// than a slice.
497 | #[inline ]
498 | pub fn fill_zeroes<T: Zeroable>(slice: &mut [T]) {
499 | if core::mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
500 | // If `T` needs to be dropped then we have to do this one item at a time, in
501 | // case one of the intermediate drops does a panic.
502 | slice.iter_mut().for_each(write_zeroes);
503 | } else {
504 | // Otherwise we can be really fast and just fill everthing with zeros.
505 | let len: usize = core::mem::size_of_val::<[T]>(slice);
506 | unsafe { core::ptr::write_bytes(dst:slice.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, val:0u8, count:len) }
507 | }
508 | }
509 | |