1use crate::simd::{
2 cmp::SimdPartialOrd,
3 intrinsics,
4 ptr::{SimdConstPtr, SimdMutPtr},
5 LaneCount, Mask, MaskElement, SupportedLaneCount, Swizzle,
7use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
9/// A SIMD vector with the shape of `[T; N]` but the operations of `T`.
11/// `Simd<T, N>` supports the operators (+, *, etc.) that `T` does in "elementwise" fashion.
12/// These take the element at each index from the left-hand side and right-hand side,
13/// perform the operation, then return the result in the same index in a vector of equal size.
14/// However, `Simd` differs from normal iteration and normal arrays:
15/// - `Simd<T, N>` executes `N` operations in a single step with no `break`s
16/// - `Simd<T, N>` can have an alignment greater than `T`, for better mechanical sympathy
18/// By always imposing these constraints on `Simd`, it is easier to compile elementwise operations
19/// into machine instructions that can themselves be executed in parallel.
21/// ```rust
22/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
23/// # use core::simd::{Simd};
24/// # use core::array;
25/// let a: [i32; 4] = [-2, 0, 2, 4];
26/// let b = [10, 9, 8, 7];
27/// let sum = array::from_fn(|i| a[i] + b[i]);
28/// let prod = array::from_fn(|i| a[i] * b[i]);
30/// // `Simd<T, N>` implements `From<[T; N]>`
31/// let (v, w) = (Simd::from(a), Simd::from(b));
32/// // Which means arrays implement `Into<Simd<T, N>>`.
33/// assert_eq!(v + w, sum.into());
34/// assert_eq!(v * w, prod.into());
35/// ```
38/// `Simd` with integer elements treats operators as wrapping, as if `T` was [`Wrapping<T>`].
39/// Thus, `Simd` does not implement `wrapping_add`, because that is the default behavior.
40/// This means there is no warning on overflows, even in "debug" builds.
41/// For most applications where `Simd` is appropriate, it is "not a bug" to wrap,
42/// and even "debug builds" are unlikely to tolerate the loss of performance.
43/// You may want to consider using explicitly checked arithmetic if such is required.
44/// Division by zero on integers still causes a panic, so
45/// you may want to consider using `f32` or `f64` if that is unacceptable.
47/// [`Wrapping<T>`]: core::num::Wrapping
49/// # Layout
50/// `Simd<T, N>` has a layout similar to `[T; N]` (identical "shapes"), with a greater alignment.
51/// `[T; N]` is aligned to `T`, but `Simd<T, N>` will have an alignment based on both `T` and `N`.
52/// Thus it is sound to [`transmute`] `Simd<T, N>` to `[T; N]` and should optimize to "zero cost",
53/// but the reverse transmutation may require a copy the compiler cannot simply elide.
55/// # ABI "Features"
56/// Due to Rust's safety guarantees, `Simd<T, N>` is currently passed and returned via memory,
57/// not SIMD registers, except as an optimization. Using `#[inline]` on functions that accept
58/// `Simd<T, N>` or return it is recommended, at the cost of code generation time, as
59/// inlining SIMD-using functions can omit a large function prolog or epilog and thus
60/// improve both speed and code size. The need for this may be corrected in the future.
62/// Using `#[inline(always)]` still requires additional care.
64/// # Safe SIMD with Unsafe Rust
66/// Operations with `Simd` are typically safe, but there are many reasons to want to combine SIMD with `unsafe` code.
67/// Care must be taken to respect differences between `Simd` and other types it may be transformed into or derived from.
68/// In particular, the layout of `Simd<T, N>` may be similar to `[T; N]`, and may allow some transmutations,
69/// but references to `[T; N]` are not interchangeable with those to `Simd<T, N>`.
70/// Thus, when using `unsafe` Rust to read and write `Simd<T, N>` through [raw pointers], it is a good idea to first try with
71/// [`read_unaligned`] and [`write_unaligned`]. This is because:
72/// - [`read`] and [`write`] require full alignment (in this case, `Simd<T, N>`'s alignment)
73/// - `Simd<T, N>` is often read from or written to [`[T]`](slice) and other types aligned to `T`
74/// - combining these actions violates the `unsafe` contract and explodes the program into
75/// a puff of **undefined behavior**
76/// - the compiler can implicitly adjust layouts to make unaligned reads or writes fully aligned
77/// if it sees the optimization
78/// - most contemporary processors with "aligned" and "unaligned" read and write instructions
79/// exhibit no performance difference if the "unaligned" variant is aligned at runtime
81/// Less obligations mean unaligned reads and writes are less likely to make the program unsound,
82/// and may be just as fast as stricter alternatives.
83/// When trying to guarantee alignment, [`[T]::as_simd`][as_simd] is an option for
84/// converting `[T]` to `[Simd<T, N>]`, and allows soundly operating on an aligned SIMD body,
85/// but it may cost more time when handling the scalar head and tail.
86/// If these are not enough, it is most ideal to design data structures to be already aligned
87/// to `mem::align_of::<Simd<T, N>>()` before using `unsafe` Rust to read or write.
88/// Other ways to compensate for these facts, like materializing `Simd` to or from an array first,
89/// are handled by safe methods like [`Simd::from_array`] and [`Simd::from_slice`].
91/// [`transmute`]: core::mem::transmute
92/// [raw pointers]: pointer
93/// [`read_unaligned`]: pointer::read_unaligned
94/// [`write_unaligned`]: pointer::write_unaligned
95/// [`read`]: pointer::read
96/// [`write`]: pointer::write
97/// [as_simd]: slice::as_simd
99// NOTE: Accessing the inner array directly in any way (e.g. by using the `.0` field syntax) or
100// directly constructing an instance of the type (i.e. `let vector = Simd(array)`) should be
101// avoided, as it will likely become illegal on `#[repr(simd)]` structs in the future. It also
102// causes rustc to emit illegal LLVM IR in some cases.
104pub struct Simd<T, const N: usize>([T; N])
106 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
107 T: SimdElement;
109impl<T, const N: usize> Simd<T, N>
111 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
112 T: SimdElement,
114 /// Number of elements in this vector.
115 pub const LEN: usize = N;
117 /// Returns the number of elements in this SIMD vector.
118 ///
119 /// # Examples
120 ///
121 /// ```
122 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
123 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
124 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
125 /// # use simd::u32x4;
126 /// let v = u32x4::splat(0);
127 /// assert_eq!(v.len(), 4);
128 /// ```
129 #[inline]
130 #[allow(clippy::len_without_is_empty)]
131 pub const fn len(&self) -> usize {
132 Self::LEN
133 }
135 /// Constructs a new SIMD vector with all elements set to the given value.
136 ///
137 /// # Examples
138 ///
139 /// ```
140 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
141 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
142 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
143 /// # use simd::u32x4;
144 /// let v = u32x4::splat(8);
145 /// assert_eq!(v.as_array(), &[8, 8, 8, 8]);
146 /// ```
147 #[inline]
148 pub fn splat(value: T) -> Self {
149 // This is preferred over `[value; N]`, since it's explicitly a splat:
150 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/97804
151 struct Splat;
152 impl<const N: usize> Swizzle<N> for Splat {
153 const INDEX: [usize; N] = [0; N];
154 }
155 Splat::swizzle::<T, 1>(Simd::<T, 1>::from([value]))
156 }
158 /// Returns an array reference containing the entire SIMD vector.
159 ///
160 /// # Examples
161 ///
162 /// ```
163 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
164 /// # use core::simd::{Simd, u64x4};
165 /// let v: u64x4 = Simd::from_array([0, 1, 2, 3]);
166 /// assert_eq!(v.as_array(), &[0, 1, 2, 3]);
167 /// ```
168 #[inline]
169 pub const fn as_array(&self) -> &[T; N] {
170 // SAFETY: `Simd<T, N>` is just an overaligned `[T; N]` with
171 // potential padding at the end, so pointer casting to a
172 // `&[T; N]` is safe.
173 //
174 // NOTE: This deliberately doesn't just use `&self.0`, see the comment
175 // on the struct definition for details.
176 unsafe { &*(self as *const Self as *const [T; N]) }
177 }
179 /// Returns a mutable array reference containing the entire SIMD vector.
180 #[inline]
181 pub fn as_mut_array(&mut self) -> &mut [T; N] {
182 // SAFETY: `Simd<T, N>` is just an overaligned `[T; N]` with
183 // potential padding at the end, so pointer casting to a
184 // `&mut [T; N]` is safe.
185 //
186 // NOTE: This deliberately doesn't just use `&mut self.0`, see the comment
187 // on the struct definition for details.
188 unsafe { &mut *(self as *mut Self as *mut [T; N]) }
189 }
191 /// Load a vector from an array of `T`.
192 ///
193 /// This function is necessary since `repr(simd)` has padding for non-power-of-2 vectors (at the time of writing).
194 /// With padding, `read_unaligned` will read past the end of an array of N elements.
195 ///
196 /// # Safety
197 /// Reading `ptr` must be safe, as if by `<*const [T; N]>::read_unaligned`.
198 #[inline]
199 const unsafe fn load(ptr: *const [T; N]) -> Self {
200 // There are potentially simpler ways to write this function, but this should result in
201 // LLVM `load <N x T>`
203 let mut tmp = core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit();
204 // SAFETY: `Simd<T, N>` always contains `N` elements of type `T`. It may have padding
205 // which does not need to be initialized. The safety of reading `ptr` is ensured by the
206 // caller.
207 unsafe {
208 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, tmp.as_mut_ptr().cast(), 1);
209 tmp.assume_init()
210 }
211 }
213 /// Store a vector to an array of `T`.
214 ///
215 /// See `load` as to why this function is necessary.
216 ///
217 /// # Safety
218 /// Writing to `ptr` must be safe, as if by `<*mut [T; N]>::write_unaligned`.
219 #[inline]
220 const unsafe fn store(self, ptr: *mut [T; N]) {
221 // There are potentially simpler ways to write this function, but this should result in
222 // LLVM `store <N x T>`
224 // Creating a temporary helps LLVM turn the memcpy into a store.
225 let tmp = self;
226 // SAFETY: `Simd<T, N>` always contains `N` elements of type `T`. The safety of writing
227 // `ptr` is ensured by the caller.
228 unsafe { core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(tmp.as_array(), ptr, 1) }
229 }
231 /// Converts an array to a SIMD vector.
232 #[inline]
233 pub const fn from_array(array: [T; N]) -> Self {
234 // SAFETY: `&array` is safe to read.
235 //
236 // FIXME: We currently use a pointer load instead of `transmute_copy` because `repr(simd)`
237 // results in padding for non-power-of-2 vectors (so vectors are larger than arrays).
238 //
239 // NOTE: This deliberately doesn't just use `Self(array)`, see the comment
240 // on the struct definition for details.
241 unsafe { Self::load(&array) }
242 }
244 /// Converts a SIMD vector to an array.
245 #[inline]
246 pub const fn to_array(self) -> [T; N] {
247 let mut tmp = core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
248 // SAFETY: writing to `tmp` is safe and initializes it.
249 //
250 // FIXME: We currently use a pointer store instead of `transmute_copy` because `repr(simd)`
251 // results in padding for non-power-of-2 vectors (so vectors are larger than arrays).
252 //
253 // NOTE: This deliberately doesn't just use `self.0`, see the comment
254 // on the struct definition for details.
255 unsafe {
256 self.store(tmp.as_mut_ptr());
257 tmp.assume_init()
258 }
259 }
261 /// Converts a slice to a SIMD vector containing `slice[..N]`.
262 ///
263 /// # Panics
264 ///
265 /// Panics if the slice's length is less than the vector's `Simd::N`.
266 ///
267 /// # Example
268 ///
269 /// ```
270 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
271 /// # use core::simd::u32x4;
272 /// let source = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
273 /// let v = u32x4::from_slice(&source);
274 /// assert_eq!(v.as_array(), &[1, 2, 3, 4]);
275 /// ```
276 #[must_use]
277 #[inline]
278 #[track_caller]
279 pub const fn from_slice(slice: &[T]) -> Self {
280 assert!(
281 slice.len() >= Self::LEN,
282 "slice length must be at least the number of elements"
283 );
284 // SAFETY: We just checked that the slice contains
285 // at least `N` elements.
286 unsafe { Self::load(slice.as_ptr().cast()) }
287 }
289 /// Writes a SIMD vector to the first `N` elements of a slice.
290 ///
291 /// # Panics
292 ///
293 /// Panics if the slice's length is less than the vector's `Simd::N`.
294 ///
295 /// # Example
296 ///
297 /// ```
298 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
299 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
300 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
301 /// # use simd::u32x4;
302 /// let mut dest = vec![0; 6];
303 /// let v = u32x4::from_array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
304 /// v.copy_to_slice(&mut dest);
305 /// assert_eq!(&dest, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0]);
306 /// ```
307 #[inline]
308 #[track_caller]
309 pub fn copy_to_slice(self, slice: &mut [T]) {
310 assert!(
311 slice.len() >= Self::LEN,
312 "slice length must be at least the number of elements"
313 );
314 // SAFETY: We just checked that the slice contains
315 // at least `N` elements.
316 unsafe { self.store(slice.as_mut_ptr().cast()) }
317 }
319 /// Reads from potentially discontiguous indices in `slice` to construct a SIMD vector.
320 /// If an index is out-of-bounds, the element is instead selected from the `or` vector.
321 ///
322 /// # Examples
323 /// ```
324 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
325 /// # use core::simd::Simd;
326 /// let vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
327 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 5]); // Note the index that is out-of-bounds
328 /// let alt = Simd::from_array([-5, -4, -3, -2]);
329 ///
330 /// let result = Simd::gather_or(&vec, idxs, alt);
331 /// assert_eq!(result, Simd::from_array([-5, 13, 10, 15]));
332 /// ```
333 #[must_use]
334 #[inline]
335 pub fn gather_or(slice: &[T], idxs: Simd<usize, N>, or: Self) -> Self {
336 Self::gather_select(slice, Mask::splat(true), idxs, or)
337 }
339 /// Reads from indices in `slice` to construct a SIMD vector.
340 /// If an index is out-of-bounds, the element is set to the default given by `T: Default`.
341 ///
342 /// # Examples
343 /// ```
344 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
345 /// # use core::simd::Simd;
346 /// let vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
347 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 5]); // Note the index that is out-of-bounds
348 ///
349 /// let result = Simd::gather_or_default(&vec, idxs);
350 /// assert_eq!(result, Simd::from_array([0, 13, 10, 15]));
351 /// ```
352 #[must_use]
353 #[inline]
354 pub fn gather_or_default(slice: &[T], idxs: Simd<usize, N>) -> Self
355 where
356 T: Default,
357 {
358 Self::gather_or(slice, idxs, Self::splat(T::default()))
359 }
361 /// Reads from indices in `slice` to construct a SIMD vector.
362 /// The mask `enable`s all `true` indices and disables all `false` indices.
363 /// If an index is disabled or is out-of-bounds, the element is selected from the `or` vector.
364 ///
365 /// # Examples
366 /// ```
367 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
368 /// # use core::simd::{Simd, Mask};
369 /// let vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
370 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 5]); // Includes an out-of-bounds index
371 /// let alt = Simd::from_array([-5, -4, -3, -2]);
372 /// let enable = Mask::from_array([true, true, true, false]); // Includes a masked element
373 ///
374 /// let result = Simd::gather_select(&vec, enable, idxs, alt);
375 /// assert_eq!(result, Simd::from_array([-5, 13, 10, -2]));
376 /// ```
377 #[must_use]
378 #[inline]
379 pub fn gather_select(
380 slice: &[T],
381 enable: Mask<isize, N>,
382 idxs: Simd<usize, N>,
383 or: Self,
384 ) -> Self {
385 let enable: Mask<isize, N> = enable & idxs.simd_lt(Simd::splat(slice.len()));
386 // Safety: We have masked-off out-of-bounds indices.
387 unsafe { Self::gather_select_unchecked(slice, enable, idxs, or) }
388 }
390 /// Reads from indices in `slice` to construct a SIMD vector.
391 /// The mask `enable`s all `true` indices and disables all `false` indices.
392 /// If an index is disabled, the element is selected from the `or` vector.
393 ///
394 /// # Safety
395 ///
396 /// Calling this function with an `enable`d out-of-bounds index is *[undefined behavior]*
397 /// even if the resulting value is not used.
398 ///
399 /// # Examples
400 /// ```
401 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
402 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
403 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
404 /// # use simd::{Simd, cmp::SimdPartialOrd, Mask};
405 /// let vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
406 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 5]); // Includes an out-of-bounds index
407 /// let alt = Simd::from_array([-5, -4, -3, -2]);
408 /// let enable = Mask::from_array([true, true, true, false]); // Includes a masked element
409 /// // If this mask was used to gather, it would be unsound. Let's fix that.
410 /// let enable = enable & idxs.simd_lt(Simd::splat(vec.len()));
411 ///
412 /// // The out-of-bounds index has been masked, so it's safe to gather now.
413 /// let result = unsafe { Simd::gather_select_unchecked(&vec, enable, idxs, alt) };
414 /// assert_eq!(result, Simd::from_array([-5, 13, 10, -2]));
415 /// ```
416 /// [undefined behavior]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/behavior-considered-undefined.html
417 #[must_use]
418 #[inline]
419 #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
420 pub unsafe fn gather_select_unchecked(
421 slice: &[T],
422 enable: Mask<isize, N>,
423 idxs: Simd<usize, N>,
424 or: Self,
425 ) -> Self {
426 let base_ptr = Simd::<*const T, N>::splat(slice.as_ptr());
427 // Ferris forgive me, I have done pointer arithmetic here.
428 let ptrs = base_ptr.wrapping_add(idxs);
429 // Safety: The caller is responsible for determining the indices are okay to read
430 unsafe { Self::gather_select_ptr(ptrs, enable, or) }
431 }
433 /// Read elementwise from pointers into a SIMD vector.
434 ///
435 /// # Safety
436 ///
437 /// Each read must satisfy the same conditions as [`core::ptr::read`].
438 ///
439 /// # Example
440 /// ```
441 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
442 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
443 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
444 /// # use simd::prelude::*;
445 /// let values = [6, 2, 4, 9];
446 /// let offsets = Simd::from_array([1, 0, 0, 3]);
447 /// let source = Simd::splat(values.as_ptr()).wrapping_add(offsets);
448 /// let gathered = unsafe { Simd::gather_ptr(source) };
449 /// assert_eq!(gathered, Simd::from_array([2, 6, 6, 9]));
450 /// ```
451 #[must_use]
452 #[inline]
453 #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
454 pub unsafe fn gather_ptr(source: Simd<*const T, N>) -> Self
455 where
456 T: Default,
457 {
458 // TODO: add an intrinsic that doesn't use a passthru vector, and remove the T: Default bound
459 // Safety: The caller is responsible for upholding all invariants
460 unsafe { Self::gather_select_ptr(source, Mask::splat(true), Self::default()) }
461 }
463 /// Conditionally read elementwise from pointers into a SIMD vector.
464 /// The mask `enable`s all `true` pointers and disables all `false` pointers.
465 /// If a pointer is disabled, the element is selected from the `or` vector,
466 /// and no read is performed.
467 ///
468 /// # Safety
469 ///
470 /// Enabled elements must satisfy the same conditions as [`core::ptr::read`].
471 ///
472 /// # Example
473 /// ```
474 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
475 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
476 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
477 /// # use simd::prelude::*;
478 /// let values = [6, 2, 4, 9];
479 /// let enable = Mask::from_array([true, true, false, true]);
480 /// let offsets = Simd::from_array([1, 0, 0, 3]);
481 /// let source = Simd::splat(values.as_ptr()).wrapping_add(offsets);
482 /// let gathered = unsafe { Simd::gather_select_ptr(source, enable, Simd::splat(0)) };
483 /// assert_eq!(gathered, Simd::from_array([2, 6, 0, 9]));
484 /// ```
485 #[must_use]
486 #[inline]
487 #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
488 pub unsafe fn gather_select_ptr(
489 source: Simd<*const T, N>,
490 enable: Mask<isize, N>,
491 or: Self,
492 ) -> Self {
493 // Safety: The caller is responsible for upholding all invariants
494 unsafe { intrinsics::simd_gather(or, source, enable.to_int()) }
495 }
497 /// Writes the values in a SIMD vector to potentially discontiguous indices in `slice`.
498 /// If an index is out-of-bounds, the write is suppressed without panicking.
499 /// If two elements in the scattered vector would write to the same index
500 /// only the last element is guaranteed to actually be written.
501 ///
502 /// # Examples
503 /// ```
504 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
505 /// # use core::simd::Simd;
506 /// let mut vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
507 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 0]); // Note the duplicate index.
508 /// let vals = Simd::from_array([-27, 82, -41, 124]);
509 ///
510 /// vals.scatter(&mut vec, idxs); // two logical writes means the last wins.
511 /// assert_eq!(vec, vec![124, 11, 12, 82, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]);
512 /// ```
513 #[inline]
514 pub fn scatter(self, slice: &mut [T], idxs: Simd<usize, N>) {
515 self.scatter_select(slice, Mask::splat(true), idxs)
516 }
518 /// Writes values from a SIMD vector to multiple potentially discontiguous indices in `slice`.
519 /// The mask `enable`s all `true` indices and disables all `false` indices.
520 /// If an enabled index is out-of-bounds, the write is suppressed without panicking.
521 /// If two enabled elements in the scattered vector would write to the same index,
522 /// only the last element is guaranteed to actually be written.
523 ///
524 /// # Examples
525 /// ```
526 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
527 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
528 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
529 /// # use simd::{Simd, Mask};
530 /// let mut vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
531 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 0]); // Includes an out-of-bounds index
532 /// let vals = Simd::from_array([-27, 82, -41, 124]);
533 /// let enable = Mask::from_array([true, true, true, false]); // Includes a masked element
534 ///
535 /// vals.scatter_select(&mut vec, enable, idxs); // The last write is masked, thus omitted.
536 /// assert_eq!(vec, vec![-41, 11, 12, 82, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]);
537 /// ```
538 #[inline]
539 pub fn scatter_select(self, slice: &mut [T], enable: Mask<isize, N>, idxs: Simd<usize, N>) {
540 let enable: Mask<isize, N> = enable & idxs.simd_lt(Simd::splat(slice.len()));
541 // Safety: We have masked-off out-of-bounds indices.
542 unsafe { self.scatter_select_unchecked(slice, enable, idxs) }
543 }
545 /// Writes values from a SIMD vector to multiple potentially discontiguous indices in `slice`.
546 /// The mask `enable`s all `true` indices and disables all `false` indices.
547 /// If two enabled elements in the scattered vector would write to the same index,
548 /// only the last element is guaranteed to actually be written.
549 ///
550 /// # Safety
551 ///
552 /// Calling this function with an enabled out-of-bounds index is *[undefined behavior]*,
553 /// and may lead to memory corruption.
554 ///
555 /// # Examples
556 /// ```
557 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
558 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
559 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
560 /// # use simd::{Simd, cmp::SimdPartialOrd, Mask};
561 /// let mut vec: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18];
562 /// let idxs = Simd::from_array([9, 3, 0, 0]);
563 /// let vals = Simd::from_array([-27, 82, -41, 124]);
564 /// let enable = Mask::from_array([true, true, true, false]); // Masks the final index
565 /// // If this mask was used to scatter, it would be unsound. Let's fix that.
566 /// let enable = enable & idxs.simd_lt(Simd::splat(vec.len()));
567 ///
568 /// // We have masked the OOB index, so it's safe to scatter now.
569 /// unsafe { vals.scatter_select_unchecked(&mut vec, enable, idxs); }
570 /// // The second write to index 0 was masked, thus omitted.
571 /// assert_eq!(vec, vec![-41, 11, 12, 82, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]);
572 /// ```
573 /// [undefined behavior]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/behavior-considered-undefined.html
574 #[inline]
575 #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
576 pub unsafe fn scatter_select_unchecked(
577 self,
578 slice: &mut [T],
579 enable: Mask<isize, N>,
580 idxs: Simd<usize, N>,
581 ) {
582 // Safety: This block works with *mut T derived from &mut 'a [T],
583 // which means it is delicate in Rust's borrowing model, circa 2021:
584 // &mut 'a [T] asserts uniqueness, so deriving &'a [T] invalidates live *mut Ts!
585 // Even though this block is largely safe methods, it must be exactly this way
586 // to prevent invalidating the raw ptrs while they're live.
587 // Thus, entering this block requires all values to use being already ready:
588 // 0. idxs we want to write to, which are used to construct the mask.
589 // 1. enable, which depends on an initial &'a [T] and the idxs.
590 // 2. actual values to scatter (self).
591 // 3. &mut [T] which will become our base ptr.
592 unsafe {
593 // Now Entering ☢️ *mut T Zone
594 let base_ptr = Simd::<*mut T, N>::splat(slice.as_mut_ptr());
595 // Ferris forgive me, I have done pointer arithmetic here.
596 let ptrs = base_ptr.wrapping_add(idxs);
597 // The ptrs have been bounds-masked to prevent memory-unsafe writes insha'allah
598 self.scatter_select_ptr(ptrs, enable);
599 // Cleared ☢️ *mut T Zone
600 }
601 }
603 /// Write pointers elementwise into a SIMD vector.
604 ///
605 /// # Safety
606 ///
607 /// Each write must satisfy the same conditions as [`core::ptr::write`].
608 ///
609 /// # Example
610 /// ```
611 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
612 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
613 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
614 /// # use simd::{Simd, ptr::SimdMutPtr};
615 /// let mut values = [0; 4];
616 /// let offset = Simd::from_array([3, 2, 1, 0]);
617 /// let ptrs = Simd::splat(values.as_mut_ptr()).wrapping_add(offset);
618 /// unsafe { Simd::from_array([6, 3, 5, 7]).scatter_ptr(ptrs); }
619 /// assert_eq!(values, [7, 5, 3, 6]);
620 /// ```
621 #[inline]
622 #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
623 pub unsafe fn scatter_ptr(self, dest: Simd<*mut T, N>) {
624 // Safety: The caller is responsible for upholding all invariants
625 unsafe { self.scatter_select_ptr(dest, Mask::splat(true)) }
626 }
628 /// Conditionally write pointers elementwise into a SIMD vector.
629 /// The mask `enable`s all `true` pointers and disables all `false` pointers.
630 /// If a pointer is disabled, the write to its pointee is skipped.
631 ///
632 /// # Safety
633 ///
634 /// Enabled pointers must satisfy the same conditions as [`core::ptr::write`].
635 ///
636 /// # Example
637 /// ```
638 /// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
639 /// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
640 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
641 /// # use simd::{Mask, Simd, ptr::SimdMutPtr};
642 /// let mut values = [0; 4];
643 /// let offset = Simd::from_array([3, 2, 1, 0]);
644 /// let ptrs = Simd::splat(values.as_mut_ptr()).wrapping_add(offset);
645 /// let enable = Mask::from_array([true, true, false, false]);
646 /// unsafe { Simd::from_array([6, 3, 5, 7]).scatter_select_ptr(ptrs, enable); }
647 /// assert_eq!(values, [0, 0, 3, 6]);
648 /// ```
649 #[inline]
650 #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
651 pub unsafe fn scatter_select_ptr(self, dest: Simd<*mut T, N>, enable: Mask<isize, N>) {
652 // Safety: The caller is responsible for upholding all invariants
653 unsafe { intrinsics::simd_scatter(self, dest, enable.to_int()) }
654 }
657impl<T, const N: usize> Copy for Simd<T, N>
659 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
660 T: SimdElement,
664impl<T, const N: usize> Clone for Simd<T, N>
666 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
667 T: SimdElement,
669 #[inline]
670 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
671 *self
672 }
675impl<T, const N: usize> Default for Simd<T, N>
677 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
678 T: SimdElement + Default,
680 #[inline]
681 fn default() -> Self {
682 Self::splat(T::default())
683 }
686impl<T, const N: usize> PartialEq for Simd<T, N>
688 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
689 T: SimdElement + PartialEq,
691 #[inline]
692 fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
693 // Safety: All SIMD vectors are SimdPartialEq, and the comparison produces a valid mask.
694 let mask = unsafe {
695 let tfvec: Simd<<T as SimdElement>::Mask, N> = intrinsics::simd_eq(*self, *other);
696 Mask::from_int_unchecked(tfvec)
697 };
699 // Two vectors are equal if all elements are equal when compared elementwise
700 mask.all()
701 }
703 #[allow(clippy::partialeq_ne_impl)]
704 #[inline]
705 fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
706 // Safety: All SIMD vectors are SimdPartialEq, and the comparison produces a valid mask.
707 let mask = unsafe {
708 let tfvec: Simd<<T as SimdElement>::Mask, N> = intrinsics::simd_ne(*self, *other);
709 Mask::from_int_unchecked(tfvec)
710 };
712 // Two vectors are non-equal if any elements are non-equal when compared elementwise
713 mask.any()
714 }
717impl<T, const N: usize> PartialOrd for Simd<T, N>
719 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
720 T: SimdElement + PartialOrd,
722 #[inline]
723 fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
724 // TODO use SIMD equality
725 self.to_array().partial_cmp(other.as_ref())
726 }
729impl<T, const N: usize> Eq for Simd<T, N>
731 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
732 T: SimdElement + Eq,
736impl<T, const N: usize> Ord for Simd<T, N>
738 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
739 T: SimdElement + Ord,
741 #[inline]
742 fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
743 // TODO use SIMD equality
744 self.to_array().cmp(other.as_ref())
745 }
748impl<T, const N: usize> core::hash::Hash for Simd<T, N>
750 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
751 T: SimdElement + core::hash::Hash,
753 #[inline]
754 fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
755 where
756 H: core::hash::Hasher,
757 {
758 self.as_array().hash(state)
759 }
762// array references
763impl<T, const N: usize> AsRef<[T; N]> for Simd<T, N>
765 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
766 T: SimdElement,
768 #[inline]
769 fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T; N] {
770 self.as_array()
771 }
774impl<T, const N: usize> AsMut<[T; N]> for Simd<T, N>
776 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
777 T: SimdElement,
779 #[inline]
780 fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T; N] {
781 self.as_mut_array()
782 }
785// slice references
786impl<T, const N: usize> AsRef<[T]> for Simd<T, N>
788 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
789 T: SimdElement,
791 #[inline]
792 fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T] {
793 self.as_array()
794 }
797impl<T, const N: usize> AsMut<[T]> for Simd<T, N>
799 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
800 T: SimdElement,
802 #[inline]
803 fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
804 self.as_mut_array()
805 }
808// vector/array conversion
809impl<T, const N: usize> From<[T; N]> for Simd<T, N>
811 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
812 T: SimdElement,
814 #[inline]
815 fn from(array: [T; N]) -> Self {
816 Self::from_array(array)
817 }
820impl<T, const N: usize> From<Simd<T, N>> for [T; N]
822 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
823 T: SimdElement,
825 #[inline]
826 fn from(vector: Simd<T, N>) -> Self {
827 vector.to_array()
828 }
831impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&[T]> for Simd<T, N>
833 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
834 T: SimdElement,
836 type Error = core::array::TryFromSliceError;
838 #[inline]
839 fn try_from(slice: &[T]) -> Result<Self, core::array::TryFromSliceError> {
840 Ok(Self::from_array(slice.try_into()?))
841 }
844impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&mut [T]> for Simd<T, N>
846 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
847 T: SimdElement,
849 type Error = core::array::TryFromSliceError;
851 #[inline]
852 fn try_from(slice: &mut [T]) -> Result<Self, core::array::TryFromSliceError> {
853 Ok(Self::from_array(slice.try_into()?))
854 }
857mod sealed {
858 pub trait Sealed {}
860use sealed::Sealed;
862/// Marker trait for types that may be used as SIMD vector elements.
864/// # Safety
865/// This trait, when implemented, asserts the compiler can monomorphize
866/// `#[repr(simd)]` structs with the marked type as an element.
867/// Strictly, it is valid to impl if the vector will not be miscompiled.
868/// Practically, it is user-unfriendly to impl it if the vector won't compile,
869/// even when no soundness guarantees are broken by allowing the user to try.
870pub unsafe trait SimdElement: Sealed + Copy {
871 /// The mask element type corresponding to this element type.
872 type Mask: MaskElement;
875impl Sealed for u8 {}
877// Safety: u8 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
878unsafe impl SimdElement for u8 {
879 type Mask = i8;
882impl Sealed for u16 {}
884// Safety: u16 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
885unsafe impl SimdElement for u16 {
886 type Mask = i16;
889impl Sealed for u32 {}
891// Safety: u32 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
892unsafe impl SimdElement for u32 {
893 type Mask = i32;
896impl Sealed for u64 {}
898// Safety: u64 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
899unsafe impl SimdElement for u64 {
900 type Mask = i64;
903impl Sealed for usize {}
905// Safety: usize is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
906unsafe impl SimdElement for usize {
907 type Mask = isize;
910impl Sealed for i8 {}
912// Safety: i8 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
913unsafe impl SimdElement for i8 {
914 type Mask = i8;
917impl Sealed for i16 {}
919// Safety: i16 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
920unsafe impl SimdElement for i16 {
921 type Mask = i16;
924impl Sealed for i32 {}
926// Safety: i32 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
927unsafe impl SimdElement for i32 {
928 type Mask = i32;
931impl Sealed for i64 {}
933// Safety: i64 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
934unsafe impl SimdElement for i64 {
935 type Mask = i64;
938impl Sealed for isize {}
940// Safety: isize is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
941unsafe impl SimdElement for isize {
942 type Mask = isize;
945impl Sealed for f32 {}
947// Safety: f32 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
948unsafe impl SimdElement for f32 {
949 type Mask = i32;
952impl Sealed for f64 {}
954// Safety: f64 is a valid SIMD element type, and is supported by this API
955unsafe impl SimdElement for f64 {
956 type Mask = i64;
959impl<T> Sealed for *const T {}
961// Safety: (thin) const pointers are valid SIMD element types, and are supported by this API
963// Fat pointers may be supported in the future.
964unsafe impl<T> SimdElement for *const T
966 T: core::ptr::Pointee<Metadata = ()>,
968 type Mask = isize;
971impl<T> Sealed for *mut T {}
973// Safety: (thin) mut pointers are valid SIMD element types, and are supported by this API
975// Fat pointers may be supported in the future.
976unsafe impl<T> SimdElement for *mut T
978 T: core::ptr::Pointee<Metadata = ()>,
980 type Mask = isize;